Текущая стабильная версия: 0.21.1
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Разрабатываемые версии
Развитие FreeCAD происходит ежедневно! Мы создаем сборки, основанные на новейшем коде FreeCAD, чтобы пользователи могли протестировать исправления ошибок / регрессии наряду с новыми функциями. Мы просим опытных пользователей время от времени запускать сборки для разработки, чтобы помочь с тестированием нового кода. Эти сборки не подходят для производственного использования, и при их использовании следует соблюдать осторожность (регулярно создавать резервные копии ваших файлов и т. д.). Следует ожидать, что сборки для разработчиков будут работать медленнее, потреблять больше памяти и будут менее стабильными, чем официальные версии релизов. Следующие dev сборки доступны для различных платформ/дистрибутивов:
Windows: Conda
— macOS: Conda
/ Homebrew
— Linux: Conda
/ Snap
/ Flatpak
Дополнительные модули и макросы
Сообщество FreeCAD предоставляет множество дополнительных модулей и макросов. Теперь их можно легко установить непосредственно из FreeCAD, используя Менеджер дополнений.
Исходный код
Исходный код FreeCAD размещён, в основном, на GitHub
и зеркалируется на GitLab,
и Sourceforge
FreeCAD 0.21.1
This is a bug-fix release of the 0.21 release branch, addressing a few issues that were discovered since the 0.21.0 release at the beginning of the month.
Installers and executables for FreeCAD 0.21.1 are below in the release assets. You may need to expand the assets drop-down to see the build for your OS. For installation information please see the original 0.21 release announcement.
NOTE: Mac OS 12 and older should use the «unsigned» DMG, the signed version does not work on older operating systems.
What’s Changed Since 0.21.0
- [Tests] Fix build of «tests» on macOS for v0.21 by @jbaehr in #10209
- [Sketcher] Fix minor icon missing bug… by @Syres916 in #10280
- [Core] escape filepath characters in FreeCAD.loadFile by @bdieterm in #10367
- [Gui] Py311 Initialization of locales… by @Syres916 in #10428
- [Path] backport commits for Path WB by @sliptonic in #10412
Full Changelog: 0.21.0…0.21.1
FreeCAD 0.21.0
FreeCAD 0.21 Release
The FreeCAD team is happy to announce the release of FreeCAD 0.21! Details about this release can be found on the wiki v0.21 Release Page
Builds to install FreeCAD 0.21 are below in the release assets. You may need to expand the assets drop-down to see the build for your OS.
Installation instructions
To install, just execute the Windows installer. Administrator permissions are not necessary when you install FreeCAD only for the current user. In case Windows warns you about a potential risk, you can ignore this and select to install anyway. A standalone version is also provided for users who do not wish to install FreeCAD on their system, but prefer to run it from a thumb drive, etc.
The installer works on all Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 systems. 32bit Windows, Windows Vista and older are not supported.
An installation of FreeCAD 0.21 will not interfere with an installation of FreeCAD 0.20. If you installed a release candidate of FreeCAD 0.21 or a weekly build, it is recommended to uninstall this first.
For administrators, see this page for how to install for several users and silent installations.
NOTE: If upon running FreeCAD you receive errors about missing MSVCP140_1.DLL, install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 for your architecture.
Binary stable builds (no compiling necessary) are available for both the Intel and ARM (M1/M2) processors. Download the appropriate .dmg below (note that you may need to expand the assets drop-down to see the available packages). To install, open the disk image file and drag FreeCAD to your Applications folder. The build will only work correctly with MacOS version ≥ 10.12. The app is digitally signed by FreeCAD Maintainer Chris Hennes and notarized by Apple.
NOTE: If you are using an Intel processor on a version of Mac OS prior to Mac OS 13 (Ventura), you will need to download the «unsigned» version of the installer, below.
AppImages, a kind of binary that can run on many Linux distros (no compiling necessary), are available below. Simply download the a—image for your system architecture, change its permissions to allow execution, then run the image.
AppImage (delta) updates
For more streamlined downloading of AppImages download AppImageUpdate (GUI or the command line version). To perform an update:
Using GUI
chmod +x ./AppImageUpdate.AppImage
./AppImageUpdate.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Command line
chmod +x ./appimageupdatetool.AppImage
./appimageupdatetool.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Known Issues
See known limitations.
FreeCAD 0.21 Release Candidate 1
This is a pre-release of FreeCAD 0.21 for testing purposes. Binaries and installers will be added as they become available.
FreeCAD 0.20.2
The FreeCAD team is happy to announce the release of version 0.20.2. This is a maintenance release.
Table of Contents
Installation instructions
Known Issues
Changelog 0.20.1 → 0.20.2
Addon Manager fixes:
- a8cb4e7: Fix bug in dependency resolver
- #7356: Minor bugfix with Mod folder
- 83f4b2c: Fix failures with Unicode characters in filenames
- d1ad3b4: Add try/except to integer conversion
- 9bf0c58: Fix formatting in error handler
- 283fec6: Fix bug in updater
Arch fixes:
- #6140: fix wrong line spacing in 3D-view
- #6178: External Reference does not load Windows nested in Walls
- #7370: Wall not visible when base sketch lines overlap
- #7528: Fix crash related to SoBrepEdgeSet
- #7591: Improve handling of window hosts
- #7859: Fix CutPlane color
Core (App and Gui) fixes:
- 746a56f: Don’t show non-existing and unusual directories in file dialog
- ff876bf: Clear combo boxes before re-filling them and fix handling of icon size in preferences packs
- 6395465: make FreeCAD 0.20.x to compile with Python 3.11
- #7388: Prevent crash when trying to create ExpressionBinding without arguments
- #7422: Allow set up expression even if property value is currently being edited
- #7444: Assure message boxes appear and stay on top of main window
- #7507: Allow None parameter again in drag and drop methods in Python ViewProviderPy class
- #7539: TinkerCAD navigation was always stopping right mouse button propagation
- #7277: Write to network drive failed on Windows
- bc9897c: TreeView selection can not be undone
- #7628: Fix crash after creating a Sketch for a Body
- 4d8e615: If expression is set for Euler angles in the placement dialog then evaluate the expression instead of determining the angles from the rotation
- 6f302d3: Backport class WrapperManager to fix possible crashes when using PySide
- #7737: Add default JPEG save quality and set it to 90%
- 7d9b344: Fix memory leak
- 4067cc1: Fix endless-loop in View3DInventorSelection::checkGroupOnTop
- 710a470: Fix endless-loop in DocumentObject::getParents
- #5942: Revit navigation: rotation stop on scroll release
- #7819: ActionGroup: also get its tooltip title updated
Draft fixes:
- #5765: Clone did not maintain the colours of the original
- 2b5b7cd: Fix snapper icons
- #7354: Add tolerance to BoundBox check
- #7424: Fix working plane auto alignment to front view
- #7441: Fix flatten wire
- #7453: Fix alignment of angular dimension arrows
- #7528: Fix crash related to SoBrepEdgeSet
- #7616: Make Std_TransformManip work for Point
- #7670: Fix rectangle with face offset bug
- #7806: arcFromSpline() function uses wrong parameter
FEM fixes:
- b716644: Fix handling of case fluids + solid materials
- bd796c9: Fix error for 2D shapes
- 08af39c: Fix heat flux handling
- #7360: CalculiX write_constraint_temperature.py outputs incorrect file name format
- b14a909: Fix flux equation
- #7538: Fix remaining result object in memory in FemMesh2Mesh
- c0a45ec: Add standard path for Gmsh on MacOSX
PartDesign fixes:
- #7445: Improve offset handling of SubShapeBinder
- #7504: Add format parameter for Wedge X-min
- #7626: Hole cut depth was not recalculated correctly
- #7674: Improve Helix calculation for straight shape
- #7629: Keep sketch visible during revolution tasks
- #7722: assure source sketch is visible when in selection mode of Helix
- 145c3bf: Fix UTF-8 in filename handling for Hole
- #7943: Fix check for orthogonality when padding/pocketing along a custom direction
Path fixes:
- #7438: Change Default Drilling Retraction from G99 to G98
- #7454: Fix for testing verticallity during PathFeedRate generation
- #7455: Fix for setup-sheet-stepover
Sketcher fixes:
- #7324: Fix WhatsThis for Constrain an arc or circle
- #7426: Prevent dangling state of Shift key if key released out of Quarter
- #7429: Some user colors were not taken into account
- 2d5b874: PointOnObject: do not substitute constraint if conditions are not OK
- #7641: Correct icon for CreatePointFillet in menu
- e3cd132: Fix typo in tooltip for Clone
- #7082: Dimension size on perspective view scales «backwards»
- #7860: Dimensions became unreadable small if a second sketch is visible
Spreadsheet fixes:
- #7604: Fix multi-screen management of QtColorPicker
- #7841: Alias field can’t be set for empty cells
TechDraw fixes:
- #7351: Fix multiple dimension drag
- #7362: Fix hatch file default handling
- ff01905: Fix UTF-8 handling in LineGroup
- #7463: Fix extent dimension
- #7555: Encode XML characters in SpreadsheetView
- #7856: Segfault when opening task on DetailView for which the parent View was deleted
- #7389: Fix MacOSX build of FreeCAD 0.20.x
- #7434: Fix makeWireString for Windows with Python 3.09 and newer
- #7358: XDGData: fix wrong xml element in mimetype file
- #7447: StartPage: fix Wiki link to Reverse Engineering workbench
Installation instructions
To install, just execute the Windows installer. Administrator permissions are not necessary when you install FreeCAD only for the current user.
You can safely install FreeCAD 0.20.2 over an existing FreeCAD 0.20.x installation.
In case Windows warns you about a potential risk, you can ignore this and select to install anyway.
The installer works on all Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 systems. Windows Vista and older are not supported.
An installation of FreeCAD 0.20.x will not interfere with an installation of FreeCAD 0.19 or a weekly build of FreeCAD’s master.
AppImages (no compiling necessary) are available (a kind of binary that can run on many Linux distros).
AppImage (delta) updates
For more streamlined downloading of AppImages download AppImageUpdate (GUI or the command line version). To perform an update:
Using GUI
chmod +x ./AppImageUpdate.AppImage
./AppImageUpdate.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Command line
chmod +x ./appimageupdatetool.AppImage
./appimageupdatetool.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Binary stable builds (no compiling necessary). Download the .dmg below, you may need to expand the assets tab to see the available packages. The build will only work correctly with MacOS version ≥ 10.13. For older macOS versions use FreeCAD 0.19: https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD/rele … -conda.dmg.
NOTE: .app is not signed and will not run on MacOS out of the box.
- After opening the download, drag the app into your Applications folder (if you already have FreeCAD in there, it is possible to keep both)
- When you open the new version, you will get a pop-up saying that it cannot be verified. Do not Move to Bin, simply click Cancel or press Escape key.
- Then go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General and at the lower part you will see that FreeCAD was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer
- Click the option to Open Anyway
- When prompted to confirm, choose Open
Known Issues
At the moment there is no support for aarch64 builds which is pretty popular for arch of Chromebooks. We’re monitoring the upstream issue. Apologies for the …
FreeCAD 0.20.1
The FreeCAD team is happy to announce the release of v0.20.1. This is a bugfix release.
Table of Contents
Installation instructions
Known Issues
Changelog 0.20 → 0.20.1
Addon Manager fixes:
- #7112: Addon manager did not work on windows with special characters in username
- 0e2508c: Fix for non-Github URLs
- 119a402: Add other_files download for wiki macros
- 0865b97: Fix thread termination bug
Arch fixes:
- #7135: Invert opening symbol for simple door
- #7212: Fix getCutVolume
- #6679: Could not change type of profile after its addition
Core (App and Gui) fixes:
- #7032: Fix expressions assignment for FreeBSD
- #7044: Set missing angle in Rotation::inverse function
- #5592: Respect symbolic links
- 212b140: GuiPy: allow to call setupWithoutGUI more than once
- 3f8dc1a: Fix crash in ViewProviderLink::currentDraggingPlacement()
- #7113: Pressing OK button in «Placement Panel» changed color of the Link object
- c4547c0: Python console: Fix a Latin1 <-> UTF-8 conversion problem
Draft fixes:
- #7058: Draft to sketch does not take placement into account
- #7105: Fix align working plane to DatumPlane
- #7109: Fix default fillmode
- #7138: DisplayStatusbarScaleWidget should be checked in preferences
- #6734: Join fails when there is a minor difference in coordinates due to rounding
- #7173: Fix setEdit
- #7174: Fix EditMode for hatch, facebinder and shapestring
- #7186: Fix Hatch task panel title
- #7215: Remove unnecessary DisplayStatusbar preference
- #7259: Fix handling of groups on move-copy and rotate-copy
- #7295: Fix Draft Edit AddPoint with BSpline
- #6181: Ctrl+Z dis not work in Draft_Wire
FEM fixes:
- e8f3227: Fix point filter initialization issue
- ef08867: Fix wrong console outputs for fluid materials
- 1f7374e: Fix material task dialog for fluids
- 5d389e3: Check if solver executables exist
- #7158: Fix CalculiX multi-threading bug
- #7160: Fix solver console bugs
- faa1f96: Check if Gmsh, CalculiX and Mystran solver binaries exist
- #7230: Color bar for result pipelines and filters not updated in view
- 057e90b: Add missing info about transparency
- #7242: Fix regression that result pipeline missed some results
- 864c9ec: set default selection mode to BoundBox for post objects
- c4b8983: Fix errors on missing material properties
- 8303a55: Add missing eigenfrequcy calculation for Elmer
- 8bb85d2: Use SoAnnotation to highlight result pipeline objects
- ba85817: Use direct solving as default for stresses
- 357989c: Allow to edit solver input files also for Elmer and Z88
- 7e07162: Fix selection issues with electrostatic constraint
- 90afc19: Fix pipeline recompute bug
- d438514: Fix another pipeline recompute bug
- 515584c: Fix warp filter factor
- 4b2a486: Fix selection issues with flow velocity constraint
Material improvements: :
- c7a2ddb: new material card for plain Aluminum
- 9c50b54: new material cards for Copper and Invar
Mesh fix:
- #7023: 3mf created with FreeCAD cannot be loaded with PruseSlicer
OpenSCAD fix:
- #7301: Get rid of SCAD-Import error
Part fixes:
- #7083: Fix display «labelfillet» name for Chamfer and Fillet
- 9de8b33: Fix GeomBSplineCurve::toBiArcs
- #7154: Rename preferences page to «Part/Part Design»
- 639ff92: Fix TopoShape.isInside() for faces
- #7219: Correction of decimal places on creation of primitives
- #7260: Fix KnotSequence for periodic BSpline surfaces
PartDesign fixes:
- 360b428: Hole dialog fixes
- 1b2f006: Hole initialization bugfix
- 6564086: Fix ProfileBased::getSupportFace()
- 094ae93: Fix Pad/Pocket logic issue
- #7198: Add property enabling logic for pad/pocket
- #7201: Improve face selection for Pad/Pocket
Path fixes:
- #6693: LeadInOut dressup breaks simulator
- #7164: Fix wrong «Please delete and recreate the job» message
- #6974: Restore drilling op retract value to user supplied Retract Height
- #7137: Fix Type=Polar regression in PathArray
- #7278: Fix vcarve c++ exception
- #7333: Fix external thread issues
Sketcher fixes:
- #7064: «Toggle Construction Geometry Button» is not working in «Custom Workbenches»
- #7324: Fix «WhatsThis?» for Sketcher_CompConstrainRadDia
Spreadsheet fixes:
- 469e4f1: Fix several memory leaks
- #7285: Crash if cell value ‘ is set
Stylesheet fixes:
- #7190: Remove whitespace and add «checked» icon style
- #6102: Group box lines were not correctly styled
TechDraw fixes:
- fb1a7af: Fix Projection group view spacing
- 4b47d38: Fix dimension update on change of Projection group scale
- #7106: Fix Dimension export to DXF
- #7121: Fix bitmap hatch
- #7066: Fix Image scaling
- #7131: Fix multiple open dialogs
- #7144: Fix bad edge in face finder
- #7184: Fix crash on body with no shape
- #7266: Fix symbol recompute and scale
- #7136: Prepend CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX if CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR is not absolute
- b85e9b1: Fix Conda test errors
- e89ebba: Do not exclude widget plugins from tarball
Installation instructions
To install, just execute the Windows installer. Administrator permissions are not necessary when you install FreeCAD only for the current user.
You can safely install FreeCAD 0.20.1 over an existing FreeCAD 0.20.x installation.
In case Windows warns you about a potential risk, you can ignore this and select to install anyway.
The installer works on all Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 systems. Windows Vista and older are not supported.
An installation of FreeCAD 0.20.x will not interfere with an installation of FreeCAD 0.19 or a pre-release/weekly build of FreeCAD 0.21.
Note: there is also a windows build that has been generated using python v3.10 (FreeCAD_0.20.1-2022-08-28-conda-Windows-x86_64-py310.7z
). This build needs to be unzipped using 7zip and can be run as an executable. This build will is of interest for users who’d like to experiment with the FreeCAD<->Blender(Sverchok) geometry nodes effort. See forum thread for details.
AppImages (no compiling necessary) are available (a kind of binary that can run on many Linux distros).
AppImage (delta) updates
For more streamlined downloading of AppImages download AppImageUpdate (GUI or the command line version). To perform an update:
Using GUI
chmod +x ./AppImageUpdate.AppImage
./AppImageUpdate.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Command line
chmod +x ./appimageupdatetool.AppImage
./appimageupdatetool.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Binary stable builds (no compiling necessary). Download the .dmg below, you may need to expand the assets tab to see the available packages. The build will only work correctly with MacOS version ≥ 10.12.
NOTE: .app is not signed and will not run on MacOS out of the box.
- After opening the download, drag the app into your Applications folder (if you already have FreeCAD in there, it is possible to keep both)
- When you open the new version, you will get a pop-up saying that it cannot be verified. Do not Move to Bin, simply click Cancel or press Escape key.
- Then go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General and at the lower part you will see that FreeCAD was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer
- Click the option to Open Anyway
- When prompted to confirm, choose Open
Known Issues
At the moment there is no support for aarch64 builds which is pretty popular for arch of Chromebooks. We’re monitoring the upstream issue. Apologies for the inconvenience!
We understand through our forum users that FreeCAD can successfully run on Chromebooks which have Linux support. The only caveat known to us is the need to disable GPU acceleration via chrome://flags/#crostini-gpu-support
The easiest way to install it is to enable Flatpak and then install using this link
FreeCAD 0.20
FreeCAD 0.20 Release
The FreeCAD team is happy to announce the release of FreeCAD 0.20!
Details about this release can be found on the wiki v0.20 Release Page
Note: We are still waiting for more cross-platform builds to be generated. When they are they’ll be added to this release tag.
Builds to install FreeCAD 0.20 are below in the release assets.
Installation instructions
To install, just execute the Windows installer. Administrator permissions are not necessary when you install FreeCAD only for the current user.
In case Windows warns you about a potential risk, you can ignore this and select to install anyway.
The installer works on all Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 systems. 32bit Windows, Windows Vista and older are not supported.
An installation of FreeCAD 0.20 will not interfere with an installation of FreeCAD 0.19. If you installed a pre-release of FreeCAD 0.20 or a weekly build, it is recommended to uninstall this first.
For administrators, see this page for how to install for several users and silent installations.
Binary stable builds (no compiling necessary). Download the .dmg below, you may need to expand the assets tab to see the available packages. The build will only work correctly with MacOS version ≥ 10.12.
NOTE: .app is not signed and will not run on MacOS out of the box.
- After opening the download, drag the app into your Applications folder (if you already have FreeCAD in there, it is possible to keep both)
- When you open the new version, you will get a pop-up saying that it cannot be verified. Do not Move to Bin, simply click Cancel or press Escape key.
- Then go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General and at the lower part you will see that FreeCAD was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer
- Click the option to Open Anyway
- When prompted to confirm, choose Open
AppImages (no compiling necessary) are available (a kind of binary that can run on many Linux distros).
AppImage (delta) updates
For more streamlined downloading of AppImages download AppImageUpdate (GUI or the command line version). To perform an update:
Using GUI
chmod +x ./AppImageUpdate.AppImage
./AppImageUpdate.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Command line
chmod +x ./appimageupdatetool.AppImage
./appimageupdatetool.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Alternate Downloads not in the assets
- Snap package: Install the stable release via
snap install freecad
if necessary on your distro) - Flatpak package: Install the release via
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
flatpak install flathub org.freecadweb.FreeCAD
- Builds from the PPA are not yet available
Known Issues
There are currently only know issues for Windows run via remote desktop, see the known limitations.
First beta release for FreeCAD 0.20
This is beta1 of the upcoming FreeCAD 0.20.
DON’T use the release for real-life projects yet!
This release is done in order to build and test installation packages for FreeCAD. There will be further commits to FreeCAD master before version 0.20 will be released.
In the assets are the release builds.
Alternate Downloads not in the assets
- Snap package: Install the beta release via
snap install freecad --candidate
if necessary on your distro) - Flatpak package: Install the beta release via
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub-beta https://flathub.org/beta-repo/flathub-beta.flatpakrepo
flatpak install flathub-beta org.freecadweb.FreeCAD
- Builds from the PPA are not yet available
FreeCAD 0.19.4
The FreeCAD team is happy to announce the release of v0.19.4. This is a bugfix release.
📢 Important Note
For this release there will only be binaries for Windows (no builds or Linux or macOS). All of our manpower is going in to getting the next major FreeCAD release out the door.
For Win users: the larger installer version «-2» provides a fully functional FEM environment. If you don’t need FEM simulations, you can opt for the smaller installer version «-1»
Table of Contents
Installation instructions
Known Issues
Changelog 0.19.3 → 0.19.4
Arch fixes:
- #5388: Fix Wall onBeforeChange
- #5465: Fix dimensions in profiles.csv
Core (App and Gui) fixes:
- #5299: MainWindow document camera position bugfix
- #5492: Fix bug in matrix multiplication
Draft fixes:
- #5233: Fix Part_Line offset issue
- 8585149a: Added INSUNITS to exported DXF
- 1742d7ff: Security vulnerability in DWG import when using ODA file converter
- #5280: Commands acting on subelements did not load the Draft module
- #5297: Fix SVG import for ellipses
- #5233: Fix several issues with importAirfoilDAT.py
- 325c5ec8: DXF import failed for trivial circle
- #5449: PointArray: set Count property during execute
- #5476: Entering a Y=0 coordinate when editing points caused an error
- #6444: Fix Line length is zero bug
Import/Export fix:
- #6470: Fix that mm to inch calculation was performed twice on DXF import
Part fixes:
- 782f9c93: Unhandled unknown exception caught when mouse gets over a datum plane
- #5348: Improve performance of BOPcheck
PartDesign fixes:
- 6167e9f7: Bad error message when creating pad with 0 length
- #5149: MultiTransform dialog cannot be cancelled
Path fixes:
- #5306: Use subprocess.Popen() to avoid executing arbitrary code
- #5343: Fix open edge zero value start point
Sketcher fix:
- #5197: Fix CarbonCopy when XZ plane mapping
TechDraw fixes:
- #5013: Prevent crash where user duplicates page without also duplicating dependencies
- #5016: Prevent crash where user has duplicated page without dependencies and then tries to remove a view from one of the pages by editing the Views property
- #5283: Adding a new Drawing Page leaved the Page in «touched, but must be executed state».
- #5477: Improvement and bug fixes of weld symbol selection
Web fix:
- 18b3c59d: Fix storage paths of web content
- 6ad156b6
- 833868bd
- 6d2aa6ac
- 5fba9cec
- 76c611ae: Remove unnecessary Unicode characters
Installation instructions
There are no Linux or macOS downloads for v0.19.4
AppImages (no compiling necessary) are available (a kind of binary that can run on many Linux distros).
AppImage (delta) updates
For more streamlined downloading of AppImages download AppImageUpdate (GUI or the command line version). To perform an update:
Using GUI
chmod +x ./AppImageUpdate.AppImage
./AppImageUpdate.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Command line
chmod +x ./appimageupdatetool.AppImage
./appimageupdatetool.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Binary stable builds (no compiling necessary). Download the .dmg below, you may need to expand the assets tab to see the available packages. The build will only work correctly with MacOS version ≥ 10.12.
NOTE: .app is not signed and will not run on MacOS out of the box.
- After opening the download, drag the app into your Applications folder (if you already have FreeCAD in there, it is possible to keep both)
- When you open the new version, you will get a pop-up saying that it cannot be verified. Do not Move to Bin, simply click Cancel or press Escape key.
- Then go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General and at the lower part you will see that FreeCAD was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer
- Click the option to Open Anyway
- When prompted to confirm, choose Open
To install, just execute the Windows installer. Administrator permissions are not necessary when you install FreeCAD only for the current user.
You can safely install FreeCAD 0.19.4 over an existing FreeCAD 0.19.x installation.
In case Windows warns you about a potential risk, you can ignore this and select to install anyway.
The installer works on all Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 systems. Windows Vista and older are not supported.
An installation of FreeCAD 0.19.x will not interfere with an installation of FreeCAD 0.18 or a pre-release of FreeCAD 0.20.
Known Issues
At the moment there is no support for aarch64 builds which is pretty popular for arch of Chromebooks. We’re monitoring the upstream issue. Apologies for the inconvenience!
We understand through our forum users that FreeCAD can successfully run on Chromebooks which have Linux support. The only caveat known to us is the need to disable GPU acceleration via chrome://flags/#crostini-gpu-support
The easiest way to install it is to enable Flatpak and then install using this link
FreeCAD 0.19.3
FreeCAD 0.19.3 Release
The FreeCAD team is happy to announce the release of v0.19.3. This is a bugfix release.
Table of Contents
Installation instructions
Known Issues
Changelog 0.19.2 → 0.19.3
Addon manager fixes:
- #5041: Freezes/crashes when opening Addon manager
Arch fixes:
- #4745: Parse window opening modes with more than one digit
- #4748: Fix material color pickers
Core (App and Gui) fixes:
- #4792: App quitting despite failing to save project
- #4800: Abort save when unable to finish
- #5103: update weblink to Coin3D
- #5215: Preferences — change macro path selection from File to Folder
Draft fixes:
- #4743: Ensure horizontal orientation of snap widget
Import/Export fixes:
- #5098: Fix STEP import/export color problem
Part fixes:
- #4644: Uniform sorting in menu and toolbar
- #5138: Fix grid visibility in sketches
PartDesign fixes:
- b33324a5: Fix shortcut of Del key in the pipe dialog
- #5149: Fix loft visibility on creation and modification
Path fixes:
- #4613: Fix bug with spindle not restarting
- #4615: Fix connected multi-face clearing bug
- #4622: Bugfix/job setup
- #4639: Post procesing for GRBL with option «—translate_drill»
- #4673: Fix proxy error bug that occurs when postprocessing
- #4680: Fix depth calculation for vcarve
- #4765: Fix bug adding TC from job dialog
- #4796: Check for empty before using — fixes
- #4797: GUI scripting support and other improvements
- #4815 Fix GUI issues and minor code cleanup
- #4819: Fix minor bug when cancelling post process
- #4857: PathSanity.py now outputs fillename for the report the same as the postprocessor job
- #4864: Fix bug splitting gcode by fixture
- #4906: Fix relative shape files for toolbits
- #4909: Fixed incorrect usage of isDirty() in the accept button call back
- #4919: Remove side assignment to outside for full model profiles
- #4936: Fix grbl —return-to placement
- #4939: Fix multi-OS path issue for job templates
- db16029c: Update 45 degree chamfer tool bit
- #4953: fix invalid JSON in 45 degree chamfer tool bit
- #4973: Fix face region boundary shape usage
- #4986: Add missing newline to return-to statement in grbl postprocessor
- #5076: Fix bug with job object not found
Spreadsheet fixes:
- #5030: Prevent infinite loop when copy/paste of non-rectangular selection
Sketcher fixes:
- #4744: Fix Reference checkbox not working for radius/diameter
- #4832: Fix Reference checkbox not working for diameter
- #5190: Fix crash when applying Constrain internal alignment on constraints
TechDraw fixes:
- #4895: Fix undo for Cosmetic Vertices and Lines
- #4771: Preferences — Selection Fix Bug for new users who save an unrelated Preference such as Stylesheet from loosing the default selection settings
- #4767: Fix a FEM test failure with yaml.load
- #4782: Start workbench; fix bug when custom folder doesn’t exist
- #4912: Reverse Engineering workbench: Fix compilation with PCL-1.12.0
Installation instructions
AppImages (no compiling necessary) are available (a kind of binary that can run on many Linux distros).
AppImage (delta) updates
For more streamlined downloading of AppImages download AppImageUpdate (GUI or the command line version). To perform an update:
Using GUI
chmod +x ./AppImageUpdate.AppImage
./AppImageUpdate.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Command line
chmod +x ./appimageupdatetool.AppImage
./appimageupdatetool.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Binary stable builds (no compiling necessary). Download the .dmg below, you may need to expand the assets tab to see the available packages. The build will only work correctly with MacOS version ≥ 10.12.
NOTE: .app is not signed and will not run on MacOS out of the box.
- After opening the download, drag the app into your Applications folder (if you already have FreeCAD in there, it is possible to keep both)
- When you open the new version, you will get a pop-up saying that it cannot be verified. Do not Move to Bin, simply click Cancel or press Escape key.
- Then go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General and at the lower part you will see that FreeCAD was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer
- Click the option to Open Anyway
- When prompted to confirm, choose Open
To install, just execute the Windows installer. Administrator permissions are not necessary when you install FreeCAD only for the current user.
You can safely install FreeCAD 0.19.3 over an existing FreeCAD 0.19.x installation.
In case Windows warns you about a potential risk, you can ignore this and select to install anyway.
The installer works on all Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 systems. Windows Vista and older are not supported.
An installation of FreeCAD 0.19.x will not interfere with an installation of FreeCAD 0.18 or a pre-release of FreeCAD 0.20.
Known Issues
At the moment there is no support for aarch64 builds which is pretty popular for arch of Chromebooks. We’re monitoring the upstream issue. Apologies for the inconvenience!
We understand through our forum users that FreeCAD can successfully run on Chromebooks which have Linux support. The only caveat known to us is the need to disable GPU acceleration via chrome://flags/#crostini-gpu-support
The easiest way to install it is to enable Flatpak and then install using this link
FreeCAD 0.19.2
FreeCAD 0.19.2 Release
The FreeCAD team is happy to announce the release of v0.19.2. This is a bugfix release that includes some enhancements as well.
Changelog 0.19.1 ➡️ 0.19.2
7b5e18a [Gui] ProDark Stylesheet QT Icon Fix
ed87d3a [Stylesheet] ProDark: major bugfix for add-ons
133ef71 [Gui] Update usability enhancements to ProDark theme
51855e5 [Gui] Stylesheet fix for icons in Qt file dialog
8e7a8b1 [FEM] fix specific heat of air
b3abe32 [Draft] Eliminate required GUI for importDXF
53b4eb0 [Start] Correct TestStart installation location
12055a2 [Python] fix memory leak
6f67fbc [Gui] Remove explicit triangle styling from tabs
83e308c [Gui] Enable compression of tablet motion events
de1d0ac [installer] improve uninstalling
e239684 [TechDraw] fixes #4598: Segfault when deleting template without page
aedd1f9 [PartDesign] Helix: update NbTurns in Pitch-Height-Angle mode
e7c796e [Gui] Enable dragging in dependency graph view
6858586 [Import] [skip ci] avoid conflicting class names in global namespace
Known Issues
There are several known issues for different platforms. Please read the current up to date list in the FreeCAD forum.
We understand through our forum users that FreeCAD can successfully run on Chromebooks which have Linux support. The only caveat known to us is the need to disable GPU acceleration via chrome://flags/#crostini-gpu-support
The easiest way to install it is to enable Flatpak and then install using this link
AppImages (no compiling necessary) are available (a kind of binary that can run on many Linux distros).
AppImage (delta) updates
For more streamlined downloading of AppImages download AppImageUpdate (GUI or the command line version). To perform an update:
Using GUI
chmod +x ./AppImageUpdate.AppImage
./AppImageUpdate.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Command line
chmod +x ./appimageupdatetool.AppImage
./appimageupdatetool.AppImage ./FreeCAD.AppImage
Binary stable builds (no compiling necessary). Download the .dmg below, you may need to expand the assets tab to see the available packages. The build will only work correctly with macosx version >= 10.12.
NOTE: .app is not signed and will not run on MacOS out of the box.
After opening the download, drag the app into your Applications folder (if you already have FreeCAD in there, it is possible to keep both)
When you open the new version, you will get a pop-up saying that it cannot be verified. Do not Move to Bin, simply click Cancel or press Escape key.
Then go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General and at the lower part you will see that FreeCAD was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer
Click the option to Open Anyway
When prompted to confirm, choose Open
Binary stable builds (no compiling necessary) are available. Download the .7z file.
The builds are portable and do not require an installation. Extract the file using 7zip and start the application by double clicking on FreeCAD.exe in the bin sub-directory of the extracted package.
For example
Download https://www.7-zip.org/
Download the FreeCAD_0.19.*-Win-Conda_vc14.x-x86_64.7z file from the release page
Extract the binary from the .7z
Run the FreeCAD.exe file to be found in the bin folder.
NOTE: The Conda Win based build are packaged from here: https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-AppImage
They should be the Windows equivalent of the Conda based .AppImage and .dmg
For windows users there is the option of using Chocolatey to manage and track upstream 0.19 releases. The 0.19 package is available of it’s own dedicated FreeCAD Chocolatey package page
FreeCADLibs_12.5.4_x64_VC17.7z is not required to run the binaries provided here. It is a package that provides all necessary dependencies to compile FreeCAD with VS2015/17/19 (both release and debug mode).
FreeCADLibs_12.5.4_VC1.7 updates QT 5.15.2, and gmsh is updated to 4.8.3.
These packages are provided courtesy of FreeCAD community member apeltauer.
The Win portable build and installer use these libraries.
FreeCAD для Windows 7 — полезное приложение, работающее с объемными изображениями. Позволяет проектировать объекты, используя автоматический режим. С помощью утилиты решают задачи раздела «Механика».
Может взаимодействовать с различными платформами стандартной ОС, имеет библиотеку с большим выбором инструментов. Благодаря ему, разрабатывают программное обеспечение профессионального уровня 3D-моделирования. В рубрике «Справка» есть возможность ознакомиться с функциями, разделами, алгоритмами. Рекомендуем скачать FreeCAD для Windows 7 на русском языке без регистрации и смс с официального сайта.
Информация о программеСКАЧАТЬ БЕСПЛАТНО
- Лицензия: Бесплатная
- Разработчик: Jurgen Riegel
- Языки: русский, украинский, английский
- Устройства: пк, нетбук или ноутбук (Acer, ASUS, DELL, Lenovo, Samsung, Toshiba, HP, MSI)
- ОС: Windows 7 Максимальная, Домашняя Базовая, Начальная, Профессиональная, Корпоративная, Home Basic, Ultimate
- Разрядность: 32 bit, 64 bit, x86
- Версия: последняя 2023, без вирусов
Аналоги FreeCAD
Zoner Photo Studio
Remote Administration Tool
EVEREST Home Edition
DjVu Solo
Отзывы пользователей
Категории программ
- Программы для Windows 7
- Запись видео с экрана
- Запись звука
- Создание мультфильмов
- Удаление файлов
- Удаление программ
- Создание скриншотов экрана
- Создание слайд шоу
- Плееры
- Восстановление флешки
- Видеоплееры
Предположительно у вас система Windows 7, разрядность: 64 Bits
Версия для 64-битных систем Windows:
Скачать FreeCAD (64-бита) 0.21.1 с нашего сайта
Этот файл мы отметили как основной. Если вы не знаете что скачивать, то скачивайте его.
491.7 Мб
Проверено антивирусами
MD5: 4c631c4f270cf35dbdb726b9a1d7dff3
SHA256: 3b562f1934bbaefbb2ea582de4f6139b2d8dab749d8d90b37df73cf083d3f6e6
Версия для 32-битных систем Windows:
Скачать FreeCAD (32-бита) 0.18.4 с нашего сайта
296.23 Мб
Проверено антивирусами
MD5: 8241f02e20f24a638c94f6a91f424ff3
SHA256: a3c00e00e5321d9786c56d58c501f8a8e43ba9d25f7147cd8b9c869d744be514
Портативная версия (Portable):
Скачать FreeCAD Portable 0.21.1 с нашего сайта
457.38 Мб
Проверено антивирусами
MD5: c84c06f5424ed9f2bb1b152aa52c98ef
SHA256: 7a4150c2ff4573f4172a26481db0dd338c192edafb8190d97f6bd6f88c9a6d06
Внимание! Мы стараемся тщательно проверять все программы, но не гарантируем абсолютную безопасность скачиваемых файлов. Администрация сайта не
несет ответственности за содержание файлов, программ и возможный вред от их использования.
FreeCAD is a general purpose parametric 3D CAD modeler. The development is completely Open Source (LGPL License). FreeCAD is aimed directly atmechanical engineering and product design but also fits in a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties.
FreeCAD is primarily used to design objects for the real world. Everything you do in FreeCAD uses real-world units, whether it’s microns, kilometers, inches, or feet, or even any combination of units. FreeCAD provides tools to generate, export and edit solid, full-precision models, export them for 3D printing or CNC machining, create 2D drawings and views of models, perform analyses such as finite element analysis, or export model data such as quantities or materials list.
FreeCAD has an advanced geometry engine based on Open CASCADE technology. It supports solids, Boundary Representation (BRep) objects, and Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline (NURBS) curves and surfaces, and provides a wide range of tools to create and modify these objects, including complex Boolean operations, fillets, shape cleanup, and more of.
All FreeCAD objects are themselves parametric, which means their shape can be based on properties such as values, text, on/off buttons or even other objects. All shape changes are recalculated as needed, recorded by the undo/redo stack, and allow accurate modeling history to be maintained. Properties of one object can drive property values of other objects, allowing for complex chains of custom parameters that can only exist in your wildest dreams. The new parameter object is easy to code.
FreeCAD is made for everybody, by everybody. It is developed and maintained by a community of developers, users, moderators, translators, all united by their wish make FreeCAD a free and powerful tool. There is no commercial aim behind decisions being taken, no urge to make you upgrade your version of FreeCAD or to corner you into a specific workflow or ecosystem. FreeCAD and the files and data you produce with FreeCAD are truly yours, forever.