Free windows 7 free trial

Windows 7 was developed by Microsoft and it was released to manufacturing on 07-22-2009. Windows 7 became generally available on October 22, 2009, less than 3 years after the release of its predecessor, Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008 R2 (Windows 7’s server counterpart) was released at the same time. Microsoft will end its extended support of Windows 7 on 01/14/2020.

I also sell Windows 7 Pro product key, Windows 7 Ultimate key, Windows 7 Home Premium key, Windows 7 Enterprise key ($25/key). If you want to buy it, you visit

Download Windows 7 ISO without product key (trial version)

  • Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit: you click here
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit: you click here
  • Windows 7 Professional 32 bit: you click here
  • Windows 7 Professional 64 bit: you click here
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit: you click here
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit: you click here
  • Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit: you click here
  • Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit: you click here

    Note: because Microsoft has removed these links to download Windows 7. I replace new link from Onedrive. If when you download, it fails, you try again.

    You can see the link to download Windows 7 ISO from Microsoft

    Link download Windows 7 Iso

    You can watch this video to know how to download Windows 7 iso without product key from Microsoft:

    After you download, you have Windows 7 ISO file. You need to create a bootable USB to install Windows 7.

    With this method you can download:

    • Windows 7 Pro ISO 32 bit – 64 bit
    • Windows 7 Home Premium ISO 32 bit – 64 bit
    • Windows 7 Ultimate ISO 32 bit – 64 bit
    • Windows 7 Enterprise ISO 32 bit – 64 bit

    After you install Windows 7, you use Windows 7 product key to activate it.

    If you want to run Windows 7 on your PC, here’s what it takes:

    • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor*
    • 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
    • 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
    • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

    Tag: download windows 7 iso without product key, windows 7 iso download, download windows 7 iso free, download windows 7 disc images (iso files), Windows 7 iso download free, windows 7 free download, windows 7 iso file download

    Read more:

    • Download Windows 7 ISO
    • Download Windows 8.1 ISO
    • Download Windows 10 ISO
    • Download Windows 11 ISO

    Windows 7 is owned by Microsoft systems. It is an operating system (OS) released to function as the successor to windows vista.
    Initially, windows 7 was designed as an update to the windows vista operating system, hence it was built on the windows Vista kernel.

    windows 7 operating system

    The Aero user interface was first introduced in Windows Vista and Both windows vista and windows 7 makes use of the Aero user interface. The key difference between windows vista and windows 7 as seen by the users includes faster booting time, availability of internet explorer(IE) 8 and new UIs.

    Microsoft’s support for windows 7 was billed to end on 1st January, 2015 but was extended to January 14 2020.

    Windows 7 operating system exists in three main editions which are: Windows 7 Home Premium, windows 7 professional, windows 7 ultimate. The windows 7 starter packs, windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Enterprise versions are available in some Markets.

    In the course of development, windows 7 was assigned the code names Blackcomb and Vienna.

    What are the key features of Windows 7

    windows 7 operating system

    Windows 7 operating systems allows users to pin their favorite and regularly used softwares to the taskbar. The task bar is very flexible as users can rearrange and reorder the softwares on the taskbar in any order that they desire.

    Windows 7 has the availability of Libraries which serve as file storage. Some of the default library folders include: Documents library, pictures library, videos library, etc. Each of the Library folders exists in private and public versions.

    Windows 7 has the Multi touch features as well as very accurate handwriting recognition.

    Another amazing feature of the windows 7 operating system is the snap and shake features. With the snap feature, users can drag a window that is already open to one side of the screen either right or left and resize it to cover half of the screen. Nor!alcy of the window can be regained if the user window is pull off the side. Its normal screen size and shape is regained.
    A window can be maximized automatically by simply dragging it to the top of the screen.

    The shake feature allows users to hide all windows that are inactive so as to reveal the desktop by clicking the top of an open window and dragging it up and down.

    All open windows can also be minimized via the show feature. Minimizing them allows users to have access to the desktop. The show button can be found in the bottom right hand of the screen.

    Other top features in windows 7 operating system

    HomeGroup: The HomeGroup is simply an interface or a platform where users can share files and folders with the group or individuals. The HomeGroup feature requires the use of password by users.

    Jump Lists: This is another key feature that makes work easy for the users. It is designed to help users to navigate quickly yo the files that they have been working on regularly.
    The Jump lists are found in the start menu or on the task bar. On windows 7 microsoft word the Jump list displays some fresh files that the user had worked on.

    Direct Access for mobile workers: The direct access feature is very supportive in multi factor authentication and encryption. It allows user to update Group policy settings and distribute the latest updates of the softwares whenever there is internet connection on the mobile device. This occurs when the User is logged in or not.

    Microsoft in their own unique way of doing things designed the XP mode feature so as to allow the use of some Windows XP applications. This features allows older softwares designed for wimdowsXP to run on windows 7 by using the virtualized version of the XP operating system.

    Windows 7 harnesses the wide Area network (WAN) to optimize the effective and more efficient use of local, read-only caches

    BitLocker To Go allows the extension and management of on-disk encryption in portable storage devices.

    A virtual hard disk (VHD) can be mounted for use on Microsoft windows 7 PC for interactions as though it was a physical drive.

    Windows 7 PC are embedded with the remote desktop feature which allows users to connect their desktop to another of and operate it remotely from a distance. This can be very helpful mostly if a user is in need of an important file or document which is stored in his home PC.

    Windows 7 system requirements:

    windows 7 operating system
    Some of the pertinent features and requirements for windows 7 operating system include:

    It requires systems with at least 1 GHz processor (32 or 64 bit).
    The system should have a minimum of 1GB of RAM (for 32- bit) and 2GB of RAM for (64-bit).
    The system should have 16GB of available disk space (32-bit) or 20GB disk space (64-bit).
    Another pertinent requirement is that the system should have DirectX 9 graphics device with Windows Display driver model 1.0 or a higher driver.

    Can Microsoft window 7 be used free?

    This is a very resounding question that would pop up on the minds of many potential users.
    The answer is ourightly Yes!.
    Microsoft has made it possible for user to to use the windows 7 free. The free version is the trial version which was designed specifically for users and IT experts to test run the operating system to check for compatibility in the final version of the product. The trial version provides the opportunity for users to be more vested with the changes and improvements on the previous versions of the windows operating systems. The free trial version period is 90 days. It is available on the various editions of the operating system and is compatible for use on both 32-bit and 64-bit computers.

    How to download Windows 7 trial version

    windows 7 operating system

    Microsoft has deactivated all available copies of windows 7 trial version Following the release of windows 10. Right now, users can download the windows 7 full version and make use of it free for 90-days without activation. Windows 7 ISO can be downloaded directly from Microsoft website The only requirement for the download is the product key.

    Компания Microsoft предоставила возможность пользователям по всему миру протестировать одну из версий своей новой операционной системы. Сейчас вы можете скачать Windows 7 и протестировать ее в течении 3-дневного пробного периода. Активировать операционную систему можно прямо на сайте Microsoft и происходит это автоматически.

    Установить новую операционную систему можно двумя способами: как гостевую виртуальную ОС поверх основной и обычным способом. Для того чтобы установить Windows 7 как гостевую систему, вам необходимо скачать виртуальный жесткий диск VHD, и затем с помощью таких средств виртуализации, как, например, Microsoft Virtual PC или VirtualBox создать новую виртуальную систему, используя VHDфайл. Но при таком способе установке, из-за ограничений в виртуализации графики, вы врядли сможете оценить всю красоту нового сияющего интерфейса Windows 7. Окна будут не прозрачными, и опцию Windows Aero вы не увидите. Поэтому лучше установите систему как основную. Для этого скачайте ISO файл, и создайте из него загрузочный DVD диск или загрузочную флешку, с помощью которых затем можно будет установить систему. Для создания загрузочных DVD и USB Flash можно использовать специальную программу от Microsoft Windows 7 RTM USB/DVD Download Tool. Или если вы собираетесь установить Windows 7 помимо уже установленной системы, которой вы пользуетесь, то установку можно запустить, открыв ISO файл такими программами, как Alcohol 120% или DAEMON Tools.

    Активировать свою копию пробной версии Windows 7 нужно в течении 3 дней. Для этого нужно открыть информацию о системе «Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System. В открывшемся окне в разделе Windows Activation нажмите ссылку активации и выберите активацию через Интернет. Или если вы установили пакет русификации, то Пуск -> Панель управления -> Система и безопасность –> Система –> Активация Windows. 

    Для установки русского интерфейса скачайте и установите пакет русификации, и после этого перейдите в Start -> Control Panel -> Clock, Language, and Region -> Region and Language и на вкладке Keyboards and Languages выберите русский язык. 

    Windows 7 was developed by Microsoft and it was released to manufacturing on 07/22/2009 and it became generally available on October 22, 2009, less than 3 years after the release of its predecessor, Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008 R2 (Windows 7’s server counterpart) was released at the same time. Microsoft will end its extended support of Windows 7 on 01/14/2020.

    Download Windows 7 ISO from Microsoft 2019

    Method 1: Windows 7 free download direct link from Microsoft (trial version)

    • Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Professional 32 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Professional 64 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Home Basic 32 bit: you click here
    • Windows 7 Starter 32-bit: you click here

    Source: Download Windows 7 iso

    You can see the link to download Windows 7 ISO direct from Microsoft:

    I also sell Windows 7 Pro product key, Windows 7 Ultimate key, Windows 7 Home Premium key, Windows 7 Enterprise key ($25/key). If you want to buy it, you visit

    You can watch this video to know how to download Windows 7 iso for free from Microsoft:

    With this method, you can download windows 7 iso without product key.
    Then you read this article to know how to install Windows 7 by USB:

    Method 2: You download the Windows 7 SP1 ISO directly from Microsoft

    Microsoft lets people easy to download the Windows 7 SP1 ISO from their site. The only thing you need is a valid product key in order to download the file–and OEM keys (like the one that came on a sticker under your laptop) won’t work. If that’s you, proceed to the next section.

    Step 1: If you do have a valid product key, you head to the Windows 7 download page, then you enter your product key, and click “Verify” to start the download process. If you haven’t product key, you go to method 3 below.

    valid product key windows 7

    Step 2: After your product key is verified,  you select the product language you want to download and then you click “Confirm.”

    windows 7 languge

    Step 3: You choose the version that you want to download (32-bit or 64-bit version). After you click whichever version you want, the download will begin. Note that download links are only valid for 24 hours. But you could always come back and walk through the verification and selection process again to generate new links.

    Download Windows 7 ISO from Microsoft

    Step 4: Then you use a bootable USB to install Windows 7.

    Method 3: You can download Windows 7 ISO without product key by using a free third-party tool

    Step 1: You download tool is developed by by click here

    Step 2: You open this file you download and choose “Windows 7 Iso Download Agust 2018


    Step 3: You choose the version of Windows 7 you want to download (Home/Pro/Ultimate) and select the language of it. Then you click “Download”

    WIndows 7 Iso Download Link

    You can see the link to download Windows 7 ISO from Microsoft

    Link download Windows 7 Iso


    With this method, you can download windows 7 iso without product key

    • Windows 7 Pro ISO 32 bit – 64 bit
    • Windows 7 Home Premium ISO 32 bit – 64 bit
    • Windows 7 Ultimate ISO 32 bit – 64 bit

    If you want to run Windows 7 on your PC, here’s what it takes:

    • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
    • 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
    • 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
    • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

    Tag: windows 7 iso download, download windows 7 iso, download windows 7 disc images (iso files), Windows 7 iso download free, windows 7 free download, download windows 7 iso without product key, windows 7 iso file download, download windows 7 ultimate sp1, download windows 7 professional sp1

    Read more:

    • Windows 10 ISO download
    • Windows 8.1 ISO download

    Windows 7 Professional Free Download will let you download the complete version of windows 7 professional x86 x64 ISO DVD image. Complete bootable version is supporting for both 32 and 64 bit.

    General Overview of Windows 7 Professional

    Microsoft Windows operating system is likely the most utilized working framework everywhere throughout the world because of its effortlessness and usability.Microsoft Windows with multiples versions has ruled the world for over decades now and individuals are utilized to its OS. By times Microsoft accompanied distinctive versions that has given the essential and upgraded instruments which has helped clients in performing their undertakings effortlessly. Windows 7 is one of theses operating system releases. Windows 7 Professional had shaken the world when it initially landed in the year 2009 with its attractive interfaces and stability. You can also like Windows 7 All in One 2017 Free Download.

    Windows 7 Professional Free Download

    It happens a few times when disk is broken by careless conduct or be stolen by a percentage of the rapscallions (has been happened with me as well). In the event that you are screwed over thanks to such situation that you have lost the disk then you need not to stress. Windows 7 Professional Free Download is enough for your salvage.

    You may run over large portions of the choices which will offer you to download the ISO files for Windows 7 however a large portion of them are modified adaptation with numerous infections and rootkits covered up in them which will toward the day’s end cause more cerebral pains for you. We offer you the spotless version with no virus and rootkits so you can work your framework securely without stressing over framework hang ups and smashing. All ISO file(s) of Microsoft Opertaing System are more than 2GB so it is strictly suggested to download these records with a quickened downloader like IDM. Once downloaded you can copy the ISO record on any CD or DVD.

    Windows 7 Professional Download Free

    Core Features of Windows 7 Professional

    Given below are the best features of Windows 7 that ca be useful once you will finish with installation after Windows 7 Professional Free Download.

    Navigating quickly by using the taskbar

    Windows 7 incorporates an upgraded taskbar. The taskbar symbols are bigger than they were in past working frameworks, which makes them simpler to choose by utilizing either a mouse or the Windows 7 touch highlights.In the event that you are utilizing the Internet Explorer program, Windows 7 demonstrates every tab as an alternate thumbnail.

    Using a Jump List to access files

    The Jump List highlight is a rundown that Windows 7 populates consequently to incorporate the projects and records that you utilize most often.You can open Jump List sections rapidly, including reports and site pages. In the event that your desktop is brimming with open things, this is a simple approach to discover precisely what you require. Furthermore, you can stick projects to the Windows taskbar with the goal that you can get to your late documents rapidly through the Jump List.

    Resizing windows

    Windows 7 makes it simple to deal with various windows on your desktop. You can:

    • Boost a window by dragging its fringe to the highest point of the screen.
    • Minimize that same window by dragging its outskirt from the highest point of the screen.

    Think about reports rapidly by locking a window to the screen’s left or the right side. Basically drag the window left or right. Furthermore, as your pointer touches the screen’s edge, the window resizes itself to fill that half of the screen.

    Printing from multiple networks

    On the off chance that you have a printer at home and another at the workplace, Windows 7 makes it simple to switch between them. You no more need to choose a printer physically when you change areas. Rather, you can choose a default printer for every system area, and after that Windows 7 utilizes every area consequently when you join with its system. This is area mindful printing.

    Optimizing your display

    Windows 7 empowers your show’s high determination consequently, in the event that you have the vital equipment and drivers. This streamlines your screen’s presentation, gives you the most ideal visual experience, and decreases eye fatigue.

    Managing power settings

    The two greatest clients of force on your portable workstation are the showcase and the hard plate. In Windows 7, you can deal with your portable workstation’s energy utilization so you can ration battery power when you are not utilizing your tablet.

    Backing up and restoring data

    The Windows Backup and Restore Center gives one area where you can deal with all reinforcement and restore choices. Furthermore, the Automatic File Backup highlight keeps your records safe by performing a complete, picture based reinforcement of your whole PC.

    Below are some more features of Windows 7:

    • Easy to use with beautiful Interface.
    • Very fast speed
    • Lower hardware requirements
    • Improve search features
    • Beautiful system tray
    • The potential of touch
    • Save your day while facing loss of installation disk.
    • Not viruses or rootkits.
    • Can burn the ISO file on CDs/DVDs.
    • Stable to the core.
    • All new looks.

    Windows 7 Full Download Free

    Technical Details of Windows 7 Professional Setup

    Following listed Technical setup details will help you out to know about the installation file and technical details of Windows 7 Professional Free Download.

    • Full Name and Version: Windows 7 Pro x86 x64
    • Name of Setup Filename: Windows_7_32-bit_Professional_x86.iso (32bit), Windows_7_64-bit_Professional_x64.iso (64bit)
    • Size of Full Setup: 2.4 GB (x86), 3.1 GB (x64)
    • Setup File Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
    • Compatible With: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)
    • Version Release Added On: 4th Oct 2014
    • License: Free Trial

    windows 7 free download for pc

    Minimum System Requirements for Windows 7 Professional

    Make sure the listed below system specifications before going to start Windows 7 Professional Free Download.

    • Memory (RAM): 1GB of RAM required
    • Hard Disk Space: 2GB of free space required.
    • Processor: 1GHz Intel Pentium 4 or later.

    Download Free Windows 7 Professional

    Click on the given below buttons of Download Now for 32 bit and 64 bit and get installed the complete bootable version of Windows 7 Professional Free Download.

    Windows 7 32bit

    Windows 7 64bit

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