Free vnc server for windows

Download VNC® Server to the devices you want to control.

For the best experience install
VNC® Viewer on the device you want to control from.

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Now create an account to manage your devices and get a 14-day free trial to access all VNC Connect features.

Get the full VNC® Connect experience

VNC Viewer and VNC Server are designed to work best together.
Use them both to experience enhanced security, more reliable connections, and access to exclusive features within VNC Connect.

Get started in three easy steps


1. Download

Install VNC Server on your remote devices.


2. Sign in/up

Sign in or Create an account (and claim a free 14-day trial).

step 3

3. Setup and Connect

Install VNC Viewer on your device and connect.

See how easy VNC Connect is to use

  • How to get started

How to get started with RealVNC Connect remote access

In this video, we’ll show you how quick and easy it is to get your first screen sharing session up and running using RealVNC Connect.

Tutorial: How to get started with RealVNC Connect remote access

Starting to use RealVNC Connect couldn’t be easier. You just need to create an account and get a free trial (no credit card required).

This video will show you how to provide unattended access to your Windows, Linux or Mac computer.

You will now be able to control your computer easily from anywhere in the world. If you want to continue to use the software after the 14-day trial, you can continue to do so seamlessly after buying a subscription.

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VNC® Connect is the latest version of our remote access software for personal and commercial use. It consists of a VNC® Server app for the computer you want to control, which must be licensed, and a VNC® Viewer app that you are free to download to all the devices you want to control from.

The easiest thing to do is to run the installer on the computer you want to control and follow the instructions. For system administrators with an Enterprise subscription, there’s a range of deployment options.

Yes. Please contact support for more details.

Try VNC Connect today for free

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Название→ VNC Server
Версия→ 6.11.0
Лицензия→ Демо-версия
Размер файла→ 20.17 Мб
Поддержка→ Windows 7, 8, 10
Разработчик→ RealVNC Limited
Опубликовано→ 25 ноября 2022

VNC — это мощное и простое в использовании программное обеспечение для подключения, которое позволяет двум удаленным компьютерам взаимодействовать через Интернет, как если бы они были подключены к локальной сети. Простое соединение между компьютером-«сервером» и компьютером-«зрителем» осуществляется с помощью простой операционной программы, которая создаст виртуальную частную сеть, которая будет легко распознаваться не только видеоиграми с поддержкой локальной сети, но и бесчисленными программными платформами приложений. и бизнес, которым требуется локальная сеть для правильной работы. Используя VNC, приложения только для локальной сети, которые не предназначены для Интернета, могут стать частью персональной компьютерной сети, которая может охватывать все континенты.

Скачать для компьютера

Скачайте бесплатно и установите VNC Server 6.11.0 по прямой ссылке с сервера. Программа имеет лицензию «Демо-версия» и разработана RealVNC Limited, подходит для компьютера и ноутбука с Windows 7, 8, 10. Размер загружаемого файла составляет 20.17 Мб.

Описание программы

Интерфейс VNC очень прост в использовании, но он может быть немного сложнее, чем тот, который предлагает Hamachi от LogMeIn. VNC имеет ауру профессионального «серьезного бреда», с экраном настройки, показывающим, что это приложение определенно ориентировано на легкое использование новичками, которым нужны простые инструменты, а также опытными пользователями, которым нужен доступ к полным параметрам конфигурации, соединениям, билетам, обмену способности и многое другое.

Полезной особенностью VNC является то, что подключаемые компьютеры не обязательно должны быть одного типа (он поддерживает все современные версии Windows и Linux), и все они могут подключаться как по локальным локальным сетям, так и через Интернет . В настоящее время эту бесплатную версию VNC используют миллионы начинающих и профессиональных пользователей по всему миру.

Скриншоты интерфейса

Комментарии пользователей

Here is a list of best free VNC Software for Windows. These VNC or Virtual Network Computing software are desktop sharing software which let you control a remote computer. These VNC software use Remote Frame Buffer Protocol (RFB) to control other systems. You can use mouse and keyboard of a client computer to perform any task on a remote computer. In some VNC software, you can also collaboratively work with other members and perform tasks on a remote PC. Overall, all of these freeware are quite easy to use once the connection between remote and client computer gets established.

In order to establish the connection, you need a VNC Server in the remote computer and a VNC Viewer in the client computer. Some of these software have both VNC server and viewers, hence you need to install the same setup on both client and remote computers. However, many software only come with a VNC viewer and hence required VNC server of other VNC software like TigerVNC, TightVNC, etc. As VNC server is installed on the remote computers, so you need to set up a password and other network settings before starting the server. After starting the server, go to the client computer and provide IP Address and Server Password of the remote computer to establish the connection. After the successful connection, you are ready to control the remote computer.

My Favorite VNC Software For Windows:

RealVNC is my favorite software because it lets you and your team members control a remote computer. Plus, it lets you save multiple remote clients to its interface. It also lets you toggle between multiple saved remote computers from its interface. UltraVNC is also good as it lets you transfer files between client and remote computers.

You can also check out lists of best free  Network Time Synchronizer, Screen Sharing, and Multi Monitor Software software for Windows.


RealVNC is a free VNC software for Windows. This software comes in two parts namely VNC Connect (server) and VNC Viewer. You need to install the VNC connect to the remote computer which you want to control. And, install VNC viewer to a computer from where you want to control a remote PC. After installation, you need to setup a password for VNC server on remote PC. Now, you need to enter the IP address of the remote computer and previously set password to the VNC Viewer. After that, select the thumbnail of the remote computer and connect it to your PC. Now, you are ready to control the remote computer.

The whole interface of the remote PC will appear on your system from where you can control remote PC, open its applications, add data, delete data, etc. just like your own system. However, you cannot directly send or receive any data from the remote PC.

Using this software, you can connect up to 5 remote computers. The thumbnail of all the connected computers will automatically add to the interface of VNC viewer. You can quickly toggle between one remote computer to other remote computers just by double-clicking on the thumbnails of the connected remote computers. This software also provides a team functionality, using which you can form a team of up to 3 members. This team functionality allows you and your team members to control and work on one remote client at a time.


UltraVNC is a completely free VNC software for Windows. It is a powerful and easy to use remote VNC viewer and controller software for Windows. With the help of this software, you can view the whole screen of the remote computer on your system. Plus, you can use your mouse and keyboard to perform tasks on the remote machine. This software consists of two main parts named as UltraVNC Viewer and UltraVNC Server. The UltraVNC Viewer is used in the client computer to view remote computers screen and to control it. The UltraVNC Server used in the remote computer in order to securely establish a connection between both remote and client systems.

Through this VNC viewer, you cannot only control the remote computer, but you can also directly transfer files between computers. Plus, an inbuilt chat feature also comes with it through which you can communicate with the user of a remote computer. Besides this, all basic features like Send Ctrl+Alt+Del to host, Start menu shortcut key, Full-screen mode, Connection Options, etc. are present in this software.

In order to successfully establish the connection between host and client computers, you need to follow some simple steps:

  • Install UltraVNC on both client and host computer.
  • After that, open the admin properties of UltraVNC server in the host computer and set up the VNC Password and View Only VNC Passwords. After that, launch the UltraVNC server.
  • Now, go to the client computer and launch the UltraVNC Viewer. It asks you to provide the IP Address and Authentication Password of the Remote computer.
  • If you enter the view only VNC password, then it will only let you view the screen of the remote desktop. Hence, always enter the VNC Password to get the full control over the remote computer.

Overall, it is a very good VNC software as it gives you a lot more options than similar other software.


TightVNC is a free and open source VNC software for Windows. It is another Virtual Network Computing software through which you can access and control a remote machine. You can easily perform any task on the remote machine just like you perform tasks on your computer. Additionally, this freeware also allows direct data transfer between client and remote machines. Besides this, you get some other tools to adjust the view like Scale in, Scale-out, Full-Screen Mode, etc.

This software requires a little bit of setup before it gets ready to be used. Let’s take a look at the setup process of this software:

  • The first step is to download TightVNC software in both client and remote server computers.
  • After that, install this software on both computers. During installation, this software asks you to specify Remote Password and Admin Password. These both passwords are needed to be set up on the host computer, which will later be used by TightVNC Viewer to control remote PC.
  • After installation, run the TightVNC Server on the remote desktop computer and run TightVNC Viewer in your system (client).
  • TightVNC Viewer asks you to enter the IP address of the remote computer. As soon as you enter the IP address, this software asks you to enter the Remote password of the host computer. Simply provide the Remote password in your TightVNC viewer to start controlling the remote computer.


TigerVNC is another free open source VNC software for Windows. It is a high-performance VNC software that helps you launch and interact with the user interface of a remote machine. This software is powerful enough to run 3D and video applications. Like other VNC software, it also gives you complete freedom to access and run any application of a remote computer without any restrictions. However, this doesn’t let you directly transfer data between server and client computers.

TigerVNC software mainly consists of two parts namely TigerVNC Server and TigerVNC Viewer. Both of server and viewer come in the same package, hence you need to download and install TightVNC setup on both client and server computers. After the installation, configure the TigerVNC Server in the remote server computer. In order to do that, use the Configure VNC server software that comes with this software. In the configuration, you can select security encryption of your choiceauthentication method, port number, etc. along with the server password, etc. After the setup, run the TigerVNC Server. Now, on the client side, you need to run TigerVNC viewer. To connect to the remote computer, you just need to provide the IP Address along with the right server password. Once connected, you can freely control the remote computer with ease.


EchoVNC is the next free open source VNC software for Windows. It is a secure VNC software through which you can control a remote computer. This software gives you the complete control over the remote computer and you can perform any task on the remote machine from another PC without any restriction. This software also provides some basic options like full-screen mode, send Ctrl+Alt+Delete function to host computer, shortcut to open the start menu of the host computer, etc. Overall, it is another handy VNC software that you can use to control remote computers.

This software comes with the EchoVNC Viewer that can also be used as a server. However, during testing, its server didn’t work properly. Hence, I have used the VNC server of TigerVNC software. In order to establish the connection between Remote and client computers, you need to provide IP Address along with the TigerVNC server password of the remote computer. Once connected, you can immediately view and control the remote computer on your system.


VNCRobot is a free, Java-based, portable VNC software for Windows. Through this software, you can connect to any remote computer running VNC server. This software does not have its own VNC server, due to which you need to use an external VNC server like TigerVNC Server, UltraVNC Server, etc.

Like other similar software, you can use it to control the remote computer with your system. It gives you complete freedom to perform any task on the remote computer that you want. It also comes with a view mode that only lets you monitor the screen of the remote computer.

In this software, you get a Script Editor along with various script command generator keys to perform various activities on the host computer with the help of scripts. You can easily generate script commands like screenshot, waitfor, compareTo, etc. using the various shortcuts present on the toolbar. The generated command will automatically be added to the script editor. Now, to run the commands, you just need to press the Execute Script Button. All the tasks specified in the commands will execute on the host computer.

As this software can connect to any VNC server, hence just install any VNC server on a remote computer and specify the authentication password in it. After that, launch this VNCRobot software in client computer and provide both the IP address and server authentication password to establish a secure connection.


mRemoteNG is the next free open source VNC software for Windows. It is a multi-protocol VNC software and hence, it can use protocols like RDP, SSH1, Telnet, rlogin, etc. to establish the connection with a remote computer. Using this software, you can easily establish the connection with any VNC server running on the remote PC. However, you need to provide the correct IP Address along with the server password in mRemoteNG (on client’s computer) to establish the connection. Once the connection gets established, you can view the display of remote computer in your system. You can run any application, browse internet, or perform any other task on the remote computer with ease.

In this software, you can maintain multiple remote server connections. Plus, you can also quickly jump between multiple connections. All the saved connections can later be saved or exported as an XML file. Besides this, features like screenshot, SSH file transfer, port scan, quick connect toolbar, etc. are also available.


TurboVNC is another open source VNC software for Windows. It is a high performance and 3D friendly VNC viewer software. It is fully compatible with TightVNC software i.e. it can connect with the TightVNC server of a remote computer. As it does not have its own server, hence server of TightVNC is necessary to establish connection. And, you need to provide the IP Address of host computer and Server Password to establish the secure connection.

After the successful connection, you can view the screen of a remote computer on the TurboVNC interface. You can use your mouse and keyboard to control and perform any task that you want to. Apart from just controlling the remote PC, you can also directly transfer files between client and host computers. More useful options that this software provides are Save (to save all information related to connection), Disconnect (to disconnect current connection), New Connection (to establish a new connection), etc. In general, it is quite a simple and easy to use VNC software.

This post was last Updated on September 1, 2022 by Himanshu Tyagi to reflect the accuracy and up-to-date information on the page.

Here we have compiled a list of the 10 best free VNC software for Windows. Do you ever feel frustrated getting stuck on the computer while transferring files, troubleshooting, or diagnosing? And in the meantime, there is nobody to help you there? You feel like how to overcome such a situation. The answer to such problems is Virtual Network Computing(VNC) software.

Generally, these are computer software that gives you the power to operate any client’s computer with a remote computer on a solid network connection without asking you to check on the client’s computer physically.

Here is how it works; you would require a VNC server on your computer and a VNC viewer on the client’s computer; through this, you would be able to share a desktop screen or view the client’s desktop screen for the respective purpose, requiring well build network connection. You can operate the system with a mouse and keyboard with the help of the Remote Frame Buffer Protocol(RFB).

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10 Best Free VNC Software For Windows

It is not only limited to windows, but you can use it for Android, MAC, and IOS devices, and for that, you need a VNC viewer on your device. Therefore we have created the list of 10 Best Free VNC Software for Windows. Let’s seek through it once!

1. Real VNC

real vnc

First on the list is RealVNC software. It is first featured in the list because it has several features that allow smooth functioning on remote and client personal devices. It is free software divided into two parts VNC Connect (server) and VNC viewer.

To operate it, you need to download VNC connect to another computer which you need to control for individual purposes, and VNC viewer to your computer. After installation of the VNC server, you need to set its password, and further, you have to add the IP address of the controlling computer and set a password to the VNC viewer. After all the login procedures, you are good to go.

The best feature is that you can reach 5 remote computers at one time as their thumbnail would appear on the VNC viewer screen, and you can change the remote computer accordingly by double clicking on the thumbnail.


  • Complete end-to-end session encryption
  • Cloud and direct LAN connectivity


  • Free to use
  • Hassle-free


  • None

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2. Tiger VNC

tigervnc screenshot

TigerVNC software by RedHat is the best in business software with its large community consumers. It helps to enhance the performance and rigor security system without interrupting and offers freedom to transfer heavy files while you are working on the client’s or your PC’s screen.

This software also works on the same principle where you have to VNC server and VNC viewer. Matter of fact is that you have to download and install it on both server and viewer devices. What you have to do is install the VNC server on the remote computer. Just set its password along with secure encryption and authentication method.

On the other side, you must provide a VNC server password and computer IP address so the VNC viewer can easily connect to a remote computer. It even allows a remote user to run 3d games and video files on a client’s computer.


  • Useful in OS systems
  • Easy installation


  • Free software with a warranty
  • Strong network connection
  • Huge users


  • Interface is confusing

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3. AnyDesk

anydesk vnc client for windows

It is a multi-purpose VNC software that works efficiently well on windows, macOS, android, IOS, Linux, Chrome OS, and Raspberry Pi. Compatible enough to function well with previous versions of windows without any lagging.

It also works on the same principle download and installs the VNC server and VNC viewer on a remote computer and host computer. Then, what will be required is the remote user needs to send a password and IP address to the client VNC viewer to connect.


  • Work on all platforms and all devices
  • Offer chat services on both sides
  • Guidance support


  • Free updates
  • Light design
  • Smooth remote desktop connections


Work not well with weal connections

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4. Team Viewer

teamviewer - best vnc clients for windows

Another remote desktop software in the list is Team Viewer, which helps access another computer quickly. Famous among beginners who are new to the software. Please help them to understand every function with ease.

You can download TeamViewer software on both remote and client computers. Further, share the VNC server address and password to the VNC viewer for an impregnable connection. It features cross-platform support, which means you can access the client’s MAC, Windows, or Linux device.


  • Simple interface
  • Cross-platform support
  • TeamViewer assist AR


  • Instantly solve IT problem
  • Digitize entire workflow

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5. UltraVNC

ultravnc viewer

One of the best VNC software used worldwide by multi-national IT companies to resolve their clients’ problems. No doubt that it does not mean for a beginner, but if you are regular with VNC software, you will not face any such problems related to the functioning of the software.

You will follow the same principles and guidelines for its sound operation. After installation of Ultra VNC software on both computers and transfer of address and password to the VNC viewer, you will be working on a computer.


  • Follow RFB protocol
  • Remote PC access software


  • Beneficial for IT departments
  • Remote computer access


User interface

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6. TightVNC


For easy and hassle-free functioning, TightVNC software is the best for you. It also comes with a not-so-likable interface because of its advanced version. Hence anyone who is well aware of this kind of software has an unprecedented advantage on Tight VNC.

The last to the latest launched version of this software can run on flavors of Windows. Along with this, a java version of TightVNC viewer is also available on the site. It works the same as other VNC software, and the operating scheme is the same for this software.


  • Readily available for 32-bit and 64-bit windows
  • Cross-platform support


  • Faster and secure
  • Easily configure remote machines
  • Easy to download


  • Not so easy interface
  • Lags at updates
  • Lacks chat and guiding features.

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7. mRemoteNG


This VNC software is a multi-protocol9Including VNC, RDP, Telnet, and SSH) and remote connections manager for Windows. Easy to update, and if by chance any virus settles itself in the software, the bug fixes function can help you get rid of them.

With an open source VNC network, you will be to connect faster to the client VNC viewer. Overall, it is good in all spheres, and its eco-friendly user interface is even more intriguing.


  • It comes in multiple languages
  • N numbers of supported protocols


  • Easy interface
  • Open source VNC

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8. Chrome Remote Desktop

chrome remote desktop

You can depend on this remote-sharing desktop because it is free and Google Chrome owns. It is the highly trusted VNC software among the listed VNC software.

It is a web-based VNC viewer, so if the requirement of such software is minimum, you can easily access this service by browsing. Another reason to trust this software is its end-to-end encryption, which means your device and files are secured with it.


  • Web-based VNC viewer
  • Helpful interface


  • Simple
  • Secure
  • Convenient
  • Fast


  • Do not offer chat and guidance feature

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9. Ammy Admin

ammy admin

Ammy Admin is one of the oldest VNC software. Considering its interface, it is not as good as the interface of the latest software in the market. One of the unique features rare to find these days in the latest VNC software is that you can check the connection speed.

Its function on two types of connection:

1. Like the old traditional operation of having access to another computer.

2. Watch only where you can see what the VNC server is doing on the VNC viewer screen.


  • Zero-config remote desktop software
  • Easy to setup without installing


  • Built-in voice chat and file manager
  • Highest level of data transfer security
  • Control of unattended computers


  • Old interface

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10. JollysFastVNC


jollysFastVNC software favors both windows and Mac. Its innovative function is a conference tool where windows conferencing programs are way more securer than Mac based.

This software uses an encryption system while conferencing program to save the information of the data.


  • Conferencing program secured with encryption
  • Fast
  • Secure- SSH tunneling, SSL, and SOCKS support inbuilt
  • Smart zoom for viewing the sizeable remote desktop


  • Highly secured

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Does all the VNC software work on the same operation?

Yes, Almost all VNC software works on the same principle: download and install software on both computers, then transfer IP address and password from server to viewer computer, except Chrome Remote Desktop because it is a web-based service.

Are all the VNC software can be downloaded for free?

Not all, but we can say that some work on a subscription basis.

How to decide which one is the best VNC Software?

The 10 best free VNC software for Windows are already listed in the article. Please go and check.

Wrap Up

I hope you have been through the whole article if you are searching for free VNC software for your device or corporate-related work. It would help you out. So far, these were the 10 best free VNC software for Windows.

Himanshu Tyagi

Himanshu Tyagi

Hello Friends! I am Himanshu, a hobbyist programmer, tech enthusiast, and digital content creator.
Founder Cool SaaS Hunter.
With CodeItBro, my mission is to promote coding and help people from non-tech backgrounds to learn this modern-age skill!

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Latest release version Release

UltraVNC Server and Viewer are a powerful, easy to use, free software that can display the screen of
one computer (Server) on the screen of another (Viewer). The program allows the viewer to use their mouse
and keyboard to control the Server Computer remotely.
UltraVNC is a VNC application that is tailored towards Windows PCs, with several features not found
in other VNC products.

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