Free ssh client for windows

Краткий обзор SSH-клиентов для всех актуальных операционных систем. Посмотрим, чем они отличаются друг от друга, какие у новых клиентов преимущества и есть ли хорошие бесплатные варианты.

Что такое SSH?

SSH или Secure Shell (что в переводе значит «безопасная оболочка») — это сетевой протокол, используемый для подключения к удаленным компьютерам и управлениями ими с помощью технологии туннелирования.

Если у вас, к примеру, есть сервер в Timeweb под управлением Linux, то вы наверняка подключаетесь к нему через OpenSSH (серверная реализация Secure Shell с открытым исходным кодом). То есть вводите сначала команду в духе ssh root@ и потом выполняете команды, связанные непосредственно с ОС. Подобные возможности дают технологии Telnet и rlogin, но они не особо прижились.

Ключевое преимущество SSH, в сравнении с конкурентами, заключается в повышенной безопасности. Этот протокол шифрует передаваемые команды и защищает соединение между администратором и сервером от третьих лиц.

А что такое SSH-клиент?

Это приложение на стороне клиента, которое используется для передачи команд на удаленный компьютер. В примере выше мы говорили о подключении к серверу через терминал в macOS и Linux. Чтобы провернуть подобное в Windows, нужна специальная программа. Например, PuTTY.

Зачастую SSH-клиенты выполняют те же задачи, что и терминал, но обладают расширенной функциональностью. У них схожие принципы работы, и все различия можно оценить только в специфичных сценариях использования Secure Shell.

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Выбираем SSH-клиент

Мы уже выяснили, что обособленно пользователи получить какую-то пользу от протокола не могут. Для управления нужна дополнительная утилита. Вопрос в том, какая именно. Secure Shell настолько востребован, что разработчики создали уже несколько десятков SSH-клиентов под различные платформы. В этом материале рассмотрим лучшие из них, разработанные для Windows, macOS и Linux.

Некоторые из них кроссплатформенные (то есть работают сразу на нескольких ОС) или запускаются в браузерах (это тоже делает их универсальными).

SSH-клиенты для Windows

Начнем с популярнейшей платформы. Несмотря на на отсутствие встроенных инструментов и общую неадаптированность под разработку и работу с серверами, для Windows создали как минимум десяток функциональных и быстрых SSH-клиентов.


Самый известный SSH-клиент для Windows. Пожалуй, единственный, что на слуху у всех вебмастеров. PuTTY отличается от конкурентов логичным интерфейсом вкупе с богатым арсеналом возможностей, включая настройку прокси-серверов и сохранение параметров подключения.

Интерфейс приложения PuTTY

PuTTY распространяется бесплатно и имеет открытый исходный код. При этом является одним из немногих SSH-клиентов, до сих пор активно развивающихся и получающих новые версии.

Утилита поддерживает протоколы SCP, SSH, rlogin и Telnet, а также работает со всеми методами шифрования данных.

Оригинальная программа доступна только для Windows, но есть порты от сообщества под другие платформы

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За свою жизнь PuTTY обзавелся несколькими десятками форков (копий) от сторонних разработчиков. Каждый пытался внести в знаменитый SSH-клиент что-то свое. В итоге некоторые выросли в полноценные альтернативы, во много затмившие оригинал.

KiTTY базируется на PuTTY, но обладает массой преимуществ. Можно:

  • выставлять собственные фильтры для отдельных сессий;
  • хранить настройки в конфигурационной файле самой утилиты (чтобы хранить ее на флэшке, например, сохраняя настройки);
  • создавать алиасы для часто используемых команд (и наборов команд);
  • добавлять скрипты для автоматический аутентификации на сервере;
  • использовать гиперссылки;
  • настраивать интерфейс, меняя цвет текста, шрифты, степень прозрачности окна и другие визуальные элементы.

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Многофункциональный SSH-клиент, полюбившийся пользователям за высокую скорость работы, комфортный интерфейс и кучу дополнительных функций, отсутствующих у конкурентов. В нем есть браузер файлов, встроенный XServer для управления графическим интерфейсом на удаленном компьютере, масса плагинов, расширяющих возможности клиента, и portable-версия, работающая без установки.

Интерфейс терминала MobaXterm

Проект условно-бесплатный, поэтому большая часть функций недоступна до оплаты. Если не покупать платную версию, то функциональность MobaXterm будет мало чем отличаться от таковой в PuTTY. За профессиональную версию придется отдать 69 долларов.

Скачать MobaXterm

Solar-PUTTY (бывший SolarWinds)

Один из немногих SSH-клиентов с современным интерфейсом. Это платная программа, что несомненно является ее недостатком. Но, в отличие от популярнейшего PuTTY, Solar умеет гораздо больше интересных вещей и лишен недостатков оригинала.

Интерфейс Solar-PuTTY


  • Сохраняет данные для входа. Не приходится постоянно проходить авторизацию заново.
  • Работает сразу с несколькими сессиями в одном окне (по вкладке на каждую).
  • Автоматически восстанавливает подключение, если оно по какой-то причине было утеряно.
  • Интегрирован в поисковик Windows.
  • Не требует установки. Всегда работает в portable-режиме.

Приложение обойдется в 99 долларов (~7650 рублей)


Еще одна попытка упростить жизнь веб-разработчикам, полагающимся на SSH. Создатели SmarTTY уделил много внимания ускорению работы пользователей и повышению удобства выполнения элементарных задач.

Например, появился режим отображения терминалов в отдельных вкладках. Сам терминал научился автоматически завершать команды и быстро искать файлы. В него добавили графический интерфейс для загрузки файлов на сервер без необходимости использовать командную строку.

Также в SmarTTY встроен многофункциональный текстовый редактор с возможностями Nano и hex-терминал для отслеживания COM-портов. А еще есть portable-версия, для работы с которой даже не нужно выполнять установку.

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Полнофункциональный SSH-клиент для Windows. Отличается от PuTTY и схожих продуктов возможностью задавать разные параметры для каждой терминальной сессии, создавать общие скрипты на несколько сессий.

Он поддерживает командную строку Windows и протокол SCP. Также в него встроен файловый менеджер для управления документами в графической среде.

Интерфейс XShell

Можно записывать выполняемые команды и превращать «записанный» материал в один скрипт, который после можно перезапустить в любой момент.

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Tera Term

Популярный эмулятор терминалов для Windows с открытым исходным кодом. Может имитировать DEV VT100, DEC VT382 и другие модели. Написан на языках С и С++. Поддерживает технологии Telnet, SSH 1 и SSH 2.

Tera Term можно интегрировать с другими приложениями с помощью встроенного веб-сервера. В нем можно настроить повторяющиеся команды, поддерживающие терминал в рабочем состоянии, создавать скрипты на собственном языке Tera Term Language.

Из недостатков можно выделить устаревший дизайн и не совсем интуитивный интерфейс в сравнении с другими подобными приложениями.

Распространяется бесплатно, как и другие Open-Source-продукты.

SSH-клиенты для Linux

Пользователи Linux редко используют графические утилиты или какие-то усовершенствованные варианты SSH. Обычно все работают во встроенном терминале, но есть несколько неплохих решений для тех, кому нужно больше.


В UNIX-подобных операционных системах есть встроенная поддержка OpenSSH. Можно использовать базовый терминал для подключения к удаленному серверу и управлению им. Интерфейс аналогичный тому, что вы можете встретить в большинстве SSH-клиентов. Только не придется скачивать сторонние программы и плагины.

Чтобы подключиться через терминал к серверу, надо ввести команду:

ssh *имя_пользователя*@*адрес_сервера*

В моем случае это выглядит так:

ssh root@ 

После этого терминал запросит разрешение на установку соединения с удаленным сервером. Нужно согласиться, введя команду Yes и пароль администратора, чтобы авторизоваться и получить контроль над удаленным ПК.

Asbru Connection Manager (Linux)

Бесплатный интерфейс для удаленного подключения к серверу и автоматизации повторяющихся на нем задач. У Asbru простой механизм настройки соединения с VDS и есть свой язык для создания скриптов, как в SecureCRT.

Из дополнительных возможностей можно отметить функцию подключения к удаленному ПК через прокси-сервер, интеграцию с сервисом KeePassX, поддержку отдельных вкладок и окон под разные сессии, запущенные единовременно.

Интерфейс программы Asbru

А еще он грамотно вписывается в интерфейс GTK и в окружение GNOME как визуально, так и в техническом плане.

Asbru можно запустить на Windows, используя компоненты Xming и включив WSL, но это весьма специфичный сценарий.


Бывший Snowflake. Графический клиент для подключения к серверу по протоколам SFTP и SSH. Включает в себя текстовый редактор, анализатор пространства на жестком диске, утилиту для считывания логов и прочие полезные инструменты.

Интерфейс приложения Muon

Из прочих преимуществ отмечу:

  • Быстрый доступ к часто используемым функциям вроде копирования файлов, архивирования, запуска скриптов, проверки прав на директории и т.п.
  • Поиск по массивным логам.
  • Встроенный терминал с поддержкой сниппетов (сокращенных версий команд, созданных пользователем).
  • Сетевые инструменты и приложение для менеджмента SSH-ключей.

Muon создавался с прицелом на веб-разработчиков, работающих над бэкэнд-составляющей сайтов.

SSH-клиенты для macOS

Компьютеры Apple поддерживает подключение по протоколу SSH прямо из встроенного терминала. Для этого используется та же команда, что и в Linux:

ssh *имя_пользователя*@*адрес_сервера* 

Также с последующем подтверждением подключения и авторизацией. Поэтому в macOS (как и в Linux) обычно не используются сторонние SSH-клиенты. Но они есть, и многие из них довольно качественные.

iTerm 2

Одна из главных альтернатив встроенному в macOS терминалу. Попытка расширить возможности стандартной командной строки необходимыми функциями, которые Apple упорно игнорирует годы напролет. Например, поддержку режима сплит-скрин, когда в одном окне отображается сразу два терминала с разными сессиями, или возможность добавлять комментарии к запущенным командам.

SHH-клиент iTerm2

Отдельно отметим функцию Instant Playback. С помощью нее можно воспроизвести одну или несколько команд, которые были выполнены ранее, не вводя их заново. Ну а еще тут можно выделять, копировать и вставлять текст, не используя мышь (пользователи macOS поймут).

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Технически это не полноценный SSH-клиент, как другие описываемые в статье. Это кнопка в панели инструментов, открывающая быстрый доступ к некоторым функциям для управления сервером. Прелесть утилиты заключается в ее универсальности и расширенных возможностях для ручной настройки.

Все параметры хранятся в файле ~/.shuttle.json, который идет в комплекте с базовой утилитой. Туда можно прописать любой скрипт, используемый вами в терминале, а потом запускать его прямо с панели инструментов через компактный графический интерфейс Shuttle. Это может заметно ускорить выполнение кучи рутинных процедур.

Скачать программу

Core Shell

SSH-клиент для macOS, поддерживающий работы сразу с несколькими хостами. Можно быстро между ними переключаться в одном окне с помощью вкладок или выделить каждый из них в отдельное окно. Каждому хосту назначается своя цветовая гамма. Чтобы было еще проще их разбивать по категориям, Core Shell поддерживает систему тегов.

Используя Core Shell, можно подключиться к VDS через прокси-сервер и выполнять переадресацию агента SSH.

Core Shell поддается скрупулезной настройке и «подгонке под себя». Причем клиент способен запоминать глобальные параметры для всех хостов и отдельные параметры для каждого из хостов. А еще в него интегрирована поддержка iCloud Keychain (хранилище паролей Apple).

Скачать Core Shell

Кроссплатформенные клиенты

Эмуляторы терминала, написанные на языках, поддерживающих сразу несколько операционных систем.


Один из самых красивых терминалов в подборке. В отличие от других SSH-клиентов, этот не отличается какой-то специфичной функциональностью. Напротив, он практически полностью повторяет функциональность базовой командной строки. Поэтому пользователям он нравится не за обилие возможностей, а за простоту и симпатичный внешний облик.

По словам разработчиков, это попытка создать максимально быстрый и надежный терминал. Это был их приоритет при разработке. При этом он построен на базе фреймворка Electron, что делает его универсальным и расширяемым.

SSH-клиент Hyper

Если вы перфекционист и привыкли к изысканным интерфейсам macOS, то Hyper станет правильным выбором. Он здорово впишется в дизайн ОС Apple благодаря своим плавным линиям и приятными анимациям.

Доступен на Windows, macOS и Linux. Распространяется бесплатно.


Терминал нового поколения (как его называют разработчики). Кроссплатформенный эмулятор терминала с поддержкой WSL, PowerShell, Cygwin, Clink, cmder, git-bash и десятка других технологий.

Есть полезные опции, такие как восстановление закрытых вкладок из предыдущей сессии и кликабельные пути к директориям.

Интерфейс Terminus можно настроить под себя с помощью разметки CSS. То же касается и функциональной составляющей. Ее можно «прокачать» за счет сторонних плагинов, число которых постепенно растет.

Доступен на Windows, macOS и Linux. Распространяется бесплатно.


Продвинутый SSH-клиент, используемый крупнейшими банками мира, страховыми компаниями, технологическими корпорациями и государственными органами. Он обеспечивает безопасную передачу файлов за счет использования множества методов шифрования данных.

Tectia поддерживает стандарт аутентификации X.509 PKI, задействует сертифицированные криптографические методы FIPS 140-2 и может работать со смарткартами. Услугами Tectia пользуются такие внушительные структуры, как NASA и Армия США. Они доверяют Tectia, потому что это стабильный SSH-клиент с круглосуточной отзывчивой поддержкой. Как любой дорогой коммерческий продукт.

Доступен на Windows, Linux и других UNIX-подобных ОС. Обойдется в 133 доллара за клиент-версию и 650 долларов за сервер-версию.


Кроссплатформенный SSH-клиент с приложением-компаньоном для iOS и Android. Наличие мобильной версии — ключевое преимущество программы. С помощью нее можно на ходу вносить изменения на сервер, управлять базой данных и выполнять прочие действия, обычно требующие доступа к полноценному ПК.

SSH-клиент Termius

Он адаптирован под сенсорные экраны и синхронизируется между всеми вашими устройствами, используя стандарт шифрования AES-256.

Доступен сразу на пяти платформах, включая мобильные. Распространяется по подписке за 9 долларов (~700 рублей).


Профессиональный SSH-клиент, перешедший из стана opensource-проектов в разряд платных. Разработчики проекта видят своей задачей создание понятного интерфейса для управления серверами. Так, чтобы привыкшие вебмастера не путались, но обладали более широким набором инструментов.

Из функций создатели Poderosa выделяют удобный мультисессионный режим, когда экран делится на несколько частей и показывает сразу несколько терминалов. Можно также создать несколько вкладок, в каждый из которых будет по 4 терминала.

Есть ассистент, помогающий быстрее вводить часто используемые команды, и масса опций для изменения интерфейса (включая шрифты, цвета отдельных типов данных и т.п.).

Доступен на Windows и macOS. Стоит 33 доллара (~2550 рублей)


Коммерческий SSH-клиент с расширенным набором функций. Отличается от большинства конкурентов усиленными механизмами защиты данных. Поддерживает сразу несколько протоколов, включая SSH2 и Telnet. Эмулирует различные Linux-консоли и предлагает массу настроек внешнего вида.

SSH-клиент SecureCRT

Из отличительных функций можно отметить возможность создавать свои горячие клавиши, менять цвет отображаемого контента, искать по ключевым словам, запускать несколько окон с разными или одним сервером, открывать несколько сессий в разных вкладках. Также функциональность SecureCRT можно расширить за счет скриптов на языках VBScript, PerlScript и Python.

Доступен сразу на трех ОС. Распространяется по подписке за 99 долларов (~7600 рублей)

SSH-плагины для браузеров

Портативные SSH-клиенты, запускающиеся внутри браузеров и не требующие специфической ОС.

Chrome Secure Shell App

Google Chrome уже давно метит в полноценную платформу с функциональностью операционной системы. Поэтому разработчики из команды Google Secure Shell поспешили создать для него полнофункциональный эмулятор терминала.

С помощью Chrome Secure Shell App можно подключиться к серверу по протоколу SSH и выполнять стандартные команды, к которым вы привыкли, во встроенном терминале или в условном PuTTY. Разница отсутствует.

Получалась неплохая бесплатная альтернатива для тех, кто не хочет ставить сторонние приложения.


Еще один плагин, имитирующий терминал в браузере. Ранее он функционировал внутри Firefox, но компания Mozilla ограничила поддержку расширения. Поэтому сейчас FireSSH работает только в Waterfox. Это инди-форк от Firefox.

Он написан на JavaScript, распространяется бесплатно и помещает в браузерную среду все возможности стандартного SSH-клиента (на уровне терминала).



Что касается выбора, то все зависит от личных предпочтений. Кому-то важна визуальная составляющая, кому-то функциональность, а кому-то хочется управлять сервером через SSH как можно проще. В любом случае можно попробовать все бесплатные варианты и принять решение уже после.

Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS - HostNamaste
Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

We get to hear about several types of cyber crimes these days. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to security if you are conducting any online business. To provide adequate security to clients, SSH protocol is included in the TCP/IP stack. This protocol has been there since 1995 and has been modified various times. With this protocol, users can build a safe connection between two computers.

SSH protocol executes on almost all types of operating systems. It enables the user to access the cloud server as well as execute shell commands. SSH keys help in the identification of reliable systems without any requirement of passwords and to communicate with servers. To prevent your communication over the network to be interpreted, and read, SSH protocol is encrypted via SSL or Secure Socket Layer Protocol.

In addition to encrypting a connection, SSH protocol also ensures a direct connection between the two designated computers so that no middle-man can interfere in between the communication. This makes communication over SSH safe, and secure.

The SSH protocol has various applications in online business such as secure transfer of files between systems, remote maintenance of systems, end to end encryption between two computers, and manage servers that can’t be locally accessed.

1) Solar Putty

Solar Putty - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

Solar Putty – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

This software is a version of SSH connectivity tools that helps a user to manage multiple remote sessions via a single console professionally. It is one of the commonly used and effective software in enterprises and organizations.

Using Solar Putty, you can manage any server, or device connected to the network easily. Integration of Windows search feature, it helps in finding saved session easily and quickly.

Automate scripts that you will be using when the connection to Putty SSH client gets established. To make login easy, the software provides the facility to save credentials to any session.

It is a completely free and open source SSH client that runs on Windows operating systems. Remote operations are carried out with the help of key management such as ssh-key gen, ssh-key scan, ssh-keyadd, and ssh-keysign.

  • Solar Putty Download

Open SSH - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

Open SSH – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

This is the second widely used SSH connectivity tools that are available as an open source version on the web. This tool is appropriate for use in Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

OpenSSH can encrypt all the traffic that travels between the two designated systems over the internet. It can easily encrypt all communication and passwords, to prevent any connection hijacking and eavesdropping. This ensures safe and secure communication on an unsecured network like the internet.

This suite comprises of the below-mentioned tools.

  • Remote operations are performed through using ssh, sft, and scp

  • Key management is done using various keys such as ssh-key gen, ssh-key scan, ssh-keyadd and ssh-keysign

  • The server side of the Open SSH tool comprises of sshd, ssh-agent, and sftp-server

  • Strong cryptography is provided with AES, ECDSA, Ed25519, ChaCha20.

  • OpenSSH Download


Kitty - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS - HostNamaste

Kitty – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

This is an open source terminal emulator that adds several features of the original software. This tool provides several remarkable features that include automatic passwords, integration of ZModem, automatic command, executing a locally saved script, and more. This tool is capable of running on only Microsoft Windows operating system.

Kitty is an Open source SSH client that is based on the 0.71 version of Putty. The automatic password feature of this tool helps in establishing an automatic connection to ssh-1 server, ss-2 server, and telnet server. In this case, the value of the password gets encrypted.

Kitty tool can easily deal with a port knocking sequence. This tool lets you integrate any browser into it such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.

  • KITTY Download

4) Putty

PUTTY - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS - HostNamaste

PUTTY – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

Putty works more or less like a terminal emulator, as it allows you to login to any different computer. This computer can be inter-networked or intra networked. Putty was released in 1999. The regular program comes with an unsophisticated interface.

The basic version of this tool comes without any security features added to it. But if you combine it with SSH protocol then you can add security in the tool. This protocol will provide authentication, as well as encryption to safeguard connection that takes place over the internet.

It provides several types of services that include a file transfer utility. The addition of SFTP and SCP can make this utility secure. Though the basic version of Putty was available for Windows OS, its newer and advanced versions can run on various other types of the operating system that includes UNIX, and Linux. The quality of networking software built into it has advanced over the last few years.

  • Putty Download

5) Hyper

Hyper - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS - HostNamaste

Hyper – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

Hyper is an extensive cross-platform terminal that has an impressive design. This SSH tool is completely free to use and is developed on web standards. Users of this software get an elegant command-line experience that remains consistent throughout all supported platforms that include Windows, Mac OS, and Linux distributions that include Debian, and Fedora.

The main goal of this tool is to provide an extensible and pleasant experience for all users who use the dull and boring command line interface. The tool has the main focus on its stability, speed, the development of the right Application Programming Interface for extension authors.

The software offers remarkable support for DSA and RSA public key authentication along with comprehensively designed user keypair management. The tool comes with an advanced level of scriptable command line SFTP client.

  • Hyper Download

6) Termius

Termius - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS - HostNamaste

Termius – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

Terminus is a good choice for users who need an SSH tool for Linux, Windows, or Mac OS. This tool is more than just being an SSH client. This command line solution redefines remote access for network engineers and system administrators. The tool offers you the ability to securely access loT, and Linux devices and rapidly fix issues from any device like a phone or a laptop easily.

The tool provides several features such as status bar, automatic password, URL hyperlinking, portable sessions, sessions filter, DLL front end, timestamp, Window transparency, and more.

With it, you can easily manage the remote sessions via a single console with a tabbed interface. This free of cost tool is designed to be portable and light. Using it, you can easily automate all your scripts once the connection is established.

  • Termius Donwload

7) MobaXTerm

MobaXTerm - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS - HostNamaste

MobaXTerm – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

MobaXTerm provides an improved terminal for Windows with a tabbed SSH client, X11 server, network tools, and more. If you are looking for remote computing, then MobaXTerm should be there in your list. This tool is designed to work in the Windows environment.

In just one Windows application, the tool provides several functionalities that are personalized to meet the requirements of webmasters, programmers, IT admins, and all those users who require remote commuting facilities in a simplified, easy, and effective manner.

In addition to it, MobaXTerm connectivity tool also provides safe tunneling abilities, various authentication methods, and supports all types of SSH protocol versions. Some of the services offered by this tool are

  • X11 forwarding,

  • Remote terminal (ssh, telnet, rlogin, and mosh),

  • Remote desktop via RDP, XDMCP, and VNC.

  • SSH and full X server assistance

  • MobaXterm Download

8) Bitvise

Bitvise - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS - HostNamaste

Bitvise – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

Bitvise is both an SFTP and SSH client for Windows that is designed to be intuitive and simple to use. This tool is easy to install. With it, you can get access to various features that include tunneling, single-click remote desktop, graphical sftp file transfer, and more. The tool can be used on any version of Windows Operating System that includes Windows XP SP3, to Windows Server 2003.

Here are some of the important features of Bitvise tool:

  • Bitvise SSH client comes with auto-reconnecting abilities

  • The tool makes use of an integrated proxy,

  • Bitwish SSH client enables dynamic forwarding of ports

  • The tool forms a robust SFTP-FTP bridge

  • You get to enjoy security via key exchange algorithm, protection of data integrity, signature algorithm, authentication of the client, and authentication of the server.

  • Bitvise Download

9) Terminals

Terminals – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

Terminals – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

Terminals is another useful and effective SSH terminal that aids developers, as well as system admins by providing frequent logging onto the Linux server from a Windows computer.

It is multi-tab software that offers support to Telnet, RAS, VNC, RDP, SSH. Users can save their credentials such as password, and login Id of the remote servers in this software to be able to connect to the software in one click.

This tool will enable you to open the software either in full-screen or switching between full-screen modes. You can even capture the screenshot while working on the tool. It offers support to several protocols that include RDP, VNC, VMRC, Telnet, SSH.

The software can again open the saved connection once the tool restarts. Users can even open custom apps from its window. The tool provides the ability to the users to create a group of servers. Multiple user credentials can be easily saved for the same server.

  • Terminals Download

10) XShell

XShell - Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS - HostNamaste

XShell – Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS – HostNamaste

XShell is another powerful SSH client on our list. It is a robust solution that offers all the features of Putty along with additional features.

The tool enables you to open the command line interface of the Windows Operating system directly from the XShell. The tool offers a tabbed form of an interface that arranges multiple remote sessions that are required to be viewed as well as supervised simultaneously.

Using the session manager of XShell, you can easily create, modify, as well as simultaneously launch several sessions. Some of the important features of this software are:

  • It provides a deep level of customization by enabling the set-up of key mappings, and quick commands to obtain optimization and efficiency

  • The compose pane feature of the tool enables the user to draft several lines of the alpha-numeric string before passing it to the terminal

  • The highlight feature prevents you from missing any regular expression or keyword

  • The tool provides a complete end to end encryption and various other authentication methods to offer extensive security to its users

  • XShell Download

Comparison and Features of the Top 10 Best Free Open Source SSH Clients for Windows Linux and MacOS 

Solar Putty

  • manage multiple remote sessions via a single console

  • facility to save credentials

  • integration of Windows search feature

  • automate user scripts


  • X11 forwarding,

  • remote desktop via RDP, XDMCP, and VNC

  • Remote terminal (SSH, TELNET, RLOGIN, and MOSH),

  • SSH and full X server assistance


  • automatic password,

  • integration of ZModem,

  • automatic command,

  • ability to execute a locally saved script


  • helps you to log into a different computer on same or different network

  • offer a file transfer utility


  • works on Linux, Windows and Mac OS

  • securely access to loT, and Linux devices

  • rapidly fix issues from devices like a phone or a laptop

  • manage the remote sessions through a single console with a tabbed interface


  • extensible cross-platform terminal with beautiful design

  • focus on stability, speed, the development of the right API

  • offers an advanced level of scriptable command line SFTP client


  • open the Windows command line interface of Windows Operating from the XShell

  • a tabbed form of an interface

  • customization through set-up of key mappings, and quick commands


  • offer support to Telnet, RAS, VNC, RDP, SSH

  • multi-tab software

  • ability to capture the screenshot

  • ability to open custom apps from its window


  • provide features like tunneling, single-click remote desktop, graphical sftp file transfer

  • can be used on Windows XP SP3, to Windows Server 2003

  • auto-reconnecting abilities

  • dynamic forwarding of ports

  • an integrated proxy

  • creates robust SFTP-FTP bridge

Open SSH

  • Remote operations are performed through using SSH, SFT, and SCP

  • The server side of the Open SSH tool comprises of SSHD, SSH-agent, and SFTP-server

  • Strong cyptography is provided with AES, ECDSA, Ed25519, ChaCha20

  • Key management is done using various keys such as SSH-key gen, SSH-key scan, SSH-keyadd and SSH-keysign


So, here we are with the complete list of finest and the most trusted open source SSH connectivity tools that are highly beneficial for remote computing in the online business.

If you still find it difficult to choose the right one from them, then Putty should be your best bet. However, putty fails to provide the ability to open sessions in tabs. The above SSH tools are the best alternatives to Putty and help in overcoming this limitation.

If you are looking for commercial tools, then MobaXterm, Xshell, and ZOC are the best option in this category. If your requirement is media center or home server users, then Terminals, KiTTY, and Solar Putty would be your ideal pick. So, analyze your requirements to choose the right SSH client for your needs.

A list of the best SSH clients for windows with SSH features, screenshots, and pricing.

I have personally tested and reviewed 13 of the best free and paid ssh clients.

PuTTy is still a popular choice but there are several great alternatives worth checking out.

1. MobaXterm


MobaXterm is a tabbed Windows SSH client that simplifies remote computing for personal and professional users. This application allows remote web admins, programmers, and IT professionals to access unsecured remote servers using secure SSH connections.

Among other features, the MobaXterm Windows application enables the secure completion of remote administration tasks, including transferring files and executing commands.

SSH Features

  • Tabbed Unix terminal: Access all necessary network tools, including SSH, telnet, X11, VNC, FTP, and more.
  • SSH gateway (jump proxy): When creating a session using an SSH, RDP, or VNC protocol, choose an SSH gateway to bypass firewalls and connect securely.
  • SSH tunneling: Securely transport data from one port to another through SSH tunneling.
  • X11 server: Display remote applications on your Windows desktop and transfer files through a secure X server.


This SSH client is free for at-home use. The professional edition costs $69 per user, with volume discounts available.

2. SolarPutty


SolarPutty is a free ssh client, created by SolarWinds.

This ssh client for windows has a tabbed modern interface that makes it easy to switch between multiple sessions. The home screen provides a dashboard-style interface and a single click to start a remote session.

SolarPutty has become one of my favorite clients for both ssh and telnet connections. It can also store credentials which is a huge advantage over putty.


  • Manage multiple sessions: The tab interface is a great feature and allows you to switch between connected remote sessions with a single click.
  • Save credentials: Credentials or private keys can be saved for easy login.
  • Multiple protocol support: Solarputty supports SCP, SSH, Telnet, and SFTP protocols
  • Automate Scripts: Run script automatically after authenticating to a remote device


Solarputty is 100% free.

3. Bitvise SSH


Bitvise is a customizable SFTP and Windows SSH client compatible with all Windows versions. Users enjoy remote access to the SSH console for simple SFTP file transfers, port forwarding, and command executions on a Windows desktop.


  • Remote Terminal Shell Access: Connect securely to remote servers over SSH and access data on a workstation without putting the data at risk.
  • Graphical SFTP file transferring: Transfer files securely, manage transfer lists, and access files from an SFTP drive.
  • SSH port forwarding: Create connections using proxies, save port forwarding settings, and use command-line automation to start sessions automatically.
  • SSH jump proxy: Use proxy tunneling that supports HTTP CONNECT, SOCKS4, SOCKS 4A, and SOCKS 5 protocols.
  • FTP-to-SFTP bridge: Translate protocols for a secure FTP-to-SFTP connection.


Users can use Bitvise SSH client for free or purchase a license for $39.95 for more support.

4. Xshell


A dynamic Windows SSH client, Xshell provides a tabbed interface that makes it easy to manage several sessions simultaneously. Xshell supports many protocols, including SSH1, SSH2, SFTP, and more. Users can securely access OpenSSH and servers remotely.


  • Remote file manager: Access a list of files from the remote server and upload and download files.
  • Tabbed interface: Manage your tasks with an intuitive interface featuring drag and drop tabs and a convenient tab manager.
  • Quick commands: Set up buttons for the commands you use most often, and easily assign these Quick Command buttons to sessions.
  • Instant tunneling: Instantly add, change, or remove tunneling from a session.
  • Scripting languages: Use the scripting language you prefer: VB, Java, or Python.


Users can try the Xshell SSH client for free and buy perpetual licenses starting at $99. Licenses include maintenance support for one year.

5. Termius


Termius is a macOS, Linux, and Windows SSH client that works on desktops and mobile devices. Designed for engineers, Termius supports SFTP, MOST, TELNET, and SSH clients for secure connections. Reviewers find this software very user-friendly and convenient.


  • Autocomplete suggestions: Get command suggestions as you type based on all the commands you use across servers.
  • SFTP client: Use the integrated SFTP client to quickly download and upload files without worrying about an insecure connection.
  • Touch terminal: Use Termius on iOS and Android devices using a convenient touch terminal.
  • Modern design: Stop using an SSH client that is stuck in the last century. Termius aims to provide software that uses innovative technology and design.


Termius is free for personal use. Several paid plans are available, including a single-user plan for $8.33 per month (paid annually), a teams plan for $14.99 per month (paid annually), and customized enterprise options.

6. ZOC Terminal

zoc terminal

Another highly customizable SSH client is ZOC Terminal. This Windows SSH client and terminal emulator supports many types of communication, emulation, file transfer protocols, and more. Users can configure the software to fit their needs due to a large number of options and the software’s convenient tabbed interface.


  • SSH Security: Keep your data secure with private-key, keyboard-interactive, or password authentication.
  • SSH port forwarding: Seamlessly transfer traffic to the remote server through a secure, encrypted connection.
  • Jump proxy support: Use HTTP, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5 to connect to a server via a proxy host.
  • SSH client protocols: Make secure connections to remote servers via version one and two SSH protocols.
  • SSH-Keep-Alive: Minimize interruptions due to disconnection issues while you work.


Users can access ZOC Terminal by making a one-time license purchase. A single-user license costs $79.99, and site and enterprise licenses are also available. Licenses include updates and support.



SHELLNGN is a web-based Windows SSH client offering users an advanced but user-friendly server management interface. Users can securely transfer files through SSH connections, automate commands, and more.


  • User-friendly file browser: Use a simple, tabbed interface to manage files remotely.
  • File Editor: Use this SSH client’s code editor to edit files quickly, including HTML, CSS, and JS.
  • Mobile Device Compatibility: Enjoy mobile features, such as the file editor, command snippets, and SFTP browser.
  • SSH terminal emulator: Connect to remote desktops securely using a powerful SSH terminal emulator with many features, including password authentication.


SHELLNGN offers a 14-day free trial and three main plans:

  1. Cloud Basic: For $3.90 per month, users enjoy basic features via an internet browser.
  2. Cloud Advanced: For $9.90 per month, users enjoy more access to these features.
  3. Pro: Starting at $39 per year (personal use), users enjoy more features using a docker version.

8. mRemoteNG


The next generation of mRemote, a Windows SSH client, mRemoteNG offers a tabbed interface for managing remote connections. Users manage connections, connect securely to remote servers to manage and transfer files, create tunnel servers, and more using an easy-to-use interface.


  • Language availability: Translate the software into your native language. Supported languages include Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Use convenient keyboard shortcuts to simplify your file management tasks more quickly.
  • Online guides: Visit for handy troubleshooting guides. Learn how to navigate the software’s user interface, make secure connections using various protocols, and much more.
  • SSH Tunneling: Transfer files through SSH tunnels.
  • Many supported protocols: Make secure connections using RDP, VNC, SSH, Telnet, HTTP/HTTPS, and other protocols.


mRemoteNG is an open-source SSH client, so it is entirely free to use for personal and commercial users.

9. SecureCRT


SecureCRT is a Windows SSH client to help programmers and IT professionals streamline tasks and manage sessions. SSH1 and SSH2 protocols allow secure access to remote servers for protected data transfers. The newest version, SecureCRT 9.2, provides users with enhanced SSH2 support by enabling supported algorithms if the Cipher negotiation fails.


  • Credentials manager: Simplify your password management for local devices with this helpful tool. Track passwords that must change frequently and save sessions more easily.
  • Various types of authentication: Set up many types of authentication with this SSH client, including password, public key, Kerberos v5, and keyboard interactive options.
  • SFTP tabs: Instead of putting in your password again, open SFTP tabs using an existing SSH2 session and drag over the files you want to upload or download.


SecureCRT costs one user $99 for one year of updates and $158 for two years. Other plans exist for group purchases.

10. WinSCP


WinSCP is an SSH client that offers secure file management. Users can transfer files between local and remote devices through several protocols, including FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, and more. This Windows SSH client uses public-key and password authentication to secure file transfers and protect users. This software features easy-to-use drag and drop options for easy file transfers.


  • Directory synchronization: Choose between synching your local and remote directories manually or automatically.
  • Two interfaces: Choose between the simple Explorer interface to see the remote folder or the Commander interface to see both the local and remote folders simultaneously.
  • Master password: Protect stored passwords by creating a master password.
  • Interface for many languages: Users can translate WinSCP to their native language if supported. The software currently offers more than 40 languages, including French, German, and Spanish.


Anyone can use WinSCP software for free.

11. SuperPutty


PuTTY is a Windows SSH client software that provides users with connection and terminal emulation capabilities. The standard PuTTY software does not include a tabbed interface, so it can be challenging to use.

That’s where the Windows application SuperPuTTY comes in. SuperPuTTY improves the interface and capabilities of PuTTY for a more user-friendly experience.


  • Secure SSH connections: Use PuTTY for SSH protocols to establish secure connections between client and server.
  • Manage multiple sessions: Use SuperPuTTY’s new tabbed interface for tab management. Open and manage many sessions at one time.
  • Move tabs freely: Manipulate each tab to place that connection wherever you want for the most convenient display for your tasks.
  • Supports many protocols: Make secure connections using many protocols, including SSH, RLogin, Telnet, and RAW.


PuTTY is a free, open-source SSH client and terminal emulator. SuperPuTTY is a free supporting Windows application that makes PuTTY easier to use.

12. PuTTY


PuTTY is still a very popular SSH client for Windows.

This small program is often used to manage routers, switches, and other network devices. It’s commonly used by Network Administrators who need to establish a serial console connection to network devices for initial configuration.

Putty does lack some features that many other SSH clients have such as saving credentials and a tabbed interface.

Key features

  • Multiple protocols: PuTTY supports SSH, telnet, SFTP and rlogn
  • Local connections: Supports connecting via a serial cable
  • Cross-platform: Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems are supported.
  • Session logging: You can enable session logging to record all activity during a session.


PuTTY is free and open-sourced distributed under the MIT license.

13. Windows Terminal + OpenSSH

windows terminal and open ssh

You can use SSH commands in the windows command line by installing Open SSH. But a better option is to use the new Windows Terminal that was released in 2019.

The new Windows Terminal is a huge upgrade compared to the windows command line. It includes features like tabes, split panes, multiple session types, and the ability to customize settings.

OpenSSH is an ssh client tool for remote logins that use the SSH protocol. It encrypts all traffic between client and server to protect the communication.

The OpenSSH can be installed on Windows 10 and later operating systems.

When using OpenSSH with Windows Terminal you have a modern SSH client with many features that Windows Admins will love.


So what is the best ssh client for Windows?

You can’t go wrong with any of the ssh clients on this list.

My personal favorites are PuTTY, SolarPutty, and Windows Terminal. Yes, I often use multiple ssh clients, it just depends on what I’m working on that day. For example, I will use PuTTY when I need a serial connection for local connectivity and will use SolarPutty when I need a quick connection to a remote device (the saved credentials and dashboard make this so easy).

There are plenty of great ssh clients to choose from. I recommend downloading a few and trying them out on your network.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Which ssh client do you use?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.

WinSCP is an open source free SSH client for Windows with the focus on secure file transfer. You can get it from WinSCP download page. Latest stable WinSCP version is 6.1.2.

  • What is SSH Client?
  • SSH File Transfers
  • SSH Terminal Access
  • WinSCP is Also FTP Client
  • Further Reading


What is SSH Client?

An SSH client is a software which uses the SSH protocol to connect to a remote computer.

In general SSH protocol can be used for two purposes, file transfers and terminal access.

SSH File Transfers

File transfers are primary focus of WinSCP.

WinSCP supports SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) for secure file transfers. In addition to that it also supports legacy SCP (Secure Copy Protocol).

You can use WinSCP to transfer files both manually and automatically.

SSH Terminal Access

While WinSCP does not focus on terminal access, it has basic support for it.

You can execute remote commands via SSH terminal both manually and automatically.

If you need unrestricted terminal access (and still want to use WinSCP for file transfers), you will find integration with PuTTY SSH client useful. This free Telnet and SSH client for Windows can be also downloaded from our PuTTY download page.

WinSCP is Also FTP Client

WinSCP is, in addition to being SFTP client and SCP client, also FTP client. It supports also secure variant of FTP, the FTPS.


Further Reading

  • Connect to FTP server or SFTP server;
  • How do I know if the connection is secure?
  • Upload files to FTP server or SFTP server;
  • Synchronize files with FTP server or SFTP server;
  • Automate file transfers (or synchronization) to FTP server or SFTP server;
  • Other Guides to using WinSCP;
  • Understanding SSH;
  • All Supported file transfer protocols.

19 Open-source and Free SSH Clients for Windows, Linux, and macOS

An SSH client, also known as Secure Shell client, is a software application that allows users to securely connect to remote servers or devices using the SSH protocol. SSH, which stands for Secure Shell, is a cryptographic network protocol that provides secure communication between two systems over an unsecured network.

SSH clients provide a secure way to access and manage remote servers or devices. They encrypt the communication between the client and the server, ensuring that sensitive information such as passwords or data is protected from eavesdropping or unauthorized access.

There are several use-cases for SSH clients. One common use is for remote server administration. System administrators can use SSH clients to securely access and manage servers, perform administrative tasks, and troubleshoot issues from a remote location. SSH clients also enable secure file transfers between local and remote systems, allowing users to securely copy files to or from a remote server.

The benefits of using an SSH client include enhanced security, as the SSH protocol provides strong encryption for data transmission and authentication. SSH clients also offer flexibility and convenience by enabling remote access to servers or devices from anywhere with an internet connection. Additionally, SSH clients often support features such as key-based authentication, session multiplexing, and port forwarding, enhancing the usability and versatility of the client.

Overall, SSH clients play a crucial role in secure remote access and administration, providing a reliable and encrypted connection for managing remote systems and facilitating secure file transfers.

1- PuTTY

PuTTY is a popular SSH client that provides a secure and reliable way to connect to remote servers or devices using the SSH protocol. It is a free and open-source software application that is widely used in the Windows operating system.

PuTTY offers a user-friendly interface and supports various SSH features, making it a versatile tool for remote server administration and file transfers. It allows users to securely log in to remote systems, execute commands, manage files, and perform administrative tasks.

In addition to SSH, PuTTY also supports other protocols such as Telnet, SCP, and SFTP, providing users with a comprehensive solution for remote access and file transfers.

One of the key advantages of PuTTY is its portability. It does not require installation and can be run directly from a USB drive or other portable storage devices, making it convenient for users who need to access remote systems from different computers.

Overall, PuTTY is a reliable and widely-used SSH client that offers secure and convenient remote access to servers or devices. Its flexibility, portability, and support for various protocols make it a popular choice among users in the Windows environment.

PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet client

2- Tabby

Tabby Terminal is a modern and feature-rich terminal emulator and SSH client. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of functionalities for secure remote access and management of servers or devices.

As an SSH client, Tabby Terminal allows users to establish secure SSH connections to remote systems using the SSH protocol. It provides strong encryption for data transmission, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the communication.

Tabby Terminal offers a tabbed interface, allowing users to open multiple SSH sessions in separate tabs, making it easy to manage and switch between different remote connections. It also supports various SSH features such as key-based authentication, port forwarding, and session management.

In addition to SSH, Tabby Terminal supports other protocols like Telnet and serial connections, providing users with a versatile toolset for different types of remote access.

Tabby Terminal is designed to be highly customizable, allowing users to personalize their terminal environment according to their preferences. It supports different color schemes, fonts, and layouts, enabling users to create a comfortable and visually appealing working environment.


  • Integrated SSH and Telnet client and connection manager
  • Integrated serial terminal
  • Theming and color schemes
  • Fully configurable shortcuts and multi-chord shortcuts
  • Split panes
  • Remembers your tabs
  • PowerShell (and PS Core), WSL, Git-Bash, Cygwin, MSYS2, Cmder and CMD support
  • Direct file transfer from/to SSH sessions via Zmodem
  • Full Unicode support including double-width characters
  • Doesn’t choke on fast-flowing outputs
  • Proper shell experience on Windows including tab completion (via Clink)
  • Integrated encrypted container for SSH secrets and configuration
  • SSH, SFTP and Telnet client available as a web app (also self-hosted).

GitHub — Eugeny/tabby: A terminal for a more modern age

A terminal for a more modern age. Contribute to Eugeny/tabby development by creating an account on GitHub.


3- File centipede

File centipede is an All-In-One internet file upload/download manager, BitTorrent Client, WebDAV client, FTP client, and SSH client.

It is designed to be fast, customizable, and user-friendly.

It supports multi-protocols and contains many useful auxiliary tools such as HTTP requester, file merge, and encoders.

With the browser integration, you can download audio and videos from websites, even encrypted videos.

GitHub — filecxx/FileCentipede: Cross-platform internet upload/download manager for HTTP(S), FTP(S), SSH, magnet-link, BitTorrent, m3u8, ed2k, and online videos. WebDAV client, FTP client, SSH client.

Cross-platform internet upload/download manager for HTTP(S), FTP(S), SSH, magnet-link, BitTorrent, m3u8, ed2k, and online videos. WebDAV client, FTP client, SSH client. — GitHub — filecxx/FileCent…


4- Bastillion

Bastillion is a web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems. It combines web-based administration with user’s public SSH key management. Key management and administration are based on user profiles.

Administrators can login using two-factor authentication with Authy or Google Authenticator. They can manage their public SSH keys and connect to systems through a web-shell. Commands can be shared across shells to simplify patching and eliminate duplicate command execution.

Bastillion adds TLS/SSL on top of SSH and acts as a bastion host for administration. This ensures that infrastructure cannot be exposed through tunneling/port forwarding. More details can be found in the whitepaper: Implementing a Trusted Third-Party System for Secure Shell. SSH key management is enabled by default to prevent unmanaged public keys and enforce best practices.

GitHub — bastillion-io/Bastillion: Bastillion is a web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems. Web-based administration is combined with management and distribution of user’s public SSH keys.

Bastillion is a web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems. Web-based administration is combined with management and distribution of user's public SSH keys. -…



This is not an app rather than a Java Library to manage SSH, SCP, and SFTP for Java apps.

GitHub — hierynomus/sshj: ssh, scp and sftp for java

ssh, scp and sftp for java. Contribute to hierynomus/sshj development by creating an account on GitHub.


6- Remmina remote desktop client

This is a remote desktop client that support several protocols including RDP, VNC, SPICE, X2Go, SSH, WWW (HTTP protocol) and EXEC network.

Included features are:

  • Remember last view mode for each connection
  • Double-click configuration
  • Scale quality
  • Auto scroll step size
  • Maximal amount of recent items
  • Keystrokes
  • Screenshot folder
  • Screenshot filename
  • Prevent screenshots from entering clipboard
  • Configure resolutions
  • Send periodic usage statistics to Remmina developers (opt-In)
  • Tabs configuration
  • Toolbar visibility
  • Default view mode
  • Fullscreen behaviour configuration
  • Search bar in the main window
  • Tray icon
  • Dark tray icon
  • SSH tunnel local port
  • Parse ~/.ssh/config
  • SSH log level
  • Terminal font
  • Scrollback lines
  • Deafult colour Scheme

GitHub — FreeRDP/Remmina: Mirror of The GTK+ Remmina Remote Desktop Client

Mirror of The GTK+ Remmina Remote Desktop Client — GitHub — FreeRDP/Remmina: Mirror of The GTK+ Remmina Remote Desktop Client


7- Golang SSH Client

This is an SSH client for Go Lang app that allows you to execute commands remotely over SSH.

GitHub — melbahja/goph: 🤘 The native golang ssh client to execute your commands over ssh connection. 🚀🚀

🤘 The native golang ssh client to execute your commands over ssh connection. 🚀🚀 — GitHub — melbahja/goph: 🤘 The native golang ssh client to execute your commands over ssh connection. 🚀🚀


8- KiTTY

KiTTY is a fork from version 0.76 of PuTTY, the best telnet / SSH client in the world. KiTTY is only designed for the Microsoft(c) Windows(c) platform.


  • Sessions filter
  • Portability
  • Shortcuts for pre-defined command
  • The session launcher
  • Automatic logon script
  • Automatic logon script with the RuTTY patch
  • URL hyperlinks
  • An icon for each session
  • Send to tray
  • Transparency
  • Protection against unfortunate keyboard input
  • Roll-up
  • Always visible
  • Quick start of a duplicate session
  • Enhanced Configuration Box
  • Automatic saving
  • SSH Handler: Internet Explorer integration
  • pscp.exe and WinSCP integration
  • Binary compression
  • Clipboard printing
  • Cygwin and cmd.exe integration
  • File association
  • Other settings
  • New command-line options

GitHub — cyd01/KiTTY: :computer: KiTTY, a free telnet/ssh client for Windows

:computer: KiTTY, a free telnet/ssh client for Windows — GitHub — cyd01/KiTTY: :computer: KiTTY, a free telnet/ssh client for Windows


9- SSB

Secure Shell Bruteforcer — A faster & simpler way to bruteforce SSH server.

GitHub — pwnesia/ssb: Secure Shell Bruteforcer — A faster & simpler way to bruteforce SSH server

Secure Shell Bruteforcer — A faster & simpler way to bruteforce SSH server — GitHub — pwnesia/ssb: Secure Shell Bruteforcer — A faster & simpler way to bruteforce SSH server



ssh man-in-the-middle (ssh-mitm) server for security audits supporting publickey authentication, session hijacking and file manipulation.

Password and publickey authentication are supported and SSH-MITM is able to detect, if a user is able to login with publickey authentication on the remote server. This allows SSH-MITM to accept the same key as the destination server. If publickey authentication is not possible, the authentication will fall back to password-authentication.

When publickey authentication is possible, a forwarded agent is needed to login to the remote server. In cases, when no agent was forwarded, SSH-MITM can rediredt the session to a honeypot.

GitHub — ssh-mitm/ssh-mitm: ssh mitm server for security audits supporting public key authentication, session hijacking and file manipulation

ssh mitm server for security audits supporting public key authentication, session hijacking and file manipulation — GitHub — ssh-mitm/ssh-mitm: ssh mitm server for security audits supporting public…


11- termscp

Termscp is a feature rich terminal file transfer and explorer, with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3. So basically is a terminal utility with an TUI to connect to a remote server to retrieve and upload files and to interact with the local file system. It is Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD and Windows compatible.


  • Different communication protocols: SFTP, SCP, FTP, FTPS, S3, and SMB.
  • 🖥 Explore and operate on the remote and on the local machine file system with a handy UI
  • Create, remove, rename, search, view and edit files
  • ⭐ Connect to your favourite hosts through built-in bookmarks and recent connections
  • 📝 View and edit files with your favourite applications
  • 💁 SFTP/SCP authentication with SSH keys and username/password
  • 🐧 Compatible with Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and MacOS
  • 🎨 Make it yours!
  • Themes
  • Custom file explorer format
  • Customizable text editor
  • Customizable file sorting
  • and many other parameters…
  • 📫 Get notified via Desktop Notifications when a large file has been transferred
  • 🔭 Keep file changes synchronized with the remote host
  • 🔐 Save your password in your operating system key vault
  • 🦀 Rust-powered
  • 👀 Developed keeping an eye on performance
  • 🦄 Frequent awesome updates

GitHub — veeso/termscp: 🖥 A feature rich terminal UI file transfer and explorer with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3/SMB

🖥 A feature rich terminal UI file transfer and explorer with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3/SMB — GitHub — veeso/termscp: 🖥 A feature rich terminal UI file transfer and explorer with support for SCP…


12- IAP Desktop

IAP Desktop is a Windows application that provides zero-trust Remote Desktop and SSH access to Linux and Windows VMs on Google Cloud.

GitHub — GoogleCloudPlatform/iap-desktop: IAP Desktop is a Windows application that provides zero-trust Remote Desktop and SSH access to Linux and Windows VMs on Google Cloud.

IAP Desktop is a Windows application that provides zero-trust Remote Desktop and SSH access to Linux and Windows VMs on Google Cloud. — GitHub — GoogleCloudPlatform/iap-desktop: IAP Desktop is a W…



wolfSSH is a small, fast, portable SSH implementation, including support for SCP and SFTP.

GitHub — wolfSSL/wolfssh: wolfSSH is a small, fast, portable SSH implementation, including support for SCP and SFTP.

wolfSSH is a small, fast, portable SSH implementation, including support for SCP and SFTP. — GitHub — wolfSSL/wolfssh: wolfSSH is a small, fast, portable SSH implementation, including support for S…


14- hss

hss is an interactive ssh client for multiple servers. It will provide almost the same experience as in the bash environment. It supports:

  • interactive input: based on libreadline.
  • history: responding to the C-r key.
  • auto-completion: completion from remote server on the tab key, for commands and paths.

Command is executed on all servers in parallel. Execution on one server does not need to wait for that on another server to finish before starting. So we can run a command on hundreds of servers at the same time.

GitHub — six-ddc/hss: An interactive parallel ssh client featuring autocomplete and asynchronous execution.

An interactive parallel ssh client featuring autocomplete and asynchronous execution. — GitHub — six-ddc/hss: An interactive parallel ssh client featuring autocomplete and asynchronous execution.


15- electerm

This is an open-sourced terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/sftp client(linux, mac, win).

GitHub — electerm/electerm: 📻Terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/sftp client(linux, mac, win)

📻Terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/sftp client(linux, mac, win) — GitHub — electerm/electerm: 📻Terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/sftp client(linux, mac, win)


16- ConnectBot (Android)

ConnectBot is a Secure Shell client for Android that lets you connect to remote servers over a cryptographically secure link.

GitHub — connectbot/connectbot: ConnectBot is the first SSH client for Android.

ConnectBot is the first SSH client for Android. Contribute to connectbot/connectbot development by creating an account on GitHub.


17- WebSSH

This is a simple web application to be used as an ssh client to connect to your ssh servers. It is written in Python, base on tornado, paramiko and xterm.js.


  • SSH password authentication supported, including empty password.
  • SSH public-key authentication supported, including DSA RSA ECDSA Ed25519 keys.
  • Encrypted keys supported.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (time-based one-time password) supported.
  • Fullscreen terminal supported.
  • Terminal window resizable.
  • Auto detect the ssh server’s default encoding.
  • Modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera supported.

GitHub — huashengdun/webssh: :seedling: Web based ssh client

:seedling: Web based ssh client. Contribute to huashengdun/webssh development by creating an account on GitHub.


18- WebSSH2

Web SSH Client using ssh2,, xterm.js, and express

A bare bones example of an HTML5 web-based terminal emulator and SSH client. We use SSH2 as a client on a host to proxy a Websocket / connection to a SSH2 server.

GitHub — billchurch/webssh2: Web SSH Client using ssh2,, xterm.js, and express. webssh webssh2

Web SSH Client using ssh2,, xterm.js, and express. webssh webssh2 — GitHub — billchurch/webssh2: Web SSH Client using ssh2,, xterm.js, and express. webssh webssh2


19- SSHClient

This is a small SSH client written in C#.

GitHub — skahwah/SSHClient: A C# SSH client

A C# SSH client. Contribute to skahwah/SSHClient development by creating an account on GitHub.


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