Free pdf viewer windows 10

Многие документы, книги создают в формате PDF, потому что файл одинаково отображается в любых приложениях, поддерживающих такое расширение. Поэтому каждому пользователю рекомендуется установить на компьютер просмотрщик ПДФ. В этой статье рассмотрим ТОП-10 бесплатных приложений и расскажем, какая программа для чтения файлов PDF для Windows 10 лучшая с точки зрения функционала, простоты и удобства.

Название Оценка Есть русский язык Есть конвертер Кроссплатформенность Удобный интерфейс Редактирование файлов
PDF Commander 9.8
Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.5
Cool PDF Reader 9.2
Wondershare PDF Reader 9.0
Nitro Pro 10 8.9
Foxit Reader 8.7
Expert PDF Reader 8.3
Xodo PDF Reader 8.1
Slim PDF 7.9
Icecream PDF Editor 7.8
Infix PDF Editor 7.6

Логотип PDF Commander

PDF Commander

972К установок

3kk просмотров

Это одна из самых функциональных программ для Windows 10, созданная российским разработчиком AMS Software, поэтому он доступен в 2023 году без ограничений для домашнего пользования и компаний. Скачав PDF Commander, вы можете больше не переживать, чем открыть PDF в Windows 10, а также создать новый файл, отредактировать или вырезать из него несколько страниц.

Логотип Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader

774К установок

1381К просмотров

Это продвинутый редактор для создания, просмотра и объединения PDF-документов. Особенность программного обеспечения заключается в поддержке серверных операционных систем Microsoft Windows Server 2008, 2012.

Логотип Cool PDF Reader

Cool PDF Reader

1173К установок

3kk просмотров

Это простая читалка ПДФ для Виндовс 10, которую можно скачать и установить на ПК или загрузить портативную версию на диск или USB-флешку. Приложение отлично подходит для чтения документации, книг, но в плане редактирования софт уступает конкурентам.

Логотип Wondershare PDF Reader

Wondershare PDF Reader

506К установок

2kk просмотров

Популярная программа для просмотра PDF Windows 10, которая, по сравнению с аналогами, имеет огромный инструментарий. Она позволяет читать, редактировать, создавать, объединять, извлекать полезную информацию, добавлять новые программы.

Логотип Nitro Pro 10

Nitro Pro 10

1247К установок

4kk просмотров

Условно-бесплатная программа для открытия файлов PDF на Windows 10, которая имеет большой набор функций для редактирования материалов. Пользователи могут удалять текст, исправлять опечатки, размещать вотермарки, картинки и другие графические объекты, нумеровать листы, настраивать колонтитулы, копировать и вставлять фрагменты.

Логотип Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader

840К установок

4kk просмотров

Это бесплатный просмотрщик PDF для Windows 10, который подходит для решения базовых задач. Однако для распознавания текста, изменения содержимого файлов и других действий необходимо разблокировать дополнительные функции, оформив лицензию платно.

Логотип Expert PDF Reader

Expert PDF Reader

982К установок

4kk просмотров

Этот софт создан для выполнения одной задачи — чтение PDF файлов в Windows 10. С его помощью можно открыть материалы, извлечь из них фрагменты текста и картинки, конвертировать ПДФ в другие форматы однако в ней нельзя редактировать документы, поэтому разработчик также создал Expert PDF Home, Ultimate, Professional.

Логотип Xodo PDF Reader

Xodo PDF Reader

385К установок

1401К просмотров

Это читалка ПДФ для Виндовс 10, скачать бесплатно которую можно на официальном сайте разработчика. Особенностью программы можно назвать то, что есть версии не только для компьютера, но и iOS, Android, но функционал Xodo PDF Reader на разных платформах различается.

Логотип Slim PDF

Slim PDF

472К установок

1317К просмотров

Эта программа, как и другие PDF ридеры для Windows 10, имеет ограниченный функционал, которого достаточно только для чтения и базового редактирования. С помощью стандартных функций можно доработать содержание, но для создания файлов с нуля потребуется более мощный софт.

Логотип Icecream PDF Editor

Icecream PDF Editor

1182К установок

5kk просмотров

Это простой редактор для создания, коррекции и оформления документов от студии Icecream Apps, который регулярно входит в ТОПы лучших программ для работы с цифровыми документами. Программу для PDF можно скачать бесплатно, русская версия для Windows 10 сделана качественно, поэтому проблем с освоением приложения не будет.

Логотип Infix PDF Editor

Infix PDF Editor

295К установок

1074К просмотров

Это редактор ПДФ, который предлагает пользователям такие расширенные функции, как проверка орфографии, замена слов, штампы, заметки, подписи и т. д. Программа доступна бесплатно, но большинство функций доступно только после покупки подписки.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Можно ли открыть ПДФ, если нет читалки?

Современные браузеры имеют функцию просмотра ПДФ. Если файл скачан с сайта, его можно сразу же открыть. В Windows 10 браузер Edge является программой по умолчанию для открытия файлов. ПДФ будет отображаться на отдельной вкладке. Стоит отметить, что для просмотра документации не требуется доступ к интернету. Также PDF поддерживает Microsoft Word и Google Docs.

Как убрать водяной знак?

Обычно вотермарки появляются в демонстрационных версиях редакторов. Чтобы убрать их, пользователь должен купить платную подписку или перейти на Pro-версию приложения. Других способов убрать их нет, поскольку водяные знаки накладываются на всех страницах, поверх текста и т. д.

В чем особенность PDF?

Это универсальный файловый формат, который отличается от других тем, что сохраняет шрифты, картинки и исходный макет документа. ПДФ одинаково отображается на любых платформах, что сделало общемировым стандартом в области тиражирования и обмена документацией.

Как выбрать читалку PDF?

При выборе приложения нужно внимательно изучить его. Читалка должна иметь такие функции, как редактирование, аннотирование, создание файлов с нуля. При этом софт должен быстро загружаться и иметь встроенный конвертер, который позволит просматривать файлы разных форматов и подготавливать ПДФ к последующему редактированию документа в Word и других программах.

Как редактировать PDF в браузере?

Существует несколько онлайн-сервисов, которые позволяют создавать с нуля и редактировать ПДФ-документы. Например:,,, Они по функционалу уступают десктопному софту, но имеют все стандартные функции. Их главная проблема — зависимость от интернета.

Почему ПДФ файл открывается только в браузере?

Проблема заключается в том, что браузер выбран программой по умолчанию. Нужно в настройках приложения или операционной системы указать другую читалку. Тогда PDF будут открываться с помощью выбранного пользователя софта. Также можно пользоваться функцией «Открыть с помощью» в контекстном меню.

PDF-XChange Viewer
для Windows

PDF-XChange Viewer скриншот № 1

PDF-XChange Viewer — небольшая и полнофункциональная программа для просмотра файлов в формате PDF.  Сочетает в себе огромный список возможностей, высокое качество и быстродействие. Имеет многоязычный интерфейс.

Основные функции приложения:

  • Просмотр и печать файлов формата PDF. Во время просмотра можно менять размер шрифта в документах, увеличивать или уменьшать картинки, внедрённые в документы.
  • Удобная навигация при просмотре многостраничных PDF документов.
  • Возможность просмотра несколько PDF документов одновременно.
  • Поддержка просмотра зашифрованных PDF файлов.
  • Настраиваемая область просмотра и панелей инструментов. Экспорт и импорт настроек.
  • Добавление комментариев и аннотаций (стикеров) для любого PDF-файла. Позволяет делать отметки (заметки) добавляя текст или объекты.
  • Извлечение текста.
  • Конвертация документов PDF в графические форматы BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG и другие. Создание на основе графических файлов PDF документов.
  • Интеграция в программы-переводчики (ABBYY Lingvo, Translate It!).
  • Имеет плагины для MS IE и для Firefox.
  • Возможность отсылать по электронной почте PDF файл непосредственно из окна просмотра.
  • Добавление и поддержка пользовательских штампов (Custom Stamps) из любого файла изображения или PDF-файла и буфера обмена.
  • Поддерживает работу с вкладками.
  • Полностью поддерживает javascript.

Что нового в PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.322.10?

  • Исправлены ошибки.

ТОП-сегодня раздела «PDF»

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Foxit Reader — компактная и шустрая программа просмотра и печати PDF файлов, добавления комментариев, заполнению форм и подписи документов PDF…

скачать WinScan2PDFWinScan2PDF 8.67

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Отзывы о программе PDF-XChange Viewer

Cat про PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.322.10 [28-12-2022]

Очень удобный и быстрый.
5 | 4 | Ответить

элина про PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.322.10 [14-04-2021]

Почему , в программе при распечатывании файла нет кнопки выбора принтера
8 | 6 | Ответить

dapar19 про PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.322.10 [10-12-2020]

по-моему один из лучших если не лучший
8 | 4 | Ответить

Циферий про PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.322.9 [19-11-2018]

Конвертнул мангу с пиксива на отличненько. Сканлейтер одобряет.
9 | 10 | Ответить

Тиныч про PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.322.8 [27-02-2018]

Крутое приложение, есть поворот любой страницы
9 | 7 | Ответить

PDF documents are very popular as they can be opened on any operating system, and they are easy to attach with an email, message, or website. A PDF document also provides the advantage of not being altered easily. So, it is extensively used by individuals and organizations for digital copies of resumes, study material, documents, and manuals for peripherals and devices.

A PDF reader software helps you create, manage, and secure your PDF files all in one place. It allows you to simplify complicated tasks involved in PDFs. There are many dedicated Windows PDF readers available in the market. Therefore, selecting the best PDF reader for editing, altering, or managing your PDF files is difficult. We have created the best PDF readers list for your needs. Read more…

Top Pick

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free PDF review software for viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. It provides multiple viewing modes to reduce eyestrain. This free PDF reader software works across multiple devices.

Visit Adobe Acrobat Reader

Following is a handpicked list of Top PDF Reader tools, pros, cons, and the latest PDF reader download links. This list contains Free (open source) as well as Commercial (paid) tools.

Name Price Windows Supported versions Link
👍 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Reader is Free. Adobe Acrobat is paid Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11 Learn More
UPDF The reader is Free, editor is paid. Windows 7 or later Learn More
PDFgear The reader and the editor are all free Windows 10, 11 Learn More
PDF Xchange The reader is Free, and the Editor version is paid Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 and 11 Learn More
Foxit Reader The reader is Free, editor is paid. Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 and 11 Learn More

1) Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free PDF review software for viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. It provides multiple viewing modes to reduce eyestrain.

#1 Top Pick

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC


  • Hides unnecessary menus when switched to full screen.
  • Offers multiple viewing modes to reduce eyestrain.
  • It offers an easy-to-use drag-and-drop to manage PDFs.
  • This free PDF reader software works across multiple devices.
  • Easy integration with the Adobe Cloud system.
  • Supports extraction of words and images.


  • The export function has a slow speed.
  • Its free version offers very limited features.

Supported platforms: Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Mac, and Linux.

Visit Adobe Acrobat


UPDF offers a delightful PDF reading experience for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android for free. Also, UPDF is a great AI-integrated PDF editor to annotate, edit, convert, OCR, protect, fill, sign, summarize, translate, and explain PDFs.





First PDF editor/reader with presentation mode.

View PDF files simply and fast

Windows Supported versions: Windows 7 or later

Download: Free Download

Visit UPDF


  • View, search, print, sign, edit and annotate PDF files in one app
  • OCR recognition accuracy is high
  • First PDF editor/reader with presentation mode.
  • Share the PDF file via a link
  • Multi-Tab View Ability
  • Support all platforms and 4 devices at the same time
  • View PDF files simply and fast
  • Support dark mode. Lightweight with simple design, not bloated
  • Full-featured with edit, convert, protect, organize, crop, and compress pdf files


  • No Linux version.
  • Some small functions still need to be polished

Supported platforms: Windows 7 or later; macOS, iOS, Android

Visit UPDF >>

3) PDFgear

PDFgear is a comprehensive PDF manager that includes a remarkable feature – integration with GPT 3.5. It quickly extracts crucial information from large PDF files and provides instantaneous answers to any questions about the file.





All features are free of charge

First PDF reader with integrated ChatGPT

Windows Supported versions: Windows 10 and 11

Download: Free Download

Visit PDFgear


  • 100% free
  • AI tool to help you read more efficiently by analyzing and summarizing text (whether it’s a digital PDF or scanned PDF)
  • Get direct answers from the AI instead of manually searching
  • Multiple display mode: Single/double page view, auto-scrolling, fullscreen
  • Choose from a variety of PDF background colors
  • Highlight, draw, add comments, and take notes in PDF
  • Extract text from scanned PDF files using OCR


  • No dedicated app for Android users.

Supported platforms: Windows 10, 11, macOS, iOS

Visit PDFgear >>

4) PDF Xchange

PDF-XChange Editor is a free PDF reader tool that offers buttons, toolbars, and side panels to edit PDFs with ease. It is one of the fastest PDF readers that allows you to disable unnecessary stuff for a cleaner viewing experience.



  • Adding and placing text is exceptionally easy.
  • Well-organized and user-friendly interface.
  • It is one of the best PDF reader software that helps you edit PDF files by attaching notes.
  • This free PDF software offers additional functionality for the creation and editing of fillable forms.
  • Supports adding comments before sharing files.
  • It is the best portable PDF reader for Windows.


  • Watermark on the output.

Supported platforms: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10.


5) Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader is an easy-to-read PDF reader tool that allows you to view, annotate, form-fill, and sign PDFs across desktop, mobile, and web. It enables you to grant access for collaborating with your friends and colleagues on the same PDF document. You can keep track of people who opened the doc, edit it, and view all their activities in real-time.



  • This free PDF software allows you to read PDFs anywhere.
  • You can leverage existing forms and workflows with standard PDF and XFA form filling.
  • Helps you to customize mass deployments and the setup customization tool for installer configuration.
  • You can integrate it with leading cloud storage services and popular enterprise CMS.


  • Only available for Windows; the macOS version requires purchase after a free trial.
  • No Linux version.

Supported platforms: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10.


6) ABBYY FineReader

ABBYY FineReader PDF is a PDF reader for Windows that allows you to share and collaborate with different documents in the same workflow. This free PDF software also helps you to streamline document conversion.



  • Allows you to scan and convert paper documents to Word, Excel, or PDF.
  • It optimizes document processes.
  • You can standardize software assets.
  • Helps you digitize the document workflow.
  • It allows you to find out changes between various versions of the documents.


  • It lacks full-text indexing, which is necessary for fast searches.

Supported platforms: Windows 8.1, 10.

Visit ABBYY >>

7) Icecream Apps PDF Editor

Icecream Apps PDF-Editor is an easy-to-use software that enables you to create and make changes in the PDF file. It is one of the best PDF software that helps you edit, manage pages, annotate, and more.

Icecream Apps PDF Editor


  • Icecream PDF Editor helps you to move, rotate, and resize PDF objects.
  • This PDF viewer allows you to set a password to protect PDF files.
  • You can draw, add shapes, arrows, and lines to a PDF document.
  • It helps you to merge PDF documents into one file.
  • Offers built-in forms in PDF documents.
  • Allows you to add notes in your PDF file.
  • It allows you to search through the document before making changes to it.


  • The free version offers very limited features.
  • This PDF software does not have the option to import multiple PDF files.

Supported platforms: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.

Visit IcecreamApps

8) Nitro Reader

Nitro Reader is a powerful PDF editor that allows converting PDF to Excel and PowerPoint formats. This PDF reader software comes along with the OCR engine for scanning paper documents. It helps you to make your working with digital documents stress-free.



  • Allows you to convert your PDF file to Excel and PowerPoint formats.
  • You can customize the toolbar for quick access.
  • This PDF reader software allows you to convert other file types to PDF.
  • This Windows PDF reader helps you to access shared files quicker with your team and colleagues.
  • It is one of the fastest PDF readers, which allows you to export pages to different image files.
  • Offers multitasking feature to modify PDF files easily.


  • This software only has the paid version.
  • Does not have a tool to edit the document text.

Supported platforms: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10.

Visit Nitro >>

9) Slim PDF

Slim PDF is a PDF reader software that helps you open and view your PDF documents, add comments and other annotations. You can also fill out interactive forms and validate digital signatures by using this tool. It provides a full range of advanced and customizable annotation tools.

Slim PDF


  • Provides the best navigation for a simplified PDF viewing experience.
  • Offers a full range of advanced and customizable annotation tools.
  • It offers interactive PDF form filling and signature verification features.
  • You can sign PDFs with electronic and digital signatures.
  • Allows you to create a PDF from any printable file format.


  • Sometimes it acts buggy and fails to load elements such as signatures.

Supported platforms: Windows, Mac, and Linux.


10) Ashampoo PDF

Ashampoo PDF helps you to manage and edit your PDF documents easily. This PDF software application helps you to create, edit, and protect your PDF files. It creates perfectly sized documents which are readable on any device. It also uses encryption to protect your intellectual properties.

Ashampoo® PDF Pro 2


  • You can compare two PDFs side by side.
  • It allows you to edit open images in place with an external image editor.
  • This Window PDF reader helps you to find out and replace colors throughout documents.
  • It helps you to split your PDF files into smaller documents with a custom number of pages.
  • You can replace document fonts for easier file exchange with other PDF programs.


  • Editing files is a bit hard, unlike in words.

Supported platforms: Windows 7, 8, and 10.

Visit Ashampoo

11) Google Drive

Google Drive also offers a PDF viewer feature. It is free PDF software for anyone who has a Google account. It allows you to open, view, convert and share any of your PDF Files across the cloud on the platform. Moreover, you can convert your PDF files into an editable doc format with just a few clicks.

Google Drive


  • Easy to use and clean interface.
  • Offers secure access to all of your content.
  • Supports SSL encryption.
  • This free PDF software allows you to store PDFs, presentations, and photos.
  • It helps you to access your docs from anywhere.


  • You need to be connected to the Internet to use Google Drive.

Supported platforms: Windows, Android, and iOS.

Visit Google Drive

12) PDF Element

PDF Element is a powerful PDF-viewer application for creating and managing PDF forms and documents. It allows you to extract data from forms and export them into spreadsheets.

PDF Element


  • You can manage all your digital workflows with tools to easily create and edit documents.
  • Allows you to convert, review, protect and sign documents all in one place.
  • This PDF viewer allows you to customize fonts, personalize text style, and add graphics.
  • PDF element helps you to track comments, monitor changes, and add highlights.
  • You can convert PDF files into MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and RTF documents.
  • Allows you to permanently black out sensitive information before sharing the documents.


  • Watermark in the free version.
  • OCR feature is exclusive to the paid version.

Supported platforms: Windows, iOS, and Android.

Visit PDF Element

13) Soda PDF

Soda PDF is a portable PDF reader software. You can use this application at your home and on the go. It is a fully functional online PDF reader that helps you create professional PDFs from various file formats.

Soda PDF


  • You can efficiently make changes to your PDF documents.
  • It makes the document revision process easy.
  • You can send and track various contracts for e-sign.
  • Offers a cloud-based management suite.


  • It is a very expensive tool compared to its peers.

Supported platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices.


How do I get Adobe Acrobat Reader for free on Windows 10?

Step 1) Download the PDF reader on your PC

Open: and select Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader for free

Step 2) Select your operating system

You will be asked about your operating system; I am selecting Windows 10. However, you need to select the Windows version according to your PC.

Adobe Acrobat Reader for free

Step 3) Select language

You need to select the language of your choice. I have selected English.

Adobe Acrobat Reader for free

Step 4) Select the version

Lastly, select the 64-bit version for the 64-bit PC.

Adobe Acrobat Reader for free

Step 5) Download the Acrobat Reader

Now, go to the upper right corner of the screen and start downloading Acrobat reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader for free

Step 6) Save and run the .exe file on your PC

Click on the finish button when the process is completed and install the software by double-clicking on the .exe file

Adobe Acrobat Reader for free

Step 7) Start the PDF reader application

You can see that the Acrobat PDF DC application has been launched

Adobe Acrobat Reader for free


Best PDF Reader: Free PDF Viewer

Name Price Windows Supported versions Link
👍 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Reader is Free. Adobe Acrobat is paid Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 Learn More
UPDF The reader is Free, editor is paid. Windows 7 or later Learn More
PDFgear The reader and the editor are all free Windows 10, 11 Learn More
PDF Xchange The reader is Free, and the Editor version is paid Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 Learn More
Foxit Reader The reader is Free, editor is paid. Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 Learn More

We present the top-rated PDF viewers by experts

by Madalina Dinita

Madalina has been a Windows fan ever since she got her hands on her first Windows XP computer. She is interested in all things technology, especially emerging technologies… read more

Updated on

  • If you’re an eBook reader or a business person, you definitely need the best PDF viewer for Windows 10.
  • Highlight, annotate and edit your PDF documents with our software choices below, such as Adobe, Icecream, and Nitro.
  • Some of the products below allow users to bookmark their favorite books or documents.

Find the best pdf viewer for Windows 10

Nowadays, there are many PDF viewer tools you can choose to edit and view PDF files. As always, when too many options are available, it becomes challenging for users to choose one.

To make this task easier for you, we’ve created a list of the best Windows 10 PDF viewer tools available on the market. In case you’ve made the transition to the latest OS, do not hesitate to check out the best PDF reader software for Windows 11.

Here are the top products that we’re gonna talk about:

  1. Wondershare PDFelement – Best PDF reader and editor
  2. Soda PDF – Feels like a book
  3. Adobe Acrobat Reader – Nice interface
  4. Icecream Ebook Reader – Perfect for Ebooks
  5. Nitro Free PDF Reader – Offers a free trial
  6. Xodo PDF Reader – Simple and quick
  7. PDF Annotate&Fill – Best for editing
  8. PDF Viewer – Easy navigation
  9. Perfect PDF Reader – Compatible with most formats
  10. Foxit Mobile PDF – Perfect for slow PCs
  11. Reader – Microsoft’s very own PDF viewer
  12. Swifdoo – Seamless in every sense
  13. PDF Reader – As refined as it can be

Wondershare PDFelement – Best PDF reader and editor

If you’re looking for a great PDF reader, but also want a bit more than reading a PDF document, look no further than Wondershare PDFelement.

Actually, a lot more because AI also powers this PDF editor, so it’s the next level when handling documents.

With Wondershare PDFelement, you can translate or even wholly rewrite your PDF documents and then export them in one click.

Another cool AI feature is document summarization. Yes, you may create text summaries of a complex PDF and export them as Markdown files.

As mentioned above, this app also has complete PDF editing features. For instance, you can eSign PDFs, annotate your documents, move, copy, delete, split the pages, combine more documents, and more.

Another pleasant surprise is that PDFelement works on Windows but also on Android and iOS, so that you can work on your documents on any such device.

In case you’re wondering, you will also be able to access your own 20 GB cloud storage space to store your documents safely.

Let’s review some of its best features:

  • Sign your documents securely
  • AI features for summarizing, translating, and exporting your documents
  • 20 GB of cloud storage space
  • Collaborate with your colleagues by using the annotate tool
  • Move, copy, delete, and split the pages or combine PDF documents

Wondershare PDFelement

Read your PDF documents or edit them easily by using a modern AI-infused software!

Soda PDF – Feels like a book

Soda PDF viewer

As its name suggests, this tool allows you to view your PDF files in 3D. You can flip through the pages of a PDF document just like you would with a real paper book.

Moreover, there’s no need to transform the files into another format. The software is versatile, compatible with tablets, laptops, and phones.

This app lets you view your PDF files in regular modes: single, continuous, facing, and facing continuous.

You can also convert your PDF documents into Microsoft Word format, allowing you to edit all aspects of the document.

Let’s quickly look at its key features:

  • Mark your document by highlighting, underlining, and strikethrough
  • Add Shapes, use the Pen tool, and add Text to your document
  • Sign and secure files

Soda PDF

Enjoy your eBooks, and read and annotate your important work or school files and projects with Soda PDF.

Adobe Acrobat Reader – Nice interface

adobe acrobat reader

The Acrobat Reader is one of the best PDF readers for PC, and it allows you to view, print, sign, comment on, share, and annotate PDFs absolutely free of charge. It’s undoubtedly the best PDF viewer in Windows 10.

Thanks to its cross-platform functionality, the Reader is versatile enough to accompany you anywhere. View your PDFs and more from any device and any location absolutely free.

How we test, review and rate?

We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

Speaking about versatility, the Reader is also highly flexible, and you can customize it to fit your needs.

When reading a PDF document, you can hide all the toolbars and task panes to maximize the viewing area on your screen.

To open Read mode, simply choose View > Read Mode from the menu. Further, use the basic reading controls available on the floating toolbar, such as page navigation and zoom.

Let’s quickly look at its key features:

  • View and annotate PDF files (complete commenting toolset integrated)
  • Acrobat Reader mobile app (view PDFs across any device and any location)
  • Cloud storage (Acrobat Reader DC is connected to Adobe Document Cloud)
  • Seamless integration with popular third-party apps (Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive)
  • Fully customizable tool (activate additional capabilities and only pay for what you want and need: Adobe Acrobat Export PDF to convert PDFs to Word or Excel files or Adobe Acrobat PDF Pack to convert, combine, and send files for a low monthly fee)

Adobe Acrobat Reader

View, annotate, and edit PDF files easily, on multiple platforms using Adobe Acrobat Reader

Icecream Ebook Reader – Perfect for Ebooks

ice cream ebook reader

Icecream Ebook Reader is a top-notch PDF viewer, designed mostly for eBooks, but for sure, you can also use it for any large PDF document.

What makes Icecream Ebook Reader unique is the one-click feature that allows you to resume reading where you left it, the bookmarks feature, to mark your favorite parts of a book or the full-screen mode for PC.

Moreover, you may alter the text to better suit your needs, allowing you to read the text in blocks of any preferred size.

Some other notable features of Icecream Ebook Reader:

  • Opens PDF, MOBI, DJVU, and other similar formats
  • Copy, Translate, and Search functions
  • Intuitive scrollbar for quick navigation
  • Text annotation feature
  • Night mode
  • Export Library features to easily transfer your ebook collection

Icecream Ebook Reader

Read, annotate, and mark your PDF documents with ease with this intuitive and handy reader.

Nitro Free PDF Reader – Offers a free trial

nitro pdf viewer

Nitro PDF reader is an excellent free PDF software for Windows and over 600,000 companies use it, it truly deserves the first position in this list.

Starting with a 2-week trial period and finishing with all the features that are opened once you get the paid version, this software is worth all your attention.

This app makes the team work on the same document easier by adding multiple user layers including comments, bookmarks, and signatures.

Let’s quickly look at its key features:

  • You’ll be able to create PDF files from over 300 file formats
  • You can customize your PDF documents: colors, orientation, page size, quality
  • Automatic display of digital signatures, comments, or bookmarks and their prioritization
  • Creation of your own signature by taking a photo or scanning the signature
  • Full output compatibility with other PDF readers

The tool can be downloaded for free from Nitro’s official website. However, to unlock all the features for a full user experience you can buy the Pro version.

Nitro Free PDF Reader

Nitro Free PDF Reader lets you customize, display digital signatures, and add bookmarks to your PDF files

Xodo PDF Reader – Simple and quick

The Xodo PDF Reader is a very powerful tool, offering a wide range of features, from viewing and editing PDF files to converting your photos into PDF documents.

Another interesting feature is the presence of the Night Mode for comfortable PDF reading in dark environments.

Let’s quickly look at its key features:

  • Bookmark pages for future reference
  • Use the table of contents to jump to chapters and sections
  • Draw and type text directly on the PDF
  • Insert, rearrange, and delete pages in PDF documents
  • Fill out, save, and send PDF forms
  • Optimized for styluses.

You can download the Xodo PDF Reader & Editor from the Microsoft Store.

Xodo PDF Reader

With Xodo PDF Reader you can bookmark, insert, rearrange, and delete your document pages with ease

PDF Annotate & Fill – Best for editing

This tool focuses mainly on editing PDF files, but you can also use it simply for viewing PDF documents.

PDF Annotate & Fill allows you to draw on PDF docs, add different shapes or text, and edit elements by changing their color, size, transparency, and location. We dare say it’s the Photoshop of PDF readers.

Let’s have a look at its key features:

  • You can draw text, straight lines, and any other shapes directly into the PDF
  • Highlight, underline, and even strikeout your text
  • Add comments and shapes to your PDF
  • Add annotations and navigate between them easily

PDF Annotate & Fill

Annotate, fill, view, and edit your important PDF documents with this awesome little software

PDF Viewer – Easy navigation

PDF Viewer Windows 10 app

This powerful PDF tool allows users to open documents from local storage and from the Internet. Also, you can zoom in and out and search for specific words in the text.

Navigation is very easy and smooth, you can use the scroll mode or use the navigation keys. The interface is simplistic and plain, to keep you focused on your reading.

Besides, you can add bookmarks to make it easier to locate important information.

Let’s take a quick glance at its main features:

  • You can navigate through the document by using pages
  • You can bookmark your favorite books
  • Small app size barely takes any storage space
  • Works with Wi-fi at 2.5 or 3G
  • You can select multiple documents

PDF Viewer

PDF Viewer is a simple and small app that will allow you to view and edit your PDF files with no problem

Perfect PDF Reader – Compatible with most formats

Perfect PDF Reader windows 10 app

Perfect PDF Reader is a free, fast, and user-friendly app for viewing and printing PDF and XPS files. It’s one of the best PDF viewers in Windows 10.

This tool can quickly open PDF, XPS, and OXPS files in multiple windows.

Also, you can use various viewer layouts, fit modes, and zoom tools, and navigate using links, bookmarks, outlines, and/or semantic zoom. The app allows users to fill in PDF forms as well.

Let’s quickly check its core features:

  • You can open any type of PDF file and eBooks
  • You can text search in any document
  • View multiple files in individual windows
  • Comes with a bookshelf that will arrange itself based on categories
  • You can share PDF files with your other apps

Get Perfect PDF Reader

Foxit Mobile PDF – Perfect for slow PCs


Foxit Mobile PDF is a small PDF viewer which allows you to open, view, and annotate any PDF files. This tool has been specially designed for those who use PDF documents on the go.

It’s a simple yet highly effective PDF viewer that works well on Windows and should meet all the requirements. Besides, it offers the option to search.

Let’s quickly look at its key features:

  • Search text in a file
  • Directly jump to a certain page using bookmarks
  • Easily zoom the page using your fingers
  • Easily adjust comment colors and opacity
  • Show or hide comments
  • Record recently opened files.

Get Foxit Mobile PDF

Reader – Microsoft’s very own PDF viewer

Reader is Microsoft’s own PDF viewer and one of the best for Windows 10. The tool supports XPS and TIFF files. Also, Reader allows users to view documents, search for words or phrases, take notes, fill in forms, and print or share files.

This app has a clean and easy-to-use interface but lacks essential features such as multi-window support and bookmark navigation needs to be improved.

Overall, the app does what it promises and doesn’t require much space on your disk, it only needs 15MB.

Let’s see some of its main features:

  • Highlight your content
  • Fill in forms and signatures digitally
  • Easily save, share, and print your documents

Get Reader

SwifDoo – Seamless in every sense

SwifDoo is one of the most user-friendly and user-centric PDF viewers you would come across. It offers a range of features, be it creating PDFs, editing them, changing their format, merging or compressing one, and even adding a signature.

Also, the PDF viewer is compatible with all recent iterations of Windows, including Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7.1, and Windows XP. So, no matter which one the PC runs, you can always count on SwifDoo.

Besides, SwifDoo has a simple and interactive User Interface (UI) with various options suitably placed, allowing quick access and thereby improving work efficiency.

And with SwifDoo, you don’t have to wait for the PDF documents to load or the changes to reflect since it does that in a jiffy!

The PDF viewer also allows adding a digital signature to documents and has three ways for it, either to upload one, type it in a text field, or use a cursor to draw the signature.

It also offers the option to add links to the document to redirect the reader to another page on the same document or one on the web.

Here are some of SwifDoo’s key features:

  • Runs on almost every computer and needs only 150 MB of free space and 1 GB of RAM
  • One of the safest PDF viewers with two-level password protection
  • Offers a range of features and is extremely quick
  • SwifDoo has a free trial, so you don’t have to purchase a subscription right away
  • Signatures on SwifDoo are legally binding

Get SwifDoo

PDF Reader – As refined as it can be

The tool allows you to read, manage, share, and back up your PDF documents.

This is an excellent collaboration tool as it allows users to import PDF files from any device, share PDF files via the sharing feature, send out PDFs as email attachments, and also print out the documents.

The current version of PDF Reader brings a brand new user experience specially designed for Windows 10, as well as many bug fixes.

Let’s take a look at some of its key features:

  • Annotate your documents with highlights
  • You can scroll horizontally and vertically
  • Zoom the document in and out
  • Precise and fist file rendering

  Get PDF Reader

Have you already used some of the apps listed in this article? Share your experience in the comment section below.

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Blog Summary – Received a PDF file but you are unable to open it on your computer? Get one of these PDF readers to quickly open your PDF files on Windows 11, 10, 8 and 7.

Are you unable to open a PDF file shared to you? However, most web browsers help you open a PDF file on your device, but it requires an internet connection. To open and read a PDF document you require a dedicated PDF reader application. But which one to choose to view and edit the file which is also available for easy collaboration? As with a large number of utilities available, it is not always easy to pick the best for your computer.

Best PDF Reader Software for Windows PC comes with multiple functionalities. One that allows you to read, edit, annotate, share and even sign documents easily. We have tested out a number of tools and generated this list for you.

(Best of 2023): 12 Fastest PDF Readers For Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 PC

Since the market is packed with hundreds of Desktop PDF Management Tools and some cost almost a thousand dollars per year, we sifted through the Internet to introduce you to the Best Free PDF Readers for Windows.

1. Systweak PDF Editor

Available: Windows


Price: Free/$69.95

Reason to buy: Easy to use PDF Editor

Systweak PDF Editor is one of the best PDF editors available for Windows. You can view and read a PDF file seamlessly and also set the app as default. View modes include – Actual size, Scrolling, Single view, Fit width and Fit page. Additionally, edit PDFs with multiple tools, convert PDF to other file formats, combine and compress, add e-signature and also add password to protect them. Thus, Systweak PDF Editor comes on the top when discussing the fastest PDF readers for Windows.

Systweak PDF Editor


  • Easily accessible tools.
  • Allows setting it as the default application.
  • Multiple viewing modes available.
  • Fit the PDFs to the width for a better viewing experience.
  • Additional tools such as encryption, annotation.


  • Limited free trial.


2. Advanced PDF Manager

Available: Windows
Version: 1.0.1000.1116
Price: Free/$39.95
Reason to buy: Allows users to manage PDFs

If you are on a hunt for a fast PDF reader, so that you can open and read your personal/professional PDF documents, then choose none other than Advanced PDF Manager. Designed and developed by Systweak Software, the program allows users to open, view, print, create, split, merge, rotate, move, remove, and duplicate PDF pages in a couple of clicks. Not only this, but using this fast PDF Reader Software for Windows, one can easily safeguard their confidential documents with strong passwords.

Advanced PDF Manager


  • Modern & straightforward dashboard.
  • Multiple PDF Viewing Modes for a consistent reading experience.
  • Excellent PDF page reordering & organizing capabilities.
  • Merge & split PDFs of any size without any hiccups.
  • One of the fastest PDF viewers to read & manage single or multiple PDFs.


  • Lacks compatibility with other OS other than Windows.



Available: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Version: 1.4.2

Price: Free/$29.99

Reason to buy: Beautiful interface with powerful features

UPDF is a fast and reliable PDF reader that will load and open PDFs faster than even Adobe Acrobat. On top of being a fantastic PDF reader, with powerful annotation tools, UPDF is also a very versatile tool that enables users to convert PDFs to various file formats, as well as edit and modify existing PDF documents. Its key features include an intuitive and user-friendly interface, fast processing speeds, batch processing support, and a range of editing tools such as text insertion, image editing, and page reordering. UPDF also offers advanced features like password protection, document compression, OCR, and PDF optimization, making it an ideal choice for individuals and businesses looking for a comprehensive solution for managing and manipulating PDF files.



  • Compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android
  • An intuitive user interface, ideal for beginners and advanced users
  • Fast processing speeds, saving a lot of time
  • UPDF offers advanced features such as OCR
  • The conversion tool supports a wide range of output formats


  • UPDF is a relatively new product in the market.


4. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Available: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS.
Version: 22.002.20191
Price: Free, PRO Version = $15/month
Reason to buy: Acrobat Reader has a pleasing interface

Undoubtedly one of the most popular Windows PDF Reader of all time is Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. The program helps users access, view, and edit PDFs anytime, anywhere. Acrobat Reader has a pleasing interface and isn’t overloaded with flashy features in one place. You will find options to fill forms, convert PDFs to other file formats, add comments and even sign documents without any hassles. This fast PDF viewer can be used to take advantage of more tools like manipulating and combining documents, you need to switch to the Premium version of this best PDF reader for Windows 10. 

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC


  • Hide any unnecessary menus and switch to full screen.
  • Settings like character casing, bookmarks, and comments.
  • Supports extraction of words and images.
  • This quick PDF reader offers multiple viewing modes (to reduce eye strain).


  • The export function has a relatively slow speed.

Try Acrobat Reader DC

5. EaseUS PDF Editor

Available: Windows
Price: Free, PRO Version = $19.95/month
Reason to buy: Edit, OCR, merge, split, compress, create and annotate your PDFs

Comparatively a new entrant in the category of Best PDF Editing Software (2023), EaseUS PDF Editor works brilliantly, as it provides a robust set of functionalities like document editing, converting, merging, splitting, e-signing, watermarking, adding strong encryption, and more. Besides this, with the help of this all-in-one PDF Maker, Reader, Editor, you can even take advantage of tools to insert text, reorder pages, extract images, crop a PDF, edit scanned documents, compress them, and so on. It’s one of the best PDF readers for Windows 11, 10 OS versions to use in 2023 and is truly one of the fastest PDF viewers available today.

EaseUS PDF Editor


  • Clean and easy-to-use dashboard.
  • Supports converting PDFs into 10+ file formats.
  • 256-bit AES encryption & document security options.
  • Uses OCR technology to make scanned docs editable.
  • Value of money, especially when you go with lifetime licensing.


  • The free version of  PDF Editing Tool adds a watermark.

Try EaseUs PDF Editor

6. Foxit PDF Reader

Available: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS
Version: 12.0.1 Build 12430
Price: Free
Reason to buy: Quick PDF reader supports drawing & adding signatures.

If you are looking for a robust & fastest PDF Reader for Windows 10, 8, 7, and other versions, choose none other than Foxit PDF Reader. The free PDF Manager tool is comparatively lightweight to Acrobat Reader and offers tons of options to create, share and protect PDFs on the cloud. The light PDF reader for Windows 10 even supports collaborating with your friends, colleagues – – simply grant the access, and you can keep track of who opened the doc, edit it, and view all their activities in real-time. Foxit PDF Reader is a Google Docs of PDF Readers for Windows and is truly one of the best PDF readers for Windows.

Foxit Reader


  • Has a Full-Screen Mode for a better viewing experience.
  • This quick PDF reader supports drawing & adding signatures as well.
  • Allows you to open multiple PDF files, each in separate tabs.
  • The GUI does not seem crowded, making it the Best PDF Reader Software.


  • The trial version is different after updates are initiated.

Try Foxit Reader

7. Javelin PDF Reader

Available: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS
Price: Free, Paid plans start from $199/Year
Reason to buy: Supports text-to-speech conversion.

Javelin is a good PDF Reader Software that delivers a fantastic reading experience with the fastest performance with all the basic features to handle your PDF files. You can launch any PDF file in Full Screen to enhance your reading experience and you can utilize the search functionality to locate specific keywords and phrases without any hiccups. To read multiple pages, you just need to click the screen and you can move up and down the files. On the darker side, this best PDF reader for Windows is a very basic PDF Reader that lacks tools for editing and converting PDFs. Though, this light PDF reader Windows 10 is a good choice for freelancers!

Javelin PDF Reader


  • With its Mobile Version, you can manage metadata as well.
  • This fast PDF reader comes with lots of advanced encryption tools.
  • Supports text-to-speech conversion, making it the best PDF reader software.
  • This quick pdf reader is available for Windows, Mac, iOS & Android.


  • Occasional clunky performance.
  • Complicated installation process.

Try Javelin PDF Reader

8. Google Drive 

Available: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS
Price: Free, Paid plans start from $1.99 per month
Reason to buy: It’s from Google.

If you want to access, read and take notes on PDFs instantly, Google Drive is the Best Free PDF Reader available for you. You can open, view, convert, and share any of your PDF Files across the cloud on the platform. It’s the best & free PDF Reader for anyone who has a Google account (which probably we all have) and just needs to read, edit, print PDF files quickly online. Additionally, you can rely on this online PDF Reader to convert your files into an editable doc format with just a few clicks.

Google Drive


  • Straightforward & clean interface.
  • Store videos, PDFs, presentations, and photos.
  • Fastest PDF viewer with the support for SSL encryption.
  • Allows you to access your docs from anywhere.


  • While using the drive, we need to be connected to the Internet.

Try Google Drive

9. Slim PDF Reader

Available: Windows, macOS,
Version: N/A
Price: Free
Reason to buy: Supports dark mode and is lightweight.

Next on our list of Fastest PDF Readers for Windows 10, 8, and 7 is Slim PDF. This best PDF reader for Windows assists users to access and read PDF documents without taking up much space on their computers. It’s one of the best PDF readers for Windows 10/11 that allows users to edit, share, search multiple files and print the desirable PDFs according to their needs. Unlike other free PDF Readers, Slim PDF Reader supports dark mode so that even long hours of reading won’t strain your eyes. It’s one of the best & light PDF readers for Windows 10 majorly used by students!

Slim PDF Reader


  • World’s smallest desktop PDF reader.
  • Best Portable PDF Reader Software, suitable for every type of user.
  • Has a good response time, in comparison to other PDF viewing programs.
  • Supports several languages, making it the Best PDF Reader Software.


  • Doesn’t support many popular keyboard shortcuts.
  • No highlighting of text is possible with Slim PDF Reader.

Try Slim PDF Reader

10. Expert PDF Reader

Available: Windows
Version: 9.0.180
Price: Free
Reason to buy: Bookmark your favorite files

Another free PDF manager you can choose for your Windows is Expert PDF Reader. In terms of appearance, it will give you the feeling of old MS Office Apps. And talking about the features, using this simple PDF Reader you can handle almost every kind of document. This fast PDF viewer for Windows 10 further gives you the options for annotating, adding rubber stamps, etc. You can easily bookmark your favorite files and utilize the tabs functionality to view multiple PDF documents consecutively. Get this fast PDF reader on your device and do share your experience with the utility in the comments section below!

Expert PDF Reader


  • Lightweight PDF Reader doesn’t consume many
  • Allows you to read, edit, annotate & sign documents.
  • Easily print your favorite PDF files.
  • This quick PDF reader supports older Windows versions as well.


  • Limited features as compared to other Free PDF Readers.

Try Expert PDF Reader

11. Nitro Reader

Available: Windows
Price: Free version available; Plans start from $159/user
Reason to buy: You can highlight, underline and strikethrough on your PDF

It’s a powerful free PDF Reader that brings a perfect blend of useful features to read, annotate and convert files into a variety of formats without any hiccups. Nitro Reader is a fast PDF reader for Windows 10 that has a clear interface with optional touchscreen mode, giving it an extra edge over other fastest PDF Reader Software for Windows 10, 8, and 7 PC. Using this fastest PDF viewer program, you can add comments to documents before sharing them with others.

Nitro Reader


  • You can highlight, underline and strikethrough
  • Allows you to convert other file types to PDF.
  • Supports extracting images from documents.
  • Customize the top toolbar for quicker access.


  • Lacks tool to edit the document text (with free version).
  • Requires you to register.

Try Nitro Reader

12. PDF-XChange Editor

Available: Windows
Version: 9.4.363.0
Price: Free, Paid plans start from $46.50
Reason to buy: Allows you to edit PDF files by attaching notes.

Our list of Best PDF Reader Software (2023) is incomplete without mentioning PDF-XChange Editor which is a fast PDF reader for Windows 10. Recently, the tool has been completely revamped and simplified to enhance the user’s experience while handling multiple PDF documents. It is a lightweight PDF reader for Windows 10 and provides the fastest experience when it comes to reading, annotating, extracting photos/text, or printing documents. The only downside is that it doesn’t have the basic editing feature in the free version.

PDF-XChange Editor


  • Feature-rich, yet well-organized and user-friendly interface.
  • Allows you to edit PDF files by attaching notes.
  • Supports adding comments before sharing files.
  • Bookmark and edit images with this quick PDF reader.
  • Best portable PDF Reader for Windows.


  • Watermark on the output.

Try PDF-XChange Editor

Tips On Choosing The Right PDF Reader Software For Windows (2023)

Well, if you want a reliable yet powerful PDF Reading application for your Windows system, keep in mind the following factors:

  • The free versions are useful for Beginners only with limited functionalities. If you are a novice and want the Fastest PDF Reader for viewing & basic editing, then choose Advanced PDF Manager.
  • Select a PDF Viewing & Reading Tool that has a clear interface to ease the entire navigation process. You can try using Foxit PDF Reader for an excellent viewing experience.
  • For advanced use, choose a free PDF Reader that offers features for editing, annotating, sharing & more. Expert PDF Reader is a top-notch choice to enjoy these functionalities.
  • Choose a Windows PDF Reader that has high compatibility with all popular file formats. Try using Google Drive or Nitro for handling different kinds of files.

Wrapping up:

Wrapping up: Hope you found our list of top PDF reader software useful. We would suggest going with the Systweak PDF Editor and Advanced PDF Manager for the basic PDF file view. As it also helps you add protection to the file which comes handy while sharing it with others. If you have any queries drop them below and you can also share your valuable feedback on our Social Media Handles – Facebook & Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions: Fastest PDF Reading Apps For Windows 10 PC

Q1. Which is the best PDF reader for Windows?

Adobe Acrobat Reader is certainly the best free PDF viewer & reader tool. In the paid category, you can go for PDFElement by Wondershare. It has all the potential features needed for reading, editing, annotating, signing PDFs, and more.

Q2. Is there a free PDF reader for Windows 10?

Well, we have shared a comprehensive list of the Best Free PDF Reading Programs for Windows. The best options are Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit PDF Reader, Javelin, Nitro, Slim PDF Reader, and so on.

Q3. How do I get Adobe Acrobat Reader for free on Windows 10?

Adobe Acrobat Reader is the free global standard for effortless viewing, annotating, printing, and signing documents. You can click here to get the tool!

Q4. What is the difference between Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader?

Adobe Reader is a free PDF management program that allows users to access, read PDFs and other portable document file formats. On the other hand, Adobe Acrobat is a paid version of the Reader with additional functionalities to print, protect and manipulate PDF Files.

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