Fortran compiler for windows 10

GFortran is the name of the GNU Fortran project. The main wiki page offers many helpful links about GFortran, as well as Fortran in general. In this guide, the installation process for GFortran on Windows, Linux, macOS and OpenBSD is presented in a beginner-friendly format based on the information from GFortranBinaries.


Three sources provide quick and easy way to install GFortran compiler on Windows:

  1., provides 32 and 64-bit x86
    executables for GCC version 12.1.

  2. TDM GCC, provides 32 and 64-bit x86 executables for GCC version 10.3.

  3. MinGW-w64 provides a 64-bit x86 executable for GCC version 12.2.

In all the above choices, the process is straightforward—just download the installer and follow the installation wizard.

Unix-like development on Windows#

For those familiar with a unix-like development environment, several emulation options are available on Windows each of which provide packages for gfortran:

  • Cygwin: A runtime environment that provides POSIX compatibility to Windows.

  • MSYS2: A collection of Unix-like development tools, based on modern Cygwin and MinGW-w64.

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): An official compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables on Windows. With Windows Subsystem for Linux GUI one can run text editors and other graphical programs.

All of the above approaches provide access to common shells such as bash and development tools including GNU coreutils, Make, CMake, autotools, git, grep, sed, awk, ssh, etc.

We recommend the WSL environment for those looking for a Unix-like development environment on Windows.


Debian-based (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc…)#

Check whether you have gfortran already installed

If nothing is returned then gfortran is not installed.
To install gfortran type:

sudo apt install gfortran

to check what version was installed type:

You can install multiple versions up to version 10 (on Ubuntu 22.04) by typing the version number immediately after “gfortran”, e.g.:

sudo apt install gfortran-8

To install newer versions on older Ubuntu releases, you will first need to add the following repository, update, and then install:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gfortran-10

Finally, you can switch between different versions or set the default one with the update-alternatives (see manpage). There are many online tutorials on how to use this feature. A well structured one using as an example C and C++ can be found here, you can apply the same logic by replacing either gcc or g++ with gfortran.

RPM-based (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE)#

sudo yum install gcc-gfortran

Since Fedora 22 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, dnf is the default package manager:

sudo dnf install gcc-gfortran

Arch-based (Arch Linux, EndeavourOS, Manjaro, etc…)#

sudo pacman -S gcc-fortran



If you have Xcode installed, open a terminal window and type:


Go to fxcoudert/gfortran-for-macOS to directly install binaries.



GNU-gcc Package link


Search for available gcc versions:

Install a gcc version:


On OpenBSD, the GFortran executable is named egfortran. To test it, type:


OpenCoarrays is an open-source software project that produces an application binary interface (ABI) used by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Fortran front-end to build executable programs that leverage the parallel programming features of Fortran 2018. Since OpenCoarrays is not a separate compiler, we include it here, under gfortran.

While with gfortran you can compile perfectly valid code using coarrays, the generated binaries will only run in a single image (image is a Fortran term for a parallel process), that is, in serial mode. OpenCoarrays allows running code in parallel on shared- and distributed-memory machines, similar to MPI:

cafrun -n <number_of_images> <executable_name>

The process of installation is provided in a clear and comprehensive manner on the official site.

We emphasize that native installation on Windows is not possible. It is only possible through WSL.

Fortran is still the best way to deliver performance in computationally
intensive applications. And Intel’s Fortran Compiler is built on a long
history of generating optimized code supporting industry standards while
taking advantage of built-in technology for the latest Intel® Xeon®
Scalable processors and Intel® Core™ processors. Staying aligned with
Intel’s evolving and diverse architectures, the Intel® Fortran Compiler
now supports offload to Intel® GPUs. In addition to great standards
support, Intel Fortran offers productive tools, compiler directives, and
compiler options that enable you to take advantage of ever increasing
processor core counts and vector register widths available in Intel
processors as well as offloading to GPUs. And it works with Visual
Studio, the industry standard in Windows application development, and
can be used from the command line as well.

Features & Benefits

  • Visual Studio or command-line: your choice. Efficiently develop,
    build, debug and run from the familiar Visual Studio IDE, or build and
    run from the command line. If you use Visual Studio, you can build
    mixed-language applications with C++, Visual Basic, C# and more.
    Intel Fortran development support is broad and includes performance libraries such
    as Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library and analysis tools to support
    efficient development. It all adds up to a great Fortran development
    environment with outstanding performance.

  • Broad support for industry standards: Intel Fortran Compiler
    offers full Fortran 95, 2003, 2008, and 2018 language support,
    including Coarrays, DO CONCURRENT, and more. The compiler also
    supports OpenMP 4.0, 4.5, and near-complete 5.0 and 5.1 for CPU and
    GPU offload, and older Fortran standards (FORTAN IV (Fortran-66), 77
    and 90).

  • Boost application performance: Accelerate compute by leveraging
    hardware acceleration features with build-in compiler optimizations
    such as vectorization that utilizes the ever-increasing core count and
    vector register width in Intel® processors with SIMD
    (single-instruction-multiple-data), AVX/AVX2/AVX512 (advanced vector
    extensions) parallelism, and more to boost Fortran application

The Intel Fortran compilers are included in the Intel® oneAPI HPC Toolkit and available
as a standalone download. The compiler for Windows integrates seamlessly
into Visual Studio supporting productive development of multicore, and
cluster-based systems built on Intel Architecture.

Fortran Compiler

Download standalone

Getting Started

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About Intel

Fortran — один из старейших высокоуровневых языков программирования, используемый в основном для научных расчетов и численного моделирования.

Если вы хотите начать программировать на Fortran и использовать его на операционной системе Windows 10, то вам потребуется установить GNU Fortran Compiler (gfortran). Это бесплатная и открытая реализация компилятора Fortran, разработанного проектом GNU.

В этой статье мы расскажем, как установить gfortran на Windows 10 и настроить окружение, чтобы вы могли начать писать и запускать Fortran-программы в вашей среде разработки.

Шаг 1: Скачайте и установите MinGW-w64

Первым шагом в установке gfortran является загрузка и установка пакета MinGW-w64, который является набором инструментов для разработки программ под Windows. MinGW-w64 включает в себя компиляторы, библиотеки и заголовочные файлы, необходимые для сборки программ на разных языках, включая Fortran.

Вы можете скачать MinGW-w64 с официального сайта проекта. На странице загрузки выберите версию пакета, соответствующую вашей архитектуре процессора (32-бит или 64-бит) и последнюю доступную версию. Затем запустите загруженный файл-установщик и следуйте инструкциям на экране для установки MinGW-w64.


  1. Установка Gnu Fortran на Windows 10
  2. Подготовка к установке Gnu Fortran
  3. Скачивание и установка Gnu Fortran
  4. Настройка Gnu Fortran для работы на Windows 10
  5. Проверка работы Gnu Fortran на Windows 10

Установка Gnu Fortran на Windows 10

Для установки Gnu Fortran на операционную систему Windows 10 нужно выполнить следующие шаги:

  1. Перейдите на официальный сайт проекта Gnu Fortran и скачайте установочный файл для Windows.
  2. Запустите скачанный файл и следуйте инструкциям мастера установки. Примите условия лицензии и выберите папку для установки программы.
  3. После завершения установки, откройте командную строку Windows: нажмите клавиши Win + R, введите «cmd» в поле и нажмите Enter.
  4. В командной строке введите «gfortran —version» и нажмите Enter. Если Gnu Fortran успешно установлен, вы увидите информацию о версии установленной программы.
  5. Теперь вы можете использовать Gnu Fortran для компиляции и выполнения фортран-программ.

Поздравляем, вы успешно установили Gnu Fortran на Windows 10! Теперь вы можете разрабатывать и запускать фортран-программы на своем компьютере.

Подготовка к установке Gnu Fortran

Перед установкой Gnu Fortran на Windows 10 необходимо выполнить несколько подготовительных шагов. Эти шаги позволят гарантировать успешную установку и работу программы.

  1. Убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует минимальным системным требованиям для установки Gnu Fortran. Для работы программы потребуется операционная система Windows 10 или более поздняя версия, процессор с поддержкой архитектуры x86 или x64, а также необходимо иметь доступ к Интернету.
  2. Перед установкой Gnu Fortran рекомендуется создать точку восстановления системы, чтобы в случае проблем можно было вернуть компьютер к предыдущему состоянию. Это можно сделать в разделе «Система и безопасность» в настройках Windows.
  3. Прежде чем начать установку, убедитесь, что на вашем компьютере не установлено другое программное обеспечение, которое может конфликтовать с Gnu Fortran. Если есть такое программное обеспечение, рекомендуется его удалить перед установкой Gnu Fortran.
  4. Важно также проверить наличие актуальных обновлений операционной системы Windows. Установка обновлений может улучшить стабильность и безопасность работы Gnu Fortran.

После выполнения всех подготовительных шагов, вы готовы начать установку Gnu Fortran на ваш компьютер.

Скачивание и установка Gnu Fortran

Для установки Gnu Fortran на Windows 10 необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:

  1. Откройте браузер и перейдите на сайт проекта Gnu Fortran.
  2. На главной странице проекта найдите раздел «Загрузки» или «Downloads».
  3. В разделе загрузок найдите версию Gnu Fortran для Windows.
  4. Нажмите на ссылку для скачивания выбранной версии Gnu Fortran.
  5. После завершения скачивания запустите установочный файл.
  6. В процессе установки следуйте инструкциям мастера установки.
  7. Выберите путь установки Gnu Fortran.
  8. Нажмите кнопку «Установить» для начала установки.
  9. После завершения установки запустите Gnu Fortran и убедитесь, что он работает корректно.

Поздравляем! Вы успешно скачали и установили Gnu Fortran на вашем компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10.

Настройка Gnu Fortran для работы на Windows 10

Шаг 1: Загрузка Gnu Fortran

Первым шагом в настройке Gnu Fortran на Windows 10 является загрузка программного обеспечения. Для этого необходимо перейти на официальный сайт Gnu Fortran и скачать последнюю версию для Windows 10.

Шаг 2: Установка Gnu Fortran

После завершения загрузки откройте загруженный файл и следуйте инструкциям на экране для установки Gnu Fortran на ваш компьютер. Выберите папку назначения и удостоверьтесь, что вы выбрали опцию «Добавить Gnu Fortran в переменную среды PATH».

Шаг 3: Проверка установки

Чтобы убедиться, что Gnu Fortran успешно установлен, откройте командную строку и введите команду «gfortran —version». Если установка прошла успешно, вы увидите версию Gnu Fortran и другую информацию о программе.

Шаг 4: Настройка переменных среды

Для использования Gnu Fortran в командной строке Windows 10 необходимо настроить переменные среды. Чтобы это сделать, откройте раздел «Системные свойства» в «Панели управления» и выберите вкладку «Дополнительные параметры системы».

Нажмите на кнопку «Переменные среды» и найдите переменную PATH в разделе «Системные переменные». Нажмите «Изменить» и добавьте путь к папке с установленным Gnu Fortran в список переменных среды.

Шаг 5: Проверка настройки

После настройки переменных среды откройте новую командную строку и введите команду «gfortran —version» еще раз. Если все настроено правильно, вы должны увидеть версию Gnu Fortran и другую информацию о программе без ошибок.

Теперь Gnu Fortran готов к работе на вашем компьютере со системой Windows 10.

Проверка работы Gnu Fortran на Windows 10

После установки Gnu Fortran на вашем компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10, вы можете проверить его работу, выполнив несколько простых шагов.

1. Откройте командную строку, нажав клавишу Windows + R и введя «cmd». Нажмите Enter.

2. В командной строке введите «gfortran —version» и нажмите Enter.

3. Если вы видите информацию о версии Gnu Fortran, значит установка прошла успешно, и вы можете начать использовать компилятор.

4. Для проверки работы Gnu Fortran можно создать простую программу на Fortran и скомпилировать ее. Например, создайте файл с расширением «.f90» и внесите следующий код:

program hello

print *, «Hello, World!»


end program hello

5. Сохраните файл и вернитесь в командную строку. Введите «gfortran имя_файла.f90 -o имя_выходного_файла.exe» и нажмите Enter.

6. Если компиляция завершилась успешно, вы можете запустить программу, введя имя выходного файла и нажав Enter.

7. Если в результате выполнения программы вы увидите сообщение «Hello, World!», значит Gnu Fortran работает корректно.

Теперь вы можете начать разрабатывать и компилировать программы на языке Fortran с использованием Gnu Fortran на вашем компьютере с Windows 10.

FORTRAN is a powerful programming language that is often over-shadowed by the more popular mainstream programming languages. Setting up and using FORTRAN on Windows 10 using the GCC Installation Manager makes the process quick and easy.

Visit using your favourite browser and click on the downloads tab. Then click on the mingw-get-setup.exe link as pictured below.

Save the file to your downloads directory and run the program when the download completes. The MinGW Installation Manager will appear from which you can choose the packages to be installed. Note that the MinGW Installation Manager is a separate “app” that can be run at any time to manage or change the installed packages.

The various packages available through the Basic Setup are pictured below and include The GNU Ada Compiler, the GNU FORTRAN Compiler, The GNU C++ Compiler, and The GNU Objective-C Compiler.

Click on the All Packages option to reveal a host of other packages that are available.

We installed all of the available compilers, including the GNU FORTRAN compiler.

Testing the Installation (gfortran)

Create a simple test program as shown below using an editor (Visual Studio Code) and save it as addNumbers.f90 (Note that you must use a file extension such as .f90 or .f95 or the program may not compile).

program addNumbers

! This simple program adds two numbers
    implicit none

! Type declarations
    real :: a, b, result

! Executable statements
    a = 12.0
    b = 15.0
    result = a + b
    print *, 'The total is ', result

end program addNumbers

Open a terminal (cmd.exe) session and compile the program by entering the following command: gfortran -c addNumbers.f90

Enter the following command to generate an executable file: gfortran -o addNumbers.exe addNumbers.f90

The program will compile to create the addNumbers.exe executable file. Type .\addNumbers at the prompt to run the file from the current location as Windows Powershell will not load commands from the current location by default.

The program and terminal session from Visual Studio Code are as pictured below:

FTN95 from Silverfrost Limited is a complete Fortran development environment and includes the powerful Plato IDE. Version 8.70 was just released as discussed in our recently published article “New Release of FTN95 Version 8.70.”

Related Articles and Resources

  • The GCC Compiler Collection:
    • GCC Binaries:
      • GCC For Windows 64 and 32 bits:
  • MinGW – Compiler Suite (
  • GNU Fortran: Using the Compiler (
  • Fortran – (2018, August 26). Wikibooks, The Free Textbook Project. Retrieved 19:38, January 4, 2020, from
  • Fortran 90/95 Programming Manual (fifth revision 2005)
  • Free Fortran Compilers (
  • Absoft – Absoft Pro Fortran – Paid license required.
  • Simply Fortran –, version 3.7 as of this writing (Approximatrix) – Windows, MacOS, GNU/Linux. Free 30-day trial. NOTE: Use Google’s CHROME browser to download this package on Windows 10. Microsoft’s EDGE browser terminates the download prematurely.
  • Lahey/GNU Fortran – Free trial versions are available for download.
    • Lahey Fortran Professional (32-64 bit)
    • Lahey/GNU Fortran – Rainier edition (32-64 bit)
    • Lahey/Fujitsu Fortran Express (32 bit)
  • Introduction to Programming Using Fortran 95 (
    • SilverFrost FTN95 Personal Edition (
  • JDOODLE – Online Fortran Compiler IDE
  • Fortran Tutorial –
  • SilverFrost FTN95 – Personal Edition is free for home use or evaluation purposes only. Tiered licensing is available for commercial or academic purposes.
    • The free personal edition will display a splash window as shown below:
  • Winteracter – The Fortran GUI Toolset (Interactive Software Services Ltd – UK)
  • Gino – Graphics and GUI solutions for Fortran and C under Windows and Linux. (Bradly Associates).

Fortran Compilers For Windows 10 4,4/5 3340 reviews

The x86 Open64 compiler system is a high performance, production quality code generation tool designed for high performance parallel computing workloads. The x86 Open64 environment provides the developer the essential choices when building and optimizing C, C, and Fortran applications targeting 32-bit and 64-bit Linux platforms. Download the latest version of Intel Visual Fortran Compiler! Intel Visual Fortran Compiler is one of the TOP-10 software products on our website and featured as one of the best titles in SDK for Windows PC. Simply Fortran is a complete Fortran solution for Microsoft Windows and compatible operating systems. Designed from the beginning for interoperability with GNU Fortran, Simply Fortran delivers a reliable Fortran compiler on Windows platforms with all the necessary productivity tools that professionals expect. A port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), including C, C, ADA and Fortran compilers; GNU Binutils for Windows (assembler, linker, archive manager) A command-line installer, with optional GUI front-end, (mingw-get) for MinGW and MSYS deployment on MS-Windows; A GUI first-time setup tool (mingw-get-setup), to get you up and running with.


Code::Blocks is a free, cross platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) ( This site is for those, who would like to use Code::Blocks IDE for Fortran. Here you can find a customized (more or less) version of IDE oriented towards Fortran language (pre-built binaries for Linux and Windows are available). Also you can find some useful information about how to use it for programming with Fortran.

Note: FortranProject plugin, which makes C::B useful for Fortran, currently is included in an official Code::Blocks distribution for Windows (but not for Linux).



I took part inInternational Fortran Conference 2020 on 2-4 July 2020. There I spoked how Code::Blocks can be used for programming in Fortran. Presentation slides are below:

  • CodeBlocks_Fortran.odp (recommended, with gif animations)
  • CodeBlocks_Fortran.pdf (not recommended because gif animations are not displayed)


A new release v1.7 is out.

In this release Code::Blocks IDE was switched to use v3 of wxWidgets library. Perhaps, the biggest improvement is for users with HiDPI displays: now the used size of icons changes depending on the monitor’s DPI.

There is more improvements for Fortran: Call-/Called-By tree now can show dependency between modules; dependency between Fortran files is accounted at a workspace level instead of a project level as it was before; some improvements in a logic used by smart-code-completion.

/download-game-yakuza-for-android.html. (12.01.2019)


A new release v1.6 is out. Improvements in this release:

  • Improvements in Debugger plugin:
    1. Improved how arrays are displayed in the Watches window.
    2. Improved how character, complex and dynamic-type variables are displayed in the Watches window. This feature requires GDB with Python support.
    3. Implemented possibility to visualize content of 1D or 2D array as a curve or 2D surface directly from the debugger session. For this purpose Gnuplot external program is used. This feature requires the GDB with Python support and Gnuplot installed on the system. See the screen-shot below.

    More information about debugging in C::B can be found in Debugging Fortran code in the Code::Blocks IDE.

  • Improvements in ‘Call/Called by’ tree view: now using the right-click menu is possible to go to the calling line.

  • Improved the logic behind the brace completion: more intelligent, more intuitive.

  • Implemented possibility to add an additional search path for the code-completion items in the project properties dialog. See screen-shot below.

  • Parser now interprets simple preprocessor directives. This should improve the work with code which contains such directives.

  • Added Flang compiler support. Compiler can be downloaded from


I have uploaded a new video tutorial on YouTube which demonstrates how to debug Fortran code using C::B:


A new release v1.5 is out.

I would call this release a bug-fixing/feature-polishing release. I would like to say thanks to the users who pointed to the problems in the IDE.

Besides fixed bugs, this release adds possibility to show a Call-tree and a Called-by-tree. This feature should help developers to understand their code more quickly. To show Call-/Called-by-tree right-click on the procedure name in the editor and select ‘Show’ submenu (see screenshot below).


A new release v1.4 is out. New features in this release:

Fortran Compilers For Windows 10

  • Improved handling of submodules: during compilation the dependency of files containing submodules from their parent modules is taking into accout.
  • Fortran construct highlighting, e.g. if the cursor is placed between ‘do’, then FP plugin will find corresponding ‘end do’ statement and highlight it (see image below). This feature should help more quicklly understand the logic of the code.
  • FormatFortranIndent plugin was merged into FortranProject plugin. As earlier, you will find this tool in ‘Fortran->Format indent’. There was added some options using which you can adjust indent to your taste. Plase, test this tool. If you feel, you need more options, maybe I could add them. Just write me.
  • Added possibility in editor to fold lines, which contains comments, if comments go through 4 and more lines (see image below). This feature was not yet commited into the official Scintilla text component. If you found errors in the folding of Fortran code, write me. Maybe I could improve it.


I have uploaded three short video tutorials on YouTube, which show how to start using C::B for programming in Fortran.


A new release v1.3 is out. Comparing with an official C::B, CBFortran for Windows includes support for Intel Fortran compiler and FormatFortranIndent plugin and some other smaller changes. The official C::B for Linux doesn’t include FortranProject plugin, therefore CBFortran is the only option for Linux users if they what to use C::B in development with Fortran.

New features in this release:

  • A documentation window side-by-side to code-completion list. If your code includes a documentation of some item, it can be showed in this window. FortranProject plugin recognizes the documentation: a) written in Doxygen, b) simple comments, which comes for procedures: above or below procedure declaration, and for variables: after on the same line. Make your code speak! ;-)
  • Tool called Auto Insert, which inserts ‘end..’ statements automatically when you press “enter” after statements which require such “end”. Some preferences for Auto Insert can be adjusted on FP settings dialog (Settings->Editor->FortranProject). Just do your job and you will see the magic! ;-)
  • The parsing of Gfortran multi-line messages was considerably improved.
  • BindTo tool. Actually, this tool took the most of my efforts. BindTo (Fortran->Bind To…) can automatically generate a wrapping for Fortran code which enables call of Fortran from the C language and can generate Cython files which enables call of Fortran from Python language. Resulting toolchain is something like: “Fortran->Bind(C)->Cython->Python”. Actually, the tool doesn’t do anything you can’t do yourself. It just saves your time. To better understand how to use BindTo, I wrote BindTo Users Guide, which hopefully will answer to most of your questions (other questions I expect to see on CBFortran google group). Please consider the current version of BindTo as “beta” or even “alpha”, especially the part for the generation of Cython files. Your opinion, ideas, suggestions, corrections etc. are very welcome!


Examples how to use MathGL library together with GTK from Fortran were uploaded to MathGL + GTK + Fortran.

More news

64 Bit Fortran Compilers For Windows 10


  • Editor with Fortran syntax highlighting (fixed and free form).
  • Compilation of Fortran project directly from IDE. FortranProject plugin should care about Fortran file dependencies. Alternatively you can use your supplied makefile.
  • Possibility to jump directly to the code line with an error (currently the support of gfortran, flang, Intel Fortran, Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran and PGI Fortran is implemented).
  • Symbols browser with defined program units (functions, subroutines, modules etc.) in your project.
  • Possibility to jump to code line with subroutine/function definition directly from editor (right click on the name and select ‘Jump to: ‘name’) or from the symbols browser (double click on the name) or using menu ‘Search->Jump to declaration’.
  • Program debugging using GNU GDB.
  • Completion of names when you type or when you press Ctrl+Space (you can change the key combinations in Editor’s Settings). The support for subroutine/function names, the names of variables, the components of derived types and the type-bound procedures is implemented.
  • Call-tips with subroutine/function argument list. Appears automatically or when you press Ctrl+Shift+Space.
  • Appearance of tooltips when you hold mouse on variable or name of subroutine.
  • Jump to the definition of procedure or the variable from code line where it is mentioned.
  • Possibility to generate a Makefile (Fortran->Genarate Makefile). This feature should generate a working makefile for the active target in simple cases. Or the generated makefile can be used as a draft in more sophisticated projects.
  • and more


Code::Blocks (and FortranProject plugin) is distributed at GPLv3.


Just extract archive in your favored directory. To launch Code::Blocks run codeblocks.exe (on Win) or (on Linux). If you have another Code::Blocks distribution on your system you may want to start Code::Blocks as a portable app by executing startup script codeblocks_portable.bat ( Code::Blocks saves all settings in installation directory if you launch program using codeblocks_portable.bat ( How to setup compiler’s installation directory read on Info page.


To be able to compile your Fortran files you should have an installed Fortran compiler (gfortran or another one). Windows users first should install MinGW on their system. I would suggest you to install one from MinGW-W64.

Linux users should have ‘gtk2’ and ‘xterm’ installed on their system. Linux versions were tested on several recent distributions.

User manual

You can download the Code::Blocks user manual from


The major part, which makes C::B IDE useful for Fortran, is FortranProject plugin. This plugin has a separate project for development onSourceforge.There you can download latest source code directly from svn.


How to contribute to this project:

  • Spread a word about your experience with Code::Blocks.
  • Write tutorial about how to use C::B together with Fortran. Send it to CBFortran forum.
  • Prepare screencast (video tutorial) and upload it to e.g. Youtube. Drop link to CBFortran forum.
  • Suggest features you would like to be implemented into this IDE.
  • Report bugs to CBFortran forum or write directly to me.
  • Write a new plugin for Code::Blocks useful for Fortran developers.
  • Implement a new feature to FortranProject plugin or improve existing one. Send me a patch file.

About me

My name is Darius Markauskas. I develop for this project on my spare time.

Free Fortran Compilers For Windows 10

Some info about my main job can be found here.

Have questions, suggestions? Found a bug?Write me to:

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