Falcon X Review
Falcon X is a free utility and tools software by Chris Andriessen. The software offers the arrangement of taskbar icons in a neat manner. It moves every taskbar icon from their default placement to the center of the screen. The rearrangement is done in real-time to see the results. This software moves pinned and unpinned icons instantly. It helps users to move their icons in a more efficient and automatic process. Users must remember that running a new program will have the taskbar placed on the default position and not the center. They have to rerun the software to rearrange all icons to the center.
Falcon X is a product developed by Chris Andriessen. This site is not directly affiliated with Chris Andriessen. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
Wanting to fine-tune the appearance of your desktop can be some of the most annoying things out there. Regardless of what field you’re in — gaming, programmer, or just a casual user, the taskbar is incredibly important when you want to work as fast as possible. However, customization options for the taskbar are very limited, and you need a program to help you with that. One of them is FalconX.
Installing FalconX is easy. Simply unzip the program and run the executable and you’re good to go. This program’s interface is incredibly simple to follow and packs a ton of features. For instance, you can center your taskbar icons or have them aligned at a specific, perfect spacing from the center, and even more such as icon animations or taskbar style editing.
Delving deep into the settings will reveal even more settings. You can create multiple taskbars as well. One can choose for the changes to only be applied to the primary one or define centering references, such as the Start menu, search and more. Last but not least, you can also add transparency to the taskbar, blur, or even a special acrylic effect.
If you’ve been looking for a simple, efficient, and effective way of keepign your taskbar icons centered and have them easily accessible, then FalconXis more than capable of helping you. It’s a tiny program that’s incredibly lightweight in terms of resource usage and there are a ton of options for defining the taskbar characteristics. Give it a download if it sounds like something you need!
FalconX – уникальная утилита, с помощью которой вы сможете передвинуть закрепленные иконки приложений на панели задач, с привычной левой части рабочего экрана, в любую удобную вам сторону, самостоятельно задав положение значков с помощью настройки приложения.
Преимущества программы:
- Обновленный интерфейс панели задач
- Возможность выбора позиций, размещения значков приложений
- Анимированные иконки
Как установить и использовать:
Процесс установки не занимает длительного времени. Кликаем на скаченный архив и выбираем задачу «extract more», после появившегося окна, вводим пароль – «CA», без кавычек и на латинском. На рабочем столе появится иконка установленного приложения. Чтобы внести изменения, вам необходимо открыть область уведомлений, закрепленную на панели задач, кликнуть на задачу «position» и ввести трехзначное число – определяющее положение значков на панели. Также, в программе задана анимация для закреплённых иконок. Кликаем по задаче «animations» и выбираем один из предложенных вариантов.
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Клондайк программиста
v0.4 codename «Evolution»
By Chris Andriessen (Free)
Falcon X free download. Always available from the Appsitory servers
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Download for Windows
How to install Falcon X on Windows
Installing Falcon X is done in a few steps:
- Download the «Falcon X» by pressing the Download button
- Click on the «Falcon X» executable file
- Proceed through the «Falcon X» installation
- When the installation is over, start the «Falcon X»