Ds4 windows не видит dualshock


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DS4Windows является популярным программным обеспечением, позволяющим использовать контроллеры Dualshock 4 и DualSense на ПК с ОС Windows. Однако, иногда пользователи сталкиваются с проблемой, когда DS4Windows не обнаруживает геймпады Dualshock или DualSense. В этой статье мы рассмотрим несколько возможных решений этой проблемы.

Первым шагом, который следует предпринять, это убедиться, что ваш контроллер Dualshock или DualSense правильно подключен к компьютеру. Если вы используете беспроводное соединение по Bluetooth, убедитесь, что ваш компьютер имеет встроенный модуль Bluetooth или вы используете внешний адаптер Bluetooth. Убедитесь, что Bluetooth включен на вашем компьютере и контроллер находится в режиме поиска новых устройств. Если вы подключаете контроллер через USB, убедитесь, что кабель и порт USB работают исправно.

Если ваш контроллер Dualshock или DualSense все еще не распознается DS4Windows, следующим шагом может быть проверка драйверов. В некоторых случаях, Windows может не распознать контроллер как геймпад и не установить соответствующие драйверы автоматически. Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы можете установить драйверы вручную.

После этого DS4Windows должен успешно распознать ваш контроллер Dualshock или DualSense. Если проблема все еще не решена, попробуйте:

  • Обновите DS4Windows до последней версии. Посетите официальный веб-сайт DS4Windows и загрузите последнюю версию программы.
  • Перезагрузите компьютер и попробуйте подключить контроллер снова.
  • Убедитесь, что вы используете оригинальный контроллер Dualshock или DualSense. Некоторые сторонние контроллеры могут не работать с DS4Windows.
  • Проверьте форумы сообщества DS4Windows или похожие источники для поиска дополнительной информации или решений, связанных с вашей конкретной проблемой.

В заключение, если DS4Windows не видит ваш контроллер Dualshock или DualSense, первым делом проверьте подключение и драйверы. Если эти шаги не решают проблему, обновите программу DS4Windows и обратитесь к сообществу DS4Windows для получения дополнительной помощи.

Доброго времени суток, игроманы! Я вам уже рассказывал о полезных приложениях, которые помогают подключить геймпад от соньки к ПК. Было у вас такое, что вы подключили свой джойстик к ПК, а ds4windows не видит dualshock 4?

Что делать в таком случае? Как поступить?

Не паникуйте, это можно исправить. Решить данную проблему можно несколькими способами. Сейчас я расскажу как.


  1. Обновление ПО
  2. Диспетчер устройств
  3. Перезапуск Dualshock
  4. Попробовать обратиться в техподдержку
  5. Дополнительная информация

Что делать, если DS4windows не видит dualshock 4

Обновление ПО

Вам может помочь простое обновление программного обеспечения. Скачайте самую последнюю версию DS4windows и заново установите.

Вроде как это должно исправить данную ошибку.

Но на деле не всё так просто. Сами разработчики улиты рекомендуют следующее:

  1. Попробуйте скрыть ваш DS4 в настройках программы.
  2. Сделать геймпад основным устройством. Эта опция находится внизу экрана.

Также некоторые советуют скачать отдельное приложение, которое чинит похожие баги. Называется улита PC Repair. Я лично не могу гарантировать качество.

Если это не поможет, воспользуйтесь советом номер 2.

Что делать, если DS4windows не видит dualshock 4

Диспетчер устройств

Ваша винда по-прежнему не видит дуалшок?

Попробуйте решить проблему через диспетчер задач.

  1. Для этого найдите на компьютере Диспетчер устройств. На 10 виндоус его можно вызвать забив в поиске.
  2. Когда выскочит нужное окошко, найдите там подпункт «Устройства HID».
  3. Откройте список и найдите там ваш контроллер.
  4. Если он отключен, нажмите на него правой кнопкой мыши, найдите пункт «задействовать» и активируйте его.

Если это тоже не решило проблему, тогда попробуйте шаг №3.

Что делать, если DS4windows не видит dualshock 4

Попробуйте перезапустить драйвера дуалшока. Для этого выполните следующие шаги:

  1. Отсоедините DS4 от вашего ПК, выключите улиту DS4windows.
  2. Вызовите панель управления любым удобным способом. Это может быть сочетание клавиш windows+r, а потом в окошке выполнить набрать название данной панели. Можно найти её в настройках винды, или просто набрать по поиску.
  3. Далее в пункте «Оборудование и звук» (на который нужно клацнуть) найдите «Устройства и принтеры».
  4. Подключите свой геймпад. Он должен у вас теперь отобразиться.
  5. Нажмите на значок правой кнопкой мышки, зайдите в свойства.
  6. Там будет меню под названием «Оборудование». Нашли?
  7. Далее найдите устройство HID. Так вот, проваливаетесь в него, дважды щелкнув мышой.
  8. У вас появится кнопка драйвера.
  9. Нажимайте по кнопочке «удалить». Может быть она потребует у вас дополнительные права.

Также удалить драйвера можно и в диспетчере устройств. Там достаточно по ХИДу тыкнуть правой кнопкой мыши. Тогда тоже появится кнопка «удалить».

После этой процедуры компьютер стоит перезагрузить, предварительно вытащив геймпад и закрыв приложение DS4windows.

Проделав все эти манипуляции, снова подключите контроллер, запустите улиту. Он должен отобразиться в программе.

Настройте и откалибруйте дуалшок перед использованием. Теперь вы можете в полной мере наслаждаться играми, в которых данный гаджет был нужен как кислород.

Если вдруг третий совет не подошёл, остаётся последний шаг.

Что делать, если DS4windows не видит dualshock 4

Попробовать обратиться в техподдержку

Напишите сразу в две техподдержки — Windows и Sony. Детально опишите проблему. Какое устройство, где и как не отображается.

Ребята из японской компании заверяют, что сейчас их геймпад должен нормально работать на компьютере. Ничего дополнительного устанавливать не надо.

Возможно, у вас устаревшая модель, необновлённая винда или ещё какие-то улиты не стоят. А может сам ПК глючит и не находит нужных дров.

По крайней мере, там дадут гораздо больше информации о том, почему ds4windows не видит dualshock 4, а также какова проблема конкретно с вашим оборудованием.

Что делать, если DS4windows не видит dualshock 4

Дополнительная информация

Сама улита скачивается с официального сайта. Для носителей русского языка необходимо поставить ещё русификатор к ней. Подходит она как для windows 10, так и для более ранних версий.

Геймпад можно настроить, как подключив его к ПК через usb, так и при помощи bluetooth адаптера. Подробности также есть в статье, где я описываю способы подключения DS4. Смотрите выше.

Была полезна данная информация? Тогда поделитесь ей с друзьями, а в комментарии поставьте +. Не забывайте подписаться на канал, если не делали этого раньше. Новости на сайте выходят регулярно.

Желаю удачи в геймерской среде! Всего хорошего!

Many of us would like to use a PS4 controller (instead of Xbox) on our Windows PC. However, we’re getting many complaints about how DS4 Windows failed to detect your PS4 and says No Controllers Connected (Max 4), DS4 not detecting controller, or DS4 driver not installing?

You’re definitely not alone. Many users are reporting the same issue recently. But no need to worry about it now for it’s quite easy to fix…

Try these fixes

Below are 5 fixes that have helped many DS4 Windows users to fix their DS4 Windows not working / DS4 driver install failed issues. You may not have to try them all; just walk your way down until you find the one that works for you.

  1. Update your DS4 Windows
  2. Reinstall your DS4 Windows
  3. Re-enable your controller
  4. Uninstall the game controller driver
  5. Uninstall the latest Windows update

Fix 1: Update your DS4 Windows

Run the update tool called DS4Updater in your DS4 Windows installation folder to check for new updates. This update tool is the first thing you can check if you run into any DS4 Windows connection issues.

If it finds you any updates, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it on your computer.

If not, eg. saying it’s already up to date, you may have installed the old DS4 Windows. You should uninstall the current DS4 Windows and proceed to the next fix to download the latest version.

Fix 2: Reinstall your DS4 Windows

To get the latest version, you can go to DS4 Windows New Releases and download the app according to your operating system.

1) Uninstall your old DS4 Windows and extract the zip file that you’ve just downloaded.

2) Launch DS4Windows.exe in the extracted folder.
ds4 windows not installing driver

3) You may be prompted to install the .NET 5.0 Runtime if you haven’t installed it.
install the net

4) Under “Run desktop apps“, select Download X64.

5) Select Appdata when you’re prompted to choose where to save the settings and files, for it will ensure you have full access.

6) Follow the steps described in the Welcome to DS4Windows to install the driver and finish the setup.
install windows ds4 driver

7) Follow the on-screen instructions to finish installing.

8) You can install optional drivers if you want other cool features. Once complete, you can click Finished.
finish ds4 windows driver installation

9) Go to the Settings tab and select Hide DS4 Controller.
This will prevent your system from recognizing two controllers and causing connection issues.

You need to reconnect your DS4 controller device. If nothing changes — DS4 Windows driver not installing or DS4 Windows not detecting controller, you should move on to the next fix.

Fix 3: Re-enable your controller

DS4 Windows will fail to detect your PS4 if your controller is disabled. To check if this is the culprit, you can go to Device Manager.

1) Right-click the Start menu and select Device Manager.

2) Expand Human Interface Devices and right-click HID-compliant game controller, then select Enable device. (For Bluetooth users, it’s Bluetooth-HID-device. )

If it’s already enabled, you can disable and enable it again.

3) Disconnect your controller and restart your PC.

4) Close Steam.

5) Open your DS4 Windows. Go to the Settings tab to check the Hide DS4 controller.

If the Hide DS4 controller option is already checked, then uncheck and check it again.

6) Try connecting your controller again. Your device should be displayed in the Controller tab now.

If re-enabling the controller failed, you can go back to the Device Manager to uninstall the HID-compliant game controller. Then close your DS4 Windows and disconnect your controller and connect it again. Afterward, open DS4 Windows, and you will see your controller here again.

Fix 4: Uninstall the game controller driver

Still can’t fix your DS4 Windows not detecting your controller problem? It might be other device drivers that are causing your DS4 Windows not to work. You can follow these steps to test the issue:

1) On your keyboard, press the Windows + R key at the same time, and type in control. Then press Enter.

2) Go to Devices and Printers.

3) You will find your PS4 controller here. Right-click your controller, and select Properties.

4) Go to the Hardware tab, and double-click the HID-compliant game controller.

5) Go to the Driver tab, and select Uninstall Device.

6) Once the driver is uninstalled, unplug your controller, and then restart your PC. Reconnect your Controller using DS4 Windows to see if it pops up in the Controllers.

Fix 5: Uninstall the latest Windows Update

If this problem occurred just after a Windows Update, then the new update may be the one to blame.

1) On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time, then type appwiz.cpl in the Run box and hit Enter.

2) Select View installed updates on the left panel.

3) Right-click the problematic update and select Uninstall.

4) Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the uninstall.


Have you ever run into an annoying game crashing issue or a game not launching? How long since you last time updated your graphics card driver? To improve your gaming experience, it’s important to keep your graphics card up to date.

To update your graphics card driver, you can always head to its manufacturer’s website to download & install it by yourself.

Or you can try updating your graphics card driver automatically with Driver Easy. Driver Easy will automatically recognize your system and find the correct driver for your device, saving you all the trouble searching it online.

All the drivers in Driver Easy come straight from the manufacturer. Trusted by AppEsteam and Norton.

1) Download and install Driver Easy.

2) Run Driver Easy and click the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.

3) Click the Update button next to your graphics card driver to automatically download the correct version of that driver, then you can manually install it (you can do this with the FREE version).

Or click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of all the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system. (This requires the Pro version. You will get full support and a 30-day money back guarantee. You’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All.)

4) Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Hopefully, one of the fixes above solved your DS4 Windows not working / not detecting controller issues. Feel free to drop us a comment if you have further questions and suggestions.

We all know that DS4Windows is the best tool that emulates a Dual Shock 4 controller to play PC games. It gets messy when DS4 does not detect controllers and shows an error that “No Controllers Connected (Max 4)”.

Users complain DS4Windows not working while playing games i.e. Batman Arkham Knight, and Dark Souls. Most of the time DS4 won’t detect controllers but this problem is not restricted to this particular error.

If you need a solution to fix DS4 not detecting the controller, audio or exclusive mode won’t work, the controller is connected still DS4 not working, or Bluetooth won’t work. Also if you simply can’t get DS4Windows to work properly then we have the 7 best solutions to fix this problem once and for all.

Read Also: Fixed: Corsair Link Not Controlling Fans

Apply these fixes.

Driver Easy Download

in Windows 11, 10 and 7

Use Driver Easy to update all the missing & outdated device drivers on PC for free.

1. Update DS4 Windows

Make sure that you have downloaded the latest version of DS4Windowsin your Windows 11 PC. Extract the Zip file and you will notice there are two files i.e. DS4Windows and DS4Updater.

Run the latter one to update DS4Windows to ward off any potential threats. If you missed this step it may be a reason that DS4 is not detecting controllers.

Follow these steps

  1. Click here to download DS4Windows.
  2. Navigate to the DS4 Windows file directory.
  3. Open the extracted file.
  4. Click on “DS4Updater”.
  5. The app will start scanning to find the latest version and install it if required.
  6. Once the process finishes a message “DS4 Windows is up to date” will appear.
  7. Now close the DS4Updater window and Run DS4 Windows.

Once you are done opening DS4 and under the “controllers tab” you should be able to see that the device is detected and recognized.

Read Also: Fix iCUE Not Detecting Fans or Keyboard

2. Enable DualShock 4 Controller In Device Manager

If you already have the latest version and you are still dealing with DS4 Windows not working properly or failing to detect controllers. Then you need to re-enable dual shock using the device manager.

Especially those users who have recently updated to Windows 11 will notice that controllers automatically disable during gameplay.

To fix it follow these steps

  1. Open DS4 Windows while the DualShock 4 controller is plugged into the PC.
  2. Press Win + R and type “devmgmt.msc” to open the device manager.
  3. Click to expand the “Human Interface Devices” option by clicking on the right-pointing grey arrow.
  4. Double-click on “HID-compliant game controller” among the listed devices and select “Enable Device” from the options.
  5. Close Device Manager and “Restart” your computer.

Check if the DS4 controller appears under the “Controllers” tab. If DS4 does not detect the controller problem persists follow the next solutions.

3. Uninstall DS4 Using Windows Control Panel

Uninstalling the rogue device driver or software is the easiest way to fix any problem on Windows 11 PC. To uninstall DS4 follow these steps:

  1. Close DS4 Windows and disconnect the DS4 controller before proceeding further.
  2. Open Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers.
  3. Right-click on “Wireless Controller” and select “Properties”
  4. In the Properties window, click on the “Hardware” tab.
  5. Under the list of “Device Functions,” click on “HID-compliant game controller” and then click on the “Properties” button.
  6. A new window will appear, click on the “Driver” tab and then click on “Uninstall Device”
  7. Now click “OK” in the Wireless Controller Properties window to close it.
  8. Boot up DS4 Windows.
  9. Reconnect the DualShock 4 controller back into the PC.

After this DS4 Windows should be able to recognize the controller, and it will show up in the “Controllers” tab.

Read Also: How to Enable FPS Counter in MSI Afterburner

4. Enable Hide DS4 Controller Option

Sometimes DS4 not detecting on windows 11 problems occurs because Windows starts recognizing the physical devices as both a D-pad controller (Xbox controller) and DualShock 4 controller.

To fix this confusion DS4 Windows has a built-in feature that allows users to determine whether to hide the DS4 controller or not.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open up DS4 Windows.
  2. Click on the “Settings” tab.
  3. Next, tick the “Hide DS4 controller” box which is the first option in the list.
  4. Click on the “Controllers” tab.
  5. Plug the DualShock 4 controller back into the PC.
  6. The DS4 will start detecting the device and it will appear in the app.

Read Also: Solved: MSI Afterburner Can’t Change Fan Speed

5. Uninstall Latest Windows Update

Many users reported that the DS4Windows not working issue only happened after a Windows 11 update. Therefore, If you simply uninstall the latest Windows 11 update. You can solve the problem.

Follow these steps on Windows 11 PC:

  1. Open Windows Settings by pressing Win + I keys.
  2. Click on Update & Security, and then click on “View Update History”.
  3. From the top click on “Uninstall Updates”. A new window will appear listing all the installed updates.
  4. Right-click on the latest update and “Uninstall” it and wait patiently for the process to finish.

6. Install PS4 Remote Play App for Windows 11

If you have tried all of the above solutions still DS4 not detecting the controller. Then we will take help by installing the PS4 remote play app for Windows 11 PC. It’s a slightly complex part but it has proven useful for many users.

You can do it by following these steps.

  1. First, download and install PS4 Remote Play from the official website.
  2. After installing it, open Device Manager from the search box. Press Win+I and type “devmgmt.msc”
  3. Find “Wireless Controller Driver” or “Lib32 Wireless Driver” and right-click on it to Uninstall.
  4. Once the process finishes connect DS4 to Windows vis USB. The required drivers will automatically install.
  5. Download, install and set up DS4 Windows without the controller connected.

Now, connect the controller. At this time, the ds4Windows not detecting controller problem should be fixed.

Read Also: Ideal CPU Temp Range: Max Safe, Normal CPU Temperature (Gaming vs Idle)

7. Scan for Recent Hardware Changes

The controller drivers may be removed when you recently uninstalled any driver or application from your Windows 11 PC. To check you can run a scan for hardware changes.

For that follow these steps:

  1. Press Windows + R and type in “devmgmt.msc” and press “Enter”.
  2. It will open “Device Manager”
  3. Click on “Action” and then click on “Scan for hardware Changes”.

If it found any anomaly it will show you so that you can reinstall it again on your PC.

We are sure that these solutions will fix DS4windows not detecting controllers on windows 11.

Connecting a DS4 controller via Bluetooth to DS4Windows is not a problem as far as you are pairing both devices the right way. 

However, times may occur when you do everything right but the controller still won’t get detected or connected to the system. 

This guide, therefore, unfolds all the causes of DS4Windows not detected via Bluetooth connection. 

Not only that, but we will also provide all viable solutions to make sure that gamers may enjoy uninterrupted gaming on their favorite DualShock controller. 

Let’s have a look, without any further ado: 

DS4Windows Connection via Bluetooth; The Do’s and Don’ts 

Using a Dedicated Bluetooth Adapter 

  • The problem with integrated or inbuilt Bluetooth adapters is that they may cause problems in pairing.
  • The bad connection may halt the controller’s ability to get detected by DS4Windows. 
  • Hence, to tackle the problem, we would recommend using a dedicated Bluetooth adapter. 
    • Any version above 2.1 and especially the 4.0 BT adapter would do the job and easily help with the connection. 

Repairing Controller with Bluetooth the Right Way 

You can pair your DualShock controller to your PC in two ways: 

  • The controller makes a connection request to Windows and gets connected. If you are connecting your controller this way, it won’t work. 
  • 2nd method is to set the controller in pairing mode and then connect it to the Windows manually. 

In case you are following the first method to connect the DS4 controller, it will not work. To get started, first remove the controller from the pairing list, and then you’ll need to connect it manually. 

The whole process goes as under: 

  • Correct Method 
  • Incorrect Method 

You will manually add and pair the controller to your gaming PC like that: 


You will manually add and pair the controller to your gaming PC like that: 


How to Remove and Re-Pair DualShock 4 Controller? 

Removing and then re-pairing the controller to Windows is not as difficult as you may think. 

Pairing a Controller to Windows 

First things first, verify that the controller is not connected to your system automatically. 

Next, follow the instructions shared on connecting controllers on our Getting Started page. 

Removing an Automatically Paired Controller from Windows

First, we should take a look at removing the controller in case it has been connected the wrong way as follows: 

There are two ways to remove an already paired DS4 controller to Windows via Bluetooth, i.e. 

  • Via Settings 
  • Via Devices and Printers 

From settings, open Bluetooth and Other Devices, find your controller, click on it and remove it from the list like that: 


In case you cannot find the controller in settings, go to Control Panel and from there click on “Devices and Printers.”

In there, click on the controller connected to your computer and select Remove Device option as follows:


Now that you have removed the device, let’s have a look at how we can get to connect the controller the right way: 

Troubleshooting the Problems Related to Bluetooth Connectivity on DS4Windows

1. Windows Cannot Find Controller via Bluetooth and Other Devices 

  • First things first, make sure that the controller is in pairing mode. 
  • You will need a 2.1 Bluetooth adapter for proper pairing. 
  • Next, make sure that you have removed the controller from the list of paired devices via settings or Device and Printers menu. 
  • Pair it again manually and wait for the controller to get detected. It may take some time but the controller will get detected by DS4Windows eventually. 

2. Controller Stays Connected but DS4Windows or System does not Recognize It

If that’s the case, follow the correct method of re-pairing the controller to Windows first. 

  • Similarly, if using controller with a gaming console, i.e. PS3, PS4, or PS5, make sure that it is not connected to the console. 
  • We recommend turning off the console and properly unplugging the controller from it before connecting it to your PC. 
  • For further information, visit controller detection issues page to resolve your problem. 

3. Controller Won’t Reconnect After Rebooting or Shutting Down PC 

Things can go south in case you reboot, turn off or simply let your computer sleep for a while and then boot it again.

  • In such situation, the problem may happen with your USB Bluetooth adapter. To make sure that the BT adapter is working well, remove it from the port and connect it to another port. While doing that ensure that the controller is not paired. 
    • Issues may also arise when you are using a Bluetooth adapter made for 2.0 port in a 3.0 USB port. 
  • Compatibility problems may also occur. Make sure that the BT adapter you are using is compatible with the operating system of your PC as well as the DualShock controller. 
  • Bluetooth drivers may also be problematic. You should first check whether the adapter requires the manufacturer’s drivers or not. If that’s the case, install them and then pair your controller with your system accordingly. 

4. DS4 Controller Connects but Disconnects Randomly or Stops Responding

If you see the Add a Device notification while trying to connect the controller, then it’s not properly paired.

Check the correct method mentioned above and connect the controller accordingly. 

Some reasons for this problem include: 

  • Bad Bluetooth signal stability may be one of the causes. For that purpose, please check out the Input Delay issue on the Bluetooth guide. 
  • A faulty controller or a controller with a drained battery may also prevent it from stable connection. 
  • In the same manner, you should check the DS4Windows log to see if there are any error messages that need to be addressed or not. 
    • Make sure that Steam and DS4Win app are not running simultaneously. If that’s the case, an increase in transfer data speed may cause the controller to disconnect more often. 

5. Unable to Connect More than 1 Controller via Bluetooth 

Sometimes you may need to connect more than one controller via Bluetooth. However, doing so will reset the connection. 

Some of the probable causes include:

  • A cheap BT adapter or one with high signal interference. 
  • The Bluetooth Adapter cannot maintain a stable and necessary data transfer rate.

6. Windows Uses Integrated BT Adapter Instead of an External/USB BT Adapter 

If you are unable to connect your controller to Windows, it may happen because the operating system is still using the inbuilt BT adapter instead of the external adapter that you’ve connected. 

Bear in mind that you must disable the Integrated BT adapter from Windows Device Manager. 

For that, follow these steps: 

  • Press Win+X and select Device Manager
  • Simply locate the integrated BT adapter under the Bluetooth section and disable it. 
  • Re-plug the dedicated BT adapter into USB port. If it’s already connected, then disable and enable it again. 

7. Loss of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi Signal When Controller is Connected

In that case, interference with the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signal may arise because you are using the same integrated card on your PC.

  • Bad signaling can, therefore, hinder the process of proper connection of the controller. 
  • The only solution, in that case, is to use a dedicated USB adapter for Bluetooth connectivity. 
  • In case you use separate Wi-Fi and Bluetooth adapters, make sure that there is no radio interference near your PC. 
  • DS4Windows when operational can increase the amount of data transfer and that’s one of the reasons for the interference. 
  • We, therefore, recommend connecting the controller and pairing it first with Bluetooth. After that, turn on DS4Win app and it will detect the controller without any problem. 

8. Controller Tries Reconnecting with a Nearby PC 

To tackle this problem you will need to change the MAC address of a nearby PC. This issue may occur because both PCs are using the same MC address. That’s the reason the DS4 controller may try to reconnect with a nearby PC and not your system. 

9. Latency and Input Delay Problems 

Latency means the time it takes for one system to communicate with the other system via Bluetooth. 

When it comes to DS4Windows application, it refers to the time that it takes to communicate with the controller.

High Input Delay or Latency is also problematic. Why? Because it will take time for your game character to respond to any command you place using the controller. 


High but stable latency will make a character slow to respond to different commands. On the other hand, a low input delay with high spikes can cause errors whenever you press any button on the controller. 

Input delay greater than 20ms is considered as bad and it’s ideal to keep it below the 10ms mark to ensure stable and smooth gameplay while using the DualShock 4 controller.

Controller Latency Comparison

The table below lists the input delay or latency of different controllers when they are connected through Bluetooth  

Controller Usual input delay Minimum input delay Notes
DualShock 3 5ms 5ms Connected through BthPS3 + DsHidMini (DS4Windows Mode)
DualShock 4 4ms – DS4W Default settings 1,5ms – polling rate set to maximum v1 and v2 don’t have major latency differences
DualSense 3ms 1ms
Switch Pro controllers 16ms 16ms 16ms is the lowest latency the official controller can achieve
Joy-cons 16ms 16ms

DS4Windows and Monitoring the Input Delay 

Monitoring and checking the input delay or latency via DS4Windows is not difficult. 

  • After opening and connecting your controller to Ds4Win app, simply hover the mouse cursor on the controller connection and it will show you the input delay. 
  • In case the latency of your controller goes way above the 10ms mark, you will get notified by it in the Log section of the application. 
  • Another way to monitor is to turn on Flash Lightbar at High Latency option. Enable it especially if you own DS3, DS4, or DS5 controller and once the input delay crosses the 10ms mark, your controller’s lightbar will flash red. 

Troubleshooting the Input Delay Issues 

If you face high input delay problems, then know that you cannot blame the Ds4Windows software for it. 

Almost 99% of the time, it’s not the application that’s causing this problem but the other way around. 

Controllers when connected to your PC do not communicate directly with DS4Win app, so installing or uninstalling its drivers or even the application itself will not be a good idea. 

Latency issues are mostly caused due to the following problems: 

  • Using low-quality integrated Bluetooth adapters
  • High radio interference due to the presence of one more adapter near the Bluetooth adapter. 
  • Not utilizing the correct method to pair the controller with the BT adapter. 
  • Note that a BAD BT adapter does not certainly mean that the adapter is cheap. We have got many users who have said that they faced zero latency issues even after connecting 4 controllers simultaneously while using $5 BT chips from Aliexpress. 

Causes of Unstable Latency or High Input Delay 

Some of the major causes include: 

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Interference 

Both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi cards use the same frequency and that’s the major cause of interference. 

If that’s the case, check whether you are sitting in an area with too many Wi-Fi networks. Secondly, make sure that you use an integrated BT adapter to avoid the issue once and for all. 

Integrated Bluetooth Adapters 

Integrated Bluetooth Adapters almost always suck until and unless you are using a high-end gaming PC or laptop. 

Some of the primary causes include: 

  • The adapter is inside the laptop or in a shell/case that may cause hindrance in the signal. 
  • The BT adapter also acts as a Wi-Fi adapter and that can cause interference as already discussed above. 
  • Integrated BT adapters have a short range and they are unable to provide a stable data rate transfer especially when you connect more than one Bluetooth device to it. 
    • Modern adapters are better but such machines are quite expensive and not available to everyone. 

Multiple Connected Controllers via Single Adapter 

One of the reasons for high input delay or latency issues is that multiple controllers are connected to a single BT adapter. 

Not only that, but the interference of radio waves around your PC can also be a major problem. 

In that case, you cannot do much except replace the integrated Bluetooth adapter with a new one. 

One other recommendation is to purchase separate Bluetooth adapters for each controller. But yet again, it could cause interference and it can make everything unstable. 

DS4Windows Increasing Data Transfer Rate While Connecting the Controller 

Note: This factor applies only to DS4 (DualShock 4), and DS5 (DualSenseX) controllers. If you are using controllers other than these two, then simply ignore this section. 

DualShock and DualSenseX controllers communicated with DS4Windows in two different modes: 

Native PS Mode: 

Using this mode, the controller sets complete information that includes data regarding the motion sensors, status of the controller, the touchpad status, etc. 

PC Friendly Mode: 

This mode allows the controller to send only basic information about the button or axes to the system. 

When you first connect the controller to PC, they get connected via PC-Friendly Mode with a low data transfer rate. However, when DS4Windows detects that, it requests the system to change the mode to Native PS mode causing an increase in data transfer and volume. 

DS4win also sends data to the controller about the lightbar, triggers, rumble, and other important commands. 

During these changes, if a BT adapter cannot keep up with the required data rate, you may suffer a high input delay or even a loss in connectivity. 

So, one reason could be that the controllers are in Native PS mode and not in Generic mode which is making it difficult for the adapter to detect them. 

Solutions to Resolve Latency Problems 

Test the Controller with Wi-Fi Disabled 

We recommend that you perform this test only if you are using an integrated BT adapter that’s also acting as a Wi-Fi adapter. 

When you disable Wi-Fi, the adapter will have less interference and thus you can easily check whether it’s causing high input delay or not. 

Set Power Plan to High Performance 

This solution is recommended for gamers who use gaming laptops. 

Windows by default set the Power Plan to the Power Mode, which means it’s keeping your battery away from imminent drainage. 

By doing so, it can cause high input delay. 

  • All in all, you have to set the Power Plan to High Performance. For gaming laptops, simply click on battery icon and increase the bar from Power Mode to High Performance. 
  • For PC, go to Windows Device Manager and locate Bluetooth Dongle. Go to its Properties and check whether there’s a tab for Power Management. Disable this option to make sure that the adapter works just fine. 

Using a Dedicated BT Adapter 

Certainly a no-brainer. Using a dedicated BT adapter can resolve your high input delay issues. You won’t have to connect your controller to an integrated adapter anymore and it may resolve the problem once and for all. 

Inserting Adapter into another USB Port 

Test the Bluetooth Dongle one by one into different ports and see whether it has any impact on the latency of the controller in DS4Windows log or not. 

Avoiding Radio Noise 

One way you can avoid all the radio noise coming out of your laptop or PC is to connect the BT adapter via an extension cable. Doing this will keep the dongle away from the laptop or PC and it can therefore get away from the interference once and for all. 

Decreasing the BT Polling Rate

This solution works only for DS4 controllers. What you have to do is to go to Profile Editor and go to the BT Poll rate if you are using a DualShock 4 or DualSenseX controller. Set the value to 10ms which is set at 16ms by default. 


Disable Output Data to Controller 

You can also disable the output data to controller. However, by doing so you will have to sacrifice enjoying the rumble or lightbar effects while playing different games. 


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