Драйвер windows phone 10 для windows 10

File Name windows8-phone-driver.zip
Version n/a
Download(s) 6049
Size 7 MB


Windows 8 Phone USB Drivers for Windows 11/10/7/8/8.1 & XP helps in establishing the connection between your Windows Phone/ tablet device and PC to transfer files to and from device to PC.

Download Windows Phone USB Driver

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2018-10-27 17:32:03




Windows 10 SDK — это набор инструментов и компонентов для разработки приложений для Windows 10, 8.1 и 7 SP1. комплект, предоставляет всю необходимую документацию, примеры, шаблоны, библиотеки и инструменты для разработки приложений для Windows 10, 8.1 и 7 SP1.

комплект, предоставляет всю необходимую документацию, примеры, шаблоны, библиотеки и инструменты для разработки приложений для Windows 10, 8.1 и 7 SP1.


Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:


Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).

Open Source

Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared.

Free to Play

This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.


Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program’s interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.


Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time. After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.


Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose.

Windows App SDK — Calling all Windows developers!

Previously known as Project Reunion.

Delight users with modern UI Access new platform features Backwards compatible
Modern navigation
Powerful WinUI 3 UI
Platform logo
Localization + power status + more
Down-level logo
Down to Windows 10 1809

…and more, without having to rewrite your app!

  • Use your current installer (no requirement to use MSIX, but there are reliability/security benefits to using MSIX!)
  • Additive platform APIs (only add what you need, leave the rest of your app as-is)
  • Works with Win32, WPF, WinForms, and more apps

Plus, create beautiful, modern apps for Windows 11 that are backwards compatible to Windows 10 October 2018 Update (build 17763 / version 1809)!

Use it now!

1.2 is available today and includes the ability to create widgets for Win11 devices, media playback controls, native Arm64 development with .NET 7 and VS2022 17.4 and much more!

Version support

The Windows App SDK aims to work on supported versions of Windows.
Right now we support down to build 17763 (version 1809/October 2018 Update) of Windows 10.
Wherever possible, we’ll use techniques like ‘polyfills
and custom implementations to do the
heavy lifting for you and make sure your app works across Windows versions and devices.
In the future, there may be a couple APIs that are dependent on new OS features
(like new Action Center functionality),
however we will do our best to ensure
this is the exception and not the norm, and provide reasonable fallbacks when possible.

Helpful links

  • More details about the Windows App SDK —
    More on what the project is and how we’re approaching the work.
  • Video on Windows App SDK — Learn about the Windows App SDK in a 22 minute video!
  • Roadmap + vote on features — See what we’re planning and influence what we build!
  • Contributor guide — How to contribute to the Windows App SDK.
  • FAQ — Frequently asked questions about the Windows App SDK.
  • Developer docs — Microsoft documentation covering a wide range of Windows App SDK topics.
  • Samples — Discover Windows App SDK samples to assist in learning how to use the latest features!



We want to hear from you!

File a new issue! Tell us what problem you’re
trying to solve, how you’ve tried to solve it so far, and what would be the ideal solution for your app. Bonus
points if there’s a gist or existing repo we can look at with you.

  1. Ask a question
    Also, have a look at our frequently asked questions page which we will update periodically.

  2. Start a discussion
    Discussions can be about any topics or ideas related to the Windows App SDK. For example,
    you might start a Discussion issue to see if others are interested in a cool new idea
    you’ve been thinking about that isn’t quite ready to be filed as a more formal Feature Proposal.

  3. Vote on or suggest features
    What components or features do you want to see in the Windows App SDK? Tell us on our productboard portal!

Over time, we will add Windows App SDK code into this repo and provide code contribution/developer guidelines.

Read more about the contribution guide here.

Data collection

The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it
to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our
products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository.
There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect
data from users of your applications. If you use these features, you must comply with
applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications
together with a copy of Microsoft’s privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located
at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=824704. You can learn more about data collection
and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software
operates as your consent to these practices.

Legal notices

Microsoft and any contributors grant you a license to the Microsoft documentation and other content
in this repository under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License,
see the LICENSE file, and grant you a license to any code in the repository under the MIT License, see the

Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft Azure and/or other Microsoft products and services referenced in the documentation
may be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries.
The licenses for this project do not grant you rights to use any Microsoft names, logos, or trademarks.
Microsoft’s general trademark guidelines can be found at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=254653.

Privacy information can be found at https://privacy.microsoft.com/

Microsoft and any contributors reserve all other rights, whether under their respective copyrights, patents,
or trademarks, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise.

Windows 10 SDK и эмулятор Windows 10 Mobile 10563 доступны для загрузки Microsoft пытается всеми возможными силами и ресурсами разрабатывать новые версии пакета для разработчиков игр и приложений под Windows 10 параллельно с тестовыми сборками для участников программы предварительной оценки Windows Insider. На данный момент внутри компании активно ведётся разработка осеннего апдейта для настольной Windows 10, известного под кодовым названием Threshold 2 и имеющего цифровое обозначение 1511 – 2015 год и 11 месяц. Также корпорация из Редмонда постепенно подготавливает к релизу Windows 10 Mobile. Поэтому обновлённые версии Windows 10 SDK сейчас выходят достаточно редко. Однако, несколько дней назад она таки выпустила новую сборку набора инструментов для разработчиков и новый эмулятор Windows 10 Mobile, основанные на билде под номером 10536.

Windows 10 SDK и эмулятор Windows 10 Mobile 10563 доступны для загрузки

Чтобы получить новый Windows 10 SDK, эмулятор Windows 10 Mobile, а также другие необходимые инструменты, разработчикам достаточно перейти на официальную страницу портала Microsoft. Внутри новой версии набора инструментов для разработчиков можно найти большое количество новых наборов API для нескольких типов устройств, включая HoloLens.

После завершения установи новой версии Windows 10 SDK, разработчикам необходимо заново импортировать свои проекты в среду разработки, осуществить обновление их таргетинга и минимально поддерживаемой версии операционной системы конечных семейств девайсов в манифесте приложений.

Напомним, что использование предварительных версий SDK может быть пригодно только для локального тестирования. Приложения, которые были собраны с помощью инструментов из предварительных версий набора для разработчиков, нельзя отсылать в магазин приложений Windows Store. Для таких случаев нужно использовать релизные версии инструментов для разработки.

В этом архиве содержатся выпуски и обновления пакета SDK для предыдущих версий платформ Windows и Windows Phone, а также выпуски эмулятора с поддержкой разработки и тестирования взаимодействия с пользователем на мобильных устройствах.

Последние выпуски Visual Studio и средств разработчика Windows 10 см. на странице Загружаемые файлы и инструменты для Windows 10.

Windows 10

Выпущено вместе с Windows 10, версия 2004.

Выпущено вместе с Windows 10, версия 1903.

УСТАНОВИТЬ ПАКЕТ SDK СКАЧАТЬ ISO-ФАЙЛ Пакет SDK для Windows 10, версия 1809 (10.0.17763.0) Выпущено вместе с Windows 10, версия 1809. Включает служебные обновления 10.0.17763.132.

  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой происходил сбой комплектов сертификации приложений для Windows в любом приложении, которое объявляло более одного семейства устройств в манифесте
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой комплекту сертификации приложений для Windows не удавалось выполнить развертывание пакета MSIX.
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой в проектах UWP, использовавших несколько MinTargetPlatformVersions, происходила ошибка сборки, относящаяся к XAML.
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой при наследовании из SelectorAutomationPeer в IDL возникала ошибка MIDL с сообщением «Обнаружен неподдерживаемый шаблон массива».

См. подробные сведения
УСТАНОВИТЬ ПАКЕТ SDK СКАЧАТЬ ISO-ФАЙЛ Пакет SDK для Windows 10, версия 1803 (10.0.17134.12) Выпущено вместе с обновлением Windows 10 за апрель (версия 1803). УСТАНОВИТЬ ПАКЕТ SDK Пакет SDK для Windows 10 (10.0.16299.91) и эмулятор устройства с Windows 10 Mobile (Майкрософт) (10.0.15254.1) Выпущено вместе с обновлением Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (версия 1709). УСТАНОВИТЬ ПАКЕТ SDK УСТАНОВИТЬ ЭМУЛЯТОР Пакет SDK для Windows 10 (10.0.15063.468) и эмулятор устройства с Windows 10 Mobile (Майкрософт) (10.0.15254.1) Выпущено вместе с обновлением Windows 10 Creators Update (версия 1703).

  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой возникали ошибки сборки при включении events.h.
  • Тесты возвращены в комплект сертификации приложений.
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой средству WinAppDeploycmd не удавалось подключиться к телефону через USB.
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой конвейер удаленного развертывания UWP автоматически игнорировал исключения SMB.

См. подробные сведения
УСТАНОВИТЬ ПАКЕТ SDK УСТАНОВИТЬ ЭМУЛЯТОР Пакет SDK для Windows 10 (10.0.14393.795) и эмулятор устройства с Windows 10 Mobile (Майкрософт) (10.0.14393.0) Выпущено вместе с обновлением Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (версия 1607).

Это обновление, не связанное с безопасностью, направлено на повышение качества работы ОС.

  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой разработчикам не удавалось создавать приложения UWP в Windows 7, так как библиотека MRMSupport.dll не загружалась.
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой не удавалось запустить MidlRT и MDMerge в Windows 7.
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой возникал сбой установки пакета SDK в Windows.
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой при развертывании устаревшего приложения Store в Windows Phone 8.1 возникал сбой Visual Studio.
  • Устранена проблема, из-за которой данные приложения не сохранялись в сеансах удаленной отладки при отмене регистрации приложений.

УСТАНОВИТЬ ПАКЕТ SDK УСТАНОВИТЬ ЭМУЛЯТОР Пакет SDK для Windows 10 (10.0.10586.212) и эмулятор устройства с Windows 10 Mobile (Майкрософт) (10.0.10586.11) Выпущено вместе с Windows 10, версия 1511. УСТАНОВИТЬ ПАКЕТ SDK УСТАНОВИТЬ ЭМУЛЯТОР Пакет SDK для Windows 10 (10.0.10240) и эмулятор устройства с Windows 10 Mobile (Майкрософт) (10.0.10240) Выпущено вместе с Windows 10, версия 1507.

Примечание. Во время установки отображается номер версии 10.0.26624. УСТАНОВИТЬ ПАКЕТ SDK УСТАНОВИТЬ ЭМУЛЯТОР Эмулятор Microsoft HoloLens Запускайте приложения в среде Windows Holographic на виртуальной машине без HoloLens. Эта установка также содержит шаблоны голографических проектов DirectX для Visual Studio УСТАНОВИТЬ ЭМУЛЯТОР

Предыдущие выпуски

Этот пакет SDK, выпущенный в октябре 2013 года, позволяет создавать приложения для Windows (Windows 8.1 и более поздних версий), использующие веб-технологии или управляемый и неуправляемый код, а также классические приложения на базе управляемой или неуправляемой модели программирования.

Инструменты разработчика Windows Phone 8.1 устанавливаются вместе с Visual Studio Community 2015 с обновлением 2. Компоненты, добавленные в обновление 2, включают новые эмуляторы и шаблоны универсальных приложений.

Этот пакет добавляет шесть образов эмуляторов в существующую среду Visual Studio 2013, что позволяет вам проверять работоспособность приложений на телефонах Windows Phone 8.1. (Требуется Visual Studio 2013 с обновлением 2 или более поздней версии.)

Поддерживает использование эмуляторов в тестовых сценариях для телефонов под управлением Windows Phone 8.1 с обновлением 1. (Требуется Visual Studio 2013 с обновлением 2 или более поздней версии.)

Этот пакет SDK, выпущенный в ноябре 2012 года, позволяет создавать приложения для Windows (Windows 8 и более ранних версий), использующие веб-технологии или управляемый и неуправляемый код, а также классические приложения на базе управляемой или неуправляемой модели программирования.

Включен в выпуск Visual Studio Community 2015 для поддержки разработки приложений для устройств Windows Phone 8.

Добавляет пять новых образов эмуляторов в существующий пакет SDK для Windows Phone 8.0. После установки этого обновления вы можете тестировать работоспособность ваших приложений на устройствах с обновлением 3 для Windows Phone 8 (версия 8.0.10492 или более поздняя). Для этого обновления требуется среда Visual Studio 2012 с пакетом SDK для Windows Phone 8.0 и обновлением 4 или более поздней версии либо среда Visual Studio 2013 с дополнительным пакетом SDK для Windows Phone 8.0 (выбирается во время установки).

УСТАНОВИТЬ ЭМУЛЯТОРЫ ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ЯЗЫКИ Обновление пакета SDK 8.0 для Windows Phone 8.0.10322 Добавляет четыре новых образа эмуляторов в существующий пакет SDK для Windows Phone 8.0. Для этого обновления требуется среда Visual Studio 2012 с пакетом SDK для Windows Phone 8.0 и обновлением 4 или более поздней версии либо среда Visual Studio 2013 с дополнительным пакетом SDK для Windows Phone 8.0 (выбирается во время установки). УСТАНОВИТЬ ЭМУЛЯТОРЫ ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ЯЗЫКИ Обновление пакета SDK для Windows Phone 7.8

Добавляет два новых образа эмуляторов в существующий пакет SDK для Windows Phone. Это обновление поддерживает пакет SDK для Windows Phone 7.1 и пакет SDK для Windows Phone 8.0. С помощью этого обновления вы можете использовать взаимодействие с начальным экраном Windows Phone 8 в приложениях Windows Phone 7.5. Вы также можете проверить работоспособность своих приложений на устройствах c Windows Phone 7.8.

Средства разработки приложений для устройств под управлением Windows Phone 7.5 и Windows Phone 7.0.

Предоставляет дополнительные функции для пакета SDK для Windows Phone 7.1. После установки этого обновления вам будет проще разрабатывать приложения и игры, оптимизированные для работы на устройствах с памятью 256 МБ.

С помощью этого пакета SDK, выпущенного в июне 2010 года, можно создавать приложения для Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 и .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 SP1 и 4.0.

Во избежание проблем с установкой сначала прочитайте эту статью.


Windows 10 SDK

The Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.0) for Windows 10, version 2004 provides the latest headers, libraries, metadata, and tools for building Windows 10 apps.

Use this SDK to build Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Win32 applications for Windows 10, version 2004 and previous Windows releases.

Windows 10 development targeting Windows 10, version 2004 (or later) requires Visual Studio 2017 (or later). This SDK will not be discovered by previous versions of Visual Studio.

Getting started

You can get the Windows 10 SDK in two ways: install it from this page by selecting the download link or by selecting “Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.0)” in the optional components of the Visual Studio 2019 Installer.

Before you install this SDK:

  1. Review all system requirements below.
  2. Exit Visual Studio 2019 prior to installation.
  3. Review the Known Issues below.

System requirements

The Windows SDK has the following minimum system requirements:

Supported operating systems

  • Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app development
    • Windows 10 version 1507 or higher: Home, Professional, Education, and Enterprise (LTSB and S are not supported)
    • Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 (Command line only)
  • Win32 app development
    • Windows 10 version 1507 or higher
    • Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2012 R2 (Command line only)
    • Windows 8.1
    • Windows 7 SP1

(Not all tools are supported on earlier operating systems)

Hardware requirements

  • 1.6 GHz or faster processor
  • 1 GB of RAM
  • 4 GB of available hard disk space

Additional SDK requirements

Installation on Windows 8.1 and earlier operating systems requires KB2999226. To install through Windows Update, make sure you install the latest recommended updates and patches from Microsoft Update before you install the Windows SDK.

What’s new

The Windows 10 SDK for Windows 10, version 2004 offers exciting new APIs and updated tools for developing your Windows applications. Learn more about the new features in Windows 10, version 2004.

To see the new APIs introduced with Windows 10, version 2004, see: What’s new in Windows 10 for developers, build 19041.

Removal of api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0.lib

In this release api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0.lib has been removed from the Windows SDK. Apps that were linking against api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0.lib can switch t OneCoreUAP.lib as a replacement.

Removal of irprops.lib

In this release irprops.lib has been removed from the Windows SDK. Apps that were linking against irprops.lib can switch to bthprops.lib as a drop-in replacement.

Removal of wuapicommon.h and wuapicommon.idl

In this release we have moved ENUM tagServerSelection from wuapicommon.h to wupai.h and removed the header. If you would like to use the ENUM tagServerSelection, you will need to include wuapi.h or wuapi.idl.

Windows 10 WinRT API Pack

The Windows 10 WinRT API Pack lets you add the latest Windows Runtime APIs support to your .NET Framework 4.5+ and .NET Core 3.0+ libraries and apps. To access the Windows 10 WinRT API Pack, see the Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts nuget package.

Universal C Runtime (UCRT)

The printf family of functions now conforms with the IEEE 754 rounding rules when printing exactly representable floating-point numbers and will honor the rounding mode requested via calls to fesetround. Legacy behavior is available when linking with legacy_stdio_float_rounding.obj.


Windows App Certification Kit

In this release of the Windows SDK, several new APIs were added to the Supported APIs list in the App Certification Kit and Windows Store. If there are APIs in the supported list that appear greyed out or disabled in Visual Studio, you can make a small change to your source file, to access them. For more details, see this known issue.

In addition to adding APIs, the following changes have been made to the tests:

Updated tests:

  • ValidateContentUriRules will be informational only. Test failures will be presented as warnings.

Removed tests

  • WebView WinRT access test for web app
  • PackageSizeCheck test for UWP apps
  • SupportedApi test for Desktop Bridge apps
  • AppContainerCheck test from BinScope for UWP apps
  • ServiceWorker check for all app types

New tests

  • High-DPI test. A new test for Desktop Bridge apps checks if the app uses DPI aware feature and warns if not specified. This test will encourage you to make your app per-monitor DPI aware. For details on DPI see High DPI Desktop Application Development on Windows.

Message Compiler (mc.exe)

Updates include:

  • Now detects the Unicode byte order mark (BOM) in .mc files. If the .mc file starts with a UTF-8 BOM, it will be read as a UTF-8 file. Otherwise, if it starts with a UTF-16LE BOM, it will be read as a UTF-16LE file. If the -u parameter was specified, it will be read as a UTF-16LE file. Otherwise, it will be read using the current code page (CP_ACP).
  • Now avoids one-definition-rule (ODR) problems in MC-generated C/C++ ETW helpers caused by conflicting configuration macros (e.g. when two .cpp files with conflicting definitions of MCGEN_EVENTWRITETRANSFER are linked into the same binary, the MC-generated ETW helpers will now respect the definition of MCGEN_EVENTWRITETRANSFER in each .cpp file instead of arbitrarily picking one or the other).

Windows Trace Preprocessor (tracewpp.exe)

Updates include:

  • Now supports Unicode input (.ini, .tpl, and source code) files. Input files starting with a UTF-8 or UTF-16 byte order mark (BOM) will be read as Unicode. Input files that do not start with a BOM will be read using the current code page (CP_ACP). For backwards-compatibility, if the -UnicodeIgnore command-line parameter is specified, files starting with a UTF-16 BOM will be treated as empty.
  • Now supports Unicode output (.tmh) files. By default, output files will be encoded using the current code page (CP_ACP). Use command-line parameters -cp:UTF-8 or -cp:UTF-16 to generate Unicode output files.
  • Behavior change: tracewpp now converts all input text to Unicode, performs processing in Unicode, and converts output text to the specified output encoding. Earlier versions of tracewpp avoided Unicode conversions and performed text processing assuming a single-byte character set. This may lead to behavior changes in cases where the input files do not conform to the current code page. In cases where this is a problem, consider converting the input files to UTF-8 (with BOM) and/or using the -cp:UTF-8 command-line parameter to avoid encoding ambiguity.


Updates include:

  • Now avoids one-definition-rule (ODR) problems caused by conflicting configuration macros (e.g. when two .cpp files with conflicting definitions of TLG_EVENT_WRITE_TRANSFER are linked into the same binary, the TraceLoggingProvider.h helpers will now respect the definition of TLG_EVENT_WRITE_TRANSFER in each .cpp file instead of arbitrarily picking one or the other).
  • In C++ code, the TraceLoggingWrite macro has been updated to enable better code sharing between similar events using variadic templates.

Signing your apps with Device Guard Signing

We are making it easier for you to sign your app. Device Guard signing is a Device Guard feature that is available in Microsoft Store for Business and Education. Signing allows enterprises to guarantee every app comes from a trusted source. Our goal is to make signing your MSIX package easier. See the documentation about Device Guard Signing.


Windows 10 app samples are now available through GitHub. You can browse the code on GitHub, clone a personal copy of the repository from Git, or download a zipped archive of all the samples. We welcome feedback, so feel free to open an issue within the repository if you have a problem or question. These samples are designed to run on desktop, mobile, and future devices that support the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).

Previous SDK versions

Previously released SDKs and emulators, including update details, can be found on the archive page.

API Light Up

When you use new APIs, consider writing your app to be adaptive so that it runs correctly on the widest array of Windows 10 devices. An adapative app «lights up» with new features wherever the devices and Windows version supports them, but otherwise offers only the functionality available on the detected platform version. For implementation details, see the Version adaptive code article. For the latest release notes or issues with tools, see the Windows Developer Forum.

Feedback and known Issues

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For new developer feature requests, submit through the Feedback Hub app under the category “Developer Platform/API.”

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Windows lifecycle fact sheet

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Microsoft Android Phone Windows для устройств собирались с сайтов официальных производителей и доверенных источников. Это программное обеспечение позволит вам исправить ошибки Microsoft Android Phone или Microsoft Android Phone и заставить ваши устройства работать. Здесь вы можете скачать все последние версии Microsoft Android Phone драйверов для Windows-устройств с Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-бит/64-бит). Все драйверы можно скачать бесплатно. Мы проверяем все файлы и тестируем их с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения, так что скачать их можно на 100% безопасно. Получите последние WHQL сертифицированные драйверы, которые хорошо работают.

Microsoft Android Phone Драйверы: Полное руководство

Microsoft Android Phone драйверы — это программные программы, которые обеспечивают коммуникацию между операционной системой на вашем компьютере и устройствами. Эти драйверы играют решающую роль в обеспечении оптимальной производительности и стабильности вашего ПК.

Установка драйверов Microsoft Android Phone

Для установки драйверов Microsoft Android Phone следуйте этим шагам:

  • Посетите официальный веб-сайт разработчика и перейдите в раздел Драйверы.
  • Используйте строку поиска или выберите модель вашего устройства из списка.
  • Выберите свою операционную систему и нажмите «Поиск.»
  • Нажмите кнопку «Скачать» рядом с последней версией драйверов, совместимых с вашей системой.
  • После загрузки дважды щелкните по файлу установщика и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить процесс установки.

Обновление драйверов Microsoft Android Phone

Чтобы обновить драйверы Microsoft Android Phone, вы можете выполнить следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните категорию и найдите ваш драйвер Microsoft Android Phone.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Обновить драйвер.»
  • Выберите опцию для автоматического поиска обновленного программного обеспечения драйвера.
  • Если обновление доступно, следуйте инструкциям для загрузки и установки.

Повторная установка драйверов Microsoft Android Phone

Если вам нужно повторно установить драйверы Microsoft Android Phone по какой-либо причине, вот что вы можете сделать:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Microsoft Android Phone.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Удалить устройство.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить процесс удаления.
  • Посетите официальный веб-сайт разработчика и скачайте последнюю версию драйвера по вашим потребностям.
  • Запустите установщик и следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить процесс установки.

Возврат или понижение версии драйверов Microsoft Android Phone

Если у вас возникли проблемы с последней версией драйверов Microsoft Android Phone, вы можете вернуться или понизиться до предыдущей версии, выполнив следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Microsoft Android Phone.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Свойства.»
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Драйвер» и нажмите «Откатить драйвер.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса.

Возврат или понижение версии драйверов Microsoft Android Phone

Если у вас возникли проблемы с последней версией драйверов Microsoft Android Phone, вы можете вернуться или понизиться до предыдущей версии, выполнив следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Microsoft Android Phone.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Свойства.»
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Драйвер» и нажмите «Откатить драйвер.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса.

Удаление драйверов Microsoft Android Phone

Если вам нужно полностью удалить драйверы Microsoft Android Phone, вот что вы можете сделать:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Microsoft Android Phone.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Удалить устройство.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса удаления.
  • Перезагрузите ваш компьютер.

Всегда важно иметь установленную последнюю версию драйверов Microsoft Android Phone для оптимальной производительности и стабильности.

Version 2209.36

Note: This project is currently not actively maintained anymore.

This update brings new features, bug fixes, and enhancements. Key changes include:

  • Addresses an issue where some specific Consumer devices were unable to boot into Windows after last update
  • Addresses an issue where Sensors would not be functional after taking last driver update
  • Addresses an issue with the Dialer application not working anymore on latest Windows 11 Insider Previews
  • ANYSOC Package update, aligned with Surface Duo drivers work
  • Stability and Performance Improvements
  • No new thermal improvements were made as part of this release, but may come in a later one

Version 2208.54

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2208.54

Released: 08/17/2022 05:00 PM UTC+2

Quality: Preview (Not for daily use)


Operating System Supported?
Windows 10 Build 16299 (1709)
Windows 10 Build 17134 (1803) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 17763 (1809) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18362 (1903) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18363 (1909) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 19041 (2004)
Windows 10 Build 19042 (20h2)
Windows 10 Build 19043 (21h1)
Windows 10 Build 19044 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22000 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22621 (22h2)
Windows 11 vNext (Copper Semester) ✅ *
  • Might break in the future. Long term compatibility uncertain due to ARMv8.1 Atomics being required.

❌: Not supported, important issues present

⚠️: Not supported, minor issues present, not actively maintained anymore

✅: Fully supported, known issues present but nothing impactful, actively maintained

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


  • Due to low usage, the Stable channel has been removed and the experimental channel is now the default going forward.
  • ARM32 for 8994/8992 Has been deprecated. Sorry (but also not sorry) 🥳🍾🥂🍷🎇🎆
  • Download size is way smaller than it used to be, should help with people with poor download connections.
  • Some improvements were made regarding communication between thermal sensors and other system sensors.
  • Device Names have been reverted to the stock defaults for ease of use.
  • Improvements to the power management configuration in use by the system.

Note: you may have to completely reinstall in order to get everything in a somewhat working state.

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as X:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to <path to extracted drivers>

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

DriverUpdater.exe -d "<path to extracted drivers>definitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt" -r "<path to extracted drivers>" -p X:
  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:
DriverUpdater.exe -d "<path to extracted drivers>definitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt" -r "<path to extracted drivers>" -p X:
  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

How to install Windows Desktop on an SD card

NOTE: It is also possible to put the UEFI and bootshim on the sd card, but steps are not detailed here. Short Version:
Copy EFIESP to a new partition on your SD Card, edit BCD to remove WP boot entries and ensure bootshim/uefi is present.
In order to boot from the SD Card EFIESP press volume down at boot of your device with the sd card inserted.

  • Insert your SD Card

  • Install Windows on the SD card like you would on any external storage media (some tools even exist that can do it for you ie Rufus)

  • Set TestSigning on the {bootloadersettings} object of BCD on the sd card

  • Setup BootShim/Lumia950XlPkg on the phone eMMC like you would on a traditional installation
    (You can download bootshim from here: https://dev.azure.com/LumiaWoA/Boot%20Shim/_build/results?buildId=174&view=results)
    (and the UEFI from here: https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia950XLPkg/releases)

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using on the sd card, here we will assume it got mounted as X:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to <path to extracted drivers>

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

DriverUpdater.exe -d "<path to extracted drivers>definitionsDesktopARM64SDCard950.txt" -r "<path to extracted drivers>" -p X:
  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:
DriverUpdater.exe -d "<path to extracted drivers>definitionsDesktopARM64SDCard950xl.txt" -r "<path to extracted drivers>" -p X:
  • Reboot the device, boot into BootShim, let the UEFI load, and you should be able to boot from SD Card.

Surface Pen Support

Surface Pen Support in the Digitizer driver has been enabled in this release. It may work with other pens but it has
not been tested with others.

Currently the implementation requires you to reflash the digitizer firmware to one with pen functionality enabled.
Unfortunately such firmware is currently only available for the Lumia 950 (Talkman) device and not the Lumia 950 XL (Cityman)

To learn more on how to reflash such firmware and thus enable pen support, please go to the following message:


Note on the Power Engine Plugin (PEP) support for the Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 Processor (MSM8992)

Currently PEP only manages properly the first cluster A53. The Second Cluster is not getting faster clock speeds due to
overclocking issues in the driver. Normally the A53 cluster should be running at 1.48Ghz instead of 1.53Ghz as well.
The overclocking issue in PEP makes the A57 cluster run at 1.96Ghz instead of 1.87Ghz leading to a platform crash during
boot. Parking is functional for both clusters in this release. Only higher clock speeds is incorrectly done.

Please do not apply previous workarounds from the past, they are not compatible with this release.

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the HP lapdock properly when using a wired connection

General software defects

  • Plugging an iPhone into the USB C port of the device will result in a power delivery negotiation loop
  • Cameras are not available
  • Windows Hello Iris Scanner is not available
  • Hyper-V is not available
  • SD Card Boot is not available
  • Battery life is degraded
  • GPS stack is not using any sensor for navigation
  • Miracast is not functional with many wireless devices, but works fine on Xbox, and Windows 10 computers
  • Graphical glitches can be observed with acrylic effects on builds lower or equal than 20100
  • Graphical glitches can be observed on shadows
  • MTP may fail to start if the device is plugged a second time if the NcsdService is enabled, stop the NcsdService to fix the issue via task manager
  • Dual SIM devices are unsupported for Cellular, do not expect cellular to work properly on these
  • DirectX is unavailable for x86 and amd64 applications
  • Microphone level under Settings is stuck at 50%
  • Phone may not boot reliably or have random reboots when the battery falls below 50% on certain devices, if all cores are enabled. Especi…

Version 2206.86

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2206.86

Released: 06/26/2022 12:00 AM UTC+1

Quality: Stable


Operating System Supported?
Windows 10 Build 16299 (1709)
Windows 10 Build 17134 (1803) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 17763 (1809) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18362 (1903) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18363 (1909) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 19041 (2004)
Windows 10 Build 19042 (20h2)
Windows 10 Build 19043 (21h1)
Windows 10 Build 19044 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22000 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22621 (22h2)
Windows 11 vNext (Copper Semester) ✅ *
  • Might break in the future. Long term compatibility uncertain due to ARMv8.1 Atomics being required.

❌: Not supported, important issues present

⚠️: Not supported, minor issues present, not actively maintained anymore

✅: Fully supported, known issues present but nothing impactful, actively maintained

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


Bug fixes for the Mobile Haptics Service

NEW: We now have TWO update channels for drivers.

  • The Experimental update channel contains work in progress, unstable/rough functionality. This update channel contains all the features you’re used to from previous releases, but might have thermal issues, performance issues, or be very unstable.

  • The Stable update channel contains validated, stable, code. However this channel is missing many features you’ve come used to from past updates. Currently this update channel does not contain support for: GPU, Cellular, Wifi, Desktop bridges, Automatic Brightness. It is however stable, will not overheat as much as the Experimental channel, and fully usable.

Installations using WOA Deployer will default to the Stable channel. The Experimental channel is available using DriverUpdater and the provided Lumia-Drivers-Experimental.zip file on Github.

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as X:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to <path to extracted drivers>

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

DriverUpdater.exe -d "<path to extracted drivers>definitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt" -r "<path to extracted drivers>" -p X:
  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:
DriverUpdater.exe -d "<path to extracted drivers>definitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt" -r "<path to extracted drivers>" -p X:
  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

How to install Windows Desktop on an SD card

NOTE: It is also possible to put the UEFI and bootshim on the sd card, but steps are not detailed here. Short Version:
Copy EFIESP to a new partition on your SD Card, edit BCD to remove WP boot entries and ensure bootshim/uefi is present.
In order to boot from the SD Card EFIESP press volume down at boot of your device with the sd card inserted.

  • Insert your SD Card

  • Install Windows on the SD card like you would on any external storage media (some tools even exist that can do it for you ie Rufus)

  • Set TestSigning on the {bootloadersettings} object of BCD on the sd card

  • Setup BootShim/Lumia950XlPkg on the phone eMMC like you would on a traditional installation
    (You can download bootshim from here: https://dev.azure.com/LumiaWoA/Boot%20Shim/_build/results?buildId=174&view=results)
    (and the UEFI from here: https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia950XLPkg/releases)

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using on the sd card, here we will assume it got mounted as X:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to <path to extracted drivers>

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

DriverUpdater.exe -d "<path to extracted drivers>definitionsDesktopARM64SDCard950.txt" -r "<path to extracted drivers>" -p X:
  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:
DriverUpdater.exe -d "<path to extracted drivers>definitionsDesktopARM64SDCard950xl.txt" -r "<path to extracted drivers>" -p X:
  • Reboot the device, boot into BootShim, let the UEFI load, and you should be able to boot from SD Card.

Surface Pen Support

Surface Pen Support in the Digitizer driver has been enabled in this release. It may work with other pens but it has
not been tested with others.

Currently the implementation requires you to reflash the digitizer firmware to one with pen functionality enabled.
Unfortunately such firmware is currently only available for the Lumia 950 (Talkman) device and not the Lumia 950 XL (Cityman)

To learn more on how to reflash such firmware and thus enable pen support, please go to the following message:


Note on the Power Engine Plugin (PEP) support for the Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 Processor (MSM8992)

Currently PEP only manages properly the first cluster A53. The Second Cluster is not getting faster clock speeds due to
overclocking issues in the driver. Normally the A53 cluster should be running at 1.48Ghz instead of 1.53Ghz as well.
The overclocking issue in PEP makes the A57 cluster run at 1.96Ghz instead of 1.87Ghz leading to a platform crash during
boot. Parking is functional for both clusters in this release. Only higher clock speeds is incorrectly done.

Please do not apply previous workarounds from the past, they are not compatible with this release.

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the HP lapdock properly when using a wired connection

General software defects

  • Plugging an iPhone into the USB C port of the device will result in a power delivery negotiation loop
  • Cameras are not available
  • Windows Hello Iris Scanner is not available
  • Hyper-V is not available
  • SD Card Boot is not available
  • Battery life is degraded
  • GPS stack is not using any sensor for navigation
  • Miracast is not functional with many wireless devices, but works fine on Xbox, and Windows 10 computers
  • Graphical glitches can be observed with acrylic effects on builds lower or equal than 20100
  • Graphical glitches can be observed on shadows
  • MTP may fail to start if the device is plugged a second time if the NcsdService is enabled, stop the NcsdService to fix the issue via task manager
  • Dual SIM devices are unsupported for Cellular, do not expect cellular to work properly on these

Version 2111.1

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2111.1

Released: 10/31/2021 12:00 AM UTC+1

Quality: Stable


Operating System Supported?
Windows 10 Build 16299 (1709)
Windows 10 Build 17134 (1803) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 17763 (1809) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18362 (1903) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18363 (1909) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 19041 (2004)
Windows 10 Build 19042 (20h2)
Windows 10 Build 19043 (21h1)
Windows 10 Build 19044 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22000 (21h2)
Windows 11 vNext (Nickel Semester) ✅ *
  • Might break in the future. Long term compatibility uncertain due to ARMv8.1 Atomics being required.

❌: Not supported, important issues present

⚠️: Not supported, minor issues present, not actively maintained anymore

✅: Fully supported, known issues present but nothing impactful, actively maintained

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


  • Introducing a new combined settings application, «Lumia Settings». This application combines the previous apps
    (Advanced info, Gestures & Touch, Color Profile, USB Function Mode, Glance Screen, etc) into a single app,
    accessible from the start menu.


  • Bug fixes to the USB-C PHY Driver

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

How to install Windows Desktop on an SD card

NOTE: It is also possible to put the UEFI and bootshim on the sd card, but steps are not detailed here. Short Version:
Copy EFIESP to a new partition on your SD Card, edit BCD to remove WP boot entries and ensure bootshim/uefi is present.
In order to boot from the SD Card EFIESP press volume down at boot of your device with the sd card inserted.

  • Insert your SD Card

  • Install Windows on the SD card like you would on any external storage media (some tools even exist that can do it for you ie Rufus)

  • Set TestSigning on the {bootloadersettings} object of BCD on the sd card

  • Setup BootShim/Lumia950XlPkg on the phone eMMC like you would on a traditional installation
    (You can download bootshim from here: https://dev.azure.com/LumiaWoA/Boot%20Shim/_build/results?buildId=174&view=results)
    (and the UEFI from here: https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia950XLPkg/releases)

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using on the sd card, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopSDCard950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopSDCard950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, boot into BootShim, let the UEFI load, and you should be able to boot from SD Card.

Surface Pen Support

Surface Pen Support in the Digitizer driver has been enabled in this release. It may work with other pens but it has
not been tested with others.

Currently the implementation requires you to reflash the digitizer firmware to one with pen functionality enabled.
Unfortunately such firmware is currently only available for the Lumia 950 (Talkman) device and not the Lumia 950 XL (Cityman)

To learn more on how to reflash such firmware and thus enable pen support, please go to the following message:


Note on the Power Engine Plugin (PEP) support for the Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 Processor (MSM8992)

Currently PEP only manages properly the first cluster A53. The Second Cluster is not getting faster clock speeds due to
overclocking issues in the driver. Normally the A53 cluster should be running at 1.48Ghz instead of 1.53Ghz as well.
The overclocking issue in PEP makes the A57 cluster run at 1.96Ghz instead of 1.87Ghz leading to a platform crash during
boot. Parking is functional for both clusters in this release. Only higher clock speeds is incorrectly done.

Please do not apply previous workarounds from the past, they are not compatible with this release.

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the HP lapdock properly when using a wired connection

General software defects

  • Plugging an iPhone into the USB C port of the device will result in a power delivery negotiation loop

  • Cameras are not available

  • Windows Hello Iris Scanner is not available

  • Hyper-V is not available

  • SD Card Boot is not available

  • Battery life is degraded

  • GPS stack is not using any sensor for navigation

  • Miracast is not functional with many wireless devices, but works fine on Xbox, and Windows 10 computers

  • Graphical glitches can be observed with acrylic effects on builds lower or equal than 20100

  • Graphical glitches can be observed on shadows

  • MTP may fail to start if the device is plugged a second time if the NcsdService is enabled, stop the NcsdService to fix the issue via task manager

  • Dual SIM devices are unsupported for Cellular, do not expect cellular to work properly on these

  • DirectX is unavailable for x86 and amd64 applications

  • Microphone level under Settings is stuck at 50%

  • Phone may not boot reliably or have random reboots when the battery falls below 50% on certain devices, if all cores are enabled. Especially if the battery is counterfeit or worn out.
    As a workaround, you can run «bcdedit /set numproc 4» to disable the second core cluster

  • No VoLTE

  • No VoWiFi

  • No Cellular data sharing

  • Phone Calls require manual provisioning by the user on builds higher than 18908

  • Text messages are unavailable on builds higher then 18908

  • Some users might end up being unable to send texts on build 18908 and lowe…

Version 2110.1

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2110.1

Released: 10/02/2021 12:00 PM UTC+2

Quality: Stable


Operating System Supported?
Windows 10 Build 16299 (1709)
Windows 10 Build 17134 (1803) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 17763 (1809) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18362 (1903) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18363 (1909) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 19041 (2004)
Windows 10 Build 19042 (20h2)
Windows 10 Build 19043 (21h1)
Windows 10 Build 19044 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22000 (21h2)
Windows 11 vNext (Nickel Semester) ✅ *
  • Might break in the future. Long term compatibility uncertain due to ARMv8.1 Atomics being required.

❌: Not supported, important issues present

⚠️: Not supported, minor issues present, not actively maintained anymore

✅: Fully supported, known issues present but nothing impactful, actively maintained

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


  • General updates to root device installation process. The installation process for the Type C Controller, Grip Proxy,
    FusionV2 (Sensors), Camera Core no longer rely on installation scripts, and offer better reliability.

  • The HALL Sensor driver no longer crashes on unload.

  • Reworked Installation process for the Qualcomm Radio Interface Layer

  • Fixed an issue with the Qualcomm Adreno GPU Driver UMD component registration

  • Fixed an issue impacting the rendering of Edge WebView 2 applications in the system as well as Google Chrome and Chromium

  • Addressed a few issues with the Type-C PHY driver that occured after swapping twice in a row the port

  • Updated PEP for the Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 Processor (MSM8992). The new update enables stable 1.53Ghz (temporary) for
    the Cortex-A53 Cluster. It requires no change or input of the user in order to work.

  • Updated the Touch Driver to add support for Surface Pen input if a supported firmware has been flashed onto the digitizer
    (refer to the Surface Pen Support section of this document to learn more).

  • Updated ACPI tables for SD Card support in order to fix a few issues with defined functions

  • This release is the first release to support SD Card deployment officially.

  • Enables enhanced power saving mode for the touch digitizer while the device is asleep

  • Addresses an issue with non calibrated board data for the WLAN Chip on the Lumia 950 (Talkman)

  • Reworked IMS/RCS Stack. The stack is not yet usable. It will get enabled on a future release.

  • Addresses issues with Windows Insider Dev Channel builds from the Nickel Development Cycle

  • Addresses an issue with driver signing

  • Addresses an issue with the device not properly shutting down due to Hibernation being enabled

  • Addresses an issue with the side buttons in some rare occasions not being correctly mapped to expected functionality

  • Removed a mandatory reboot during clean installs

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

How to install Windows Desktop on an SD card

NOTE: It is also possible to put the UEFI and bootshim on the sd card, but steps are not detailed here. Short Version:
Copy EFIESP to a new partition on your SD Card, edit BCD to remove WP boot entries and ensure bootshim/uefi is present.
In order to boot from the SD Card EFIESP press volume down at boot of your device with the sd card inserted.

  • Insert your SD Card

  • Install Windows on the SD card like you would on any external storage media (some tools even exist that can do it for you ie Rufus)

  • Set TestSigning on the {bootloadersettings} object of BCD on the sd card

  • Setup BootShim/Lumia950XlPkg on the phone eMMC like you would on a traditional installation
    (You can download bootshim from here: https://dev.azure.com/LumiaWoA/Boot%20Shim/_build/results?buildId=174&view=results)
    (and the UEFI from here: https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia950XLPkg/releases)

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using on the sd card, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopSDCard950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopSDCard950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, boot into BootShim, let the UEFI load, and you should be able to boot from SD Card.

Surface Pen Support

Surface Pen Support in the Digitizer driver has been enabled in this release. It may work with other pens but it has
not been tested with others.

Currently the implementation requires you to reflash the digitizer firmware to one with pen functionality enabled.
Unfortunately such firmware is currently only available for the Lumia 950 (Talkman) device and not the Lumia 950 XL (Cityman)

To learn more on how to reflash such firmware and thus enable pen support, please go to the following message:


Mirror: Talkman_Surface_Pen.zip

Note on the Power Engine Plugin (PEP) support for the Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 Processor (MSM8992)

Currently PEP only manages properly the first cluster A53. The Second Cluster is not getting faster clock speeds due to
overclocking issues in the driver. Normally the A53 cluster should be running at 1.48Ghz instead of 1.53Ghz as well.
The overclocking issue in PEP makes the A57 cluster run at 1.96Ghz instead of 1.87Ghz leading to a platform crash during
boot. Parking is functional for both clusters in this release. Only higher clock speeds is incorrectly done.

Please do not apply previous workarounds from the past, they are not compatible with this release.

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the …

Version 2108.93

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2108.93

Released: 08/29/2021 19:00 PM UTC+2

Quality: Stable


Operating System Supported?
Windows 10 Build 16299 (1709)
Windows 10 Build 17134 (1803) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 17763 (1809) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18362 (1903) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18363 (1909) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 19041 (2004)
Windows 10 Build 19042 (20h2)
Windows 10 Build 19043 (21h1)
Windows 10 Build 19044 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22000 (21h2)

❌: Not supported, important issues present
⚠️: Not supported, minor issues present, not actively maintained anymore
✅: Fully supported, known issues present but nothing impactful, actively maintained

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


  • Update to the touch driver (Synaptics)

    Resolves an issue preventing double tap to wake functionality

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the HP lapdock properly when using a wired connection

General software defects

  • Cameras are not available

  • Windows Hello Iris Scanner is not available

  • Hyper-V is not available

  • SD Card Boot is not available

  • Battery life is degraded

  • GPS stack is not using any sensor for navigation

  • Miracast is not functional with many wireless devices, but works fine on Xbox, and Windows 10 computers

  • Graphical glitches can be observed with acrylic effects on builds lower or equal than 20100

  • Graphical glitches can be observed on shadows

  • MTP may fail to start if the device is plugged a second time if the NcsdService is enabled, stop the NcsdService to fix the issue via task manager

  • Dual SIM devices are unsupported for Cellular, do not expect cellular to work properly on these

  • DirectX is unavailable for x86 and amd64 applications

  • Microphone level under Settings is stuck at 50%

  • Phone may not boot reliably or have random reboots when the battery falls below 50% on certain devices, if all cores are enabled. Especially if the battery is counterfeit or worn out.
    As a workaround, you can run «bcdedit /set numproc 4» to disable the second core cluster

  • No VoLTE

  • No VoWiFi

  • No Cellular data sharing

  • Phone Calls require manual provisioning by the user on builds higher than 18908

  • Text messages are unavailable on builds higher then 18908

  • Some users might end up being unable to send texts on build 18908 and lower. To address this issue, open regedit on
    the device, go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMessagingIMEISpecific (or IMSISpecific), right click, go to security
    Tap advanced, tap change owner, in the dialog that opens, enter «Everyone» (without the quotes), tap check names
    press ok, press ok. Tap ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES, select ‘full control’, do the same for other listed accounts (optionally)
    Apply, and close regedit.

  • An APN might be required to specify for some users in order to get cellular data working.

  • Cellular is unavailable on builds lower than 17672.

  • Some drivers and mainly sensors will not be working on RS3 (16299).

  • Current issues with glance screen:

When the glance screen times out after the time specified there’s a chance the screen won’t turn off, this is still needing investigation but the issue can only be two things:
— either the device got out of S0ix and is sleeping at a lower level, because wifi is not connected for example, as a result the glance service is unable to take actions, this is a problem
— or, the glance service is trying to clear the screen, (there’s a specific panel driver command to do so), and for some reason this is failing.
This specific issue might take some time to completely iron out.

The following status notifications are not implemented in the port/non functional in the wrapper libraries:
— Battery saver indication
— Ringer indication (vibrate on, silence on)
— Alarm indication
— Detailed text indication
— Notification badges

The following functionality is not implemented:
— Wake glance on single tap

Deprecation notice

  • Support for Build 18363 has ended, we cannot guarentee anymore that things will continue to work due to ongoing testing being halted.
    18363 and lower are over 3 years old. Please upgrade to 19041 or higher.

  • Night light is broken on 18363 and lower [Won’t fix, <= 18363 is deprecated, see above]

Windows 10/11 software defects

  • Applications do not get installed if the user reboots the device on first boot before completion or if the date and time settings are incorrect during OOBE (Out Of Box Experience).
    As a workaround, find the «Second Party Application Provisioner» application in the start menu, right click, run as administrator
  • System reset is not supported
  • First boot can have bad thermal performance due to Windows initial app installation.
    While leaving the phone plugged in to a wall charger, let it install all applications, all app updates through the store, and OneDrive. Then let the phone cool down

Windows 10X software defects

NOTE: Windows 10X is a dead Operating System currently and we have no plans to offer images ourselves anymore. We believe those who still want to go this way should be able
to build an image themselves with the content we provide under the adaptationkit directory.

  • Vibration is unavailable
  • Under certain circumstances, Windows may fail booting on talkman devices when AutoChk runs (repairing drive at boot). If this is your case, let the device reboot a couple of times, or reflash the FFU file til the issue vanishes
  • Second Party Apps are not available
  • Cellular data is unavailable

Bug reporting

This release is a Preview release. Bug exists and may happen. If you notice a bug not present in the following bug list, please report them on our Telegram Group.

— WOA-Project Team

Version 2108.80

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2108.80

Released: 08/25/2021 11:30 PM UTC+2

Quality: Stable

Notice (8/25/2021 @ 11:22 AM (UTC+2))

Known issues that only happen when using driver updater:

Windows Shell might hang after performing an update using driver updater, to resolve this issue, open an explorer window, go to control panel, open device manager, expand «Software Components», right click ‘Microsoft Windows Phone Networking Stack’, select uninstall, make sure the option that says also remove driver package is unticked, uninstall, refresh devices, reboot device


Operating System Supported?
Windows 10 Build 16299 (1709)
Windows 10 Build 17134 (1803) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 17763 (1809) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18362 (1903) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18363 (1909) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 19041 (2004)
Windows 10 Build 19042 (20h2)
Windows 10 Build 19043 (21h1)
Windows 10 Build 19044 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22000 (21h2)

❌: Not supported, important issues present
⚠️: Not supported, minor issues present, not actively maintained anymore
✅: Fully supported, known issues present but nothing impactful, actively maintained

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


  • Update to MobileShell

    Fixes MobileShell not being usable on Windows 11

    Adds a startup option in settings (right click app in the start menu -> app settings -> tasks on login -> Start MobileShell automatically when I login -> flip it on)

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the HP lapdock properly when using a wired connection

General software defects

  • Cameras are not available

  • Windows Hello Iris Scanner is not available

  • Hyper-V is not available

  • SD Card Boot is not available

  • Battery life is degraded

  • GPS stack is not using any sensor for navigation

  • Miracast is not functional with many wireless devices, but works fine on Xbox, and Windows 10 computers

  • Graphical glitches can be observed with acrylic effects on builds lower or equal than 20100

  • Graphical glitches can be observed on shadows

  • MTP may fail to start if the device is plugged a second time if the NcsdService is enabled, stop the NcsdService to fix the issue via task manager

  • Dual SIM devices are unsupported for Cellular, do not expect cellular to work properly on these

  • DirectX is unavailable for x86 and amd64 applications

  • Microphone level under Settings is stuck at 50%

  • Phone may not boot reliably or have random reboots when the battery falls below 50% on certain devices, if all cores are enabled. Especially if the battery is counterfeit or worn out.
    As a workaround, you can run «bcdedit /set numproc 4» to disable the second core cluster

  • No VoLTE

  • No VoWiFi

  • No Cellular data sharing

  • Phone Calls require manual provisioning by the user on builds higher than 18908

  • Text messages are unavailable on builds higher then 18908

  • Some users might end up being unable to send texts on build 18908 and lower. To address this issue, open regedit on
    the device, go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMessagingIMEISpecific (or IMSISpecific), right click, go to security
    Tap advanced, tap change owner, in the dialog that opens, enter «Everyone» (without the quotes), tap check names
    press ok, press ok. Tap ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES, select ‘full control’, do the same for other listed accounts (optionally)
    Apply, and close regedit.

  • An APN might be required to specify for some users in order to get cellular data working.

  • Cellular is unavailable on builds lower than 17672.

  • Some drivers and mainly sensors will not be working on RS3 (16299).

  • Current issues with glance screen:

When the glance screen times out after the time specified there’s a chance the screen won’t turn off, this is still needing investigation but the issue can only be two things:
— either the device got out of S0ix and is sleeping at a lower level, because wifi is not connected for example, as a result the glance service is unable to take actions, this is a problem
— or, the glance service is trying to clear the screen, (there’s a specific panel driver command to do so), and for some reason this is failing.
This specific issue might take some time to completely iron out.

The following status notifications are not implemented in the port/non functional in the wrapper libraries:
— Battery saver indication
— Ringer indication (vibrate on, silence on)
— Alarm indication
— Detailed text indication
— Notification badges

The following functionality is not implemented:
— Wake glance on single tap

Deprecation notice

  • Support for Build 18363 has ended, we cannot guarentee anymore that things will continue to work due to ongoing testing being halted.
    18363 and lower are over 3 years old. Please upgrade to 19041 or higher.

  • Night light is broken on 18363 and lower [Won’t fix, <= 18363 is deprecated, see above]

Windows 10/11 software defects

  • Applications do not get installed if the user reboots the device on first boot before completion or if the date and time settings are incorrect during OOBE (Out Of Box Experience).
    As a workaround, find the «Second Party Application Provisioner» application in the start menu, right click, run as administrator
  • System reset is not supported
  • First boot can have bad thermal performance due to Windows initial app installation.
    While leaving the phone plugged in to a wall charger, let it install all applications, all app updates through the store, and OneDrive. Then let the phone cool down

Windows 10X software defects

NOTE: Windows 10X is a dead Operating System currently and we have no plans to offer images ourselves anymore. We believe those who still want to go this way should be able
to build an image themselves with the content we provide under the adaptationkit directory.

  • Vibration is unavailable
  • Under certain circumstances, Windows may fail booting on talkman devices when AutoChk runs (repairing drive at boot). If this is your case, let the device reboot a couple of times, or reflash the FFU file til the issue vanishes
  • Second Party Apps are not available
  • Cellular data is unavai…

Version 2108.77

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2108.77

Released: 08/24/2021 09:00 PM UTC+2

Quality: Stable

Notice (8/25/2021 @ 11:22 AM (UTC+2))

Known issues that only happen when using driver updater:

Windows Shell might hang after performing an update using driver updater, to resolve this issue, open an explorer window, go to control panel, open device manager, expand «Software Components», right click ‘Microsoft Windows Phone Networking Stack’, select uninstall, make sure the option that says also remove driver package is unticked, uninstall, refresh devices, reboot device


Operating System Supported?
Windows 10 Build 16299 (1709)
Windows 10 Build 17134 (1803) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 17763 (1809) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18362 (1903) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18363 (1909) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 19041 (2004)
Windows 10 Build 19042 (20h2)
Windows 10 Build 19043 (21h1)
Windows 10 Build 19044 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22000 (21h2)

❌: Not supported, important issues present
⚠️: Not supported, minor issues present, not actively maintained anymore
✅: Fully supported, known issues present but nothing impactful, actively maintained

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


  • Update to the Synaptics RMI4 F12 Touch Driver

    This update brings bug fixes and quality enhancements.

  • Update to MobileNetworkingService component

    This update brings bug fixes and quality enhancements.

    Addresses an issue impacting the following functionality:

    — Retrieving ICan0/ICan1 values from the registry with correct data

    — Setting ICan0/ICan1 values to the registry and having the phone accept them

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the HP lapdock properly when using a wired connection

General software defects

  • Cameras are not available

  • Windows Hello Iris Scanner is not available

  • Hyper-V is not available

  • SD Card Boot is not available

  • Battery life is degraded

  • GPS stack is not using any sensor for navigation

  • Miracast is not functional with many wireless devices, but works fine on Xbox, and Windows 10 computers

  • Graphical glitches can be observed with acrylic effects on builds lower or equal than 20100

  • Graphical glitches can be observed on shadows

  • MTP may fail to start if the device is plugged a second time if the NcsdService is enabled, stop the NcsdService to fix the issue via task manager

  • Dual SIM devices are unsupported for Cellular, do not expect cellular to work properly on these

  • DirectX is unavailable for x86 and amd64 applications

  • Microphone level under Settings is stuck at 50%

  • Phone may not boot reliably or have random reboots when the battery falls below 50% on certain devices, if all cores are enabled. Especially if the battery is counterfeit or worn out.
    As a workaround, you can run «bcdedit /set numproc 4» to disable the second core cluster

  • No VoLTE

  • No VoWiFi

  • No Cellular data sharing

  • Phone Calls require manual provisioning by the user on builds higher than 18908

  • Text messages are unavailable on builds higher then 18908

  • Some users might end up being unable to send texts on build 18908 and lower. To address this issue, open regedit on
    the device, go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMessagingIMEISpecific (or IMSISpecific), right click, go to security
    Tap advanced, tap change owner, in the dialog that opens, enter «Everyone» (without the quotes), tap check names
    press ok, press ok. Tap ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES, select ‘full control’, do the same for other listed accounts (optionally)
    Apply, and close regedit.

  • An APN might be required to specify for some users in order to get cellular data working.

  • Cellular is unavailable on builds lower than 17672.

  • Some drivers and mainly sensors will not be working on RS3 (16299).

  • Current issues with glance screen:

When the glance screen times out after the time specified there’s a chance the screen won’t turn off, this is still needing investigation but the issue can only be two things:
— either the device got out of S0ix and is sleeping at a lower level, because wifi is not connected for example, as a result the glance service is unable to take actions, this is a problem
— or, the glance service is trying to clear the screen, (there’s a specific panel driver command to do so), and for some reason this is failing.
This specific issue might take some time to completely iron out.

The following status notifications are not implemented in the port/non functional in the wrapper libraries:
— Battery saver indication
— Ringer indication (vibrate on, silence on)
— Alarm indication
— Detailed text indication
— Notification badges

The following functionality is not implemented:
— Wake glance on single tap

Deprecation notice

  • Support for Build 18363 has ended, we cannot guarentee anymore that things will continue to work due to ongoing testing being halted.
    18363 and lower are over 3 years old. Please upgrade to 19041 or higher.

  • Night light is broken on 18363 and lower [Won’t fix, <= 18363 is deprecated, see above]

Windows 10/11 software defects

  • Applications do not get installed if the user reboots the device on first boot before completion or if the date and time settings are incorrect during OOBE (Out Of Box Experience).
    As a workaround, find the «Second Party Application Provisioner» application in the start menu, right click, run as administrator
  • System reset is not supported
  • First boot can have bad thermal performance due to Windows initial app installation.
    While leaving the phone plugged in to a wall charger, let it install all applications, all app updates through the store, and OneDrive. Then let the phone cool down

Windows 10X software defects

NOTE: Windows 10X is a dead Operating System currently and we have no plans to offer images ourselves anymore. We believe those who still want to go this way should be able
to build an image themselves with the content we provide under the adaptationkit directory.

  • Vibration is unavailable
  • Under certain circumstances, Windows may fail booting on talkman devices when AutoChk runs (repairing …

Version 2108.74

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2108.74

Released: 08/23/2021 09:00 PM UTC+2

Quality: Stable


Operating System Supported?
Windows 10 Build 16299 (1709)
Windows 10 Build 17134 (1803) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 17763 (1809) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18362 (1903) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 18363 (1909) ⚠️
Windows 10 Build 19041 (2004)
Windows 10 Build 19042 (20h2)
Windows 10 Build 19043 (21h1)
Windows 10 Build 19044 (21h2)
Windows 11 Build 22000 (21h2)

❌: Not supported, important issues present
⚠️: Not supported, minor issues present, not actively maintained anymore
✅: Fully supported, known issues present but nothing impactful, actively maintained

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


  • Updated PEP for »Plutonium» MSM8992/Qualcomm Snapdragon 808

    This update contains nothing new and is designed to test our new code changes.

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the HP lapdock properly when using a wired connection

General software defects

  • Cameras are not available

  • Windows Hello Iris Scanner is not available

  • Hyper-V is not available

  • SD Card Boot is not available

  • Battery life is degraded

  • GPS stack is not using any sensor for navigation

  • Miracast is not functional with many wireless devices, but works fine on Xbox, and Windows 10 computers

  • Graphical glitches can be observed with acrylic effects on builds lower or equal than 20100

  • Graphical glitches can be observed on shadows

  • MTP may fail to start if the device is plugged a second time if the NcsdService is enabled, stop the NcsdService to fix the issue via task manager

  • Dual SIM devices are unsupported for Cellular, do not expect cellular to work properly on these

  • DirectX is unavailable for x86 and amd64 applications

  • Microphone level under Settings is stuck at 50%

  • Phone may not boot reliably or have random reboots when the battery falls below 50% on certain devices, if all cores are enabled. Especially if the battery is counterfeit or worn out.
    As a workaround, you can run «bcdedit /set numproc 4» to disable the second core cluster

  • No VoLTE

  • No VoWiFi

  • No Cellular data sharing

  • Phone Calls require manual provisioning by the user on builds higher than 18908

  • Text messages are unavailable on builds higher then 18908

  • Some users might end up being unable to send texts on build 18908 and lower. To address this issue, open regedit on
    the device, go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMessagingIMEISpecific (or IMSISpecific), right click, go to security
    Tap advanced, tap change owner, in the dialog that opens, enter «Everyone» (without the quotes), tap check names
    press ok, press ok. Tap ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES, select ‘full control’, do the same for other listed accounts (optionally)
    Apply, and close regedit.

  • An APN might be required to specify for some users in order to get cellular data working.

  • Cellular is unavailable on builds lower than 17672.

  • Some drivers and mainly sensors will not be working on RS3 (16299).

  • Current issues with glance screen:

When the glance screen times out after the time specified there’s a chance the screen won’t turn off, this is still needing investigation but the issue can only be two things:
— either the device got out of S0ix and is sleeping at a lower level, because wifi is not connected for example, as a result the glance service is unable to take actions, this is a problem
— or, the glance service is trying to clear the screen, (there’s a specific panel driver command to do so), and for some reason this is failing.
This specific issue might take some time to completely iron out.

The following status notifications are not implemented in the port/non functional in the wrapper libraries:
— Battery saver indication
— Ringer indication (vibrate on, silence on)
— Alarm indication
— Detailed text indication
— Notification badges

The following functionality is not implemented:
— Wake glance on single tap

Deprecation notice

  • Support for Build 18363 has ended, we cannot guarentee anymore that things will continue to work due to ongoing testing being halted.
    18363 and lower are over 3 years old. Please upgrade to 19041 or higher.

  • Night light is broken on 18363 and lower [Won’t fix, <= 18363 is deprecated, see above]

Windows 10/11 software defects

  • Applications do not get installed if the user reboots the device on first boot before completion or if the date and time settings are incorrect during OOBE (Out Of Box Experience).
    As a workaround, find the «Second Party Application Provisioner» application in the start menu, right click, run as administrator
  • System reset is not supported
  • First boot can have bad thermal performance due to Windows initial app installation.
    While leaving the phone plugged in to a wall charger, let it install all applications, all app updates through the store, and OneDrive. Then let the phone cool down

Windows 10X software defects

NOTE: Windows 10X is a dead Operating System currently and we have no plans to offer images ourselves anymore. We believe those who still want to go this way should be able
to build an image themselves with the content we provide under the adaptationkit directory.

  • Vibration is unavailable
  • Under certain circumstances, Windows may fail booting on talkman devices when AutoChk runs (repairing drive at boot). If this is your case, let the device reboot a couple of times, or reflash the FFU file til the issue vanishes
  • Second Party Apps are not available
  • Cellular data is unavailable

Bug reporting

This release is a Preview release. Bug exists and may happen. If you notice a bug not present in the following bug list, please report them on our Telegram Group.

— WOA-Project Team

Version 2108.67

Lumia Drivers BSP — Version 2108.67

Released: 08/21/2021 12:00 AM UTC+2

Quality: Stable

Important installation notes


Please make sure your battery is fully charged before installing this driver pack. For most batteries the charge must be 100% as the phone may shutdown during setup if the battery is even at 80% charge.
Make sure battery is charged to 100% before continuing. If this is not the case, reboot your device now and charge it in an Operating System.

Reminder: if you are using WOA Deployer, please do not use the «Force Dual Boot» button, otherwise the setup process
will FAIL.

Release notes


  • Updated Mobile Networking Service

    Addresses an issue that prevented creation of the ICan0 value on builds lower or equal to 18908.

Side note:

We also have an updated UEFI along with this release which brings fTPM support to our devices!

How to offline update an existing Windows Desktop installation

  • Switch the device into mass storage.

  • Take note of the drive letter the Windows partition is using, here we will assume it got mounted as I:

  • Download [Lumia-Drivers-Full.zip] from https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Drivers/releases/latest

  • Extract said zip file to a folder of your choice, we will assume here we extracted it to C:UpdatedDrivers

  • Download the DriverUpdater utility from https://github.com/WOA-Project/DriverUpdater/releases/latest

  • Open a command prompt as administrator, where the driver utility got downloaded

  • If your device is a Lumia 950, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • If your device is a Lumia 950 XL, execute the following command:

    DriverUpdater.exe C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXXdefinitionsDesktopARM64Internal950xl.txt C:UpdatedDriversLumia-Drivers-XXXX I:

  • Reboot the device, the device will now begin PnP setup once again, and hopefully you will be back soon enough to your desktop

How to install Windows Desktop on internal Storage

  • Please follow the steps detailed at https://woa-project.github.io/LumiaWOA/guides/

Hardware specific defects

  • A considerable amount of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices do not work with the HP lapdock properly when using a wired connection

General software defects

  • Cameras are not available

  • Windows Hello Iris Scanner is not available

  • Hyper-V is not available

  • SD Card Boot is not available

  • Battery life is degraded

  • GPS stack is not using any sensor for navigation

  • Miracast is not functional with many wireless devices, but works fine on Xbox, and Windows 10 computers

  • Graphical glitches can be observed with acrylic effects on builds lower or equal than 20100

  • Graphical glitches can be observed on shadows

  • MTP may fail to start if the device is plugged a second time if the NcsdService is enabled, stop the NcsdService to fix the issue via task manager

  • Dual SIM devices are unsupported for Cellular, do not expect cellular to work properly on these

  • DirectX is unavailable for x86 and amd64 applications

  • Microphone level under Settings is stuck at 50%

  • Phone may not boot reliably or have random reboots when the battery falls below 50% on certain devices, if all cores are enabled. Especially if the battery is counterfeit or worn out.
    As a workaround, you can run «bcdedit /set numproc 4» to disable the second core cluster

  • No VoLTE

  • No VoWiFi

  • No Cellular data sharing

  • Phone Calls require manual provisioning by the user on builds higher than 18908

  • Text messages are unavailable on builds higher then 18908

  • Some users might end up being unable to send texts on build 18908 and lower. To address this issue, open regedit on
    the device, go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMessagingIMEISpecific (or IMSISpecific), right click, go to security
    Tap advanced, tap change owner, in the dialog that opens, enter «Everyone» (without the quotes), tap check names
    press ok, press ok. Tap ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES, select ‘full control’, do the same for other listed accounts (optionally)
    Apply, and close regedit.

  • An APN might be required to specify for some users in order to get cellular data working.

  • Cellular is unavailable on builds lower than 17672.

  • Some drivers and mainly sensors will not be working on RS3 (16299).

  • Current issues with glance screen:

When the glance screen times out after the time specified there’s a chance the screen won’t turn off, this is still needing investigation but the issue can only be two things:
— either the device got out of S0ix and is sleeping at a lower level, because wifi is not connected for example, as a result the glance service is unable to take actions, this is a problem
— or, the glance service is trying to clear the screen, (there’s a specific panel driver command to do so), and for some reason this is failing.
This specific issue might take some time to completely iron out.

The following status notifications are not implemented in the port/non functional in the wrapper libraries:
— Battery saver indication
— Ringer indication (vibrate on, silence on)
— Alarm indication
— Detailed text indication
— Notification badges

The following functionality is not implemented:
— Wake glance on single tap

Deprecation notice

  • Support for Build 18363 has ended, we cannot guarentee anymore that things will continue to work due to ongoing testing being halted.
    18363 and lower are over 3 years old. Please upgrade to 19041 or higher.

  • Night light is broken on 18363 and lower [Won’t fix, <= 18363 is deprecated, see above]

Windows 10/11 software defects

  • Applications do not get installed if the user reboots the device on first boot before completion or if the date and time settings are incorrect during OOBE (Out Of Box Experience).
    As a workaround, find the «Second Party Application Provisioner» application in the start menu, right click, run as administrator
  • System reset is not supported
  • First boot can have bad thermal performance due to Windows initial app installation.
    While leaving the phone plugged in to a wall charger, let it install all applications, all app updates through the store, and OneDrive. Then let the phone cool down

Windows 10X software defects

NOTE: Windows 10X is a dead Operating System currently and we have no plans to offer images ourselves anymore. We believe those who still want to go this way should be able
to build an image themselves with the content we provide under the adaptationkit directory.

  • Vibration is unavailable
  • Under certain circumstances, Windows may fail booting on talkman devices when AutoChk runs (repairing drive at boot). If this is your case, let the device reboot a couple of times, or reflash the FFU file til the issue vanishes
  • Second Party Apps are not available
  • Cellular data is unavailable

Bug reporting

This release is a Preview release. Bug exists and may happen. If you notice a bug not present in the following bug list, please report them on our Telegram Group.

— WOA-Project Team

by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on November 19, 2021

  • Connecting our smartphones to our PCs is sometimes the best method for file transfer.
  • Users reported that their Lumia smartphones are not recognized in Windows 10.
  • For more information about smartphones visit our Smartphone page.
  • If you’re looking for solutions to your PC problems, visit our Tech Troubleshooting Hub.

Laptop Doesn’t Recognize Lumia Smartphone


To fix various PC problems, we recommend DriverFix:
This software will keep your drivers up and running, thus keeping you safe from common computer errors and hardware failure. Check all your drivers now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download DriverFix (verified download file).
  2. Click Start Scan to find all problematic drivers.
  3. Click Update Drivers to get new versions and avoid system malfunctionings.
  • DriverFix has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

We transfer files from our laptops and computers to smartphones all the time, but some users are unable to transfer files because Windows 10 laptops can’t recognize their Lumia smartphone.

Their smartphone isn’t recognized when they connect it to a different computer, so it seems that this issue is related to the Lumia smartphone and not their laptop.

So what can we do to fix that?

What can I do if the Lumia smartphone is not recognized?

Sometimes your laptop doesn’t recognize Lumia devices, and that can be an annoying problem. Speaking of issues, here are some similar problems that users reported:

  • Windows phone 10 not connecting to PC – Can occur due to various reasons, and in order to fix it, it’s advised to temporarily disable your antivirus and check if that helps.
  • Windows phone not detected in Windows 10 – Can appear due to your drivers so you just have to reinstall the phone’s drivers.
  • Windows phone charging but not connecting to PC – Your phone might not be connecting properly to your PC. Be sure to perform a soft reset and see if that fixes the problem.
  • PC doesn’t recognize Nokia Lumia – Sometimes your PC won’t be able to recognize Nokia Lumia at all. Update both Windows and the system on your phone to the latest version to fix the issue.

1. Reinstall the Lumia USB driver

  1. Make sure that your phone isn’t connected to your computer.
  2. Press Windows Key + X and choose Device Manager from the menu.
    Windows phone charging but not connecting to PC
  3. Go to View and click on Show hidden devices.
    PC doesn't recognize Nokia Lumia
  4. Expand Universal Serial Bus Devices.
  5. Locate Lumia USB driver and right-click it.
  6. Choose Uninstall device.
    Windows phone not detected in Windows 10
  7. Click Uninstall.
    Windows phone charging but not connecting to PC
  8. Restart your computer.
  9. Connect your Lumia device, wait for the driver to install, and check to see if the issue is resolved.

The manual solution is perfectly fine but the system will install a default driver, not necessarily the latest one.

There is an easier way of updating your drivers by using specialized software like DriverFix.

This way, you can be sure that you always have the newest drivers and you don’t risk anything by downloading and installing an old or wrong driver.

It’s extremely simple to use but first you need to download and install DriverFix. You don’t need to worry about finding its icon on the Desktop because it will start automatically.

The tool will scan your system for new, updated, or malfunctioning drivers and after a few seconds, it will display a list of drivers to install.

DriverFix automatically update drivers

The only thing left to do is to click on the Install All button from the top or to check the boxes from the corresponding drivers if you want to install them one by one.



DriverFix will install the USB driver in just a couple of seconds and your PC will recognize your Lumia phone.

2. Check your antivirus

If your laptop doesn’t recognize the Lumia smartphone, the issue might be your antivirus.

Many antivirus applications are designed to scan any USB devices that you attach to your PC, and in some instances, an antivirus can block your USB device.

To fix this problem, open your antivirus and make sure that USB devices aren’t scanned or blocked. In addition, you might want to try disabling other features or even disable your antivirus altogether.

If that doesn’t solve the problem, you might have to uninstall your antivirus. Certain antivirus tools can interfere with your system, and the only way to fix the problem is to remove that antivirus.

Once you remove your antivirus, check if the problem is still there. If not, it’s advised that you switch to a different antivirus solution.

Keeping your PC safe is quite important, and if you want an antivirus that will provide maximum protection without interfering with your system, you should consider using Bitdefender Antivirus Plus.

3. Turn Xbox Music Cloud Collection off

  1. Go to Music +Video app on your phone.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Turn off Xbox Music Cloud Collection.
  4. Reconnect your Lumia smartphone to your computer.

4. Change the General settings of your USB device

  1. Make sure that your Lumia smartphone is connected.
  2. Click on the USB icon from the Taskbar.
  3. Choose Open devices and printers.
  4. Double click the Lumia device icon.
  5. Click on Change General settings.
  6. Click on the drop-down box and select When this device connects open Windows Explorer to view files.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Disconnect your phone and restart your computer.
  9. Connect your phone to see if it works.

5. Perform a soft reset

To perform a soft reset on Lumia, you just need to press and hold the Volume Down button and the Power button for 3-5 seconds.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

After doing that, your phone will perform a soft reset and it should be recognized by your laptop.

Some users are suggesting that you can perform a soft reset simply by holding the Power button for about 10 seconds, so you can try that as well.

The process might be slightly different for different Lumia models, so we suggest that you check your instruction manual for detailed information.

6. Turn off and turn on your phone while it’s connected to your computer

If your laptop doesn’t recognize Lumia, you might be able to fix this issue simply by turning the phone on and off while it’s connected to your PC.

After your phone starts, it should be detected by the PC automatically.

7. Install Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 10

Windows phone 10 not connecting to PC

In case your Laptop doesn’t recognize the Lumia smartphone, the issue might be the lack of Media Feature Pack.

In case you don’t know, European and Korean versions of Windows 10 lack certain media features, and if you’re using one of these versions, you most likely don’t have these features installed.

Due to the lack of Media Feature Pack, your PC might not be able to recognize your phone.

Although this can be a big problem, you can easily fix it simply by downloading Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 10.

8. Replace your charging cable

According to users, one possible cause for this problem can be your charging cable. USB cables can break after a while, so if your laptop doesn’t recognize Lumia smartphone, it’s possible that your cable is broken.

To fix this issue, the simplest solution is to get just a different USB cable.

It’s also worth mentioning that there are two types of USB cables, and sometimes you might get a USB cable that is designed just for charging.

To ensure that your Lumia works with your laptop, be sure to get a USB cable designed for both charging and data transfer.

9. Install the latest updates

  1. Open the Settings app using the Windows Key + I shortcut.
  2. Go to the Update & Security section.
    Windows phone not detected in Windows 10
  3. Click Check for updates button.
    PC doesn't recognize Nokia Lumia

Windows will now check for available updates and download them automatically in the background. Once the updates are downloaded, restart your PC to install them.

After your system is up to date, the problem with Lumia should be resolved.

In addition to updating Windows 10, it’s also important to update the system on your phone. Once you update the system to the latest version, check if the issue is still there.

If your laptop doesn’t recognize the Lumia smartphone, that can be a big problem, but you should be able to fix this annoying issue by using one of our solutions.

If you have any other suggestions, leave us a line in the comments section below.

newsletter icon


by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on

  • Connecting our smartphones to our PCs is sometimes the best method for file transfer.
  • Users reported that their Lumia smartphones are not recognized in Windows 10.
  • For more information about smartphones visit our Smartphone page.
  • If you’re looking for solutions to your PC problems, visit our Tech Troubleshooting Hub.

Laptop Doesn’t Recognize Lumia Smartphone

We transfer files from our laptops and computers to smartphones all the time, but some users are unable to transfer files because Windows 10 laptops can’t recognize their Lumia smartphone.

Their smartphone isn’t recognized when they connect it to a different computer, so it seems that this issue is related to the Lumia smartphone and not their laptop.

So what can we do to fix that?

What can I do if the Lumia smartphone is not recognized?

Sometimes your laptop doesn’t recognize Lumia devices, and that can be an annoying problem. Speaking of issues, here are some similar problems that users reported:

  • Windows phone 10 not connecting to PC – Can occur due to various reasons, and in order to fix it, it’s advised to temporarily disable your antivirus and check if that helps.
  • Windows phone not detected in Windows 10 – Can appear due to your drivers so you just have to reinstall the phone’s drivers.
  • Windows phone charging but not connecting to PC – Your phone might not be connecting properly to your PC. Be sure to perform a soft reset and see if that fixes the problem.
  • PC doesn’t recognize Nokia Lumia – Sometimes your PC won’t be able to recognize Nokia Lumia at all. Update both Windows and the system on your phone to the latest version to fix the issue.

1. Reinstall the Lumia USB driver

  1. Make sure that your phone isn’t connected to your computer.
  2. Press Windows Key + X and choose from the menu.
    Windows phone charging but not connecting to PC
  3. Go to View and click on Show hidden devices.
    PC doesn't recognize Nokia Lumia
  4. Expand Universal Serial Bus Devices.
  5. Locate Lumia USB driver and right-click it.
  6. Choose Uninstall device.
    Windows phone not detected in Windows 10
  7. Click Uninstall.
    Windows phone charging but not connecting to PC
  8. Restart your computer.
  9. Connect your Lumia device, wait for the driver to install, and check to see if the issue is resolved.

The manual solution is perfectly fine but the system will install a default driver, not necessarily the latest one.

There is an easier way of updating your drivers by using specialized software like Outbyte Driver Updater.

This way, you can be sure that you always have the newest drivers and you don’t risk anything by downloading and installing an old or wrong driver.

It’s extremely simple to use but first, you need to download and install Outbyte Driver Updater. You don’t need to worry about finding its icon on the Desktop because it will start automatically.

The tool will scan your system for new, updated, or malfunctioning drivers and after a few seconds, it will display a list of drivers to install.

The only thing left to do is to click on the Install All button from the top or to check the boxes from the corresponding drivers if you want to install them one by one.

How we test, review and rate?

We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

⇒ Get Outbyte Driver Updater

2. Check your antivirus

If your laptop doesn’t recognize the Lumia smartphone, the issue might be your antivirus.

Many antivirus applications are designed to scan any USB devices that you attach to your PC, and in some instances, an antivirus can block your USB device.

To fix this problem, open your antivirus and make sure that USB devices aren’t scanned or blocked. In addition, you might want to try disabling other features or even disable your antivirus altogether.

If that doesn’t solve the problem, you might have to uninstall your antivirus. Certain antivirus tools can interfere with your system, and the only way to fix the problem is to remove that antivirus.

Once you remove your antivirus, check if the problem is still there. If not, it’s advised that you switch to a different antivirus solution.

Keeping your PC safe is essential, so make sure to get a Windows 10 compatible antivirus that won’t interfere with your system.

3. Turn Xbox Music Cloud Collection off

  1. Go to Music +Video app on your phone.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Turn off Xbox Music Cloud Collection.
  4. Reconnect your Lumia smartphone to your computer.

4. Change the General settings of your USB device

  1. Make sure that your Lumia smartphone is connected.
  2. Click on the USB icon from the Taskbar.
  3. Choose Open devices and printers.
  4. Double click the Lumia device icon.
  5. Click on Change General settings.
  6. Click on the drop-down box and select When this device connects open Windows Explorer to view files.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Disconnect your phone and restart your computer.
  9. Connect your phone to see if it works.

5. Perform a soft reset

To perform a soft reset on Lumia, you just need to press and hold the Volume Down button and the Power button for 3-5 seconds.

After doing that, your phone will perform a soft reset and it should be recognized by your laptop.

Some users are suggesting that you can perform a soft reset simply by holding the Power button for about 10 seconds, so you can try that as well.

The process might be slightly different for different Lumia models, so we suggest that you check your instruction manual for detailed information.

6. Turn off and turn on your phone while it’s connected to your computer

If your laptop doesn’t recognize Lumia, you might be able to fix this issue simply by turning the phone on and off while it’s connected to your PC.

After your phone starts, it should be detected by the PC automatically.

7. Install Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 10

Windows phone 10 not connecting to PC

In case your Laptop doesn’t recognize the Lumia smartphone, the issue might be the lack of a Media Feature Pack.

In case you don’t know, European and Korean versions of Windows 10 lack certain media features, and if you’re using one of these versions, you most likely don’t have these features installed.

Due to the lack of a Media Feature Pack, your PC might not be able to recognize your phone.

Although this can be a big problem, you can easily fix it simply by downloading Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 10.

8. Replace your charging cable

According to users, one possible cause for this problem can be your charging cable. USB cables can break after a while, so if your laptop doesn’t recognize Lumia smartphone, it’s possible that your cable is broken.

To fix this issue, the simplest solution is to get just a different USB cable.

It’s also worth mentioning that there are two types of USB cables, and sometimes you might get a USB cable that is designed just for charging.

To ensure that your Lumia works with your laptop, be sure to get a USB cable designed for both charging and data transfer.

9. Install the latest updates

  1. Open the Settings app using the Windows Key + I shortcut.
  2. Go to the Update & Security section.
    Windows phone not detected in Windows 10
  3. Click Check for updates button.
    PC doesn't recognize Nokia Lumia

Windows will now check for available updates and download them automatically in the background. Once the updates are downloaded, restart your PC to install them.

Read more about this topic

  • Full Fix: Android phone not recognized by PC [Windows 10/11]
  • High GPU Usage but Low FPS: 8 Ways to Fix This Issue
  • Cash App Error 400: How to Quickly Fix It
  • Fix: The Term is Not Recognized as The Name of a Cmdlet
  • How to Fix “Software Center Stuck Installing” Issue

After your system is up to date, the problem with Lumia should be resolved.

In addition to updating Windows 10, it’s also important to update the system on your phone. Once you update the system to the latest version, check if the issue is still there.

If your laptop doesn’t recognize the Lumia smartphone, that can be a big problem, but you should be able to fix this annoying issue by using one of our solutions.

If you have any other suggestions, leave us a line in the comments section below.

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