Table of Contents
Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode Driver):
If you have an Apple mobile device, you must know how to install the Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode Driver). There are two types of recovery modes: 32-bit and 64-bit. Both require that you connect the device to a computer with a data cable. After downloading the driver, make sure that the data cable is in good working condition and can transfer data to and from the device. This will be useful if your phone is in a state that prevents you from backing up your data.
Download the latest Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode Driver):
The first step is to download the driver. Then, open a folder and browse it. Once you have accessed the folder that contains the recovery mode driver, click on “Open” to begin the installation. You will need to follow the installation instructions to complete the process. Once the installation process is complete, you should be able to access your iOS device via iTunes. You can then connect it to your computer and begin restoring it.
Alternatively, you can download the Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode Driver) directly from Apple’s website. After downloading the driver, install it on your computer. If you’re not familiar with installing drivers manually, you can use a driver scanner to update them for free. It’s the easiest way to fix the Apple Mobile Device Recovery Mode Driver issue on Windows 7 and 8. The download process is very simple and only takes a few minutes. Once you’ve installed the driver, connect your iPhone to the computer and download the firmware. After the firmware is downloaded, your device will be ready to boot.
After downloading the latest version of Driver:
Once the driver has been downloaded, you can connect the iPhone to your computer. Once it is connected, the driver should automatically install it on the computer. Afterward, you can launch iTunes and your iPhone should be recognized in recovery mode. Now that you’ve successfully connected your iPhone, you can enjoy its premium features. If you’d rather use an Apple mobile device, be sure to follow the steps below. You’ll need to download the latest version of this software.
Install the latest version of Driver:
Once you’ve downloaded the correct driver, install it on your Windows computer. Ensure that you have a USB port on your computer so that your device can be recognized by iTunes. Using this software, you can restore your iPhone or iPad to its original operating system. The driver is easy to install and only takes a few minutes to download. You can then install iTunes on your computer and begin restoring the device.
Once you’ve downloaded the appropriate Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode Driver), you’ll need to update the USB drivers as well. If you’ve already updated the drivers, iTunes should recognize your iPhone. You can also install the iTunes app from the Microsoft store. Using the iTunes app, you can install the latest Apple USB driver. You’ll need a USB cable to connect your iPhone. Once you’ve installed the driver, you can plug it into your computer.
The Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode Driver) can be downloaded from the given source. It is also necessary to install it on your Windows 10 computer if you’re using the device on the Mac. Once you’ve installed the driver, you should restart your Mac. This is the only way to fix the issue and restore your Mac to the original operating system. The new software update is essential for your computer to work properly. However, it is vital to install the driver on your Mac or PC.
Connect your Device to the computer using a Cable:
After the download is complete, you need to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service. The service will be required for the recovery of the Apple Mobile Device. If the driver doesn’t appear, you can manually install it. If it doesn’t, the USB driver should be installed. It should be recognized by iTunes. Then, you can restart the device by following the instructions. You can also try to run the software on your Mac.
If the recovery mode driver isn’t working, you should install the Apple Mobile Device Service. This is a Windows service that manages the Apple driver module. It’s the easiest way to connect your iPhone to your PC. After installing the driver, the device should be recognized by iTunes. After installing the drivers, you must restart the Apple Mobile Device Service. If you don’t know how to do this, just click on the driver and follow the steps.
Apple Recovery (DFU) USB
(14 июн 2023)
Файл *.inf:
Windows Vista
Apple Recovery (DFU) USB
(19 мая 2017)
Файл *.inf:
Windows Vista
Apple Recovery (DFU) USB
(19 мая 2017)
Файл *.inf:
Windows Vista
В каталоге нет драйверов для Apple Recovery (DFU) USB под Windows.
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Драйверы для Apple Recovery (DFU) USB собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе Apple Recovery (DFU) USB (сетевые устройства).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на Apple Recovery (DFU) USB для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.
- Как установить драйвер для Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode)
- Способ 1: Официальный сайт
- Способ 2: Сторонние программы
- Способ 3: ID устройства
- Способ 4: Стандартные средства Windows
- Вопросы и ответы
Порой драйвера необходимы для самых неожиданных устройств. В этой статье мы разберем, как установить программное обеспечение для Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode).
Существует несколько вариантов, которые принципиально отличаются друг от друга. Мы постараемся разобрать их все, чтобы у Вас был выбор.
Способ 1: Официальный сайт
Первое, что нужно сделать при установке драйвера, это посетить официальный сайт производителя. Довольно часто именно там можно найти то программное обеспечение, которое требуется на данный момент. Но, посетив сайт компании Apple, можно заметить, что никакого файла или утилиты там нет. Однако есть инструкция, давайте попробуем разобраться в ней.
- Первое, что советуют нам сделать в компании Apple, это нажать комбинацию клавиш Windows + R. Откроется окно «Выполнить», где необходимо ввести следующую строку:
- После нажатия на кнопку «ОК» перед нами открывается папка с системными файлами компании Apple. Конкретно нас интересуют «usbaapl64.inf» или «usbaapl.inf». Нажимаем на любой из них правой кнопкой мыши и выбираем «Установить».
- После произведенного процесса необходимо отсоединить устройство и перезапустить компьютер.
- Повторно присоедините устройство к компьютеру.
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers
Такой способ может не оправдать Ваших ожиданий, поэтому советуем прочитать и другие методы установки драйвера для Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode).
Способ 2: Сторонние программы
Есть ряд программ, которые способны установить драйвер на Ваш компьютер. Они автоматически сканируют систему и ищут то, чего не достает. Либо обновляют старые версии того же программного обеспечения. Если Вы с таким софтом еще не сталкивались, то прочитайте нашу статью о лучших представителях.
Подробнее: Лучшие программы для установки драйверов
Лучшей среди остальных считается DriverPack Solutions. У этой программы есть своя, достаточно большая база драйверов, которая пополняется практически ежедневно. Кроме этого, она обладает понятным и продуманным интерфейсом, что может только помочь неопытному пользователю в процессе знакомства. Если Вы не знаете, как ей пользоваться, то рекомендуем прочесть статью на нашем сайте, где все детально разобрано.
Урок: Как обновить драйвера с помощью DriverPack Solution
Способ 3: ID устройства
Даже у такого нестандартного устройства есть свой уникальный номер. С помощью ID можно легко найти необходимое программное обеспечение, не скачивая утилит или каких-либо приложений. Для работы Вам понадобится только специальный сайт. Уникальный идентификатор для Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode):
Если же Вы хотите получить подробную инструкцию о том, как установить драйвер с помощью ID, то советуем Вам прочитать нашу статью, где такой способ разобран более подробно.
Урок: Как обновить драйвер с помощью ID
Способ 4: Стандартные средства Windows
Способ, который редко используют пользователи компьютера в виду его малой эффективности. Однако его тоже необходимо рассмотреть, так как он не единственный, где не надо что-либо скачивать. Даже посещение сторонних ресурсов здесь не применяется.
Подробнее: Установка драйверов стандартными средствами Windows
На этом разбор способов установки драйвера для Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode) окончен. Если у Вас остались вопросы, можете смело задавать их в комментариях.
Еще статьи по данной теме:
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No driver for Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode). When I plug the iPhone in, iTunes does not detect it. There are two entries in Device Manager with errors, both devices are called Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode). I have pointed to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers but Windows cannot find the drivers in there.”
If you are anything like the above user, your probably having issues getting iTunes to detect your connected iOS device. There are various reasons as to why the app does not recognize your device, but mainly it is the lack of Apple mobile device (recovery mode) driver download. Once you have installed these drivers on your computer, the app should be able to detect your device.
Unlike other drivers, the Apple mobile device recovery mode driver cannot simply be downloaded from the Internet and installed on your machine. You are actually going to have to go through a procedure before these drivers are installed on your computer.
The following guide covers everything you need to know about Apple mobile device recovery mode driver download.
- Part 1. Does Apple Offer Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode) Driver Download
- Part 2. How to Download/Update Apple Mobile Device USB Driver Windows 10/8/7
- Part 3. Restore iPhone in Recovery Mode without Using iTunes
Part 1. Does Apple Offer Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode) Driver Download
Since the device you are having an issue with is from Apple, your first obvious solution would be to ask Apple to give you the required drivers files. This will then make it easier for you to install the drivers and get iTunes to recognize your device.
However, Apple does not actually let you download the drivers from their website. If you do a quick search for Apple mobile device recovery mode driver Windows 10 on Google, you will find that there are a number of links to download the drivers but none of those are from Apple. There are many third-party websites offering you the download of the required Apple USB drivers.
If you see twin Entries of Apple Mobile Device (Recovery mode) are seen with exclamation Marks and your iTunes cannot recognize your iPhone in recovery mode, or Apple mobile device USB driver not showing up/ missing in device manager, you can try to download or update Apple Mobile Device USB Driver.
Part 2. How to Download/Update Apple Mobile Device USB Driver Windows 10/8/7
Although Apple does not directly supply you with the required USB drivers, it recommends a method that you can use to update the USB drivers on your computer. Depending on where you have installed the iTunes app from, you can use either of the following methods to get Apple recovery mode driver on your computer.
1. Download Apple Mobile Device USB Driver by Update Apple Driver
If you have installed the iTunes app from Microsoft Store, then you need to follow the steps given in this section to update your Apple drivers.
- Unplug your iOS devices from your computer.
- Unlock your devices and plug them into your computer.
- Close the iTunes app.
- Launch Device Manager on your computer.
Right-click on Apple iPhone under Portable Devices and select Update driver.
Pic 2. Update apple drivers
Choose Search automatically for updated driver software on the following screen.
Pic 3. Search for updated driver
- Once updates are installed, you can launch iTunes and it should recognize your phone.
2. Reinstall Apple Mobile Device USB Driver with .inf File
If your iTunes version comes from the Apple website, these steps will help you fix the Apple mobile device recovery mode no driver found issue on your device.
- Unplug your devices from your computer.
- Unlock your devices and connect them to your computer.
- Open the iTunes app.
Press the Windows + R keys, type in the following, and hit Enter.
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers
Right-click on either usbaapl64.inf or usbaapl.inf and select Install.
Pic 4. Install apple drivers
- Reboot your computer.
The iPhone recovery mode driver should now be installed and updated on your computer.
Part 3. Restore iPhone in Recovery Mode without Using iTunes
If you are having any trouble installing the required drivers, another method is to use a non-iTunes method to restore your device. You do not necessarily need to use iTunes to perform tasks on your iOS device as tasks like restoring can be done using a third-party software as well.
There is a software called Tenorshare ReiBoot that lets you repair your operating system by restoring the phone. It is easy to use and takes no more than a few minutes to get the job done. The following shows how to fix the Apple mobile device recovery mode driver Windows 7/8/10 issue with this software.
Download and install the software on your computer. Connect your device to your computer and select ‘Start’ in the software.
Image 1. Repair the system -
Select ‘Standard Repair’ on the following screen.
Image 2. Proceed to the next phase -
Click on Download to download the firmware to your computer. It will start repairing your device when the firmware is downloaded.
Image 3. Download the firmware package -
When the firmware is downloaded, click ‘Start Standard Repair’ and it will start restoring your device.
Image 4. System successfully repaired
You are all set. Using our guide above, you should be able to do iPhone Apple mobile device recovery mode driver download on your computer without any issues. And if iPhone or iPad not detected in Windows 10 after you update drivers, you can give a try to ReiBoot to restore iPhone in recovery mode without iTunes.
Вы искали драйвер для:
Apple, Inc.
Код устройства: USB\VID_05ac&PID_1281
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Результаты поиска:
Драйвер / Устройство | Операционная система |
Дата выхода Версия |
Ссылка на скачивание |
Apple Mobile Device USB Driver | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2017-05-19 6.0.9999.69 |
Apple Mobile Device USB Drivers | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2014-07-11 6.0.9999.66 |
Apple Mobile Device USB Drivers | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2013-07-15 6.0.9999.58 |
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