Download jdk 8 for windows 10 64 bit

Java SE 8 Archive Downloads (JDK 8u202 and earlier)

Go to the Oracle Java Archive

The JDK is a development environment for building applications using the Java programming language.

The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the JavaTM platform.

WARNING: These older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems. They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.

These Java SE 8 update releases are provided under the Binary Code License (“BCL”).

Java SE 8u211 and later updates are available, under the Java SE OTN License.

For production use Oracle recommends downloading the latest JDK and JRE versions and allowing auto-update.

Only developers and Enterprise administrators should download these releases.

Downloading these releases requires an account. If you don’t have an account you can use the links on the top of this page to learn more about it and register for one for free.

For current Java releases, please consult the Oracle Software Download page.

Java SE is the standard version of Java, it includes libraries for desktop applications, networking, security, database access, and more. If you need to run Java applications, downloading and installing the JRE is enough. If you’re developing Java applications, you’ll want to download the JDK, which also includes the JRE.

The JRE is the Java Runtime Environment, it covers most users needs. Contains everything required to run Java applications on your system. It is a package of everything necessary to run a compiled Java program, including the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the Java Class Library, the Java command, and other infrastructure. However, it cannot be used to create new programs.

The JDK is the Java Development Kit, the full-featured SDK for Java. It has everything the JRE has, but also the compiler (javac) and tools (like javadoc and jdb). It is capable of creating and compiling programs.

The latest version of Java is Java 20 or JDK 20 released on March, 2023. However, many versions of Java are actively maintained for compatibility purposes. Java 8, Java 11 and Java 17 are the three long-term support versions recommended by Oracle. You can download the version you need below:

  • Java SE 20 Download (latest)
  • Java SE 19 Download
  • Java SE 18 Download
  • Java SE 17 Download (LTS, recommended)
  • Java SE 16 Download
  • Java SE 15 Download
  • Java SE 11 Download (LTS, recommended)
  • Java SE 9 Download
  • Java SE 8 Download (LTS, recommended)

Java 8 is the last free software public update for commercial use, which explains why it remains popular. Oracle plans to maintain it until at least 2030. Also, you should know that some applications might refer to Java 8 as version 1.8.0.

Sometimes, even if you are not planning to do any Java development on a computer, you still need the JDK installed. For example, if you are deploying a web application with JSP, you are technically just running Java programs inside the application server. Why would you need the JDK then? Because the application server will convert JSP into Java servlets and needs to use the JDK to compile the servlets.

What’s New


Marlin Renderer in JDK 8u

Starting from version 8u311, the Marlin graphics rasterizer and its artifacts will be built and distributed as a part of the JDK/JRE bundles. It is not the default rendering engine, however there is an option to enable it by setting the following system property:



Context-specific Deserialization Filter Subset

Allow applications to configure context-specific and dynamically-selected deserialization filters via a JVM-wide filter factory that is invoked to select a filter for each deserialization stream. The behavior is a strict subset of JEP 415: Context-Specific Deserialization Filters to allow a filter factory to be configured using a property configured on the command line or in the security properties file.

The behavior is opt-in based on the presence of the jdk.serialFilterFactory system property on the command line or the jdk.serialFilterFactory security property. If set, the JVM-wide filter factory selects the filter for each stream when the stream is constructed and when a stream-specific filter is set.

The JVM-wide filter factory is a java.util.function.BinaryOperator function invoked when each ObjectInputStream is constructed and when the stream-specific filter is set using sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter.Config.setObjectInputFilter(sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter). The parameters are the current filter and a requested filter and the function returns the filter to be used for the stream. When invoked from the ObjectInputStream constructors, the first parameter is null and the second parameter is the static JVM-wide filter. When invoked from sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter.Config.setObjectInputFilter(sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter), the first parameter is the filter currently set on the stream (which was set in the constructor), and the second parameter is the filter requested.

A typical filter factory should use or merge the static JVM-wide filter with other application and context specific filters and the stream-specific filter, if one is set on the stream. The filter factory implementation can also use any contextual information at its disposal, for example, extracted from the application thread context, or its call stack, to compose and combine a new filter. It is not restricted to only use its two parameters.

Previous release notes

Allow SASL Mechanisms to Be Restricted

  • A security property named jdk.sasl.disabledMechanisms has been added that can be used to disable SASL mechanisms. Any disabled mechanism will be ignored if it is specified in the mechanisms argument of Sasl.createSaslClient or the mechanism argument of Sasl.createSaslServer. The default value for this security property is empty, which means that no mechanisms are disabled out-of-the-box.

SunPKCS11 Provider Upgraded with Support for PKCS#11 v2.40

  • The SunPKCS11 provider has been updated with support for PKCS#11 v2.40. This version adds support for more algorithms such as the AES/GCM/NoPadding cipher, DSA signatures using SHA-2 family of message digests, and RSASSA-PSS signatures when the corresponding PKCS11 mechanisms are supported by the underlying PKCS11 library.

New Checks on Trust Anchor Certificates

  • New checks have been added to ensure that trust anchors are CA certificates and contain proper extensions. Trust anchors are used to validate certificate chains used in TLS and signed code. Trust anchor certificates must include a Basic Constraints extension with the cA field set to true. Also, if they include a Key Usage extension, the keyCertSign bit must be set.
  • A new system property named has been introduced to restore the previous behavior, if necessary. If the property is set to the empty String or «true» (case-insensitive), trust anchor certificates can be used if they do not have proper CA extensions.
  • The default value of this property, if not set, is «false».
  • Note that the property does not apply to X.509 v1 certificates (since they don’t support extensions).
  • This property is currently used by the JDK implementation. It is not guaranteed to be supported by other Java SE implementations.

Exact Match Required for Trusted TLS Server Certificate

  • A TLS server certificate must be an exact match of a trusted certificate on the client in order for it to be trusted when establishing a TLS connection.

Added LuxTrust Global Root 2 Certificate

The following root certificate has been added to the cacerts truststore:

+ LuxTrust
+ luxtrustglobalroot2ca
DN: CN=LuxTrust Global Root 2, O=LuxTrust S.A., C=LU

Bug Fixes:

Support for OpenType CFF Fonts

  • Previously, Oracle JDK 8 did not include OpenType CFF fonts (.otf fonts) into the standard logical fonts (such as «Dialog» and «SansSerif»). This resulted in missing glyphs when rendering text. In the most extreme cases where only CFF fonts were installed on the system, a Java exception could be thrown.
  • Several Linux distributions were affected by this issue because they rely on CFF fonts to support some languages, which is common for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) languages.
  • Oracle JDK 8 now uses these CFF fonts, and this issue has been resolved.

Better Serial Filter Handling

  • The jdk.serialFilter system property can only be set on the command line. If the filter has not been set on the command line, it can be set can be set with Setting the jdk.serialFilter with java.lang.System.setProperty has no effect.


If you are looking for previous Java versions here are the links to download:

  • Java 7.76 Windows 32-bit
  • Java 7.76 Windows 64-bit
  • Java 7.76 macOS
  • Java 7.76 Linux 32-bit
  • Java 7.76 Linux 64-bit
  • Java 7.72 for Windows 32-bit
  • Java 7.72 for Windows 64-bit
  • Java 7.72 for Mac
  • Java 7.72 for Linux
  • Java 7.67 for Windows 32-bit
  • Java 7.67 for Windows 64-bit
  • Java 7.67 for Mac
  • Java 7.67 for Linux

Java Development Kit (JDK) is a comprehensive software development environment specifically designed for Java programming language. Developed by Oracle Corporation, JDK equips developers with all the necessary tools and resources to create, test, and deploy Java applications on various platforms.

The core components of JDK include the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), essential for running Java applications, and the Java Compiler (javac), responsible for translating Java source code into bytecode that can be executed on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Furthermore, JDK contains a variety of libraries, APIs, and debugging tools to streamline the development process and ensure high-quality code.

With JDK, developers have the flexibility to build applications for diverse environments, from desktops and servers to mobile devices and embedded systems. It also supports different operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, and various flavors of Linux.

JDK receives regular updates to keep up with the latest Java advancements, enhancing performance, security, and stability. Developers can download JDK for free from the official Oracle website and start exploring the vast Java ecosystem, which includes a myriad of open-source libraries, frameworks, and tools.

In conclusion, Java Development Kit is an indispensable toolkit for developers aiming to harness the power of Java to create robust, platform-independent applications efficiently. Its wide adoption across industries and continuous support from the Java community make it a fundamental choice for programming ventures of all sizes.

Key Features:

  • Compiler: Translates Java source code into bytecode.
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE): Provides the environment to run Java applications.
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM): Executes Java bytecode on various platforms.
  • Java API: Extensive libraries and APIs for building applications.
  • Development Tools: Includes debugger, JavaDoc, and JAR utility.
  • Platform Independence: Write once, run anywhere.
  • Security Features: Ensures safe execution of Java programs.
  • Performance and Optimization Tools: Tools for monitoring and optimizing code.
  • Support for New Language Features: Regular updates with improved language features.
  • Regular Updates: Frequent releases for security and bug fixes.


JDK — обязательный пакет инструментов, необходимый для разработки программ на языке Java. Он доступен на 32 и 64 битных операционных системах Windows, MacOSX и Linux. Программное обеспечение стало незаменимым помощником разработчика, поскольку компилирует исходный код в битную структуру и содержит набор библиотек.

JDK или Java Development Kit — официальная программа, выпущенная компанией Oracle. Лицензия доступна для бесплатного скачивания. Особенность софта в том, что он содержит минимальный набор инструментов java-программиста кроме интегрированной среды разработки (IDE). А для работы сред IDE, отвечающих современным требованиям, необходим пакет JDK.

Поскольку в комплект не входит интегрированная среда разработки — платформа для написания и изменения программного кода, разработчику приходится использовать сторонний редактор кода. В набор инструментов JDK входит исполнительная программа JRE, которая запускает приложение, написанное на языке JAVA. С ее помощью разработчик увидит работу программного обеспечения на разных устройствах и операционных системах.

JDK состоит из:

  • Набора основных классов;
  • Библиотек;
  • Компилятора;
  • Исполнительной среды;
  • Интерпретатора;
  • Архиватора;
  • Документации и др;

Каждый программист, создающий java-приложения, начинает свой путь с установки этого софта на свой компьютер. На нашем сайте вы сможете скачать JDK 8 версии для x32 и x64 систем Windows, а также JDK версий 9 и 11, которые работают только на 64 битных системах.

Официальный сайт:


Скриншот №1 к программе Java SE Development Kit (JDK)Скриншот №2 к программе Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

Скачать Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

Для полного комплекта мы рекомендуем вам также скачать OllyDbg (приложение для преобразования откомпилированных файлов и библиотек).

In this article, you will see how you download and install JDK 8 in Windows 10. Here we will download the latest updated version 8u351(as of February 2023) of JDK 8 to install.

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a distribution of Java Technology by Oracle Corporation. It implements the Java Language Specification and the Java Virtual Machine Specification and provides the Standard Edition of Java Application programming.

In order to start the development of a Java application, your system should have JDK installed. This is the first step to start developing any Java application.

Other Downloads for Windows 10

Java 8, Java 11, Java 17, Java 19, Java 20

Other Downloads for Windows 11

Java 8, Java 11, Java 17, Java 19

Table of Contents

Software Dependency

JDK 1.8 (8u351)
Windows 10

Here we are going to download 64-bit JDK 1.8 and install it on the Windows 10 64-bit Operating System.

NOTE: If your system is of Windows 32-bit operating system then you should install JDK 32 bit and if your system is of Windows 64 bit operating system then you have a choice either you can install JDK 64 bit or JDK 32-bit in your system.

The recommendation is install JDK 64-bit if your Windows is 64-bit operating system installed.

How to Download JDK 1.8 and Install it on Windows 10?

The installation process of the Java Development Kit (JDK) on the Windows operating system is very simple. Follow the below steps:

  1. Download JDK 8 for Windows 10 64-bit
  2. JDK Installation on Windows
  3. Setup System Environment Variables
  4. Verify the Java Installation

Step-1: Download JDK 8 for Windows 10 64-bit

To download the updated JDK 8u351 (as of February 2023) software, visit its official website Oracle Website’s Java, go to ‘Java SE Development Kit 8u351‘, and click on the link jdk-8u351-windows-x64.exe as shown in the below image.

Java SE Development Kit 8u351 download

This software is licensed under the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE

Download JDK 8 for Windows 10 64-bit

Once you click on the link (jdk-8u351-windows-x64.exe), it will ask you to accept the License Agreement. Now you have to accept the license agreement and then click on the download button as shown in the below image.

Download JDK 8 for Windows 10 64-bit

Now once you click on the download link, it will ask you to sign in to the Oracle Account to allow the start downloading. If you have an account already, sign in with that otherwise create a new Account and then continue.

create oracle account sing in form

NOTE: Oracle requires an account (sign-in) to download older versions of Java that are no longer available to the public. You can download publicly available versions of Java without signing in which is the latest version only.

Step-2: Install JDK-8u351 on Windows 10

Once you have downloaded the JDK 8 Software (jdk-8u351-windows-x64.exe), double-click on it to see the start of the installation process. Now click on the Next button to proceed.

install JDK 8 for Windows 10 64-bit

Now click Next to see the below image, Here you have a choice to change the Java installation directory by clicking on the change… button otherwise simply go with the default path by clicking the Next > button. I am going here with the default path only.

install JDK 8 for Windows 10 64-bit

Once you click the Next button, you will see the start of the installation process as below image. After successful installation, you just close the installation wizard.

install JDK 8 for Windows 10
jdk 8u351 installing on window 10
install JDK 8 for Windows 10

Step-3: Setup System Environment Variables

Open the system environment variables dialog to do the setup. To open the dialog, you can type ‘System environment‘ in the Window’s search box as below image and open it.

Setup System Environment Variables | jdk 8 installation on windows 10

Once its open you can able to see the below dialog box.

Setup System Environment Variables | jdk 8 installation on windows 10

Now click on the Environment Variables button > add JAVA_HOME & edit Path as shown in the below images:

Setup System Environment Variables | jdk 8 installation on windows 10

Now we should have to add Java Path. If the Path variable is already there then simply we can click on the Edit… button > then click the New button to add the path as below image.

Setup System Environment Variables | jdk 8 installation on windows 10

Step-4: Verify the Java Installation

To verify the installation open the command prompt by searching it in Window search and open it as below image.

verify jdk installation | jdk 8 installation on windows 10

Once open the Command Prompt window, type java -version and press Enter key.

verify jdk installation | jdk 8 installation on windows 10

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 on your Windows operating system.

Now create the first Java Program Hello World!

Oracle JDK License Update

The Oracle JDK License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019.

The new Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE is substantially different from prior Oracle JDK licenses. The new license permits certain uses, such as personal use and development use, at no cost — but other uses authorized under prior Oracle JDK licenses may no longer be available. Please review the terms carefully before downloading and using the product. An FAQ is available here.

These Java SE 8u211 and later update releases are provided under the Java SE OTN License.
Java SE 8u202 and older updates are available, under the Binary Code License (“BCL”).

For production use, Oracle recommends downloading the latest JDK and JRE versions and allowing auto-update.

WARNING: These older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems. They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.


In this article, you have seen how you download and install Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.8 on the Windows 10 operating system. Now you can install other versions of JDK with a similar set of steps that you have seen.

Start learning Top Java Logical Programs now.


Do I need to install both JDK and JRE?

No, If you install JDK then JRE will already be packaged in it and installed automatically along with JDK. You do not need to install JRE separately.

Can JDK and JRE be different versions?

Yes, The JDK and JRE versions can be different as multiple JDK and JRE versions are allowed on the same computer. You can check out this in the system environment variables.

Does JDK 8 include JRE?

JRE is a part of JDK so no need to have JRE when you have JDK. If you open the JDK folder and see, you’ll have the JRE folder inside it which is the same as the JRE folder initially you have.

Related articles:

  • How to Download and Install JDK 11 on Windows 10?
  • JDK 8 Installation on Windows 10 [step-by-step]
  • How to install Maven on Windows System
  • How to install and configure Tomcat Server in Eclipse?
  • Install MySQL Server 8.0.27 [zip Archive] on Windows 10

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