Download for mac for windows linux

APK Studio, developed by Vaibhav Pandey, is a robust tool designed for reverse engineering Android apps. Its primary functionality involves decompiling and analyzing Android apps, allowing users to gain insights into their inner workings and identify potential areas for improvement.

Released under the GNU General Public License, APK Studio is an open-source tool that benefits from contributions from the community. It runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. Download the latest version of APK Studio from the below links provided by A2GSMTOOLS.COM.

APK Studio for Windows, Linux and Mac Download Free

Table of Contents

Key Features

APK Studio offers a range of features that make it an exceptional tool for reverse engineering Android apps. Here are some notable features:

  • Decompiling and Recompiling Android APK Files Whether you’re an experienced developer or new to the field, APK Studio serves as a reliable decompiler and recompiler for Android APK files. It empowers you to decompile an APK file into its individual components or recompile it into a modified APK file.
  • Creating Apps from Scratch APK Studio provides an intuitive interface to facilitate the creation of impressive Android apps from the ground up. With its user-friendly design and comprehensive feature set, it proves indispensable for any serious app developer.
  • Editing Existing App Code Modifying app code becomes effortless with APK Studio. It incorporates a built-in code editor equipped with syntax highlighting and code completion capabilities. Additionally, it includes a decompiler, enabling easy viewing and editing of compiled Java code.
  • Debugging Apps One of the standout features of APK Studio is its robust app debugging functionality. This invaluable tool saves developers time and frustration. Simply launch the app you wish to debug and click the “Debug” button in the toolbar to utilize the debugging feature.
  • Exporting App Projects APK Studio streamlines the process of exporting app projects to either Eclipse or Android Studio. To export a project, navigate to the “File” menu, click on “Export,” and select the destination folder for your project.
  • APK Studio is an excellent resource for reverse engineering Android apps, featuring a wide range of powerful tools and functionalities. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, it caters to both experienced developers and newcomers in the field.

A2GSM provides the following Download links from which you can download the tool for Microsoft Windows (32-bit or 64-bit).

File Password: | Links Not Working: Report Here

Version Windows Linux MAC
APK Studios v4.0.3 Link Link
APK Studios v5.0.0 Link Link Link
APK Studios v5.0.1 Link Link Link
APK Studios v5.0.2 Link Link Link
APK Studios v5.0.3 Link Link Link
APK Studios v5.1.0 Link Link Link
APK Studios v5.2.0 Link Link Link
APK Studios v5.2.1 Link Link
APK Studios v5.2.2 Link Link Link
APK Studios v5.2.3 Link Link Link
APK Studios v5.2.4 Link Link Link

Note: Please Disable Windows Defender or any Antivirus installed on your Computer. Otherwise, Setup or some important files will be deleted or corrupted by Antimalware.

Warning: It’s important to note that using any third-Party tool on Android devices may void the warranty. It requires technical knowledge and should be done very carefully to avoid any data loss or damage to your device. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by the tool and always back up your device’s data before performing any modifications.

Read Also:

We hope that your experience on our website has been enjoyable. Download FREE APK Studios 2023 For Windows, Linux, Mac OS. Thank you for choosing as your trusted resource for mobile device solutions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section. We are here to assist you and provide you with any additional information you may require.

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Что делать, если у вас возникло желание или необходимость заняться разработкой под MacOS или iOS, но под рукой нет макбука, а покупать его только чтобы открыть Xcode кажется делом сомнительным? Недавно я столкнулся с такой проблемой в одном из своих пет-проектов и решил ее достаточно просто и быстро. После выполнения нескольких достаточно примитивных шагов, мне удалось запустить MacOS Monterey как на скриншоте ниже.


Никакого Virtualbox, никакого Virtual Machine Manager. Из требований — только 100 Гб свободного места на диске и хотя бы 16 Гб оперативной памяти. В рунете я встречал описание похожих путей установки, вроде Docker-OSX или Sosumi. Но я бы хотел поделиться способом, который позволяет использовать актуальную версию MacOS (Sosumi — сразу минус) и не потратить уйму свободного времени на возню с конфигами и терминалом. Поехали.

Для начала установим все необходимые пакеты и добавим себя в группу kvm и libvirt:

sudo apt-get install qemu uml-utilities virt-manager git wget libguestfs-tools p7zip-full make dmg2img -y
sudo usermod -aG kvm $(whoami)
sudo usermod -aG libvirt $(whoami)
sudo usermod -aG input $(whoami)

Теперь склонируем репозиторий проекта OSX-KVM в домашнюю директорию пользователя:

cd ~
git clone --depth 1 --recursive
git pull --rebase

Приступим к самой установке. Скрипт позволит скачать образ операционной системы желаемой версии:

1. High Sierra (10.13)
2. Mojave (10.14)
3. Catalina (10.15)
4. Big Sur (11.7) - RECOMMENDED
5. Monterey (12.6)
6. Ventura (13)

Скрипт выведет список версий ОС и предложит ввести номер. К сожалению, так и не удалось запустить MacOS Ventura из того образа, который предоставляется репозиторием. Я бы рекомендовал установить Monterey, чтобы пользоваться современными версиями Xcode и других инструментов.

После выбора версии скрипт скачает образ. Подождав завершения скачивания, запустим команду:

dmg2img -i BaseSystem.dmg BaseSystem.img

Следующий, третий, шаг в установке — создадим виртуальный жесткий диск. Желательный объем для установки — не меньше 100 Гб постоянной памяти, чтобы можно было не только установить виртуалку, но и что-то внутри нее.

qemu-img create -f qcow2 mac_hdd_ng.img 128G

Перед тем, как запустить последнюю команду — отредактируем скрипт



Заменим на:


… чтобы использовать 8 Гб при запуске виртуальной машины, а не 4 Гб. При этом желательно, чтобы оперативная память виртуальной машины не превышала половины от общей RAM хоста.

Скорее всего, вам понадобится также закомментировать строку…

-global ICH9-LPC.acpi-pci-hotplug-with-bridge-support=off

… потому что она была нужна в более ранних версиях, а сейчас выдаст ошибку.

Все, теперь мы полностью готовы к финальной стадии. Запускаем скрипт ./ в терминале, который выдаст нам окно Qemu.

Как ни странно, именно на этом этапе что-то может резко пойти не так. Обычно англоязычные туториалы по теме именно в этот момент установки отписываются волшебной фразой «Отлично! Далее следуйте указаниям на экране», но я бы хотел подробно остановиться на основных моментах, на которых сам набил шишки.

Первым появится экран с тремя опциями, из которых выберем macOS Base System:


Далее вы увидите юзер-френдли терминал с тысячами строк белого текста на черном фоне — не переживайте, это так и должно быть…


Через буквально несколько секунд появится такая менюшка, в которой нужно перейти в Disk Utility:


В меню Utility в правой колонке выберем тот диск, который создали командой qemu-img. Самый простой признак — его размер будет больше 100 Гб. Здесь важно не ошибиться и не отформатировать не тот диск. Если это случится, придется начинать установку заново.


Переименовав диск и нажав Erase, закроем Disk Utility и вернемся к более раннему меню. После выбора Reinstall macOS Monterey нажимаем Agree и выбираем диск, который переименовали и отформатировали в Disk Utility:




Далее появится прогрессбар установки, заполнение которого может занимать много, очень много времени. Рационально отключить у ноутбука спящий режим и оставить его на ночь для успешной установки. После ее окончания вы еще раз увидите немного бегущего белого текста на черном фоне и затем долгожданный экран первоначальной настройки macOS Monterey:


Вот и все, дальнейшие действия — как при обычной настройке macOS. Может быть, существуют еще более простые способы запускать Monterey или даже Ventura из-под линуксового хоста, но этот показался наиболее оптимальным по затратам времени и усилий лично мне.
В заключение упомяну, что при запуске уже установленной виртуальной машины можно столкнуться с такой проблемой:


В этой ситуации поможет просто перезапустить хост, причем именно выключить, подождать несколько секунд и включить снова, Restart не спас. К сожалению, ничего конкретного о причинах этой ошибки мне узнать не удалось.

Macos Download For Virtualbox — Other operating systems on mac os x, windows, linux, and solaris hosts.. Go to your downloads folder and double click on the virtualbox disk image file (dmg) you . Before starting the process, you need to download the below . Virtualbox on mac and completely remove its related software components from your macbook. Until recently the official builds were done using xcode 6.2 (you may . Running virtualbox codes on cmd.

Virtualbox on mac and completely remove its related software components from your macbook. Before starting the process, you need to download the below . Running virtualbox codes on cmd. Other operating systems on mac os x, windows, linux, and solaris hosts. You will find macos iso.

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Freely available for windows, mac os x, linux and solaris x86 platforms under gplv2: . Download the latest version of virtualbox for mac for free. If it’s not readily available, you’ll need to download the installer filefor a virtual . Before starting the process, you need to download the below . Performing macos monterey clean installation. First of all it won’t work on virtual box , install vmware , then go to the github and download unlocker . You will find macos iso. Virtualbox on mac and completely remove its related software components from your macbook.

Go to your downloads folder and double click on the virtualbox disk image file (dmg) you .

You will find macos iso. Other operating systems on mac os x, windows, linux, and solaris hosts. Performing macos monterey clean installation. Go to your downloads folder and double click on the virtualbox disk image file (dmg) you . Freely available for windows, mac os x, linux and solaris x86 platforms under gplv2: . Running virtualbox codes on cmd. Download the latest version of oracle virtualbox for os x hosts. Virtualbox on mac and completely remove its related software components from your macbook. Download the latest version of virtualbox for mac for free. Until recently the official builds were done using xcode 6.2 (you may . If it’s not readily available, you’ll need to download the installer filefor a virtual . Virtualbox es una herramienta de virtualización de código abierto multiplataforma disponible para windows, linux y mac os x u otros sistemas operativos, . First of all it won’t work on virtual box , install vmware , then go to the github and download unlocker .

Running virtualbox codes on cmd. Until recently the official builds were done using xcode 6.2 (you may . Virtualbox on mac and completely remove its related software components from your macbook. Go to your downloads folder and double click on the virtualbox disk image file (dmg) you . First of all it won’t work on virtual box , install vmware , then go to the github and download unlocker .

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The Easiest Way To Download Macos Big Sur Iso For Vmware And Virtualbox Techchumz from
Performing macos monterey clean installation. You will find macos iso. Running virtualbox codes on cmd. If it’s not readily available, you’ll need to download the installer filefor a virtual . Other operating systems on mac os x, windows, linux, and solaris hosts. Before starting the process, you need to download the below . Download the latest version of virtualbox for mac for free. Download the latest version of oracle virtualbox for os x hosts.

Freely available for windows, mac os x, linux and solaris x86 platforms under gplv2: .

Before starting the process, you need to download the below . Virtualbox es una herramienta de virtualización de código abierto multiplataforma disponible para windows, linux y mac os x u otros sistemas operativos, . Virtualbox on mac and completely remove its related software components from your macbook. First of all it won’t work on virtual box , install vmware , then go to the github and download unlocker . Download the latest version of virtualbox for mac for free. If it’s not readily available, you’ll need to download the installer filefor a virtual . You will find macos iso. Until recently the official builds were done using xcode 6.2 (you may . Performing macos monterey clean installation. Other operating systems on mac os x, windows, linux, and solaris hosts. Running virtualbox codes on cmd. Freely available for windows, mac os x, linux and solaris x86 platforms under gplv2: . Download the latest version of oracle virtualbox for os x hosts.

If it’s not readily available, you’ll need to download the installer filefor a virtual . Before starting the process, you need to download the below . Performing macos monterey clean installation. Download the latest version of oracle virtualbox for os x hosts. Download the latest version of virtualbox for mac for free.

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Oracle Vm Virtualbox For Mac Download Free 2021 Latest Version from
You will find macos iso. Freely available for windows, mac os x, linux and solaris x86 platforms under gplv2: . First of all it won’t work on virtual box , install vmware , then go to the github and download unlocker . Download the latest version of oracle virtualbox for os x hosts. Go to your downloads folder and double click on the virtualbox disk image file (dmg) you . Running virtualbox codes on cmd. Until recently the official builds were done using xcode 6.2 (you may . Virtualbox es una herramienta de virtualización de código abierto multiplataforma disponible para windows, linux y mac os x u otros sistemas operativos, .

Virtualbox on mac and completely remove its related software components from your macbook.

Go to your downloads folder and double click on the virtualbox disk image file (dmg) you . Until recently the official builds were done using xcode 6.2 (you may . Virtualbox on mac and completely remove its related software components from your macbook. Other operating systems on mac os x, windows, linux, and solaris hosts. If it’s not readily available, you’ll need to download the installer filefor a virtual . Freely available for windows, mac os x, linux and solaris x86 platforms under gplv2: . Download the latest version of oracle virtualbox for os x hosts. Running virtualbox codes on cmd. Virtualbox es una herramienta de virtualización de código abierto multiplataforma disponible para windows, linux y mac os x u otros sistemas operativos, . Performing macos monterey clean installation. You will find macos iso. Before starting the process, you need to download the below . First of all it won’t work on virtual box , install vmware , then go to the github and download unlocker .

There are many ways to download torrents. Some of them are anonymous while some of them are not. If you want to try something different to download Torrents then you are at right place. Today I will tell you how to download torrents using Windows, Linux, and Mac command line. There is a command line tool, torrent. This command line tool can download a file from torrents using the magnet link or the “.torrent” file. This tool quietly works same as the other Torrent clients. The only difference is that it works in command line mode.

Torrent is a simple and minimal Torrent client that runs from the terminal. You just have to execute a single command to download Torrent on your computer. If you want to unleash the power of the terminal in downloading Torrents then follow the guide below. However, the tool Torrent is built using Node JS. And thus, you are required to download and install Node JS on your computer before start using this guide.

Downloading Torrents from Linux, MAC, Windows Command line in an easy way:

If you like to play with the command line, then you will enjoy downloading Torrents from it. There is only one-time effort is required to install this tool and then you can use it as long as your computer is alive.

So, first of all, install the torrent tool globally on your computer. For that, make sure that you have installed Node JS and then open the terminal or the command prompt of Windows. Run this command to install Torrent globally.

npm install torrent -g

torrent install node js command line

The torrent has been installed, you can then start using it. To download torrents from the command line, you need the magnet link or the “.torrent” file of the target. And if you have that then run any of the following commands.

If you have the magnet link, then run:

torrent "magnet link"

If you have the .torrent file, then run:

torrent "path to the torrent file"

torrent command line downloading in progress

Now, you must be an idea what it looks like to download torrents from the command line. For the sake of this guide, I have used Windows 10. But, this method should work on other platforms as well and same commands apply there.

Wrap up:

Torrent is a simple and nice tool which you can use to download torrents from Linux, Windows, and MAC terminal. One single command and the torrent will be delivered to your computer in a few seconds. However, this tool may download the content slowly but that truly depends on the number of seeds available of that Torrent you are downloading. Otherwise, it threw me same speed as I was getting in qBitTorrent software.

i4Tools Download For Mac, Windows & Linux [Latest Version]

If you’re looking for the best control manager to manage all apps, images, and much more on iOS devices then Download & Install i4Tools For Windows, Mac & Linux.

Have you been discovering what i4Tools is and how it works on iOS…? Please don’t waste your time searching for i4Tools and its features. You are in the perfect place, and I am here to tell you all about the i4Tool for iOS and its features with the help of this article.

Usually, all people want to use i4Tools for their iOS devices, but they don’t have any basic information about this i4Tool, its uses, and its features. That is the reason people do not show interest in i4Tools.


In this article, I will share with you all about the i4Tools and its features in detail. If you are interested in this article, you can read and follow it; otherwise, you can leave it there. Let’s read more about downloading i4Tools on Mac, Windows & Linux.

What is i4Tools?

If you want to enable the full potential of your device, then you have to download i4Tools on your Mac, Windows, and Linux devices. Once you have downloaded the i4Tools on your devices, you can access its advanced features.

i4Tools controls all the apps, images, audio, videos, and many more on the iPhone. This Software acts as an assistant, giving an amazingly useful feature to users. You can back up data, and it gives you iPA Signing Tools, devices overview, jailbreak iOS, backup SHSH, and many more. These all make this Software a wonderful thing for iOS devices.


These i4Tools will help users to operate almost all operations in one place on their iOS. Once you have downloaded i4Tools on your iOS device, you can access any operation in only one place because it has several useful features, benefits, and many more.


  1. i4Tools is an alternative to 3uTools.
  2. You can compress images and convert HEIC files with i4Tools.
  3. You can easily transfer your data from your device to another device.
  4. Adjust audio tags, make ringtones, and convert audio files with the help of i4Tools.
  5. It will help you to install 3uTool on iOS and back up & restore your iOS device. Also, Install iPA Library For iOS, a simple web-configured app store.
  6. And iTunes management, convert videos, 3uAirplayer, Open SSH Tunnel, etc.
  7. It has a Real-time log & screen, reboots the device, turns it off, and blocks iOS updates.
  8. You can manage app icons, accessibility menu, Remove data, etc.
  9. You can also recover your device, clear junk files, deactivate the device, and restrictions, etc.


  • For downloading the i4Tools, the device must have a strong internet connection or active wifi connection.
  • Some storage space on the device.
  • The user must have a USB cable to connect the iDevices to other devices like Laptops/PC.
  • It does not require any jailbreak.

i4Tools is the best third-party AppStore; the user can easily download the app without difficulty in the download process, and the user must follow some simple steps and pre-requirements.

  Download (32-Bit)

  Download (64-Bit)



Here we are providing the direct download link of i4Tools For Mac and Windows; without jailbreaking the device, we are downloading the i4Tools, which offers plenty of apps as well as Tweaks for free of cost and without jailbreak, and the steps are quite simple and easy you can easily get this without any difficulty.

How to Use i4Tools?

  • First, you have to download i4Tools.
  • After that, install the i4Tools on your Mac OS.


  • Then Connect your iDevice to your Windows, Mac, or Linux.


  • Once connect your iPhone to Mac OS, Windows or Linux, you can run it.


  • After your work is finished, you can disconnect it and leave it.


i4Tools can also be available in the English Version, and the user can get this on their Mac, Windows, and Linux Devices.

Frequently Asked Questions?

1. How to Download and Install Software on an iPad?

If you want to download and install the Software on an iPad, then follow the below simple steps;

  1. Connect the device to the power and then connect the internet or wifi.
  2. Navigate to Settings and then select General.
  3. Click on Software Update, and the user can notice the two software update options.
  4. Select the one you wish to install and click on the Install Now option.

2. How to transfer everything from iPhone to iPad?

If you want to transfer anything from iPhone to iPad, for that the user must navigate to the app that has the items and then copy the items and choose them and click on the Share option and select AirDrop, choose the device name of the iPad and then tap on Accept and agree to the terms and conditions on the iOS receive them.

3. How to Download iOS apps without AppStore?

Below are some important steps to download iOS apps without AppStore.

  1. On iOS, launch Safari and navigate and visit Download AppEven and click on Arrow up icon on its screen
  2. Follow the installation steps to install AppEven on iDevices.
  3. Move to the home screen and click on the app you have installed.

Final Conclusion:

So, guys, i4Tools is an amazing assistant for iOS devices like iPhones and iPad. This i4Tools Software helps you to manage almost all operations in one place. Once you have downloaded the i4Tools on your iOS devices, you can operate all operations in one place. i4Tools is an amazing software for iOS devices.

This article mainly concludes with How to Download i4Tools for Mac, Windows, and Linux. This article will help those who want to know about the i4Tools and its features because most people don’t know about the i4Tools on iOS devices.

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