Downgrade windows server 2019 to 2016

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    Недавно приобрел под проект две OEM лицензии windows server 2019 standard. Однако выяснилось, что из-за специфического прикладного ПО необходима версия windows server 2016 standard. Дистрибьютер кто поставлял ОЕМ ссылается на тот факт из лицензионного
    соглашения, что процедуру даунгрейда должен выполнять тот кто инсталлирует ОЕМ на железо, то есть в данном случае моя компания. Отсюда вопрос:

    Какова процедура проведения downgrade в данном случае: последовательность действий, формы для заполнения данных, адресаты куда все это отправлять, кто должен выслать новые дистрибутивы и ключи и т.д.

    Заранее благодарен за ответ.

При анализе используемых серверных лицензий в сети мы обнаружили, что на одном из серверов установлена значительно более дорогая редакция Windows Server Datacenter, чем требуют задачи, запущенные на сервере (на сервере не используется виртуализация Hyper-V, S2D, Azure Stack, Storage Replica и прочее). Возникала идея изменить (понизить) редакцию установленного Windows Server 2019 Datacenter на Standard в целях экономии более дорогих лицензий. Чистую переустановку Windows Server мы не рассматривали, потому что на сервере уже настроены ряд ролей и установлено дополнительное ПО, лицензии которого жестко привязаны к ОС и железу.


  • Как узнать редакцию Windows Server?
  • Понижаем редакцию Windows Server со Datacenter до Standard
  • Можно ли выполнить даунгрейд Windows Server 2022 до 2019/2016?

Как узнать редакцию Windows Server?

Вы можете проверить редакцию Windows Server, которая установлена на хосте из панели управления. Перейдите в Control Panel –> System and Security -> System (или выполните команду
control /name Microsoft.System

В этом примере видно, что на хосте установлен Windows Server 2019 Datacenter.

downgrade редакции Windows Server 2016 Datacenter до Standard без переустановки

Также можно вывести версию и редакцию из командной строки:

systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /B /C:"OS Version"


wmic os get Caption, Version, BuildNumber, OSArchitecture

cmd узнать редакцию windows server

Или из PowerShell:

Get-WindowsEdition –Online

cmd узнать редакцию windows server

Get-ComputerInfo | select WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion, OsHardwareAbstractionLayer

В этом примере видно, что на хосте установлена редакция ServerDatacenter.

Чтобы получить информацию о редакциях всех компьютеров с Windows Server в домене Active Directory можно воспользоваться командлетом Get-ADComputers:

Get-ADComputer -Filter {(Enabled -eq $True) -and (OperatingSystem -Like '*Windows Server*')} -Property * | Select-Object Name,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemVersion

вывести список версий и редакций windows server в домене ad

Понижаем редакцию Windows Server со Datacenter до Standard

Ранее вы показывали, как выполнить апгрейд редакции Windows Server с младшей на старшую с помощью DISM (см. статью о конвертировании ознакомительной версии Windows Server). Вы можете выполнить и обратную процедуру – downgrade версии Datacenter до Standard с сохранением всех текущих настроек и установленных ролей, программ.

Важно! Microsoft официально не поддерживает понижение редакции Windows Server со старшей на младшую. Официально рекомендуемый способ – чистая переустановка операционной системы. Однако приведенные ниже метод даунгрейда является рабочим, хотя официально и не поддерживаемым.

Настоятельно рекомендуем перед выполнением даунгрейда создать полную резервную копию образа вашей системы (хотя бы через Windows Server Backup).

Также будьте внимательны при выполнении даунгрейда Windows Server с ролью контроллера домена AD. Перед понижением версии желательно сначала перенести с него FSMO роли (предполагаем что у вас есть как минимум один дополнительный контроллер домена) и понизить его до рядового сервера домена (предварительно сделайте резевную копию контроллера домена AD, к которой можно будет откатиться).

  1. На работающем Windows Server 2019 Datacenter запустите редактор реестра и перейдите в ветку HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion;
  2. Проверьте значения следующих REG_SZ параметров: EditionID = ServerDatacenter, ProductName = Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, CompositionEditionID=ServerDatacenter;

    Параметр CompositionEditionID присутствует в реестре Windows Server 2019 и 2022. В Windows Server 2016 этот параметр отсутствует (не нужно создавать его вручную).

    изменить редакцию windows server в реестре

  3. Измените значения параметров следующим образом: EditionID и CompositionEditionID на ServerStandard, ProductName на Windows Server 2019 Standard;

    Обратите внимание, что существует довольно редкая редакция Windows Server Essentials. Для нее нужно указывать EditionID = ServerSolution.

    Изменить EditionID на ServerStandard

  4. Закройте редактор реестра

    Не перезагружайте сервер после смены значений указанных ключей реестра, иначе они автоматически вернуться на предыдущие значение. И при выполнении даунгрейда на следующем шагу вы получите ошибку “
    Your Files and Settings cannot be kept because you try to install an other version as the currently used


  5. Смонтируйте установочный ISO образ с Windows Server 2019 и запустите мастер установки (setup.exe); setup.exe - обновление редакции Windows Server 2016 с iso образа
  6. При выборе вариантов установки в окне Windows Server Setup выберите Upgrade и редакцию Windows Server 2019 Standard (Desktop Experience); обновление Windows Server 2019 Standard (Desktop Experience)
  7. Укажите, что вы хотите сохранить персональные данные и установленные программы — Keep personal files and apps (если эта опция недоступна, проверьте каталог установки Windows); сохранить настройки и программы при апгрейде Windows Server 2016
  8. Нажмите на кнопку Confirm у каждого обнаруженного пункта. В моем случае в первом пункте было указано, что апгрейд версии Windows Server не рекомендуется, лучше выполнить чистую установку; во втором – в этой версии Windows по-умолчанию отключены PnP и RemoteFX USB перенаправление устройств; перенаправление устройств; обновление windows server - ограничения
  9. Запустите обновление Windows, дождитесь его окончания и после нескольких перезагрузок проверьте, что теперь на сервере запущена редакция Windows 2019 Standard.

даунгрейд редакции до windows server standard

Данный способ даунгрейда работает для всех поддерживаемых версиях Windows Server (2012R2/2016/2019/2022).

Можно ли выполнить даунгрейд Windows Server 2022 до 2019/2016?

Правила лицензирования Microsoft разрешают вам использовать предыдущие версии Windows Server, если у вас имеется лицензия на более новую версию продукта. Например, вы можете запустить Windows Server 2019 или 2019, если у вас есть необходимые коммерческие лицензии на Windows Server 2022.

Для активации предыдущей версии Windows Server через downgrade вам нужно получить ключ продукта в личном кабинете VLSC (Volume Licensing Service Center). Если такого ключа нет, обратитесь в службу поддержки Microsoft для генерации ключа продукта в рамках права downgrade.

Если у вас развернута служба KMS для активации Windows Server, вы можете установить Windows Server с публичным GVLK ключом и заме активировать ваш хост на KMS. В этом случае не нужно обращаться в службу поддержки Microsoft (см. FAQ по KMS активации).

Невозможно понизить версию уже установленной ОС (in-place dowgrade). Т.е. если вы установили Windows Server 2022, но вам для совместимости с усраревшимми программами вам нужнен Windows Server 2016, вы не сможете понизить версию развернутой ОС. Придется выполнить новую установки Windows Server 2016 и выполнить ее активацию соотвествующим ключом продукра.

When we analyzed the server licenses in use, we found that one of the servers had a much more expensive edition of Windows Server Datacenter installed than the tasks running on the server required (no Hyper-V virtualization, S2D, Azure Stack, Storage Replica, etc.). It was considered to change (downgrade) the edition of the installed Windows Server 2019 Datacenter to Standard to save on more expensive licenses. We did not consider a clean reinstall of Windows Server because the server already has a number of roles configured and additional software installed that is strictly licensed to the operating system and hardware.


  • Check Windows Server Edition
  • How to Downgrade Windows Server Datacenter to Windows Server Standard
  • Downgrade Rights: Windows Server 2022 to 2019/2016

Check Windows Server Edition

You can use the Control Panel to check which edition of Windows Server is installed on the host. Navigate to Control Panel –> System and Security -> System (or run the command: control /name Microsoft.System).

windows server 2019 datacenter edition

In this example, Windows Server 2019 Datacenter is installed on the host.

You can also view the version and edition of Windows from the command line:

systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /B /C:"OS Version"


wmic os get Caption, Version, BuildNumber, OSArchitecture

cmd: check windows server edition

Or with PowerShell:

Get-WindowsEdition –Online

get-windowsedition powershell

Get-ComputerInfo | select WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion, OsHardwareAbstractionLayer

The ServerDatacenter edition is installed on the host in this example.

You can use the Get-ADComputers cmdlet to get the edition of all the Windows Server hosts in an Active Directory domain:

Get-ADComputer -Filter {(Enabled -eq $True) -and (OperatingSystem -Like '*Windows Server*')} -Property * | Select-Object Name,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemVersion

list windows server versions and edition in active directory

How to Downgrade Windows Server Datacenter to Windows Server Standard

Previously, we discussed upgrading a Windows Server edition from lower to higher using DISM (see the post How to convert Windows Server Evaluation to Full). You can also do the reverse procedure by downgrading from Datacenter edition to Standard, keeping all your current settings, installed roles, and applications.

Important! Downgrading Windows Server from a higher edition to a lower one is not officially supported by Microsoft. The officially recommended method is to perform a clean re-install of the operating system. However, downgrading as described in this article works, although this is not officially supported.

Before performing a downgrade, we strongly recommend that you create a full image backup of your operating system (at least using Windows Server Backup).

You should also be careful if you are downgrading a Windows server with the ADDS domain controller role installed. It is recommended that you transfer FSMO roles from the Windows Server host (it is assumed that you have at least one additional domain controller) and demote it to a domain member server before downgrading. Back up your Domain Controller so that you can restore the DC from a backup in the event of a problem.

  1. On a host running Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, start Registry Editor and navigate to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion;
  2. Check the values of the following REG_SZ parameters: EditionID = ServerDatacenter, ProductName = Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, CompositionEditionID=ServerDatacenter;

    The CompositionEditionID setting is present in the registry for Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022. This registry parameter is missing in Windows Server 2016 and doesn’t need to be created manually.

      ServerDatacenter: view current edition registry registry

  3. Change the values as follows: EditionID and CompositionEditionIDto ServerStandard, ProductName to Windows Server 2019 Standard;

    It should be noted that there is a fairly rare edition of Windows Server Essentials available. To downgrade to Essential Edition, you must specify EditionID = ServerSolution.

    downgrade windows server edition via registry

  4. Close the Registry Editor;

    Do not restart the server after changing the values of the specified registry keys, otherwise, they will automatically revert to the previous values and you will get an error when trying to perform a downgrade in the next step “Your Files and Settings cannot be kept because you try to install an other version as the currently used“.

  5. Mount the Windows Server 2019 installation ISO image and run the setup wizard (setup.exe); run windows server 2016 setup wizard
  6. When you select the installation options in the Windows Server Setup window, select Upgrade and Windows Server 2019 Standard (Desktop Experience)downgrade to windows server standard
  7. Check the option Keep personal files and apps. If this option isn’t available and you get the message “You can’t keep Windows settings, personal files, and apps because your current version of Windows might be installed in a unsupported directory”, check the values of the ProgramFilesPath, ProgramFilesDir(x86), and ProgramW6432Dir registry parameters under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion registry key); update windows server edition - option Keep personal files and apps
  8. Click the Confirm button for each item found. In my case, the first item said that a Windows Server upgrade is not recommended, and it was better to clean install the OS, and the second one said that PnP and RemoteFX USB device redirection was disabled by default in this Windows version; windows server upgrade is not recommended
  9. Start the Windows Server offline upgrade process. Wait for it to finish, and after a few restarts, check that Windows 2019 Standard Edition is now running on the host.downgrade windows server 2019 datacenter to standard

This downgrade method works for all supported versions of Windows Server (2012R2/2016/2019/2022).

Downgrade Rights: Windows Server 2022 to 2019/2016

Microsoft license agreements allow you to use earlier versions of Windows Server if you have a license for a newer version of the product (downgrade rights). For example, if you have the required commercial licenses for Windows Server 2022, you can run Windows Server 2019 and 2016.

To activate a previous version of Windows Server through a downgrade, you need to get a valid product key from your Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) account. If you do not have such a key, you can contact Microsoft support to generate a product key under the downgrade right.

It is not possible to perform an in-place downgrade of an already installed Windows operating system version. This means that if you have Windows Server 2022 installed but need Windows Server 2016 for legacy compatibility, you will not be able to downgrade your deployed operating system version. You will need to perform a fresh installation of Windows Server 2016 and activate it with the appropriate product key.

Can you Downgrade Windows Server?

Use the Windows Server media and a corresponding product key for the version of Windows Server that is eligible for downgrade. The media/key should come from a previously licensed version. The media and key used to perform the downgrade must be from the same channel example: retail, OEM, ROK, or VL.

Can Windows Server 2019 be Downgraded to 2012?

As an exception to the standard downgrade rights applicable to Commercial Licensing products, customers are permitted to downgrade to and use earlier versions and editions of the Windows Server software in place of licensed copies of Windows Server 2019.

Can I Downgrade Server 2019?

A customer may downgrade to most other versions of the Windows Server operating system per the Microsoft licensing agreement which can be found here.

How do I Downgrade my Windows License?

Purchase a PC installed with Windows software .
Accept the Microsoft Software License Terms.
Perform the downgrade process to the eligible downgrade product using the media/key from a genuine, previously licensed OEM or retail product.

Windows Server 2019 Downgrade & Down-Edition Rights

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Hello @HebaCubic ,

I am happy to point you in the right direction. Kindly check the links I provided in my previous reply.

This is related to customers but might help you as well : If you resell a volume license, e.g. via Open License, the customer can download media in VLSC.

If you sell an OEM/Retail license that includes downgrade rights (not available in all editions afaik — check the terms before) the customer can use a 2016 media & key he already owns (and where the key might be already used ) to install 2016 — if there are issues during automatic activatioon because key is used, customer might have to call the activation support hotline and mention he is doing a downgrade.

If he does not have such media & key, there is no option to order it from Microsof or the distributor (also mentioned in the downgrade terms).

The Tech Community has a dedicated forum for Windows Server updates and discussions, hence is to go-to place for you, in this matter for more information.

Have a great week ahead!

Use the Windows Server media and a corresponding product key for the version of Windows Server that is eligible for downgrade. The media/key should come from a previously licensed version. The media and key used to perform the downgrade must be from the same channel example: retail, OEM, ROK, or VL.

Can Windows Server 2019 be Downgraded to 2012?

As an exception to the standard downgrade rights applicable to Commercial Licensing products, customers are permitted to downgrade to and use earlier versions and editions of the Windows Server software in place of licensed copies of Windows Server 2019.

Can I Downgrade Server 2019?

A customer may downgrade to most other versions of the Windows Server operating system per the Microsoft licensing agreement which can be found here.

How do I Downgrade my Windows License?

Purchase a PC installed with Windows software .
Accept the Microsoft Software License Terms.
Perform the downgrade process to the eligible downgrade product using the media/key from a genuine, previously licensed OEM or retail product.

Windows Server 2019 Downgrade & Down-Edition Rights

При анализе используемых серверных лицензий в сети с KMS сервером мы обнаружили, что на одном из серверов установлена значительно более дорогая редакция Windows Server Datacenter, чем требуют задачи, запущенные на сервере (на сервере не используется виртуализация, S2D, Azure Stack, Storage Replica и прочее). Возникала идея изменить (понизить) редакцию установленного Windows Server 2016 Datacenter на Standard в целях экономии более дорогих лицензий. Чистую переустановку Windows Server мы не рассматривали, потому что на сервере уже настроены ряд ролей и установлено дополнительное ПО, лицензии которого жестко привязаны к ОС и железу.

downgrade редакции Windows Servver 2016 Datacenter до Standard без переустаовки

Несмотря на то, что Microsoft поддерживает только апгрейд редакции Windows Server с младшей на старшую с помощью DISM (см. статью о конвертировании ознакомительной версии Windows Server), вы можете выполнить и обратную процедуру – downgrade версии Datacenter до Standard с сохранением всех текущих настроек и установленных ролей, программ.

Важно! Microsoft официально не поддерживает даунгрейд редакции Windows Server со старшей на младшую. Официально рекомендуемый способ – чистая переустановка ОС. Поэтому, все описанные ниже действия вы производите на свой страх и риск.

Настоятельно рекомендуем перед выполнением даунгрейда сделать бэкап системы (хотя бы через Windows Server Backup).

Также будьте внимательны при выполнении даунгрейда Windows Server с ролью контроллера домена AD. Желательно сначала перенести с него FSMO роли и понизить его до рядового сервера домена (предварительно сделайте бэкап DC, к которому можно будет вернуться при проблемах).

  1. На работающем Windows Server 2016 Datacenter запустите редактор реестра и перейдите в ветку HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion;
  2. Проверьте значения следующих REG_SZ параметров: EditionID = ServerDatacenter, ProductName = Windows Server 2016 Datacenter; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion - текущая редакция Windows Server
  3. Измените значения параметров следующим образом: EditionID на ServerStandard, ProductName на Windows Server 2016 Standard; EditionID на ServerStandard
  4. Закройте редактор реестра;
  5. Смонтируйте установочный ISO образ с Windows Server 2016 и запустите мастер установки (setup.exe); setup.exe - обновление редакции Windows Server 2016 с iso образа
  6. При выборе вариантов установки в окне Windows Server Setup выберите Upgrade и редакцию Windows Server 2016 Standard (Desktop Experience); обновление Windows Server 2016 Standard (Desktop Experience)
  7. Укажите, что вы хотите сохранить персональные данные и установленные программы — Keep personal files and apps (если эта опция недоступна, проверьте каталог установки Windows); сохранить настройки и программы при апгрейде Windows Server 2016
  8. Нажмите на кнопку Confirm у каждого обнаруженного пункта. В моем случае в первом пункте было указано, что апгрейд версии Windows Server не рекомендуется, лучше выполнить чистую установку; во втором – в этой версии Windows по-умолчанию отключены PnP и RemoteFX USB перенаправление устройств; обновление windows server - ограничения
  9. Запустите обновление Windows, дождитесь его окончания и после нескольких перезагрузок проверьте, что теперь на сервере запущена редакция Windows 2016 Standard. даунгрейд редакции до windows server standard

Данный способ даунгрейда должен работать во всех поддерживаемых версиях Windows Server (2012R2/2016/2019). Кроме того, вы можете использовать его для даунгрейда с обновлением версии, например, с Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter до Windows Server 2019 Standard (хотя это также не рекомендуемый сценарий).

When analyzing the server licenses used in our corporate network (with a KMS server deployed) we found that a more expensive Windows Server Datacenter edition is installed on one of the host. At the same time the server does not use Datacenter features such as virtualization, S2D, Azure Stack, Storage Replica, etc. There was an idea to change (downgrade) the installed Windows Server 2016 Datacenter to Standard edition to save money. We did not consider clean Windows Server reinstallation, because some roles are already configured, and additional software with hardware-related licenses had been installed on the server.

Windows Server 2016 Datacenter downgrade

Although Microsoft supports only Windows Server edition upgrade using DISM (see the article on how to convert Windows Server Evaluation to licensed version), you can also perform a reverse procedure and downgrade the Datacenter edition to Standard one keeping all current settings, installed roles and apps.

Important! Officially Microsoft does not support the downgrade of a higher Windows Server edition to a lower one. The officially recommended method is a clean OS installation. So you may follow the steps described below at your own risk.

We strongly recommend to backup your operating system image before performing a downgrade (at least through Windows Server Backup).

Also be very careful when downgrading a Windows Server with the ADDS domain controller role installed. It is better to transfer the FSMO roles and demote it from a DC to domain-member server (before you do it, backup your domain controller and you can restore the DC from a backup in case of any issues).

  1. On a running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, open the Registry Editor and go to reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion;
  2. Check the values of the following REG_SZ parameters: EditionID = ServerDatacenter, ProductName = Windows Server 2016 Datacenter;
  3. Change the values as follows: EditionID to ServerStandard, ProductName to Windows Server 2016 Standard; check the EditionID and ProductName on windows server datacenter
  4. Close the rgedit.exe;
  5. Mount the installation Windows Server 2016 ISO image and run the setup wizard (setup.exe); run windows server 2016 setup wizard
  6. When selecting the install options in the Windows Server Setup window, select Upgrade and Windows Server 2016 Standard (Desktop Experience) edition; select windows server standard edition downgrade to
  7. Check the option Keep personal files and apps (if this option is unavailable with the message “You can’t keep Windows settings, personal files, and apps because your current version of Windows might be installed in a unsupported directory”, check the following post); update windows server edition - option Keep personal files and apps
  8. Click on the Confirm button for items found. In my case, the first item said that a Windows Server upgrade is not recommended, and it was better to clean install the OS, and the second one said that PnP and RemoteFX USB device redirection were disabled in this Windows version by default; windows server upgrade is not recommended
  9. Start the Windows Server update. Wait till it is over and after several restarts make sure that Windows 2016 Standard edition is now running on the host. Downgrade windows server 2016 from datacenter to standard

This downgrade method should work for all supported Windows Server versions (2012R2/2016/2019). Also you can use it to downgrade and update the version, for example from Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter to Windows Server 2019 Standard (although it is not recommended either).


August 25, 2020 — 9:04 am

Awesome!! This is really worked well. Thanks 🙂


January 19, 2023 — 1:13 pm

Y r a Machine God kkkkk, worked wonderfully


September 17, 2020 — 3:57 pm

This works, but after when looking at the local server in the Server Administrator the Product ID shows as Unknown. Any way to fix this?


October 14, 2020 — 4:34 pm

Hey guys,

Its not working for me, after modifying the registry and running the setup.exe again I do not get the screen to pick the version but instead whether I want updated or not to my current version and no matter what I chose I am being asked for a SN which is obviously not accepting a standard one but a datacenter one.

Any ideas ?


October 14, 2020 — 4:52 pm

apparently this is only possible for 2016, for 2019 it isnt working …


February 12, 2021 — 10:40 pm

See my comment below. It worked on 2019 for me.


December 11, 2020 — 8:12 pm

super awesome cos it worked


February 12, 2021 — 10:38 pm

Worked for me on 2019. Accidentally installed the wrong version, then installed all my apps. Didn’t want to have to rebuild. With this procedure, downgraded 2019 Datacenter to Standard.

To the commenter above who says it didn’t work on 2019, there is another reg key to edit called “CompositionEditionID” … I also changed this from ServerDatacenter to ServerStandard before running the setup. Perhaps that’s necessary for it to work? I don’t know for sure as I didn’t try it without doing that. Just seemed to make sense to change that as well. 🙂


February 16, 2021 — 4:34 pm

Thanks Matt, works for my 2019 accident also


February 16, 2021 — 5:17 pm

Hey Matt,
u got the “unknown” state at the local server in the Server Administrator the Product ID and some other Entries too?
any solution so show the


February 16, 2021 — 5:19 pm

Sry for typo,
any solution for this issue?
ps: worked and slmgr /dlv gives also the expected output (std).


March 3, 2021 — 7:25 am

Wehn i got to the point to pick what to keep, there is the prompt: “Your Files and Settings cannot be kept because you try to install an other version as the currently used”.


May 3, 2021 — 9:49 am

Works for my Windows Server 2019 Domain Controller with changing three (!) registry parameters:
CompositionEditionID = ServerDatacenter,
EditionID = ServerDatacenter,
ProductName = Windows Server 2019 Datacenter,
to ServerStandard / Windows Server 2019 Standard



Server 2019 Standard to Datacenter
May 5, 2021 — 9:26 am

[…] Strangely I’m going the other way as Std Licencing was far cheaper than DC. It’s not an officially supported route (AFAIK) but it seems pretty straight forward. How to Downgrade Windows Server Datacenter to Standard Edition? | Windows OS Hub […]


May 23, 2021 — 9:20 pm

This tutorial is perfect and this is the only one working on the Internet. I’ve just converted my Windows 2019 Datacenter Trial to Windows 2019 Standard Retail. Previously I have downloaded Windows 2019 Datacenter VHD from MS Website and installed AD, DNS, SQL and other stuff and really tried to avoid reinstalling all the stuff once again.

First (1), I’ve setup secondary AD controller and demoted my W2019 Datacenter.
Second (2), did the hack with HKLM registry (all three values updated: CompositionEditionID, EditionID, ProductName).
Then (3) I’ve downloaded VL ISO Windows 2019 Standard – it took me hours to find out that with Windows 2019 Standard TRIAL we cannot save files and apps! You really NEED to have a licensed copy of ISO (mine was: “SW_DVD9_Win_Server_STD_CORE_2019_1909.4_64Bit_English_DC_STD_MLF_X22-29333.ISO”) to be able to run setup and save the files and apps. If you use trial ISO, the first save option will be always greyed out.
And finally couple of reboots, and change of license to mine (slmgr.vbs /upk + slmgr.vbs /cpky + slmgr.vbs /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx + slmgr.vbs /ato) and I have working licensed Windows 2019 Standard. All is fine when querying via GUI or DISM /online /get-currentedition or sslmgr /dlv. Now will promote DC again, keep fingers crossed! PP


Veijo Jones
July 10, 2022 — 1:47 am

Thanks very much for posting your experience – it was exactly what my problem was and I was able to follow your steps to fix it.


November 4, 2021 — 1:08 pm

Worked perfectly from 2016 Datacenter to 2019 Standard.
Thank you!
ISO used: SW_DVD9_Win_Server_STD_CORE_2019_1809.18_64Bit_English_DC_STD_MLF_X22-74330.ISO


January 7, 2022 — 12:51 pm

Unfortunately, this does not work for us. I have a 2019 Datacenter VM that I want to downgrade. I make the changes to the registry, boot from our image “Windows Server 2019 Datacenter SSS_X64FRE_DE-DE_DV9.iso”.
When I select “Upgrade”, the message appears:
The upgrade option is not available when you boot the computer using the Windows installation media.


January 7, 2022 — 8:10 pm

you’re not supposed to boot from the iso. Just mount it and run setup.exe


January 11, 2022 — 6:57 am

Ok, I run setup. I have to enter a license key to continue.
I enter the standard key, choose Windows Server Standard, continue and cannot choose to keep data.
“Your Files and Settings cannot be kept because you try to install an other version as the currently used”.
The same as Sebastian wrote.


January 11, 2022 — 7:53 am

Got the solution. You MUST NOT reboot the machine after changing the values in the registry, or otherwise they will be reverted.


January 11, 2022 — 9:43 am

Our AVMA key is not accepted in the “SAFE_OS” phase.
But I tried it once more with the general KMS key and changed it later, that worked.

January 20, 2022 — 8:31 pm

i have the same problem on win19 .. can you give me the details pls ? “But I tried it once more with the general KMS key and changed it later, that worked.”


January 22, 2022 — 9:20 pm

You can google for the KMS Key. That key is normally used with a key management system, a special server in your network. Therefore, that key is always accepted when installing and is later checked for validity. In our case, that key cannot be validated and so after reboot Windows is not activated. You can then provide a valid key and Windows gets activated.

Andrew Brand
April 5, 2022 — 8:40 am

Hi there – thanks for your guide. I’ve come across an issue where im unable to upgrade the server despite making the following reg key changes:

CompositionEditionID = ServerStandard,
EditionID = ServerStandard,
ProductName = Windows Server 2019 Standard,

When i try to update the server, the option to ‘Keep personal files and apps’ is greyed out. Below i get the following message, ‘your files, apps. and settings can’t be kept because you’re installing an edition of Windows that’s different thna the once you’re currently using’.

Have you got any guidance around what could help to resolve this issue?


April 7, 2022 — 8:22 am

Double check check you Windows version and build number:
Get-ComputerInfo | select WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion, OsHardwareAbstractionLayer


Andrew Brand
April 22, 2022 — 3:57 pm

Hi We were able to complete these steps successfully. Just struggling to activate windows now… we get the following error code: 0x8007232B. Alternatively, i have tried to clear the key with CMD and input a legitimate key for 2019 Server Standard and getting the following error code: 0xC004E016.

Any thoughts on how we can get past this?


May 12, 2022 — 7:14 am

0x8007232B: DNS name does not exist (The KMS client cannot find KMS server resource records (SRV RRs) in DNS)
0xC004E016 – The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid.


May 12, 2022 — 4:52 am

Hi all, it works perfect fot me from W2K12 DC to Std., also for W2k8. But now I’ve found one server with W2k8 R2 Enterprise and changing to Std. doesn’t not work – there is still greyed out “keep files” even for Std., even for Datacenter (tried w2k12,w2k16, w2k19, w2k22). Changing both keys – done. But there still in About this comp “Windows Server 2008 R2 Enteprise” (but both keys are changed), also tried restart.
any idea? thanks


August 9, 2022 — 6:58 am

Thanks for the tip ! And what about moving an AD server from 2012 R2 datacenter to 2019 standard ? Is there any problem with the FSMO roles ?


October 24, 2022 — 6:18 am

Dear All, I had finished multiple downgrades (2019 Datacenter to Standard). Thank you very much for the article. FYI, if you are going to downgrade Hyper-V Host Server, please downgrade the guest machines first, afterwards, shutdown the guest machines and disable the automatic start of the guest machines before initiating downgrade process for Hyper-V host. This will give you a smooth operation. Best Regards,


February 2, 2023 — 8:20 pm

In 2019 I installed, configured, and deployed a Windows Server 2019 Domain Controller and Application Server ( RemoteApp ) before i realized the VHD I used was DataCenter Edition ( didn’t notice until I went to apply the licenses ). I could not find a way to downgrade at the time, and so I kicked the can down the road for a couple years by resetting the trial license before finding this article. I thought I was going to have to re-create the application server, which isn’t trivial to do ( due to SSL and what not ). Thanks You So Much!


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Posted by denkees 2020-02-20T09:48:03Z

Hi I have OEM version of server 2019 Essentials, not yet activated, I want to use Server 2016 essentials and installed the evaluation version. I have downgrade rights ( OEM) but I have no 2016 key? 
Is it possible to install 2019, activate, and then perform a fresh installation of 2016, The digital key is known then.
regards Kees

16 Replies

  • You will need to request for the OEM media kit from the manufacturer if the hardware comes with downgrade rights.

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  • Author denkees

    When we install a evaluation version 2016 install the server en later get a new OEM key do we we have to reinstall ;  Changing from evaluation key to a production key needs reinstalling  according to microsoft: 

    Installation Guidelines

    Windows Server 2016 Essentials will need to be re-installed when moving from prior
    versions to production bits.

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  • Author denkees

    Hp offers downgrade kits oke but i have no HP and i can’t get a downgrade kit.

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  • Author Larry G


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  • Hp offers downgrade kits oke but i have no HP and i can’t get a downgrade kit.

    I was using HP as example and also how to go about it…

    What server is it ?

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  • Author denkees

    It’s a OEM build server based on Asus Serverboard. HP and Lenovo offer downgradekits with media and Key but these versions are Bios controlled. So you can only use them on HP / Lenovo servers. I really don’t know how to get a key ( I tried the 2019 key without succes ).

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  • Author denkees

    I already saw that but to get media and key is the problem I have a OEM version so downgrading is allowed.

    Da_Schmoo wrote:

    Downgrade rights are the same as Server Standard:

    Volume Licenses can be downgraded and you can get the media and keys for the previous two versions via the VL Portal.

    Retail licenses have no downgrade rights.

    OEM licenses have downgrade rights but you are on your own to find the proper media.

    Get with the original vendor of the server to see if they have a downgraded ISO. It really is a 50/50 on that.

    Is there a specific reason for a downgrade? I have been working with RTRs, and not full version with out issue.

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    Downgrade rights are clear — you need to find a key yourself.  There is no ‘place to go’, there is no supplier that gives the key to you.  When you decide to purchase OEM instead of VL you take on that responsibility yourself.

    Find a friend or colleague that has Server 2016 that’s willing to share a key.  Remember, keys are not licenses.  Keys just let you activate.  It’s the license (which you have) that matters.  You can use any key that you find as long as your license is valid.

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  • Author denkees

    I decided to install 2019 essentials to give it a try. The reason I wanted to have 2016 Essentials is the build in remote desktop gateway. I cannot install it on server 2019 Essentials. My customer needs RDP for homeworkers. Another solution is teamviewer, anydesk or somthing like that.

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    denkees wrote:

    I decided to install 2019 essentials to give it a try. The reason I wanted to have 2016 Essentials is the build in remote desktop gateway. I cannot install it on server 2019 Essentials. My customer needs RDP for homeworkers. Another solution is teamviewer, anydesk or somthing like that.

    You can also setup a VPN (their router may support that) and then have them use RDP to connect to their Desktop once connected.

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  • Author denkees

    Oke i tried that and ik works, have to connect to he IP adres of the computer instead of there name.
    Are there any drawbacks to this method?

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    denkees wrote:

    Oke i tried that and ik works, have to connect to he IP adres of the computer instead of there name.
    Are there any drawbacks to this method?

    Depending on how the VPN is setup the internal DNS will (or won’t) work, which is why you need to connect via IP.

    Drawbacks?  Not once it’s up and running.  Your VPN may have licensing requirements.  You’ll have to show people how to use it…  but other than that, not really.

    Obviously, make sure you configure the VPN so people only have access to what they need.  Don’t let them get to your Servers, for instance.

    1 found this helpful

  • Author denkees

    Ik don’t exactly understand whta you mean.
    VPN is done on the server ( 2019 essentials )
    I guess user has the same rights as when he connects to the server in the office.
    There is only a extra preshared key .

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    denkees wrote:

    Ik don’t exactly understand whta you mean.
    VPN is done on the server ( 2019 essentials )
    I guess user has the same rights as when he connects to the server in the office.
    There is only a extra preshared key .

    Well, I was talking about using your router, not Windows, for the VPN so setting will not be the same.  In most VPNs you can limit what the connected person has access to, usually by IP.

    1 found this helpful

  • Author denkees

    Oke, I never used VNP on the Router, so I have to find out how that works.
    Thanks for your suggestion RDP over VPN.

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