Docker для windows server 2012

Table of contents

        • 0. Environmental preparation
        • 1. Download the docker_toolbox tool
        • 1. 2 Install docker_toolbox
        • 1. 3 Use virtual machines
        • 1, 4 port mapping
        • 1. Directory mounting:

Drama diagram:
Latterdocker_toolboxTools are actually similar to VMware of Windows,docker_toolboxA Linux system is provided, which can be used in the DOCKER (using docker in the Linux environment in peace)

0. Environmental preparation

Docker needs your CPU to support virtualization on Window. Open the task manager, select performance to view:

1. Download the docker_toolbox tool

Note:(Windows Server 2012 version requires the tool support to run docker)

Attach an installation package: extraction code: VMXV[Click me to download]You can also download it by yourself.

1. 2 Install docker_toolbox

Double -click to run the downloaded docker_toolbox program for installation;
Select the installation path by yourself;
In the following interface, it is recommended to check, and the rest of the default will be the next step.

1. 3 Use virtual machines

Double -click the virtual machine management tool installed below, and after entering the default, there is a name calleddefaultVirtual machine, right -click to run;

The default information of the virtual machine is generally:

(1) You can use your own terminal window for operation (not supporting Chinese display, not recommended);
(2) You can also use your own XSHELL tools to connect (recommend

1, 4 port mapping

If you need to map the port 8001 of the internal service of the Docker container, you need to set it in the Docker_toolbox tool to access it at your Windows Server Solit Owner Browser:

1. Directory mounting:

If you need to map the internal directory of Docker to the local area of ​​Windows Server. need:
1. First map the local directory of Windows to the Linux virtual machine

Log in to the virtual machine Linux, execute the following command to mount

# Switching root
sudo -i

sudo mount -t vboxsf d/dian_lian/program/logs /mnt/docker/logs

2. Then map the Docker’s internal directory to the directory of the virtual machine Linux.

# Put the mirror into a container (map the container directory to the virtual machine directory)
docker run --name=u8 --privileged=true -p 8001:8001 -v /mnt/docker/logs:/web/u8_data/logs -itd u8 /usr/sbin/init

Установка Docker на операционную систему Windows Server 2012 может показаться сложной задачей, но на самом деле существует простая и понятная инструкция. Docker — это открытая платформа, которая позволяет упаковывать, переносить и запускать приложения в контейнерах. Она обеспечивает высокую скорость и гибкость в разработке и доставке приложений.

Для установки Docker на Windows Server 2012 существует несколько шагов. Прежде всего, убедитесь, что ваша операционная система поддерживает Docker. Windows Server 2012 не является нативной платформой для Docker, поэтому сначала вам необходимо установить некоторые предварительные требования.

Для начала, убедитесь, что на вашем компьютере установлена последняя версия .NET Framework. Для установки Docker на Windows Server 2012 требуется версия .NET Framework 4.6.2 или выше. Если у вас установлена более старая версия, обновите ее до последней.

Затем, перейдите на официальный сайт Docker и скачайте установщик Docker for Windows. Он представляет собой исполняемый файл с расширением .msi. Запустите установщик и следуйте инструкциям по установке Docker. В процессе установки может понадобиться перезагрузка системы.

Таким образом, установка Docker на Windows Server 2012 достаточно проста, но требует выполнения нескольких шагов. Не забудьте проверить совместимость своей операционной системы с Docker, обновить .NET Framework до подходящей версии и скачать установщик Docker for Windows. После успешной установки Docker вы сможете начать использовать его мощные возможности для разработки и доставки приложений в контейнерах.


  1. Выбор версии Docker
  2. Системные требования
  3. Подготовка сервера
  4. Загрузка и установка Docker
  5. Проверка установки Docker
  6. Настройка Docker

Выбор версии Docker

Перед установкой Docker на Windows Server 2012 необходимо выбрать подходящую версию программного обеспечения. Docker поддерживает две основные версии для Windows: Docker Desktop и Docker Engine.

Docker Desktop является удобным решением для начинающих пользователей и разработчиков. Оно включает в себя все необходимые компоненты Docker, такие как Docker Engine, Docker CLI и Docker Compose. Docker Desktop также предоставляет графический интерфейс пользователя для управления контейнерами.

Для более опытных пользователей и продвинутых сценариев использования рекомендуется установка Docker Engine. Docker Engine представляет собой более минимальную версию Docker, которая включает в себя только самый основной функционал. Установка Docker Engine позволяет гибко настраивать и управлять Docker-контейнерами через командную строку.

Решение о выборе версии Docker зависит от уровня комфорта пользователя и специфических требований проекта. Обе версии Docker поддерживают Windows Server 2012, и правильный выбор версии позволит наиболее эффективно использовать Docker в вашей среде.

Системные требования

Для установки Docker на Windows Server 2012 необходимо удостовериться, что ваша система соответствует следующим требованиям:

  • Операционная система: Windows Server 2012 или выше
  • Процессор: 64-битный процессор с поддержкой виртуализации и поддержка Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)
  • Оперативная память: минимум 2 ГБ (рекомендуется 4 ГБ или больше)
  • Свободное место на диске: минимум 20 ГБ
  • Подключение к интернету: рекомендуется для загрузки и установки Docker

Убедитесь, что ваша система соответствует указанным требованиям перед тем, как приступить к установке Docker на Windows Server 2012.

Подготовка сервера

Перед установкой Docker на Windows Server 2012 необходимо выполнить несколько предварительных шагов:

Шаг 1: Проверка версии операционной системы
Убедитесь, что на вашем сервере установлена Windows Server 2012 (версия 6.2 или выше). Для этого откройте командную строку и выполните команду winver. Если ваша версия операционной системы отличается от необходимой, обновите ее до Windows Server 2012.
Шаг 2: Установка обновлений
Перед установкой Docker убедитесь, что на вашем сервере установлены все последние обновления операционной системы. Откройте раздел «Обновления» в «Панели управления» и установите все доступные обновления.
Шаг 3: Включение Hyper-V
Для работы Docker требуется включенная роль Hyper-V на сервере. Откройте «Управление сервером» и выберите «Добавить роли и компоненты». В появившемся окне выберите Hyper-V и выполните установку.
Шаг 4: Включение контейнеров Windows
Для использования Docker-контейнеров на Windows Server 2012 необходимо включить опцию контейнеров Windows. Откройте PowerShell от имени администратора и выполните команду Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Containers -All.
После выполнения всех этих шагов сервер будет готов к установке Docker и запуску контейнеров.

Загрузка и установка Docker

Для установки Docker на сервере Windows Server 2012 необходимо выполнить несколько шагов:

  1. Перейдите на официальный веб-сайт Docker по адресу
  2. Нажмите на кнопку «Get Docker» для загрузки установочного файла.
  3. Сохраните установочный файл на вашем компьютере.
  4. Запустите установочный файл Docker for Windows Installer.exe.
  5. В появившемся окне установщика Docker, нажмите кнопку «Next» для продолжения установки.
  6. Ознакомьтесь с условиями лицензионного соглашения и согласитесь с ним, выбрав опцию «I accept the terms in the License Agreement».
  7. Выберите директорию для установки Docker и нажмите кнопку «Next».
  8. Выберите компоненты для установки Docker. Оставьте все компоненты выбранными и нажмите кнопку «Next».
  9. Выберите начальное значение для подключения к Docker Hub. Рекомендуется оставить значение по умолчанию «Stable» и нажать кнопку «Next».
  10. Настройте параметры сети и прокси, если это необходимо для вашей конфигурации, и нажмите кнопку «Next».
  11. Выберите тип установки. Для большинства пользователей рекомендуется выбрать опцию «Enable Hyper-V Windows Hypervisor platform».
  12. После завершения настройки параметров, нажмите кнопку «Install» для начала установки Docker.
  13. Подождите, пока установка Docker завершится. Это может занять некоторое время.
  14. После завершения установки, нажмите кнопку «Finish».

Теперь Docker успешно установлен на вашем сервере Windows Server 2012 и готов к использованию.

Проверка установки Docker

После того как Docker успешно установлен на вашем сервере Windows Server 2012, вы можете приступить к проверке версии и работоспособности установки. Для этого выполните следующую команду:

docker version

Если установка прошла успешно, вы увидите информацию о версиях клиента и сервера Docker, а также другую дополнительную информацию. Возможно, вам придется перезапустить сервер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

Для проверки того, что Docker корректно работает на вашем сервере, вы можете выполнить следующую команду:

docker run hello-world

Если Docker работает должным образом, вы увидите сообщение «Hello from Docker!» с информацией о версии Docker и другими деталями. Это означает, что Docker успешно запущен на вашем сервере Windows Server 2012.

Настройка Docker

После успешной установки Docker на Windows Server 2012 необходимо выполнить некоторые дополнительные настройки.

1. Откройте командную строку от имени администратора.

2. Установите переменные среды для Docker. Для этого выполните следующую команду:

  • setx DOCKER_HOST "tcp://"
  • setx DOCKER_CERT_PATH "%USERPROFILE%\.docker\machine\machines\default"
  • setx DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY "0"

3. Перезапустите компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

4. После перезагрузки откройте командную строку от имени администратора снова.

5. Установите переменную среды для конфигурации Docker Swarm:

  • setx SWARM_CLUSTER "swarm"

6. Выполните следующую команду для запуска Docker:

  • dockerd

После выполнения всех этих действий, Docker должен быть настроен и работать верно на Windows Server 2012.


Confused about one thing. So does running the docker engine on windows server 2012 work? Or is it just that the container OS needs to be 2016 or Nano?

So docker engine on 2012, running a container with 2016/Nano

  • windows
  • docker

asked May 11, 2017 at 13:35

user1340582's user avatar


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From :
«No, Windows Server 2016 is required for running native Windows containers. The kernel containerization primitives are only available starting with WS 2016.»

answered May 11, 2017 at 13:37

Ricardo Portugal's user avatar

Ricardo PortugalRicardo Portugal

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8 minutes

Docker Engine — Enterprise enables native Docker containers on Windows Server.
Windows Server 2016 and later versions are supported. The Docker Engine —
Enterprise installation package includes everything you need to run Docker on
Windows Server. This topic describes pre-install considerations, and how to
download and install Docker Engine — Enterprise.

Release notes

Release notes for all versions

System requirements

Windows OS requirements around specific CPU and RAM requirements also need to be
met as specified in the Windows Server
This provides information for specific CPU and memory specs and capabilities
(instruction sets like CMPXCHG16b, LAHF/SAHF, and PrefetchW, security: DEP/NX,

  • OS Versions:
    • Long Term Service Channel (LTSC) — 2016 and 2019 (Core and GUI)
    • Semi-annual Channel (SAC) — 1709, 1803 and 1809
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Disk space: 32 GB minimum recommendation for Windows.
    Docker recommends an additional 32 GB of space for base images for ServerCore
    and NanoServer along with buffer space for workload containers running IIS,
    SQL Server and .Net apps.

Install Docker Engine — Enterprise

To install the Docker Engine — Enterprise on your hosts, Docker provides a
OneGet PowerShell Module.

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell command prompt, and type the following commands.

    Install-Module DockerMsftProvider -Force
    Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force
  2. Check if a reboot is required, and if yes, restart your instance.

    (Install-WindowsFeature Containers).RestartNeeded

    If the output of this command is Yes, then restart the server with:

  3. Test your Docker Engine — Enterprise installation by running the
    hello-world container.

    Windows Server 2019

    docker run hello-world:nanoserver

    Windows Server 2016

    docker run hello-world:nanoserver-sac2016

    The container starts, prints the hello message, and then exits.

    Unable to find image 'hello-world:nanoserver' locally
    nanoserver: Pulling from library/hello-world
    bce2fbc256ea: Pull complete
    3ac17e2e6106: Pull complete
    8cac44e17f16: Pull complete
    5e160e4d8db3: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:25eac12ba40f7591969085ab3fb9772e8a4307553c14ea72d0e6f98b2c8ced9d
    Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:nanoserver
    Hello from Docker!
    This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

(optional) Make sure you have all required updates

Some advanced Docker features, such as swarm mode, require the fixes included in
(or a later cumulative patch).

Select option 6) Download and Install Updates.

FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module support

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication
is a United States Federal security requirement for cryptographic modules.

With Docker Engine — Enterprise Basic license for versions 18.09 and later,
Docker provides FIPS 140-2 support in Windows Server. This includes a FIPS
supported cryptographic module. If the Windows implementation already has FIPS
support enabled, FIPS is automatically enabled in the Docker engine.

Note: FIPS 140-2 is only supported in the Docker Engine — Enterprise
engine. UCP and DTR currently do not have support for FIPS 140-2.

To enable FIPS 140-2 compliance on a system that is not in FIPS 140-2 mode,
execute the following command in PowerShell:

[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("DOCKER_FIPS", "1", "Machine")

FIPS 140-2 mode may also be enabled via the Windows Registry. To update the
pertinent registry key, execute the following PowerShell command as an

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SystemCurrentControlSetControlLsaFipsAlgorithmPolicy" -Name "Enabled" -Value "1"

Restart the Docker service by running the following command.

net stop docker
net start docker

To confirm Docker is running with FIPS-140-2 enabled, run the docker info command:


Note: If the system has the FIPS-140-2 cryptographic module installed on
the operating system, it is possible to disable FIPS-140-2 compliance. To
disable FIPS-140-2 in Docker but not the operating system, set the value
"DOCKER_FIPS","0" in the [System.Environment].`

Use a script to install Docker Engine — Enterprise

Use the following guide if you wanted to install the Docker Engine — Enterprise
manually, via a script, or on air-gapped systems.

  1. In a PowerShell command prompt, download the installer archive on a machine
    that has a connection.

    # On an online machine, download the zip file.
    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile

    If you need to download a specific Docker Engine — Enterprise Engine
    release, all URLs can be found on this JSON index

  2. Copy the zip file to the machine where you want to install Docker. In a
    PowerShell command prompt, use the following commands to extract the archive,
    register, and start the Docker service.

    # Stop Docker service
    Stop-Service docker
    # Extract the archive.
    Expand-Archive -DestinationPath $Env:ProgramFiles -Force
    # Clean up the zip file.
    Remove-Item -Force
    # Install Docker. This requires rebooting.
    $null = Install-WindowsFeature containers
    # Add Docker to the path for the current session.
    $env:path += ";$env:ProgramFilesdocker"
    # Optionally, modify PATH to persist across sessions.
    $newPath = "$env:ProgramFilesdocker;" +
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $newPath,
    # Register the Docker daemon as a service.
    dockerd --register-service
    # Start the Docker service.
    Start-Service docker
  3. Test your Docker Engine — Enterprise installation by running the
    hello-world container.

    Windows Server 2019

    docker container run hello-world:nanoserver

    Windows Server 2016

    docker container run hello-world:nanoserver-sac2016

Install a specific version

To install a specific version, use the RequiredVersion flag:

Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force -RequiredVersion 19.03
Name                      Version               Source           Summary
----                      -------               ------           -------
Docker                    19.03                 Docker           Contains Docker Engine - Enterprise for use with Windows Server...

Updating the DockerMsftProvider

Installing specific Docker Engine — Enterprise versions may require an update to
previously installed DockerMsftProvider modules. To update:

Update-Module DockerMsftProvider

Then open a new PowerShell session for the update to take effect.

Update Docker Engine — Enterprise

To update Docker Engine — Enterprise to the most recent release, specify the
-RequiredVersion and -Update flags:

Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -RequiredVersion 19.03 -Update -Force

The required version number must match a version available on the JSON

Uninstall Docker Engine — Enterprise

Use the following commands to completely remove the Docker Engine — Enterprise
from a Windows Server:

  1. Leave any active Docker Swarm.

     docker swarm leave --force
  2. Remove all running and stopped containers.

     docker rm -f $(docker ps --all --quiet)
  3. Prune container data.

     docker system prune --all --volumes
  4. Uninstall Docker PowerShell Package and Module.

     Uninstall-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider
     Uninstall-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider
  5. Clean up Windows Networking and file system.

     Get-HNSNetwork | Remove-HNSNetwork
     Remove-Item -Path "C:ProgramDataDocker" -Recurse -Force

Preparing a Windows Host for use with UCP

To add a Windows Server host to an existing Universal Control Plane cluster
please follow the list of prerequisites and joining

About Docker Engine — Enterprise containers and Windows Server

Looking for information on using Docker Engine — Enterprise containers?

  • Getting Started with Windows Containers (Lab)
    provides a tutorial on how to set up and run Windows containers on Windows 10
    or Windows Server 2016. It shows you how to use a MusicStore application with
    Windows containers.

  • Docker Container Platform for Windows Server articles and blog
    posts on the Docker website.

Where to go next

  • Getting started provides an overview of
    Docker Desktop for Windows, basic Docker command examples, how to get help or
    give feedback, and links to all topics in the Docker Desktop for Windows guide.

  • FAQs provides answers to frequently asked

  • Release Notes lists component
    updates, new features, and improvements associated with Stable and Edge

  • Learn Docker provides general Docker tutorials.

  • Windows Containers on Windows Server
    is the official Microsoft documentation.

Windows, Windows Server, install, download, ucp, Docker Engine — Enterprise

My environment: Windows Server 2012 R2. Slightly different steps may be required with other
versions of Windows.

Pretty straightforward, the only tricky parts here are about Hyper-V and finding out the IP
address of the VM.

With regards to the latter there is a lot of misleading information on the web.

1. Make sure Hyper-V is not running.

If it does, it will prevernt the VirtualBox VM to start and you will get mysterious errors.
Same goes if you use VMWare or any other hypervisor other than VirtualBox.

If you do need to have both Hyper-V and VirtualBox, Scott Hanselman wrote about some voodoo magic
you can do to easily switch between the two. I haven’t tried it.

2. Download and install Docker for Windows.

  • Download and install Boot2Docker from here:

  • Install everthing

  • Tick “yes I trust that thing” when asked to install network driver. It’s required by VirtualBox.

  • You should have two icons added to the desktop:

    • Boot2Docker Start
    • Oracle VM VirtualBox

    Desktop icons

3. Run Boot2Docker

If everything goes well, you should see:

  • bash command window should open
  • after a bit, it should have ouput similar to the one shown below
  • take note of the line which says DOCKER-HOST, it should have the IP address of the docker VM.
  • if you open Virtual Box, you should see boot2docker-vm running there.

    Bash window

    Running docker vm

4. Post Install

A couple of useful things to know:

  • You can run as many instances of Boot2Docker as you want. It’s just a command prompt.

  • Finding out the IP address of the docker VM (and things which run within it). Several options:

    • from Boot2Docker command prompt run boot2docker.exe ip. This will show the IP address:

        $ boot2docker.exe ip
    • Look for DOCKER-HOST string when you start Boot2Docker:

        Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to start...
        To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set:
            export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
  • Security and the images. One thing worth remembering is that when you say something like
    docker run some-image by default it will try and some-image from external repository.
    Which repository it is, and who built that image with what is a good question. So probably a
    good idea to install only “trusted” images.

I would like to deploy our microservices on a Windows Server 2012 installed machine. How can I enable containerization on that machine? On the Internet, the technical guides generally folds in two favors. One is for container technology on Linux platforms and the other one is for the Azure. I could not find any specific guide for what I am trying for.


  • windows-server-2012-r2
  • docker
  • kubernetes
  • containers

asked Jul 24, 2017 at 10:15

The_Cute_Hedgehog's user avatar

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answered Apr 1, 2018 at 20:27

sceee's user avatar


1213 bronze badges

I have a windows 2012 server virtual machine, and i am trying to install and run docker on top of it, its running into all sorts of errors with Hyper-V, are there any specific steps which i have to follow?, my docker container always fails saying couldn’t start MobyLinuxVM: hyper V features are not enabled.

  • virtualization
  • windows-server-2012
  • docker
  • docker-for-windows

asked Jan 12, 2018 at 11:53

kumarD's user avatar


1111 silver badge2 bronze badges


  • Did you try to enable them? As for steps at least the official documentation has quite a bit in relation to Hyper-V?

    Jan 12, 2018 at 12:17

1 Answer

answered Jan 19, 2018 at 21:34

essjae's user avatar


1,57911 silver badges13 bronze badges

Docker is an open-source application deployment solution that might play an important role in the Windows world soon. In this introduction to Docker, you will learn how to install and test Docker on Windows.


  1. Docker intoduction
  2. Installing Docker on Windows
  3. Testing Docker with Hello World container
  4. Installing a WordPress container
  5. Cleaning up the environment
  6. Conclusions

Docker logo

Docker logo

According to Microsoft technology analyst Mary Jo Foley and a leaked Microsoft internal slide deck, Windows Server vNext will include a containerized deployment option. Specifically, Microsoft is hard at work bringing Docker to Windows.

Of course, you probably have these questions on your mind:

  • What the heck is Docker, and why is it considered to be so revolutionary?
  • I thought Docker was for Linux?

Let’s address both of those questions straightaway. By the conclusion of this article, I want you to have a clear picture of what Docker is, how it works, and how it may factor into future Windows OS versions.

Docker intoduction

I want us to dive into the tech as quickly as possible, so I’ll make this definition fast. According to the Docker web site, Docker is and open-source platform for building and distributing applications. In a Docker infrastructure, your applications run in totally isolated, trimmed-down containers that are protected from other containers as well as your base operating system.

Some define Docker as an application virtualization solution, and Microsoft techs immediately draw comparisons between Docker and its own App-V and RemoteApp products.

Docker, I think, has some advantages over Microsoft, Citrix, and other app virtualization vendors. The open-source angle is nice from a security and cost standpoint. Also, Docker containers make it simple to deploy complex applications (even n-tier apps such as a WordPress content-management pod) along with all their dependencies. Docker accomplishes this through modularization. To wit, Docker consists of two primary components:

  • Docker Engine: Lightweight runtime environment and container packaging tool
  • Docker Hub: Public container repository

The challenge for us as Microsoft professionals, of course, is that Docker was conceived to run in the Linux world. This makes sense to me because most software in Linux is open-source and more accessible from a low level than is proprietary software such as Microsoft’s or Apple’s. That said, Microsoft sees enough business value in Docker that it won’t be too long before we see a native Windows Docker engine.

For now, though, we have to settle for a virtual machine-based Docker implementation that isn’t as lean as native Docker but is certainly better than nothing.

Installing Docker on Windows

In this case study, we’ll install Docker for Windows (such as it is in early 2015) and deploy a pre-made WordPress content management system (CMS) container as a proof of concept.

The first step is to download and install the latest Docker for Windows build from its GitHub repository. As you can see in the following figure, Docker for Windows uses a traditional Windows installer.

Installing Docker is straight forward

Installing Docker is straightforward.

If you accept the installation defaults (which I highly suggest you do), the software gives you the following three components:

  • Boot2Docker management tool and ISO: This is the Docker administration command-line interface (CLI).
  • VirtualBox: We need the core of the Oracle VirtualBox VM desktop virtualization product to allow us to run the core Linux code from inside Windows.
  • MSYS-git UNIX tools: The Docker Hub will pull containers from public Git repositories, so we need to have client tools available on our system.

You’re recommended to restart Windows before running Docker for the first time, but I was able to proceed without rebooting.

Next, double-click the pretty Boot2Docker Start Desktop icon to start the Boot2Docker management tool. You’ll be prompted to allow VirtualBox to bind two virtual network interfaces, and before long you’ll see a decidedly Linux-y command prompt ,as shown in the following screen capture.

Docker for Windows gives us a pretty icon

Docker for Windows gives us a pretty icon and a command-line interface. Is that an oxymoron?

Testing Docker with Hello World container

To verify that Docker is functioning correctly, run the following command from the Boot2Docker client:

docker run hello-world

If all goes well, you’ll see a bunch of explanatory text on your screen. The part that I find the most interesting is the following list, which explains what just happened on your Windows box:

To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:

 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
    (Assuming it was not already locally available.)
 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
    executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
    to your terminal.

So what’s happening is that when we try to start a container with the docker run command, our Boot2Docker client contacts the Docker runtime daemon (what we might consider to be a service in Windows) to check whether the container is locally available. In our case, the Docker daemon runs inside a VirtualBox VM.

If the container isn’t available locally, the daemon pulls the container from the Docker Hub and fires it up. Neat!

As you can see in the following screenshot, my Docker for Windows session spawns a bunch of Oracle VirtualBox processes, but it added nothing to my Windows box’s actual service list. When you exit Docker, those processes go away.

All we see at the Windows OS level

All we see of Docker at the Windows OS level is the VirtualBox VM that runs the Docker components.

That having been said, as you can see in the following screenshot, Docker for Windows does permanently install Oracle VirtualBox on your host system, so be prepared for that. Again, once Windows supports Docker natively, we won’t need a Linux-based virtual machine to act as a shim.

In Windows, the Docker engine runs in an honest-to-goodness Linux virtual machine inside Oracle VirtualBox.

In Windows, the Docker engine runs in an honest-to-goodness Linux virtual machine inside Oracle VirtualBox.

Installing a WordPress container

Hello World is fine for starters, but I want to try out a truly impressive container. How about WordPress? As you may or may not know, WordPress is a blog/content management system that runs in a LAMP (Linux, Apache web server, MySQL database, PHP) stack.

We can run docker images at any time in Boot2Docker to see what containers are available locally:

docker@boot2docker:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED
hello-world         latest              e45a5af57b00        12 weeks ago
910 B

You’ll find that several Docker community members contributed their own WordPress Docker containers. Of course, the standard rules apply concerning how much you want to trust publically accessible software repositories. In the future, I’m sure that we Windows administrators will build our own Docker images and host them on private repositories.

Anyway, I chose Eugene Ware’s WordPress build because (a) it works; and (b) he uses nginx as the web server instead of Apache.

First we need to clone Eugene’s GitHub repo, which makes all the WordPress containers available to our Windows system:

git clone

After Docker downloads all the bits, you’ll need to use cd to switch your focus into the local repository:

cd docker-wordpress-nginx

Next, we’ll build the containers:

sudo docker build -t="docker-wordpress-nginx" .

Don’t forget about the space and the dot at the end of the preceding command string!

Once the build completes, our final step is to start the containers and map TCP port 8081 in Windows to port 80 in the Docker container:

docker run -d -p 8081:80 docker-wordpress-nginx

As you can see in the following screenshot, I connected to WordPress instantly after pointing my browser to the VirtualBox virtual network interface’s private IP address (

This is a fully portable and containerized WordPress installation

This is a fully portable and containerized WordPress installation.

Cleaning up the environment

You’ve heard the expression RTFM (“Read the Friendly Manual!”) before, right? To that point, you should spend time reading the Docker User Guide. Also, you can get a list of all available Docker commands from the CLI by running:

docker help

To stop a container, you need to know its name, so run the following command and take note of the image name. I took the liberty of formatting the output in a more eye-friendly way:

docker ps

CONTAINER ID: bbf255c32fd8
IMAGE: docker-wordpress-nginx:latest   
COMMAND: /bin/bash /   
CREATED: 22 minutes ago      
STATUS: Up 22 minutes       
PORTS: 3306/tcp,>80/tcp   
NAMES: romantic_mcclintock

I’m not sure what’s up with that wacky “romantic_mcclintock” name, to be perfectly honest with you. Perhaps it’s a tongue-in-cheek, globally unique identifier? Anyway, to stop our WordPress/nginx image, let’s run the appropriate command:

docker stop romantic_mcclintock

Refreshing my browser on my containerized WordPress site gives a 404 error, which is perfectly expected.


So what do you think of Docker? Even though its current implementation on Windows isn’t “true” Docker because we are hosting the Docker environment inside a Linux virtual machine, I hope that you were as impressed with its capabilities as I am.

Imagine a Windows Server in which the operating system itself runs in a tidy container. Think of how much more modular, granular, and secure this setup would be. Any applications we deploy on top of Windows also run in isolated containers. Yes—this is why Docker and application virtualization caught Microsoft’s attention so thoroughly in 2014. See you next time.

Note: This release of Docker deprecates the Boot2Docker command line in
favor of Docker Machine. Use the Docker Toolbox to install Docker Machine as
well as the other Docker tools.

You install Docker using Docker Toolbox. Docker Toolbox includes the following Docker tools:

  • Docker Machine for running the docker-machine binary
  • Docker Engine for running the docker binary
  • Kitematic, the Docker GUI
  • a shell preconfigured for a Docker command-line environment
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox

Because the Docker daemon uses Linux-specific kernel features, you can’t run
Docker natively in Windows. Instead, you must use docker-machine to create and attach to a Docker VM on your machine. This VM hosts Docker for you on your Windows system.

The virtual machine runs a lightweight Linux distribution made specifically to
run the Docker daemon. The VirtualBox VM runs completely from RAM, is a small
~24MB download, and boots in approximately 5s.


To run Docker, your machine must have a 64-bit operating system running Windows 7 or higher. Additionally, you must make sure that virtualization is enabled on your machine.
To verify your machine meets these requirements, do the following:

  1. Right click the Windows Start Menu and choose System.

    Which version

    If you are using an unsupported version of Windows, you should consider
    upgrading your operating system in order to try out Docker.

  2. Make sure your CPU supports virtualization technology
    and virtualization support is enabled in BIOS and recognized by Windows.

    For Windows 8, 8.1 or 10

    Choose Start > Task Manager. On Windows 10, click more details. Navigate to the Performance tab.
    Under CPU you should see the following:

    Release page

    If virtualization is not enabled on your system, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for enabling it.

    For Windows 7

    Run the Microsoft® Hardware-Assisted Virtualization Detection
    Tool and follow the on-screen instructions.

  3. Verify your Windows OS is 64-bit (x64)

    How you do this verification depends on your Windows version. For details, see the Windows
    article How to determine whether a computer is running a 32-bit version or 64-bit version
    of the Windows operating system.

Note: If you have Docker hosts running and you don’t wish to do a Docker Toolbox
installation, you can install the docker.exe using the unofficial Windows package
manager Chocolatey. For information on how to do this, see Docker package on

Learn the key concepts before installing

In a Docker installation on Linux, your machine is both the localhost and the
Docker host. In networking, localhost means your computer. The Docker host is
the machine on which the containers run.

On a typical Linux installation, the Docker client, the Docker daemon, and any
containers run directly on your localhost. This means you can address ports on a
Docker container using standard localhost addressing such as localhost:8000 or

Linux Architecture Diagram

In an Windows installation, the docker daemon is running inside a Linux virtual
machine. You use the Windows Docker client to talk to the Docker host VM. Your
Docker containers run inside this host.

Windows Architecture Diagram

In Windows, the Docker host address is the address of the Linux VM. When you
start the VM with docker-machine it is assigned an IP address. When you start
a container, the ports on a container map to ports on the VM. To see this in
practice, work through the exercises on this page.


If you have VirtualBox running, you must shut it down before running the

  1. Go to the Docker Toolbox page.

  2. Click the installer link to download.

  3. Install Docker Toolbox by double-clicking the installer.

    The installer launches the «Setup — Docker Toolbox» dialog.

    Install Docker Toolbox

  4. Press «Next» to install the toolbox.

    The installer presents you with options to customize the standard
    installation. By default, the standard Docker Toolbox installation:

    • installs executables for the Docker tools in C:Program FilesDocker Toolbox
    • install VirtualBox; or updates any existing installation
    • adds a Docker Inc. folder to your program shortcuts
    • updates your PATH environment variable
    • adds desktop icons for the Docker Quickstart Terminal and Kitematic

    This installation assumes the defaults are acceptable.

  5. Press «Next» until you reach the «Ready to Install» page.

    The system prompts you for your password.


  6. Press «Install» to continue with the installation.

    When it completes, the installer provides you with some information you can
    use to complete some common tasks.

    All finished

  7. Press «Finish» to exit.

Running a Docker Container

To run a Docker container, you:

  • Create a new (or start an existing) Docker virtual machine
  • Switch your environment to your new VM
  • Use the docker client to create, load, and manage containers

Once you create a machine, you can reuse it as often as you like. Like any
VirtualBox VM, it maintains its configuration between uses.

There are several ways to use the installed tools, from the Docker Quickstart Terminal or
from your shell.

Using the Docker Quickstart Terminal

  1. Find the Docker Quickstart Terminal icon on your Desktop and double-click to launch it.

    The application:

    • Opens a terminal window
    • Creates a default VM if it doesn’t exist, and starts the VM after
    • Points the terminal environment to this VM

    Once the launch completes, you can run docker commands.

  2. Verify your setup succeeded by running the hello-world container.

     $ docker run hello-world
     Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
     511136ea3c5a: Pull complete
     31cbccb51277: Pull complete
     e45a5af57b00: Pull complete
     hello-world:latest: The image you are pulling has been verified.
     Important: image verification is a tech preview feature and should not be
     relied on to provide security.
     Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
     Hello from Docker.
     This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
     To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
     1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
     2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
        (Assuming it was not already locally available.)
     3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
        executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
     4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
        to your terminal.
     To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
     $ docker run -it ubuntu bash
     For more examples and ideas, visit:

Using Docker from Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

  1. Launch a Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe).

    The docker-machine command requires ssh.exe in your PATH environment
    variable. This .exe is in the MsysGit bin folder.

  2. Add this to the %PATH% environment variable by running:

     set PATH=%PATH%;"c:Program Files (x86)Gitbin"
  3. Create a new Docker VM.

     docker-machine create --driver virtualbox my-default
     Creating VirtualBox VM...
     Creating SSH key...
     Starting VirtualBox VM...
     Starting VM...
     To see how to connect Docker to this machine, run: docker-machine env my-default

    The command also creates a machine configuration in the
    C:USERSUSERNAME.dockermachinemachines directory. You only need to run the create
    command once. Then, you can use docker-machine to start, stop, query, and
    otherwise manage the VM from the command line.

  4. List your available machines.

     C:Usersmary> docker-machine ls
     NAME                ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM
     my-default        *        virtualbox   Running   tcp://

    If you have previously installed the deprecated Boot2Docker application or
    run the Docker Quickstart Terminal, you may have a dev VM as well.

  5. Get the environment commands for your new VM.

     C:Usersmary> docker-machine env --shell cmd my-default
  6. Connect your shell to the my-default machine.

     C:Usersmary> eval "$(docker-machine env my-default)"
  7. Run the hello-world container to verify your setup.

     C:Usersmary> docker run hello-world

Using Docker from PowerShell

  1. Launch a Windows PowerShell window.

  2. Add ssh.exe to your PATH:

     PS C:Usersmary> $Env:Path = "${Env:Path};c:Program Files (x86)Gitbin"
  3. Create a new Docker VM.

     PS C:Usersmary> docker-machine create --driver virtualbox my-default
  4. List your available machines.

     C:Usersmary> docker-machine ls
     NAME                ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM
     my-default        *        virtualbox   Running   tcp://
  5. Get the environment commands for your new VM.

     C:Usersmary> docker-machine env --shell powershell my-default
  6. Connect your shell to the my-default machine.

     C:Usersmary> eval "$(docker-machine env my-default)"
  7. Run the hello-world container to verify your setup.

     C:Usersmary> docker run hello-world

Learn about your Toolbox installation

Toolbox installs the Docker Engine binary in the C:Program FilesDocker Toolbox directory. When you use the Docker Quickstart Terminal or create a
default VM manually, Docker Machine updates the
C:USERSUSERNAME.dockermachinemachinesdefault folder to your
system. This folder contains the configuration for the VM.

You can create multiple VMs on your system with Docker Machine. Therefore, you
may end up with multiple VM folders if you have created more than one VM. To
remove a VM, use the docker-machine rm <machine-name> command.

Migrate from Boot2Docker

If you were using Boot2Docker previously, you have a pre-existing Docker
boot2docker-vm VM on your local system. To allow Docker Machine to manage
this older VM, you can migrate it.

  1. Open a terminal or the Docker CLI on your system.

  2. Type the following command.

     $ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-import-boot2docker-vm boot2docker-vm docker-vm
  3. Use the docker-machine command to interact with the migrated VM.

The docker-machine subcommands are slightly different than the boot2docker
subcommands. The table below lists the equivalent docker-machine subcommand
and what it does:

boot2docker docker-machine docker-machine description
init create Creates a new docker host.
up start Starts a stopped machine.
ssh ssh Runs a command or interactive ssh session on the machine.
save Not applicable.
down stop Stops a running machine.
poweroff stop Stops a running machine.
reset restart Restarts a running machine.
config inspect Prints machine configuration details.
status ls Lists all machines and their status.
info inspect Displays a machine’s details.
ip ip Displays the machine’s ip address.
shellinit env Displays shell commands needed to configure your shell to interact with a machine
delete rm Removes a machine.
download Not applicable.
upgrade upgrade Upgrades a machine’s Docker client to the latest stable release.

Upgrade Docker Toolbox

To upgrade Docker Toolbox, download and re-run the Docker Toolbox

Container port redirection

If you are curious, the username for the Docker default VM is docker and the
password is tcuser. The latest version of docker-machine sets up a host only
network adaptor which provides access to the container’s ports.

If you run a container with a published port:

$ docker run --rm -i -t -p 80:80 nginx

Then you should be able to access that nginx server using the IP address
reported to you using:

Typically, the IP is, but it could get changed by VirtualBox’s
DHCP implementation.

Note: There is a known
issue that
may cause files shared with your nginx container to not update correctly as you
modify them on your host.

Login with PUTTY instead of using the CMD

Docker Machine generates and uses the public/private key pair in your
%USERPROFILE%.dockermachinemachines<name_of_your_machine> directory. To
log in you need to use the private key from this same directory. The private key
needs to be converted into the format PuTTY uses. You can do this with

  1. Open puttygen.exe and load («File»->»Load» menu) the private key from (you may need to change to the All Files (*.*) filter)

  2. Click «Save Private Key».

  3. Use the saved file to login with PuTTY using docker@


You can uninstall Docker Toolbox using Window’s standard process for removing
programs. This process does not remove the docker-install.exe file. You must
delete that file yourself.

Learn more

You can continue with the Docker Engine User Guide. If you are
interested in using the Kitematic GUI, see the Kitematic user

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Здравствуйте, уважаемые читатели хабра. Сегодня мы поговорим о Windocks–продукте компании с одноименным названием, позиционирующем себя как первый движок докер для Windows. Пока клиенты майкрософт ожидают новую версию Windows Server, а именно Windows Server 2016 (на момент написания статьи доступна версия Technical Preview 5) с нативной поддержкой докер-контейнеров, создатели windocks попытались предоставить докер-контейнеры для текущего поколения серверных систем windows.

Итак, что же такое Windocks? Если коротко — это смесь портированной версии существующего демона докер и open source container project от Uhuru Software. Об особенностях Windocks и вызовах, которые стояли перед разработчиками, можно почитать тут.

В рамках данного материала мы попробуем разобраться, чем работа с windocks принципиально отличается от работы с оригинальным демоном для linux, какие у текущей версии windocks ограничения и стоит ли внедрять инструмент в свои процессы разработки и тестирования.

Что доступно сейчас

На момент написания статьи windocks поддерживает следующие ОС:

  • Windows 8/8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2012 / Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016

В этих ОС можно создавать контейнеры из образов:

  • SQL Server 2016/2014/2012/2008 R2/2008
  • Net 4.5/3.5/2.0
  • Jenkins (агенты, демо по запросу)
  • Office conversion (для конвертации презентаций powerpoint в видео, демо по запросу)
  • Microsoft Dynamics (линейка ERP и CRM решений, демо по запросу)

Развертываем windocks на VPS с Windows Server 2012

Совсем недавно Windocks объявили о релизе community edition, для того чтобы можно было бесплатно ознакомиться с возможностями продукта. Эту версию мы и будем разворачивать. Отправляем запрос через форму на сайте. Ответ приходит мгновенно, и через минуту ссылка уже у нас.

В качестве окружения для развертывания windocks будем использовать VPS с конфигурацией 2×2.6ГГц, 2Гб RAM, 20Гб HDD / Windows Server 2012 R2. Для того, чтобы использовать SQL Server контейнеры на VPS необходимо установить SQL Server. Устанавливаем, а затем ставим и сам windocks. Никаких дополнительных настроек в процессе установки не требуется.

Сгенерируем сертификаты и ключи для хоста и для клиента, чтобы настроить двустороннюю аутентификацию и предоставим их windocks:

server-key.pem -> C:\Users\Administrator\.docker\key.pem
server-cert.pem -> C:\Users\Administrator\.docker\cert.pem
ca.pem -> C:\Users\Administrator\.docker\ca.pem

Теперь запустим windocks (команда запуска выглядит немного иначе, чем для демона докер на линукс):

docker -H tcp://WINDOCKS_IP:2376 -dD --tlsverify=true

В логах запуска видим:

time="2016-06-30T14:32:06.901345300+03:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"

Не забываем разрешить входящие подключения на tcp порт 2376 в файрволе для нужных ip-адресов.

Подключаемся с помощью стандартного клиента докер

Как вы наверное догадались по заголовку, Windocks поддерживает docker RESTful api. Это означает, что для работы с ним можно использовать стандартного консольного клиента докер. Однако, windocks на данный момент поддерживает не все команды, а только их часть. В DockerFile также поддерживается ограниченный набор комманд (FROM, ADD, COPY, ADDDB, MOUNTDB). Полный список комманд для сравнения вы можете найти тут.

Подключаемся к windocks абсолютно также, как и к обычному докер хосту (для работы с клиентом рекомендуем создать алиасы команд, в windows это можно сделать, например, с помощью DOSKEY):

docker.exe --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem -H=WINDOCKS_IP:2376 version

В результате получаем что-то вроде:

Client version: 1.7.0
Client API version: 1.19
Go version (client): go1.4.2
Git commit (client): 0baf609
OS/Arch (client): windows/amd64
Server version: $VERSION
Server API version: 1.19
Go version (server): go1.5.1
Git commit (server): $GITCOMMIT
OS/Arch (server): windows/amd64

Запускаем .NET приложение в windocks

У windocks свой локальный реестр образов, который в community addition по умолчанию содержит 2 образа: dotnet и mssql. Его содержимое можно получить, выполнив (считаем, что мы уже сделали алиас с параметрами для аутентификации с помощью сертификатов):

docker images


Итак, нам доступны 2 базовых образа: dotnet-4.5 и mssql-2014. Вместе с Windocks идёт набор сэмплов, демонстрирующих его возможности.

В рамках статьи мы рассмотрим сэмплы testMountDb и testDotnet. Первый монтирует в контейнер, созданный на основе образа mssql-2014, базу для тестового приложения. Второй — использует эту базу в работе в другом контейнере. Скопируем их на клиентскую ОС, чтобы осуществлять работу непосредственно с помощью стандартного клиента.

Соберем контейнер из сэмпла testMountDb и запустим его.

docker build testMountDb

Получаем следующее:

Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB
	Sending build context to Docker daemon
	Step 0 : FROM mssql-2014
	Step 1 : MOUNTDB customers C:\dcr\mountDbExample\customerdata.mdf
	ContainerId = c4d6e4f7bdc9cfc4c8b62b09572b255f43b56716d862b28e291e7af86e08bc3f & ContainerPort = 10001 & ContainerUserName = prison_oo_aqRdapH & ContainerPassword = Pr!5n5A39SvNRo & MSSQLPort = 10001 & MSSQLServerUserName = sa & MSSQLServer
	SaPassword = Pr!54q0flmqoM1 & DockerFile output:  & Line 2- Mounted DB: customers, C:\ dcr \mountDbExample\customerdata.mdf

Отсюда нам понадобятся MSSQLServerUserName и SaPassword, которые мы будем использовать в web.cfg в строке подключения.
Запустим созданный контейнер:

docker start c4d

Теперь соберем контейнер из сэмпла testDotnet и запустим (всё аналогично):

docker build testDotnet


SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker image from Windows against a Linux Docker host. All files and directories added to build context will have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions. It is recommended to double check and reset permissions for sensitive files and directories.
	Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.99 kB
	Sending build context to Docker daemon
	Step 0 : FROM dotnet-4.5
	Step 1 : COPY web.config app-root\\runtime\\repo
	Step 2 : COPY default.aspx app-root\\runtime\\repo
	Step 3 : COPY default.aspx.cs app-root\\runtime\\repo
	Step 4 : COPY main.css app-root\\runtime\\repo
	Step 5 : COPY windockslogo.png app-root\\runtime\\repo
	Step 6 : COPY testrun.bat .
	Step 7 : RUN cmd.exe /C .\testrun.bat
	ContainerId = 3b8cefeef04d3ac5010fa8e37b04ce42aa207359e4848581222d521839ea7a04 & ContainerPort = 10003 & ContainerUserName = prison_oo_P4yo5gA & ContainerPassword = Pr!5c6g8mVfQq7 & DOTNETPort = 10003 & DockerFile output: PS

	docker start 3b8

Открываем в браузере


и, если все сделано правильно, видим следующее:

Теперь сохраним образ приложения в реестре windocks, выполнив следующее:

docker commit a29 windocks_dotnet_demo_v1

И выведем обновлённый список образов:

docker images

Теперь образ windocks_dotnet_demo_v1 могут использовать и другие пользователи


На наш взгляд, несмотря на то, что windocks достаточно ограниченный (в чем его ограничения мы указали в самом начале статьи) инструмент в сравнении с демоном докер для линукс, он неплохо справляется со своими стандартными задачами по предоставлению SQL Server и .NET контейнеров. Также его можно вполне комфортно использовать для разработки и тестирования приложений на ASP.NET 4.5 / MSSQL в небольших командах, однако для использования в продакшене инструмент ещё слишком молод и ещё может стать неактуальным после релиза Windows Server 2016. А вы как считаете, уважаемые читатели?

Running Docker locally on a Windows machine is generally not an issue; unless you’ve committed to using Hyper-V. Since the Docker install for Windows relies on Sun’s Oracle’s Virtual Box, you can’t have both running (Hyper-V and Virtual Box).

There are ways to disable Hyper-V for a boot session (via bcdedit for example – here). However, I’d just like to run in Hyper-V.

Thankfully, Chris Swan has a nice post on getting started, using the Boot2Docker ISO, and setting up the data disk (via a differencing disks) so you can just re-use this config in future Docker instances. You can also see some of the details on the boot2docker requirements for naming of the data disk, username and password for SSH, etc. here:


Basic Steps

Download ISO – from github

Create the VM and just use the ISO for bootup – we’ll add the disk in a moment

We’ll create the VM as a Generation 1 – we need the legacy adapters etc. as the version of CoreOS used won’t recognize the other adapter types.

Simple Settings:

Memory Size: 1,204 MB

Network Connection: Choose an interface that has Internet access and DHCP assignable addresses for ease:

Next, postpone the setup of the Hard Disk as we’re going to setup a differencing disk and we’d like some control over the IDE adapter / Port to use.

Once you’re done with the ‘New Virtual Machine’ Wizard, hop into settings for the VM

Modify the DVD settings to point to the ISO image that you downloaded above:

Boot the VM for the First Time

All goes right, you should see in the VM console the ‘bootdocker’ loader information, and eventually the linux prompt

Start a SSH session with your VM (if desired)

To get the IP address of the VM, run ifconfig eth0 to see the default adapter. You should get an address that is hopefully on the Network interface/LAN that you chose. This has to be accessible from your host OS if you want to use SSH – in fact, it also needs access to the internet in order to get to the Docker HUB for downloading images.

I use «github» Windows tools (which in turn sets up the ‘poshgit’ tools, etc.) so I can just run a SSH session from PowerShell.

Initiate the connection normally with SSH

ssh docker@<IP.address>

Note that the default username / password is : docker / tcuser — see the section on SSH at for more information.

Setup the Virtual Disk

Shutdown the VM.

The next step is following what Chris Swan did in his post – which is to setup the VHD – run through the initialization, then make a differencing disk based off of that VHD, then swap out the configuration settings on the VM to use the Differencing disk instead of the base.

Boot the VM again

Once it’s started, choose SSH or the console to perform the disk preparation

Partition the drive

The steps below are slightly different than Chris’ post – but are:

  1. Dump out the partition table just to be sure

    1. cat /proc/partions (if you chose IDE 0 / PORT 0 then it should be /dev/sda)
  2. run fdisk

    1. sudo fdisk /dev/sda
  3. Choose ‘extended’
  4. Select partition ‘1’
  5. Choose the defaults for the first and last cylinder
  6. Once that is done, commit with the ‘w’ command

Setup the file system

The naming convention of the disk is also specified on the boot2docker github page – but it has to be ‘boot2docker-data’

Next, format the drive with:

sudo mkfs.ext4 -L boot2docker-data /dev/sda

Note that you will be warned about formatting the entire device, and not a partition. For now, I just went with the above.

Create the Differencing Disk

Shut down the VM again

Go back into the Virtual Machine Wizard. Select the settings for the VM, then go to the Disk settings and create a «New Virtual Disk».

Make sure when prompted, you choose the «base» image you created before, but when you’re done, your «Differencing» disk should be what’s listed in the Hard Disk path for the Controller/Location as below.

Boot the VM – 3rd time

I think it’s the 3rd time – don’t remember at this point…

Now we’re ready to «run» something. We’ll use the same image that Chris posted about, just because it’s a cool tool (Node-RED —

Access the image either through the console or via SSH

Do a ‘docker run’ specifying to download the image if needed (-d) as it’s won’t be in the image local library.

docker run –d –p 1880:1880 cpswan/node-red

If all is working, then you should see the image and all it’s dependencies downloading – with the container – and at the end, docker launches the process.

Checkout if the Differencing disk is working

The «before» size

The «after» size – note the increase of the Differencing disl.

Launch the Application

Note that the port mapping is using the same port 1880 (Nat’d).

You should get the ‘Node-Red’ home page, which is the designer surface.

I quickly imported a simple «hello world» from the flows

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