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Updated on
9 Jan 2021
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
English (US)
English (UK)
Question about English (US)
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English (US)
B, it make more sense and sounds natural good job
English (UK)
A: Is not really correct
B: Is not correct
Better and easier:-
Do you like the house with the big windows?
Do you like the house which has got big windows?
Do you like the house which has the big windows, or do you like the house with the small windows?
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
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Are these three novels insteresting?
Yes,I like ______ of them.
A.every B.any C.all D.bothWhich…
C. all
— — — —«every one of» would be okay, but not «every of»
«any of» is wrong because it means you like one, two, or all three of …
I like it the best
I like it best
I like it most
I like it the mostwhich one is corr…
I like it the best.
I like it the most. -
A there are both nice.
B both are nice.
when two things are both good
A and B are all c…
A they are both nice.
«There are» means «to exist» when referring to more than one thing. -
Is this correct?
Which do you like the most, coffee or tea?I think
“Which do you like better, …answer
The second question is more natural.
A: Which one is your favorite?
B: The first one. (How/What) about you?Which one should I use?
A) what do you like better, cakes or ice cream?
B) which do you like better, …. ?which one i…
Which do you like better OR which do you prefer.
Are there any questions?
A:Is this your house?
B: It is.It’s green.It’s very beautiful . I belie…answer
It mostly does make sense,I don’t know your language so I can’t put it in your language
Which is better, A or B?
(Taking a picture)
Would you like the bridge in the background?
A: That’…answer
@rosewater B
(C: That would be great!)
(D: That sounds like a great idea.)
I was asked a question from my friend like,
«what’s this photo
suppose to be?»
in two separate… -
what is correct?
Where are you study?
Where do you study?Thank you.
- How to respond to «I hope you are doing well»?
If you are not the correct person, please direct me the correct one.
Does this sentence sound nat…
We’re at the playground. Does the following conversation sound natural?
— Can we go now? It’s … - Is «Seclusively Miraculous» a good way to name a song? Does it sound natural/poetic?
can I use the word “ oblique “ as a verb?
“ Please oblique your body to your right side “ -
Does this sound natural?
“I’d like you to come over for dinner at 6 pm this night. Does that fit … - what do you a person who always clings to you, follow you everywhere, wants always to talk to you…
We’re at the playground. Does the following conversation sound natural?
— Can we go now? It’s … - The word “freedom” has faded as a concept because over many years it completely wore down in my h…
Does this sound natural ?:
Let me give you a little background on this video and how it came int…
- “eliminate the society and there is every reason to believe that he will learn to walk, and, inde…
Could you please help me with my writing?🌸🍀🌸
I’d like to make them sound as casual and natural as…
Previous question/ Next question
The teacher read the students a book about what babies do and what they like.
Is it correct? - How do you say this in French (France)? I used to belonged to track and field club when I was in …
What’s this symbol?
The Language Level symbol shows a user’s proficiency in the languages they’re interested in. Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren’t too complex or too simple.
Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language.
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Can understand long, complex answers.
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- Сomplex Object: упражнения для тренировки с ответами
- Complex Object – правила и примеры
- Упражнения на Complex Object
- Упражнение 1
- Упражнение 2
- Упражнение 3
- Упражнение 4
- Если Вы устали учить английский годами?
- Упражнение 5
- Упражнение 6
- Упражнение 7
- Ответы на упражнения
- Заключение
Сomplex Object: упражнения для тренировки с ответами
Понимание грамматики – самая сложная, но и самая важная задача в изучении иностранного языка. В английском языке много грамматических конструкций, которые звучат странно и непривычно при переводе на русский язык. Complex Object – одна из таких конструкций.
Complex Object (сложное дополнение) – грамматическая структура в английском языке, которая формируется с помощью существительного в форме общего падежа или местоимения в объектном падеже и глагола в неопределенной форме или причастия первого типа:
- I saw the boy raise his hand. (Я увидел, что мальчик поднял руку).
- I heard him call my name. (Я услышал, как он назвал моё имя).
- I watched her crossing the street. (Я видел, как она переходила улицу).
Конструкция Complex Object пришла в английский язык из латыни, языка, известного своей тенденцией к лаконизации информации и упрощению высказываний.
Complex Object – правила и примеры
Основное назначение Complex object в английском языке – упрощение синтаксической структуры высказывания.
Это можно рассмотреть на конкретном примере:
- He found his door not to be opened . (Он обнаружил, что его дверь не была открыта).
Данное сложное предложение состоит из двух простых: “Он обнаружил” и “Его дверь не была открыта”. Главный глагол в этом примере – “обнаружил”. “Его дверь не была открыта” в этом случае является Complex object.
На русский язык подобные предложения переводятся с помощью союзов “что”, “чтобы”, “как”:
- I want you to know that it doesn’t matter. (Я хочу, чтобы ты знала, что это не имеет значения).
- She felt her voice tremble . (Она почувствовала, что её голос дрожит).
Объектный падеж местоимений, употребляемых в Complex object, выглядит следующим образом:
I — me → I imagined this idea to help me. (Я представил, что эта идея мне поможет).
- you — you → I want you to clean your room. (Я хочу, чтобы ты убралась в комнате).
- he — him → She wanted him to leave. (Она хотела, чтобы он ушёл).
- she — her → He expected her to accept his invitation. (Он ожидал, что она примет приглашение).
- it — it → I believe it to be the best option. (Я верю, что это наилучший выбор).
- we — us → He thought us to return tomorrow. (Он думал, что мы возвращаемся завтра).
- they — them → I expected them to be more persistent. (Я ожидал, что они будут упорнее).
Необходимо помнить, что Complex object употребляется с определенными видами глаголов.
Их можно разделить на следующие группы:
- Глаголы, относящиеся к сенсорному восприятию и чувствованию ( to see, to watch, to notice, to observe, to feel, to hear ):
- I saw a tall black man enter the house. (Я видел, как высокий темнокожий человек вошёл в дом).
- They noticed Helen say something evil to him. (Они заметили, что Хелен сказала ему что-то плохое).
- We observed professor performing a dangerous experiment. (Мы наблюдали за тем, как профессор проводил опасный эксперимент).
- I heard my daughter laugh while watching a cartoon. (Я слышал, как моя дочь смеялась, смотря мультфильм).
- Если глаголы to hear и to see употребляются в значении “узнавать” или “понимать”, Complex object не используется:
- I heard that you had a baby. (Я узнала, что у тебя родился ребенок).
- I see that you can find the way out. (Я понимаю, что ты можешь найти выход).
- I see that you got into complex circumstances (Я понимаю, что ты в сложных обстоятельствах).
- Глаголы, означающие мотивацию, побуждение, разрешение ( to let, to make, to have, to cause ):
- You can not make the dog go outside, it is too cold. (Ты не можешь заставить собаку выйти на улицу, там слишком холодно).
- Don’t let him take this plane. (Не разрешай ему садиться на этот самолёт).
- She always makes people do what she wants. (Она всегда заставляет людей делать то, что хочет).
- Rain caused me to loose control over the car for a second. (Дождь заставил меня на секунду потерять контроль над машиной).
- Глаголы, означающие необходимость, желание или нежелание, стремление ( to want, to wish, to desire, to like ):
- I would like Bill to arrange everything by the time I come back. (Я хочу, чтобы Билл всё организовал к тому времени, как я вернусь).
- His father didn’t want him to marry Ann. (Его отец не хотел, чтобы он женился на Энн).
- I would like you to come up with more complex examples. (Я бы хотел, чтобы вы придумали примеры посложнее).
- She doesn’t want his children to watch horror movies. (Он не хочет, чтобы его дети смотрели фильмы ужасов).
- Глаголы, означающие предположение, ожидание ( to expect,to suppose, to believe, to consider ):
- Parents usually expect their children to study well. (Родители обычно ждут, что дети будут хорошо учиться).
- He believed his friends to come to him after fight. (Он верил, что друзья придут к нему после ссоры).
- People believed President to make their life better. (Люди верили, что президент улучшит их жизнь).
- She had supposed him to be very rich. (Она предполагала, что он очень богат).
- Глаголы, означающие знание, осведомленность ( to know, to think, to state ):
- People knew him to be a great musician. (Люди знали, что он великий музыкант).
- She thought him to be a skillful layer. (Она думала, что он способный юрист).
- I think the couch to be very comfortable. (Я думаю, что диван очень удобен).
- She knew her boyfriend to be angry with her. (Она знала, что её друг злится на неё).
- Глаголы, означающие приказ, команду, просьбу ( to order, to command, to forbid );
- He ordered him to stop this conversation. (Он приказал ему закончить разговор).
- The lord commanded his clothes to be brought. (Лорд приказал принести свою одежду).
- I forbid the agency to publish my book. (Я запретил агентству публиковать мою книгу).
- I ordered the food to be ready in 5 minutes. (Я приказал, чтобы еда была готова через 5 минут).
Упражнения на Complex Object
Несколько упражнений онлайн на тренировку Complex Object.
Упражнение 1
Дополните предложения, используя инфинитив с to или без:
- We heard our teacher ________ (read) a play.
- Mother made her son_____________ (turn off) the light.
- She let her daughter ____________ (screw in) a new bulb.
- I should like you ____________ (help) me find my dog.
- She wants her house _____________ (face) the park.
- She supposed him ____________(be) at work.
- I would like _____________ (meet) with my friends today.
Упражнение 2
Раскройте скобки, используя Complex Object:
She expected (he/ clean) the house.
- We heard (she/ praise) his new book.
- I want (you/ call) me as soon as possible.
- My teacher saw (I/ open) the dictionary.
- His classmates considered (he/ be) a leader.
- I would like (you/come) over and visit me.
- Baby cried and wanted (she/hold) him.
Упражнение 3
Объедините предложения, используя Complex Object:
- We saw a boy. The boy broke the window of the house.
- The teacher watched the girl. The girl cried.
- He felt her hand. Her hand shook.
- I heard her. She sang a popular song.
- We noticed a cat. The cat chased a bird.
- She ordered a cake. The cake should be delivered tomorrow.
- Colonel commanded his army. The army attacked.
Упражнение 4
Переведите предложения на английский, используя Complex Object:
- Мы увидели, как маленькая девочка расплакалась.
- Я бы хотела, чтобы ты показал им известные места нашего города.
- Я хочу, чтобы ты отвёл меня в самый лучший ресторан в Париже.
- Она думала, что он алкоголик.
- Президент хотел, чтобы Конгресс дал деньги на строительство пограничной стены.
- Я услышала, как он описывал интерьер своей новой квартиры.
- Я ожидала, что она покрасит стены в красный цвет.
Если Вы устали учить английский годами?
Наши читатели рекомендуют попробовать 5 бесплатных уроков курса «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ДО АВТОМАТИЗМА» с Анастасией Божок.
Те, кто посещают даже 1 урок узнают больше, чем за несколько лет! Удивлены?
Без домашки. Без зубрежек. Без учебников
- Научитесь составлять грамотные предложения на английском без заучивания грамматики
- Узнаете секрет прогрессивного подхода, благодаря которому Вы можете сократить освоение английского с 3 лет до 15 недель
- Будете проверять свои ответы мгновенно + получите доскональный разбор каждого задания
- Скачаете словарик в форматах PDF и MP3, обучающие таблицы и аудиозапись всех фраз
Упражнение 5
Перефразируйте предложения, используя Complex Object:
- Father said to his son that he must go to Chicago.
- Mom said that I can go to the party with you.
- Tom said to his daughter: “You can’t stay up late”.
- He opened the door. I heard him.
- I brought some juice from the kitchen. My grandfather asked me.
- She said to the waiter: “Cook my steak well, please”.
- He is searching for the cure of his illness.
Упражнение 6
Составьте предложения из слов, используя Complex Object:
Fashion, know, to be, she, famous, is;
- Smell, can, Lisa, burn, in, something, the, you, kitchen;
- Never, have, I, hockey, see, play, father, my;
- Math, teacher, get, mark, students, like, good, would, a, in, his, to;
- Do not, brother, my, take, let, I, my, things;
- People, like, Japanese, to, do not, be, strangers, touched, by;
- Advice, her, I, follow, expect, you, to.
Упражнение 7
Переведите на русский язык предложения с Complex Object:
- People didn’t want illegal immigrants to enter their country.
- Mother let her son plug in the iron.
- I would like you to stop playing computer games.
- President expects other countries not to interfere in the next elections.
- Mother made her water the flowers.
- I want you to air the room.
- We let the children leave for London.
Ответы на упражнения
Упражнение 1:
- read (Мы слушали, как учитель читает пьесу);
- turn off (Мать заставила сына погасить свет);
- screw in (Она разрешила дочери вкрутить новую лампочку);
- to help (Я бы хотела, чтобы вы помогли мне найти мою собаку);
- to face (Она хотела, чтобы её дом выходил на парк);
- to be (Она предполагала, что он на работе);
- to meet (Я бы хотела встретиться с друзьями сегодня).
Упражнение 2 (раскройте скобки, используя Complex Object):
Him/to clean (Она ожидала, что он приберётся в доме);
- Her/praise (Мы услышали, как она хвалит его новую книгу);
- You/to call (Я хочу, чтобы ты позвонила мне как можно скорее);
- Me/opened (Учитель увидел, как я открыл словарь);
- Him/to be (Его одноклассники считают его лидером);
- You/to come (Я бы хотела, чтобы ты пришла навестить меня);
- Her/to hold (Ребенок плакал и хотел, чтобы она его подержала).
Упражнение 3 (объедините предложения, используя Complex Оbject):
- We saw a boy break the window of the house. (Я увидел, как мальчик разбил окно в доме).
- The teacher watched the girl cry. (Учитель смотрел, как девочка плачет).
- He felt her hand shake. (Я чувствовал, что её рука дрожит).
- I heard her sing a popular song. (Я услышал, как она пела популярную песню).
- We noticed a cat chase a bird. (Мы заметили, как кошка поймала птицу).
- She ordered a cake to be delivered tomorrow. (Она заказала, чтобы торт был доставлен завтра).
- Colonel commanded his army to attack. (Полковник приказал армии атаковать).
Упражнение 4 (переведите предложения на английский, используя Complex Object):
- We saw a little girl burst into tears.
- I would like you to show them famous places of our town.
- I want you to take me to the best restaurant in Paris.
- She thought him to be an alcoholic.
- President wanted Congress to give money to build the border wall.
- I heard him describe the interior of his new apartment.
- I expected her to pain the walls red.
Упражнение 5 (перефразируйте предложения, используя Complex Object):
- Father made his son go to Chicago. (Отец заставил сына поехать в Чикаго).
- Mom allowed me to go to the party with you. (Мама разрешила мне пойти с тобой на вечеринку).
- Tom doesn’t let his daughter stay up late. (Том не разрешает дочери поздно ложиться спать).
- I heard him open the door. (Я услышала, как он открыл дверь).
- My grandfather wanted me to bring some juice from the kitchen. (Дедушка хотел, чтобы я принёс немного сока из кухни).
- She ordered her steak to be cooked well. (Она заказала хорошо приготовленный стейк).
- He wished his illness to be cured. (Он хочет излечиться от болезни).
Упражнение 6 (cоставьте предложения из слов, используя Complex Object):
She is known to be a famous fashion blogger. (Люди знают её как известного блогера).
- Lisa, can you smell something burning in the kitchen? (Лиза, ты чувствуешь, что на кухне что-то горит?).
- I have never seen my father play hockey. (Я никогда не видел, как мой отец играет в хоккей).
- Teacher would like his students to get a good mark in Math. (Учитель хотел бы, чтобы его ученики получили хорошие оценки по математике).
- I don’t let my brother take my things. (Я не разрешаю брату брать мои вещи).
- Japanese people don’t like to be touched by strangers. (Японцы не любят, когда к ним прикасаются незнакомцы).
- I expect you to follow your advice. (Я жду, что ты последуешь её совету).
Ответ на упражнение 7 (переведите на русский язык предложения с Complex Оbject):
- Люди не хотели, чтобы нелегальные иммигранты въезжали в их страну.
- Мать разрешила сыну включить утюг.
- Я бы хотела, чтобы ты перестал играть в компьютерные игры.
- Президент ожидает, что другие страны не будут вмешиваться в следующие выборы.
- Мать заставила её полить цветы.
- Я хочу, чтобы ты проветрил комнату.
- Мы разрешили детям уехать в Лондон.
Носители языка часто употребляют конструкцию Complex Object в повседневной речи. Тем, кто изучает английский язык как иностранный, будет полезно отточить употребление Complex Object, чтобы сделать свою речь больше похожей на речь носителя, а не на перевод с родного языка.
2a Listening & Reading (с. 27)
Слушаем и читаем
Упражнение 4, с. 27
4. a) Read the title of the text. What is the text about? What do you think it is like living in a house? Listen and read to find out. — Прочитайте название текста. О чём этот текст? Как вы думаете, каково это — жить в доме? Послушайте и прочитайте, чтобы узнать это.
Check these words
shape [ʃeɪp] форма
seashell [ˈsiːʃel] морская ракушка
young couple [jʌŋ ˈkʌpl] молодая пара
spiral staircase [ˈspaɪərəl ˈsteəkeɪs] винтовая лестница
huge [hjuːdʒ] огромный
plant [plɑːnt] растение
every [ˈevri] каждый
room [ruːm] комната
everywhere [ˈevriweə] везде
bright [braɪt] яркий
grass carpet [ɡrɑːs] травяной ковёр
stream [striːm] ручей
tree [triː] дерево
earthquake-proof [ˈɜːθkweɪk pruːf] сейсмостойкий
friendly to the environment [ˈfrendli tə ðə ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt] дружелюбный к окружающей среде
Imagine living in a house in the shape of a seashell. In Mexico City there is a house like that. The architect of the house is Javier Senosian. The Nautilus House is the house of a young couple and their two children. The house has got two floors and spiral staircase. Inside there is a living room, a huge bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are plants in every room. The bathroom is blue and yellow with small windows everywhere. It’s very bright. In the living room there is a grass carpet on the floor, stream and windows of different colours. Outside there is a nice garden with trees. The house is earthquake-proof. It’s also friendly to the environment and has a great view of the mountains. It’s like Alice in Wonderland!
Представьте себе жизнь в доме в форме ракушки. В Мехико есть такой дом. Архитектором дома является Хавьер Сеносян. Дом Наутилуса — дом молодой пары с двумя детьми. В доме два этажа и винтовая лестница. Внутри есть гостиная, огромная спальня, кухня и ванная комната. В каждой комнате есть растения. Ванная комната сине-жёлтая, везде маленькие окна. Она очень яркая. В гостиной — ковровое покрытие на полу, ручей и окна разных цветов. Снаружи есть красивый сад с деревьями. Дом сейсмостойкий. Это также благоприятно для окружающей среды и имеет прекрасный вид на горы. Это как Алиса в стране чудес!
The text is about an unusual house that is in the shape of a seashell. I think it is fun living in this house.
Текст повествует о необычном доме, который имеет форму морской раковины. Я думаю, что жить в этом доме очень весело.
b) Read again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). — Прочитайте ещё раз и отметьте предложения T (правда), F (ложь) или DS (не сказано).
1 The Nautilus House is like an animal. F
Дом Наутилуса похож на животное.
2 There aren’t any stairs in the house. F
В доме нет никакой лестницы.
3 There are lots of windows. T
Там много окон.
4 There is a big garden outside. DS
Снаружи есть большой сад.
5 The family hasn’t got any neighbours. DS
У этой семьи нет никаких соседей.
Speaking & Writing
Упражнение 5, с. 27
5. Think! Do you like this house? Give two reasons why you could live in it. Use words from the Check these words section. — Подумай! Тебе нравится этот дом? Назовите две причины, по которым вы могли бы жить в нём. Используйте слова из раздела Check these words.
I really like this house. I could live in this house because it has a great view of the mountains and it’s earthquake-proof. I really like the grass carpet, the streamand the trees.
Мне очень нравится этот дом. Я мог бы жить в этом доме, потому что из него открывается великолепный вид на горы, и он сейсмостойкий. Мне очень нравится травяной ковёр, ручей и деревья.
Упражнение 6, с. 27
6. Think! Compare your house to the Nautilus House. Write about: number of rooms, what there is inside the house, garden. Tell the class. — Подумай! Сравните ваш дом с домом Наутилуса. Напишите о: количестве комнат, что есть внутри дома, саде. Расскажи об этом классу.
The Nautilus House has got two floors. My house hasn’t got two floors. It’s got one floor. Etc. Дом Наутилуса имеет два этажа. В моём доме нет двух этажей. Там всего один этаж. И т.д.
The Nautilus House has got a grass carpet on the floor in the living room. My house hasn’t got a grass carpet in the living room. The Nautilus House has got a nice garden with trees. My house hasn’t got a garden. etc.
В гостиной Дома Наутилуса на полу постелен травяной ковер. В моем доме нет ковра из травы в гостиной. В доме Наутилуса есть красивый сад с деревьями. У моего дома нет сада. и т.д.
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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 5 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.
Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 5 класс. Workbook.
Английский язык. 5 класс
Do you like your house?
Презентация лексики
- Do you like your house?
Презентация лексики
- house дом
- building здание
- flat квартира
- at home дома
- garage гараж
- block of flats многоквартирный дом
- Palace дворец
- mansion особняк
- conveniences удобства
- Comfortable комфортный
- Cosy уютный
- Nice
- Not very comfortable
- Convenient подходящий
Some rooms of the house
- A kitchen
- A dining room
- A living room
- A bedroom
- A bathroom
- A hall
- сomfortable
- сosy
- nice
- not very comfortable
- convenient
- cooker hood
- a cupboard
- running water
- blind
- a kettle
- a saucepan
- a gas-stove
A kitchen
- a gas-stove
- a micro-wave
- oven
- running water
- modern conveniences
- a washing
- machine
- a dishwashing
- machine
- a toaster
- a mixer
- a refrigerator
- a table
- a carpet
- a cupboard
- chairs
- a window
- a vase
A dining room
- curtains on the window
A bedroom
A living room
- a table
- a chair
- an arm-chair
- a TV
- a fire-place
- a telephone
- a fire
- a picture
- a conditioner
- a sofa
- curtains
- Активизация лексики
Guess the riddles
- This is a house
With one window in it.
Showing films
Nearly every minute.
- A TV set
Guess the riddles
- I have legs –
One, two, three, four,
But I can`t walk
Across the floor.
- A chair
- It is not very big,
But it hangs in the middle of the room.
In the day – time nobody wants it,
But at night everybody needs it.
- A lamp
- I go at night and all the day,
But I never go away.
- A clock
- Go and switch on
- The light in the …
- I’ll take a new broom
- And clean my…
- A little grey mouse
- Lives in a …
- Along the bridge
- We carried a …
Your task is to name the odd word
- Bed
- Carpet
- Chair
- Desk
- Hall
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Lamp
- Cottage
- Flat
- Picture
- House
- Clock
- Floor
- Wall
- Window
- Выбери правильный вариант : спальня a) bedroom ; b) bathroom .
- ковёр a ) carpet ; b )floor .
- кухня a ) kitchen ; b) dining room .
- Найди правильный перевод :
- living room а) столовая b) ванная с ) гостиная.
- wardrobe а ) платяной шкаф b ) книжный шкаф
- с)книжная полка .
- poster а ) ковёр b ) картина С) плакат .
- ТЕСТ 2
- You are wrong!
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room.
- Women usually spend much time there.
- We have a fridge, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room.
- Women usually spend much time there.
- We have a fridge, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- 2. There are beds or a sofa in this room.
- You can see a little table and a wardrobe there.
- People have a rest in this room.
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- 2. There are beds or a sofa in this room.
- You can see a little table and a wardrobe there.
- People have a rest in this room.
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- 3. This room is not very large.
- We take a shower or have a bath in this room.
- You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- 3. This room is not very large.
- We take a shower or have a bath in this room.
- You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- 4. There is a TV set, a wall-unit, some chairs and a sofa in this room.
- We can see some flowers on the walls.
- There is often a carpet on the floor.
- It is usually the largest room in the house.
- People watch television, listen to music, or sit around and speak there.
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- 4. There is a TV set, a wall-unit, some chairs and a sofa in this room.
- We can see some flowers on the walls.
- There is often a carpet on the floor.
- It is usually the largest room in the house.
- People watch television, listen to music, or sit around and speak there.
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- 5. This room is not very large.
- People take off their overcoats, hats, boots or shoes there.
- There is usually a mirror and a little table there
Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
- 5. This room is not very large.
- People take off their overcoats, hats, boots or shoes there.
- There is usually a mirror and a little table there
Grammar for revision
- There is
- There is a kitchen in my house
- There are
- There are 2 bedrooms there
- 11/16/16
- <number>
Let’s revise!
- There is/there are
- There is a big table in my room.
- There isn’t a desk in my room.
- Is there a big table in your room?
- There are a lot of flowers in my room.
- There aren’t any pictures in my room.
- Are there a lot of flowers in your room?
Let’s do a little test!
- 1. Вставьте слова is / are в нужной форме.
- 1. There …….. a lot of interesting places in Britain.
- 2. …….. there four cinemas and a theatre in your city?
- 3. There …….. a supermarket and many shops here.
- 4. There …….. any cafes near my house.
- 5. There …….. a beautiful rose in the vase.
- 6. ……. there a book and ten pens?
- 7. There ……. a lot of toys in the box,
- 8. Look! There …… jam on your skirt.
- 9. There ……. a big sofa in the room.
- 10. There ……. any pictures in this book.
- are
- are
- are
- are
- Are
- is
- is
- is
- is
- Is
- 10 points — “5”
- 7-9 points — “4”
- 4-6 points — “3”
- > 4 points — “2”
Distribute all the words according to the names of the rooms.
- A chair, a sofa, a bed, an armchair, a stove, a TV set,
- a carpet, flowers, a bookshelf, curtains, a table,
- a window, a chair, a video, a stereo, a telephone,.
- a computer, a wardrobe, a wall unit, a refrigerator,
- a piano, a mirror, a microwave oven, a balcony,
Complain! What is absent?
- There is no … in my room
- There are no … in my room
- TV set
- Telephone
- Water
- Lamp
- Door
- Carpet
- Refrigerator
- Mirror
- Sofa
Ask questions
- Is there any… in your room?
- Are there …. in your room?
- What is there in your room?
- TV set
- Telephone
- Water
- Lamp
- Door
- Curtains
- Carpet
- Refrigerator
- Mirror
- Sofa
- Выполнила: Цапулина Л.А
- Учитель СОШ № 7
- имениГероя России А.А. Крупинова
- г. Городца
Complex Object – сложное дополнение
Инфинитив образует сложное дополнение с местоимением в объектном падеже (me, you, him, her, us, them, it) или с существительным в общем падеже (John, my sister, our teacher etc.). На русский язык такая конструкция переводится придаточным предложением с союзами «что, чтобы».
Конструкция Complex object употребляется:
- поле глаголов want, expect, would like — с инфинитивом с частицей to
- после восприятия — see, hear, feel, notice, watch — с инфинитивом без частицы to или с причастием настоящего времени
- после глаголов make и let — с инфинитивом без частицы to
Конструкция Complex object + инфинитив с частицей to употребляется после глаголов:
Complex object упражнения с ответами
Упражнение 1
Откройте скобки, используя конструкцию Complex Object.
Example: We expected (she, come) at 5. – We expected her to come at 5.
- Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel?
- Would you like (I, show) you the sights of the city?
- We expect (she, set) the table by the time we come.
- I want (she, tell) me the news.
- I don’t want (they, be late) for dinner.
- He expected (she, invite) him to the party.
- They found (the lecture, be) boring.
- I wish (my mother, buy) the dress by Saturday.
- We considered (he, be) an honest person.
- I know (he, learn) this poem by heart.
Правильные ответы:
- Do you want them to stay at the hotel?
- Would you like me to show you the sights of the city?
- We expect her to set the table by the time we come.
- I want her to tell me the news.
- I don’t want them to be late for dinner.
- He expected her to invite him to the party.
- They found the lecture to be boring.
- I wish my mother to buy the dress by Saturday.
- We considered him to be an honest person.
- I know him to learn this poem by heart.
Упражнение 2
Составьте предложения с конструкцией Complex Object.
- them/She/ to read/ wanted /that book.
- I/ him/ expect / in a minute/ to come.
- wishes / John /to do / the work/ her/ at once.
- well / to study/ Sarah /The teacher expected.
- to come/They/ him/ know/ in time.
- this girl/ He/ to be/ believes/ his wife.
- I/ this computer game/ find/ exciting/ to be.
- her children/ to dance/ The Mother /likes.
Правильные ответы:
- She wanted them to read that book.
- I expect him to come here in a minute.
- John wishes her to do the work at once.
- The teacher expected Sarah to study well.
- They know him to come in time.
- He believes this girl to be his wife.
- I find this computer game to be exciting.
- The mother likes her children to dance.
Упражнение 3
Составьте предложения с Complex Object, используя глагол, данный в скобках.
- I think she will phone. (expect)
- My father said I could use his car. (allow)
- I suggested that she should go home. (ask)
- I asked my friend ‘Can you help me?’ (ask)
- I think you should know the truth. (want)
Правильные ответы:
I expect her to phone.
My father allowed me to use his car.
I asked her to go home.
I asked my friend to help me.
I want you to know the truth.
Упражнение 4
Поставьте глагол в правильной форме: -ing, infinitive with or without to (с окончанием -ing, инфинитивом с частицей to или без частицы to).
The film was very sad. It made me ….. (cry)
Have you got enough money or do you want me ….. you some. (lend)
I heard her ….. the door and ….. (open, go out)
She told him ….. the door. (lock)
I saw him ….. the ducks. (feed)
Правильные ответы:
to lend
open/opening, go out/going out
to lock
Упражнение 5
Замените дополнение, выраженное существительным, на местоимение в объектном падеже.
We expected Tom to be late.
I wouldn’t recommend my friends to stay in that hotel.
I saw Mary take the pen out of the pocket.
I asked my friend to help me.
Jane’s parents wouldn’t let their daughter go out alone.
Правильные ответы:
Упражнение 6
Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию Complex Object.
Я хочу, чтобы ты знал об этом.
Я сказал Алану идти домой.
Они пригласили его погостить у них несколько дней.
Она не хотела, чтобы я ушел.
Я слышал, как она играет на пианино.
Правильные ответы:
I want you to know about it.
I told Alan to go home.
They invited him to come and stay with them for a few days.
She didn’t want me to go.
I heard her playing the piano.
Упражнение 7
Постройте предложения без конструкции Complex Object, сохранив их первоначальный смысл.
I want you to remember this rule.
Glasses make him look older.
Do you expect her to phone?
They think him to be a good driver.
She allowed us to borrow her books.
Правильные ответы:
You should remember this rule.
He looks older in glasses.
Do you think she will phone?
They think that he is a good driver.
She said that we could borrow her books.
Упражнение 8
Раскройте скобки, используя сложное дополнение. Переведите.
- I want (she) to be my wife.
- My brother taught ( I ) to swim and dive.
- They would like (we) to read aloud.
- Bob advised (she) to stay for another week.
- We expect (he) to arrive at noon.
- I heard (you) open the door.
- Dad always makes ( I ) go fishing with him every weekend.
- Our parents expect (we) to stop quarreling.
- Sara never lets (he) drive her car.
- I saw (you) cross the street.
Правильные ответы:
- her (Я хочу, чтобы она стала моей женой.)
- me (Мой брат научил меня плавать и нырять.)
- us (Они хотят, чтобы мы читали вслух.)
- her (Боб посоветовал ей остаться еще на неделю.)
- him (Мы ожидаем, что он приедет в полдень.)
- you (Я слышал, как ты открыл дверь.)
- me (Папа всегда заставляет меня ходить с ним на рыбалку каждый выходной.)
- us (Наши родители надеются, что мы перестанем ссориться.)
- him (Сара никогда не разрешает ему водить ее машину.)
- you (Я видел, как ты переходил улицу.)
Упражнение 9
Поставьте «to» там, где необходимо.
- We heard the lorry … stop near the house.
- I want my elder sister … take me to the zoo.
- I believe the Internet … be the greatest invention ever.
- The teacher doesn’t let us … use our mobile phones.
- They didn’t expect her … be late.
- The police officer made him … tell the truth.
- I would like you … admit your fault.
- Swan believes Vicky … be the best manager in our store.
- Nick persuaded me … go in for sports.
- We saw Jacob … break the window.
- I consider this sculpture … be a masterpiece.
- She noticed Mary suddenly … turn pale.
Правильные ответы:
- — (Мы слышали, как грузовик остановился возле дома.)
- to (Я хочу, чтобы моя старшая сестра сводила меня в зоопарк.)
- to (Я считаю, что интернет – величайшее изобретение всех времен.)
- — (Учитель не разрешает нам пользоваться мобильными телефонами.)
- to (Они не ожидали, что она опоздает.)
- — (Полицейский заставил его сказать правду.)
- to (Я бы хотел, чтобы ты признал свою вину.)
- to (Мистер Свон считает Вики лучшим менеджером в нашем магазине.)
- to (Ник убедил меня заняться спортом.)
- — (Мы видели, как Джейкоб разбил окно.)
- to (Я считаю эту скульптуру шедевром.)
- — (Она заметила, что Мэри вдруг побледнела.)
Упражнение 10
Перефразируйте предложения, используя сложное дополнение.
Н-р: I want that she will cook mushroom soup. (Я хочу, чтобы она приготовила грибной суп.) – I want her to cook mushroom soup.
- The children were laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach. Their parents saw them. – Their parents saw … .
- They said: “He is an expert in our industry.” – They consider … .
- The bike disappeared in the forest. The policeman noticed it. – The policeman noticed … .
- Elvis said to his son: “Don’t watch horror films.” – Elvis doesn’t let … .
- “Mummy, please, buy me that doll”, said the little girl. – The little girl would like … .
- Dad says that I can travel to China with you. – Dad allows … .
- He swears a lot. Many people heard that. – Many people heard … .
- “Bring me some water from the well,” my grandmother said. – My grandmother wanted … .
- Somebody was watching me. I felt that. – I felt … .
- Daniel said: “Helen, you can go to a night club tonight.” – Daniel let … .
Правильные ответы:
- Their parents saw the children laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach. (Их родители видели, как дети смеются и веселятся на пляже.)
- They consider him to be an expert in our industry. (Они считают его экспертом в нашей индустрии.)
- The policeman noticed the bike disappear in the forest. (Полицейский заметил, как мотоцикл скрылся в лесу.)
- Elvis doesn’t let his son watch horror films. (Элвис не разрешает своему сыну смотреть фильмы ужасов.)
- The little girl would like her mum to buy a doll. (Маленькая девочка хотела бы, чтобы мама купила ей куклу.)
- Dad allows me to travel to China with you. (Папа разрешает мне поехать с тобой в Китай.)
- Many people heard him swear a lot. (Многие люди слышали, как он нецензурно выражается.)
- My grandmother wanted me to bring her some water from the well. (Моя бабушка захотела, чтобы я принесла для нее воды из колодца.)
- I felt somebody watching me. (Я чувствовал, что кто-то следил за мной.)
- Daniel let Helen go to a night club. (Дэниэл позволил Хелен сходить в ночной клуб.)
Упражнение 11
Complete the following sentences using the infinitive with or without to.
The teacher asked us ________ (listen) to his explanations.
He made the students _____________ (write) the composition.
The teacher let us ____________ (use) the dictionaries.
The teacher noticed me ____________ (open) my dictionary several times.
I made myself ____________ ( write) as neatly as I could.
The teacher watched us _____________ (work) and didn’t say anything.
Правильные ответы:
1. to listen, 2 write, 3 use, 4 open, 5 write, 6 work / working.
Упражнение 12
Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.
- Do you want (they / stay) at the hotel?
- I would like (the professor / look through) my report.
- We considered (he /be) an honest person.
- I would like (the dress / buy) by Sunday.
- He doesn’t want (they / be late) for dinner.
Правильные ответы:
- Do you want them to stay at the hotel?
- I would like the professor to look through my report.
- We considered him to be an honest person.
- I would like the dress to be bought by Sunday.
- He doesn’t want them to be late for dinner.
Упражнение 13
Combine the sentences using the Complex Object.
I felt something hard. It hurt my leg. -> I felt something hard hurt my leg.
I saw Mike. He was entering the house. -> I saw Mike entering the house.
- They didn’t notice us. We passed by.
- Mike heard Sam. She was playing the violin.
- I felt her hand. It was shaking.
- I heard them. They were arguing.
- We many times heard him. He told this story.
Правильные ответы:
- They didn’t notice us pass by.
- Mike heard Sam playing the violin.
- I felt her hand shaking.
- I heard them arguing.
- We many times heard him tell this story.
Упражнение 14
Fill in the correct form of the Infinitive to make Complex Object.
- Our teacher made us _______ (do) this exercise all over again.
- The teacher advised us _______ (rewrite) the test.
- Please, let me _______ (know) when your sister returns from Paris.
- I find your story _______ (be) very unusual and interesting.
- Nick doesn’t want me _______ (tell) everybody this news.
- I watched the cat _______ (crawl) to the flock of sparrows.
- I would like you _______ (be) very accurate and attentive.
Правильные ответы:
1 do, 2 to rewrite; 3 know; 4 to be; 5 to tell; 6 crawl; 7 to be.
Упражнение 15
Translate the sentences using Complex Object.
- Я бы хотел, чтобы вы доставили товары к концу месяца.
- Вы сегодня услышите, как она поет.
- Я не ожидал, что Майк – такой невежливый.
- Я слышал, что его имя упоминали на собрании.
- Он не заметил, как мы подошли к нему.
- Я бы хотел, чтобы никто не брал мои вещи.
Правильные ответы:
- I would like you to deliver the goods by the end of the month.
- You will hear her sing / singing today.
- I did not expect Mike to be so impolite.
- I heard his name be mentioned at the meeting.
- He did not notice us approach / approaching him.
- I would like my belongings not to be taken.
Упражнение 16
Составьте предложения с Complex Object, используя глагол, данный в скобках.
- I think she will phone. (expect)
- My father said I could use his car. (allow)
- I suggested that she should go home. (ask)
- I asked my friend ‘Can you help me?’ (ask)
- I think you should know the truth. (want)
Правильные ответы:
- I expect her to phone.
- My father allowed me to use his car.
- I asked her to go home.
- I asked my friend to help me.
- I want you to know the truth.
Упражнение 17
Translate into English using Complex Object.
- Mr. Worthing is sure to be back soon.
- These two young people are sure to be very good friends.
- You are sure to be there tomorrow night, aren’t you?
- We most of us want a good many things that we are not likely to get.
- He is sure to tell me all about this even if I don’t ask him.
- When Sondra said that they were sure to meet again, she saw Clyde’s face suddenly brighten.
- If we go on arguing, we are sure to quarrel.
- They are sure to acknowledge your talent.
- He is sure to give us some useful information.
- The article is likely to appear in the next issue of the journal.
Правильные ответы:
- Известно, что марсианские (martian) каналы были открыты в 1877 году.
- Предполагают, что заседание закончится в десять часов.
- Полагают, что они знают об этом больше, чем хотят показать.
- Джим оказался храбрым мальчиком.
- Рочестер случайно встретил Джейн по дороге домой.
- Говорят, что он работает над своим изобретением уже несколько лет.
- Говорят, что эта статья переведена на все языки мира.
- Вы, кажется, много читали до поступления в университет.
- Как известно, Жуковский был прекрасным педагогом и лектором.
- Никак не ожидали, что холодная погода наступит так рано.
Упражнение 18
Read the article and identify constructions with Complex Subject.
Fears for Lone Missing Climber
Fears are growing here for a lone climber missing for the past 48 hours. Jamie Biddals, 32, from New Zealand, is known to have left Kathmandu alone six days ago but has not been seen since. He is thought to have only a small amount of food and he is believed to be wearing only lightweight climbing clothes. As for equipment, he is known to be carrying a small rucksack and a lightweight tent. He is said to have been heading for an old base camp. The weather has deteriorated during the last 48 hours, and he is thought to have been trying to get to the camp when a severe blizzard started. Jamie is considered to be one of the best climbers in the world but there are still fears for his safety in these conditions.
Правильные ответы:
1. Is Jamie Biddals said to have left Kathmandu alone or with a group of other climbers?
2. How much food supplies is he thought to have taken with him?
3. What kind of clothes is he reported to be wearing?
4. Did he happen to take any tent to sleep in?
5. Where is he expected to have been heading for?
6. Why do people appear to be worried about Jamie?
Work in groups. Suggest any ideas about Jamie’s escape
Exchange your ideas in the class.
Use the following patterns:
Jamie is sure to do smth.
certain to be doing smth.
(not) likely to be done.
bound to have done smth.
to have been doing smth.
to have been done.
Упражнение 19
Complex Subject with the word-groups.
- He is likely to win the prize. — Похоже, что он выиграет приз.
- He is sure to come. — Он обязательно придет.
- We are certain to meet them. — Мы несомненно встретим его.
- He is sure to come.
- He was not likely to have made a mistake.
- He is easy to deal with.
- He is anxious to see her. — Ему очень хочется увидеть ее.
Правильные ответы:
- to be (un) likely
- To be sure
- To be certain / to be bound
- To be anxious
- To be pleased
- To be easy
- To be happy
Упражнение 20
He is said to know six languages.
He was said to know 6 languages.
He is said to have gone to London.
He was said to have gone to London.
Правильные ответы:
Говорят, что он знает 6 языков.
Говорили, что он знает 6 языков.
Говорят, что он уехал в Лондон.
Говорили, что он уехал в Лондон.
Home sweet home
Тема урока Do you like your house?
Цели: социокультурный аспект — знакомство с понятием «типичный дом британской семьи»;
развивающий аспект — развитие способности к догадке (по картинкам, по словообразованию, контексту), сравнению; развитие произвольного внимания, воображения, способности к оценке; умение пользоваться таблицами “Word building”. воспитательный аспект — воспитание любви к своему родному дому; осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран; стремление достойно представлять родную культуру;
учебный аспект — формирование лексических навыков говорения;
сопутствующая задача: развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью полного понимания прочитанного/услышанного, умения читать с целью понимания основного содержания, умения заполнять таблицу, делая выписки из текста.
Речевой материал: продуктивный: лексический — an armchair, between, central heating, comfortable, cosy, in front of, in the corner of, in 71 the middle of, a lamp, a mirror, modern conveniences, next to, opposite, own, a piece of furniture, a refrigerator, running water, a TV set, a wall unit;
грамматический (для повторения) — there is/are, prepositions of place; рецептивный: лексический — a number (из Книги для чтения).
1.Организационный момент
2.Фонетическая зарядка (слайд1)
Children, first let’s train our tongue. Look at the blackboard, please. Let’s learn the poem. Repeat after me all together.
My House
Let’s go to my house.
Let’s go today.
I’ll show you all the rooms
Where we work and play.
Here is the kitchen
Where mother cooks for me.
Here is the living room
Where I watch TV.
Here is the dining room
We eat here every day.
And this room is my room
Where I sleep and play.
3. Речевая зарядка
4. Проверка домашнего задания
Now, It’s time to cheek up your homework.
5. Экспозиция темы урока (слайд 2)
Today we start to study a new unit with an interesting name “Home sweet home”. Today we shall have a very interesting lesson. We shall learn the new words on the topic “My home”, learn to describe the house, play a game with an interesting name “Be attentive” and so on. And the topic of our lessons is “Do you like your house?”
6. Введение грамматического материала
Сегодня мы научимся рассказывать о нашей квартире или доме. Мы знаем как рассказать о том, что мы имеем в доме, используя оборот “I have got”. Но англичане часто используют еще одно выражение, оно помогает нам говорить о том, что находится в нашей квартире. Это оборот «There is» или «There are».
Children, and now, open your books at p 164, let’s read the rule.
And now, answer my questions:
Как переводятся предложения с оборотом «There is / There are»?;
Когда употребляется оборот «There is», а когда «There are»?;
Какой из оборотов употребляется, если в предложении перечисляются несколько предметов?;
В каких предложениях с оборотом «There is / There are» употребляются some и any?
7. Введение новых ЛЕ по теме “My home” (слайд 3-9)
And now, children, let’s learn the new words, which are very important for us today. Look at the screen, please and repeat after me all together.
8. Выполнение упражнения “What is it?” (слайд 10)
And now, children, look at the pictures and answer me what is it?
9. Физкультминутка (cлайд 11)
10. Закрепление изученной лексики и грамматики
1. Выполнение упражнения “Try to guess what room it is”
And now, children, let’s try to guess what room it is.
1)What is the room you sleep in?
2)What is the room you cook in?
3)What is the room you work or study in?
4)What is the room you take a shower in?
5)What is the room you have meals in?
2. Выполнение упражнения “Furnish these rooms!” (слайд 12)
And now, children, let’s furnish these rooms.
3. Выполнение упражнения на использование грамматического материала «There is / There are» (слайд 13)
And now, children, let’s complete the sentences.
There … one window in the kitchen.
There … no posters in my room.
There … many doors in Jim’s house.
There … a big living room in the flat.
There … two bathrooms in the house.
There … bedrooms in the house.
There … a piano in my room.
There … two desks in the study.
There … no pantry in his flat.
There … a nice carpet on the floor.
There … many interesting books on the shelf.
4. Выполнение упр. 1.2) , 1.3 стр. 41 -42
Children, and now open your books at p 41-42
Alice likes her comfortable new house. All the rooms have special things.
What pieces of furniture are there in each room?
Let’s describe the rooms on the photos. Use the new words or word-combinations and “there is/ there are” and prepositions on p. 42
11. Подведение итога урока и домашнее задание.
Тема: Do you like your house?
Четверть: 2
1.Образовательные: знакомство с новой лексикой, закрепление правила
употребления в речи оборота речи «There is.., There are..», предлоги места,
суффикс —full.
2.Развивающие: развитие навыков в чтении и слушании для получения
конкретной информации; развитие внимания, мышления, воображения, памяти.
3.Воспитательные: воспитание эстетического вкуса.
Развитие грамматических
Развитие лексических навыков.
Развитие коммуникативной
Тип урока: изучение нового материала
Вид урока: комбинированный
1. Организационный момент.
Приветствие, рапорт дежурного. T: Good morning, children. How are you?
Who’s absent? Let’s begin our lesson now.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
Remember these rules, please.
–ture [t∫ə] picture
–ng [ŋ] running water, dining room, living room
–a + ll [ↄ:] wall, small
–tch [t∫] watch,
–air-eir [ɛə] chair, their
Затем дети повторяют за учителем стихотворение,
тренировка произношения звуков.
My House
go to my house.
go today.
show you all the rooms
we work and play.
is the kitchen
mother cooks for me.
is the living room
I watch TV.
is the dining room
eat here every day.
this room is my room
I sleep and play.
Т: Now, It’s time to cheek up your homework.
for you. Thank you.
Речевая зарядка
Т: And now, children, answer my questions:
What is your sign?
What are you like?
What is your friend’s sign?
What is your friend like?
Р: My sign is Leo. I am a bit boastful. I like buying
presents for my friend.
you for your answers. Good for you.
3. Формирвание темы и целей урока
Today we’ll learn some information about names of the room
and pieces of furniture in the house. Also we’ll revise the new words from unit
2 and we’ll do some interesting tasks.
4. Проверка домашнего задания
5. Введение новой лексики
now, children, let’s learn the new words, which are very important for us
today. Look at the blackboard, please and repeat after me all together. Now open our textbooks at p. 44. Our topic is “Do you like
your house?”. Please look at the Ex. 1. Your task is to match the photos and
the names of the room and pieces of furniture in the houses. I give you 2 min.
You may work with linguistic and cultural guide.
(Ребята работают со словарем, узнают значение новых
слов сначала самостоятельно, затем обсуждаем вместе)
kitchen [ˊkiʧ]in] кухня;
water [ˊrʌniŋˊwɔ:tə] водопровод;
heating [ˊsentrəlˊhi:tiŋ] центральное отопление;
refrigerator [riˊfriʤəreitə] холодильник;
dishwasher [ˊdiʃwɒʃə] посудомоечная машина;
cupboard [ˊkʌbəd] шкаф;
dresser [ˊdresə] кухонный шкаф для
dining room [ˊdainiŋru:m] столовая;
bedroom [ˊbedrʊm]спальня;
bookshelf [ˊbʊkʃelf]книжная полка;
bookcase [ˊbʊkkeis]
книжный шкаф;
wardrobe [ˊwɔ:drəʊb] платяной шкаф;
dressing—table [ˊdresiŋteibl] туалетный столик с зеркалом;
chest of drawers [ˊʧestəvdrɔ:z] комод;
a study [ˊstʌdi] рабочий кабинет;
bathroom [ˊba:θru:m] ванная;
toilet [ˊtɔilət] туалет;
pantry [ˊpæntri] кладовая
6. Введение грамматического материала
Т: Сегодня мы научимся рассказывать о нашей
квартире или доме. Мы знаем как рассказать о том, что мы имеем в доме,
используя оборот “I have got”. Но англичане часто используют еще одно выражение,
оно помогает нам говорить о том, что находится в нашей квартире. Это оборот «There is» или
«There are».
and now, open your books at p 164, let’s read the rule.
now, answer my questions:
Как переводятся предложения с оборотом «There is /
There are»?;
Когда употребляется оборот «There is», а когда
«There are»?;
Какой из оборотов употребляется, если в предложении
перечисляются несколько предметов?;
В каких предложениях с оборотом «There is / There
are» употребляются some и any?
Дети отвечают на вопросы учителя, затем выполняют упражнения на
использование грамматического материала «There is / There
are» — тренировать уч-ся в использовании грамматического
материала «There is / There are» And
now, children, let’s
complete the sentences.
1. There … one window in the kitchen.
2. There … no posters in my room.
3. There … many doors in Jim’s house.
4. There … a big living room in the flat.
5. There … two bathrooms in the house.
6. There … bedrooms in the house.
7. There … a piano in my room.
8. There … two desks in the study.
9. There … no pantry in his flat.
10. There … a nice carpet on the floor.
11. There … many interesting books on the shelf.
7. Физкультминутка
up! Hands down!
(Дети поднимают и опускают руки).
on hips! Sit down!
(Кладут руки на пояс,
up! To the sides!
(Руки вверх, в стороны).
Bend left, bend right!
(Наклоны влево и вправо).
two, three, four, five, six Hop!
two, three, four, five, six Stop!
Stand still!
(Встают смирно).
8. Самостоятельная работа
Т: Children, and now open your books at p 44-45
likes her comfortable new house. All the rooms have special things.
Дети выполняют упр. 1.2) , стр. 45. Описывают комнату, используют
новую лексику и оборот
9. Закрепление.
Now open our textbooks at p. 46. Please look at the Ex. 2.
Read this text and look on the picture. Answer the questions: 1) Is it Alice’s bedroom? Why? Why not? 2) Is Alice’s room comfortable and cosy? What is there in
her room?
10. Итог урока
Students, thank you for the lesson! You worked hard. Объяснение домашнего задания. Your homework is to learn the words on p.44-45 and ex. 5
11. Выставление оценок и их комментирование.
Тест начального уровня, который определит, насколько хорошо вы усвоили материал об английском имени существительном — о числе и притяжательном падеже. Выберите правильный ответ из предложенных четырех вариантов. После того, как вы ответите на все вопросы, кликните на «Показать результат», а если захотите пройти тест снова, закройте результаты и снова отметьте правильные варианты ответов.
Plural of nouns / possessive case
1. There are five … and fifteen … in the basket.
a) Appls, plumes
b) Apples, plums
c) Appls, plums
d) Apples, plumes
2. Peter has two …
a) Childs
b) Childrens
c) Childes
d) Children
3. Do … clean their … ?
a) Mouses, tooths
b) Mice, toths
c) Mice, teeth
d) Mouses, teeth
4. How many … have two … got?
a) Wifes, mans
b) Wifes, mens
c) Wives, man
d) Wives, men
5. Mike needs five … of … for his party.
a) Boxes, potatoes
b) Boxes, potato
c) Boxs, potatoes
d) Boxs, potatos
6. There are many … in the library.
a) Dictionarys
b) Dictionaries
c) Dictionaryes
d) Dictionares
7. This … name is Bob.
a) Man’s
b) Men’s
c) Mans
d) Men
8. This is my … car and this is my … house.
a) Parents’, brothers
b) Parents’, brother’s
c) Parent’s, brothers
d) Parent’s, brother’s
9. He knows … but he doesn’t tell us.
a) The this book name
b) The book name
c) The name of this book
d) The book’s name
10. Do you like …?
a) The windows of the house
b) The house windows
c) The house’s windows
d) The windows of the house’s
8 Comments on Тест Plural of nouns / possessive case
Choosing windows for a whole house at the same time is like choosing a wardrobe for an entire decade on a random day in March, except way more stressful because it’s not just for the day, year or decade—it’s FOR THE EVER. But when it turns out beautifully, you are so grateful that you went through the process. We worked with Milgard on the Portland project and I’m happy to say that I LOVE how the replacement windows turned out. I hadn’t done a window plan before and having my first go at it on a 5,000-square-foot house in another state provided many challenges. But per usual, my learning curve is your gain, and today I’m going to walk you through what I learned from the whole process and what I love about the Portland project windows and french doors. So if you know you have a renovation coming up, bookmark/Pin this post immediately (before you forget all about it and find yourself desperately needing it six months from now).
When choosing windows, you need to consider the same elements as you would any other design project: the style, finish, function, shape, and composition…it’s a lot and it’s extremely important. In fact, I’ll go ahead and say that windows and doors might be two of THE MOST important elements in a house. And for this house, they couldn’t look cheap. A small odd vinyl window can ruin a perfectly good room, but a large pretty window that is rightly appointed can literally make a room.
First, choose what style you want. The biggest choice, stylistically, is whether to have divided window panes (called grids) or do have it open and just glass (picture).
This house was built in the 1980s and then redone by us in 2018 but the style of it is meant to feel more classic and appropriate to the neighborhood which is estate-like with large properties, most over 80 years old. So while I love a single panel, windows with grids were more traditional until the 1950s and this is not a mid-century house. The mountain house, built in the ’60s, for instance, doesn’t have grids, but this one I felt needed it.
At the beginning of the project before I got involved, the house was going a more contemporary direction in style and the architect chose windows without grids, single lite French doors, mostly single hung or picture windows, with some transoms and she got rid of the bay window. I came in and, well, changed it all because I felt this house should be more classic and traditional with grids and architectural detailing that feel right in a classic home (a.k.a. no bay windows). Now, this can look GREAT but it absolutely changes the direction of the house so it’s just a personal preference. Here are a few more traditional style houses with contemporary single windows:
It can absolutely work but definitely changes the style of the house and makes it more contemporary. It’s certainly less busy and doesn’t block any view.
But we wanted the more traditional style of the grids. The question is how many and how big, what finish and what color? There are options and I’ll walk you through them from least busy to a lot of grids so you can see the difference.
First, let’s decode the way we talk about grids: when you hear something like 2×2 or 2×3 grids, the first number references the number of window panes horizontally, while the second number is the vertical panes. So, in the case below, these are 2×2 windows (on each individual window, there are two on top, and two along the side).
As you can see, the fewer the grids the more modern and contemporary it looks. Here’s how it would look on our house.
It looks good, certainly, but I feared it was still too contemporary and it would be more obvious that it was a new build (not that that’s the worst thing that has happened). Also, it’s hard to get a sense of scale here but most of the windows are HUGE so even dividing them into 2×2 would make the individual grids still really, really big.
Another option that we seriously considered was to have a lot of grids, more like a house built in the early 20th century or like ours, which I LOVE.
But all of these examples are all white and we wanted black for this house, because white house, black windows is a winning combo forever.
We feared 3×2 (or more) would be too busy in black.
I’ll be honest that we were racked with indecision about this one. But ultimately went simpler. I highly suggest working with an architect on this decision, even if it’s asking someone to consult on this with you. The architect was no longer on this project when we were re-finalizing the window plan so it was just up to me and I wasn’t up there to really experience the space.
So ultimately, I went with a 2×3 plan for most of the windows, only dividing the light in half vertically but giving it 6 panels.
It was PERFECT. I LOVE how they turned out.
As you can see, they are fairly large (and tall) so just dividing them into a 2×2 might not have been the right choice for this house.
Now, one option you have is to put the grid inside the window panes. The reason this got invented was to make cleaning easier, but it doesn’t have the same look.
It’s my opinion that if you are going to do this you, should just do a single panel. I understand this is a lifestyle choice as grids do require more cleaning and maintenance, but to me, those in-window grids feel like you couldn’t afford the real grids (whether that’s the real case or not). So if you can’t, then opt for the simpler option.
The easy answer in terms of best (or best looking) finish would be wood, of course, but the general consensus now regarding durability is that fiberglass is more durable and thus longer lasting. Now, it’s just a personal preference and a lifestyle choice. For this project, we chose the Milgard UltraTM Series which was fiberglass on the inside and exterior and allowed for the black exterior and interior color we wanted. It looks GREAT (not to mention the performance in a wet climate like Portland is a no-brainer). PS, the Milgard Essence Series is a wood interior with a fiberglass exterior, so, it also provides that exterior durability that is very attractive.
Milgard set us up with a sales pro to find out more about the fiberglass finish and its benefits as compared to some of the other options. Here’s the gist: Fiberglass itself is nine times stronger than vinyl and three times stronger than aluminum. It’s repairable, paintable and has great thermal performance (vinyl isn’t paintable, although I did paint my aluminum window frames at my Glendale house, shhh).
The black-on-black interior and exterior finishes we went with is a very popular request, Milgard told us, but they also have four interior and seven exterior options for the Ultra fiberglass series (making it the most convenient when matching special themes).
Baked on paint (on a material like fiberglass) will not paint or chip like it would on a traditional wood window over time, nor will it warp, peel, chip, crack, or pit over time, making it almost impenetrable to water and the elements which is exactly what we needed in a climate of where it rains an average of 44 inches in Portland every year.
Another point to call out about these is that the fiberglass frames are super thin, which gave them a bit of a modern edge within the more traditional grid pattern, so it’s a great happy medium.
The Ultra Series line comes with a full lifetime warranty including accidental glass breakage, which is actually kinda crazy. Your kid could accidentally roll a bowling ball into it like my little sister did when she was 3 and Milgard will replace it.
How are these windows going to open and close? Now, a lot of this can be driven from the architecture and Jenna (the project manager at the time) asked her architect friend who suggested that casement or double hung could work for us. But if you are new to this, here are your options with a little about what each actually means:
Ken (my brother and also partner on this project) kept insisting that the windows we went with had to be either double-hung or casement (not single hung), and once we decided to do the 2×3 grid pattern, it had to be casement because the double hung requires it to be cut in half horizontally (in order to open on top or on bottom). Casement became the easy answer (on top of double-hung not being an available operating style for the Ultra Series).
Here she is:
There are a few things you need to think about with casement windows on a second story: if you have kids, it may be a safety issue depending on the height of the sill, so ask a Milgard Certified Dealer about ordering the window with a WOCD safety lock.
They can open very wide which is pretty awesome and the screen would typically go on the inside (but we took them off to shoot and sell the house).
Mixing Window Styles
We mixed the casement windows with picture windows here where appropriate, like in the kitchen and office but you can mix double hung, single hung, casement, as long as its the same style and finish. I was intimated to do this too much and it’s certainly not necessary, but it’s perfectly fine to do!
French Doors
All the same rules from windows apply to French doors. We chose the same style and finish for the French doors, and with six sets of French doors throughout the home, it looks pretty incredible.
Windows and doors make a house and this house needed so much beautiful light to make it feel happy, bright and high end.
So without further ado, please ogle all these beautiful windows and doors from Milgard. And yes, you are getting a sneak peek into the rest of the house as we haven’t revealed all these spaces yet.
Choosing the windows can feel stressful because you want to get it right. My best advice is to be inspired by the architecture of the home, most importantly pin and pin and pin exterior homes that you love and try to discern what it is that you loved about them. Often you’ll see the style, size, function that you are attracted to keep popping up over and over.
Do let me know if you have any questions. I learned A LOT during this process, made some mistakes, righted those mistakes, so I’m happy to pass that information along to anyone who needs it.
*This post is in partnership with Milgard but all words, designs and selections are our own. Thanks for supporting the brands we love that support the blog.
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368 за все время, 6 сегодня
1.What house do you live in?
2. Where is it situated?
3. Is your house a short walk from the bus or
trolley bus stop?
4. How long does it usually take you to get to the
centre of the city?
5. What floor is your flat on?
6. Where do the windows of your flat face?
7. Is your flat comfortable and well
8. How many rooms are there in your flat? What
are they?
9. What modern conveniences has your flat got?
10. Is there a balcony in your flat?
11. Do you grow flowers on your balcony?
12. Which is the largest room in your flat?
13. Is this room cosy and light?
14. How many windows are there?
15. What furniture is there?
16. How do you usually use this room? Do you have
meals or watch TV there?
17. What room do you like best of all? This is your study, isn’t it?
18. Is your room small or large?
19. Is there a balcony in your room?
20. Is there much furniture in your room?
21. Why do you like your room? Is it cosy and nice?
22. Has your flat got a large kitchen?
23. What is there in your kitchen?
24. Is your kitchen well equipped?
25. What modern conveniences are there?
26. What curtains are there on the window? Do they make your kitchen cosy?
27. Do you like to have meals with your parents there?
28. Do you like your flat?
29. What English proverbs about home do you know?
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