Developing drivers with windows driver foundation pdf

Windows Driver Foundation. Разработка драйверов

Год выпуска: 2008

ISBN: 978-5-9775-0185-9





6.50 MB

Книга содержит описания принципов и методик, примеры программирования и подсказки для эффективной разработки драйверов. Представлены инструменты и ресурсы, основные понятия драйверов и операционной системы Windows, обзор модели Windows Driver Foundation (WDF), информация об архитектуре Windows, модели ввода/вывода.

«Windows Driver Foundation. Разработка драйверов»
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    C. SârbuN. Suri

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This paper proposes a quantitative technique for profiling the operational behavior of device drivers using a set of occurrence and temporal metrics, which can be used as guidance for test prioritization and test coverage estimation.

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Start developing robust drivers with expert guidance from the teams who developed Windows Driver Foundation. This comprehensive book gets you up to speed quickly and goes beyond the fundamentals to help you extend your Windows development skills. You get best practices, technical guidance, and extensive code samples to help you master the intricacies of the next-generation driver modeland simplify driver development. Discover how to: Use the Windows Driver Foundation to develop kernel-mode or user-mode drivers Create drivers that support Plug and Play and power managementwith minimal code Implement robust I/O handling code Effectively manage synchronization and concurrency in driver code Develop user-mode drivers for protocol-based and serial-bus-based devices Use USB-specific features of the frameworks to quickly develop drivers for USB devices Design and implement kernel-mode drivers for DMA devices Evaluate your drivers with source code analysis and static verification tools Apply best practices to test, debug, and install drivers PLUSGet driver code samples on the Web


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Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver

Table of Contents Windows Driver Fundamentals 23 What Is a Driver? 24 Core Windows Architecture 25 Driver Architecture 27 Kernel Objects and Data Structures 31


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