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Project README

Device/DevMode Manager for webOS TV

Simple tool to manage developer mode enabled or rooted webOS


Find latest release, and download the installer for
your system

Operating System x86_64 x86 arm64
Windows webOS.Dev.Manager_[VERSION]_x64_en-US.msi webOS.Dev.Manager_[VERSION]_x86_en-US.msi Not available yet
macOS webOS.Dev.Manager_[VERSION]_x64.dmg Not available Not available, see #116
Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) web-os-dev-manager_[VERSION]_amd64.deb Not available Not available yet
Linux (Other distros) web-os-dev-manager_[VERSION]_amd64.AppImage Not available Not available yet


  • No need to install LG SDK or IDE
  • Add device without need to use command line
  • Install apps on TV with a few clicks
  • Configuration compatible with ares-cli
  • Works on Windows, Linux and macOS (Apple Silicon too!)
  • Dark mode follows system preferences

Add Device

Installed Apps

Install from webOS Homebrew repo

Manage Files

Built-in Terminal

Device Information

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with «Dev Manager Desktop» Project. README Source: webosbrew/dev-manager-desktop

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Open Source Agenda Rating

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Announcing Chocolatey Central Management 0.10.0

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Thursday, 06 October 2022

We recently released our largest update to Chocolatey Central Management so far. Join Gary and Steph to find out more about Chocolatey Central Management and the new features and fixes we’ve added to this release.

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Chocolatey and Intune Overview

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Wednesday, 30 March 2022

At Chocolatey Software we strive for simple, and teaching others. Let us teach you just how simple it could be to keep your 3rd party applications updated across your devices, all with Intune!

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Chocolatey For Business. In Azure. In One Click.

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Thursday, 9 June 2022

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The Future of Chocolatey CLI

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Thursday, 04 August 2022

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Hacktoberfest Tuesdays 2022

Livestreams from
October 2022

For Hacktoberfest, Chocolatey ran a livestream every Tuesday! Re-watch Cory, James, Gary, and Rain as they share knowledge on how to contribute to open-source projects such as Chocolatey CLI.

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Chocolatey Product Spotlight: Chocolatey 1.2.0 and Chocolatey Licensed Extension 5.0.0

Livestream from
Thursday, 03 November 2022

Join Paul and Gary for this months Chocolatey product livestream where we look at the latest release of Chocolatey 1.2.0, Chocolatey Licensed Extension 5.0.0 and shine a spotlight on the new hook scripts functionality. This opens up so many possibilities for Chocolatey CLI users!

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Chocolatey Coding Livestream

Livestream from
Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Join Josh as he adds the ability to manage Chocolatey GUI config and features with the Chocolatey Ansible Collection.

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Introduction into Chocolatey with Veeam

Webinar from
Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Join Gary, Paul, and Maurice as they introduce and demonstrate how to use Chocolatey! Questions will be answered live in an Ask Me Anything format.

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icon indicating copy to clipboard operation

dev-manager-desktop copied to clipboard

Device/DevMode Manager for webOS TV

  • Readme
  • Issues

Easy tool to manage developer mode and sideload applications on your webOS TV — Download Now


  • Portable — no need to install LG SDK or IDE
  • Add device without need to use command line
  • Install apps on TV with a few clicks
  • Works on Windows, Linux and macOS

Add Device

Installed Apps

Install from webOS Homebrew repo

Built-in Terminal

Extend Developer Mode


We have been decided to no longer provide the installer from 2022 because the emulator, the IDE, and the Sublime Text plugin are deprecated. You can download and use each tool as below.

  • CLI
  • VS Code Extension
  • Simulator

The SDK installation allows you to install the required SDK components. It provides two executable files: minimal installer and full package installer, using which the SDK must be installed. Once installed, any further changes to the installation (adding, updating, or removing SDK components) must be done by using the Component Manager that is provided in the SDK installation directory.

This installer lets you install the CLI, emulator, IDE, and sublime text plugin. To use the VS Code extension instead of IDE, install the CLI with this installer first, then install the VS Code extension referred to the VS Code Extension page.

Installer (v6.0.1)

Minimal installer

  • Installs only the CLI.
  • To install the Emulator and other SDK components, use the Component Manager after installation.

Full package installer

  • Installs all components (CLI, IDE, Sublime, and Emulator).
  • You MUST install Virtualbox before installing the emulator. You can download Virtualbox at the Virtualbox site.
  • The emulator is not available on ARM-based Macs because VirtualBox is not supported.

Linux 64-bit Full Package

Windows 64-bit Full Package

macOS 64-bit Full Package

Note: For existing SDK users

  • The changes in the installation process do not affect the compatibility with older SDK versions.
  • If you have an older SDK installed on your system and want to add a component or upgrade existing components, see Add/Upgrade/Remove webOS TV SDK Components.
  • When you install a new version of the SDK, files and directories under the CLI directory are removed.

Note: SDK Auto-Update (Available from v4.0.4 or above)

On system start-up, a prompt is displayed when a component is available for install OR when an update is available for an installed component OR when an update is available for the Component Manager. To proceed, run the Component Manager. For details, see

Add/Upgrade/Remove webOS TV SDK Components. [FAQ]

System requirements

Before you install the SDK, the system must have the following:

Category Description
Operating System
  • Microsoft® Windows
    • Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Windows 7 (64-bit)
  • Linux
    • Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit) or higher (tested with Ubuntu 14.04)
  • macOS
    • macOS 10.12 Sierra (supported but not fully tested)
    • macOS 10.13 High Sierra or higher
Processor Intel® Pentium® 4 2.0 GHz or faster
Memory 3 GB or more of RAM
Display 1920 x 1080 or greater of screen resolution
Graphics Card 256 MB or more of video memory

The required JRE version is packaged along with the installer. No extra action required.

Note: Do not remove any packaged file from the downloaded installer.

Oracle® VirtualBox

Oracle® VirtualBox (recommended VirtualBox 5.2.22 or higher)

Supported versions for each OS:

  • Windows: VirtualBox 5.2.22 or higher is recommended. (if not available, the installer automatically installs VirtualBox 5.2.22)
    Note: On Windows, the installer prompts you to install VirtualBox. Click Yes to proceed. Once VirtualBox is installed, continue with installing the SDK. If you click No, the installer will proceed with installing the SDK components, excluding the emulator.
  • Linux: VirtualBox 5.2.22 or higher is recommended. (manual installation required)
  • Mac: VirtualBox 5.0.26 or higher is recommended.
    VirtualBox 5.1.0 version has an issue on Sierra (

Note: To work with an emulator, you must enable VT-x. In most cases, this option is already enabled on the PC. If the emulator does not start, however, make sure that this option is enabled in the BIOS on your PC by referring to this article.

System Permissions Administrator permission is required to run the installer.

Install webOS TV SDK

To install the SDK using the Minimal or Full Package installer:

  1. Unzip the downloaded installer package.
  2. Navigate to the unzipped directory and execute the installer executable file.
    Note: On Linux and Mac operating systems, use the sudo ./<executable filename> command.
  3. Perform the following:
    • Screen 1: Accept the license agreement.
    • Screen 2: Select the installation directory, view the components that will be installed, and click INSTALL.webOS_TV_50_Installer.pngScreenshot of the Full Package installer. In a Minimal installer, only the CLI would be shown as selected.

      If you have not changed the target directory during installation, you can find the SDK in the following locations:

      • Linux: /usr/local/share/webOS_TV_SDK
      • Mac OS: /opt/webOS_TV_SDK
      • Windows: C:\webOS_TV_SDK
    • Screen 3: On completing the installation, read the information on the screen, and click DONE.

  4. Restart the system to ensure that the installation works properly.

Add, upgrade, remove webOS TV SDK components

Note: Older Version of the SDK

If you have an older SDK version installed (before webOS TV SDK v4.0), the Component Manager is not available on your PC. You must

re-install the SDK using the minimal installer, and then run the Component Manager.

On installing the webOS TV SDK, a Component Manager utility is automatically installed on your PC. This utility lists all SDK components that are installed and that are available for installation. You must use it to add, upgrade, or remove components from the installation.

To use the Component Manager:

  1. Navigate to the<SDK-HOME>/ComponentManager/ directory.
  2. Run the component manager executable file (internet connection is required).
  3. Perform the desired operations.
    • The Version column indicates the version that is installed on the system.
    • The Update column allows you to update the component if an updated version is available.
    • The Action column shows the operations (install or uninstall) that you can perform on the component.

webOS TV Component Manager screenshot

Uninstall webOS TV SDK

You can choose to uninstall the entire SDK or individual components.

Note: Component Uninstallation

To uninstall components individually, you can choose to use the Component Manager.

To uninstall:

  1. Navigate to the<SDK-HOME>/Uninstall/ directory.
  2. Run the uninstaller executable file.
  3. Select the component(s) to be uninstalled and click UNINSTALL.

webOS TV Uninstaller screenshot.png

webosbrew / dev-manager-desktop
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Device/DevMode Manager for webOS TV

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dev-manager-desktop’s Introduction

Device/DevMode Manager for webOS TV

Simple tool to manage developer mode enabled or rooted webOS


Find latest release, and download the installer for
your system

Operating System x86_64 x86 arm64
Windows webOS.Dev.Manager_[VERSION]_x64_en-US.msi webOS.Dev.Manager_[VERSION]_x86_en-US.msi Not available yet
macOS webOS.Dev.Manager_[VERSION]_x64.dmg Not available Not available, see #116
Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) web-os-dev-manager_[VERSION]_amd64.deb Not available Not available yet
Linux (Other distros) web-os-dev-manager_[VERSION]_amd64.AppImage Not available Not available yet


  • No need to install LG SDK or IDE
  • Add device without need to use command line
  • Install apps on TV with a few clicks
  • Configuration compatible with ares-cli
  • Works on Windows, Linux and macOS (Apple Silicon too!)
  • Dark mode follows system preferences

Add Device

Installed Apps

Install from webOS Homebrew repo

Manage Files

Built-in Terminal

Device Information

dev-manager-desktop’s People

dev-manager-desktop’s Issues

Error occured in the main process

When I start webos manager on windows 11, I get 3x the error message.
This does not affect the operation at all.
When I was on windows 10 I did not have this problem.

How to install this on the TV?

This is not a bug but I wasn’t sure where to post. I read the README but it doesn’t describe how to actually install on the TV.

What do I do? Download it onto a USB and then hook the USB to the TV and follow instructions? And what exactly do I download? x64 .msi? x86? Zip? .deb? .AppImage? .dmg?

How to install

Very sorry to bother you with what you may find a stupid ask, but i can’t for the life of me figure out how to actually install this on my PC.

If I’ve understood correctly, I need Dev Manager on my PC and then I’ll be able to connect to my LG. However in the folder I can’t find any file that looks like something I can run, there’s no install file or anything, only files with extensions unknown to me

I really wish to use Moonlight on my TV, and it seems that you have done an incredible job at it.
I would love if you could enlighten me as to how to actually install this (the readme doesn’t provide any directions, or am i missing something obvious ?).

Thank you very much

EDIT : finally figure it out
My experience was that it was very unclear, and a lot of links sent out on reddit lead to a page that is not the downloadable file, which is quite confusing. Extra loops could be avoided
Thanks a lot though =)

Dev manager

please make dev manager for 32 bit windows system

renew time session option from a browser not working anymore, just work from the app

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ‘…’
  2. Click on ‘….’
  3. Scroll down to ‘….’
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]

Add any other context about the problem here.

Launch app at power on tv

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
It’s possible launch an app at power on TV?

Describe the solution you’d like
When turn on or power on tv, automatically launch or start an selected App.

Describe alternatives you’ve considered
Maybe using ares-cli launch command

Unable to access files/terminal of LG TV

Describe the bug
Unable to access files/terminal of LG TV after having established a webOS Dev Manager connection.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install newest version of dev-manager-desktop
  2. Enable Developer mode on LG TV
  3. Connect the two using «Passphrase» from the TV.
  4. Result is in the below screenshots

Expected behavior
Unclear. I am not sure if this is expected behavior, and I should be able to use the terminal after performing some additional steps, or if it should be usable out-of-the-box,


Additional context

  • OS: Windows
  • Firmware: 06.10.50
  • webOS version: 3.9.0

Cannot connect to rooted TV with non-default SSH key

Describe the bug
It is not possible for me to make a connection from Device Manager for WebOS to my rooted LG TV

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open Device Manager for WebOS app on Windows 10 PC
  2. Click on ‘Add Device’
  3. Fill all needed parameters as on screenshot below
  4. See error on second screenshot below

Expected behavior
Device Manager for WebOS should connect to TV via SSH. Just for note, this is the correct SSH key which I’m using every day to connect to same this TV via SSH from MobaXterm




Additional context
Model: LG OLED55C11LB
WebOS version: 6.2.0-35 (kisscurl-kavir)
System version: 3.21.20
Rooted with

@Informatic was pointed me to open this issue, you can check his comment here. Guys, I understand what he talking about path relative to .ssh directory, but far from that I know how this could be fixed in your software. Anyway, if you are willing…..

Thanks anyway.

An error during app installation: Type error

Hello community,
I got this error «Failed to install: Type error » during app installation, who can help to understand is that a bug on software or miscounfiguration/versions/compatability?

webOS: 6.3.2
F/W: 3.34.70
webos Dev Manager: 1.10.1



Log Viewer


Provide easy to use UI for reading logs in /var/log/messages and dmesg

Desired Features

  • Scroll lock
  • Search
  • Manage context log levels via PmLogControl
  • Color based on severity

Terminal Function doesnt work

Installed this today, setup dev mode and got my key. However, when I try to use the terminal, it just shows a blank black box, never actully enters into a command line or anything. No errors either. I tryed to ssh manully «ssh [email protected] -p 9922 -o «PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa» -o «HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa» -i TV_webos «/bin/sh -i» but received the errror «Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)»

I am trying to get terminal access to get the LG dev mode session token so I can have permant dev mode. Following This

Im running WebOS 3.4.0, is this just something that doesnt work with this version of WebOS or is there something I have missed.
Appreciate any form of input to help move forward with this

renew sesseion

Describe the bug
in v 1.8.2 I had this button
it’s gone in v 1.9.5, nu sure why

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
open the applycation,
connect to your lg tv.
go to info
and the button is missing

Expected behavior
I expect to see the button as I do in v 1.8.2

see above

Additional context
on windows

problem is clear,
I had to modify the schellscript a bit to make it work

sessionToken=$(ssh -i /config/tmp/webos_privkey_tv \
 -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa \
 -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=ssh-rsa \
 -o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa \
 -o ConnectTimeout=3 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
 -p 9922 [email protected] \
 cat /var/luna/preferences/devmode_enabled)
if [ -z "$sessionToken" ]; then
  sessionToken=$(cat /config/tmp/webos_devmode_token_tv.txt)
  echo $sessionToken > /config/tmp/webos_devmode_token_tv.txt

but it can also be that my server is limited on keys, else it might be a nice addition

Files -> Possible to get up a directory?

When browsing files, you cannot go back from where you just came back from. Could … be added?

Can’t Access Terminal


[macos Ventura] No matching host key type found (HostkeyAlgorithms and PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes)

Unfortunately, macOS Ventura (13.1) no logger supports SSH-RSA as HostkeyAlgorithms and PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms.
As a result, the Device Manager for webOS and LG’s ares tools can no longer connect to the TV.

To fix ares, one need to add the following lines to their local SSH config ~/.ssh/config file:

HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

for the Device Manager for webOS I have not found a solution. Currently, it simply claims Verification Failed and then cannot list any apps or do anything useful.

Screenshot 2022-12-27 at 13 11 51

>ssh [email protected] -i decrypted_private_key -p 9922                                                  
Unable to negotiate with 192.168.y.x port 9922: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa
>ssh [email protected] -i decrypted_private_key -p 9922 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=ssh-rsa
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0

uid=5680(prisoner) gid=5000 groups=15(kmem),19(input),29(audio),44(video),505(compositor),509(se),511(kadaptor),777(crashd)

uname -a
Linux LGwebOSTV 5.4.96-266.mlt4tv.1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 25 04:25:18 UTC 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux


Interface crash 10+ apps

Love this app, thank you for the efforts :)

Unfortunaltely something breaks when you have over 10+ apps installed. The interface stays blank. (In a flash you can see components are created but dissapear)

Dev session id missing in GUI

Describe the bug
I remember the gui to show the dev session id and link that i have to call every day to keep my dev session enabled permanently

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install webos dev manager desktop
  2. connect to tv
  3. click on «Info» tab
  4. See there is no way to get the dev session link or just the ID

Expected behavior
I expect the gui to show the current dev session id with the link:< token >


Additional context

  • OS: Windows 10

Retroarch always shows update button

Describe the bug
RetroArch shows 1.9.1> [Update] button all the time even after updating.

To Reproduce
Install RetroArch, update it. the update option stays up. I’m guessing it’s because the update number has one extra decimal so they show as !=. maybe the current version numbering needs an extra decimal? not sure

Add any other context about the problem here.

cli-version for arm (Linux)

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I’m always frustrated when I see that I need to renew the developer-timer..

Describe the solution you’d like
I would love to use a cli-version of this software on my raspberry p, which is runngin 24/7.. so I can let it renew the timer for me every few hours.

Describe alternatives you’ve considered
no alternative.. the other functions would be great too.. also it would make it possible to run this from a smartphone using termux..

Not Launching on Windows 10 due to Missing WebView2

I can install : webOS.Dev.Manager_1.9.5_x64_en-US.msi
But when I launch installed app in windows 10, a windows open and right away close.

«GPU process isn’t usable» on Ubuntu 22.04 with NVIDIA GPU

AppImage crashes directly on start with

[74043:0507/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

Starting with ./webos-dev-manager-1.5.2.AppImage --no-sandbox or --disable-gpu-sandbox works though. Mentioning this here for reference. I guess it’s an Electron thing?


Extracting IPK files from rooted webOS TV

I don’t actually have a rooted TV right now; I’m waiting for the next rootmytv update. However, as far as I know, the way to get an IPK file is to find the URL within the download history:

Might it be possible for you to simplify this process by making dev-manager-desktop able to scrape the URLs automatically?

This is clearly no big issue, but In thought it might be a worthwhile suggestion. Thanks for all of your hard work.

Renew automatically in info tab URL no longer includes token

Describe the bug
Previous versions included the session token needed to automatically renew the developer mode session within a provided URL box when the «Renew Automatically» modal was opened. The most recent versions (1.7.4, maybe back to 1.7.1) no longer include the sessiontoken at the end of the URL.

To Reproduce
For awareness, I was starting with devices that had already been configured on previous releases.

  1. Choose a device in the upper-left dropdown
  2. Select Info on the menu on the left
  3. Select Renew Automatically within Dev Mode
  4. In modal that opens, see URL is missing session token.

Expected behavior
The URL provided under Renew Automatically -> URL should include the session token for the user to copy.


Additional context

  • OS: Windows 11

Add Device with ssh id_rsa key trouble/new feature???

This looks great but I can’t Add Device!
I’ve rooted my TV with and enabled ssh login with keyfile, by copying my to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
How do I «Add Device» with ssh-key?
I don’t understand how «Local Private Key», «Private Key Name» and «Passphrase» are supposed to work with ssh-key?

Or maybe you could enable telnet login? Using authorized_keys/ method disables ssh-password login.

I would hate do disable ssh-key login as I got a lot of automatic script stuff running using ssh private key login.

«Help» button in «Add Device» prompt points to a 404

Describe the bug
The «Help» button in the «Add Device» prompt provides a URL that results in a 404.
The URL is:

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Click on «Add Device» under Options
  2. Click on «Help» at the bottom left of the prompt

Expected behavior
A user would expect to see some sort of help guide or resource.


Additional context

  • OS: Windows 10
    • I don’t think the OS has anything to do with this

Port Forwarding

Provide two way port forwarding, so gdbserver connection will be easier

No way to return to the main app after clicking a link

Describe the bug
Clicking any link (to this repo or any of the apps’ repo) causes the page to open in the program itself, with no way back unless you open and close the program.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Available apps or Info
  2. Click on Options>Website or Github Repo
  3. See that the page opens in the app itself, leaving no clear option to go back.

Expected behavior
A button or a clear shortcut to go back.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context

  • OS: Windows 10

I’m new to this, so maybe I’m just missing something very obvious about navigation?


Whitespace in TV name

Thanks for this program! It’s really helpful for resetting Dev mode.

The bug I have noticed is when setting up a TV if you put a space in the name e.g. «TV name» you will get a few issues.

For example, when you generate the renew script it will add a space for the generated file name and the script will then fail because it can’t find the file because it has only generated the file up to the first space.

dev mode auto renew fails every couple of months.

this is more like a question.

I use the script to periodically renew the dev session.
I do this on a daily bases at 2:00 am and 1 minute after my tv turns on, just in case the token changes.
Now every couple of months my token expires anyway and I have to login and install my apps again.
after that without any changes the script works again.

is there anything I can do? or is this just the way LG has designed this, to only allow renew for a couple of months?

I’m trying to catch the result so at least when the renew fails I get a message.

my script is:


cat > /config/tmp/webos_privkey_tv << END_OF_PRIVKEY

chmod 600 /config/tmp/webos_privkey_tv

sessionToken=$(ssh -i /config/tmp/webos_privkey_tv \
 -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa \
 -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=ssh-rsa \
 -o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa \
 -o ConnectTimeout=3 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
 -p 9922 [email protected] \
 cat /var/luna/preferences/devmode_enabled)
if [ -z "$sessionToken" ]; then
  sessionToken=$(cat /config/tmp/webos_devmode_token_tv.txt)
  echo $sessionToken > /config/tmp/webos_devmode_token_tv.txt

if [ -z "$sessionToken" ]; then
  echo "Unable to get token" >&2
  exit 1

checkSession=$(curl --max-time 3 -s "$sessionToken")

echo $checkSession

Please Make Sure Key Server Is Turned On

I keep getting this message whenever I try and connect. I’m on the same network, and the passphrase and IP are correct. What is SSH Username? Should it always be ‘prisoner’?

This is on v1.4.0. When I try and download 1.5.1 it says there is a virus. Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl.

Unable to list directory — python: not found

Describe the bug
Unable to list directory.

I have python installed?

Python 3.10.8 (main, Jan 24 2023, 17:30:19) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux

sh: python: not found

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Click on files

Expected behavior
List files

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.10

Add any other context about the problem here.

error invoking remote method ‘file-sessuib/put’: Error: Failure

I’m getting the error «error invoking remote method ‘file-sessuib/put’: Error: Failure» when i try to upload a file to my tv, already installed homebrew by developer method. Someone can help me?

webOS Device Manager Version

Hello, is it possible to integrate in the device manager a version information of the manager itself, like you can see on the screenshot or something similar?
This helps a lot when testing the different versions. For some users, one or another function does not work, and so it would be quicker to remember which version it is and then explain to them exactly what works or does not work and with which version. Also, everyone would see that immediately who the one who is looking for help posts a screenshot. Thank you in advance.

Screenshot for v1.9.3 and up

«Verification Failed» after correct details entered

Using the default setting outside of my IP and passphrase, I’m running into an issue where upon entering my exact details, the verification automatically fails. I should probably also mention that the novacom-devices.json was set to read-only, which was throwing up issues before I sorted it
I’ve restarted my tv several times, always making sure that developer mode is still enabled and that key server is active

Any guide or Wiki?

I just downloaded this app, and installed Developer Mode app on my TV, as well as turned on Dev Mode and Key Server.
But how do I get the SSH password or generate a key? I open up the Device Manager on Windows and I cannot add my device, any advice for a newbie?

Add «Edit Device» feature

LAN IP is usually dynamic, so there should be a way to edit the device host address.

Auto-generated renew-devmode-tv shell script fails with ssh error on some linux systems

Describe the bug
Depending on the Linux distribution of choice and the included OpenSSH version, in my case Fedora-Server 36 and OpenSSH_8.8p1, the ssh config might not allow deprecated algorithms like ssh-rsa (the old version using SHA1, so not exactly cutting-edge security) by default anymore. This means that the script will fail with no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa.

To Reproduce
As tested in my case:

  1. Add C9 LG OLED TV with newest WebOS 5.x as device
  2. Generate shell script to renew devmode session
  3. Try executing the auto-generated renew-devmode-tv shell script on Fedora 36 (should work on any system with OpenSSH > 8.8 and no default options that explicitly allow ssh-rsa)

Expected behavior
Successful devmode session renewal without any errors.

I don’t know if this is a limitation of whatever ancient OpenSSH server WebOS uses, but I can work around this issue by enabling support for ssh-rsa with the following options:

-o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o HostkeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa

If there is no other solution, then dev-manager-desktop could add these by default, since they shouldn’t hurt anyone who doesn’t have this issue.

renew script saves sessionToken to /tmp which will disappear after a restart etc

Describe the bug

Renew script saves sessionToken in /tmp/webos_devmode_token_xxx.txt, however this will disappear if you restart the device the script is running on or if otherwise the /tmp dir is cleaned up. Then on the next startup of the script, if the TV is not on then ssh will fail and the script will attempt to load the sessionToken from a non-existent file and ultimately error out.

Expected behavior

Save sessionToken to XDG_STATE_HOME so that it is persistent, or otherwise make the location a variable in the script and add a comment for the user suggesting to change the location themselves.

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Adding device — nothing happens

Failed to add device Error invoking remote method

Describe the bug
When attempting to add a device the following error appears:
Failed to add device
Error invoking remote method ‘device-manager/addDevice’: Error:
EPERM: operation not permitted, open

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download portable exe on Windows 11
  2. Double click it
  3. Click Add device
  4. Enter relevant information in the new window
  5. Click Add
  6. See error

Expected behavior
The device should be added.


Additional context

  • OS: Windows 11

Add any other context about the problem here.
Confirmed the .json file has been created, suggesting this is not related to file permissions.
Also tried running as Administrator and got the same issue.

macOS versions 1.10.0 amd 1.10.1 do not launch the second time

First time launch and configuration works, second time the app is launched, no window appears, but app can be closed with cmd+q. the problem does not occur with 1.9.11

What happened to «Renew Session» in v1.10?

I used the programm mainly to sideload apps and to renew the developer session. Now, in the new version there’s no Renew session Button in the Info field!?
This is 1.9.11

2023-03-09 12_08_47-webOS Dev Manager1 9 11

And this 1.10.1 5 minutes later.

2023-03-09 12_07_28-webOS Dev Manager1 10 1

I changed them back and forth a few times. 1.10.1 is not showing the renew session anymore.

Econnrefused fetchPrivKey

I follow all instructions, active and install developer in tv but when try to connect received alway the same errors (I tried macos and windows version same issues).

Please make sure «Key Server» in Developer Mode App is turned on during device setup.
Error invoking remote method ‘device-manager/fetchPrivKey’:
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Macos Ventura 13.1 — Windows 11 — LG 65B8


Failed to add device

Description of the bug
I am able to connect my LG webos tv with the CLI SDK but the webOS Dev Manager give me the error of «Failed to add device» «Access denied. (os error 5)».
I tried also the Authentication method «Password» and «Local Private Key» but nothing changed.
I also disabled my windows defender but there is no way to connect to the tv with the dev-manager-desktop.
I attached some screenshot. I censored the passphrase with the «X».


Add any other context about the problem here.

Application disappears after turning off developer mode

Hi! Thanks for good app

So I:

  1. Enter developer mode
  2. Install Moonlight through dev-manager-desktop
  3. Exit developer mode and restart TV -> Application disappear from home page of webos and don’t see it in any other place

Is that a normal behavior of application?

Renew session information is missing in 1.10.1

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use version 1.10.1
  2. After connection to your TV open tab «Info»
  3. Notice the renew session part is missing

Expected behavior
In version 1.8.2 I am still able to see this renew session part

Additional context

  • OS: Windows 11, latest update
  • Manager version: 1.10.1

Renew session helper section won’t show up after 1.9 update

Describe the bug
As title, it’s impossible to see renew session buttons on >1.9 versions compared to 1.8.2

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Info

Expected behavior
A little section should pop up to renew session

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]

Add any other context about the problem here.

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