D link dwa 160 драйвер для windows 10


Двухдиапазонный беспроводной (2,4/5ГГц) USB-адаптер DWA-160 позволяет организовать надежное беспроводное подключение к публичной беспроводной сети («hotspot») или двухдиапазонному маршрутизатору, которое можно использовать для передачи потокового видео высокой четкости (HD). USB-адаптер DWA-160 обеспечивает отличный прием сигнала. После подключения можно получить доступ к скоростному Интернет-соединению, а также общий защищенный доступ к фотографиям, файлам, музыке, видео, принтерам и накопителю. 

Использование двух частотных диапазонов 

USB-адаптер DWA-160 поддерживает работу в двух диапазонах, при этом диапазон 2,4 ГГц может использоваться для проверки электронной почты и выхода в Интернет, а через беспроводную сеть в диапазоне частот 5 ГГц возможна передача потокового HD видео и другого медиаконтента.

Увеличенная скорость и расширенный радиус действия сети

Двухдиапазонный USB-адаптер Xtreme N DWA-160 обеспечивает подключение к беспроводной сети на более высокой скорости и на большем удалении, по сравнению с адаптерами предыдущих стандартов 802.11. Это гарантирует быстрое и надежное соединение в любом месте вашего дома.

Простая установка и использование

Мастер по установке содержит пошаговые инструкции, с помощью которых можно легко и быстро подключиться к беспроводной сети даже в случае отсутствия опыта работы с сетями. Благодаря высокой производительности, отличному приему и повышенной безопасности, этот адаптер является наилучшим выбором для беспроводного подключения настольных компьютеров.


Операционная система

Microsoft Windows XP, SP3, Vista, 7 или 8


• IEEE 802.11a

• IEEE 802.11b

• IEEE 802.11g

• EEE 802.11n


Две внутренние всенаправленные антенны с коэффициентами усиления 1 dBi в диапазоне 2.4 ГГц и 4 dBi в диапазоне 5 ГГц

Схема MIMO


Скорость беспроводного соединения

• IEEE 802.11a: 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9 и 6 Мбит/с

• IEEE 802.11b: 11, 5,5, 2 и 1 Мбит/с

• IEEE 802.11g: 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9 и 6 Мбит/с

• IEEE 802.11n:

MCS GI=800ns GI=400ns
  20МГц 40МГц 20МГц 40МГц
0 6,50 7,20 13,50 15,00
1 13,00 14,40 27,00 30,00
2 19,50 21,70 40,50 45,00
3 26,00 28,90 54,00 60,00
4 39,00 43,30 81,00 90,00
5 52,00 57,80 108,00 120,00
6 58,50 65,00 121,50 135,00
7 65,00 72,20 135,00 150,00
8 13,00 14,40 27,00 30,00
9 26,00 28,90 54,00 60,00
10 39,00 43,30 81,00 90,00
11 52,00 57,80 108,00 120,00
12 78,00 86,70 162,00 180,00
13 104,00 115,60 216,00 240,00
14 117,00 130,00 243,00 270,00
15 130,00 144,40 270,00 300,00

Выходная мощность передатчика

• IEEE 802.11a:

  15 dBm при 6,9 Мбит/с 

  15 dBm при 12,18 Мбит/с 

  13 dBm при 24,36 Мбит/с 

  11 dBm при 48,54 Мбит/с 

• IEEE 802.11b:

  18 dBm при 1 Мбит/с 

  18 dBm при 2 Мбит/с

  18 dBm при 5,5 Мбит/с

  18 dBm при 11 Мбит/с

• IEEE 802.11g:

  18 dBm при 6 Мбит/с

  18 dBm при 9 Мбит/с

  18 dBm при 12 Мбит/с

  18 dBm при 18 Мбит/с

  16 dBm при 24 Мбит/с

  16 dBm при 36 Мбит/с

  14 dBm при 48 Мбит/с

  14 dBm при 54 Мбит/с

• IEEE 802.11n:

  2,4 ГГц/HT-20

  18 dBm при MCS0/8

  18 dBm при MCS1/9

  18 dBm при MCS2/10

  18 dBm при MCS3/11

  16 dBm при MCS4/12

  16 dBm при MCS5/13

  14 dBm при MCS6/14

  14 dBm при MCS7/15

  2,4 ГГц/HT-40:

  18 dBm при MCS0/8

  18 dBm при MCS1/9

  18 dBm при MCS2/10

  18 dBm при MCS3/11

  16 dBm при MCS4/12

  16 dBm при MCS5/13

  14 dBm при MCS6/14

  14 dBm при MCS7/15

  5 ГГц/HT-20

  15 dBm при MCS0/8

  15 dBm при MCS1/9

  15 dBm при MCS2/10

  15 dBm при MCS3/11

  13 dBm при MCS4/12

  13 dBm при MCS5/13

  11 dBm при MCS6/14

  11 dBm при MCS7/15

  5 ГГц/HT-40

  15 dBm при MCS0/8

  15 dBm при MCS1/9

  15 dBm при MCS2/10

  15 dBm при MCS3/11

  13 dBm при MCS4/12

  13 dBm при MCS5/13

  11 dBm при MCS6/14

  11 dBm при MCS7/15

Чувствительность приемника

• IEEE 802.11a:

  -82 dBm при 6 Мбит/с

  -81 dBm при 9 Мбит/с

  -79 dBm при 12 Мбит/с

  -77 dBm при 18 Мбит/с

  -74 dBm при 24 Мбит/с

  -70 dBm при 36 Мбит/с

  -66 dBm при 48 Мбит/с

  -65 dBm при 54 Мбит/с

• IEEE 802.11b:

  -79 dBm при 1 Мбит/с

  -79 dBm при 2 Мбит/с

  -79 dBm при 5,5 Мбит/с

  -79 dBm при 11 Мбит/с

• IEEE 802.11g:

  -82 dBm при 6 Мбит/с

  -81 dBm при 9 Мбит/с

  -79 dBm при 12 Мбит/с

  -77 dBm при 18 Мбит/с

  -74 dBm при 24 Мбит/с

  -70 dBm при 36 Мбит/с

  -66 dBm при 48 Мбит/с

  -65 dBm при 54 Мбит/с

• IEEE 802.11n:

  2,4 ГГц/HT-20

  -82 dBm при MCS0/8

  -79 dBm при MCS1/9

  -77 dBm при MCS2/10

  -74 dBm при MCS3/11

  -70 dBm при MCS4/12

  -66 dBm при MCS5/13

  -65 dBm при MCS6/14

  -64 dBm при MCS7/15

  2,4 ГГц/HT-40:

  -79 dBm при MCS0/8

  -76 dBm при MCS1/9

  -74 dBm при MCS2/10

  -71 dBm при MCS3/11

  -67 dBm при MCS4/12

  -63 dBm при MCS5/13

  -62 dBm при MCS6/14

  -61 dBm при MCS7/15

  5 ГГц/HT-20

  -82 dBm при MCS0/8

  -79 dBm при MCS1/9

  -77 dBm при MCS2/10

  -74 dBm при MCS3/11

  -70 dBm при MCS4/12

  -66 dBm при MCS5/13

  -65 dBm при MCS6/14

  -64 dBm при MCS7/15

  5 ГГц/HT-40

  -79 dBm при MCS0/8

  -76 dBm при MCS1/9

  -74 dBm при MCS2/10

  -74 dBm при MCS3/11

  -67 dBm при MCS4/12

  -63 dBm при MCS5/13

  -62 dBm при MCS6/14

  -61 dBm при MCS7/15



DWA-160/RU/C    Беспроводной двухдиапазонный USB-адаптер N300



Вид спереди


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В каталоге нет драйверов для D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.

Драйверы для D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter (сетевые устройства).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.

Here’s another exciting review to help you stream video over your home or office network. If you are using the DWA160 Adapter, then the updated D-Link DWA-160 Drivers can help you stream video over your home network quickly and efficiently.

As a user, you might have used a number of different digital services in the past to improve the performance of your system. If you want to know more about how the wireless connectivity on your system can help you improve performance, then stay with us and explore all the information.

What are D-Link DWA-160 Drivers?

D-Link DWA-160 driver is a networking utility program, which is specially developed for DWA-160 Wireless USB Adapters. The driver is updated regularly, and if it isn’t correctly installed, it can cause your device to perform poorly.

If you are using the DWA-125 D-Link adapter and having issues with the drivers, then don’t worry about it. We also have the updated D-link DWA-125 Driver for you all to improve the performance.

The Wireless network has become one of the most popular methods of connecting to the Internet; through which anyone can have fast connectivity services. There are several types of connectivity services available for the users, but the most widespread is Wireless and Ethernet.

In the past, Ethernet has been one of the most widely used methods of connectivity, which has been used all around the globe. However, with the invention of wireless connections, people are now able to have smart connectivity without any issues.

Various types of wireless adapters are available, which provide users with the ability to access wireless connectivity. Therefore, there are a number of companies available for users, which provide unique services to users.

In fact, there are a lot of companies, which offer different types of digital devices. Some of the most popular companies, such as D-Link, offer different types of digital Network Adapters. The company provides various types of devices that you can use.

D-Link DWA-160 Driver

In this article, we will discuss about the D-Link DWA-160 Wireless USB Adapter which offers some of the best wireless data-sharing services that you can find in the market today. Therefore, if you want to know more about it, you only have to stay with us to explore all the facts.

Data Transfer Rate

A device’s data-transfer rate is one of the most important features for anyone. This is why here you are going to get a device that is designed to provide the user with a high-speed data transfer rate. It provides the user with 248 Megabits Per Second for the users.

D-Link DWA-160

Using this incredible device, you can easily share large files and have a smooth data-sharing experience with this awesome device and have fun along the way. The device also offers long-range connectivity services so you can have a smooth data-sharing experience.

There is also a mobility-friendly size of the device, which means that anyone is able to easily carry the device without any problem. In other words, if you want to have unlimited fun, all you need to do is to get this amazing device and enjoy endless fun in it.

Common Errors

It’s a fact that there are some common errors that you may experience while using this amazing device. In this article, we will walk you through some of the most common errors that users encounter while using this device so that you can keep an eye out for them.

  • Unable to Connect On System
  • OS Unable to Recognize Device
  • Slow Data-Sharing Problem
  • Unable to Find Networks
  • Problem With Connectivity
  • Frequent Connectivity Breaks
  • Many More

Furthermore, there are several other problems, which you might encounter while using this device. If you are encountering such a problem, then you don’t have to worry about it, we are here with a simple solution for you to solve it.

Generally, the best solution for resolving any problem is to update the D-Link DWA-160 Wireless USB Adapter Driver with the latest version. This will resolve all kinds of problems instantly and allow you to enjoy your time with your device.

When a driver is out of date, users encounter various types of problems with the system, and the OS is unable to share data with the device as a result of the outdated driver. Therefore, it is important to update the driver in order to resolve the problems.

Compatible OS

The OS editions available might not be compatible with all available versions of the OS, which is why we are sharing the compatible editions with you all. If you wish to know more about the compatible OS editions, then check out the following list.

  • Windows 11 X64 Edition
  • Windows 10 32/64 Bit
  • Windows 8.1 32/64 Bit
  • Windows 8 32/64 Bit
  • Windows 7 32/64 Bit
  • Windows Vista 32Bit/X64
  • MacOS
  • Linux

We have listed below a list of compatible OS editions that are compatible with the updated driver. Therefore, if you happen to be using one of these OS editions, then you don’t need to worry about these types of problems. Here’s more information about Drivers.

How to Download D-Link DWA-160 Driver?

In order to help you all, we have designed an easy-to-follow web page for you to follow, through which users can easily get the latest version of the driver. If you have such a problem, then you do not need to waste your time searching online anymore.

There is only one thing you will need to do here, which is to locate the download area, which is provided at the bottom of this page. Once you have found the download button, you can click on it and the downloading process will begin quickly after the click is made.

There is no need to worry if any kind of error occurs when you try to download the driver. We are here to provide you with the fastest and most efficient way to download the driver. So, if any kind of error occurs when you try to download the driver, please contact us.


How to Connect DWA 160 Wireless Adapter?

Connect the adapter to the USB Port of the system.

How to Fix the DWA160 Adapter Frequent Connectivity Error?

Update the device driver to fix the problem.

How to Update D-Link DWA-160 USB Driver?

Get the updated driver from this page and update the device driver.

Final Words

This D-Link DWA-160 Driver provides users with the ability to improve their wireless connectivity. If you are willing to improve the performance of your wireless connection, then you should update the device driver. Keep following our blog for more digital device reviews and drivers.

Download Link

Network Driver

  • Windows
  • Linux 
  • macOS

Driver name


Actual version



D-LINK DWA-160 XTREME N DUAL BAND USB ADAPTER(REV.B2) drivers for Windows x64

D-LINK DWA-160 XTREME N DUAL BAND USB ADAPTER(REV.B2) drivers for Windows x86

D-LINK DWA-160 XTREME N DUAL BAND USB ADAPTER(REV.B2) drivers list for Windows 10 x64








D-Link Corporation

Windows 10 x64

Windows 8.1 x64

Windows 7 x64

Windows 7 x86

Windows Vista x64

Windows Vista x86

Windows XP SP2 x64

Windows XP x64

Windows XP x86


RT2870.inf Download



D-Link Corporation

Windows 10 x64

Windows 8.1 x64

Windows 7 x64

Windows 7 x86

Windows Vista x64

Windows Vista x86

Windows XP SP2 x64

Windows XP x64

Windows XP x86


RT2870.inf Download
  • Драйверы


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  • 32bit
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  • 32bitWindows 7
  • Atheros


  • Network adapters
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273.51 KB

D-Link DWA-160 Rev. A2 драйверы помогут исправить неполадки и ошибки в работе устройства. Скачайте драйверы на D-Link DWA-160 Rev. A2 для разных версий операционных систем Windows (32 и 64 bit). После скачивания архива с драйвером для D-Link DWA-160 Rev. A2 нужно извлечь файл в любую папку и запустить его.

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