D link dns 323 windows 10

Включение протокола SMB 1.0 в Windows 10

We’re making your NAS secure by hiding it from you
(Мы сделаем ваш NAS безопасным, скрыв его от вас)

Есть у меня в сети старенький сетевой накопитель D-Link DNS-323. И в лучшие времена, эту бюджетную модель не баловали обновлениями, а сейчас производитель и вовсе про него забыл. Если задумываетесь о приобретении сетевого накопителя (NAS), то рекомендую смотреть в сторону продукции QNAP, а про D-Link лучше вообще забыть, но что-то я отвлёкся.

Суть в том, что компьютеры с Windows 10 в упор не видели этот накопитель в сети, хотя пользователи младших версий Windows и «маки», в это же самое время, прекрасно с ним работали. Признаюсь, я не очень следил за бюллетенями безопасности Windows, потому потратил некоторое время, чтобы разобраться как заставить «десятку» снова работать с данным сетевым накопителем.

В предварительной инсайдерской сборке Preview Build 14936, вышедшей почти 3 года назад, было предупреждение о том, что после обновления пользователи могут обнаружить таинственное исчезновение общих сетевых ресурсов, таких как NAS.

Дело в том, что там была отключена поддержка устаревшего и небезопасного протокола SMB 1.0. Сетевой накопитель D-Link DNS-323 остановился в своём развитии как раз на этом устаревшем протоколе. Кстати, протокол SMB 1.0 до сих пор используется на многих домашних роутерах, потому возможны проблемы с отображением в домашней сети подключенных жёстких дисков или флешек.

Но всё можно исправить. В Windows 10 имеется возможность принудительно включить поддержку протокола SMB 1.0. В панели управления открываем «Программы и компоненты», кликаем по ссылке «Включение или отключение компонентов Windows». Находим пункт «SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support» и активируем его (как на скриншоте в самом начале).

Вы должны понимать, что использование данного решения не рекомендовано и подвергает вашу систему опасности. Впрочем, для домашнего использования подобная мера безопасности вообще не актуальна.

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Topic: D-Link DNS-323 not discovered after upgrade to Windows 10  (Read 62160 times)

My venerable DNS-323 is not discovered after I upgraded to Windows 10.  I attempted to connect to it with my original IP address and the default IP address,, but Firefox, Edge, and Chrome all time out.

Is there something I should know about this appliance and Windows 10?

My DNS-323 is hardware version C1 and came with firmware version 1.08.  I’ve upgraded the firmware; but, I don’t know what version I’m at now; because, I can’t access the appliance.


It is nothing to do with your DNS-323 but it has everything to do with win 10.  We found this out last weekend the hard way when one of our clients office computers updated to win 10 and then wouldn’t/couldn’t do their weekly backup to the NAS boxes on site or in our computer room.

There is a problem with SMB/CIFS implementation in win 10 and I assume there will be a fix for that soon.  The other thing you need to do is check that your NAS and win 10 computer are in the same workgroup and that win 10 is correctly setting your computer to the correct network subnet.

This item my service manager found might be of help http://www.tenforums.com/network-sharing/7386-cant-see-other-computers-workgroup-windows-10-computer-9.html

For those interested we solved the clients problem — since they office computers and using things like LibreOffice for the bulk of their work, after we managed to recover the last days work we reformatted the drives and installed Linux Mint and the Linux versions of their software.  We have had only one complaint and that wes ‘why didn’t we do that sooner?’.


Thanks for the reply and the link; I’ll check it out now; and maybe look at a MSFT board to see what’s up there.

As for the workgroup and subnet; they should be.  Win 10 maintained the same workgroup in the upgrade, and I made no changes to the DNS-323 before the upgrade.  Of course, I don’t know for sure, because I can’t access the NAS. 

Do you think trying the DNS-323 USB connection might work; just to make sure everything is copacetic on it; or, is that even possible?

Thanks again.


I’m sorry that I can’t be more specific at the moment but I do have one of my people trying to find out what win 10 does to networking to stop the local network being seen.

All I can think of at the moment is that, if you have a tablet (we use Android tablets but I assume the Apple tablets can do the same things) use something like ES File Explorer and look under the ‘Lan’ or ‘FTP’ tabs and you should see your DNS-323 and can check that everything is in fact still there (with the FTP you will have to put in the IP address of the NAS, assuming you have FTP activated).  You should also be able to open the web UI using the tablets built in browser.



Your suggestion to try an Android tablet was great!  The DNS-323 shows up fine and I could find and access the file I was looking for. 8)

Now I’ll have to try and figure out why Windows 10 doesn’t see it.  I made sure the workgroup name matched, but have now other ideas to try right now.


We came across the same problem with in the DNS-320 forum.  There is a solution for this time http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=65605.0

 I don’t know if it was a genuine mistake on the part of MS of if they have gone back to their old ways of ’embrace, extend and extinguish’, I do know they are pushing very hard for people to take up their Asure cloud offering.


I’m really new on that and I need a really easy level explanation to understand what can I do. 
I have a D-LINK DNS-323 (B1) and after updating to Windows 10 I cannot open it. When I click over the icon, I’m always sent to the URL bar to access through the IP address but I do not have any «username» and «password».
I’ve change my computer�s name and workgroup�s name and it�s not working (I got other computers with Windows Xp, Vista, 7 and 8 and works perfect).
What do I have to do to access to it?
Thank you.


This is a known problem acknowledged by Microsoft:

I’m really new on that and I need a really easy level explanation to understand what can I do. 
I have a D-LINK DNS-323 (B1) and after updating to Windows 10 I cannot open it. When I click over the icon, I’m always sent to the URL bar to access through the IP address but I do not have any «username» and «password».
I’ve change my computer�s name and workgroup�s name and it�s not working (I got other computers with Windows Xp, Vista, 7 and 8 and works perfect).
What do I have to do to access to it?
Thank you.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 02:33:52 PM by FurryNutz »


Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.

I have a DNS-323-A1 with WIndows 10.  I was able to connect by running the DLINK Easy Search utility and assigning a drive letter to each volume.  Hope this helps


Something to do with SMB 1.0 for Windows 10 security. They removed the SMB 1.0 automatically.
Go to Windows Feature and turn it back ON.



Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.

Wouldn’t it be more prudent to configure the 323 to use Samba server v3, rather than enable Samba client v1 in Windows 10?   It’s disabled on Windows 10 for a reason, security.


It’s only  MS security issue which they chose to not fully support, however it’s still available in there OS so might not be a major concern.

The 323 has been out of service and no longer developed on. EOL. Unless there is a major security flaw that needs fixed, there probably won’t be any more FW updates.
    This product has been discontinued.
    Free support for this product has ended on 05/05/2013

Wouldn’t it be more prudent to configure the 323 to use Samba server v3, rather than enable Samba client v1 in Windows 10?   It’s disabled on Windows 10 for a reason, security.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 10:43:20 AM by FurryNutz »


Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.

Here we are July 4th 2018 and I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked so far.
I have Windows 10 and a DNS-323
I can map a drive but cannot navigate the folder structure without my windows explorer freezing up and crashing
I cannot navigate to my admin console using IE, Edge or Firefox,
I can ping it
I’ve enabled and disabled everything under the sun but yet nothing works

Anyone find a solution to this with Windows 10? :(

Under Windows 7 everything works fine



  • What Hardware version is your DNS? Look at the sticker behind or under the device.
  • Link>What Firmware version is currently loaded? Found on the DNSs web page under status.
  • What region are you located?

Do you have SMBv1 enabled in windows 10?

Here we are July 4th 2018 and I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked so far.
I have Windows 10 and a DNS-323
I can map a drive but cannot navigate the folder structure without my windows explorer freezing up and crashing
I cannot navigate to my admin console using IE, Edge or Firefox,
I can ping it
I’ve enabled and disabled everything under the sun but yet nothing works

Anyone find a solution to this with Windows 10? :(

Under Windows 7 everything works fine


Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


  • 1 What is d-Link DNS-323?
  • 2 How do I access DNS-323 on Windows 10?
    • 2.1 How do I access my Dlink network drive?
    • 2.2 How do I setup my D-Link DNS 321?
      • 2.2.1 What kind of hard drive does D-Link dns-323 use?
      • 2.2.2 What can a dns-323 sharecenter do for You?

The D-Link® 2-Bay Network Storage Enclosure (DNS-323) when used with two internal 3.5” SATA drives1 enables you to share documents, files, and digital media such as music, photos, and video with everyone on your home or office network.

How do I access DNS-323 on Windows 10?

Here is how you gain back access to your D-Link DNS-323 network bay from Windows 10:

  1. Type “Turn windows features on or off” to your Windows 10 search box and open it.
  2. Scroll down till you find SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support. Click on the plus sign to expand it and mark only SMB 1.0/CIFS Client. Click OK.

How do I setup my Dlink DNS-323?

The simplest way to access your DNS-323 is to use theEasy Search Utility provided on the CD-ROM. Thiswill automatically detect any DNS-323 devices on your network,allow you to set up network drives in Windows, perform basicconfiguration and access the web configuration interface.

How do I update the firmware on my Dlink DNS-323?

Step 1: Download the latest firmware from http://www.dlink.com. Step 2: Once you’ve downloaded the firmware, open a web browser and log into your D-Link DNS-323. Step 3: Enter your username (admin) and your password. Click Configuration to enter the web configuration for the device.

How do I access my Dlink network drive?

  1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Run.
  2. Type \\ IP address of the router (default is
  3. Example- \\
  4. Click OK.
  5. If you are prompted to enter a Username and Password, enter the credentials that you use to log in to the router’s web-based configuration utility.

How do I setup my D-Link DNS 321?

Insert a 3.5” SATA hard drive into an available drive bay. Make sure to align the drive connector to the SATA connector on the bottom edge inside the drive bay of the DNS-321. Gently push the drive in until it connects.

How big is the D-Link dns-323 storage enclosure?

The DNS-323 has a built in FTP server so you can log in anywhere you have an internet connection. Since it connects to your network with a Gigabit Ethernet connection you know your local network won’t be the cause of slow data transfers. Internally the enclosure has space for two 3.5″ SATA hard drives of any currently available capacity.

What is the D-Link sharecenter 2 bay storage enclosure?

ShareCenter 2‑Bay Network Storage Enclosure. DNS‑323. The D-Link 2-Bay Network Storage Enclosure (DNS-323) enables you to share documents, files, and digital media such as music, photos, and video with everyone on your home or office network.

What kind of hard drive does D-Link dns-323 use?

D-Link’s 2-Bay Network Storage Enclosure (DNS-323) is a high performance solution for all your data storage needs. The new SATA hard drive bays allow for quick insertion and release, no tools are required. Utilizing a high performance CPU, read/write functions to and from the DNS-323 are exceptionally smooth.

What can a dns-323 sharecenter do for You?

The DNS-323 connects directly to your home or office network and acts as a media hub for BitTorrent-enabled content. The DNS-323 also acts as an UPnP™ AV media server that streams media to a compatible player (such as those found in D-Link’s MediaLounge™ product line). Protection, Performance, and Flexibility.

Your setup may look slightly different.

  1. Configure the DNS-323 for access from your network.
  2. Go to Setup > Device.
  3. Browse into the DNS-323 using Windows Explorer and create the directory structure you wish to use.
  4. Log into the DNS-323 configuration pages and go to Advanced > Users.
  5. Go to Advanced > Network Access.

How do I access DNS-323?

The simplest way to access your DNS-323 is to use theEasy Search Utility provided on the CD-ROM. Thiswill automatically detect any DNS-323 devices on your network,allow you to set up network drives in Windows, perform basicconfiguration and access the web configuration interface.

What DNS-323?

The DNS-323 includes the latest BitTorrent® software support so you can access and store digital media from the Internet without the need for a dedicated PC to be turned on or connected. The DNS-323 connects directly to your home or office network and acts as a media hub for BitTorrent-enabled content.

How do I access DNS-323 on Windows 10?

Here is how you gain back access to your D-Link DNS-323 network bay from Windows 10:

  1. Type “Turn windows features on or off” to your Windows 10 search box and open it.
  2. Scroll down till you find SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support. Click on the plus sign to expand it and mark only SMB 1.0/CIFS Client. Click OK.

How do I reset my DNS 323?

To reset the DNS-313/323, access the management (web GUI), go toTOOLS – SYSTEM and press Restore. Allow a minute for the device to reset. If you cannot reach the web UI, locate the reset button on theback of the DNS-313/323.

How do I reset my DNS 320?

To factory reset the DNS-320L locate the small hole on the bottom of the machine marked “reset”. After the DNS-320L has been powered on for at least one minute insert an unfolded paper clip or tiny screw driver in the hole. Push gently until you feel a click and then hold for 10 seconds. Then release the button.

How do I reset my Dlink DNS 323?

How do I connect to DNS 321?

Insert a 3.5” SATA hard drive into an available drive bay. Make sure to align the drive connector to the SATA connector on the bottom edge inside the drive bay of the DNS-321. Gently push the drive in until it connects. When a drive is inserted properly, you will feel it “seat” into the connector.

How do I reset my DNS 327l?

How do I access my DNS 320?

How to Access the Web Interface of the DNS-320 Remotely using D-Link Router

  1. Put a check mark on the row to enable the rule.
  2. Enter a name for the policy you would like to create.
  3. Enter the IP Address of the DNS-320 (On Step 2)
  4. Enter Port 80 both on Public and Private port.

How do I reset my DNS-320L?

How to reset dns-323 with power adapter?

Shut down DNS-323. Remove Power adapter cable and network cable. Insert/press down paper clip/pen-tip into RESET pinhole at back of DNS-323 next to ethernet socket (keep it held down) Insert power adapter, press Power button at front of DNS-323, lights will come on. Wait at least 10 seconds before releasing the RESET button.

Is the D-Link dns-323 a powerful NAS?

The DNS-323 is a powerful NAS with Gigabit Ethernet, print server and extension via software. It can have a FTP server, DHCP, and even Bittorrent! This is my first disassembling, please be patient, correct my grammar mistakes if you find some. This was pretty easy, nothing compared to iPods or Macs.

How to download the D-Link dns-323 user manual?

D-Link DNS-3u00183 User Manual… Section 3 – Configuration The Local Area Network settings for the DNS-323 are configured on the LAN page. The LAN Link Speed is set to Auto Link Speed by default, but can be manually set to 100Mbps or 1000Mbps. DHCP Client…

What is the admin password for dns-323?

It is recommended to set an admin account password when first configuring the DNS-323. The administrator user name is User Name admin, and this cannot be changed. Section 3 – Configuration Time The DNS-323 Time page contains several different options for setting the device’s internal clock.

Feature 01


03-Aug-22 12:48

04-Jul-22 23:52
Great job, BIG Thanks.

02-Jul-22 03:39
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30-Jun-22 20:43
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28-Jun-22 16:30
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06-Jun-22 12:02
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02-Jun-22 21:00
I’m proud of you!

22-Apr-22 20:25
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22-Apr-22 18:28
Works perfect, TY.

12-Feb-22 02:14
I’ll give it a shot, hopefully that works!

20-Jan-22 00:36
Thanks for this awesomeee program, works fine… D link dns 323 for windows 10

07-Jan-22 01:00
real good stuff

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02-Jan-22 04:13
THX from Croatia!

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