Чем отличается wpf от windows forms

I am programming simple Windows apps. I don’t need DB support. Why would I use WPF instead of WinForms?

Massimiliano's user avatar


16.8k10 gold badges70 silver badges113 bronze badges

asked Aug 26, 2009 at 20:39

Alex Gordon's user avatar

Alex GordonAlex Gordon

57.8k289 gold badges672 silver badges1067 bronze badges


One obvious answer is that WPF offers a richer user experience than WinForms, allowing for animations (even 3D) in the user interface, for example.

From a development perspective, it goes a long way to enforce the separation of the User Interface (in the XAML) from the business logic (in VB.NET or C#), which is always a good thing.

A Google search for «WPF vs WinForms» brings up lots of pages that discuss this issue. I won’t repeat all their findings here, but this page raises some interesting points:

  1. Databinding in WPF is superior to what Windows Forms offers.
  2. UI and C# business logic can be cleanly separated in WPF
  3. Storyboard
  4. Data/control templates – a much cleaner way than anything Windows
    Forms can offer.
  5. Styles – cool and simple. Its so easy to style all your buttons in an
    application to have the same look and
  6. Even if the VS designer breaks, its easy to code XAML.
  7. UI virtualization – I’ve got grids with 100K rows, ticking off a moving
    market. Performance would be dreadful
    if it wasn’t for UI visualization
    which come for free.
  8. 3D support.
  9. Nothing scientific but, UI development feels quicker in WPF –
    maybe its just because a WPF
    application looks cooler at the end of
    an iteration, or maybe its because
    development really is quicker.
  10. I can add a User Experience engineer to my team, and with no C#
    knowledge he can work magic in
    Expression Blend and give the
    front-office trading application a
    makeover that is guaranteed to win
    over the business users.

Pang's user avatar


9,622146 gold badges81 silver badges122 bronze badges

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 20:43

ChrisF's user avatar


WPF is the current platform for developing Windows desktop applications. It is a modern, advanced, hardware accelerated framework for developing applications that maintain separation of concerns. It supports advanced rendering of 2D vector and 3D graphics, providing an immense range of capabilities for building rich, interactive, and quality user interfaces.

WinForms, on the other hand, provides a basic platform for developing «classic» Windows apps with your standard look and feel using standard controls. It does not offer the rich, hardware accelerated, vector 2D and 3D capabilities that WPF offers. WinForms applications tend to have much greater coupling between application behavior and UI (view), which presents a less flexible platform upon which to develop applications.

As for which one you choose, it entirely depends on your needs. If you need vector graphics, 3D rendering, the ability to create rich, interactive, animated, modern user interfaces, and/or wish to maintain separation of concerns, WPF is definitely the right choice. If you need none of that, and just need to create a simple UI that solves a simple problem, WinForms will meet your needs just fine.

Pang's user avatar


9,622146 gold badges81 silver badges122 bronze badges

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 20:44

jrista's user avatar


32.5k15 gold badges90 silver badges130 bronze badges

  • To learn.
  • To have greater (i.e. any) control over the appearance of your program
  • To benefit from easier data binding, triggers, styles

(I don’t see what DB support has got to do with it)

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 20:44

Benjol's user avatar


64.2k54 gold badges187 silver badges268 bronze badges

WPF can utilize hardware acceleration to some degree, but that is expected to improve over time.

Also, because of XAML, you have more options for «doing stuff», declarative vs. programmatic, or a mixture of both.

Microsoft no longer does active development on WinForms, they are strongly pushing WPF, and for good reason.

WPF allows for much easier «resolution agnostic» designing. To achieve that in WinForms, it is a lot more work.

The MVVM pattern was already mentioned in one of the comments, this allows one to do real unit testing vs. GUI-based testing on your code, that is a big win, in my experience.

Pang's user avatar


9,622146 gold badges81 silver badges122 bronze badges

answered Jan 21, 2010 at 15:58

Chris O's user avatar

Chris OChris O

5,0173 gold badges35 silver badges42 bronze badges

Nobody mentioned about better testing capabilities of the WPF applications (if they are written in the correct way, for example based on the MVVM pattern).

answered Jan 21, 2010 at 15:49

Budda's user avatar


18.1k34 gold badges124 silver badges206 bronze badges


Anywhere Execution due to XAML.

Can be used as WinApp, WebApp, Mobile.

Whereas WindowsForm Internal UI representation is in C#.


Binding —>Simple object to object data transfer.


Common look and feel(Styles) —>can define look and feel styles commonly and use it for bunch of controls.


Directive Programming —>Binding objects in XAML.


Expression blend and Animation—>WPF uses DirectX, and DirectX can be used for animation.


Faster Execution(Hardware Rendering)

WPF internally uses DirectX (Hardware rendering) while Winform internally uses GDI (mostly uses Software rendering).

There are two ways by which a computer renders display on monitor.

1) (CPU) Software rendering —>In case of CPU rendering ,the CPU drives the whole logic of rendering display on monitor.CPU also does other operations like running applications,performing memory management,running OS. So on top of it its extra load to display things on monitor.

2)(GPU) Hardware rendering —>Its Specialized kinda processor, specifically meant for rendering and display faster on monitor.

Now in WPF, this rendering is further optimised in

>Tier 0 mode (Software rendering) uses DirectX7 internally,

>Tier 1 mode (Partial Hardware rendering) uses DirectX7 to DirectX9 internally,

>Tier 2 mode (Hardware rendering) uses DirectX9 internally. 


Graphic Independence (DIP) —>Means resolution independence

Resolution —> Total number of pixels that fits into screen/monitor

Pixel —> Simple dot on screen.

Windows form uses pixels as a measurement unit, so when pixel changes then win forms has to adjust itself that means we have to write logic for it.

But WPF does not use pixels as a measurement unit but uses DIP(Device independent pixels)

1 DIP = 1/96th of the inch.

At last Testing —> Better unit testing with use of MVVM pattern.

answered Apr 4, 2019 at 15:26

CaptainDeveloper's user avatar

If you want to have a rich user interface like the image posted in your previous question, I’d recommend going with WPF. Aside from making it easier to create a nice-looking application, it’s also the technology Microsoft will push in the future. There’s almost no new development for Winforms.

Community's user avatar

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 20:48

Meta-Knight's user avatar


17.6k1 gold badge48 silver badges58 bronze badges

  • The single most important difference between WinForms and WPF is the fact that while WinForms is simply a layer on top of the standard Windows controls (e.g. a TextBox), WPF is built from scratch and doesn’t rely on standard Windows controls in almost all situations.

  • A great example of this is a button with an image and text on it. This is not a standard Windows control, so WinForms doesn’t offer you this possibility out of the box. Instead, you will have to draw the image yourself, implement your own button that supports images or use a 3rd party control. With WPF, a button can contain anything because it’s essentially a border with content and various states (e.g. untouched, hovered, pressed).

check this article it will help you:

answered Feb 11, 2021 at 10:41

Muhammad Hamada's user avatar

Несколько слов о WPF:

В предыдущем разделе мы определили, что такое WPF и начали обсуждение более старого фреймворка — WinForms. В этом разделе я постараюсь сравнить данные модели, так как, несмотря на одинаковое предназначение, между ними существует множество различий. Если Вы никогда не работали до этого с WinForms и, особенно, если WPF это Ваш первый в изучении GUI фреймворк — можете пропустить текущий раздел, но если все же интересно, прочитайте ниже про различия между WPF и WinForms.

Одним из самых важных различий между WinForms и WPF является тот факт, что в WinForms интерфейс пользователя это всего лишь графический слой, использующий стандартные элементы управления Windows (например TextBox), а WPF-интерфейс, в свою очередь, построен «с чистого листа», не опираясь в большинстве случаев на стандартные элементы. Это может показаться весьма тонкой гранью между рассматриваемыми моделями, но в действительности это не так, и Вы обязательно обратите на это внимание при работе с фреймворком, базирующимся на Win32/WinAPI.

В качестве примера вышеописанной ситуации можно рассмотреть кнопку с изображением и текстом на ней. Этот элемент управления не является стандартом Windows, и, в таком случае, WinForms не предоставляет готового решения. В результате Вы будете вынуждены создать изображение и заимплементировать собственную кнопку, поддерживающую изображения либо воспользоваться готовыми нестандартными решениями. Кнопка в WPF, в свою очередь, может иметь внутри что угодно, так как это просто «рамка», содержащая графический контент, находящаяся в разных состояниях (например: нажатая, ненажатая, реагирующая на наведенный курсор). Ее можно трактовать как «невидимую» (это относится к большинству других элементов управления WPF), это значит, что она может содержать в себе ряд других элементов внутри. Вы хотите получить кнопку с изображением и текстом? Просто поместите элементы Image и TextBlock внутрь кнопки и она готова! В рамках элементов управления WinForms Вы просто не ощутите той гибкости при разработке, что является причиной процветания рынка, который предлагает готовые простые реализации таких элементов как «кнопка с изображением» и подобных.

Слабой стороной гибкости, о которой шла речь является то, что Вам придется больше работать для достижения результата, который просто можно было бы достичь в WinForms, так как она была создана для определенных сценариев. Как минимум, это будет ощутимо в начале, когда Вы захотите например создать шаблон ListView с изображением и хорошо выровненным текстом, тогда как ListView в WinForms это всего лишь одна строка кода.

Выше было представлено лишь одно из различий, но когда Вы начнете работать с WPF, то поймете, что оно является причиной большого количества других — просто WPF устроен по своему, хорошо это или плохо — решать Вам. Больше никаких ограничений элементами управления платформы Windows, но для того, что достичь гибкости, о которой шла речь — придется приложить больше усилий, по сравнению с созданием стандартных Windows интерфейсой пользователя.

Ниже приведено полностью субъективное мнение на тему ключевых преимуществ WPF и WinForms. Это может помочь вам понять, какую из технологий стоит использовать.

Преимущества WPF

  • Она более новая и, соответственно, отвечает современным стандартам разработки
  • Microsoft использует ее во многих своих приложениях, например Visual Studio
  • Это более гибкая система, Вы можете сделать больше, без написания или покупки готовых элементов управления
  • Если вдруг Вы решите воспользоваться готовыми решениями из сообщества, скорее всего сторонние разработчики будут сфокусированы именно на WPF, поскольку это более новая система
  • С помощью XAML можно легко создавать и редактировать GUI, позволяя разделить работу дизайнера (XAML) и программиста (C#, VB.NET и др.)
  • Привязка данных позволяет Вам еще лучше разделить данные и GUI
  • Для лучшей производительности можно использовать аппаратное ускорение при отрисовке GUI
  • Позволяет создавать GUI как для Windows приложений, так и для приложений Web (Silverlight/XBAP)

Преимущества WinForms

  • Технология более старая и, соответственно, лучше испытанная и протестированная
  • На данный момент существует огромное множество готовых элементов управления, которые можно купить либо использовать бесплатно
  • С точки зрения написания, дизайнер Visual Studio лучше приспособлен к WinForms, так как в WPF больше необходимо делать самому

I am programming simple Windows apps. I don’t need DB support. Why would I use WPF instead of WinForms?

Massimiliano's user avatar


16.8k10 gold badges70 silver badges113 bronze badges

asked Aug 26, 2009 at 20:39

Alex Gordon's user avatar

Alex GordonAlex Gordon

57.8k289 gold badges672 silver badges1067 bronze badges


One obvious answer is that WPF offers a richer user experience than WinForms, allowing for animations (even 3D) in the user interface, for example.

From a development perspective, it goes a long way to enforce the separation of the User Interface (in the XAML) from the business logic (in VB.NET or C#), which is always a good thing.

A Google search for «WPF vs WinForms» brings up lots of pages that discuss this issue. I won’t repeat all their findings here, but this page raises some interesting points:

  1. Databinding in WPF is superior to what Windows Forms offers.
  2. UI and C# business logic can be cleanly separated in WPF
  3. Storyboard
  4. Data/control templates – a much cleaner way than anything Windows
    Forms can offer.
  5. Styles – cool and simple. Its so easy to style all your buttons in an
    application to have the same look and
  6. Even if the VS designer breaks, its easy to code XAML.
  7. UI virtualization – I’ve got grids with 100K rows, ticking off a moving
    market. Performance would be dreadful
    if it wasn’t for UI visualization
    which come for free.
  8. 3D support.
  9. Nothing scientific but, UI development feels quicker in WPF –
    maybe its just because a WPF
    application looks cooler at the end of
    an iteration, or maybe its because
    development really is quicker.
  10. I can add a User Experience engineer to my team, and with no C#
    knowledge he can work magic in
    Expression Blend and give the
    front-office trading application a
    makeover that is guaranteed to win
    over the business users.

Pang's user avatar


9,622146 gold badges81 silver badges122 bronze badges

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 20:43

ChrisF's user avatar


WPF is the current platform for developing Windows desktop applications. It is a modern, advanced, hardware accelerated framework for developing applications that maintain separation of concerns. It supports advanced rendering of 2D vector and 3D graphics, providing an immense range of capabilities for building rich, interactive, and quality user interfaces.

WinForms, on the other hand, provides a basic platform for developing «classic» Windows apps with your standard look and feel using standard controls. It does not offer the rich, hardware accelerated, vector 2D and 3D capabilities that WPF offers. WinForms applications tend to have much greater coupling between application behavior and UI (view), which presents a less flexible platform upon which to develop applications.

As for which one you choose, it entirely depends on your needs. If you need vector graphics, 3D rendering, the ability to create rich, interactive, animated, modern user interfaces, and/or wish to maintain separation of concerns, WPF is definitely the right choice. If you need none of that, and just need to create a simple UI that solves a simple problem, WinForms will meet your needs just fine.

Pang's user avatar


9,622146 gold badges81 silver badges122 bronze badges

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 20:44

jrista's user avatar


32.5k15 gold badges90 silver badges130 bronze badges

  • To learn.
  • To have greater (i.e. any) control over the appearance of your program
  • To benefit from easier data binding, triggers, styles

(I don’t see what DB support has got to do with it)

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 20:44

Benjol's user avatar


64.2k54 gold badges187 silver badges268 bronze badges

WPF can utilize hardware acceleration to some degree, but that is expected to improve over time.

Also, because of XAML, you have more options for «doing stuff», declarative vs. programmatic, or a mixture of both.

Microsoft no longer does active development on WinForms, they are strongly pushing WPF, and for good reason.

WPF allows for much easier «resolution agnostic» designing. To achieve that in WinForms, it is a lot more work.

The MVVM pattern was already mentioned in one of the comments, this allows one to do real unit testing vs. GUI-based testing on your code, that is a big win, in my experience.

Pang's user avatar


9,622146 gold badges81 silver badges122 bronze badges

answered Jan 21, 2010 at 15:58

Chris O's user avatar

Chris OChris O

5,0173 gold badges35 silver badges42 bronze badges

Nobody mentioned about better testing capabilities of the WPF applications (if they are written in the correct way, for example based on the MVVM pattern).

answered Jan 21, 2010 at 15:49

Budda's user avatar


18.1k34 gold badges124 silver badges206 bronze badges


Anywhere Execution due to XAML.

Can be used as WinApp, WebApp, Mobile.

Whereas WindowsForm Internal UI representation is in C#.


Binding —>Simple object to object data transfer.


Common look and feel(Styles) —>can define look and feel styles commonly and use it for bunch of controls.


Directive Programming —>Binding objects in XAML.


Expression blend and Animation—>WPF uses DirectX, and DirectX can be used for animation.


Faster Execution(Hardware Rendering)

WPF internally uses DirectX (Hardware rendering) while Winform internally uses GDI (mostly uses Software rendering).

There are two ways by which a computer renders display on monitor.

1) (CPU) Software rendering —>In case of CPU rendering ,the CPU drives the whole logic of rendering display on monitor.CPU also does other operations like running applications,performing memory management,running OS. So on top of it its extra load to display things on monitor.

2)(GPU) Hardware rendering —>Its Specialized kinda processor, specifically meant for rendering and display faster on monitor.

Now in WPF, this rendering is further optimised in

>Tier 0 mode (Software rendering) uses DirectX7 internally,

>Tier 1 mode (Partial Hardware rendering) uses DirectX7 to DirectX9 internally,

>Tier 2 mode (Hardware rendering) uses DirectX9 internally. 


Graphic Independence (DIP) —>Means resolution independence

Resolution —> Total number of pixels that fits into screen/monitor

Pixel —> Simple dot on screen.

Windows form uses pixels as a measurement unit, so when pixel changes then win forms has to adjust itself that means we have to write logic for it.

But WPF does not use pixels as a measurement unit but uses DIP(Device independent pixels)

1 DIP = 1/96th of the inch.

At last Testing —> Better unit testing with use of MVVM pattern.

answered Apr 4, 2019 at 15:26

CaptainDeveloper's user avatar

If you want to have a rich user interface like the image posted in your previous question, I’d recommend going with WPF. Aside from making it easier to create a nice-looking application, it’s also the technology Microsoft will push in the future. There’s almost no new development for Winforms.

Community's user avatar

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 20:48

Meta-Knight's user avatar


17.6k1 gold badge48 silver badges58 bronze badges

  • The single most important difference between WinForms and WPF is the fact that while WinForms is simply a layer on top of the standard Windows controls (e.g. a TextBox), WPF is built from scratch and doesn’t rely on standard Windows controls in almost all situations.

  • A great example of this is a button with an image and text on it. This is not a standard Windows control, so WinForms doesn’t offer you this possibility out of the box. Instead, you will have to draw the image yourself, implement your own button that supports images or use a 3rd party control. With WPF, a button can contain anything because it’s essentially a border with content and various states (e.g. untouched, hovered, pressed).

check this article it will help you:

answered Feb 11, 2021 at 10:41

Muhammad Hamada's user avatar

If you’re a developer trying to choose between WPF and WinForms, you’re probably wondering about the differences between these two technologies. In this guide, we’ll provide an in-depth comparison of WPF and WinForms, outlining the key differences and similarities between them.

A Brief Overview of WPF and WinForms

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a UI framework for building desktop applications, introduced by Microsoft in 2006. WPF was created to replace WinForms, which had been the primary UI framework for Windows desktop applications since 2002. While WinForms is still in use today, WPF provides a more modern, visually appealing UI framework built on top of DirectX.

WinForms, on the other hand, is a UI framework that uses the Windows API to create desktop applications in Windows. It is the traditional UI framework for Windows desktop applications, and it is still widely used today.

One of the key differences between WPF and WinForms is the way they handle graphics. WPF uses a vector-based graphics system, which allows for high-quality, scalable graphics that can be easily animated and manipulated.

WinForms, on the other hand, uses a raster-based graphics system, which can result in lower-quality graphics and limited animation capabilities.

Another difference between the two frameworks is their support for modern UI design principles. WPF includes support for features like data binding, styles, and templates, which make it easier to create consistent, modern-looking UIs.

WinForms, on the other hand, is more limited in its support for these features, which can make it more difficult to create modern UIs without resorting to custom code.

Understanding the Fundamental Differences between WPF and WinForms

The key difference between WPF and WinForms is the underlying technology. WPF uses DirectX for rendering, while WinForms uses the Windows API.

This means that WPF can take advantage of the hardware acceleration provided by DirectX, resulting in more visually appealing and responsive UIs. WinForms, on the other hand, is limited by the capabilities of the Windows API.

Another difference between WPF and WinForms is in their approach to UI layout. WPF uses a more modern approach to layout that is based on XAML, while WinForms uses a more traditional approach that is based on forms and controls.

This means that WPF provides more flexibility and control over the layout and appearance of the UI, while WinForms is simpler to use for basic UI design.

One more difference between WPF and WinForms is in their support for multimedia content. WPF has built-in support for multimedia content such as audio, video, and animation, while WinForms requires additional libraries or plugins to support multimedia content.

This makes WPF a better choice for applications that require multimedia content, such as video players or interactive presentations.

User Interface Design in WPF vs WinForms: Which Offers More Flexibility?

When it comes to user interface design, WPF is widely considered to be the superior technology. WPF provides a rich set of controls and features for designing visually appealing UIs, including support for advanced graphics and animation.

Additionally, WPF supports a more modern approach to UI design, allowing for more flexibility and control over the layout and appearance of the UI.

WinForms, on the other hand, is simpler to use and more straightforward for basic UI design. It offers a range of standard controls that allow developers to create basic UIs quickly and easily. However, for more advanced UI design, WinForms can be limited and inflexible.

One of the key advantages of WPF over WinForms is its ability to support vector graphics. This means that UI elements can be scaled up or down without losing quality, making it ideal for high-resolution displays. Additionally, WPF allows for the creation of custom controls, which can be reused across multiple projects, saving time and effort for developers.

Another advantage of WPF is its support for data binding, which allows UI elements to be automatically updated when underlying data changes. This can be particularly useful for creating dynamic UIs that respond to user input or changes in data.

WinForms also supports data binding, but it is not as flexible or powerful as WPF’s implementation.

Performance and Scalability: A Comparison of WPF and WinForms

When it comes to performance and scalability, there are some differences between WPF and WinForms. WPF’s use of hardware acceleration means that it can provide more visually appealing and responsive UIs.

However, this can come at a cost in terms of performance, particularly for complex UIs. Additionally, WPF can be resource-intensive, which can impact performance on lower-end systems.

WinForms, on the other hand, is generally considered to be a more lightweight and performant UI framework. While it may not provide the same level of visual appeal as WPF, it can provide responsive UIs even on lower-end systems.

Another factor to consider when comparing WPF and WinForms is their compatibility with different operating systems. WPF is primarily designed for Windows operating systems, which limits its cross-platform capabilities.

On the other hand, WinForms, while also primarily designed for Windows, can be used on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, through the use of third-party libraries like Mono, making it a more versatile option for developers who need to create applications for different operating systems.

Compatibility with Modern Technologies: How WPF and WinForms Stack Up

When it comes to compatibility with modern technologies, both WPF and WinForms have their strengths and weaknesses.

WPF is generally considered to be more modern and future-proof, with support for features like touch and high DPI displays. However, it can be more challenging to integrate with legacy systems, particularly those built on WinForms.

WinForms, on the other hand, has been around for longer and has a more established ecosystem.

This means that it can be easier to integrate with legacy systems, as well as to find resources and support for development. However, WinForms lacks some of the advanced features supported by WPF, which can limit its compatibility with modern technologies.

Development Environment: Which is Easier to Use, WPF or WinForms?

When it comes to ease of use, both WPF and WinForms have their strengths and weaknesses. WPF provides a more modern and intuitive development experience, particularly for UI design. However, since WPF is a newer technology, it can take some time to learn and become proficient in.

WinForms, on the other hand, is more straightforward and easier to use for basic UI design. Additionally, since it has been around for longer, there are more resources and support available for WinForms development. However, WinForms can be more limiting and less flexible than WPF, particularly in terms of UI design.

Choosing the Right Technology for Your Project: Factors to Consider

When choosing between WPF and WinForms for your project, there are several factors to consider. These include:

  • The complexity of your application
  • Your UI design requirements
  • The performance requirements of your application
  • Your target platform and compatibility requirements
  • Your development experience and expertise

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about which technology is best suited for your project.

Pros and Cons of Using WPF versus WinForms

To help summarize the key differences between WPF and WinForms, here are some of the pros and cons of each technology:


  • Pros:
  • Cons:


  • Pros:
  • Cons:

Case Studies: Real-World Examples of Applications Built with WPF and WinForms

To help illustrate the key differences between WPF and WinForms, here are some real-world examples of applications built with each technology:

  • ArcGIS Pro: An example of a complex GIS application built with WPF, leveraging its advanced graphics and animation support.
  • Paint.NET: An example of a lightweight image editing application built with WinForms, highlighting its simplicity and ease of use.

By considering these examples and the factors outlined above, you can make an informed decision about whether WPF or WinForms is best suited for your project.

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation): WPF, as the name suggests, is a UI framework used for developing Windows or desktop client applications. It is the latest approach to the GUI framework being used with the .NET framework. It was introduced to develop Windows client apps that run on the Windows operating system, and the next generation of Windows forms. It has all the functionality that is being required to develop, run, execute, manage, and handle Windows client applications. 

It generally provides holistic means for combining or integrating UI, 2D and 3D graphics, digital media, and documents. It is responsible for developing, displaying, and manipulating UI, documents, images, etc., in Windows 7 and later operating systems. It is the current platform for developing windows applications.  

WinForms (Windows Form Application): WinForms, as the name suggests, is basically a GUI-based approach introduced to the .NET framework. Prior to WPF and Silverlight, it was the main API for .NET that is being used to build GUI. It does not require any type of support other than runtime and OS for developing a standalone application. 

One can develop apps that are easy to deploy, update, manage, and work offline while connected to the Internet. The development of WinForms is very simple as it is only based on the drag and drop placement of UI controls on canvas. It is the old platform for developing desktop applications.  

Difference between WPF and WinForms:



It is based on DirectX with XAML support.   It provides access to the native windows library of common controls.  
It uses markup language for designing UI allowing the design of complex user interfaces.   It does not use a markup language for design. In fact, it uses event-driven controls for the design. 
It can render fast as compared to WinForms, complexity, and support.   It renders slow as compared to WPF.  
It can be used to develop and design both windows applications and web applications.   It can only be used to develop and design windows applications.  
It has unlimited UI customization and controls can be customized easily as it is totally written from scratch.  In this, controls are limited and difficult to customize.  
It is easier to separate UI from back-end logic.   It is tough to separate UI from back-end logic. 
It allows you to handle large data sets because of its in-built feature “user interface virtualization”. It does not have a “user interface virtualization” feature.  
It takes up more RAM than WinForms.   It takes a smaller memory footprint. 
It is considered good when the application requires many media types, create a skinned UI, bind to XML, develop a desktop application having a web-like navigation style.   It is considered good if you want to develop an application without much added modern functionality, more online resources.  
It offers effective and fully supported data binding as compared to WinForms.   It offers data binding but in a limited way. Therefore, it’s less effective as compared to WPF. 
It also offers rich, interactive, animated, hardware accelerated, vector 2D and 3D capabilities for developing applications.   It does not offer any rich, Interactive, animated, hardware accelerated, vector 2D and 3D capabilities as compared to WPF.  
It is a little bit tough, time-consuming, and complex to use WPF as compared to WinForms.   It is simple to use WinForms as controls can be used easily, it’s less time-consuming and less tricky as compared to WPF.  
It has an inbuilt story boarding feature and animation model, it has the ability to use business objects in UI declaratively.   It does not provide such features. 

Last Updated :
26 Apr, 2022

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