Чем открыть dbf файл на windows 10

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Редактор DBF — достаточно мощный вьюер и редактор файлов DBF формата, который предоставляет возможность выполнять множество операций с базами данных…

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DBF View — Бесплатная, компактная и удобная програма для работы с DBF файлами (dBase, Clipper, FoxBase, FoxPro,…

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This article lists down the best free DBF file viewer software that enables you to view files with the .dbf extension on Windows 10 PC. Before talking about the viewers, let’s discuss what is a DBF file.

What is a DBF file?

A DBF file is basically a database file used by the dBASE database management application. Like any database file, it also stores and organizes numerous records and fields in an array data structure. This file format is supported by various database products including xBase programs, Visual FoxPro, Clipper, FoxBase, etc.

Now, to view a DBF file on Windows 10 PC, you need a dedicated program or one that offers support to this file format. Here, I am going to mention 5 software that you can use to open and view a DBF file on your Windows PC. Let’s check them out!

These are the free DBF viewer software you can use on Windows 10:

  1. DBF Viewer Plus
  2. DBF Commander
  3. LibreOffice
  4. WPS Office
  5. OpenOffice

Let’s discuss them in detail!

1] DBF Viewer Plus

DBF Viewer Plus is a dedicated software to view DBF files on Windows 10. It lets you open a DBF file and view the saved records. You get some handy features in it to view a DBF file including Search option, Form View, Enlarge, Table View, etc. It also lets you apply various filters to query data as per your requirement.

Not just viewing DBF files, it can also be used to edit and update records and fields stored in them. To do that, it offers features like direct editing, insert table (type: xBase III, xBase IV, xBase VII, FoxPro), add new fields, delete fields, and more. Besides that, you get an Export function that lets you save a DBF file in other formats including CSV, WKS, TXT, PDF, RTF, XML, and HTML.

All in all, DBF Viewer Plus is a DBF file viewer with the ability to edit and convert DBF files.

2] DBF Commander (Free)

DBF File Viewer software

DBF Commander is a free software for Windows to view DBF files. It provides both commercial and free versions; make sure to download the free edition from the aforementioned link.

It is a good dBASE file viewer that lets you view DBT and FPT memo database files too. It comes with view features like find, sort, apply filters, mark column, hide column, go to record, go to field, etc. Furthermore, you also get some editing features in this software, like Append/ Insert Record, Delete Record, Delete Fields, Recall Record, Pack Table, etc. So, you can also modify and update a DBF file using it. A Print feature is also available in it.

Some features of this DBF viewer are only available in its pro version. You can use it for free with limited viewing and editing features the ones mentioned above.

3] LibreOffice

LibreOffice is a free and open-source office suite that comes with the LibreOffice Calc application. You can use this application as a DBF file viewer as it lets you import and view DBF files.

You can also edit DBF files using it by adding a new record, inserting fields, removing existing fields, deleting selected records, etc. It even lets you export a DBF file to several other formats like CSV, XLS, XML, etc. It also provides data sorting, filters, pivot table, formulas, calculate, charts, and more features.

Read: How to convert DBF to Excel (XLSX or XLS).

4] WPS Office

WPS Office is a free office suite using which you can view DBF files on Windows 10. It comes with different office modules (document, presentation, spreadsheet) out of which you can use the Spreadsheet one to view a DBF file. Simply open a DBF file and it will display the records and fields in the spreadsheet. You can use zoom, fullscreen, split view, and more options to view data.

You can also use it to modify a DBF file like directly edit records, add new fields, insert new data, remove fields, etc. Also, you can convert a DBF file to XLS, CSV, XML, HTML, ETT, XLT, and a few other formats using it.

5] OpenOffice

OpenOffice is another alternative to a free DBF file viewer for Windows 10. It is a popular office software with applications to process documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. You can use its OpenOffice Calc (spreadsheet) application to view a DBF file. It lets you view data sources, highlight values, use zoom tool, and open a navigator to view different elements.

In it, you can find data sort, filter, validity, consolidate, pivot tale, and more features. It also allows you to edit records using insert, delete, modify, and format tools. If you want, you can save a DBF file in ODS, XLS, CSV, HTML, DIF, and more file formats. A feature to export DBF to a PDF file is also available in it.

You can also use these software to edit and convert DBF files to other formats.

Формат DBF применяется к текстовым и числовым файлам Системы Управления Базой Данных (СУБД). В стать…

Формат DBF применяется к текстовым и числовым файлам Системы Управления Базой Данных (СУБД). В статье рассмотрим особенности формата и чем открыть DBF файл.

dbf открыть

Общее описание формата DBF

DBF расшифровывается как DataBase File. Файлы DBF первоначально использовались в dBase II вплоть до dBase Version IV.

Внутри DBF-файл состоит из заголовка с порядковым номером формата и непосредственно информации в виде таблицы установленного размера.

История возникновения

В 1978 году Уэйн Рэтлифф запустил проект формата для СУБД Vulcan. В следующем году программа Вулкан в составе с первой сборкой формата DBF поступила в продажу.

Затем в 1980 году Вулкан получил другое название – dBase II. В программе стала применяться вторая ревизия формата. Право продажи получила фирма Ashton−Tate.

открыть dbf файл

Далее последовали сборки dBase III и dBase III+, использовавшие третью версию DBF. Программы оказались несовместимы по размеру.

Последний (седьмой) вариант формата появился вместе с dBase 7 for Windows.

Как и чем открыть файл DBF

Мы подготовили список инструментов, чем открыть DBF в программе Excel или просмотреть онлайн.

Как открыть формат DBF в Excel

Начнем с электронных таблиц Excel. Программа входит в офисный пакет Microsoft и в ней присутствует функция чтения формата DBF.

виа просмотр

Если на компьютере не установлен пакет Office, то скачайте дистрибутив с сайта Microsoft и установите нужные программы.

Чтобы открыть файл DBF в таблице Excel:

  • нажмите на документ правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы вызвать контекстное меню;
  • наведите курсор мыши на «Открыть» с помощью и переходите в пункт Выбрать программу;
  • выберите Microsoft Office Excel, нажмите «Ок»;
  • нужный файл откроется в виде таблицы Excel.

Открываем расширение DBF

Открывается файл формата DBF и на веб-сайте Jobtools. Правда, без редактирования.

Чтобы попасть на страницу просмотрщика:

  • в URL-строке браузера введите адрес http://jobtools.ru
  • в окне кликните кнопку Файл, затем «Открыть»;
  • в поле DBF нажмите «Выбрать файл»;
  • найдите нужный документ и щелкните «Загрузить».

Файл отобразится в окне браузера.

просмотр dbf

Интерфейс простой, нет опций кроме просмотра и постраничной прокрутки.

Чтобы открыть другой файл, нажмите кнопку «Reset» и повторите загрузку.

Чем открыть DBF
на компьютере

Кроме стандартного Офиса открываются и правятся файлы DBF через сторонние программы.

Приложение DBF Commander предоставляет распространенные операции с файлами DBF: просмотр, редактура и распечатка файлов. Поддерживается экспорт в форматы CSV, XML, HTML и Excel. Файл кодируется и декодируется алгоритмом AES-256 (Rijndael). Записи удаляются и восстанавливаются, доступна сборка таблицы.

файл дбф чем открыть

Какие могут быть проблемы с DBF

Случается, что при попытке открыть файл с расширением DBF программа выбивает ошибку File not found (Файл не найден).

В этом случае откройте файл в другой программе. Подойдет Advantage Data Base. Создайте таблицу, импортируйте исходный файл и поменяйте компоненты.

Другой выход – конвертируйте в текстовый формат doc, docx или exl и откройте в офисной программе.

Следующий тип ошибки – file or table does not exist. Это значит, что файл оказался в папке с временной копией. Откройте папку и задайте значение TSession.  для переменной Session.PrivateDir.

просмотр dbf файлов

Если программа выбивает ошибку Table Level Changed,значит,несовместимы компоненты. Установите компоненты TTable. Проверьте, правильно ли связаны файл DBF и хранилище pft.

Если не открывается файл при подключении к базе, откройте соединение и задайте новое имя OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand («SELECT * FROM Employees») с расширением DBF.

DBF Viewer для Windows 10

DBF Viewer для Windows 10 — простой в использовании инструмент для работы с DBF-файлами. Предоставляет возможность просмотра и редактирования документов этого формата. Отдельно стоит выделить удобную систему поиска по таблицам. Поддерживается сортировка и фильтрование информации по заданным параметрам.

Приятная графическая оболочка отличается легкостью освоения и будет понятна каждому. На панели быстрого доступа, расположенной в верхней части главного окна, представлены все необходимые инструменты и функции. Для управления можно использовать функциональные клавиши. Просматриваемый файл можно распечатать на принтере. Рекомендуем скачать DBF Viewer для Windows 10 на русском языке без регистрации и смс с официального сайта.

Информация о программеСКАЧАТЬ БЕСПЛАТНО

  • Лицензия: Бесплатная
  • Разработчик: HiBase Group
  • Языки: русский, украинский, английский
  • Устройства: пк, нетбук, ноутбук (Acer, ASUS, DELL, Lenovo, Samsung, Toshiba, HP, MSI)
  • ОС: Windows 10 Домашняя, Профессиональная, Корпоративная, PRO, Enterprise, Education, Home Edition (обновления 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809)
  • Разрядность: 32 bit, 64 bit, x86
  • Версия: последняя 2023, без вирусов

Скриншот программы DBF Viewer для Windows 10

Аналоги DBF Viewer

  1. Realtek Audio DriverRealtek Audio Driver
  2. VSD ViewerVSD Viewer
  3. Advanced SystemCare PROAdvanced SystemCare PRO
  4. Navitel NavigatorNavitel Navigator
  5. AviSynthAviSynth
  6. Game PrelauncherGame Prelauncher

Отзывы пользователей

Категории программ

  • Программы для Windows 10
  • Чтение PDF
  • Обновление драйверов
  • Чтение книг
  • Просмотр ТВ
  • Удаление вирусов
  • Запись видео с экрана
  • ТВ плееры
  • Антивирусы
  • Создание коллажей
  • Разгон процессора

Here is a list of best free DBF editor software for Windows. DBF or Database file (developed by dBASE) contains large datasets in the form of records and fields. It is also used by many software to import and export large sets of data. To view and edit DBF file data, you need these DBF editor software. Through these software, you can view the data organized over a spreadsheet-style interface and edit the data accordingly. In most of these DBF editors, you can easily select any data cell or field from its interface and edit its value. A few other data editing tools such as Format, Insert, Delete, Remove Duplicate Data, etc., are also present in some software. Plus, in some editors, you also get advanced Function or Formula feature that allows you to apply various formulas (COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNTA, OR, IF, ELSE, etc.) over the dataset present in DBF file data.

After editing the DBF file data, you can save it in the same DBF file. However, some of these editors also let you save the edited DBF file in formats like XML, HTML, CSV, ETT, XLT, XLS, etc. Some of these DBF editors also let you view and edit files of different formats XLS, CSV, ODT, RTF, ODS, etc. Apart from editing tools, you can also find various viewing tools in these editors like zoom, fullscreen, reading layout, record view, table view, etc. Some software also offers additional tools that may come in handy such as Protect Sheet, Sorting, Find and Replace, etc. Go through the list to know more about these software.

My Favorite DBF Editor Software For Windows:

LibreOffice Calc is my favorite software because it offers all essential DBF file editing tools. Plus, you can also use it to save the DBF file data in other file formats like ODF, XLS, XLSX, XML, CSV, etc.

DBF Viewer Plus is another good DBF file editor.

You can also check out lists of best free DBF to Excel Converter, DBF Viewer, and Excel to DBF Converter software for Windows.

LibreOffice Calc

LibreOffice is a free open source office suite software that also acts as a DBF editor software. It works on Windows, Linux, and macOS. In this software, you can find multiple office suite modules such as LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Formula, LibreOffice Drawing, etc. However, from various available modules, you only need its LibreOffice Calc module to view and edit DBF file data. LibreOffice Calc is a spreadsheet module through which you can also edit data of XLS, XLSX, CSV, ODT, ODS, and other spreadsheet files.

Main Features:

  • Direct Editing: After loading a DBF file, you can view all the DBF file data over the spreadsheet styled interface of this software. Now, to edit the data, you can directly select a cell by double-clicking on it and change its value.
  • Function Wizard: This feature contains a lot of predefined functions and formulas through which you can perform various calculations on input DBF file data like COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNTA, EVEN, FALSE, etc.
  • Sheet: It allows you to modify sheets (tables) using its tools like insert cells, insert rows, insert columns, delete columns, fill cells, etc.

After editing, you can save the DBF file data in other formats like ODF, XLS, XML, CSV, etc.

Additional Features:

  • Data: Using it, you can sort data (ascending and descending order), filter data, define data range, validate data, and find various statistics about the input data (correlation, covariance, regression, etc.).
  • Protect Sheet: This feature allows you to password protect sheets so that only authorized people can access it.

Final Thoughts:

It is one of the best free DBF editor software that offers all the essential tools to view and edit DBF file data. Plus, it also allows you to change the format of the input DBF file and convert it to other spreadsheets.

DBF Viewer Plus

DBF Viewer Plus is another free DBF editor software for Windows. According to its name, it is mainly a DBF viewer software through which you can also edit DBF files. As it is a viewer software thus, various DBF data viewing tools are offered by it such as Form View, Enlarge, Show Deleted, and more. After viewing the data, you can edit or modify the data with ease. All its editing tools and features are also quite simple to use.

Main Features:

  • Direct Cell Editing: This feature allows you to manually select and change the existing cell values.
  • Add Index: With its use, you can add a new index in the existing database by defining the field name, index name, and options (ascending or descending).
  • New: Using it, you can add a new table in the existing DBF file of one of four available types namely xBase III, xBase IV, xBase VII, and xFoxPro.
  • Add Field: According to its name, you can use it to create and add new fields to the table.

Additional Features:

  • Record: It is a really good feature through which you can count the number of records and find out records size.
  • Export: After editing, you can use it to export the data in TXT, PDF, RTF, WKS, XML, HTML, DBF, or CSV format.

Final Thoughts:

It is another easy to use DBF editor software that allows you to quickly edit DBF file data and export its data in various formats.

DBF Commander

DBF Commander is yet another free DBF Editor software for Windows. It is a dedicated DBF file viewer and editor software. Besides DBF, you can also use this software to view and edit FPT and DBT files. As soon as you load a DBF file in it, you can view all the DBF file data in the form of a spreadsheet on its interface. You can view and edit DBF file data using its various tools. Let’s take a look at some of the important editing features of this software.

Main Features:

  • Direct Cell Editing: This software supports direct cell editing that means, you can select a data cell and change its value.
  • Clone Record: It is a handy tool that allows you to clone a selected set of data or all the data of a DBF file.
  • Append/Insert Record: This feature allows you to insert new record data or append data after the existing set of data.

Additional Features:

  • Find and Replace: It is a simple tool through which you can quickly find a certain set of data and replace it with another set of data.
  • Sorting: Use it to sort data according to its data-id, order, code, price, cost, etc., field parameters.

Final Thoughts:

It is simple and easy to use DBF viewer and editor software that anyone can use without much hassle.

WPS Office

WPS Office is the next free DBF editor software for Windows, macOS, Android, Linux, and iOS. As its name suggests, it is primarily an office suite software that offers three office modules namely Document, Spreadsheet, and Presentation. To view and edit DBF file data, you can use its Spreadsheet module. In the spreadsheet module, you can directly import, view, and edit various types of data of an input database (DBF) file. In it, you can also view and edit multiple DBF files at a time because of its multi-tab interface. Let’s take a look at some of the main DBF editing features of this software.

Main Features:

  • Formulas: This software comes with various predefined formulas and functions through which you can count numbers, find sum of values, find average, perform logical operations (And, OR, IF, ELSE, NOT), and use financial functions on values (COUPDAYBS, MIRR, ACCRINT, etc.).
  • Format: Using it, you can convert text to number, text to hyperlink, change cell syle, and lock cells.
  • Rows and Columns: According to input DBF data, it allows you to adjust row height and column width. Besides this, you can also insert cells, delete cells, and fill cells through this feature.
  • Insert: It is a tab that offers various insert data tools through which you can insert charts, shapes, pictures, tables, symbols, etc., to a DBF file.
  • Data: It is another handy tab of this software that gives you the tools to remove duplicate entries, highlight duplicate data, and import new data.

After viewing and editing the DBF file data, you can save it in various formats like XML, HTML, CSV, ETT, XLT, XLS, etc.

Additional Features:

  • Page Layout: It offers multiple tools to change the page layout like alignment, margins, orientation, size, font, etc.
  • Protect Sheet: It allows you to lock sheets to protect them from further editing.
  • View: It is a tab that provides multiple DBF file data viewing tools such as zoom, fullscreen, reading layout, split view, and more.


The free version of this software shows ads on the interface.

Final Thoughts:

It is a feature-rich DBF viewer software in which you can view and edit DBF file data with ease.


DBFViewer, as the name suggests, is a free DBF viewer software that can also be used as a DBF editor software. It works on Windows. In this software, you get an internal file explorer through which you can browse and load a DBF file. As soon as you load a DBF file in it, you can view all its data in a spreadsheet-style interface with columns containing the Data Fields and Rows carrying values. A few edit features along with some additional tools are also present in it. After viewing and editing the DBF file data, you can export it in Excel and HTML file formats.

Main Features:

  • Edit: After enabling this feature, you can select any cell and edit the data contained by it.
  • Insert: Using it, you can insert an empty row between the existing rows and insert new data into it.
  • Delete: By using it, you can remove one or more selected rows with all their data with ease.

Additional Features:

  • Read Only: This mode disables the editing mode and only lets you view the DBF file data.
  • View Structure: This feature only shows the structure (data fields, type, length, etc.) of a DBF file without showing its data values.

Final Thoughts:

It is another decent DBF editor and viewer software through which you can easily make desired changes to existing DBF file data.

DBF Desktop

DBF Desktop is one more free DBF editor software for Windows. It is also a portable software that you can use without installing it to your system. The interface of this software is cleanly designed on which you can view DBF file data as soon as you load it to this software. The good thing about this software is its ability to support four different types of databases namely Clipper, DBase III, DBase IV, and FoxPro. In it, you don’t get many database editing tools still, all essential editing tools are present in it.

Main Features:

  • Edit Field: It is the main editing feature of this software that allows you to select and edit any value of the database.
  • Add Field: Using it, you can edit a new field in the existing database and enter new values to it.
  • Delete Field: As its name implies, it allows you to delete a field or the entire row from the existing DBF file.

Additional Features:

  • List Structure: Through this feature, you can save the entire structure of a DBF file in a TXT file.
  • Index: Using it, add a new index or edit the existing index of a DBF file.

Final Thoughts:

It is another decent DBF editor software through which you can easily view and edit data of a DBF file.


SDBF is yet another free and portable DBF editor software for Windows. You can also use it as a DBF viewer software. In it, you get various DBF data viewing and editing tools. At a time, you can load and view one DBF file in it. You can view all the DBF file data on its spreadsheet-style interface. Unlike other similar software, it uses different color profiles to indicate numerical and character values. Now, let’s take a look at some of the important editing features of this software.

Main Features:

  • Direct Editing: In this software, you can directly select any database value from its interface and replace it with a new one.
  • Replace: This tool allows you to replace both the character and numerical values of the table.
  • Records: Using it, you can delete all the records or only the duplicate record from the database. It also offers a tool to restore deleted records.

Additional Features:

  • View: Using it, you can view DBF file data in standard windows mode or in DOS mode.
  • Converter: You can use it to change the table of Win format to DOS format and vice-versa.
  • Change Structure: With its use, you can edit the existing structure of a DBF file by adding or removing field name, field type, size, precision, etc., values.

Final Thoughts:

It is another easy to use DBF editor software that allows you to make desired changes to existing data of a DBF file.


QDBF is another free DBF editor software for Windows. It is also a lightweight and portable software that you can use on the go. Apart from DBF, it does not support any other file format. In this software, you can view and edit multiple DBF files at a time as it supports both the multi-tab and multi-window interface. However, it offers basic viewing and editing tools. Still, its simple interface and straightforward tools make it a good DBF editor software. After editing, you can export the DBF file data in Excel, HTML, DOC, TXT, RTF, etc., file formats.

Main Features:

  • Direct Editing: This software supports direct editing, which means you can select any field or data present in a DBF file and change it with a new value.
  • Edit: This tab offers all three essential editing tools namely cut, copy, and paste through which you can quickly make desired changes to the DBF file data.

Additional Features:

  • Filter: This software offers an advanced filter in which you can define some conditions (ID equals to 10, NAME equals to Rocky, etc.) according to which this feature filter out results for you.
  • Property: Using it, you can view the table properties like Numeric (character, numeric, etc.), Field Names, Length, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is a good DBF editor software using which you can view and edit DBF file data with ease.

GTK DBF Editor

GTK DBF Editor is a free open source DBF editor software for Windows, Linux, BSD, and macOS. It is one of the simplest and basic DBF editor software as it does not possess many editing features. In it, you can directly select a record and change its value without much hassle. However, it does not allow you to change the Index and Structure of the table like some other similar software. After editing, you can save all the changes in the existing DBF file by using the Save option.

Main Feature:

  • Direct Editing: It is the main editing feature of this software. Using it, you can select any DBF file value and quickly change it with ease.
  • Add Record: Using it, you can add an empty record field in the existing DBF file data in which you can also new enter values.

Additional Feature:

  • View: It offers two viewing modes namely Record view and Table view. By default, this software shows the DBF file in record view mode which means you can only view one record and its values at a time. In the Table view, you view all the records contained by a DBF.

Final Thoughts:

It is a simple and basic DBF editor software that offers only a few DBF file editing and viewing features.

xBaseView DBF Viewer & DBF Converter

xBaseView DBF Viewer & DBF Converter is a free DBF viewer and converter software for Windows. However, it also offers DBF file editing tools through which you can make changes to DBF file data. Apart from DBF, you can also use it to view and edit files of CDS, CSV, XML, MDB, UDL, etc., formats. You can also connect this software with an SQL database and access its data. After editing the DBF file data, you can convert or save it in formats like CSV, TAB, XML, etc.

Main Features:

  • Direct Cell Editing: After importing a DBF file, you can directly select any of its numerical or character value from its interface and replace it with a new value.
  • Structure: Through this feature, you can edit the structure of a DBF file by adding or deleting field name, field size, field type, etc.
  • Index: Using it, you can add new and delete indexes of a database like FIRSTNAME, CONTACT, SALARY, etc.

Additional Features:

  • Convert: This feature allows you to convert characters of a DBF file from ANSI (Windows) to OEM (MS-DOS) format.
  • Rename: Using it, you can change the name of an existing database.
  • Connection: It is used to connect this software with MySQL, Firebird, and SQLite.

Final Thoughts:

It is another decent DBF editor that offers some handy DBF data, structure, and index editing features.

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