If you forgot or lost your password for your Windows device, you can change or reset it. To get started, choose your version of Windows from the tabs below.
Microsoft takes security seriously. Microsoft accounts, the Windows operating system, and the other Microsoft products include passwords to help secure your information. This article provides some options that you can use to reset or recover your password if you forget it. Be aware that, if these options don’t work, Microsoft support engineers can’t help you retrieve or circumvent a lost or forgotten password.
If you already know your current password and want to change it
Select Start > Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options . Under Password , select Change and follow the directions.
Reset your Windows 11 local account password
If you’ve forgotten or lost your Windows 11 password for a local account and need to sign back into your device, the below options might help you get up and running. For more information on local standard vs. administrative accounts, see Create a local user or administrator account in Windows.
Windows 11
If you have added security questions when you set up your local account for Windows 11, then you can answer security questions to sign back in.
After you’ve entered an incorrect password:
Select the Reset password link on the sign-in screen. If you use a PIN instead, see PIN sign-in issues. If you are using a work device that is on a network, you may not see an option to reset your password or PIN. In that case, contact your administrator.
Note: If you don’t see security questions after you select the Reset password link, make sure your device name isn’t the same as your local user account name (the name you see when you sign in). To see your device name, right-click Start , select System, and scroll to the Device specifications section. If the device name is the same as your account name, you can create a new administrator account, sign in as an administrator, and then rename your PC (when you view your device name, you can also rename it).
Answer your security questions.
Enter a new password.
Sign in as usual with a new password.
Reset your Microsoft account password you use to sign in to your computer
On the sign-in screen, type your Microsoft account name if it’s not already displayed. If there are multiple accounts on the computer, choose the one you want to reset. select I forgot my password link located below the password text box. Follow the steps to reset your password.
For more information, see Reset a forgotten Microsoft account password.
Troubleshoot problems signing in
If you are still having trouble signing to your account, see more solutions in Troubleshoot problems signing in.
If you already know your current password and want to change it
Select Start > Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options . Under Password, select the Change button and follow the steps.
Reset your Windows 10 local account password
If you’ve forgotten or lost your Windows 10 password for a local account and need to sign back in to your device, the below options might help you get up and running. For more info on local standard vs. administrative accounts, see Create a local user or administrator account in Windows 10.
Windows 10 version 1803 and later
If you have added security questions when you set up your local account for Windows 10, then you have the version 1803 at least and you can answer security questions to sign back in.
After you’ve entered an incorrect password:
Select the Reset password link on the sign-in screen. If you use a PIN instead, see PIN sign-in issues. If you are using a work device that is on a network, you may not see an option to reset your password or PIN. In that case, contact your administrator.
Note: If you don’t see security questions after you select the Reset password link, make sure your device name isn’t the same as your local user account name (the name you see when you sign in). To see your device name, right-click Start in the taskbar, select System, and scroll to the Device specifications section. If the device name is the same as your account name, you can create a new administrator account, sign in as an administrator, and then rename your PC (when you view your device name, you can also rename it).
Answer your security questions.
Enter a new password.
Sign in as usual with the new password.
Windows 10 before version 1803
For versions of Windows 10 earlier than 1803, local account passwords can’t be reset because there are no security questions. You can reset your device to choose a new password, however this option will permanently delete your data, programs, and settings. If you have backed up your files, you will be able to restore your deleted files. For more information, see Recovery options in Windows 10.
To reset your device, which will delete data, programs, and settings:
Press the Shift key while you select the Power button > Restart in the lower-right corner of the screen.
On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC.
Select Remove everything.
Warning: Resetting your device will permanently delete data, programs, and settings.
Reset your Microsoft account password you use to sign in to your computer
On the sign-in screen, type your Microsoft account name if it’s not already displayed. If there are multiple accounts on the computer, choose the one you want to reset. Select I forgot my password link located below the password text box. Follow the steps to reset your password.
For more information, see Reset a forgotten Microsoft account password.
Troubleshoot problems signing in
If you’re still having trouble signing to your account, see more solutions in Troubleshoot problems signing in.
Related articles
Reset a forgotten Microsoft account password
Change your Microsoft account password
Reset your Windows local account password
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Change a different user’s password in Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, and Vista
Updated on October 4, 2022
What to Know
- Windows 11, 10 & 8: Go to Control Panel > User Accounts > User Accounts > Manage another account > [user].
- Select Change the password. Choose a new password and follow the on-screen steps.
- Restart the computer and log in with the new password.
There are plenty of ways to find lost Windows passwords, but an easy method, assuming there’s more than one user on the computer, is to change the password from within another account.
How to Change Another User’s Password in Windows 11, 10, or 8
Follow these steps to change another user’s password in Windows 11, 10, or 8.
Your Windows account must be configured as an administrator if you want to change another user’s password. If not, you may need to reset your Windows password.
Open the Control Panel.
On touch interfaces, the easiest method in Windows 11, 10, or 8 is through its link on the Start menu (or Apps screen in Windows 8), but the control command or Power User Menu (Windows
is probably faster if you have a keyboard or mouse.
On Windows 11/10, select User Accounts. It’s called User Accounts and Family Safety in Windows 8.
If the View by setting is on Large icons or Small icons, then you won’t see this link. Choose User Accounts instead and skip to Step 4.
Select User Accounts.
Several links down, select Manage another account.
Select the user you want to change the password for.
If you don’t see Password protected listed somewhere under the username, then that user doesn’t have a password set up and should be able to log in without entering anything in the password field.
Choose Change the password.
Don’t see a Change the password link? This probably means that the user you want to change the password for logs into Windows with a Microsoft account, not a typical local account. It’s even easier to reset a Microsoft account password.
On the Change [username]’s password screen, enter a new password in both the first and second text boxes.
In the last text box, you’re asked to type a password hint. This step is not required.
Since you’re probably changing this person’s password for them because they’ve forgotten it, it’s fine if you want to skip the hint. After the person regains access to their account, have them change the password in Windows to something more private and set up a hint then.
Select Change password to save the password change.
Sign out, or restart the computer, and have the person you reset the password for try logging in again.
Once signed on, be proactive and have the user create a Windows password reset disk or switch to a Microsoft account, either of which will provide an easier way to get a new password in the future.
When you change a Windows password from outside the account, the user you’re changing the password for will lose all access to EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, and any stored passwords like those for network resources and website passwords. However, most users don’t have EFS-encrypted files and the loss of stored passwords probably isn’t a big deal.
How to Change Another User’s Password in Windows 7 or Vista
Click Start and then Control Panel.
Click the User Accounts and Family Safety link (Windows 7) or User Accounts link (Windows Vista).
If you’re viewing the Large icons or Small icons view of Control Panel in Windows 7, you won’t see this link. Instead, click on the User Accounts icon and skip to Step 4.
Click the User Accounts link.
Toward the bottom of the Make changes to your user account area of the User Accounts window, select Manage another account.
Select the account that you want to change the password for.
If the words Password protected are not listed under the user type then the user has no password configured, meaning he or she can log in to the account without a password. Obviously, in this case, there’s nothing to change so just let the user know that they don’t need a password and can set one up themselves next time they log in.
Under the Make changes to [username]’s account heading, click the Change the password link.
Enter a new password for the user in the first and second text boxes.
Entering the new password twice helps ensure that you’ve typed the password correctly.
In the third and final text box, you’re asked to Type a password hint.
Since you’re probably changing this user’s password because he or she has forgotten it, you can probably skip the hint.
Click the Change password button to confirm the password change.
Close the User Accounts window.
Log off or restart the computer and then have the user log in to their account with the password you chose for them in Step 7.
Once logged in, have the user create a Windows password reset disk to avoid a problem like this in the future.
How do I log into Windows as administrator without an admin password?
If it’s still available, try logging in as the built-in Windows administrator. To do this, select Switch User at the Windows sign-in screen and type in «Administrator» as the user name but leave the password field blank. You can also access the built-in admin by booting Windows in Safe Mode.
How do I change my Wi-Fi password in Windows?
You’ll need to log into your router as administrator in order to change the Wi-Fi password. Be sure to have the user name, password, and router’s IP address on-hand before attempting.
How do I change my HomeGroup password in Windows 10?
Windows HomeGroup has been removed from Windows 10 as of version 1803, which saw its end of service in November of 2019. If you’re using Windows 10 version 1803 or higher, you won’t be able to adjust any settings or passwords for HomeGroup anymore.
Thanks for letting us know!
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Если по какой-то причине вам потребовалось изменить пароль пользователя в Windows 10 — сделать это обычно очень просто (при условии, что вы знаете текущий пароль) и выполнимо сразу несколькими способами, о которых — по шагам в этой инструкции. Если вам не известен текущий пароль, должно помочь отдельное руководство Как сбросить пароль Windows 10.
Прежде чем приступить, учтите один важный момент: в Windows 10 у вас может быть учетная запись Майкрософт или локальная учетная запись. Простой способ изменения пароля в параметрах работает и для той, и для другой учетной записи, а вот остальные описываемые методы — отдельные для каждого типа пользователя.
Чтобы узнать, какой тип учетной записи используется на вашем компьютере или ноутбуке, зайдите в пуск — параметры (значок шестеренки) — учетные записи. Если вы увидите имя пользователя с указанием адреса E-mail и пунктом «Управление учетной записью Майкрософт», это, соответственно, учетная запись Майкрософт. Если же только имя и подпись «Локальная учетная запись», то этот пользователь «локальный» и его настройки не синхронизируются онлайн. Также может оказаться полезным: Как отключить запрос пароля при входе в Windows 10 и при выходе из спящего режима.
- Как изменить пароль в параметрах Windows 10
- Изменение пароля учетной записи Майкрософт онлайн
- С помощью командной строки
- В панели управления
- С помощью «Управление компьютером»
- Видео инструкция
Изменение пароля пользователя в параметрах Windows 10
Первый из способов изменения пароля пользователя — стандартный и, вероятно, самый простой: с использованием параметров Windows 10, специально предназначенных для этого.
- Зайдите в Пуск — Параметры — Учетные записи и выберите пункт «Варианты входа».
- В разделе «Пароль» нажмите кнопку «Изменить».
- Вам потребуется ввести свой текущий пароль пользователя (причем, если у вас учетная запись Майкрософт, для изменения пароля также потребуется, чтобы компьютер был подключен к Интернету в момент выполнения этих шагов).
- Введите новый пароль и подсказку для него (в случае локального пользователя) или еще раз старый пароль плюс дважды новый пароль (для учетной записи Майкрософт).
- Нажмите «Далее», а затем, после применения сделанных настроек — Готово.
После этих шагов при повторном входе вам необходимо использовать уже новый пароль Windows 10.
Примечание: в случае, если для входа используется ПИН-код, изменить его можно на той же странице параметров в соответствующем разделе. А если цель изменения пароля — более быстрый вход в систему, вместо того, чтобы изменять его, на той же странице настроек («Варианты входа») вы можете установить ПИН-код или графический пароль для входа в Windows 10 (при этом пароль останется прежним, но вводить его для того, чтобы войти в ОС не потребуется).
Изменение пароля учетной записи Майкрософт онлайн
В том случае, если вы используете учетную запись Майкрософт в Windows 10, вы можете поменять пароль пользователя не на самом компьютере, а онлайн в параметрах учетной записи на официальном сайте Майкрософт. При этом, сделать это можно с любого устройства, подключенного к Интернету (но для того, чтобы войти под паролем, установленным таким образом, ваш компьютер или ноутбук с Windows 10 при входе также должны быть подключены к Интернету, чтобы синхронизировать изменившийся пароль).
- Зайдите на страницу https://account.microsoft.com/?ref=settings и войдите с вашим текущим паролем учетной записи Майкрософт.
- Измените пароль, используя соответствующую настройку в параметрах учетной записи в разделе Дополнительные действия.
После сохранения настроек на сайте Майкрософт, на всех устройствах, где был выполнен вход с помощью этой учетной записи, подключенных к Интернету, пароль также будет изменен.
Способы изменить пароль локального пользователя Windows 10
Для локальных учетных записей в Windows 10 существует сразу несколько способов изменить пароль, помимо настроек в интерфейсе «Параметры», в зависимости от ситуации можно использовать любой из них.
С помощью командной строки
- Запустите командную строку от имени Администратора (Инструкция: Как запустить командную строку от Администратора) и по порядку используйте следующие команды, нажимая Enter после каждой из них.
- net users (в результате выполнения этой команды, обратите внимание на имя нужного пользователя, чтобы не допустить ошибок в следующей команде).
- net user имя_пользователя новый_пароль (здесь имя_пользователя — нужное имя из пункта 2, а новый пароль — пароль, который требуется установить. Если имя пользователя содержит пробелы, возьмите его в кавычки в команде).
Готово. Сразу после этого для выбранного пользователя будет установлен новый пароль. При желании, указав вместо пароля две кавычки (без пробела посередине), вы можете удалить пароль учетной записи и в дальнейшем вход в нее будет выполняться без ввода пароля.
Изменение пароля в панели управления
- Зайдите в панель управления Windows 10 (в поле «Просмотр» вверху справа установите «Значки») и откройте пункт «Учетные записи пользователей».
- Нажмите «Управление другой учетной записью» и выберите нужного пользователя (в том числе текущего, если изменяем пароль для него).
- Нажмите «Изменить пароль».
- Укажите текущий пароль и дважды введите новый пароль пользователя.
- Нажмите кнопку «Сменить пароль».
Можно закрыть управление учетными записями панели управления и при следующем входе в систему использовать новый пароль.
Параметры пользователей в «Управление компьютером»
- В поиске на панели задач Windows 10 начните набирать «Управление компьютером», откройте этот инструмент
- Зайдите в раздел (слева) «Управление компьютером» — «Служебные программы» — «Локальные пользователи и группы» — «Пользователи».
- Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по нужному пользователю и выберите пункт «Задать пароль».
Изменение пароля пользователя Windows 10 — видео инструкция
Надеюсь, что описанных способов смены пароля вам окажется достаточно. Если же что-то не получается или ситуация сильно отличается от стандартной — оставьте комментарий, возможно, мне удастся вам помочь.
There are several ways to set a new password for your user account on your Windows PC. I would like to share all of them so the next time you need to change your password (or set a new password for some other user account) you can pick the fastest and most convenient way for yourself.
Windows 10 supports two types of accounts. One is the classic local account which has been available in all previous Windows versions, the other one is the modern Microsoft Account which is connected with the company’s cloud services. Here is how to change your password in Windows 10 depending on your account type.
Here are the various ways in which you can change your Windows password:
Ctrl + Alt + Del security screen
This method allows you to set the password only for the currently logged user i.e. you. To change your password using this method, do the following:
- Press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys together on your keyboard to get the security screen.
- Click «Change a password».
- Specify the new password for your user account:
Settings app
In Windows 10, Microsoft moved many user account related options inside the Settings app. To set a password for your account using the Settings app, you need to perform the following steps:
- Launch the Settings app.
- Click on «Accounts».
- Click on «Sign-in options» at the left.
- Here you can change various sign-in options including the password and the PIN:
- Launch the Settings app.
Control Panel
The classic Control Panel allows you to manage passwords for all user accounts on your PC.
- Open the following Control Panel page:
Control Panel\User Accounts and Family Safety\User Accounts\Manage Accounts
It looks as follows:
- Click the user account whose password you need to change.
- Click the link «Change the password»:
- Open the following Control Panel page:
Computer Management
This method is very old and works in all Windows versions, from Windows 2000 to Windows 10. Using the Computer Management snap-in, you can set a new password for any Windows account.
- Open File Explorer and right click the «This PC» icon.
- Select «Manage» from the context menu.
- In Computer Management, select «Local Users and Groups» in the left pane.
- In the right pane, double click the «Users» folder.
- The users list will be opened. Right click the desired user account and set its password from the context menu:
Command Prompt / net.exe
The last method to set a new password for the user account is using an elevated command prompt instance.
- Open an elevated command prompt.
- Type the following command:
net user User_name password
Replace «User_name» and «password» with the desired values. The password you specified will be set immediately without a prompt.
- Alternatively, you can use the following command:
net user User_name *
This will ask interactively for a new password for the «User_name» account.
- If you have a domain-joined PC, use the following command:
net user User_name * /DOMAIN
This will ask interactively for a new password for the «User_name» account on the specified domain.
Change Password for a Microsoft Account in Windows 10
If you are using a Microsoft Account in Windows 10, then you can use the following options:
- The Settings app method.
- The Change a password link on the Ctrl + Alt + Del security screen.
These are described above.
In addition to these, you can change your Microsoft Account password online.
Open the Microsoft Account web site.
Click the Sign-in button and enter your account data.
The Microsoft Account profile page will be opened. There, click «Change password» under your email address on the left:
Follow the instructions provided on the screen.
That’s it. Now you know all the possible ways to change the password for a user account in Windows 10. Please let me know if I forgot something.
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In a multi-user environment, it’s not surprising if other users ask the administrator of the computer to change their password. They could have forgotten, or the account is locked or anything else. In this post, we will share how, as an administrator, one can change another user’s password in Windows 11/10.
Change another User’s password using Admin account
There are multiple ways to change another user’s password in a Windows 11/10 PC, especially when it’s the password of some other user. We show you how to change Local User Account password using an Administrator account in Windows 11/10, using:
- Control Panel
- Computer Management
- Netplwiz
- Command Prompt or PowerShell
If you are using a Microsoft account on Windows 10, and if you have forgotten your PIN, you can choose to sign-in with the password of the MS account. If you don’t remember it, you can reset it online.
1] Change Windows 11/10 User Password from Control Panel
- Type control in the Start menu, and launch the Control Panel app or type control in the Run prompt, and hit enter.
- Set the view by category, and click on User Accounts > User accounts >Manage another account.
- When you find the user on the next screen for which you want to change the password, select it.
- It will open the user profile option of that user. Click on Change the password.
- In the next screen, you need to type the new password twice and click ok to confirm.
Here is one warning though. When a password is changed this way, the user will lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, and stored password for websites and network resources.
2] Change Windows User Password from Computer Management
- In the Run prompt, type compmgmt.msc, and hit the Enter key. It will open the Computer Management console.
- Navigate to Computer Management > System Tools > Local Users and Groups -> Users in the left pane.
- Right-click on the user for which you want to change the password, and then select Set Password.
- You will receive a warning screen that the current password will be reset, might cause loss of information, etc.
- Click the Proceed button to confirm.
- Enter your new password twice and click OK.
3] Change Windows 11/10 Password Using Netplwiz
- Open the Run prompt using Windows + R keys together. Type netplwiz and hit Enter.
- It will open the User Accounts window with a list of all users on the computer.
- Select the user account for which you want to change the password, and then click on the Reset Password button.
- Enter the new password for your user account, and then click OK.
Related: How to change the username of a Windows account using netplwiz
If the user account is linked to a Microsoft account, you will not be allowed to change the password or set a new password.
4] Change Windows User Password from Command Prompt
Here we will use the net user command which allows admins to add or modify user accounts, or displays user account information.
- Open PowerShell or Command Prompt with admin privileges.
- Type net user and press Enter to display a list of all user account on the computer. Note the exact name of the username.
- Type net user <username> <password> i.e. net user shwet dumdum (In my case)
- Hit Enter, and it will change the Windows 10 user password.
We hope the tutorial was easy to understand, and as an admin you have multiple ways to change any user account password in Windows 11/10.
Ashish holds a Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering and is a veteran Windows and Xbox user. He has work experience as a Database and Microsoft.NET Developer. He has been a Microsoft MVP (2008-2010) and excels in writing tutorials to improve the day-to-day experience with your devices.