Capcut скачать на компьютер windows 7

для Windows

CapCut скриншот № 1

CapCut — это универсальное приложение для редактирования видео, разработанное для пользователей ПК с ОС Windows. С его помощью вы сможете легко создавать потрясающие видеоролики, обогащенные множеством функций и интуитивно понятным интерфейсом.

CapCut позволяет создавать видео без водяных знаков как для коммерческого использования, так и для личных нужд. Раскройте свой творческий потенциал и делайте видеоролики, которые будут выделяться среди других.

Основные возможности CapCut:

  • Визуальное редактирование: CapCut предоставляет интуитивный визуальный редактор, который позволяет вам создавать сложные видео без необходимости в глубоких навыках видеомонтажа.
  • Готовые компоненты: Используйте богатую библиотеку готовых компонентов для быстрого создания видеороликов. Это позволяет вам экономить время и улучшать качество ваших проектов.
  • Зеленый фон и анимации: CapCut обладает функцией «зеленого экрана» и множеством анимаций, которые позволяют вам добавлять к видео творческие элементы и сделать ваши ролики уникальными.
  • Профессиональное редактирование: Мощные инструменты редактирования и возможности цветокоррекции гарантируют, что ваши видеоролики будут выглядеть профессионально и качественно.
  • Музыкальная библиотека: CapCut предоставляет богатую коллекцию музыки и звуковых эффектов, чтобы сделать ваше видео более выразительным.
  • Транскрибация видео: Автоматическая транскрибация видео в текст и перевод на разные языки делают видеоролики более доступными и удобными для аудитории.
  • CapCut для Android

ТОП-сегодня раздела «Редакторы»

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Отзывы о программе CapCut


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CapCut — это универсальное приложение для редактирования видео, позволяющее пользователям Windows раскрыть свой творческий потенциал и создавать потрясающие видеоролики. Благодаря интуитивно понятному интерфейсу и мощным функциям редактирования CapCut предоставляет широкие возможности для работы с видео на устройствах Windows.

CapCut для Windows поддерживает различные версии операционной системы Windows, включая Windows 10, Windows 8 и Windows 7. Программа совместима как с настольными, так и с портативными компьютерами, работающими под управлением этих версий Windows.

Особенности CapCut для Windows

  • Интуитивно понятные инструменты редактирования: CapCut предоставляет широкий спектр инструментов редактирования, включая обрезку, вырезание, объединение, добавление текста, стикеров, фильтров, эффектов и регулировку скорости. Эти инструменты позволяют пользователям легко и точно настраивать видео.
  • Различные соотношения сторон: Пользователи могут редактировать видео в различных соотношениях сторон, включая квадратное, альбомное и портретное. Благодаря такой гибкости видеоролики подходят для различных платформ и ориентаций экрана.
  • Музыкальная библиотека: CapCut предлагает обширную коллекцию музыкальных композиций и звуковых эффектов, позволяя пользователям дополнять свои видеоролики идеальным звуковым сопровождением.
  • Высококачественный экспорт: CapCut позволяет экспортировать отредактированные видеоролики в высоком качестве, обеспечивая превосходную четкость и детализацию конечного результата.


CapCut for Windows — это мощное и удобное приложение для редактирования видео, предоставляющее пользователям Windows все необходимые инструменты для создания впечатляющих видеороликов. Благодаря интуитивно понятным инструментам редактирования, поддержке различных соотношений сторон, обширной музыкальной библиотеке и высококачественным возможностям экспорта CapCut обеспечивает удобство работы с видео на устройствах под управлением Windows.

CapCut — программа для создания и редактирования видео, предназначенного для загрузки в видеоблоги (в частности — TikTok) и социальные сети, а также для использования в качестве непродолжительного рекламного контента (баннеры, рекламные вставки в видео и т.д.).

Приложение распространяется бесплатно, однако в нем присутствуют покупки. Подходит для компьютеров под управлением Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 и 11 (32 и 64 бит). Интерфейс имеет перевод на русский язык (требуется активировать в настройках после установки).

Технически, CapCut является видеоредактором, потому ее прямое предназначение — это редактирование видео. Однако программа в основном используется для создания непродолжительных видеороликов на основе пользовательских видео- и аудиоматериалов, а также изображений (даже предусмотрен целый ряд функций для работы с изображениями). Видеоролики, созданные в CapCut, чаще всего отправляются в публикацию в интернете — в видеоблогах, видеохостингах, социальных сетях и т.д. Но все же основной целевой платформой для публикации видео является TikTok.

Приложение CapCut хорошо известно пользователям данного видеоблога, но только в мобильном исполнении (для справки: как сама соцсеть TikTok, так и видеоредактор CapCut — продукция одного и того же разработчика). Однако на смартфоне или даже на планшете с большим экраном редактировать видео не так удобно, как на компьютере. Кроме того, компьютер имеет более высокую производительность (если говорить о современных машинах), что способствует увеличению скорости обработки видео программой (например, при наложении какого-нибудь эффекта на видео с высоким разрешением).

Но сфера применения видеоредактора CapCut одним лишь TikTok не ограничиваются. Доступный в программе функционал также позволяет быстро «клепать» рекламные видеоролики, создавать эффектные видеопрезентации, видеоальбомы, музыкальные клипы, видео-обои для рабочего стола и т.д.

Функции программы CapCut

Видеоредактор CapCut обладает массой полезных функций и имеет множество технических особенностей. Вот основные моменты:

  • Поддержка всех распространенных форматов видео, аудио и изображений.
  • Нелинейный монтаж видео (пользователь может перемещать видео и отдельные фрагменты по временной шкале и редактировать его/их в любой ее точке).
  • Возможность импорта мультимедиа-файлов во встроенную библиотеку, где они будут храниться до удаления пользователем.
  • Поддержка всех стандартных операций редактирования видео: обрезка, копирование и вставка, кадрирование, изменение разрешения, масштабирование, растягивание видеоизображения по вертикали и/или горизонтали, выравнивание по краям, разворот на угол и другие.
  • Возможность изменения скорости воспроизведения видео, в т.ч. нелинейно (по кривой, которую можно создавать самостоятельно). Замедленные участки видео можно дополнительно обрабатывать эффектом замедленной съемки (слоумо), который поспособствует плавному их воспроизведению.
  • Возможность наложения на видео текста с большим выбором художественных шрифтов и способов анимации. Также предусмотрена отдельная мощная функция для создания субтитров с произвольным графическим оформлением. Более того, в CapCut встроен модуль распознавания речи с поддержкой русского языка, способный автоматически генерировать субтитры и правильно располагать их на временной шкале.
  • Возможность объединения на одном экране нескольких видеороликов для их одновременного показа (например, в режиме «Картинка в картинке» или с горизонтальным/вертикальным разделителем).
  • Поддержка хромакея обеспечивает пользователя мощным инструментом для замены заднего монотонного фона видео другим видео и/или изображением.
  • Возможность вставки в видеоролики статичных и анимированных стикеров, коих доступно большое количество во встроенной библиотеке.
  • Наличие большого количества готовых видеоэффектов, переходов и фильтров.
  • Наличие мощной функции коррекции цвета, которая позволяет тонко настроить цветовую температуру, тон, насыщенность, яркость, контрастность, резкость, освещенность, а также наложить на видеоизображение эффекты тени, осветления, зернистости, выцветания и т.д. (в дополнение к готовым видеоэффектам). Также имеется возможность загрузки в программу готовых профилей LUT.
  • Возможность извлечения звука из любого видео, в т.ч. в целях сохранения аудио в библиотеке для будущих проектов. Предусмотрены все стандартные инструменты редактирования аудио (обрезка, вставка и т.д.).
  • Также программа позволяет настраивать громкость звучания, тональность и скорость воспроизведения отдельных частей звуковой дорожки, накладывать на них всевозможные аудиоэффекты (постепенное увеличение/уменьшение громкости, эхо, искажение голоса и многие другие).
  • Наличие функции преобразования текста в речь, при помощи которой пользователь может создавать, к примеру, озвучку видео машинным голосом.
  • Специальная функция проверки авторских прав на использованные в видео музыкальные композиции не позволит попасть в ситуацию с блокировкой видеоматериалов (или даже учетной записи) на том или ином сайте из-за их нарушения.
  • Экспорт видео в формате MP4 или MOV с разрешением от 480P до 4К. Имеется возможность настройки битрейта и частоты кадров (60 FPS максимум). Также пользователь может выбрать один из трех доступных видеокодеков для кодирования видео — H.264, AV1 или HEVC (H.265).

CapCut for PC (Viamaker) is a video editing application with many features, making it easy for you to edit your audio-visual products, from adding clips, cutting clips, adjusting resolutions, adding music and stickers, etc, can be downloaded to your PC so you can edit photos right on your computer screen.

Users can edit videos on Cap Cut based on editing the timeline, in the process, you can add different elements and effects to the video to bring the best impact to your work. Not only that, you can select any part of the clip and edit it to your liking.

Download CapCut for PC best video editor App latest version 7.2.0 for Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. This is not an APK file, It’s a CapCut Video Editor for PC offline installer setup .exe file that you can directly install on your 32-bit or 64-bit Windows PC without using any emulator software.

Software Information

App Name CapCut PC Software
File Name Capcut.exe
Publisher Bytedance Pte. Ltd.
License Premium
Size 333 MB
Latest Version v7.2.0
Rating 4.8
Language English
Downloads 20,496
Operating System Windows 7, Windows 10, 11 & Windows Vista

CapCut for PC – Best Video Editor – Download Link

How to Install CapCut on Windows 7 PC?

  • Click the Download button to downlaod CapCut setup.exe file.
  • Once the Capcut offline installer file is downloaded.
  • Double-click on the capcut.exe file to Run & install it on your PC.
  • After installation is completed you can log in using your Google, TikTok, or Facebook account.

CapCup App Review 2022

CapCut Video Editor for PC has a large library of songs and sounds that you can add to your videos and lots of stickers and fonts to make your videos more interesting. Once you’re done editing, just tap the export button to share the video on social networks like Facebook or TikTok. With the CapCut app, you can create quality videos with high definition in minutes.

CapCut for PC Download for Windows 7/10 (32/64-bit) OS

Overall, CapCut App has all the necessary features to easily edit videos without complicated software. Make your TikTok videos more eye-catching and fun with filters, stickers, and highlight effects from CapCut!

Download CapCut for PC v7.2.0, Windows 10/7 32-bit & 64-bit OS

How to Install & Use CapCut APK on Windows 7 PC Using Emulator?

You can easily use cap cut on your Windows PC using any android emulator for free. To use Capcut PC App, first, you need to download and install any of your favorite android emulators e.g. BlueStacks, Gameloop, or LDPlayer. Download and install the android emulator on your PC. Follow the steps below to download, Install and use CapCut Apk on your desktop PC.

  • Step 1: Download and Install the Bluestacks Android emulator on your desktop PC.
  • Step 2: Set up your Play Store account in Gameloop, or BlueStacks emulator on PC.
  • Step 3: Open the CapCut APK that you have just downloaded.
  • Step 4: Drag and drop the CapCut APK file into the emulator window to start the installation process.
  • Step 5: Check the CapCut shortcut on your emulator home screen when done.
  • Step 6: You’ve finished, Enjoy using CapCut Video Editor on your Computer.

Note: CapCut PC Software is not available so the above method is the only way to use cap cut app on your desktop PC or laptop device.

Tips to an Export video created on Capcut to mobile

After editing and perfecting the video to your liking, it’s time to export and share your work with friends and others. CapCut for Windows 7 32-bit allows direct sharing to social networks like TikTok, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Here’s how:

  • At the top of the app, select the second icon, then choose the resolution and frame rate for your video.
  • Tap the arrow also located at the top of the screen on the right side. At this point, keep CapCut open, and don’t lock the screen.
  • Click “Done” if you only want to store it on your mobile device.
  • Choose between “ Share on TikTok ”, “ Share on WhatsApp ”, “ Share on Facebook ” and “ Share on Instagram ” if you want to send the video clip directly on one of these social platforms.

System Requirements

  • Cpu: Dual-core from Intel | AMD
  • GPU: Basic GPU NVIDIA GeForce | AMD Radeon, integrated GPU might work fine
  • RAM: 2 GB of RAM
  • Storage: 2 GB of free storage
  • Operating System: Windows 7/8.1/10/11 OS
CapCut for PC Download Video Editing App

CapCut for PC stands out as an exceptionally user-friendly video editing software, offering a remarkable array of features at no cost. What truly sets it apart is its intuitive interface, enabling even novices to swiftly acquaint themselves with its vast capabilities. From mesmerizing transitions to awe-inspiring effects, capcut pc caters to a diverse range of video editing needs.

Recognized as a premier choice for enhancing TikTok videos, Facebook stories, Instagram reels, and various other social media content, capcut para pc effortlessly steps in as a practical alternative to costly and intricate editing applications.

Within this comprehensive tutorial, we will delve into two primary methods for downloading and installing the esteemed capcut on PC video editor on your personal computer. This remarkable software caters to Windows and MAC OS, providing a smooth experience across platforms.

To Run Capcut through PC emulator, click below

Name Capcut PC APK | Capcut online PC Free Video Editor For PC
Offered By Bytedance Pte. Ltd. 
Language English_ US
Latest Version 1.6.0
Rating 4
Reviews 45,500
Compatiability All Windows
Last Updated Today
Size 432 MB
Security Virus Free
Price Free
Source: Playstore

What is Capcut for PC?

Seeking an unparalleled, feature-rich video editing solution that gracefully captures your cherished moments, empowering you to craft mesmerizing cinematic masterpieces? Look no further than CapCut for PC.

Regarding editing and producing awe-inspiring audiovisual creations, capcut for windows software is your unwavering companion, leveraging state-of-the-art beauty effects and the latest trending stickers on a grander canvas.

Embracing its lightweight nature, capcut windows freeware swiftly emerges as the ultimate go-to tool for PC enthusiasts yearning to breathe new life into their video collection. With its expansive toolkit and transformative capabilities, capcut pc download effortlessly elevates ordinary films into captivating showcases, solidifying its standing as the favored video editor from Bytedance Pte. Ltd. With a user base exceeding 200 million worldwide, this special capcut for laptop is now readily accessible on the PC platform.

CapCut For PC prides itself on its intuitive interface, accommodating even novice video editing enthusiasts. Moreover, its vast repository of cutting-edge techniques facilitates the comprehensive transformation of every aspect of your visual presentation. From resizing and cutting to the profound alteration of video files, this app’s fundamental features merely scratch the surface of its boundless potential.

Minimum requirements

Capcut desktop is a highly advanced video editing software, so it requires a well-equipped PC with compatible hardware components to ensure optimal performance. Below are the minimum PC specifications recommended for capcut video editor for pc.

Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
Operating System Windows 7/8/10/11 version
Mac OS X 10.11
Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
Mac OS X 10.11
Graphics Card NVIDIA GT 630/650m, AMD Radeon HD6570 NVIDIA GTX 660/Radeon R9 270 or higher
Resolution  1280×800 1920×1080 or higher
RAM 4 GB 8 GB RAM for HD media; 16 GB RAM for 4K media or higher resolution
Storage Hard drive 10 GB SSD
Processor Intel Core i3 8th Gen, AMD Ryzen 3000, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8c AMD or Dual Core CPU from Intel
Architecture x64 or ARM64 x64 or ARM64

Capcut for PC Download- Direct method

Among best video editing apps leading the market is Capcut For PC. A friendly user interface is simple & easy to use. Capcut PC version has all the features that other professional video editors don’t have. You can create, edit, and merge videos with a simple click.

  • Open your browser and navigate to
download capcut pc
  • Look for the “Capcut PC” button on the homepage.
  • A popup will appear after clicking the download button, prompting you to save the file.
  • Once the file is downloaded, double-click on it to initiate the installation process.
  • During the installation, you can create a desktop shortcut for quick access.
  • Once the installation is done, sign up using Social media accounts like Google, Facebook, or TikTok.
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  • Log in to access the videos you’ve edited.
  • Visit the project dashboard and click on the “Upload” option in the library to start importing your video.
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  • Explore your PC’s various video editings features, such as text editing, overlays, Trending Templates, effects, cropping, and trimming.
  • Remember that a CapCut watermark will be applied in the bottom right corner when exporting your video, even if you’re not logged in.
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YouTube video

download capcut pc from Microsoft Store

Did you know that you can get Capcut from the Microsoft Store? It’s cool because you can easily download the mobile app on your PC from the Microsoft Store.

capcut on pc

Capcut download for pc can effortlessly be installed on Windows by accessing the Microsoft Store. Just tap the “Get” button after selecting the download link below.

Your computer will begin the application download process, swiftly fetching Capcut and configuring it seamlessly. As soon as the installation completes, feel free to launch the application and dive into the world of movie editing. Unleash your creativity with Capcut!”

YouTube video

Indirect Method of Using Capcut For Free

Despite the availability of Capcut for PC, avid video editors yearn for additional features that surpass those found in the mobile software. To truly immerse yourself in the realm of supreme video editing, the option of utilizing an emulator to run Capcut on a PC becomes alluring.

For those seeking the pinnacle of video editing experience, fear not, as numerous Android emulators are at your disposal to download and install Capcut on your computer. Below, we present a curated selection of the finest emulators for Capcut, enabling you to embark on your creative journey with unrivaled potential.

Procedure to install Capcut using LDPlayer

  • Begin by clicking the provided link to initiate the download of LDPlayer, a versatile Android emulator for both Windows and Mac systems.
  • Double-click the downloaded file once the download is complete to launch the installation process.
  • Follow the instructions to complete the setup within a few minutes.
  • After the installation, click the LDPlayer icon to start the emulator.
  • To find Capcut within LDPlayer, open PlayStore.
  • From the results, click the CapCut App to Install it.
  • Allow a brief period for CapCut to install on your PC, whether it’s running on Windows or Mac.
  • Upon installation, access CapCut by choosing it from the LDPlayer home screen.

Installation of Capcut using Nox Player

  • Download the Nox Player Emulator from the here.
  • Open the downloaded file to start the installation process
  • Agree to the rules and regulations before selecting “install” from the menu.
  • Wait for the installation process to complete.
  • Access the Nox Player on your PC by simply tapping on its icon.
  • Congratulate yourself on successfully setting up the Nox emulator.
  • Open the Play Store on your PC & sign in with your Google account to install Android apps.
  • Utilize the search bar within the Play Store to find and locate the CapCut app.
  • Install Capcut on your PC and enjoy using it immediately.

Installation using the Bluestacks emulator?

Bluestacks stands out as an exceptional and dependable choice among Android app players, enabling seamless execution of Android apps on both Windows and Mac systems. With Bluestacks as our tool, we will effortlessly procure and configure CapCut for Windows 10/8/7. Commencing the process is as straightforward as adhering to the effortless guidelines enumerated below.

  • Download the Bluestacks emulator by Clicking the below button.
  • To launch the bluestacks.exe package, open download folder.
  • To start the installation wizard, click twice on the Application.
capcut online editor
  • The installation process will be completed shortly.
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  • After installation, Click to open the Bluestacks emulator.
  • After opening, You’ll see Bluestack’s Home screen.
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  • You can access the “Google Play Store” button from the Home screen.
capcut for windows 10
  • Use Gmail ID to sign into the Google Play store.
  • Search the App you wish to install.
  • Click the App in the search results to install it.
  • After being able to download the app using the instructions provided.
  • Find the Capcut on the home screen of Bluectacks Emulator.
  • Open it to start using the Capcut on your computer or laptop and launch the project, as shown below
capcut for windows 7

Take a moment to dive into the captivating video presentation below, which will provide you with an insightful tutorial on leveraging the power of Capcut on your personal computer, utilizing the ingenuity of an emulator.

YouTube video

Steps to install Capcut on Windows 10/11

One of the standout characteristics of Windows 10 is its robust support for native Android applications, which undoubtedly ranks among its top-tier features. Users are now able to effortlessly install Android apps on their Windows 10 computers, completely bypassing the need for an emulator, all thanks to this remarkable support for Android apps.

In an endeavor to streamline the app installation process, Microsoft has taken a noteworthy step by introducing the Amazon Android app store to Windows 11. As a result, users can now explore the vast array of applications available in the Amazon Android app store and effortlessly install popular apps like capcut on their Windows 11 devices. Simply pay a visit to the Amazon Android app store, conduct a quick search for capcut download pc windows 10, and proceed to install it once you locate the app.

On your Windows 11 PC or laptop, you have the option to sideload the Capcut APK in a similar manner to how you would typically handle android emulators. This allows for a seamless integration of the app onto your Windows 11 device, opening up new avenues of creativity and productivity.


Unlock your creative potential with capcut pc version, an exceptional and versatile PC video editing software that lets you craft breathtaking videos effortlessly. Enthusiasts who have come to rely on its mobile counterpart are eagerly seeking the opportunity to explore its features on a larger canvas. The standout feature of CapCut lies in its unique reverse and speed tool, which adds an extra layer of brilliance to your videos.

Indulge in a world of boundless possibilities with CapCut’s advanced filters and flawlessly curated aesthetic effects, offering you an extensive array of choices to elevate your creations. Bid farewell to concerns about limited music libraries, exclusive copyrighted tracks, generic stickers, ordinary typefaces, or, above all, an absence of imaginative and enchanting magical effects—CapCut has it all and more.

  • User Friendly Interface
  • No Ads
  • Auto Subtitle
  • Social Sharing
  • Music Library
  • No Watermark
  • Easy to Use
  • Glamorous Beauty Filters And Effects
  • Brillant Design

User-Friendly Interface

CapCut For PC offers a diverse range of advanced tools that allow you to transform every element of your videos. Its interface is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible even to those who are new to video editing.

While the ability to resize, clip, and edit video files are some of the program’s basic features, they are just the beginning of what it can do. CapCut goes far beyond these fundamental capabilities, providing various cutting-edge techniques for completely altering video presentations.

Video Effects

With a single tap, this remarkable video editor unveils a mesmerizing assortment of creative enhancements. With pre-set themes, it effortlessly superimposes captivating phrases, beautiful stickers, photos, and even immersive films.
However, the most awe-inspiring capability lies in its power to identify on-screen objects, liberate them from their surroundings, and craft an entirely novel backdrop around them. Moreover, you can effortlessly imbue movies with an extensive selection of contemporary effects, infuse new melodies and harmonies, and embark on countless other ventures.

Hassle-Free Video Editing

Regardless of your level of expertise, film editing becomes an accessible endeavor with its intuitively designed interface. The user-friendly layout empowers you to delve into the art of editing without any prior knowledge. By effortlessly navigating through the array of buttons and features, you can seamlessly embark on capturing your cinematic vision, as simplicity reigns supreme in this creative process.

Music Library

Capcut transforms into an exhilarating experience as it empowers you to seamlessly import and export your cherished playlist, amplifying the euphoria. Moreover, it allows you to artistically manipulate the backdrop melodies artistically, adding a symphonic dimension to your creations. As a bonus, it presents an array of fundamental audio tones, eagerly awaiting your discerning selection, enabling you to harmonize them perfectly with your preferences.

No Ads

The most aggravating thing any video editor carries is Ads. Videos keep steaming until ads show up in Pop-up. But in Capcut pro apk, this issue is resolved. Developers blocked ads from in the backends, and you won’t have to see more irritating ads

Auto Subtitle

Auto subtitle is An amazing feature came to see in Capcut. It works like google’s auto-translate AI technology. You don’t need to add subtitles to the video manually; you can speak through the mic, and it’ll be automatically written on your video.

Social Sharing

Social media is like a super-fast digital world that keeps getting bigger and bigger. There are so many people using it, and they have their own groups of followers and fans. With Capcut, you can easily share all the cool stuff you love with your friends and family on different platforms. It’s like showing off your favorite things to everyone you know!

What are the Advantages of using Capcut PC?

  • Exciting stickers, catchy phrases, and unique typefaces instantly captivate your audience, giving your movie an edge.
  • Transform your videos into stunning masterpieces with many awe-inspiring effects that elevate their visual appeal.
  • Dive into an extensive collection of TikTok songs exclusively curated for your creative endeavors.
  • Seamlessly wield the power of Cut, Reverse, and Change Speed features to craft captivating videos effortlessly.
  • The Style Module has recently introduced an array of stunning effects, including a mesmerizing 3D Zoom feature.
  • Unlock a world of linguistic possibilities with an expanded range of language options catered to your preferences.
  • Immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance of dark mode, adding a touch of sophistication to your editing experience.
  • Experience flawless compatibility on Android devices starting from Android 5.0 and above, ensuring optimal performance and accessibility.

The introduction of Language choice in Capcut is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to its remarkable features. Rather than conforming to the ordinary English/Chinese options, Capcut empowers you to express yourself in any language that resonates with your comfort and preference. This inclusive approach particularly benefits individuals residing in diverse parts of the world, catering to their unique linguistic needs.

Harnessing the power of Capcut, video editing becomes a breeze. Embracing a myriad of filters, this versatile tool empowers creators to embark on diverse editing journeys. Whether delicately refining footage with a touch of softness or amplifying its impact with razor-sharp precision, Capcut delivers an arsenal of possibilities. Additionally, it boasts an array of beautifying tools that can elevate the quality of videos to new heights. Who could resist the allure of such a comprehensive toolkit, enabling the creation of mesmerizing videos that exude flawless perfection?

capcut download windows

Is Capcut free to use on PC?

Indeed, CapCut for PC has emerged as an invaluable, no-cost video editing software in 2023. An intriguing message appears on the CapCut Export page: ‘Unlock the watermark removal feature by logging into CapCut within a limited timeframe.’ This subtle hint raises the possibility that CapCut’s general availability may not be everlasting.

Seize this golden opportunity to harness the app’s full potential while remaining free of charge. One cannot dismiss the notion that ByteDance, the creators of CapCut, might eventually introduce a monetization strategy.

Link Account on the PC version

When you first open CapCut on your computer, you’ll see a “Sign In” button at the top left corner. By clicking on it, you’ll have the choice to log in using your TikTok, Google, or Facebook account. This will take you to a page where you’ll need to give permission for the app to access your account.

No need to worry if you decide to skip the sign-in process and go directly to the timeline panel. You can easily go back to the main home page by selecting the “Menu” option and then clicking on “Back to home page.

Alternatives to Capcut PC

If you’re looking for additional features or functionalities that Capcut doesn’t currently provide, you can explore these alternative options.


Discover a remarkable tool comparable to CapCut that offers boundless possibilities for crafting captivating intros, hilarious memes, and engaging video blogs. VideoShow emerges as a powerhouse, serving as a mesmerizing camera, a top-notch video editor, and an imaginative creator that harnesses the full range of available tools. Immerse yourself in awesome video content, relishing the promise of exceptional video quality and an intuitive interface that welcomes every user with open arms.


With utmost ease, you can seamlessly amalgamate captivating video snippets, melodious soundtracks, and compelling textual elements, infuse awe-inspiring effects, and craft a personalized cinematic masterpiece, all within a matter of mere minutes, courtesy of the unparalleled user-friendly prowess embodied by this exceptional home video editing software.


Kinemaster, the avant-garde of video editing software, transcends the confines of traditional filmmaking budgets, empowering you to unleash your creative prowess. Seamlessly upload, capture, and fabricate captivating content that transports your audience to awe-inspiring realms or embellishes the narrative tapestry with contextual richness.

Closing Thoughts

CapCut for pc, a standout amongst the premier video editing applications, encompasses a plethora of exceptional features. Offering a seamless and hassle-free video editing experience, this app elevates the art of editing to new heights. Your cinematic creations can be further enhanced using a wide array of captivating filters. Moreover, the usage of this remarkable video editing tool does not necessitate any additional form of membership.

The cutting-edge video-making capabilities and intuitively designed interface of CapCut have propelled it to unprecedented popularity among its users. Thanks to the ingenuity of Android emulators, this application can now be readily accessed on your personal computer or laptop, expanding its reach even further.

We have delineated two exceptional and foolproof methods to obtain the CapCut application for Windows absolutely free of charge, ensuring a seamless installation process.

Thus, this tutorial has provided you with a lucid and uncomplicated guide on acquiring the CapCut application for your PC. If you encounter any lingering challenges while downloading CapCut to your computer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through the comments section below


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