C000021a windows 7 при загрузке

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Microsoft is investigating behavior where systems may not recover from a restart, or applications cannot load, after security update 2823324 is applied. We recommend that customers uninstall this update. As an added precaution, Microsoft has removed the download links to the 2823324 update while we investigate.

Examples of symptoms


Error message text


The System log shows the following event ID:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Ntfs
Event Category: Disk
Event ID: 55
Date: Date
Time: Time
User: N/A
Computer: Computer_name
The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the Chkdsk utility on the volume E:.

Note The volume letter may vary. Chkdsk will run but will not find any issues to fix.


STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xC000003a (0x00000000 0x00000000).
The system has shutdown.

Note The status will always be 0xC000003a if you are experiencing the issue described here.


Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem, follow these steps:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and then click next.
3. Click «Repair your computer.»

Status: 0xc000000e
Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.


Mensagem de Erro 1

STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xC000003a (0x00000000 0x00000000).
The system has shutdown.

Mensagem de Erro 2

O Windows não foi iniciado com êxito. Uma alteração recente de hardware ou software pode ter causado o problema. Para corrigir o problema:
1. Insira o disco de instalação do Windows w reinicie o computador.
2. Escolha as configurações do seu idioma e clique em «Avançar».
3. Clique em «Reparar o seu computador».
Se você não tiver o disco, entre em contato com o administrador do sistema ou fabricante do computador para obter assistência.

Status: 0xc000000e
Informações: A seleção da inicialização falhou porque um dispositivo necessário está inacessível.

This failure occurs very early in the startup process, and no Memory.dmp file is created.

After you install security update 2823324, Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations or Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Servers versions and may display an error message that resembles the following:

Your license is not valid.

Therefore, some or all of Kaspersky protection components stop functioning.


Microsoft has released security update 2840149. This security update resolves the issue that was introduced by security update 2823324. Security update 2823324 was replaced by security update 2840149.

For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

2840149 MS13-036: Description of the security update for the Windows file system kernel-mode driver (ntfs.sys): April 9, 2013


We recommend that customers uninstall security update 2823324 and then install security update 2840149. This article provides multiple methods to uninstall the update.

Scenario A: Recovery steps for computers that have installed security update 2823324 and are now failing to start

The following options provide different methods to restore your computer to the state that it was in before the security update was installed:

  1. Access the System Recovery Options. To do this, restart the computer and repeatedly tap the F8 key before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, try again. Wait until the Windows logon prompt appears, and then shut down and then restart your computer. You must remove any floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs from your computer before you restart.

    Note If you cannot access the System Recovery options, go to Option 4.

  2. Select Repair your Computer.

  3. Select the language, and then log on to the computer.

    Note If you do not know the local password, you must start by using a Windows 7 DVD or USB bootable media. Then, access System Recovery Options.

  4. Select System Restore from the menu:

  5. Restore the last restore point. This uninstalls security update 2823324.

  6. Restart the computer into normal mode.

  1. Access the System Recovery Options. To do this, restart the computer and repeatedly tap the F8 key before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, try again. Wait until the Windows logon prompt appears, and then shut down and then restart your computer. You must remove any floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs from your computer before you restart.

    Note If you cannot access the System Recovery options, go to Option 4.

  2. Select Repair your Computer.

  3. Select the language, and then log on to the computer.

    Note If you do not know the local password, you must start by using a Windows 7 DVD or USB bootable media. Then, access System Recovery Options.

  4. Select Command Prompt from the menu:

  5. At the command prompt, run the following command:

    dism /image:C:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions

  6. Restart the computer into normal mode.

  1. Access the System Recovery Options. To do this, restart the computer and repeatedly tap the F8 key before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, try again. Wait until the Windows logon prompt appears, and then shut down and then restart your computer. You must remove any floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs from your computer before you restart.

    Note If you cannot access the System Recovery options, go to Option 4.

  2. Select Repair your Computer.

  3. Select the language, and then log on to the computer.

    Note If you do not know the local password, you must start by using a Windows 7 DVD or USB bootable media. Then, access System Recovery Options.

  4. Select Command Prompt from the menu:

  5. At the command prompt, run the following command:

    dism /image:C:\ /get-packages

  6. Search the results for security update 2823324.

  7. Copy the package name, and paste it as shown:

    dism /image:C:\ /remove-package /PackageName:Package_for_KB2823324~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~

  8. You receive a message that states that the uninstallation was successful.

  9. Restart the computer into normal mode.

To help customers who have problems restarting their systems after they install security update 2823324, Microsoft is making available a bootable media ISO image through the Microsoft Download Center (DLC). Customers who cannot restart their systems after they apply the 2823324 update can download this image to create a bootable DVD or USB drive. Then, they can use this DVD or USB drive to boot their systems, uninstall security update 2823324, and return their systems to a normal operating state.

Note An ISO image is a way to distribute software so that an image can be written or «burned» to removable bootable media, such as a DVD.

  1. After you download the ISO package, burn a CD or DVD from an ISO file.

  2. Insert the CD or DVD into the affected computer, and then restart the computer.

  3. Follow the instructions on the screen, and then after the uninstallation is complete, remove the disk and then restart the computer.

After the computer is restarted, security update 2823324 will have been automatically uninstalled.

Scenario B: Recovery steps for computers that have installed security update 2823324 but have not yet restartedThe following options provide different methods to uninstall the security update: For computers that have security update 2823324 installed but have not yet restarted, follow the steps in Microsoft Knowledge Base article
927392 to uninstall the hotfix by using the command line syntax that is described in the article.

  1. In Control Panel, open Programs, and then click View Installed updates.

  2. Select Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2823324), and then click Uninstall to uninstall the security update.

If multiple computers are affected, and you want to run a script remotely to remove the update, you can use the following command to remove the security update silently:

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2823324 /quiet /norestart

If multiple computers are affected, and you want to run a script remotely to remove the update, you can use the following command to remove the security update silently:

Psexec -d -s \\remotemachine wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2823324 /quiet /norestart

More Information

While Microsoft is investigating the issues that are described in this article, the MS13-036 security update (KB 2823324) is no longer being offered by Windows Update.

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С этой ошибкой вы можете столкнуться при включении компьютера или при попытке восстановить систему со съемного носителя. После появления окна с уведомлением о сбое, процесс прерывается, и работать с ПК дальше невозможно. Далее мы расскажем вам, как быть с этой проблемой и откуда она берётся.

Как исправить ошибку STOP c000021a

Методы исправления ошибки STOP c000021a.

Причины ошибки

Ошибка STOP c000021a характерна для всех модификаций Windows: ХР, 7, 8, 10. Спровоцировать подобное может следующее:

  1. Нарушения в записях реестра (вспомните, не меняли ли вы что-нибудь там накануне).
  2. Повреждение винчестера или временный сбой в его работе.
  3. Установка свежей версии антивируса.
  4. Установка приложений, несовместимых с ОС вашей модификации.
  5. Неправильное завершение работы ПК: выключение во время обновления ОС, перебой с электроэнергией и т. п.

Внезапное появление синего экрана вместо стандартного лейбла Windows способно напугать любого пользователя, однако, ошибка вовсе не фатальна, вопреки высвечивающемуся сообщению «Fatal system error». Ее можно исправить несколькими способами, но для этого потребуется загрузочная флешка (или диск) с образом Windows, чтобы получить доступ к функциям управления ПК.

Сообщение об ошибке STOP c000021a 

Исправляем ошибку «Fatal system error»

Ошибка STOP с кодом c000021a устраняется следующими способами:

  1. Простой перезагрузкой с выбором «Download last known good configuration» (для этого при включении нажмите несколько раз F8).
  2. Сканированием и восстановлением важных функций системы с помощью специальной команды в Command line.
  3. Восстановлением системы с загрузочного диска с добором цельных файлов с образа и заменой ими поврежденных.

С первым пунктом все понятно: если вам улыбнется удача, то система откатится к последней успешной загрузке сама по себе, но это происходит нечасто. Начнем подробное описание процесса исправления Fatal system error со второго способа:

  1. Вставьте загрузочную флешку с Windows и выберите в меню последнюю опцию Command line. Автоматизированные варианты восстановления отнимут у вас время, но не решат проблему.
  2. В Command line впишите: chkdsk c: /r (вместо С у вас может быть другая буква, если системный раздел носит иное название.
  3. Кликните «Интер» и дождитесь сообщения о завершении действия.
  4. Далее в Command line нужно вписать: sfc/scannow. Эта команда запустит полную проверку ОС с выявлением и исправлением ошибок. Такое мероприятие может занять не один час, периодически процентные показатели проведенной работы останавливаются на 10-15 мин – это нормально, так и должно быть. Не выключайте компьютер, пока не появится сообщение о завершении.
  5. Теперь перезапустите систему и убедитесь, что ошибка исчезла.

Использование sfc/scannow

Если Fatal error никуда не делась, то вот еще вариант, как можно исправить положение:

  1. Загрузитесь с флешки и зайдите на диск С (может называться по-другому).
  2. Найдите папку RegBack (с помощью «Поиска» будет удобнее, но вообще она находится в разделе config, который, в свою очередь, располагается в System32).
  3. Вынесете все элементы из нее в config.
  4. А если папка RegBack пуста, то наоборот, из config нужно перенести в нее элементы: default, sam, security, software, system.
  5. Перезапустите ПК.
  6. Не пугайтесь, когда увидите приветственное сообщение Windows, словно вы установили ее заново – это еще не все настройки, которые мы применим.
  7. Откройте «Панель управления» — «Система и безопасность» — «Центр поддержки» и выберите «Восстановление системы».
  8. Припомните день, когда компьютер запускался без проблем, и найдите соответствующую точку восстановления.
  9. Таким образом, все ваши предустановки вернутся, и можно будет спокойно продолжать работу за ПК.

Также попробуйте следующее:

  1. Подключите флешку к другому ПК с исправной Windows.
  2. Зайдите на диск С в папку с названием Windows, где хранится вложение System
  3. Скопируйте на флешку следующие элементы: Winlogon.exe, Csrss.exe, smss.exe.
  4. Теперь загрузитесь с флешки на повреждённом ПК и перекиньте скопированные файлы в аналогичную папку – таким образом вы замените поврежденные элементы нормальными.

Файл Winlogon.exe


В заключение скажем несколько слов о том, что делать, если неисправность с кодом ошибки c000021a появилась во время запуска ОС с загрузочного носителя:

  1. Проверьте качество загрузочной записи: попробуйте скачать образ диска с другого сайта или записать его самостоятельно, внимательно следуя подсказкам программы.
  2. Замените программу для записи дисков – некоторые из них часто «забывают» включить в дистрибутив критически важные файлы.
  3. Проверьте исправность самой флешки/диска. Для создания загрузочной записи требуется правильно отформатировать её – убедитесь, что это так.
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Get the fix to “0xc0000021A: error for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or Windows 11 operating systems.

About the “0xc000021A” error

The following information on this error has been compiled by NeoSmart Technologies, based on the information gathered and reported by our global network of engineers, developers, and technicians or partner organizations.

Description and Symptoms

The error messages, alerts, warnings, and symptoms below are tied to this error.

Symptom 1: 0xc000021A error screen

The 0xC000021A error is a Blue Screen of Death or BSoD error (related: Blue Screen of Death guide) that occurs when a Windows user-mode subsystem is compromised.


Windows user-mode subsystems are: WinLogon or Client Server-Run Time Subsystem (CSRSS). These 2 sub-systems are mandatory for Windows to operate.

If these are compromised, Windows stops running and will show this error.

The error message that can appear on your screen is usually this:

STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The Windows SubSystem system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005.
The system has been shut down.

The 0xC000021A error is also known as:

  • STOP 0xC000021A
  • STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED (Status System Process Terminated)
  • HALT: c000021a {Fatal System Error}
  • STOP c000021a

This is how 0xC000021A appears on a Windows XP system (also for Windows Vista or Windows 7 systems):

The 0xC000021A error

Under Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11, the blue screen and error message would appear as a variation of the following screenshot. The text might differ slightly, but with the same error code:

The 0xC000021A error in Windows 8 and 8.1

Causes of this Error

This error has been known to occur as a result of one or more of the following:

Cause 1: Misconfigured software or driver

The most common cause of this error is a certain key piece of software or system driver that is malfuncioning.

Cause 2: System registry is damaged

Another possible cause for this error is damaged system registry. This may happen because of disk read/write errors, power outages or virus attacks.

Fixing “0xc000021A” on Windows

Easy Recovery Essentials is guaranteed to fix the “0xC000021A” error automatically using its built-in Automated Repair option. EasyRE is currently available for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11 and can be downloaded and created on any PC.

  1. Download Easy Recovery Essentials. Make sure to note your Windows version (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, or Windows 11) before you download EasyRE. This guide can help you identify what version of Windows you have installed.
  2. Burn the image. Follow these instructions on how to burn the bootable ISO image very carefully, as making a bootable CD can be tricky! Alternatively, these instructions explain how to create a bootable EasyRE recovery USB stick/drive.
  3. Boot up your PC from the Easy Recovery Essentials CD or USB you created.
  4. Once EasyRE is running, choose the “Automated Repair” option and click Continue.

    EasyRE Home

    Choose “Automated Repair” in Easy Recovery Essentials

  5. After EasyRE scans your computer’s drives, identify and select the drive letter for your Windows installation from the list, and then click on the Automated Repair button to begin.

    EasyRE displays a list of found Windows operating systems

    Choose the drive associated with the Windows installation you’re trying to repair.

  6. Easy Recovery Essentials will start analyzing the selected drive for problems. EasyRE will test for and attempt to automatically correct errors with the disk, partition, bootsector, filesystem, bootloader, and registry. No intervention is required, as EasyRE’s repair is fully automated:

    EasyRE: Automated Repair

    Easy Recovery Essentials searches for errors and makes corrections to the selected Windows installation.

  7. Once the process is complete, EasyRE will report its findings. Click on the Restart button to reboot your PC and test the changes.
  8. The “0xC000021A” error should now be fixed as your PC begins to load:EasyRE: Automated Repair

You can download Easy Recovery Essentials from here.

Fix 0xC000021A on Windows XP

Fix #1: Boot into Last Known Good Configuration

If you boot your Windows XP system into the Last Known Good Configuration mode, it forces your computer to use a previously saved Windows Registry version: the last time when your computer successfully boot with no errors.

The Last Known Good Configuration mode might be a quick fix for the 0xC000021A error.

To boot your computer into this mode, follow these steps:

  1. Restart the computer
  2. Wait for the computer to complete the POST process (system information appearing on your screen)
  3. Quickly press the F8 key repeatedly until you see a list of boot options available
  4. Choose Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)
  5. Press Enter
  6. Wait for your computer boot into this mode

Windows XP Advanced Options Menu

Windows XP Advanced Options Menu

Fix #2: Uninstall previously installed software or driver

If the error appeared recently after you installed a new piece of software or hardware driver, or any kind of new installation to your Windows XP system, boot into Safe Mode and uninstall it.

Contact the manufacturer or check online for an update version of that software or driver that is compatible with Windows XP.

To boot Windows XP into Safe Mode, follow these steps:

If you’re not able to boot into Safe Mode, go to Fix 0xC000021A with Easy Recovery Essentials to fix this error automatically using Easy Recovery Essentials. You can run EasyRE from any CD, DVD or USB drive.

  1. Reboot the computer
  2. Press the F8 key before the Windows XP logo appears
  3. At the Windows Advanced Options menu, select Safe Mode
  4. Press Enter

For more information on Safe Mode, go to our guide on Safe Mode.

Fix #3: Run System Restore

If System Restore was turned on for your computer, you can try and restore the system to an earlier restore point.

To do so, follow these steps to run System Restore in Safe Mode on a Windows XP system:

  1. Restart the computer
  2. Press and F8 key to boot into Windows Advanced Options Menu
  3. Using the arrow keys, select Safe mode with Command Prompt
  4. Hit Enter
  5. Login as Administrator
  6. When Command Prompt Appears, type the following command and press Enter:
  7. Follow the instructions on the screen to restore your computer to an earlier time

Windows XP Advanced Options Menu

Windows XP Advanced Options Menu

For more information on System Restore, go to our guide on System Restore for Windows XP.

Fix #4: Other tips

If none of the above tips are working for your computer, consider the following tips you can try:

  • Reinstall Windows XP using the original installation disc. If you don’t have the original disc, go to Fix 0xC000021A with Easy Recovery Essentials.
  • Install all the Service Packs available for your Windows XP. If you have Windows XP with no Service Packs, install them.

Fix 0xC000021A on Windows Vista and 7

Fix #1: Uninstall previously installed software or driver

If you recently installed a new software or driver on your system, boot into Safe Mode and uninstall it.

  1. Restart the computer and press the F8 key before the Windows Vista or Windows 7 logo appears
  2. At the Advanced Boot Options menu, select Safe Mode and press Enter

Fix #2: Use Startup Repair

Your original Windows Vista or Windows 7 installation disc (DVD) contains the Startup Repair utility that you can run and try to fix the 0xC000021A error.

To run Startup Repair on a Windows Vista or 7 system, follow these steps:

  1. Boot from the DVD, the original DVD with Windows Vista or 7

    If you don’t have the original DVD, go to Fix 0xC000021A with Easy Recovery Essentials. EasyRE can automatically fix this error.

  2. Click any key to boot from the DVD
  3. At the Welcome screen, click Repair your computerThe Welcome screen in Windows Vista:The Welcome screen in Windows 7:
  4. Choose your operating system
  5. Click Next
  6. At the System Recovery Options screen, click Startup RepairThe System Recovery Options screen on a Windows Vista:The System Recovery Options on a Windows 7:
  7. Wait for the process to finish
  8. Restart the computer when prompted

Fix #3: Last Known Good Configuration

Similar to Windows XP instructions above, you can also try to boot into the Last Known Good Configuration that will attempt to use a previously error-free version of your system’s Registry.

To boot into this mode on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer or shut it down completely and then press the power button to start it
  2. Before the Windows Vista or Windows 7 logo appears on your screen, press the F8 key repeatedly (tap the key, do not keep it pressed).On certain models of laptops, you may need to keep the Fn key pressed down while tapping the F8 key.
  3. Once your system boots into the Advanced Boot Options menu, select Last Known Good Configuration (Advanced) from the list using the arrows keys
  4. Press Enter

Fix #4: System Restore

If you enabled System Restore on your computer, you may choose an earlier restore point to boot into your computer successfully.

If the 0xC000021A error is caused by an incompatible software or driver, System Restore will restore your computer to an earlier data when the incompatible software or driver wasn’t installed on your system.

To do so, System Restore must be enabled on your computer prior to you installing the software or driver that caused this error.

If you can’t boot into Safe Mode to run System Restore, go to Fix 0xC000021A with Easy Recovery Essentials. EasyRE can fix this error and you can run EasyRE from any CDs, DVDs or USB drives.

To run System Restore in Safe Mode, follow these steps:

  1. Boot the computer
  2. Press the F8 key before the Windows Vista or 7 logo appears
  3. At the Advanced Boot Options screen, select Safe Mode with Command Prompt
  4. Press Enter
  5. Login as Administrator
  6. Type the following command, when Command Prompt appears, and then press Enter:
  7. Follow the wizard instructions to restore your computer to an earlier date

If you have the original installation disc with Windows Vista or Windows 7, you can run System Restore by booting into the installation disc and then going to System Recovery Options > System Restore.

For more information on System Restore, go to our guide on System Restore for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Fix #5: Last Restore Point by Command Prompt

If System Restore doesn’t load, you can run the dism command to automatically recover the last restore point by using the Command Prompt (System Restore must be enabled):

  1. Restart the computer and press the F8 key to boot into Windows Advanced Options
  2. Select Repair your computer and press Enter.If the Repair your computer option isn’t available, use your original installation disc to boot into System Recovery Options.
  3. Once at System Recovery Options, select Command Prompt
  4. When Command Prompt appears, type the following command and press Enter:
    dism /image:C:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions

    Replace C: with the letter of the driver where your Windows Vista or Windows 7 is installed.

Fix #6: Disable services in msconfig

If the 0xC000021A error is caused by a software or driver that starts when you start your Windows Vista or 7 system, you can try and disable the Services listed in the System Configuration (msconfig) utility:

  1. Boot into your system

    If you can’t boot into your system because of the boot error, go to Fix 0xC000021A with Easy Recovery Essentials.

  2. Click Start
  3. Type msconfig
  4. Press Enter
  5. Go to Startup (or Services) and disable all services listed there
  6. Click OK
  7. Click Restart to apply the changes
  8. Restart the computer

Msconfig utility screen

Msconfig utility screen

If your computer works after apply the changes, the issue can be from one of the services listed in the Startup tab.

To debug which service is causing the error, boot back into the system and enable the services listed there one by one and restart the computer until you pinpoint the exact service that is causing the error.

Fix 0xC000021A on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10

Fix #1: Clean Boot

To perform a clean boot follow the steps below. A Clean Boot will allow you to troubleshoot the 0xC000021A error in-depth, if it works.

  1. Boot into your system
  2. Go to Desktop and click Start
  3. Press the and R keys to open the Run utility
  4. Type msconfig
  5. Press Enter
  6. Go to the General tab, at the System Configuration window
  7. Click Selective startup
  8. Uncheck Load startup items
  9. Go to Services tab
  10. Check Hide all Microsoft services
  11. Click Disable all from the bottom right
  12. Go to Startup tab
  13. Disable all services listed there by doing: right-click on each and then click Disable
  14. Restart the computer

If your computer no longer shows the 0xC000021A error, a service listed in Startup might be the problem. To pinpoint which service exactly is causing this error, go back to msconfig and enable each service, one by one, restart the computer until the error appears again.

Msconfig utility screen

Msconfig utility screen

Fix #2: Uninstall software or drivers

A newly installed software or driver can cause this error. If Fix #1 above worked for your system, you need to uninstall that piece of software or driver.

Or, check online with the manufacturer for an updated version or a version that is compatible with the version of your Windows: 8 or 8.1

If you can’t boot into your computer, try booting into Safe Mode and uninstall the necessary software or drivers:

  1. Restart the computer and press the F8 key before the Windows 8 logo appears. If the F8 key doesn’t work, try the F11 key.
  2. Click Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings > Restart
  3. Press the F4 key to boot into Safe Mode

If you have the original disc, you can use it to boot into Safe Mode:

  1. Insert the disc and reboot the system
  2. Press any key to boot from the media
  3. Click Repair your computer
  4. Click Troubleshoot, then Advanced Options, then Startup Settings, then Restart
  5. Press F4 to boot into Safe Mode

Fix #3: Run DISM command

Boot your Windows system into Safe Mode with Command Prompt and run the dism command by following the steps below:

  1. Reboot your system
  2. Press the F8 key during boot before the Windows 8 logo appears. If the F8 key doesn’t work, try with Shift and F8 or just the F11 key.
  3. Choose Troubleshoot
  4. Select Advanced Options
  5. Select Startup Settings
  6. Click Restart
  7. Press the F6 key to boot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt
  8. Once the Command Prompt appears, type this command and press Enter:
    dism /image:C:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions

    Replace C: with the letter of the drive where your Windows 8/8.1/10 is installed.

  9. Additional commands you can run are:
    cd C:\Windows\WinSxS

    and then:

    move pending.xml pending.old

    This will work if a pending.xml has been created.

If you can’t boot into Safe Mode, go to Fix 0xC000021A with Easy Recovery Essentials. On more information about the Safe Mode for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 systems, go to our guide on Safe Mode: Windows 8/8.1

Fix #4: System Restore

If System Restore was enabled on your Windows 8/8.1/1-, you can use it to revert back your computer to an earlier time.

If you can’t run System Restore, go to Fix 0xC000021A with Easy Recovery Essentials.

  1. Restart the computer
  2. Press the F8 key or the F11 key
  3. Choose a keyboard layout, if prompted
  4. Click Troubleshoot
  5. Click Advanced Options
  6. Click System Restore
  7. Select the operating system
  8. The System Restore will now open. Click Next
  9. Choose a restore point and click Next
  10. Click Finish to confirm the restore point
  11. Click Yes at the warning message
  12. Wait for the process to finish

Fix #5: Driver Signature Disabled

If you disable Driver Signature, Windows 8/8.1/10 will use drivers that aren’t signed by Microsoft directly too.

This method can work if error is being caused by any of the drivers that are loading at startup.

  1. Restart the computer
  2. Press the F8 key. If F8 key doesn’t work, try the F11 key.
  3. Choose Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings
  4. Click Restart
  5. Press the F7 key to boot into Windows with the driver signature enforcement disabled

Fix #6: Reset

In Windows 8/8.1/10, you can perform a reset of your system. Before you do so, please note that:

  • A Reset will erase all personal files from your computer
  • If your system is Windows 8.1, a Reset will revert your computer to Windows 8. After the Reset operation is successful, you need to update to Windows 8.1

Follow these instructions:

  1. Restart the computer
  2. Press the F8 key or the F11 key
  3. Choose a keyboard layout, if prompted
  4. Click Troubleshoot
  5. Click Reset your PC
  6. Follow the instructions to complete the process

Troubleshooting the 0xC000021A error

Debug in Windows XP

While the 0xC000021A error is usually caused by an incompatible software or driver you may have recently installed, you can debug it using Dr. Watson software in Windows XP to troubleshoot its cause further more.

These are the instructions on using Dr. Watson to debug the error:

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
    System Root\System32\Drwtsn32.exe -I
  3. Type this and press Enter:
    System Root\System32\Drwtsn32.exe
  4. Then select from the following options: Append to existing log file, Create crash dump, Visual Notification

    By default, the log file created by Dr. Watson is created under the following folder path:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINNT\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson

If no log file was created by the utility software, you can also use the Userdump.exe utility to create a log file:

  1. Download User Mode Process Dumper 8.1 from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=4060
  2. Run Setup.exe
  3. Go to Control Panel
  4. Click Process Dump
  5. At the Exception Monitoring tab, click New. After you add the program name (Lsass.exe, Winlogon.exe, Mtx.exe, Dllhost.exe) to the Monitor list, click OK.
  6. At Monitor, click the name you just added and click Rules
  7. Click Custom Rules and select what type of error you want to trigger (for example: Access violation errors)

Note: The User Dump utility has been removed from Microsoft’s site (archived link preserved above). You can use a 3rd party utility like Dumper instead to the do the same, but it needs to be run manually. Otherwise, you can follow our instructions on configuring the registry to create a crash dump.

More Information

Support Links

  • Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows – our repair and recovery disk.

    It’s an easy-to-use and automated diagnostics disk. It’s available for Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It’s also available for Windows XP and Windows Server.

    Read more at Windows Recovery Disks.

  • The NeoSmart Support Forums, member-to-member technical support and troubleshooting.
  • Get a discounted price on replacement setup and installation discs: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2022.

Applicable Systems

This Windows-related knowledgebase article applies to the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP (all editions)
  • Windows Vista (all editions)
  • Windows 7 (all editions)
  • Windows 8 (all editions)
  • Windows 8.1 (all editions)
  • Windows 10 (all editions)
  • Windows 11 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2003 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2008 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2012 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2016 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2019 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2022 (all editions)

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Новый клиентский компьютер, Windows 7 x64 (лицензионный), установлена куча софта, все обновления, все настроено — по высшему разряду.
Память проверена двумя разными тестами, системный винт отформатирован перед установкой системы.
Комп проверен клиентом на месте досконально — вплоть до поштучной проверки работы всех USB-портов, наличия старых бэкапов на диске и т.п.

Клиент купил себе беспроводной комплект клавиатура+мышь, привез домой, подключил.
Комплект установился (с некоторыми плясками с бубном, т.к. клиент перепутал блок подключения с USB-удлинителем, но разобрались по телефону), запросил перезагрузку, после чего комп перестал включаться вовсе.


Характерны для клиента были две вещи — в процессе установки клиент несколько раз обесточивал комп без нормального выключения (и вообще любитель резких движений) для подключения клавомыши, и предыдущий комп он сжег при попытке вкрутить USB-контроллер поверх корпусной панели, закрывающей PCI. Сгорели и сам контроллер, и южный мост на материнской плате.

После этого выгорания менять пришлось все, кроме винчестеров (так получилось, что старый процессор (Pentium D 805 на Socket 775) не совместим с новыми чипсетами и поддерживает только память DDR2 PC-4200). Естественно, что один из винчестеров и DVD±RW были IDE-шными. Еще там был флоповод (да, именно, для чтения Floppy-дискет!) — но от него клиент отказался в пользу USB Floppy Drive.
Для тех, кто понимает — на современных материнских платах (Socket 1155 и старше) не бывает больше одного PS/2, не бывает FDD-интерфейса, и в норме нету IDE. В поисках мамки с PCI я облазил весь магазин.

Итоговый конфиг: мамка Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3V с PCI, камень Pentium Dual-Core G630, 4 Гб оперативки, один SATA-винт и два IDE-устройства (винт и DVD±RW) через контроллер PCI-E IDE+SATA на JMB363.
К слову, драйверы для этого контроллера J-Micron PCI-E 1x SATA+E-SATA+IDE JMB363 отсутствуют на диске, который продается с ним в комплекте. Искать дрова под JMB363 лучше на оффсайте ftp://driver.jmicron.com.tw/SATA_Controller/Windows/ — загружаем свежие, а при установке подтягиваем из папки (внезапно!) DriverName_SATADriver2 (несмотря на то, что у вас может быть x64). Так то!

Систему поставили, хотя привод очень не хотел читать установочный диск. Настроили, поставили софт и все обновления, вылизали, сдали. А тут без интернета такая фигня.
Ах да, деньги считать клиент умеет и любит. В общем, вопрос при получении нового проверенного компа обратно в ремонт был только один: «Как тебе это удалось?»


Комп циклично перезагружается. При загрузке нажимаю F8, выбираю «отключить перезагрузку при системной ошибке», вижу STOP: c000021a {Fatal system error}

Stop: c000021a Fatal System Error Windows 7

Эта ошибка часто возникает при нарушении процесса установки критических обновлений, например, .NET или DirectX.

При следующей перезагрузке автоматически возникает «Устранение неполадок компьютера», оно же «Восстановление при загрузке», пробующее что-то сделать автоматически, но успехом не увенчавшееся.

Через консоль проверяю системный диск командой chkdsk c: /r
Находит и исправляет ошибки, но система все равно не загружается.

Открываю «Восстановление системы».
Там видны две точки восстановления — изначальная (сразу после установки) и свежая, перед последним критическим обновлением.
Выбираю свежую, а в следующем окне (там, где выбор диска) странная надпись:

Состояние: «Нужно включить защиту системы на этом диске«

Долго искал точную формулировку на английском «You must enable System Protection for this drive.» Пришлось даже переключать систему на английский язык на работающем компьютере.

Потом много поиска по форумам. В итоге — нашлось.

Методы решения проблемы (в порядке возрастания хардкора):

1. Команда sfc /scannow в консоли. Проверяет и исправляет ошибки в системных файлах.

Появление надписи SFC has a repair pending, please reboot to finish the repair означает, что фокус не удался и следует перейти к следующему шагу.

2. Открываем через консоль regedit. Находим ветку: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTSystemRestore]

Если там есть параметр «DisableSR»=dword:00000001, ему надо установить значение 0. Если не поможет — можно просто удалить. Если и это не поможет — переходим к следующему этапу.

3. Открываем консоль. Пишем «c:» и нажимаем Enter. Пишем «cd windowssystem32config» — попадаем в директорию хранения реестра.
Набираем «dir» — видим список файлов, находящихся в этой директории. Нас интересуют пять веток реестра: default, sam, security, software и system. Если в папке также есть файлы с расширением *.rmbak — восстанавливаем их:

ren software software.bak
copy software.rmbak software

ren default default.bak
copy default.rmbak default

после этого перезагружаемся. Если нет файлов .rmbak — переходим к шагу 4.

4. Снова заходим в каталог хранения реестра, как в шаге 3. Пишем следующий набор команд в консоли:

ren default default.bak
ren sam sam.bak
ren security security.bak
ren software software.bak
ren system system.bak
copy RegBack*.*

Перезагружаем компьютер. Наблюдаем первое окно установки и настройки винды, как на новых компьютерах. Проходим все шаги, как при первой настройке. Открывается рабочий стол с ярлыками установленных программ.

После этого открываем Компьютер → Правой кнопкой → Свойства → в левом блоке → Защита системы → выбираем системный диск → нажимаем кнопку «Восстановление системы».

Восстанавливаем систему на последнюю (самую свежую) точку. Проверяем и устанавливаем заново все обновления.

PS: Полезная информация по теме:

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