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- C-Media CM6501 Like Sound
C-Media CM6501 Like Sound
(09 июл 2007)
Файл *.inf:
Windows Vista
В каталоге нет драйверов для C-Media CM6501 Like Sound под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.
Драйверы для C-Media CM6501 Like Sound собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе C-Media CM6501 Like Sound (звуковые карты).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на C-Media CM6501 Like Sound для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.
Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11
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Поиск по ID
C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver v. Windows XP / Vista 32-64 bits
Подробнее о пакете драйверов:Тип: драйвер |
Драйверы для звуковых карт на чипе CM6501 от компании C-Media. Предназначены автоматической для установки на Windows XP и Windows Vista.
Для установки необходимо распаковать архив и запустить файл — setup.exe.
Внимание! Перед установкой драйвера C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver рекомендутся удалить её старую версию. Удаление драйвера особенно необходимо — при замене оборудования или перед установкой новых версий драйверов для видеокарт. Узнать об этом подробнее можно в разделе FAQ.
Скриншот файлов архива
Файлы для скачивания (информация)
Поддерживаемые устройства (ID оборудований):
Другие драйверы от C-Media Electronics Inc.
Сайт не содержит материалов, защищенных авторскими правами. Все файлы взяты из открытых источников.
© 2012-2023 DriversLab | Каталог драйверов, новые драйвера для ПК, скачать бесплатно для Windows
Страница сгенерирована за 0.033508 секунд
C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device Windows для устройств собирались с сайтов официальных производителей и доверенных источников. Это программное обеспечение позволит вам исправить ошибки C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device или C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device и заставить ваши устройства работать. Здесь вы можете скачать все последние версии C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device драйверов для Windows-устройств с Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-бит/64-бит). Все драйверы можно скачать бесплатно. Мы проверяем все файлы и тестируем их с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения, так что скачать их можно на 100% безопасно. Получите последние WHQL сертифицированные драйверы, которые хорошо работают.
C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device Драйверы: Полное руководство
C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device драйверы — это программные программы, которые обеспечивают коммуникацию между операционной системой на вашем компьютере и устройствами. Эти драйверы играют решающую роль в обеспечении оптимальной производительности и стабильности вашего ПК.
Установка драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
Для установки драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device следуйте этим шагам:
- Посетите официальный веб-сайт разработчика и перейдите в раздел Драйверы.
- Используйте строку поиска или выберите модель вашего устройства из списка.
- Выберите свою операционную систему и нажмите «Поиск.»
- Нажмите кнопку «Скачать» рядом с последней версией драйверов, совместимых с вашей системой.
- После загрузки дважды щелкните по файлу установщика и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить процесс установки.
Обновление драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
Чтобы обновить драйверы C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device, вы можете выполнить следующие шаги:
- Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
- Разверните категорию и найдите ваш драйвер C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device.
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Обновить драйвер.»
- Выберите опцию для автоматического поиска обновленного программного обеспечения драйвера.
- Если обновление доступно, следуйте инструкциям для загрузки и установки.
Повторная установка драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
Если вам нужно повторно установить драйверы C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device по какой-либо причине, вот что вы можете сделать:
- Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
- Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device.
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Удалить устройство.»
- Следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить процесс удаления.
- Посетите официальный веб-сайт разработчика и скачайте последнюю версию драйвера по вашим потребностям.
- Запустите установщик и следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить процесс установки.
Возврат или понижение версии драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
Если у вас возникли проблемы с последней версией драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device, вы можете вернуться или понизиться до предыдущей версии, выполнив следующие шаги:
- Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
- Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device.
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Свойства.»
- Перейдите на вкладку «Драйвер» и нажмите «Откатить драйвер.»
- Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса.
Возврат или понижение версии драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
Если у вас возникли проблемы с последней версией драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device, вы можете вернуться или понизиться до предыдущей версии, выполнив следующие шаги:
- Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
- Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device.
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Свойства.»
- Перейдите на вкладку «Драйвер» и нажмите «Откатить драйвер.»
- Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса.
Удаление драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
Если вам нужно полностью удалить драйверы C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device, вот что вы можете сделать:
- Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
- Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device.
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Удалить устройство.»
- Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса удаления.
- Перезагрузите ваш компьютер.
Всегда важно иметь установленную последнюю версию драйверов C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device для оптимальной производительности и стабильности.
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Звуковые карты
Звуковые карты C-Media
- C-Media CM6501 Like Sound
C-Media CM6501 Like Sound
(09 июл 2007)
Файл *.inf:
Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
В каталоге нет драйверов для C-Media CM6501 Like Sound под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.
Драйверы для C-Media CM6501 Like Sound собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе C-Media CM6501 Like Sound (звуковые карты).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на C-Media CM6501 Like Sound для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.
Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11
Бесплатное ПО
В комплекте идет опциональное ПО
- Yandex Browser
- Opera Browser
- Avast Free Antivirus
- World of Tanks
- World of Warships
Специальное предложение. См. дополнительную информацию о Outbyte и unistall инструкции. Пожалуйста, просмотрите Outbyte EULA и Политика Конфиденциальности
C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
Windows XP, XP 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, 11, 10, 8, 8.1
C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
- Тип Драйвера:
- Аудио карты
- Версия:
- (12 Oct 2010)
- Продавец:
- C Media
- *.inf file:
- C6501.INF
Windows 2000, XP, XP 64-bit
Hardware IDs (1)
- USBVID_0D8C&PID_0201
C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
- Тип Драйвера:
- Аудио карты
- Версия:
- (12 Oct 2010)
- Продавец:
- C Media
- *.inf file:
- C6501.INF
Windows Vista, Vista 64-bit
Hardware IDs (1)
- USBVID_0D8C&PID_0201
C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device Windows для устройств собирались с сайтов официальных производителей и доверенных источников. Это программное обеспечение позволит вам исправить ошибки C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device или C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device и заставить ваши устройства работать. Здесь вы можете скачать все последние версии C Media C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device драйверов для Windows-устройств с Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-бит/64-бит). Все драйверы можно скачать бесплатно. Мы проверяем все файлы и тестируем их с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения, так что скачать их можно на 100% безопасно. Получите последние WHQL сертифицированные драйверы, которые хорошо работают.
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Поиск по ID
C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver v. Windows XP / Vista 32-64 bits
Подробнее о пакете драйверов:Тип: драйвер
Имя: C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver |
Драйверы для звуковых карт на чипе CM6501 от компании C-Media. Предназначены автоматической для установки на Windows XP и Windows Vista.
Для установки необходимо распаковать архив и запустить файл — setup.exe.
Внимание! Перед установкой драйвера C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver рекомендутся удалить её старую версию. Удаление драйвера особенно необходимо — при замене оборудования или перед установкой новых версий драйверов для видеокарт. Узнать об этом подробнее можно в разделе FAQ.
Скриншот файлов архива
Файлы для скачивания (информация)
Поддерживаемые устройства (ID оборудований):
Другие драйверы от C-Media Electronics Inc.
Сайт не содержит материалов, защищенных авторскими правами. Все файлы взяты из открытых источников.
© 2012-2023 DriversLab | Каталог драйверов, новые драйвера для ПК, скачать бесплатно для Windows
Страница сгенерирована за 0.148366 секунд
Cmedia Electronics Privacy Statement
Cmedia’s privacy policy covers the collection and use of personal information that may be collected by Cmedia anytime you interact with Cmedia, such as when you visit our website, when you purchase Cmedia products and services, or when you contact our sales or support associates. Please take a moment to read the following to learn more about our information practices, including what type of information is gathered, how the information is used and for what purposes, to whom we disclose the information, and how we safeguard your personal information. Your privacy is a priority at Cmedia, and we go to great lengths to protect it.
Why we collect personal information
Why do we collect your personal information? Because it helps us deliver a superior level of customer service. It enables us to give you convenient access to our products and services and focus on categories of greatest interest to you. In addition, your personal information helps us keep you posted on the latest product announcements, software updates, special offers, and events that you might like to hear about.
What information we collect
There are a number of situations in which your personal information may help us give you better service. For example, we may ask for your personal information when you’re discussing a service issue on the phone with an associate, downloading a software update, registering for a seminar, participating in an online survey, registering your products, or purchasing a product. At such times, we may collect personal information relevant to the situation, such as your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and contact preferences; your credit card information and information about the Cmedia products you own, such as their serial numbers, and date of purchase; and information relating to a support or service issue. We collect information for market research purposes, such as your occupation and where you use your computer, to gain a better understanding of our customers and thus provide more valuable service. We also collect information regarding customer activities on our website, and on related websites. This helps us to determine how best to provide useful information to customers and to understand which parts of our websites and services are of most interest to them.
If you use a bulletin board or chat room on a Cmedia website you should be aware that any information you share is visible to other users. Personally identifiable information you submit to one of these forums can be read, collected, or used by other individuals to send you unsolicited messages. Cmedia is not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in these forums.
When we disclose your information
Cmedia takes your privacy very seriously. Be assured that Cmedia does not sell or rent your contact information to other marketers. To help us provide superior service, your personal information may be shared with legal entities within the Cmedia group globally who will safeguard it in accordance with Cmedia’s privacy policy. There are also times when it may be advantageous for Cmedia to make certain personal information about you available to companies that Cmedia has a strategic relationship with or that perform work for Cmedia to provide products and services to you on our behalf. These companies may help us process information, extend credit, fulfill customer orders, deliver products to you, manage and enhance customer data, provide customer service, assess your interest in our products and services, or conduct customer research or satisfaction surveys. These companies are also obligated to protect your personal information in accordance with Cmedia’s policies. Without such information being made available, it would be difficult for you to purchase products, have products delivered to you, receive customer service, provide us feedback to improve our products and services, or access certain services, offers, and content on the Cmedia website.
At times we may be required by law or litigation to disclose your personal information. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that for national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, disclosure is necessary.
How we protect your personal information
Cmedia takes precautions, including administrative, technical, and physical measures, to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
You can help us by also taking precautions to protect your personal data when you are on the Internet. Change your passwords often using a combination of letters and numbers, and keep them confidential. If you are sharing a computer with anyone, you should always choose to log out before leaving a site or service to protect access to your information from subsequent users.
Integrity of your personal information
Cmedia has safeguards in place to keep your personal information accurate, complete, and up to date for the purposes for which it is used. You can request a copy of your personal information, and your interactions with our sales and support agents by contacting us at the email address below.
Cookies and other technologies
As is standard practice on many corporate websites, Cmedia’s website uses cookies and other technologies to help us understand which parts of our websites are the most popular, where our visitors are going, and how much time they spend there. We also use cookies and other technologies to make sure that our online advertising is bringing customers to our products and services. We use cookies and other technologies to study traffic patterns on our website, to make it even more rewarding as well as to study the effectiveness of our customer communications. And we use cookies to customize your experience and provide greater convenience each time you interact with us.
For example, knowing your email address allows us to send you informative newsletters and driver information, and generally helps us provide a more useful online experience.
If, however, you prefer not to enable cookies, please go to www.CMedia.com/legal/privacy/about_cookies.html, which explains step by step how you can disable cookies. Please note that certain features of the Cmedia website will not be available once cookies are disabled.
As is true of most web sites, we gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. We use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, to administer the site, to track users movements around the site and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. Cmedia will not use the information collected to market directly to that person. In some of our email messages we use a lick-through URL linked to content on the Cmedia website. When a customer clicks one of these URLs, they pass through our web server before arriving at the destination web page. We track this click-through data to help us determine interest in particular topics and measure the effectiveness of our customer communications. If you prefer not to be tracked simply avoid clicking text or graphic links in the email. In addition we use pixel tags tiny graphic images to tell us what parts of our website customers have visited or to measure the effectiveness of searches customers perform on our site.
Pixel tags also enable us to send email messages in a format customers can read. And they tell us whether emails have been opened to assure that we only sending messages that are of interest to our customers. We store all of this information in a secure database located in Canada.
Our companywide commitment to your privacy
To make sure your personal information is secure, we communicate these guidelines to Cmedia employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company. We do not knowingly solicit personal information from minors or send them requests for personal information.
Cmedia website has links to the sites of other companies. Cmedia is not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policies of those companies.
Privacy questions
If you have questions or concerns about Cmedia Customer Privacy Policy or data processing, please contact us at privacy@cmedia.com. If you do not want Cmedia to keep you up to date with Cmedia news, software updates and latest information on products and services, click the «unsubscribe» link that is included in the email sent. Naturally, if you notify us that you do not want us to use your information for a particular purpose, we will not do so.
Cmedia may update its privacy policy from time to time. When we change the policy in a material way a notice will be posted on our website along with the updated privacy policy.
This policy last updated 16 March 2006.
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This website and its contents are c Copyright Cmedia Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Cmedia Electronics Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained within this website.
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The content of this website is meant for the sole purpose of providing information about Cmedia products. All contents of this website, including, but not limited to text, illustrations, photographs, sound files, animation files, video files, icons, interfaces and layouts or other such arrangements are the copyrighted property of Cmedia Electronics Inc. or have been licensed from the copyright owner for use on this site and may not be used for any purpose whatsoever without our express written permission. Such permission is automatically granted to Authorized Layton Electronics and Networking Limited Dealers and their authorized agents only subject to the Terms and Conditions of our Authorized Dealer/Affiliate Agreement(s). Any unauthorized use of the content of the website by any other party will violate various copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and civil and criminal statutes.
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Cmedia Electronics Inc. reserves the right to change specifications, features and/or prices without notice.
Trademark Information
The wordmarks, service marks, trademarks and associated tag lines used within this site are the exclusive property of Cmedia Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. They include but are not limited to the following:
Cmedia Electronics
Cmedia “C” logo
Cmedia Hydrogen
Cmedia Oxygen and Cmedia Oxygen HD
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Device types / MEDIA / C-Media / C-Media CM6501 Like Sound Device
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-9-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-18-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-27-2006 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-18-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-18-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-18-2007 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB Generico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (USB Audio générique) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 4-13-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Standard-USB-Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Áudio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB Generico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 2-7-2007 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Áudio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Standard-USB-Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB Generico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-24-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Standard-USB-Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Rodzajowe audio USB) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB-audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Áudio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 4-13-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 10-12-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 2-7-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 2-7-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6002.18005 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6001.18000 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 9-13-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (USB Audio générique) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-18-2007 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (USB Audio générique) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Standard-USB-Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (USB Audio générique) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Obecné zvukové zaøízení USB) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Rodzajowe audio USB) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB Generico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 10-25-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 4-13-2007 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 8-8-2006 |
Windows | Windows 2000 (5.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 10-25-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 9-13-2006 |
Windows | Windows Server 2003 (5.2) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 2-7-2007 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Allmän USB-ljudenhet) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6002.18005 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Általános USB audió) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6001.18000 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Általános USB audió) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6002.18005 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Standard USB-lyd) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Standard-USB-Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6002.18005 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6002.18005 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB-audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 9-13-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | C-Media |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6001.18000 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB-audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Standard-USB-Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17105 |
Driver Date | 9-29-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generisk USB-lyd) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 7-13-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (USB Audio générique) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.0.6000.16386 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Rodzajowe audio USB) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Általános USB audió) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.1.2535.0 |
Driver Date | 7-1-2001 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Audio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Áudio USB genérico) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 11-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | (Generic USB Audio) |
Driver Type | MEDIA |
Driver Version | 5.2.3790.1830 |
Driver Date | 10-1-2002 |
Windows | Windows Server 2003 (5.2) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Description extracted from Wikipedia:
Founded | 1991 |
Location City | Taipei |
Location Country | Taiwan |
Industry | Computer |
C-Media Electronics, Inc. (t=é©è¨é»å|p=Huáxùn Dià nzÇ) is a Taiwan computer hardware company that manufactures processors for PC audio and USB storage, and wireless audio devices.
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Only download this driver
Model: C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver
Vendor: C-Media
Version:, v., v.
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista
Bits: 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64)
Driver Date: 2010-10-12
Size: 10.6 mb
Driver description
Download driver C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver version, v., v. for Windows XP, Windows Vista 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64).
Screenshot of files
File Name
CMidia_XP64_XP_2K( — (10.6 mb) v. — 12.10.2010
C-MediaCM6501_Audio_V60070207_vista.zip — (29.8 mb) v. — 07.02.2007
CMidia_Vista64_Vista( — 64 bits (6.1 mb) v. — 12.10.2010
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На этой странице вы можете бесплатно скачать ASUS M2N-E SLI C-Media CM6501 Audio Драйвер v.
Оборудование:ASUS M2N-E SLI
Тип программы:Драйвер
Название:C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver
Размер файла:29.81Mb
Тип архива:ZIP
Дата выхода:31 Aug 2007
Система:Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit
Описание:C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver for ASUS M2N-E SLI
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Похожие файлы:
Система:Windows 2000
Система:Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003Windows Server 2003 64-bit
Система:Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003Windows Server 2003 64-bit
Название:C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver
Система:Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003Windows Server 2003 64-bit
Описание:C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver for ASUS M2N-E SLI
C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver V5.12.2.4219 for Windows
C-Media CM6501 Audio Driver V5.12.8.1606 for Windows 64bit
Скачать ASUS M2N-E SLI C-Media CM6501 Audio Драйвер v.
Тип программы:BIOS of M2N-E SLI
Описание:BIOS of M2N-E SLI for ASUS M2N-E SLI
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Скачать ASUS BIOS of M2N-E SLI v.1204
Тип программы:BIOS
Описание:BIOS for ASUS M2N-E SLI
1203 BIOS for M2N-E SLI
Support new CPUs, please refer to our CPU support list for more details:
Скачать ASUS M2N-E SLI BIOS v.1203
Тип программы:BIOS
Описание:BIOS for ASUS M2N-E SLI
Support new CPUs, please refer to our CPU support list for more details.
Скачать ASUS M2N-E SLI BIOS v.1201
Тип программы:M2N-E SLI BIOS
Тип программы:M2N-E SLI BIOS version
Описание:M2N-E SLI BIOS version for ASUS M2N-E SLI
Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at: http://support.asus.com/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx?SLanguage=en-us
Fixed system will show «AMD Processor Model Unknown» when AM2 6000+ CPU is installed.
Скачать ASUS M2N-E SLI BIOS version v.0902
Тип программы:M2N-E SLI BIOS version