By selecting the standard option under the windows driver type

Всё получилось с переустановкой, а вот старый драйвер не прошло. А по поводу сборки 1607, которая была установлена, то на ней, с помощью fix, и ещё на 1703, запускался Far Cry4, который требовал 4 ядра. На поздних версиях этот fix не работал.
Так, что каждый выбирает, что ему, на данный момент, больше подходит.

09.12.2021 00:46
но тут чел лет десять жлобился вообще чет обновлять, хардкор-ждун, а потом оп и взял видяху по «самое оверпрайсу» . Зачет

До Far Cry 5 все игры, которые мне нравились, нормально крутила GTX 770, но процессор был без 4.1/4.2 инструкций и так же мне его хватало. Знаю, что обновляться надо, но здесь на форуме подсказали, что лучше определиться с картой, а потом проц, MB и память. Карта заработала и это самое главное. Сегодня начнём комплектоваться (подбирать) дальше. Как то так.
Так, что всем огромная спасибище за подсказки, советы и беседу.
p.s. Мне проще переустановить систему, чем обновлять, потому, что дольше и чистить ещё надо.
Но это не главное, главное всё заработало! И благодаря вашей помощи, но и куда же без хорошей беседы. Так, что приходите в тему апгрейда. Будем подборку кучкой делать. Пошёл спать, а то время уже…утро скоро. :beer:

  • #1


  • GV-N3080GAMING OC-12GD

GPU-Z can recognize and ID the 4 of the cards (GPU=GA102, Rev=FF, Device ID=10DE 220A — 1458 40A2)

I have tried the following drive installs:

None will get by the system compatibility check with various reasons. eg. Compatible card not found, wrong version for your version of Windows (Win 10 x64)
511.79 says:
This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. This system is configured to require a Standard driver package. The correct driver can be downloaded from by selecting the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu.

Which is of course, where I got it from in the first place.

I also tried the NVCleanstall and selected just the driver — still failed with this message:
This NVIDIA graphics drivers is not compatible with this version of Windows. This graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware.

Same issue with Linux, it recognizes the cards, but won’t load the driver.

I’m out of ideas at this point and could really use some suggestions please.

Thank you.

Last edited: Mar 21, 2022

  1. I have a small farm (a dozen boxes) all running Win2016 and all using flavors of GTX 1050’s or 1060’s to run A.I. using CUDA.

    I wasn’t thinking about the compatibility when I added the latest 2016 box and decided to opt for a fresher card: GeForce GTX 1660. And yes, the [single] card is installed in slot #1 (nearest to the CPU, as advised in the manual).

    The EVGA card installed fine (the mobo happened to be EVGA as well [X58 Classified 4-Way SLI], running an older 12-core i7 X 990 chip w/36GB RAM), but then came the driver issues. On trying to get the card recognized under devices, I went for the latest 451.67 for Windows 10 (figuring that’s what worked last time); but, no dice:

    «This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. This system is configured to require a Standard driver package. The correct driver can be downloaded from by selecting the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu.

    The graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware»​

    But when I go to the URL, I can’t find where to specify the «Standard» option for the Driver Type… ?

    Of course, I’m totally making the assumption that there’s a way to get this card to be recognized under Win2016 — I’m hoping that’s the case — my intent is to keep running my farm as Win servers, but upgrade to EPYC-based platforms, down the road (I’m assuming — again — that the latest GPU’s will be compatible with those rack-mount mobo’s, too).

    If anyone out there can shed some light and let me know if the 1660 is a dead-end with servers — that is, DCH drivers are/will never be compatible with Win servers — I’d much appreciate it.

    If there is a way to get this going, please point me to the exact URL to get the driver and/or the proper selection I need to use on the page.



  2. Thanks Astyanax, I went there and downloaded all the non-DCH drivers for 451.67 & .77 [where available]. win7,8,10-64bit — none worked… I tried the DCH drivers, too.

    I’ve also used the DDU s/w to ensure I properly wiped the prior install attempt, before trying the next one.

    I’m just wondering if anyone has had experience with this and found a solution?

    First question though: am I right to assume that this EGVA GPU (GTX 1660) can run on the Windows 2016 server platform?

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020

  3. I don’t think nvidia has qualified any Geforce parts for servers in some time, you might try selecting a quadro and seeing if that will install and work.

  4. SaiBork
    Master Guru

    Likes Received:
  5. SaiBork, I appreciate the suggestion, but I was hoping to maintain the current Server level I have (they all seem to be working well for my needs; the upgrade cost is prohibitive, if it’s really just to get this GPU going). I don’t want to, but it’s more economical for me to send the card back and defer to another 1060ti.

    Astyanax, I looked at the Quadro selection, and I’m not even sure where to start! I have no clue which would be remotely compatible with the 1660; nor, what O/S to choose for.

  6. Saiborks actually on the mark, nvidia doesn’t support its turing products on anything less than 1809, so server 2016 would definitely be below the kernel supported version.

  7. darn — ok, well that settles it, I’ll have to downgrade the hardware for now

    — very much appreciate all your help, thanks Saibork & Astyanax!

  8. maur0
    Master Guru

    Likes Received:

    point of view gtx 570 1gb

    if download quadro driver for win2016 and you make inf modded add your gpu strings is work?
    probably yes
    or not?

  9. I finally decided to downgrade back to a GeForce GTX 1060, to enable me to keep the 2016 Server in place.
    In the future, I’ll upgrade to 2019 and that should open up access to all the newest cards.

    Thanks for all you help!


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Successfully resolved This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. This system is configured to require a Standard driver package. The correct driver can be downloaded from by selecting the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu .

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Solve the problem



Solve the problem

This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. The system is configured to require standard driver packages. Select the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu to download the correct driver.


This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. The system is configured to require standard driver packages.


Select the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu to download the correct driver.

Была 10pro и решил скачать LTSB и скачал сломанную
И пр установки драйверов ошибка
This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. This system is configured to require Standard driver package. The correct driver can be downloaded from nvidi com/drivers by selecting the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu.

Аккаунтзакрыт Аккаунтзакрыт


Vitus Bering Vitus Bering

А ты старую винду удалил?

nickSIA nickSIA

DCH драйвер для OEM сборок.

Скорпион Скорпион

Этот пакет драйверов DCH не совместим с текущей установленной версией Windows. Эта система настроена на использование стандартного пакета драйверов. Правильный драйвер можно загрузить с nvidi com / drivers, выбрав опцию «Standard» в меню «Windows Driver Type».


Хочешь винду без хлама, ну или с минимальным кол-вом, устанавливай LTSC.

  • Установка Windows на сломанную винду Жесткий диск — IDE. Ошибка в фото. Че было с жестким неизвестно, но наверное, он функционирует и если винду переустановить, то норм будет. Вопрос: Повлияет ли эта ошибка на установку Windows? Форматировать его нет возможности.
  • Нужна помощь скачал игру Battlestations: Pacific чрез торрент скачал установил также Game For Windows LIVE но Запускаю игру и проходит около 15 секунд начинается заставка я её пропускаю и потом также проходит около минуты и снова повторяется заставка и так до бесконечности помогите пожалуйста что делать
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  • #1


  • GV-N3080GAMING OC-12GD

GPU-Z can recognize and ID the 4 of the cards (GPU=GA102, Rev=FF, Device ID=10DE 220A — 1458 40A2)

I have tried the following drive installs:

None will get by the system compatibility check with various reasons. eg. Compatible card not found, wrong version for your version of Windows (Win 10 x64)
511.79 says:
This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. This system is configured to require a Standard driver package. The correct driver can be downloaded from by selecting the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu.

Which is of course, where I got it from in the first place.

I also tried the NVCleanstall and selected just the driver — still failed with this message:
This NVIDIA graphics drivers is not compatible with this version of Windows. This graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware.

Same issue with Linux, it recognizes the cards, but won’t load the driver.

I’m out of ideas at this point and could really use some suggestions please.

Thank you.

Last edited:

Successfully resolved This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. This system is configured to require a Standard driver package. The correct driver can be downloaded from by selecting the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu .

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Solve the problem



Solve the problem

This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. The system is configured to require standard driver packages. Select the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu to download the correct driver.


This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. The system is configured to require standard driver packages.


Select the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu to download the correct driver.

Question Is my gpu broken? I am unable to install drivers because of my old windows 10? Or what?

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My GPU (MSI GeForce GTX 1660 TI XS Ventus 6G) shows up as PCI Device in device manager…I am unable to install NVidia drivers on it.,…I tried clean installing, formatting and reinstalling windows, etc… Still can’t install drivers…whenever I try to install any drivers, it says exactly this: » NVIDIA Installer cannot continue
This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. This system is configured to require a Standard driver package. The correct driver can be downloaded from by selecting the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu «…and is plugged in correctly…and yes, I have unplugged and plugged it back in…still the same message. I tried installing both a DCH and a standard driver for my GPU…still the same message. I upgraded my BIOS to the latest one (F50) and installed all motherboard and CPU drivers (though due to the lack of Graphics Processing Unit, the CPU performs extremly poorly…even worse than my older PC CPU A8-5600k@3.6GHz)… My Specs:
MOBO: Gigabyte B450 PRO (updated it’s BIOS to F50 from F41…or so I hope…followed every step correctly)
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 1660 TI XS VENTUS 6G (with the TU116 chipset)
CPU: Ryzen 7 2700x @3.7GHz
SSD: Patriot with 480Gb
RAM: 16 Gb 3000 MHz (dual channel) I think CL16
OS: (cracked) Windows 10 Pro (version unknown…maybe sounds something like 1550)
This PC is brand new, and I have never used it for gaming (because I couldn’t because of my problem)
My old PC performed better at games than this one (A8-5600K APU @ 3.6GHz with 8gb dual channel 1600mhz ram, OS: (cracked) Windows 10 — this one worked just fine problems there)..I know … due to the lack of drivers…
When I first installed windows on it, and installed some driver (or didn’t) I kept getting so many BSOD ( Blue Screen Of Death) for WINDOWS 10…. but now, after I reinstalled it with formatting the SSD, it is working just «fine». I’m gonna be fair… I use a cracked version of windows 10 pro (I don’t remember which version but I think it may be 1550? and the latest showed up as 1990?- I don’t remember very well)..anyway…everything is fine with it other than the fact that I cannot update my windows ( error code 0x80240fff ) — I tried fixing it with all the steps I found online on different sites…nothing ( and yes, I did reboot my PC after every method). MSI afterburner can’t identify my GPU either, nor can GeForce experience, HOWEVER, CPU-Z can identify my GPU as 1660ti, and if I used their driver detection app, then it would install a GTX 1650 SUPER driver (even though it still did not work, nor show up in device manager).

All this may be confusing so I am going to give a TL;DR : My computer can’t identify my GPU (it shows up as PCI device) and I can’t install any driver no matter what I tried…I just haven’t tried updating windows because I have a cracked version and I keep getting the error message 0x80240fff every time I try to update it no matter what «fixes» I tried to apply from the internet…help me.,…what should I do… get a new windows 10 version (up to date) or something else?

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Была 10pro и решил скачать LTSB и скачал сломанную
И пр установки драйверов ошибка
This DCH driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows. This system is configured to require Standard driver package. The correct driver can be downloaded from nvidi com/drivers by selecting the «Standard» option under the «Windows Driver Type» menu.

Аккаунтзакрыт Аккаунтзакрыт


Vitus Bering Vitus Bering

А ты старую винду удалил?

nickSIA nickSIA

DCH драйвер для OEM сборок.

Скорпион Скорпион

Этот пакет драйверов DCH не совместим с текущей установленной версией Windows. Эта система настроена на использование стандартного пакета драйверов. Правильный драйвер можно загрузить с nvidi com / drivers, выбрав опцию «Standard» в меню «Windows Driver Type».


Хочешь винду без хлама, ну или с минимальным кол-вом, устанавливай LTSC.

  • Установка Windows на сломанную винду Жесткий диск — IDE. Ошибка в фото. Че было с жестким неизвестно, но наверное, он функционирует и если винду переустановить, то норм будет. Вопрос: Повлияет ли эта ошибка на установку Windows? Форматировать его нет возможности.
  • Нужна помощь скачал игру Battlestations: Pacific чрез торрент скачал установил также Game For Windows LIVE но Запускаю игру и проходит около 15 секунд начинается заставка я её пропускаю и потом также проходит около минуты и снова повторяется заставка и так до бесконечности помогите пожалуйста что делать
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