Bluetooth low energy windows 7

I spent the two last days googling stuff to make my designer mouse working on my Lenovo T450 under Windows 7.  

The solution I found may not apply to everyone: your computer must have a Bluetooth 4.0 capability (which as I understand allows Bluetooth Low Energy (aka BLE or Bluetooth Smart) to work.  

The BLE drivers are not native to Windows 7 so you need to install them: go to your manufacturer’s website and download the latest Intel Bluetooth drivers. Depending on the make, they might have various combinations of drivers (sometimes with overall wireless drivers, sometimes Bluetooth separately,.. I had to try about 3 — 4 different without really knowing what they meant). Once those drivers installed, you should be able to see your mouse/keyboard and pair to them. 
I had to reboot my laptop multiple times and had to download a lot of different drivers from various sources but the one thing that worked was googling: Intel Bluetooth driver «your laptop make and model» and downloading the drivers. 

Ps. I have also downloaded the «Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center» application and although opening it and trying to use it did not help at all, it might have help setting something in the background that made the drivers get installed smoothly (not an IT person, I have no idea).

I hope it helps!
Good luck

Solution 1

So it turns out that some people have found a workaround. Basically the idea is to not use the Windows BLE API (which doesn’t work on Windows 7) but instead to talk to the dongle directly. You can do that using WinUSB (a user-space USB driver). That driver can be installed using Zadig.

Here is an example:

It has C++ code to let you send HCI commands. There is also a Node library of how to use HCI for higher level BLE stuff:

I don’t know if there are any non-JS libraries that do the same, but I don’t think it would be hard to convert Bleno to C++ in any case.

Solution 2

Is BLE a requirement?
Most BLE devices will probably be dual-mode, so you could fallback to the non-LE mode on older versions of Windows.

Regarding proprietary APIs, have you seen ?

The documentation suggests the drivers for most dongles can be replaced with the Microsoft class driver. Though, the API also work with other stacks if replacement is not feasible (with a few caveats depending on the stack [i.e., requiring additional DLLs]).

Switching to the MS stack

General Documentation

Solution 3

As far as I can tell there is currently no way to do this.

  • The SDK for Broadcom’s WIDCOMM Bluetooth stack hasn’t been updated since 2009 and does not support BLE.
  • Microsoft’s stack only supports BLE in Windows 8.

You may be able to get the open source BTstack to work, but their BLE implementation has only been «started», and there are no instructions for building it on Windows. Their wiki suggests that no-one has tried.

If anyone has any success this way, complete instructions on how to do it would be great!

Related videos on Youtube

C# desktop application to connect to BLE device using BleuIO

00 : 53

C# desktop application to connect to BLE device using BleuIO

The world's first programming-free Bluetooth beacon platform

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The world’s first programming-free Bluetooth beacon platform

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Cách Khắc Phục Lỗi Bluetooth Peripheral Device driver not found trên Windows 7 8 10

phần mềm sửa tin nhắn lô đề

The Ultimate Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Tutorial

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The Ultimate Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Tutorial

Using Web BLE to detect and get GATT information

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Using Web BLE to detect and get GATT information

Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Terminal in Unity3D for Windows Standalone devices

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Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Terminal in Unity3D for Windows Standalone devices

18. Transport Protocols - BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

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18. Transport Protocols — BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

Quick C# application to connect with a Bluetooth LE device

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Quick C# application to connect with a Bluetooth LE device

BlueCArd - How to connect from Android to Arduino Nano using Bluetooth Low Energy - ep. 7

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BlueCArd — How to connect from Android to Arduino Nano using Bluetooth Low Energy — ep. 7

Bluetooth Low Energy Vulnerabilities

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Bluetooth Low Energy Vulnerabilities


  • Windows 8 exposes an API to communicate to Bluetooth Low Energy (Smart) devices, but this API is not available in previous versions of Windows, so how can I communicate with a BLE dongle on Windows 7?

    The BLE dongle I’m currently using (BLED112) exposes a virtual serial port, over which you can send commands using their custom proprietary API, but if I implement this in my software, it will not work with dongles from other manufacturers.

    So is there a way to communicate with BLE devices on Windows 7 which is manufacturer-independent?

  • My device is not dual-mode, so BLE is a hard requirement. Else it would be a lot easier :)

  • No, actually, most BLE devices are not dual mode. Central Chipsets you might find in a phone or a laptop could be, but the embedded end tends to be single mode.

  • @Muis I am in the same situation as you were, do you have any advice since?

  • Any updates on this? I need to develop BLE on Win7 as well.

  • No I never got it to work. In the end I resorted to using an nRF51 dongle as a BLE-Serial converter.

  • @danielmetlitski: Found a solution! See my other answer.



Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device Windows для устройств собирались с сайтов официальных производителей и доверенных источников. Это программное обеспечение позволит вам исправить ошибки Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device или Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device и заставить ваши устройства работать. Здесь вы можете скачать все последние версии Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device драйверов для Windows-устройств с Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-бит/64-бит). Все драйверы можно скачать бесплатно. Мы проверяем все файлы и тестируем их с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения, так что скачать их можно на 100% безопасно. Получите последние WHQL сертифицированные драйверы, которые хорошо работают.

Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device Драйверы: Полное руководство

Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device драйверы — это программные программы, которые обеспечивают коммуникацию между операционной системой на вашем компьютере и устройствами. Эти драйверы играют решающую роль в обеспечении оптимальной производительности и стабильности вашего ПК.

Установка драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device

Для установки драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device следуйте этим шагам:

  • Посетите официальный веб-сайт разработчика и перейдите в раздел Драйверы.
  • Используйте строку поиска или выберите модель вашего устройства из списка.
  • Выберите свою операционную систему и нажмите «Поиск.»
  • Нажмите кнопку «Скачать» рядом с последней версией драйверов, совместимых с вашей системой.
  • После загрузки дважды щелкните по файлу установщика и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить процесс установки.

Обновление драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device

Чтобы обновить драйверы Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device, вы можете выполнить следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните категорию и найдите ваш драйвер Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Обновить драйвер.»
  • Выберите опцию для автоматического поиска обновленного программного обеспечения драйвера.
  • Если обновление доступно, следуйте инструкциям для загрузки и установки.

Повторная установка драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device

Если вам нужно повторно установить драйверы Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device по какой-либо причине, вот что вы можете сделать:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Удалить устройство.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить процесс удаления.
  • Посетите официальный веб-сайт разработчика и скачайте последнюю версию драйвера по вашим потребностям.
  • Запустите установщик и следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить процесс установки.

Возврат или понижение версии драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device

Если у вас возникли проблемы с последней версией драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device, вы можете вернуться или понизиться до предыдущей версии, выполнив следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Свойства.»
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Драйвер» и нажмите «Откатить драйвер.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса.

Возврат или понижение версии драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device

Если у вас возникли проблемы с последней версией драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device, вы можете вернуться или понизиться до предыдущей версии, выполнив следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Свойства.»
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Драйвер» и нажмите «Откатить драйвер.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса.

Удаление драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device

Если вам нужно полностью удалить драйверы Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device, вот что вы можете сделать:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Удалить устройство.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса удаления.
  • Перезагрузите ваш компьютер.

Всегда важно иметь установленную последнюю версию драйверов Intel Bluetooth Low Energy HID Device для оптимальной производительности и стабильности.

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • Are there concrete plans for supporting Bluetooth Low Energy in Windows 7? Is a service pack foreseen for that?
    Alternatively, which are the available technical means for using Low Energy in Windows 7?


  • Development on win 7 is limited to bug fixes so I doubt any thing further will be done

    Wanikiya and Dyami—Team Zigzag

    • Предложено в качестве ответа

      25 июня 2015 г. 2:53

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      MeipoXuMicrosoft contingent staff
      26 июня 2015 г. 0:46

  • Hi,

    Windows start to introduce support for the Bluetooth Low Energy technology officially since Windows 8. And we are not sure about that if Microsoft will release any batch for Windows 7 since it is an previous system and as mentioned by ZigZag
    I won’t expect that either.

    Bluetooth Low Energy Functions


    D. Wu

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact

    • Предложено в качестве ответа
      MeipoXuMicrosoft contingent staff
      25 июня 2015 г. 2:53
    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      MeipoXuMicrosoft contingent staff
      26 июня 2015 г. 0:46

It’s certainly possible to develop on a Windows machine, in fact, my first application was exclusively developed on the old Dell Precision I had at the time :)

There are three routes;

  1. Install OSx86 (aka iATKOS / Kalyway) on a second partition/disk and dual boot.
  2. Run Mac OS X Server under VMWare (Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) onwards, read the update below).
  3. Use Delphi XE4 and the macincloud service. This is a commercial toolset, but the component and lib support is growing.

The first route requires modifying (or using a pre-modified) image of Leopard that can be installed on a regular PC. This is not as hard as you would think, although your success/effort ratio will depend upon how closely the hardware in your PC matches that in Mac hardware — e.g. if you’re running a Core 2 Duo on an Intel Motherboard, with an NVidia graphics card you are laughing. If you’re running an AMD machine or something without SSE3 it gets a little more involved.

If you purchase (or already own) a version of Leopard then this is a gray area since the Leopard EULA states you may only run it on an «Apple Labeled» machine. As many point out if you stick an Apple sticker on your PC you’re probably covered.

The second option is more costly. The EULA for the workstation version of Leopard prevents it from being run under emulation and as a result, there’s no support in VMWare for this. Leopard server, however, CAN be run under emulation and can be used for desktop purposes. Leopard server and VMWare are expensive, however.

If you’re interested in option 1) I would suggest starting at Insanelymac and reading the OSx86 sections.

I do think you should consider whether the time you will invest is going to be worth the money you will save though. It was for me because I enjoy tinkering with this type of stuff and I started during the early iPhone betas, months before their App Store became available.

Alternatively, you could pick up a low-spec Mac Mini from eBay. You don’t need much horsepower to run the SDK and you can always sell it on later if you decide to stop development or buy a better Mac.

Update: You cannot create a Mac OS X Client virtual machine for OS X 10.6 and earlier. Apple does not allow these Client OSes to be virtualized. With Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) onwards, Apple has changed its licensing agreement in regards to virtualization. Source: VMWare KnowledgeBase

New answer, powershell


Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort YourPortNumberHere).OwningProcess


Get-Process -Id (Get-NetUDPEndpoint -LocalPort YourPortNumberHere).OwningProcess

Old answer, cmd

 C:\> netstat -a -b

(Add -n to stop it trying to resolve hostnames, which will make it a lot faster.)

Note Dane’s recommendation for TCPView. It looks very useful!

-a Displays all connections and listening ports.

-b Displays the executable involved in creating each connection or listening port. In some cases well-known executables host multiple independent components, and in these cases the sequence of components involved in creating the connection or listening port is displayed. In this case the executable name is in [] at the bottom, on top is the component it called, and so forth until TCP/IP was reached. Note that this option can be time-consuming and will fail unless you have sufficient permissions.

-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.

-o Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.

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