Best latex editors for windows

LaTex or Lamport Tex is not a new term for those who are regular with writing journals of technical, mathematical, psychological or scientific fields. It is so as LaTex has become one of the most popular methods of document presentation and used for any form of publishing. Now the best latex editors available today can help in controlling the content on your own terms by

  • Typesetting the articles or slide presentations.
  • Allows control even over large documents through sectioning, cross-reference, tables, etc.
  • Inclusion of artwork or color, etc.

And many more features tag along with best latex software, let’s see which of these settles right for you! Forget about spending huge time in formatting a publishing page and employ a good offline or online LaTex editor before anything.

Best LaTex Editors for Windows, Mac And Linux

1. LyX


Supported with numerous modern features at its back, LyX is an open-source editor. Interestingly, you can use it even for structuring your own novel or script apart from editing mathematical documents.

This best latex editor for Windows 10, Mac, Linux & Haiku contains advanced tools to access any algorithm, theorem, arrays of equations, etc. so that they can be dragged and dropped quickly. Moreover, the creation of bibliography (BibTex support), spell-checker, support to various graphs and tables make Lyx stand apart from many others.

Get Lyx Here!

Availability: Windows | Mac | Linux

2. TeXstudio


Easy to use interface, a decent level of customization, and multi-platform LaTex editor introduces itself as TeXstudio. What counts more with this one of the best latex editors is comfortable editing using multi-cursor, auto-completion, bookmarks, image assistance, table-formatting, and interactive spellchecker.

If you want to know more than you would love its advanced build system including bibliography, glossary tools, easy PDF viewing capacity, and more. Plus, its easy setup and a portable version for USB make it the best latex editor for Windows 10 as well as Mac.

Get TeXstudio Here!

Availability: Windows | Mac | Linux

3. Texmaker


How about another best free latex software for you that can manage cross-platform view, Unicode supportive editor, auto-completion, code folding and more features that make editing simpler than ever? It can be crowned as one of the best latex editors considering the integration of many tools in just one single application.

In fact, you can streamline your documents into different sections using ‘Structure View’. After this, insert tables, math formulas, pictures, references, or anything right into the documents.

Get Texmaker Here!

Availability: Windows | Mac | Linux

4. Kile


As simple as it looks, the containing editor is quite powerful to note for. The best part is customization of anything or everything according to your wish at one side and very easy to use on the other. It helps in auto-completion of the documents, compile or convert them in one click, easy insertion of citations and references, and much more.

Besides this, maximize the editing space at your will, configure the build system, take help from LaTex library and use creative features for a perfect look of your journal to be published. By the end of your work, you would call it as best latex editor for Windows 10, for sure!

Get Kile Here!

Availability: Mac | Linux

5. Gummi


To make your documentation easier than ever, Gummi is here as one of your best LaTex editors. A two-panel window with Gummi helps in editing syntax and formatting errors at the same time. Easy, right? Gummi also saves a PDF copy automatically and contains smart features like image addition, citing tool, spell-checker, document viewer, etc.

Various types of templates, wizards, bibliography management, Live preview makes it user’s first choice very easily. Though you may not be able to find mathematical symbols and document summary here, its work efficiency makes people go for without another thought.

Get Gummi Here! 

Availability: Linux

6. Overleaf (Online)

Overleaf (Online)

A smart online writing and collaboration tool, Overleaf, claims to have a large user base all around the world. It is perfect for people searching for templates of CV, Resume, assignments, letters, projects, presentations, and more than 500 others. Interestingly, you can enjoy real-time collaboration to find out each author’s contribution.

A good text mode, real-time preview, and compatibility with major browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc. make it an easy way to approach. Call it the best free latex editor by keeping in mind the free plan, apart from which two other plans are available for upgraded features.

Get Overleaf Here!

7. Papeeria (Online)


No need to download any of the best latex software if you are super-comfortable with browser editing. Papeeria gives you an open-end option having an awesome auto-compilation feature to compile everything in the background. There can be discussions in the margin besides which spellchecker, instant math previewer, collaboration works simultaneously.

Moreover, it is absolutely workable on mobile phones and desktops are no necessity for editing. The template gallery is loaded with CV, presentation, journal, etc. for ease and saving time.

Get Papeeria Here!

8. Authorea (Online)

Authorea (Online)

Be it an article, a collaboration of data, multiple figures or any image, you can imply them all swiftly in your journal through this amazing publishing platform. It also allows users to write in both LaTex and Markdown language. Interestingly, you and your team can make changes in a document simultaneously and the comments posted become visible to everyone.

Export your LaTex documents in any format including Word, PDF, etc. yes, all the top browsers support it quite well and you can simply enjoy this best free latex editor to work smoothly.

Get Authorea Here!

9. Texpen


Another best latex editor is here for you which is based on C++/Qt. Writing, documentation and compiling them becomes interesting with features like document templates, auto-completion system and article outlining for navigation. There are various themes or background colors that help in protecting your eyes while you sit on the screen for a longer duration.

You might not be very happy to see the interface when compared to its competitors but Texpen would help you with grammar improvements and correcting expressions in your documents. In-built preview, one key building PDF and one key table insertion are some other additional features you would like to see.

Get TexPen Here!

Availability: Windows | Mac | Linux

10. TeXnicCenter


Developed for Windows users especially, TeXnicCenter is using Microsoft’s MiKTex typesetting distribution while also offering a quick setup wizard for the same. This latex editor is integrated with a suitable environment for Windows and contains powerful auto-completion features within it. 

Moreover, you can find GUI editor, multiple UTF-8 character coding and a smart navigator to find your Latex documents. Bracket matching, spelling checker and syntax highlighting are some other features you definitely don’t wish to miss with this Latex equation editor. 

Get TeXnicCenter Here!

Availability: Windows

11. VIM-LaTex


A powerful combination of Latex as intelligent typesetter and Vim as best editor comes together to form this amazing latex editor for you. These both are trying to bring the best set of tools to view, edit and compile LaTex documents. Vim-Latex is an extension for documentation and thankfully, the process is explained on the sourcepage.

You may say that this best latex editor is designed for programmers and it can function anyway the configuration is required. Visual editing, compiling, mode mapping, code folding, etc. are some key features with this amazing and simple latex editor.

Get VIM-LaTex here!

Availability: Windows

12. RTextDoc


We believe that your search for latex editors will surely stop at this place. This editor is completely designed for editing the structured documents and typesetting professional research papers where images and mathematical expressions are also present. Writing notes, books, ebooks or slideshows? This latex editor is present for you!

If you think why RTextDoc is so special, we have certain reasons behind it. It supports Latex and AsciiDoc plain text-markup language and has instant grammar checker besides. Moreover, there are dozens of dictionaries, in-built PDF viewers and more. You do not even need to install it and its portability on a USB flash drive is the most exciting thing to note for.

Get RTextDoc here!

Availability: Windows | Linux

13. TeXworks


TeXworks is a cross-platform latex editor and based on open-source tools and libraries. It simply provides a proper environment for scientific analysis and data visualization. Moreover, data mining, analysis with arrays and histograms and mathematical calculations are also possible. Its 2-page mode, citation management, syntax highlighting and fastest rendering capacity are some things unique to look for.

Get TeXworks here!

Availability: Windows | Mac | Linux

14. LaTex Base (Online)

LaTex Base

Without the need of installation or running internet connection, you can easily edit the documents using this Latex online editor. Add new files, import them from other sources like Google Drive or other resources and work on it fruitfully with this plain simple latex editor. 

Once the work is done, you can even export your files to another system or download it in your system. Supported by images and other media files, you are ready to rock and roll on this best latex editor as soon as it appears in front. 

Get LatexBase here!

15. Scribes


A minimalist text editor which combines simplicity with power is here for you. This best latex editor is intelligent enough to understand your design and focus exclusively on the tasks. Automatic correction, replacement and word completion are some things you definitely need to check. This open-source latex editor gives you amazing and customizable templates or snippets where quick insertion of tables, figures, listing, environment, etc. is absolutely possible.

Not to forget, bookmarks, smart navigation, document switching, automatic indentation, manipulation functions, text processing and powerful text procession are only some of the impeccable features which you shall not dare to miss.

Get Scribes Here!

Availability: Ubuntu | Fedora

Final Words!

So just find your genre of publishing the papers, pick any of the good latex editors and your work is done in no time! From downloading a latex editor for Mac or Windows 10 to finding the best latex editor online, you shall check each of it before reaching a goal. Include anything you like in them.

Moreover, don’t forget to checkout:

Best Font Editor for Mac

Best Photos Exif Editor

Free PDF Editor For Mac

Best Text Editors For Mac

We would love to hear from you!

If you have used any of the above or any other, do let us know your experiences and suggestions on same in the comment section below.

Let me present you a list of Free LaTeX Editors for Windows. These LaTeX editors provide you sophisticated environment to create TeX/LaTeX documents, without an hassle.

LaTeX is a document markup language. It is being widely used for preparation of documents in many fields, such as science, maths, physics, statistics, etc. With the help of LaTeX, you can render mathematical equations, symbols, tables, matrices, and much more, in your document.

How to install a LaTeX editor:

These LaTeX editors are free to download, and really easy to use. Before installing any of these LaTeX editors, you need to install a document distribution system for LaTeX. MiKTeX is the best distribution of the typesetting system LaTeX. Its open source, and available for free. Once you install MiKTeX, you can use any of the given LaTeX editors.

If you are interested, you can also checkout the List of Best Free Online LaTeX Editors, List of Best Free Math Software, and List of Best Free 3D Modeling Software For Windows.

Here is the List Of 14 Best Free LaTeX Editors for Windows:


TeXmaker is an impressive and steady LaTeX editor, which is available for free.  This cross-platform LaTeX editor has a variety of features to offer: Unicode support, PDF viewer, auto-completion, syntax highlighting, etc. You can create various LaTeX documents, such as technical articles, bibliography and journals, very easily. The available options include, changing font attributes, adding mathematical symbols, creating LaTeX tables, and many other advanced options. The integrated PDF viewer lets you preview a document in real-time.
You can also configure this software according to your requirements.


TeXstudio is another brilliant LaTeX editor, where you can effortlessly create a document. This open source software is also cross-platform, and works on Windows, Linux, BSD, and MAC. This LaTeX editor is a derivative of TeXmaker, and inherits almost all the advanced features. You will find more than a hundred mathematical symbols, options to insert images and tables, spell checker, syntax highlighting, and much more. It automatically detects MikTeX, so you need not configure it after installation. The integrated PDF viewer lets you preview your document in real time. TeXstudio is completely customizable LaTeX editor.


Lyx is a cross platform document generator. It offers easy, and flexible approach for rendering mathematical equations, images, tables, etc. to your document. You can create a LaTeX document with ease, without worrying about LaTeX codes. This editor provides an integrated equation editor, which has almost every symbol  that you may require while writing a scientific, technical, or mathematical document. While you work with this editor, you do not have to worry about defining any attributes for the content of your paper, like usual LaTeX editors. Save your document as PDF, to publish or print it.


Another dynamic LaTeX editor for Windows OS, TeXnic is open source, and free to use. It is a light software, and the UI is really simple. This LaTeX editor has integrated mathematical symbols, and options to insert tables & pictures. The auto-completion feature for codes, makes compiling a document really easy. You can anytime run the source code, and preview your document in PDF, or DVI format.   


TeXworks is a super lite LaTeX editor, which is based on cross-platform, open source tools. It can detect MicTeX automatically, to work with it. The UI has nothing, but a work-space, and few general options. Simply write your document, and compile it. In case of error, the editor shows it up on the bottom of the UI. If no errors are found, a PDF of the document opens up, on the integrated PDF viewer.


WinShell provides an integrated document development environment, in TeX and LaTeX. This is a free to use, cross platform LaTeX editor, which is extremely lite, and loaded with many features. Type your document in the integrated editing area. Features like mathematical tools, syntax highlighting, and spell check, help you with writing codes without any error. Compile your document for a preview in PDF format. This LaTeX editor doesn’t have an integrated PDF viewer, thus it requires a pre-installed PDF viewer to view any document. Other tools that this LaTeX editor features is a table wizard, BibTeX support, Unicode support, etc. This software can also be operated in more than 20 languages.


TeXpen is a free to use, open source LaTeX editor, loaded with various features. These features include real-time PDF preview, syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and theme/background option to protect your eyes. You can also insert tables, and images to your LaTeX document. Write down your code, build it and view as PDF in real-time. This LaTeX editor can also be configured manually by the user.


LEd (LaTeX editor) is another free LaTeX editor for MS Windows. Its a powerful framework to develop TeX, and LaTeX documents. There are various tools integrated to this LaTeX editor, making it a perfect environment for editing/compiling a LaTeX document. These tools include, spellchecker, DVI-viewer, code-complete mechanism, word wrapping, code folding, etc. The task of inserting a table or an image, can be carried out easily as well. You can view your document on the integrated viewer, or you can directly save your document as PDF.


Texiteasy is a cross-platform, open source LaTeX editor. This LaTeX editor is rich with features. It has a simple interface, which is easy to work with. It has pre-installed macros, which lets you complete your document with more ease. The list of functions that this editor features, are:

  • Syntax coloration
  • Command completion (with commands defined in the source, ref your label, cite your bibitem and bibfile)
  • Integrated pdf viewer (auto sync during scrolling, reverse sync with Ctrl+Click on the PDF)
  • Spell checker
  • Hide auxiliary files
  • Search with regex
  • Quickly open associated files (input, bibliography)
  • Autodetect the master file (if it is open)
  • Restore last session
  • Configure multiple builders
  • Configure keybinding and themes
  • Split the editor in two parts

This is one of the best, and easy to use free LaTeX editor available.

JLaTeX Editor

JLaTeX Editor is a basic, cross-platform open source LaTeX editor. This editor is well tested for MacOS and Linux, but is under constant development for Windows. Although, it is in an experimental stage for Windows, it is available for download, and works fine. It does not carry much features, but is capable of carrying out the task of creating a LaTeX document. When you have finished writing your LaTeX document, process it, and save your result as PDF. Integrated PDF viewer is unavailable in the current version, so you have to manually open the PDF document.

Emil TeX

An easy to use, and rich with features, Emil TeX is a free LaTeX editor. It has an integrated, real-time PDF viewer. Other features include synchronized view, syntax highlighting, spell check, multi-monitor view, etc. The installation file is very light, and the installation process does not consume much time. You can save your LaTeX document as PDF in any given folder. This software requires .NET framework to be installed on your computer.


AUCTeX is a customizable integrated environment for creating TeX/LaTeX documents in Emacs(an extensive open-source text editor). AUCTeX makes editing a TeX/LaTeX document really easy. Macros, keyboard shortcuts, and code folding are some of the tools which makes this environment really friendly to work with. Post compilation, you can view the document as DVI or PDF. It supports customization to match your personal working style.


Notepad++ is a Microsoft Windows based text, and source code editor. This editor provides syntax highlighting, and code folding for almost 50 programming, scripting, and markup languages, including LaTeX. It also provides multi-tab editing option, where you can work on more than 1 document in a single window. The usual LaTeX output is rendered in .html or .xml format. To render the output in PDF format, you will have to modify the program a bit. The modification required is really simple, which you can find here.


RtextDoc is an open source, multi-language editor. It has almost all features of a standard editor, such as syntax highlighting, auto completion, code folding, etc. This is a good environment to build a LaTeX document, and it works with WYSIWYG approach. This editor is only capable of converting LaTeX into HTML and XML. It has an integrated PDF viewer, but that only works for AsciiDoc.

Handling digital documents has become a part of the daily lives of users. We have seen a lot of Document editing tools and most of them follow the WYSIWYG (‘What you see is what you get’) approach to Word formatting. In such type of Word formatting, a GUI based approach is established and users can see the end result while typing the content. That is one way of approaching Word Formatting. Another way is through the use of a Word formatting tool that makes use of the WYSIWYM (‘What you see is what you mean’) approach. LaTeX Editors fall in the second category and in this article, we list the best LaTeX editors that you should use in 2022.

Before we begin our article, let us first understand LaTeX editors. If you already know what they are want to skip to the list, you can use the table of content below.

Table Of Contents

What is a LaTeX editor?

Still don’t get what this is all about? In simple terms, LaTeX (pronounced Lay-tek), is a markup level text editing tool that separates the word formatting from the content entry task. Quite similar to HTML in its formatting, LaTeX is one of the most commonly used text editor in the academia. For people who have to deal with scientific papers and publishing, with a lot of mathematical equations thrown into the mix, LaTeX text editors are pretty much the industry standard.

These tools allow users to define formatting of text before hand through markup-level instructions and once the content is inserted, the document is ready to be exported as a PDF or any other file format. Mathematical equations are exceptionally handled by these editors and they were the primary reasons leading to its development in the first place.

Note: LaTeX editors aren’t meant for basic text editing. If that’s what you’re looking for you should check out some of the best text editors instead.

1. TeXmaker

If you like using open-source apps, TeXmaker is one of the most popular, open-source, multi-platform solution for LaTeX editing. This tool is available for all major platforms and possesses features that make a great case for any LaTeX text editor. To get started with TeXmaker, its configuration window allows users to set-up all the basic settings of their LaTeX document before starting work on it.

TeXmaker also allows users to set-up the spell-checking and other document layout settings through the ‘Quick start’ window. The ‘Structure View’ allows users to streamline their documents into separate sections, labeling each one in the process. Inserting Tables, Math formula, cross-references, pictures, etc is pretty straightforward with TeXmaker.

TeXmaker - Best LaTex Editors

Once the groundwork of your document layout is set up using TeXmaker, the document can now be compiled to get it extracted as a PDF, HTML or ODF file format. Another key feature of TeXmaker is the way it allows users to track errors during the compilation stage.

All warnings and errors are displayed to let the user take the needed action regarding the same. Parts/sections of your documents could be easily folded/unfolded using TeXmaker. This tool is also great for creating a structured Bibliography section of your document. Keyboard short-cuts are abundant for TeXmaker and it makes the overall experience with this tool pretty worthwhile. Overall, TeXmaker is one of the best LaTeX editors for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Key Features: Unicode support, Code folding, Spell-checking, Built-in PDF viewer, Auto-completion, 370 mathematical symbols and more.

Platforms Supported: Windows, macOS, and Linux

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2. TeXnicCenter

TeXnicCenter is another great LaTeX editor specifically developed for Windows operating system. Since it runs on Windows, TeXnicCenter uses Microsoft’s MiKTeX typesetting distribution which makes it easy for Microsoft Word to process LaTeX documents. Also, TeXnicCenter is a free and open-source LaTeX editor so that’s great. Talking about the features, it has almost everything that you want in a LaTeX editor.

You have a powerful GUI editor with support for auto-completion and thousands of UTF-8 character encoding. Along with that, TeXnicCenter follows a master-branch navigator which makes it easy for users to navigate LaTeX documents.

TeXnicCenter - Best LaTex Editors
What I love about TeXnicCenter is that it has pre-defined LaTeX snippets which makes it easy to create complex formula and documentation particularly for computer scientists. It goes without saying that TeXnicCenter  has all the common features like syntax highlighting, bracket matching and spell checking. To sum up, if you are a Windows user, TeXnicCenter is one of the best LaTeX editors that you can use in 2022 and you don’t have to look any further.

Key Features: Integrated LaTeX environment for Windows apps, Auto-completion, Complete UTF-8 support, Document navigator, Library of LaTeX snippets, Syntax Highlighting, Spell Checking and more.

Platforms Supported: Windows

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3. LyX

LyX is among the most popular LaTeX editors right now with support for many modern and unique features. It is an open-source editor and it’s available on a number of platform including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It emphasizes on the WYSIWYM writing approach with a simple GUI based interface. The app uses many flexible tools like integrated equation editor and reference indexing to create LateX documents seamlessly.

While many prefer LyX for mathematical documents, you can also create a structured novel or script using its advanced markup tools. Besides that, you have support for academic article referencing, link overlay and ability to create a master thesis using branched out nodes.

LyX LaTex Editor

In addition, you can also author scientific papers with reference lists and citations. The automatic index creation is a unique feature that you will only find on LyX. With its advanced mathematical tools, you can visually drag and drop equations and edit them right there.

You also have access to many algorithms, theorems, and arrays of equations. Having said that, what I love about it is that how easy it’s to create LaTeX documents without worrying about formatting details or design attributes. Simply put, if you are new to LaTeX word processing and want to create scientific documents, opt for LyX and it will take you right home. It’s a solid LaTeX editor for Ubuntu, Windows, and Mac.

Key Features: Visual Mathematical Editor, Auto-completion, BibTeX support for creating a bibliography, Support for many graphic formats like complex graphs and tables, Huge library of mathematical formulae, Spell-checking, PDF viewer and more.

Platforms Supported: Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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4. TeXstudio

TeXstudio is another open-source and multi-platform LaTeX editor, which is quite popular among the academia. This tool is based on the open-source TeXmaker which we just talked about. TeXstudio is pretty much an extension of the former mentioned tool and added further support and features to it.

While the entire interface might pretty much feel similar to TeXmaker, but additional features like Document Word count, frequency count analysis and more made it into an independent full-blown LaTeX editing tool itself.


Some of its key features are Syntax Highlighting, reference checking, multi-cursors and more than 1000 mathematical formula included with it. Citations form a major component of scientific documents and TeXstudio provides support for Link overlay helps a lot in that. The Assistant feature of TeXstudio makes it easy for anyone without the complete knowledge of LaTeX editors set up a file and place blocks of images or tables anywhere in the document.

Images can be dragged and dropped into this editor and Table Auto-formatter takes care of adequately formatting your created tables. These are the additional features to TeXstudio, in addition to the regular Structure viewing, Code folding, Spell-checking, Auto-corrections, Syntax highlighting and all the other features that TeXmaker possesses.

Key Features: Auto-completion, Insertion of Tables, Figures, Mathematical formulae, Spell-checking, Built-in PDF viewer, Syntax highlighting, Export to HTML and more.

Platforms Supported: Windows, macOS, Linux and FreeBSD.

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5. TeXworks

TeXworks is a multi-platform, open-source LaTeX editor. It is a LaTeX editing tool that is based off another open-source LaTeX editor – TeXshop. It provides a GUI-based approach to LaTeX editing and features many of the key advantages found in the previous mentioned tools. The app features a built-in PDF viewer just like in the above mentioned tools, but this tool also possesses an auto-synchronization feature to it.

TeXmaker - LaText Editors

TeXworks features many of the key capabilities of a LaTeX editor like auto-completion, auto-correction, Unicode support and more. If only the basic bare bones of a LaTeX editor is required, It ticks in all the boxes perfectly.

This tool although does not feature many of the key features, its minimalist approach to LaTeX editing gets the work done without fussing much about its functionalities. Code folding, Insertion of graphics/tables, interaction with external editors and its powerful built-in PDF viewer and exporter makes this tool one of the best LaTeX editors that the academia often tend to consider.

Key Features: Code folding, auto-completion, auto-correction, Unicode support and built-in PDF viewer.

Platforms Supported: Windows, macOS and Linux

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Best online LaTeX editors

6. Papeeria

Papeeria is an online LaTeX editor which is quite good with advanced tools and features. You can achieve all the LaTeX editing features online using its web-based UI. One of the key features of Papeeria is its huge library of templates.

Among these templates, there are technical paper layouts, Scientific magazines, journal articles, CV and more. You can simply choose one such layout and get started on editing your content without worrying much about the formatting associated with it.

Papeeria - Best Online Latex Editors

Another great feature of Papeeria is that it allows users to collaborate on a LaTeX document. You can collaborate with other members on your LaTeX document and sync all the changes on either Google Drive, Dropbox or GitHub.

You can also build complex plots visually using its plot builder feature. Trusted by many academicians and scientists, Papeeria is a powerful LaTeX editor which can be accessed right from your web browser.

Key Features: Real-time collaboration, Document history, Google Drive, Dropbox and GitHub syncing supported, Huge library of templates, and more.

Platforms Supported: Web-based, Supports all major web browsers.

Pricing: Free (One active LaTeX project), $5/month (Ten active LaTeX projects)

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7. Overleaf

Another great online LaTeX editing tool is Overleaf. Trusted by over 200,000 academia worldwide, Overleaf is a great LaTeX editing tool with all the features that make your document creations easy.

Overleaf comes with over hundreds of templates ranging from Lab report and Thesis to Resume/CV and formal letters. If starting over fresh isn’t something you’d consider, getting started with one of their many templates is an easy way to develop professionally formatted documents.


Among the key features of Overleaf are the ability to collaborate with your team members on technical papers or academia documents. This real-time collaboration brings transparency to the editing work that is being put in by all the authors involved in its development. Your final document could easily be shared to different social networks and Git account using your custom generated link.

Make this link as ‘Read-only’ or ‘Read-and-Write’ depending on the person you are sharing the document with. Mathematical formula insertion is one of the important aspects of LaTeX editors and Overleaf provides a real-time preview of your text as it gets entered. Its Error control and Notation support makes co-authors familiar with WYSIWIG editors easily take up to this tool.

Key Features: Real-time collaborations, Effortless sharing, Real-time previewing, Rich Text Editing, Easy error tracking, Document revision history and more.

Platforms Supported: Web-based, Supports all major web browsers.

Pricing: Free (Only One Collaborator), $15/mo (10 Collaborators), $30/mo (Unlimited collaborators).

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8. Authorea

If you are looking for more web-based LaTeX editors, Authorea should be a great option for you. Authorea is a great online LaTeX editor, and possesses many of the great features offered by the previously mentioned tools. Ready-to-use templates, collaboration tools, document revision history, chat feature, auto-creation of references page, easy insertion of images, links, tables, etc., are some of its key features.

Authorea - Best Apps for Editing Latex

Authorea also supports many file formats including LaTeX, HTML, Markdown and more. Creation of an Index pages, exporting document as PDF, sharing it over social media, quick edit, toggle on/off comments and word count are some of the additional key features of Authorea that makes it one of the best tools for LaTeX editing right from the comforts of your web browser.

Insertion of mathematical formula, images and tables is pretty straightforward with Authorea. All in all, its features make Authorea an easy-to-use LaTeX editing tool with no steep learning curve associated with it.

Key Features: Simple insertion of Images, Mathematical formulae, tables and more, Collaborate, Cite papers, Auto-creation of Bibliography, Commenting feature and more.

Platforms Supported: Web-based, Supports all major web browsers

Pricing: Free (Can create up to 3 LaTeX documents; 10 if you are a student or educator), $10/mo (Unlimited LaTeX Documents)

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9. Kile LaTex Editor

Kile is a user-friendly LaTeX editor by KDE. If you don’t know about KDE, it’s a highly respected international free software community that develops open-source software for users. So, all their software and apps including Kile are free to download and use. Kile editor is quite new to the Windows Store and it’s already making waves thanks to its graphical interface and interactive preview mechanism that allow users to readily see the results of editing.


The app is super-fast and allows you to view, compile, and convert LaTeX documents in seconds. Kile also comes with a huge assortment of templates and wizards that make starting new documents very easy. Other popular features of Kile include easy insertion of standard tags, easy insertion of citations and references when using projects, support for inverse and forward search, chapter support, quick preview, advanced editing commands, and more. 

Key Features: Graphical interface, interactive preview mechanism, huge assortment of templates and wizards, quick preview, advanced editing commands, and more. 

Platforms Supported: Windows, macOS, and Linux

Pricing: Free

Download from Microsoft Store

Extensions for LaTeX

10. Vim with LaTeX-Suite

Vim is an open-source and very powerful editor. Vim-LaTeX is an extension for Vim that lets you edit and compile LaTeX documents. It brings a minimalist and powerful approach to text editing. Use Vim-LaTeX to bring the best of both the worlds into your document editing processes. The extension works with Vim version 6.0 or above.

Vim with LaTeX-suite

The entire installation process is perfectly documented on their Sourceforge page, which you must definitely pay a visit. There is another standalone Vim software, known as the gVim that brings a GUI-based interface to the Vim document editor. Vim-LaTeX has been developed specifically for the programmers and it is so highly configurable that it can function anyway, ranging from a simple notepad to all kinds of text editing and also editing of configuration files.

Key Features: Visual editing, Mode mapping, Compiling, Error tracking, Code folding, Customized templates and more.

Platforms Supported: Windows, macOS, Linux and Unix-based systems.

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11. LaTeX Workshop for Visual Studio Code

One of the biggest strengths of Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is the presence of a robust community that strives to add more features to the open-source code editor that is arguably the best in its segment. Thanks to an extension named LaTeX Workshop, you can leverage the power of Visual Studio Code to edit your LaTeX documents.

latex workshop extension vscode

With LaTeX Workshop, you can build LaTeX to PDF, reverse SyncTex, utilize Intellisense for smart completions of bibliography keys and labels, and see errors and warnings in the log parser. Moreover, you can use snippets and shortcuts to quickly access commonly used LaTeX commands. If you’re interested, you can find the installation & setup instructions right here and grab the extension below. LaTeX Workshop helps VSCode users edit LaTeX files while staying on their editor of choice.

Key Features: Syntax highlighting, Code completion, Code folding, Spell checking, SyncTeX, output viewer, autosave, and more.

Platforms Supported: Windows, Mac, Linux

Visit Website

LaTeX Editors for Android and iPhone

12. VerbTeX

While most often you’ll be using LaTeX editors on your PC or Mac, there are times when you’re on the go and can’t really access a computer. In such a situation, if you have to make some urgent edits, you can check out an app like VerbTeX which is a really good LaTeX editor for Android and iPhone. It comes with features such as syntax highlighting, support for local and cloud mode, code-completion, hotkeys, and more. You can also use custom template files to get a jumpstart on your LaTeX project.

verbtex latex editor android iphone

The app is free, but if you’re the kind of person who needs LaTeX editing on their smartphone as well, chances are you won’t mind paying the $9.99 asking price for the Pro version of the app with more features.

Key Features: Code completion, local and online modes, syntax highlighting, etc.

Platforms Supported: Android, iOS

Download: Android, iOS (Free)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is LaTeX a coding language?

No. LaTeX is a high-level, descriptive markup language. That said, you can leverage the power of packages to enhance the capabilities of LaTeX. While you might manage to complete tasks through this approach, it might not be the ideal or efficient way to solve a problem.

Q. Can we convert LaTeX to Word?

Yes. There are tools to convert LaTeX documents to Word. However, a more convenient way would be to convert the document as PDF using one of the aforesaid LaTeX editors, followed by converting the PDF to Word.

Q. Can you convert PDF to LaTeX?

Yes. You can use one of the convertors to change a PDF document to LaTeX. The accuracy of the output may depend on the content quality and formatting of the PDF document.

Q. Which command is used for current date in LaTeX?

You can use the command ‘\today’ for adding the current date to your LaTeX document.

Use These LaTeX Editors to Write Your Next Paper

That ends our list of the 12 best LaTeX Editors that you should be using in 2022. We have not only include LaTeX Editing app but also online LaTeX editors along with LaTeX plugins, as well as LaTeX editor for Android and iPhone. So, you see, you can choose the one that fits your needs. Do check out the list and let us know which is your favorite app to edit LaTeX among the all. Meanwhile, if you’re simply looking for something that can replace Word, Powerpoint, etc, you should check out our list of Microsoft Office alternatives.

For editing documents with complex formatting, make sure to install the best LaTeX editor for Windows that will allow you to cope with any task in no time. LaTeX is a useful markup language for working with various files.

It allows you to edit mathematical equations, symbols, tables, matrices, etc.

Top 5 LaTeX Editors for Windows

  1. Overleaf —

    A lot of templates

  2. TeXmaker —


  3. TeXstudio —

    Integrated viewer

  4. TeXnicCenter —

    Spell checking

  5. LyX —

    Integrated equation editor

Whether you are interested in computer sciences, mathematics or economics, LaTeX editors will help you create a wide variety of documents. The best LaTeX editor for Windows makes it easier for you to add various content and create documents that meet the latest publication standards.

1. Overleaf — Our Choice

  • It makes writing, editing, and publishing documents quicker
  • Offers a real-time preview of code
  • Share with other people effortlessly
  • You can switch to LaTeX and Rich Text mode
  • None

Verdict: The Overleaf LaTex editor is a free, web-based LaTex exporter for Microsoft Word documents. Overleaf also offers undo/redo features so that you can edit a previously printed document. If you’d like to edit multiple documents at once (such as lots of different documents on a certain topic), this is a great feature.

Plus, if you need to make minor edits, such as inserting a space between words in a document, you will be able to do so right away — no need to save and lose time looking for the correct keystroke.

overleaflatex editor for windows interface

2. TeXmaker

  • Easy to use and configure
  • 350+ mathematical symbols
  • Wizard to generate a quick document
  • Can automatically locate warnings and errors
  • Dated interface

Verdict: The TeXmaker LaTeX editor for Windows is designed to be user friendly and able to meet the needs of users. It is an easy to use package that includes a number of tools. The major advantage of using the TeXmaker LaTeX editor is that it can be operated from any computer whether it is on a Linux, Windows or Mac platform.

Another feature is that it has the ability to track changes as they happen and so makes it easy to track changes to a document.

texmaker latex editor for windows interface

3. TeXstudio

  • 1000+ mathematical symbols
  • Bookmark to keep references to important places in text
  • You can copy, paste table columns quickly
  • It allows you to drag and drop images to the editor
  • Updates issues

Verdict: What makes this LaTeX editor for Mac so attractive is that it has a number of features that make it stand-out among other editors in the market. First of all, it has a GUI (Graphic User Interface), which makes it easy for new users to use it.

Users also get to experience a number of features, such as auto indentation, code completion, find/replace tool, command history, undo function, file Redirection facility and more.

texstudio latex editor for windows interface

4. TeXnicCenter

  • Offers a quick setup wizard
  • Customization of tools is possible
  • It offers syntax highlighting
  • Free and open-source
  • Too basic

Verdict: A TeXnicCenter LaTeX editor for Windows is the most comprehensive solution for any LaTeX document. It can handle a variety of different document types such as PDF, HTML, plain text (text), Postscript and Math.

One feature that is unique to this editor is its ability to edit ‘hard’ Word documents. This means that instead of using the normal formulae used when writing a document, you can enter a formula that will be used when re-writing the document later.

texniccenter latex editor for windows interface

5. LyX

Integrated equation editor

  • You can export the document as PDF
  • This program supports tables and captions
  • You can write multilingual documents
  • It offers automatic completion of the text
  • Can be slow
  • Expensive

Verdict: LyX is a free document processor based on the LaTeX typesetting system. LyX is cross-platform LaTeX editor and has prebuilt builds for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and various Linux distributions, as well as an unofficial build for OS / 2. LyX adheres to the WYSIWYM paradigm.

In accordance with this paradigm, the user writes the text and defines its semantic structure, marking the content in accordance with its meaning, purpose in the document.

lyx latex editor for windows interface

Looking for a game-changing LaTeX editor? Dive into our blog post highlighting the 25 best LaTeX editors that will revolutionize your academic writing.

Crafting a high-quality document with mathematical equations, scientific notations, and precise formatting can be a daunting task.

LaTeX editors have become indispensable tools for academics, researchers, and professionals alike. With their ability to create beautifully typeset documents, these editors have transformed the way we write and present our work.

In this article, we will explore the top LaTeX editors available and discuss their unique features and benefits. Whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, this roundup will help you choose the best LaTeX editor for your needs.

Table of Contents


LaTeX editors are specialized text editors designed for creating and editing documents written in LaTeX, a powerful typesetting system. 

These editors provide features such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and real-time preview, making it easier to write and format complex documents.

There are various types of LaTeX editors available, ranging from online platforms to desktop applications, each catering to different user requirements. Let’s dive into the best LaTeX editors and discover what each has to offer.

Best LaTeX Editors

#1. Overleaf: Best for Online Collaboration

Credits: Overleaf, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Overleaf


  • It’s an online platform
  • Offers real-time collaboration
  • Comes with a rich template library.

Overleaf is a popular online LaTeX editor that allows users to create and edit documents in real-time with seamless collaboration. With its cloud-based platform, Overleaf eliminates the need for installing any software. Therefore, it is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

What are the benefits of Overleaf?

  • Easy collaboration with multiple users. This streamlines team projects and improves communication.
  • Access to a vast library of templates. This way, Overleaf simplifies document creation and ensures professional formatting.
  • No installation required. Overleaf enables quick and easy access to the editor from any device.
  • Version control and project management features enhance organization and prevent conflicts.

Overleaf is perfect for those who value collaboration and accessibility. This tool’s user-friendly interface and extensive template library make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced LaTeX users alike.

#2. TeXstudio: Best for Feature-Rich Editing

Credits: Source Forge, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Source Forge


  • Boasts comprehensive editing features
  • Has a customizable interface
  • Comes with an integrated PDF viewer

TeXstudio is a feature-rich LaTeX editor that offers a wide array of tools and options for creating and editing LaTeX documents. Its customizable interface and extensive editing features make it a favorite among experienced LaTeX users.

What are the benefits of TeXstudio?

  • Syntax highlighting and auto-completion improve the editing experience and reduce errors.
  • Real-time preview and inline spell checking streamline the editing process and ensure document quality
  • Powerful search and replace functionality enhances productivity and simplifies document updates
  • Customizable shortcuts and macros enable a personalized and efficient workflow

TeXstudio is an excellent choice for those who need a powerful and versatile LaTeX editor. With its extensive features and customization options, TeXstudio is a top pick for advanced users.


#3. TeXmaker: Best for Cross-Platform Support

Credits: Xm1 Math, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Xm1 Math


  • Offers cross-platform compatibility
  • Has a user-friendly interface
  • Comes with a built-in PDF viewer

TeXmaker is a free and open-source LaTeX editor that supports Windows, macOS, and Linux. This user-friendly tool with comprehensive editing features is an excellent choice for users across multiple platforms.

What are the benefits of TeXmaker?

  • Syntax highlighting and auto-completion enhance the editing experience and minimize errors
  • Integrated PDF viewer and real-time preview simplify the editing process and ensure accurate formatting
  • Code folding and error checking improve productivity and document quality
  • Customizable shortcuts and templates enable a personalized and efficient workflow

TeXmaker is a great option for those who need a versatile and cross-platform LaTeX editor. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it suitable for both beginners and experienced users.


#4. TeXnicCenter: Best for Windows Users

Credits: TeXnicCenter, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: TeXnicCenter


  • It is a Windows-only application
  • Comes with project management features
  • Integrated with a PDF viewer

TeXnicCenter is a powerful LaTeX editor designed specifically for Windows users. With its intuitive interface and robust editing features, TeXnicCenter provides a seamless experience for creating and editing LaTeX documents on Windows.

What are the benefits of TeXnicCenter?

  • User-friendly interface: TeXnicCenter offers a clean, intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create and edit LaTeX documents.
  • Project management: It allows users to manage multiple LaTeX files as a single project, making it easier to organize and navigate through large documents.
  • Auto-completion and syntax highlighting: TeXnicCenter provides auto-completion and syntax highlighting features, which help users write LaTeX code more efficiently and with fewer errors.
  • Integrated PDF viewer: The built-in PDF viewer allows users to preview their output without needing to open a separate application.

TeXnicCenter is an excellent choice for Windows users who need a dedicated LaTeX editor. Its robust features and Windows-specific design make it a top pick for those using the Windows platform.


#5. TeXworks: Best for Simplicity and Minimalism

Credits: TeXworks, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: TeXworks


  • Boasts a minimalist interface
  • Provides cross-platform compatibility
  • Has an Integrated PDF viewer

TeXworks is a simple and lightweight LaTeX editor that focuses on providing a clean and straightforward user experience. With cross-platform support and an integrated PDF viewer, TeXworks is an excellent option for those who value simplicity.

What are the benefits of TeXworks?

  • Scripting support: TeXworks supports scripting, allowing users to automate tasks and customize the editor to suit their needs.
  • Cross-platform support: TeXworks is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Free and open-source: Like TeXnicCenter and TeXstudio, TeXworks is available for free, and its source code is open for users to modify and improve as needed.
  • Regular updates: TeXworks is actively maintained and regularly updated, ensuring that users have access to the latest features and improvements.

TeXworks is perfect for users who prefer a minimalist approach to LaTeX editing. Its clean interface and essential features make it an excellent choice for those who want a straightforward editing experience.


#6. LyX: Best for a Graphical Interface

Credits: Linux Links, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Linux Links


  • Has a graphical interface
  • Also offers a cross-platform compatibility
  • Provides math and table editing tools

LyX is a unique LaTeX editor that combines the power of LaTeX with the ease of a graphical interface. Its WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) approach allows users to focus on content while LyX handles the formatting.

What are the benefits of LyX?

  • WYSIWYM editing: LyX is a document processor that uses the WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) approach, allowing users to focus on the structure and content of their document rather than formatting details.
  • User-friendly interface: LyX offers a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create and edit LaTeX documents, even for those who are not familiar with LaTeX syntax.
  • Mathematical notation support: LyX provides excellent support for mathematical notation, making it a popular choice for users working with mathematical or scientific documents.

LyX is an excellent choice for those who prefer a graphical interface for LaTeX editing. Its user-friendly design and powerful editing tools make it a popular choice among both beginners and experienced LaTeX users.


#7. TeXpen: Best for Real-Time Preview

Credits: Source Forge, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Source Forge


  • Is lightweight
  • Offers real-time preview
  • Minimalist interface

TeXpen is a simple and lightweight LaTeX editor that focuses on providing real-time preview functionality. This tool’s minimalist interface and cross-platform support make it an excellent option for users who value instant feedback.

What are the benefits of TeXpen?

  • Outline view: TeXpen includes an outline view that allows users to navigate through their document structure easily, making it convenient for working with large documents.
  • Dark mode support: TeXpen supports dark mode, which can help reduce eye strain and improve the user experience, especially when working in low-light conditions.
  • Cross-platform support: TeXpen is available for Windows and Linux, making it accessible to a range of users.
  • Free and open-source: Like other LaTeX editors mentioned, TeXpen is available for free, and its source code is open for users to modify and improve as needed.

TeXpen is perfect for users who prioritize real-time preview functionality in their LaTeX editor. Its clean interface and essential features make it an excellent choice for those who want a straightforward editing experience with instant feedback.


#8. Kile – Best for KDE users

Credits: KDE Applications, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: KDE Applications


  • Is a feature-rich LaTeX editor for KDE users
  • Comes with a live preview and inline spell checking
  • Boasts a customizable interface and templates

Kile is a user-friendly LaTeX editor designed specifically for the KDE desktop environment. It offers a comprehensive set of features that make it an excellent choice for KDE users looking for a powerful and versatile LaTeX editor.

What are the benefits of Kile?

  • Designed specifically for KDE, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility
  • Live preview feature allows you to see changes instantly without compiling
  • Inline spell checking helps maintain document quality and professionalism
  • Interface and templates can be tailored to individual preferences and workflows
  • Navigation is simplified with syntax highlighting and code folding

Kile is a top choice for KDE users, offering a feature-rich and highly customizable LaTeX editing experience.


#9. Gummi – Best for lightweight editing

Credits: Gummi, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Gummi


  • A lightweight and easy-to-use LaTeX editor
  • Comes with a real-time PDF preview
  • Has integrated BibTeX support

Gummi is a lightweight LaTeX editor that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. This tool offers a clean and straightforward interface, making it an excellent choice for users who prefer a minimalist approach to LaTeX editing.

What are the benefits of Gummi?

  • BibTeX support: Gummi includes built-in support for BibTeX, making it easy for users to create and manage their bibliographies. Users can easily insert citations into their LaTeX documents, and the editor provides syntax highlighting for BibTeX files.
  • Snippet Manager: Gummi includes a built-in snippet manager that allows you to save and insert frequently used LaTeX code quickly and easily.
  • Error Detection: Gummi highlights errors in your LaTeX code, making it easier to identify and fix issues in your document.

For those seeking a lightweight and easy-to-use LaTeX editor, Gummi is an excellent choice. Its real-time PDF preview and integrated BibTeX support make it a powerful tool for creating professional documents without the complexity of some other editors.


#10. Texpad (Now Texifier) – Best for macOS users

Credits: Texpad, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Texpad


  • Native macOS LaTeX editor with a modern interface
  • Boasts live typesetting and advanced error handling
  • Offers integrated cloud storage and collaboration features

Texpad is a native macOS LaTeX editor that combines a modern, intuitive interface with powerful features.

What are the benefits of Texpad?

  • Focused Interface: Texpad features a clean, distraction-free interface that allows you to focus on writing your LaTeX document without being overwhelmed by unnecessary toolbars and buttons.
  • Outline View: Texpad provides an outline view that displays the structure of your document, making it easy to navigate and organize large documents with multiple sections.
  • Live Typesetting: Texpad offers live typesetting, which automatically updates the PDF preview of your document as you make changes to your LaTeX code.
  • Auto-Sense: Texpad’s Auto-Sense feature automatically detects the root file of your project, even when working with complex multi-file documents, making it easier to compile and preview your work.

Texpad is a top choice for macOS users seeking a native LaTeX editor with a modern interface and powerful features. Its live typesetting and advanced error handling make it a valuable tool for creating professional documents on macOS.


#11. TeXlipse – Best for Eclipse users

Credits: Source Forge, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Source Forge


  • Is a LaTeX plugin for the Eclipse IDE
  • Offers syntax highlighting, code folding, and autocompletion features
  • Provides an integrated project management and build system

TeXlipse is a LaTeX plugin for the popular Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE). It offers a comprehensive set of features that make it an excellent choice for users who prefer to work with LaTeX within the Eclipse IDE.

What are the benefits of TeXlipse?

  • Eclipse Integration: TeXlipse is a LaTeX plugin for the popular Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), allowing you to work on LaTeX documents and code projects within the same environment.
  • Syntax Highlighting: TeXlipse provides syntax highlighting for LaTeX code, making it easier to read and understand your document structure.
  • Code Completion: TeXlipse offers code completion suggestions as you type, speeding up the process of writing LaTeX code and reducing the risk of syntax errors.
  • Error Detection: TeXlipse includes real-time error detection and reporting, helping you identify and fix issues in your LaTeX code quickly.

TeXlipse is a great choice for Eclipse users who want to work with LaTeX within their preferred IDE. Its comprehensive feature set and seamless integration with Eclipse make it a powerful tool for creating professional documents.


#12. Vim-LaTeX – Best for Vim users

Credits: Reddit, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Reddit


  • LaTeX plugin for the Vim text editor
  • Offers customizable key mappings and macros
  • Comes with advanced syntax highlighting and autocompletion

Vim-LaTeX is a LaTeX plugin for the Vim text editor, offering a powerful and highly customizable editing experience for Vim users. It provides advanced syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and customizable key mappings and macros for efficient LaTeX editing.

What are the benefits of Vim-LateX?

  • Vim Integration: Vim-LaTeX is a plugin for the powerful and highly customizable Vim text editor, allowing you to harness Vim’s extensive features while working with LaTeX documents.
  • Keyboard-Driven Editing: Vim-LaTeX takes advantage of Vim’s keyboard-driven editing capabilities, enabling you to write and edit LaTeX code quickly and efficiently without relying on the mouse.
  • LaTeX-Specific Commands: Vim-LaTeX provides a set of LaTeX-specific commands and shortcuts, making it easier to insert common LaTeX elements such as environments, macros, and symbols.

Vim-LaTeX is an excellent choice for Vim users looking for a powerful and highly customizable LaTeX editing experience.


#13. Emacs AUCTeX – Best for Emacs users

Credits: LaTeX Stack Exchange, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: LaTeX Stack Exchange


  • LaTeX plugin for the Emacs text editor
  • Comes with advanced syntax highlighting and autocompletion
  • Boasts integrated preview and compilation features

Emacs AUCTeX is a LaTeX plugin for the Emacs text editor, offering a comprehensive set of features for Emacs users. This tool provides advanced syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and integrated preview and compilation features for efficient LaTeX editing.

What are the benefits of Emacs AUCTeX?

  • Highly customizable: Emacs AUCTeX is an extension of the powerful Emacs text editor, which allows for extensive customization and personalization. Users can tailor the editor to their specific needs and preferences, making their LaTeX editing experience more efficient and enjoyable.
  • Integration with other Emacs tools: Being a part of the Emacs ecosystem, AUCTeX seamlessly integrates with other Emacs tools and packages, such as Org-mode, ESS, and Magit. This allows users to have a unified workflow for various tasks like note-taking, coding, and version control.
  • Powerful syntax highlighting and error checking: Emacs AUCTeX provides advanced syntax highlighting and error checking features, helping users identify and correct errors in their LaTeX code quickly and easily.

Emacs AUCTeX is a top choice for Emacs users seeking a powerful and feature-rich LaTeX editing experience. Its seamless integration with Emacs and advanced features make it a valuable tool for creating professional documents.


#14. TeXShop – Best for macOS users with a simple interface

Credits: TeXShop, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: TeXShop


  • Simple and intuitive native macOS LaTeX editor
  • Has an integrated PDF viewer and synchronization
  • Provides customizable templates and macros

TeXShop is a native macOS LaTeX editor that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It offers a clean and intuitive interface, making it an excellent choice for macOS users who prefer a straightforward approach to LaTeX editing.

What are the benefits of TeXShop?

  • macOS Native: TeXShop is a native macOS application, providing a familiar interface and seamless integration with the macOS operating system.
  • User-Friendly Interface: TeXShop offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy to create and edit LaTeX documents even for those new to LaTeX.
  • Built-in PDF Viewer: TeXShop features a built-in PDF viewer that automatically updates as you make changes to your LaTeX code, allowing you to see the final output without needing to compile it manually.
  • Macro Support: TeXShop supports macros, enabling you to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your LaTeX editing workflow.
  • Integration with TeX Distributions: TeXShop can be configured to work with popular TeX distributions like MacTeX and TeX Live, streamlining your document creation process.

TeXShop is an excellent choice for macOS users seeking a simple and intuitive native LaTeX editor. Its clean interface and integrated PDF viewer make it a powerful tool for creating professional documents without unnecessary complexity.


#15. LaTeXila (now GNOME LaTeX)- Best for GNOME users

Credits: Linux Links, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Linux Links


  • LaTeX editor designed for the GNOME desktop environment
  • Offers syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and templates
  • Comes with an integrated PDF viewer and build system

LaTeXila is a LaTeX editor designed specifically for the GNOME desktop environment.

What are the benefits of LaTeXila?

  • GNOME Integration: LaTeXila (now GNOME LaTeX) is a LaTeX editor designed specifically for the GNOME desktop environment, providing a clean and consistent user experience for GNOME users.
  • Syntax Highlighting: LaTeXila offers syntax highlighting for LaTeX code, making it easier to read and understand the structure of your document.
  • Code Completion: LaTeXila provides code completion suggestions as you type, speeding up the process of writing LaTeX code and reducing the risk of syntax errors.

LaTeXila is a top choice for GNOME users, offering a feature-rich and highly customizable LaTeX editing experience. Its seamless integration with the GNOME desktop environment and integrated PDF viewer make it a powerful tool for creating professional documents.


#16. WinEdt – Best for Windows users with advanced features

Credits: WinEdt, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: WinEdt


  • An advanced text editor for Windows
  • Is an highly configurable and extensible tool
  • Comes with MiKTeX and TeX Live

WinEdt is a powerful LaTeX editor specifically designed for Windows users. Its advanced features, combined with its seamless integration with MiKTeX and TeX Live, make it a popular choice for LaTeX enthusiasts.

What are the benefits of WinEdt?

  • Windows Native: WinEdt is a native Windows application, providing a familiar interface and seamless integration with the Windows operating system.
  • Customizable Interface: WinEdt offers a highly customizable interface, allowing you to tailor the appearance and functionality of the editor to your preferences, including themes, toolbar configurations, and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Syntax Highlighting: WinEdt provides syntax highlighting for LaTeX code, making it easier to read and understand the structure of your document.
  • Code Folding: WinEdt supports code folding, allowing you to collapse and expand sections of your LaTeX code for easier navigation and organization.

WinEdt stands out as a top choice for Windows users seeking an advanced LaTeX editor with a wealth of features and customization options, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.


#17. TeXmacs – Best for a WYSIWYG interface

Credits: GNU TeXmacs, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: GNU TeXmacs


  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface
  • Offers cross-platform compatibility
  • Supports various markup languages and document formats

TeXmacs is a unique LaTeX editor that offers a WYSIWYG interface, allowing you to see the final output as you type. This LaTeX Editor is compatible with multiple platforms and supports various markup languages and document formats.

What are the benefits of TeXmacs?

  • WYSIWYG editing: TeXmacs is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, which means that users can see the final output of their LaTeX document while they are editing it. This feature makes it easier to create and format complex mathematical expressions, tables, and other elements.
  • Built-in support for various document formats: TeXmacs supports a wide range of document formats, including LaTeX, HTML, and XML. This versatility allows users to work with different types of documents and easily convert between formats.
  • Mathematical symbol palette: TeXmacs includes a comprehensive palette of mathematical symbols, allowing users to quickly insert complex mathematical expressions and equations without having to remember the specific LaTeX commands.

TeXmacs is an excellent option for those who prefer a WYSIWYG interface and need a versatile, cross-platform LaTeX editor with a focus on simplifying the editing process.


#18. Bakoma TeX – Best for real-time typesetting

Credits: BaKoMa TEX, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: BaKoMa TEX


  • Provides real-time typesetting and preview
  • Offers cross-platform compatibility
  • Enjoy comprehensive LaTeX support

Bakoma TeX is a powerful LaTeX editor that provides real-time typesetting and previewing of your document. This feature allows you to see the final output instantly, making it easier to spot and correct errors.

What are the benefits of Bakoma TeX?

  • Instant visual feedback on document formatting accelerates the editing process and minimizes errors
  • Comprehensive support for LaTeX packages and fonts ensures compatibility with a wide range of styles and formatting options
  • Integrated spell checker and thesaurus enhance the overall writing experience and improve document quality

Bakoma TeX excels as a LaTeX editor for users who prioritize real-time typesetting, offering instant feedback and a comprehensive set of features to streamline the editing process.


#19. Papeeria – Best for cloud-based editing

Credits: Papeeria, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Papeeria


  • Cloud-based LaTeX editor
  • Provides collaborative editing
  • Offers version control and synchronization

Papeeria is a cloud-based LaTeX editor that allows you to create, edit, and share documents from any device with an internet connection. Its collaborative features and version control make it an excellent choice for team projects.

What are the benefits of Papeeria?

  • Cloud-based platform: Papeeria is a cloud-based LaTeX editor, which means that users can access and edit their documents from any device with an internet connection. This feature enables seamless collaboration and eliminates the need to install any software on the user’s computer.
  • Real-time collaboration: Papeeria supports real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on a document simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for team projects, academic collaborations, and co-authoring papers.
  • Version control integration: Papeeria integrates with popular version control systems like Git, allowing users to track changes and collaborate on LaTeX projects with ease.

Papeeria stands out as a top choice for users in need of a cloud-based LaTeX editor with powerful collaboration features, enabling seamless teamwork and document management.


#20. Atom with LaTeX package – Best for Atom users

Credits: LaTeX Stack Exchange, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: LaTeX Stack Exchange


  • Comes with LaTeX package for the Atom text editor
  • Offers extensive customization options
  • Boasts cross-platform compatibility

If you’re already using the Atom text editor, the LaTeX package adds powerful LaTeX editing capabilities to your existing workflow. With extensive customization options and cross-platform compatibility, it’s a great choice for Atom users.

What are the benefits of Atom with LaTeX Package?

  • Seamless integration with the Atom text editor allows for a unified editing experience
  • Customizable interface and keyboard shortcuts enable a personalized and efficient workflow
  • Support for additional Atom packages to enhance functionality and tailor the editor to your needs

The LaTeX package for Atom offers an excellent solution for Atom users looking to incorporate LaTeX editing capabilities into their existing setup, providing a seamless and customizable experience.


#21. Visual Studio Code with LaTeX Workshop – Best for Visual Studio Code users

Credits: Wikimedia Commons, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Wikimedia Commons


  • LaTeX extension for Visual Studio Code
  • Offers real-time preview and syntax highlighting
  • Provides cross-platform compatibility

LaTeX Workshop is an extension for Visual Studio Code that adds comprehensive LaTeX editing capabilities. With real-time preview and syntax highlighting, it’s an excellent choice for users of Visual Studio Code.

What are the benefits of visual studio code with LaTeX Workshop?

  • Modern and versatile editor: Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular and powerful code editor with a wide range of features and extensions. By using the LaTeX Workshop extension, users can leverage the versatility of VSCode for their LaTeX projects.
  • Live preview: With the LaTeX Workshop extension, users can enjoy a live preview of their document as they edit it. This feature allows users to visualize the final output of their LaTeX document in real-time, making it easier to create and format complex elements.
  • Integration with other VSCode extensions: LaTeX Workshop can be used alongside other VSCode extensions, such as GitLens for version control or the integrated terminal for running shell commands, creating a unified and efficient workflow.
  • Snippets and autocompletion: LaTeX Workshop includes a comprehensive set of snippets and autocompletion features, which can significantly speed up the LaTeX editing process. Users can also create their own custom snippets to further optimize their workflow.

LaTeX Workshop is a must-have extension for Visual Studio Code users looking to enhance their LaTeX editing capabilities while maintaining a seamless, integrated workflow.


#22. Authorea – Best for collaborative writing and publishing

Credits: Authorea , Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Authorea


  • Is a collaborative writing platform
  • Supports LaTeX and rich text
  • Boasts integrated publishing tools

Authorea is a collaborative writing platform that supports both LaTeX and rich text. With integrated publishing tools, it’s an excellent choice for users who need a platform for writing, collaboration, and publishing.

What are the benefits of Authorea?

  • Modern and versatile editor: Authorea, as a LaTeX editor, offers a user-friendly interface that caters to both LaTeX experts and beginners, making it a strong alternative to using Visual Studio Code with the LaTeX Workshop extension.
  • Seamless collaboration: Authorea enables real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work together on a document simultaneously, fostering efficient teamwork.
  • Direct journal submission: Authorea supports direct submission to numerous academic journals and preprint servers, simplifying the publication process for researchers.
  • Integrated commenting and review system: Authorea’s built-in commenting and review system allows users to provide and receive feedback efficiently, enhancing the overall editing experience.
  • Cloud-based storage: Authorea ensures data safety and accessibility by storing documents in the cloud, making it easy for users to access their work from anywhere.

Authorea is a fantastic option for users in need of a collaborative writing and publishing platform that supports LaTeX, offering a comprehensive solution for creating, sharing, and publishing professional documents.


#23. LaTeXdraw – Best for creating vector graphics

Credits: Source Forge, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Source Forge


  • Ideal for producing vector graphics
  • Offers a user-friendly interface
  • Integrates seamlessly with LaTeX documents

LaTeXdraw is a powerful tool designed for creating high-quality vector graphics, making it the perfect choice for users who need to incorporate visually appealing diagrams and illustrations into their LaTeX documents. 

What are the benefits of LaTeXdraw?

  • User-friendly graphic creation: LaTeXdraw’s interface is easy to navigate, allowing users to create complex vector graphics without needing extensive design knowledge.
  • Wide range of drawing tools: LaTeXdraw offers a comprehensive set of drawing tools, including shapes, lines, and text, enabling users to produce a variety of graphics for their LaTeX documents.
  • Easy integration with LaTeX: Once a graphic is created in LaTeXdraw, it can be easily exported as a LaTeX code, making it simple to integrate the graphic into a LaTeX document.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: LaTeXdraw is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring that users can access this powerful tool regardless of their operating system.

With its intuitive interface, LaTeXdraw simplifies the process of generating vector graphics, even for those with limited graphic design experience.


24. LaTeXiT – Best for macOS users for creating small documents

Credits: Mac, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Mac


  • Designed specifically for macOS users
  • Ideal for creating small LaTeX documents
  • Offers a lightweight and efficient solution

LaTeXiT is a LaTeX editor specifically tailored for macOS users who need a lightweight solution for creating small documents, such as equations, tables, or standalone figures. 

What are the benefits of LaTeXiT?

  • macOS optimized: LaTeXiT is designed exclusively for macOS, ensuring seamless integration with the operating system and a familiar user experience.
  • Perfect for small documents: LaTeXiT is ideal for creating short LaTeX documents, such as standalone equations or figures, without the need for a full-fledged LaTeX editor.
  • Drag-and-drop functionality: LaTeXiT allows users to drag and drop their generated content directly into other applications, such as word processors or presentation software, streamlining the process of incorporating LaTeX elements into non-LaTeX documents.
  • Customizable templates: LaTeXiT offers a range of pre-built templates, which can be easily customized to suit the user’s specific needs, simplifying the document creation process.


#25. ShareLaTeX – Best for online collaboration and document management

Credits: Overleaf, Best LaTeX Editors,
Credits: Overleaf


  • Online collaborative LaTeX editor
  • Offers real-time collaboration with multiple users
  • Comes with integrated version control and document management

ShareLaTeX is a web-based LaTeX editor that enables real-time collaboration, making it an excellent choice for users who need to work on LaTeX documents with multiple collaborators. 

With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, ShareLaTeX streamlines the document creation process while offering efficient document management and version control.

What are the benefits of ShareLaTeX?

  • Online collaboration: ShareLaTeX allows multiple users to work on a LaTeX document simultaneously, enabling real-time collaboration and efficient teamwork.
  • Version control and document management: ShareLaTeX features integrated version control, allowing users to track changes, revert to previous versions, and manage their documents effectively.
  • Cross-platform accessibility: As a web-based platform, ShareLaTeX can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, ensuring that users can work on their documents from anywhere.
  • Template library: ShareLaTeX offers a wide range of templates for various document types, such as articles, reports, and presentations, simplifying the document creation process.

ShareLaTeX is an excellent option for users who require a collaborative, web-based LaTeX editor that offers powerful document management and version control features. 



The perfect LaTeX editor depends on your specific needs and preferences. This roundup of the best LaTeX editors provides a comprehensive overview of each editor’s unique features, benefits, and overall offerings, helping you find the ideal solution for your projects.

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