Best free antivirus for windows

В 2023 году, когда интернет уже давно стал неотъемлемой частью повседневной жизни, безопасность в сети важна как никогда. Один из ключевых инструментов для обеспечения безопасности компьютера — антивирусное программное обеспечение. Существует множество надежных платных антивирусов, но не всегда есть возможность тратить деньги на то, чтобы просто выйти в интернет. Платные антивирусы предоставляют больше возможностей для безопасной работы в сети, однако существуют и качественные бесплатные программы — их функционал ограничен, однако они хорошо справляются со своей главной миссией — защитой компьютера от вирусов. «Лента.ру» рассказывает, какими бесплатными антивирусами стоит пользоваться, чтобы ПК был в безопасности.

Как работают антивирусы?

Для того чтобы полноценно защищать системы компьютеров и телефонов от вредоносных программ, антивирусы используют несколько общих методик. Способы поиска и блокировки вирусов могут отличаться в зависимости от конкретной программы, однако в большинстве своем антивирусы работают по схожей схеме.

Пять методов работы антивирусов

1. Сигнатурное сканирование. Этот метод основан на поиске известных сигнатур (уникальных характеристик) вредоносных программ. Антивирусы используют базу данных сигнатур, в которой содержатся известные шаблоны вирусов. В процессе сканирования антивирус сравнивает файлы и процессы с этими сигнатурами и при обнаружении соответствия выдает предупреждение или блокирует доступ к файлу.

Фото: Annie Spratt / Unsplash

2. Эвристический анализ. Этот метод позволяет антивирусам определять потенциально вредоносные программы, основываясь на их поведении и характеристиках. Вместо поиска конкретных сигнатур, антивирусы анализируют поведение программ, например, попытки изменить системные файлы или запустить сомнительные операции. Если программа выявляет подозрительное поведение, он может пометить ее как потенциально вредоносную.

3. Облачные технологии. Некоторые антивирусные программы используют облачные технологии для обнаружения новых угроз. При сканировании файлов или процессов информация отправляется на удаленные серверы, где происходит анализ и сравнение с данными из облачной базы данных. Если обнаруживается вредоносная активность, антивирус получает обратную связь и принимает соответствующие меры.

4. Блокировка поведения. Этот метод основан на мониторинге действий программ в режиме реального времени. Антивирусы анализируют поведение программ и блокируют или предупреждают пользователя, если тот или иной сервис выполняет опасные операции: например, изменение системных файлов или попытки получить несанкционированный доступ к конфиденциальным данным.

5. Анализ кода. Некоторые антивирусные программы проводят анализ кода приложений на наличие уязвимостей или подозрительных операций. Это помогает выявить потенциальные уязвимости, которые могут быть использованы для атаки на компьютер.

Фото: Sigmund / Unsplash

Топ-5 бесплатных антивирусов

Kaspersky Free Antivirus


Kaspersky Free Antivirus — это бесплатное антивирусное программное обеспечение, разработанное российской компанией Kaspersky Lab. Оно предлагает надежную защиту компьютера от вредоносных программ, фишинговых сайтов и других онлайн-угроз. Антивирус подойдет для защиты персональных компьютеров и мобильных устройств, которые работают на Android и iOS.

Программа обеспечивает постоянную защиту в режиме реального времени, сканируя файлы и процессы на наличие вредоносных программ. Это позволяет обнаруживать и блокировать угрозы незамедлительно, прежде чем они смогут нанести вред компьютеру.

Kaspersky Free Antivirus предоставляет и защиту от фишинга, предотвращая доступ к поддельным веб-сайтам, которые могут попытаться получить личную информацию пользователя. Программа блокирует доступ к опасным ссылкам и предупреждает пользователей о потенциальных угрозах.

Этот антивирус использует облачные технологии для получения актуальных данных о новых угрозах и мгновенного обновления базы данных в режиме реального времени. Такая технология позволяет обеспечить более эффективную защиту от последних вирусов и вредоносных программ.

Скриншот: Kaspersky

Kaspersky Free Antivirus имеет простой в использовании и интуитивно понятный интерфейс, предлагает легкую настройку и автоматические обновления — это позволяет поддерживать высокий уровень защиты без необходимости вручную настраивать программу.


Kaspersky Free Antivirus обеспечивает только базовую защиту. Более широкие функциональные возможности, такие как блокировка рекламы и менеджер паролей, доступны только в платной версии программного обеспечения.

Dr. Web CureIt


Сканирование системы на предмет угроз с помощью этой программы происходит только при целенаправленном запуске. Антивирус производит детальную проверку устройства: сканирует не только встроенную память, но и внешние накопители — съемные жесткие диски или флешки.

Если к компьютеру подключено мобильное устройство, Dr. Web CureIt проверит и его память

Одно из ключевых преимуществ Dr. Web CureIt — высокая эффективность. Обратите внимание, что поскольку процесс сканирования очень детальный, проверка операционной системы может занимать долгое время.

Скриншот: Dr. Web

Пользоваться антивирусом Dr. Web CureIt достаточно легко — простой интерфейс с кнопкой Start scanning («Начать сканирование») запускает работу программы за один клик.


Поскольку этот антивирус начинает работу только после запуска, он не способен обеспечивать защиту в реальном времени постоянно. Это повышает риск проникновения вредоносных программ из интернета. Также у антивируса нет возможности автоматического обновления — это придется делать вручную.

Avast Free Antivirus


Avast Free Antivirus — одна из самых популярных бесплатных антивирусных программ, разработанных компанией Avast. Этот антивирус предлагает обширный набор функций для защиты от вредоносных программ и других угроз, которым может подвергнуться компьютер.

Avast Free Antivirus позволяет обезопасить не только посещение различных веб-сайтов, но и обеспечить защиту электронной почты

Если привязать к программе почтовый ящик, она будет следить за подозрительной активностью во входящих письмах — находить сомнительные файлы, прикрепленные к входящим письмам.

Одни из ключевых преимуществ этой антивирусной программы — возможность проверки Wi-Fi подключения и минимальное количество ложных срабатываний. При использовании антивируса можно включить режим «Не беспокоить», чтобы заблокировать всплывающие окна, которые могут отвлекать пользователей при просмотре фильмов или работе в игровом режиме.

Скриншот: Avast

Программа также оборудована функцией «Песочницы» — при выявлении подозрительной активности программа сначала запускается в изолированной виртуальной среде. Это позволяет протестировать потенциальную угрозу и принять решение, что делать с ней дальше — удалить, блокировать доступ или продолжить запуск уже на компьютере.

Avast Free Antivirus доступен для пользователей Windows, работает на Mac, iOS и Android.


Бесплатная версия антивируса не подойдет для выполнения бизнес-задач, кроме того, она тормозит работу системы компьютера. Защита у Avast Free Antivirus не самая сильная и может пропускать некоторые вирусы.

Panda Free Antivirus


Это один из надежных бесплатных антивирусов, который позволяет обеспечить высокую защиту компьютера.
Один из главных плюсов программы, который выделяет ее на фоне других — высокая скорость работы. Антивирус не нагружает систему, но оперативно отслеживает и блокирует угрозы, поскольку весь процесс происходит в облачном хранилище, а не на самом устройстве. Для того чтобы Panda Free Antivirus работал, его не нужно ежедневно обновлять.

Скриншот: Panda Security

Этот антивирус умеет не только находить и обезвреживать вирусы — он способен предотвращать автоматический запуск опасных программ при подключении USB-устройств к компьютеру.


В комплекте с Panda Free Antivirus идет бесплатный VPN, однако он предоставляет всего один сервер для подключения, а объем трафика ограничен 150 мегабайтами в день. Кроме того, бесплатная версия Panda обладает не самым высоким уровнем защиты от фишинга.



Антивирус румынского производства. Бесплатная версия этой программы помогает обнаружить и нейтрализовать вредоносные программы, а также обеспечивает конфиденциальность личных данных. Антивирус способен работать практически на всех устройствах — для полноценной работы не требуется мощное оборудование.

Работа антивируса Bitdefender не влияет на производительность устройства

Бесплатная версия программы умеет защищать систему компьютера от вирусов-вымогателей, сканировать и удалять вредоносное программное обеспечение, а также предоставляет веб-защиту в режиме реального времени.

Скриншот: Bitdefender


Главный минус программы — большинство дополнительных функций, в том числе менеджер паролей, защита камеры и микрофона, а также встроенный качественный VPN, доступны только пользователям платного антивируса.

Какие еще бесплатные антивирусы можно использовать?

  • AVG AntiVirus Free;
  • Avira Free Security;
  • Microsoft Defender Antivirus;
  • Trend Micro;
  • Comodo Internet Security;
  • Malwarebytes Free;
  • 360 Total Security.

Стоит помнить, что, любая бесплатная антивирусная программа не будет идеальным решением и не сможет гарантировать стопроцентную защиту от всех угроз. Поэтому важно также самостоятельно соблюдать осторожность в сети: не открывать подозрительные ссылки и не загружать файлы из ненадежных источников.

If you don’t protect your PCs with antivirus, you’re taking some serious risks. A banking Trojan might drain the money from your accounts. A botnet could enlist your PC as part of a zombie army performing mass attacks on corporate websites. You might find your critical documents held for ransom. Counter to all these possibilities is the certainty that you have to pay for protection. Or do you? In fact, there are quite a few antivirus choices that don’t cost a thing. We’ve rounded up the best of these for your consideration.

Your antivirus should certainly have the ability to root out existing malware, but its ongoing task is to prevent ransomware, botnets, Trojans, and other malicious programs from getting a foothold. All the free antivirus programs we’ve selected offer real-time malware protection. Some take the fight to the browser, working to ensure you never even visit a malware-hosting site or get fooled into turning over your credentials to a phishing site.

Believe it or not, some of these freebies even beat all but the best for-pay equivalents. And since they’re free, you can try several before settling on your favorite. Read on for thumbnails of our full reviews, followed by how we evaluate free antivirus software and how to choose the right one.

Since 1982, PCMag has tested and rated thousands of products to help you make better buying decisions. See how we test.

Deeper Dive: Our Top Tested Picks

Avast One Essential

Avast One Essential

Best for Comprehensive Free Security

Why We Picked It

Avast has been supplying antivirus protection for as long as there’s been an antivirus industry. With Avast One Essential you get award-winning antivirus protection for free, and much more besides. All four of the independent testing labs we follow include Avast in their reporting, and it aces almost every test. It also takes high scores in our own hands-on testing. Other protective services include a permission-based ransomware protection system, a basic firewall, and a bandwidth-limited VPN.

Avast does reserve some features for paying customers. For example, the free edition will scan and identify apps with missing security patches and update them at your command, but won’t keep your apps updated automatically. Getting a list of junk files and broken registry items doesn’t cost anything; cleaning up the found mess is a premium feature.

Many free antivirus utilities work only on the Windows platform. Avast has varying degrees of protection for macOS, Android, and iOS. Its macOS edition earns high scores from the labs, and its ransomware protection, browser trace cleanup, and VPN work just as they do on Windows. On Android you get antivirus, VPN, junk cleanup, and privacy protection, among other features, though anti-theft is noticeably absent. As is common, protection under iOS is limited, but it does include VPN, filtering fraudulent and malicious websites, and extra protection for your photos.

Who It’s For

If you consider security software interesting rather than tedious, if a tight budget is the only reason you don’t buy a full security suite, Avast One Essential is perfect for you. The commercial Avast One suite does more, naturally, but this free edition is packed with features. The fact that you can use it to protect all your devices, not just Windows PCs, is icing on the cake.


  • Excellent antivirus lab scores on multiple platforms
  • Perfect score in our phishing test
  • Free protection for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows
  • Generous VPN bandwidth limit
  • Numerous privacy and performance features


  • Protection is limited on Android and iOS
  • Advanced firewall features absent
  • Many useful features require an upgrade


Name Value
On-Demand Malware Scan
On-Access Malware Scan
Website Rating
Malicious URL Blocking
Phishing Protection
Behavior-Based Detection
Vulnerability Scan

All Specs

AVG AntiVirus Free

AVG AntiVirus Free

Best for Useful Bonuses

Why We Picked It

In 2016, Avast acquired AVG. Now, both products use precisely the same antivirus technology under the hood. When you install AVG AntiVirus Free, you’re getting the same powerful protection you get from Avast. The two have different aggregate lab scores because not all the labs report on AVG. In fact, since one of the labs that skipped AVG is one that gave Avast a low score, AVG comes out ahead, with a perfect 10 points.

Like Avast, AVG protects against ransomware by banning all unauthorized changes to protected files. And like Avast, AVG’s free edition will identify junk files and other performance drains but won’t fix any problems unless you pay. Bonus features include a hardened browser, a deal-finding tool for shopping, and a simple network security inspector.

Who It’s For

Not every user wants the nearly suite-level features of Avast One Essential, and not everyone needs cross-platform protection. If your focus is on powerful protection against both malware and malicious or fraudulent websites, AVG offers the same protection as Avast but in a simpler, more traditional package. The user interface can be important, too. Both Avast and AVG have a widespread international presence, but they’re popular in different regions.


  • Excellent scores from two testing labs
  • Very good scores in our hands-on tests
  • No-hassle enhanced firewall
  • Useful bonus features
  • Free


  • Full scan is slower than average
  • Fixing found performance issues requires an upgrade
  • Malicious URL score down from previous testing


Name Value
On-Demand Malware Scan
On-Access Malware Scan
Website Rating
Malicious URL Blocking
Phishing Protection
Behavior-Based Detection
Vulnerability Scan

All Specs

Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows

Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows

Best for No-Frills Protection

Why We Picked It

Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows offers basic protection that’s precisely the core of Editors’ Choice Bitdefender Antivirus Plus. In truth, it looks more like Bitdefender’s suite, but with many features disabled. Most of the locked-away features make sense, though the absence of ransomware remediation and vulnerability scan is a blow. On the plus side, the unusual defense timeline shows exactly how Bitdefender stopped an attack. And its defense against malicious and fraudulent (phishing) websites is second to none.

If you spring for the commercial antivirus, you get vastly more features, more features than found in some security suite products. Among these are a basic password management system, a hardened desktop for secure browsing, a Rescue Environment to recover from malware that disables Windows, and a Wi-Fi security analyzer. None of these come for free.

Who It’s For

Bitdefender has an excellent reputation in the security world, and the company’s researchers frequently report on important discoveries. Relying on such a company for antivirus protection is a smart move, but you may well be put off by the cornucopia of features in the commercial edition. In that case, try Bitdefender Antivirus Free, which gives you the full core protection without any possibly confusing trimmings.


  • Same core antivirus protection as for-pay Bitdefender
  • Excellent scores from independent testing labs
  • Free


  • Lacks ransomware-specific protection
  • Diminished scores in our hand-on tests
  • First-time full scan unusually slow


Name Value
On-Demand Malware Scan
On-Access Malware Scan
Website Rating
Malicious URL Blocking
Phishing Protection
Behavior-Based Detection
Vulnerability Scan

All Specs

Avira Free Security

Avira Free Security

Best for Many Security Components

Why We Picked It

Like Avast’s free offering, Avira Free Security is a free version of a full security suite. All the features are visible, but many are locked away. All four of the labs that we follow consider Avira’s antivirus technology important enough to test, and Avira earns mostly excellent scores. It didn’t do as well in our hands-on tests, but when our results don’t jibe with the labs, we defer to the lab results.

Avira does scan for apps that are vulnerable due to missing security patches, but leaves you to fix any found problems manually. Other features include a simple password manager, a shopping deal-finder, and active prevention of ad trackers, as well as a bandwidth-limited VPN and a comprehensive privacy settings checker.

Some industry observers found fault with the Avira Crypto Ethereum-mining component; they’ve stopped worrying. With the Ethereum merge complete, that sort of mining is no longer possible, and Avira Crypto is gone.

Who It’s For

Do you want a full-on security suite rather than a bare-bones antivirus? Can your nerves handle the occasional upsell windows when you accidentally click a feature that’s not free? Avira Free Security may be just the thing for you.


  • Mostly excellent lab test scores
  • Features go well beyond basic antivirus
  • Includes VPN and password manager
  • Free


  • Many features require payment for full functionality
  • Serious bandwidth limitation for VPN
  • Poor scores in some hands-on tests


Name Value
On-Demand Malware Scan
On-Access Malware Scan
Website Rating
Malicious URL Blocking
Phishing Protection
Behavior-Based Detection
Vulnerability Scan

All Specs

Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Best for Windows Die-Hards

Why We Picked It

No discussion of free antivirus software would be complete without Microsoft Defender Antivirus, formerly known as Windows Defender. If you don’t have a third-party antivirus, or if your antivirus subscription lapses, Defender takes up the banner of your protection. If you do add or revive some other antivirus, Defender quietly retreats to the sidelines.

That’s not to say we’re super-enthusiastic about using Defender for your protection. It gets good scores in some lab tests, but tanks others. Likewise in our hands-on tests it earns some high scores and some very low ones. In typical Microsoft fashion, its protection against fraudulent and malicious websites only works in Edge. It’s good, but you can do better.

Who It’s For

Hey, you! The one who’s falling asleep reading this article. The one who deeply does not care about antivirus. This one’s for you! To take advantage of its protection, you have to do exactly nothing. For the right person, that’s an ideal solution.


  • Built into Windows
  • Some good lab scores
  • Very good hands-on malware protection score
  • Always on if no other antivirus is present


  • Poor phishing detection score
  • SmartScreen Filter only protects Microsoft browsers
  • Awkward scan scheduling
  • Limited ransomware protection


Name Value
On-Demand Malware Scan
On-Access Malware Scan
Website Rating
Malicious URL Blocking
Phishing Protection
Behavior-Based Detection
Vulnerability Scan

All Specs

Buying Guide: The Best Free Antivirus Software for 2023

Why Isn’t Kaspersky Here?

Kaspersky Free is the free anchor for the Kaspersky line; the not-free Kaspersky Standard, Plus, and Premium all build on the same antivirus engine. Kaspersky’s antivirus prowess generally awes the independent testing labs, who routinely assign it perfect or near-perfect ratings. Unfortunately, we can’t recommend it anymore. Here’s why.

For years, Kaspersky has faced accusations and censure based on its Russian origins, though none of the accusations have come backed by hard evidence of malicious behavior. We at PCMag always focused on the capabilities of the products, not on the brouhaha around the company. However, the current war in Ukraine has raised the stakes. Governments and third parties are cutting ties with Kaspersky. The FCC labeled Kaspersky a national security risk.

After consideration, we can no longer recommend you purchase Kaspersky security products or even use them for free. We’ve left the reviews in place, with a warning, since they provide useful information. But at least for now, we’re removing Kaspersky products from our «Best for» lists.

Free Antivirus vs. Paid Antivirus

If free antivirus tools are so good at protecting internet security, why should anybody pay? For one thing, many of these products are free only for noncommercial use. If you want to protect your business, you must pony up for the paid edition. You should probably consider upgrading to a full security suite at that point. After all, it’s your business’s security on the line.

Even for personal use, most for-pay antivirus tools offer more than their free counterparts—sometimes a lot more. For example, the paid editions of Adaware and ZoneAlarm add protection against malicious and fraudulent websites the free versions lack. And Panda reserves quite a few features for paying customers: firewall protection, application control, cross-platform support, and detection of insecure Wi-Fi connections.

In addition, many companies don’t offer full-scale tech support for users of their free editions. The first time you need extra help digging a particularly stubborn piece of malware out of your system, you might regret the lack of support.

PCMag Logo It’s Surprisingly Easy to Be More Secure Online

Independent Antivirus Lab Test Results

Around the world, researchers at independent antivirus testing labs spend their days putting antivirus tools to the test. Some of these labs regularly release public reports on their findings. We follow four such labs closely: AV-Comparatives, MRG-Effitas, SE Labs, and AV-Test Institute.

Security companies typically pay for the privilege of being included in testing. In return, the labs supply detailed reports that can help improve their products. The number of labs that include a particular vendor serves as a measure of significance. In each case, the lab considered the product important enough to test, and the vendor felt the price was worthwhile. The labs don’t necessarily test a vendor’s free product, but most vendors pack full protection into the free product, enhancing premium versions with additional features.

The Best Free Malware Protection

In addition to carefully perusing results from the independent labs, we also run our own hands-on malware protection test. We expose each antivirus to a collection of malware samples, including a variety of different malware types, and note its reaction. Typically, the antivirus will wipe out most of the samples on sight and detect some of the remaining ones when we try to launch them. We derive a malware blocking score from 0 to 10 points based on how thoroughly the antivirus protects the test system from these samples.

Since we use the same samples month after month, the malware-blocking test doesn’t measure a product’s ability to detect brand-new threats. In a separate test, we attempt to download malware from 100 very new malicious URLs supplied by London-based testing lab MRG-Effitas, typically less than a few days old. We note whether the antivirus blocked all access to the URL, wiped out the malicious payload during download, or did nothing.

If you’re interested in learning more about our testing techniques, you’re welcome to read more about how we test security software.

Useful Features

Just about every antivirus product scans files on access to make sure malware can’t launch, and it also scans the entire system on demand, or on a schedule you set. Once cleaning and scheduling is done, blocking all access to malware-hosting URLs is another good way to avoid trouble. Many products extend that protection to also steer users away from fraudulent websites, phishing sites that try to steal login credentials for financial sites and other sensitive sites. A few rate links in search results, flagging any dangerous or iffy ones.

Behavior-based detection, a feature of some antivirus products, is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it can detect malware that’s never been seen before. On the other hand, if it’s not done right, it can baffle the user with messages about perfectly legitimate programs.

Recommended by Our Editors

Any antivirus should eliminate spyware along with other types of malware, but some products include features designed specifically for spyware protection. Features like encryption to protect your sensitive data and webcam control to prevent remote peeping typically show up in commercial products, not free ones. But some free products include features like a simple on-screen keyboard to foil keyloggers.

One easy way to keep your PC protected is to install all security updates, both for Windows and for browsers and other popular applications. Windows 11 makes it easier than ever to stay up to date, but there are plenty of security holes in older Windows versions, in popular apps, and in add-ons. Scanning for vulnerabilities in the form of missing updates is a feature most often found in commercial antivirus products, but it does turn up in some free ones. In the list below you can see which products include these useful features.

What’s Not Here?

Numerous free utilities devoted entirely to ransomware protection have come on the scene in the last few years. Alas, many of those have fallen by the wayside, among them Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware, Cybereason RansomFree, CyberSight RansomStopper, and Heilig Defense RansomOff. In any case, these are useful companion products, but they don’t do the job of a full-scale antivirus utility.

There are also numerous free antivirus utilities that work solely to clean up existing malware infestations. You bring out these cleanup-only tools when you have a nasty malware problem. When the malware’s gone, they have no further use since they offer no ongoing protection. Our favorite in this category is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, and it’s one you should try if you’ve got a malware problem. But since they’re free, you can keep trying others if the first one doesn’t do the job. When the scare is over, you’ll need a full-blown antivirus for ongoing protection.

The Top Free Antivirus Software

Avast One Essential takes the place once held by Avast Free Antivirus as Editors’ Choice for free antivirus utility. It appears in lab reports from all four labs we follow with almost universally perfect scores, and it includes many suite-level features. AVG Antivirus Free uses the same antivirus engine as Avast and provides its own collection of useful bonus features—it, too, is an Editors’ Choice. If you do have a little cash in your budget for security, the best paid antivirus software does offer more and better protection. If not, try a few of these free tools and see which one you like best.

Worried you might already be infected? Check out our article on the signs you have malware.

The built-in security application Windows Defender definitely comes with Windows 10, but is it strong enough to defend against the latest malware, ransomware, and the latest viruses? Most PC users know that Windows has a pre-built antivirus protection called Windows Defender. Which is a decent security program to remove most malware and viruses. But is it enough to protect your PC from the latest ransomware, zero-day attack, or virus? So what is the solution? How about the free antivirus software for Windows?

The 5 Free Antivirus for Windows computers

Although Windows 11 is now available in the market, Windows 10 is still the most widely used popular desktop operating system. Since Windows 10 has millions of users worldwide, it is the main target for hackers and malware creators who trying to gain access to computer systems using various techniques. With thousands of adware, Trojans, viruses, ransomware, and other dangerous and harmful content available on the web these days, keeping your computer safe with a reliable security suite has become more important than ever.

As you may have heard or know that the built-in security of a computer isn’t as effective as some of the best third-party antivirus. Therefore, it is better to install a good antivirus to provide additional protection to your computer. Fortunately, you can fill your computer with an antivirus without spending your hard-earned money. There are quite a few free Antivirus for Windows 11, 10, and Windows 7 PC available nowadays so that you can protect your PC and devices without spending a single dollar from your pocket.

Besides these free antivirus for PC, there are several premium antivirus programs available that can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. The popular premium antivirus programs for Windows typically require an annual paid subscription, but some reputable brands also distribute free versions of their software, which are usually allowed for non-commercial use only.

Most of the time, these free antiviruses include the same scanning engine and malware definition files but exclude some additional features and most importantly, provide minimal support options. If you use any free antivirus on your PC, you will frequently see annoying ads and sales offers on your computer as antivirus developers try to convince you to buy a subscription plan or upgrade to premium.

We spend a lot of time trying to find the Best Free Antivirus for Windows PC, and when we find lists of free antivirus on the internet, we often can’t determine the best antivirus to use. However, before downloading or installing an antivirus, you need to check a few things. Suppose your antivirus definitely has the ability to root out existing malware and perform essential tasks such as preventing ransomware, botnets, Trojans, and other nasty programs from entering the computer.

However, it is always confusing when you have to choose a particular name from a huge list. So here we have listed 6 of the best free antivirus for PC that will surely help keep your computer safe from modern threats, viruses, ransomware, malware, phishing attacks, and many more. All of the programs listed here are completely free and suitable for personal use.

Along with its powerful antivirus engine, these PC security apps are always running so that your files are safe from malware and your personal information is protected. Additionally, you can launch on-demand scans whenever you want, and most importantly they perform automatic definition updates to stay up to date. Here, we are also sharing the links to download free antivirus for PC.

Each different product has a few specific differences that set them apart from one another, so pay attention to them when deciding which one to use.

Avast Free Antivirus:

Avast Free is one of the best free antivirus software for Windows PC that is used by millions of people worldwide. If you want a powerful antivirus program that is capable of blocking new threats but is still easy enough to maintain, you should consider using it.

Avast Free Antivirus review

Avast is customizable and lets you change everything from whether it sounds when threats are detected and how long notifications stay on the screen, to the type of file extensions to be scanned. As we said above, it updates its both virus definition and program automatically but a manual updation option is also available. Therefore, when you have Avast installed on your PC, you can let it do its thing without worrying about whether you’re running the latest version.

Avast Free has several more features included like scheduled scans, custom scans that can check only memory, rootkits, auto-start programs, etc. It has the option to check all files or only some file extensions and can protect against ransomware, scanning for potentially unwanted programs, follows shortcuts to scan real files, self-extracting DOS and Win32 executables and 7Z and RAR, Windows Explorer context menu setting, folders, exclusions for HDDs, and URLs, custom scans that are easy to save for future use, a rescue disk tool that lets you use the Avast scanner even if you can’t start your computer, etc. The special areas of the application can be protected with a password.

When you choose Avast,  then you also have the option to include several useful tools like Web and Mail Shield; Behavior Shield, software updater, browser cleaner, rescue disk, password manager, junk file cleaner, game modes, browsing addon for safe browsing, etc.  If you just want antimalware protection, you can install Shields from the beginning of that list; The rest are add-ons that are not needed but can be helpful at some point. You can install these tools (addons) at the beginning and then disable or remove them later completely or you can ignore them during setup and install them later.

Pros and Cons of Avast Free:

  • The basic protections are very reliable
  • Easy to customize.
  • Includes privacy and performance features
  • Excellent score on antivirus lab tests
  • Available for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS
  • Offers convenient smart scan
  • Add-ons allow you to increase security.
  • Advanced firewall features are absent
  • Many useful features need to purchase.
  • Frequent annoying pop-ups and notifications
  • Other tools like password managers are for trial only.

These are some solid reasons that this program ranks at the top on almost every list of the best antivirus of antivirus programs. Avast Free Antivirus is compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7.  You can read more about Avast’s free version and download it for PC using the below link.

Read More and Download Avast Free

Kaspersky Free

Kaspersky Free is a great choice if you want a simple program that provides lots of features. It’s easy to use and offers essential services like anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-ransomware protection, as well as many advanced options if you care to check them out.

Free antivirus for Windows 7, 10 - Kaspersky free

Kaspersky Free a free antivirus program is a good choice for those who need a strong virus scanner along with malware and ransomware protection for free. It is another highly-rated antivirus with a good amount of benefits. This free AV suite doesn’t try to install any extra software. During installation, it will ask you to create a Kaspersky account and remind you to try a 30-day free trial of its premium services. It is easy to use and offers many advanced options if you care to look.

This free antivirus software protects your PC from viruses and removes malware, trojans, ransomware, malicious applications, infected files, and other threats from damaging your device and data. In addition to these essential security features, it has the ability to detect rootkits and can delete malicious tools, adware, auto-dialers, suspicious packages, game modes, and so on. It offers file and web scanners as well as network attack blockers, AMSI protection, mail anti-virus, secure browsing, multiple scan mode, and so on.

The other two most useful tools included in Kaspersky’s free version are a free VPN and a password manager. It comes with a powerful VPN that provides 200 MB of daily usage for free to help you surf the web safely and anonymously. The Password Manager, on the other hand, secures your passwords and key documents and syncs them across all your devices. In the free version, the features of these tools are limited.

Other notable features included in this powerful antivirus include automatically pausing the scanner when specific applications are launched or at certain times of the day; selecting what happens when a threat is detected, auto-scan external drives or prompting them to scan during insertion, and frequently scheduling quick or full scans every minute or at a specific time, or after every update or app launch; Self-defence is another useful feature that stops all attempts to change or delete Kaspersky’s processes, registry objects, and installation files

Overall, Kaspersky Free version is a good antivirus program that comes with top-rated security technologies which are designed to protect your devices. It offers much more powerful features than its rivals. Additionally, it is very lightweight and has less impact on the device performance and the automatic database update feature always keeps this program up to date and that’s why it is listed in the list of the best free antivirus for Windows

Pros and Cons of Kaspersky Free:

  • Provides excellent antivirus and ransomware protection.
  • Perfect scores from independent lab tests.
  • Strong malware-blocking and phishing protection.
  • Bonus features include limited VPN.
  • Clean and easy-to-understand user interface.
  • Unique features that are not found in other programs.
  • Email protection.
  • Lots of options you can customize.
  • Very simple setup.
  • You will need to create a user account to activate the free version.
  • The free license must be renewed each year.
  • VPNs are limited; only 200 MB per day.
  • Slow installation.
  • No direct tech support

Get Kaspersky’s free antivirus program for Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7. You can also get this app with the same name for Android and iOS.

Visit here to know more about Kaspersky’s free antivirus.

AVG Antivirus Free:

The free Antivirus program for Windows by AVG does similar jobs to Avast free version. AVG AntiVirus FREE provides essential protection such as it stops viruses, spyware, and other malware, blocking unsafe links, downloads, and email attachments, Phishing protection, etc. It performs scans quickly and silently without affecting device performance. AVG blocks all unauthorized changes to protect files from ransomware. It has a powerful ransomware scanner and removal tool.

Free Antivirus for PC - AVG Antivirus Free

AVG AntiVirus Free has an easy-to-use interface meaning you won’t have to waste time navigating confusing menus. Also, it is highly customizable. You can either install it and leave the settings alone to get regular security, or go to the settings and make adjustments to just about anything. Additionally, it automatically downloads and installs real-time security updates and keeps its database up to date.

During setting up the program, you are in full control so you can choose which option should be enabled or disabled after installation. These include the following options: File Shield, Behavior Shield, Web Shield, Email Shield, File Shredder, Cleanup, browser extension, and Do Not Disturb Mode.

AVG comes with a multiple-scan mode that allows you various scanning features like Deep Scan, File or Folder Scan, Boot-time Scan, USB/DVD Scan, and Performance Scan. These advanced modes help you for scanning your device for malware, spyware, dangerous scrips, viruses, etc. Also, you can customize and choose the file type to scan. For example, you can include all files to scan or scan particular types of files such as executables, which might contain malware.

Pros and Cons of AVG Free:

  • It has shown good results in lab tests
  • Boot-time scans remove persistent malware
  • Installation is simple and is done in a few minutes
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Lets you choose what to enable during installation.
  • Automatic definitions and program updates.
  • You have complete control over how things work.
  • Minimal impact on computer speed
  • The initial scan is slower than average.
  • The boot-time scan is very slow.
  • There is no parental control.
  • It finds performance issues but needs upgrades to fix them.
  • Some features displayed cannot be enabled in the free version.
  • Annoying advertisements for AVG Internet Security.

AVG AntiVirus Free is a comprehensive security solution for protection against ransomware attacks as well as many other types of malware and online threats. Download AVG free for Windows PC. It supports Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, and XP operating systems.

Know more and download AVG for PC here

Avira Free Antivirus:

Avira Free Antivirus is powered by their famous antivirus engine called Macrovirus which offers protection against various types of malware such as viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, etc. This security suite works entirely in the cloud. This makes Avira very fast, and lightweight, and minimizes system resources. This feature is called Avira Protection Cloud which lets Avira’s antivirus tool identify and stop threats before they get out of hand.

Avira Free Antivirus suite for Windows 7, 10, 11 PC

Avira Free includes antivirus protection, a basic password manager to securely store critical passwords, a file shredder, and a free VPN that encrypts all your traffic with a 500MB allowance per month. Other features include a shopping deal-finder to help you find the best shopping deals online,  active ad tracker prevention, and a comprehensive privacy settings checker. These supplementary modules improve Virus Shield and provide additional services related to security and privacy. Avira also scans vulnerable apps for missing security patches and lets you manually fix the problem if any are found.

Avira Security Cloud Technology provides even better protection by scanning files for malware in real-time using their cloud engine. Advanced Heuristic Analysis and Detection (AHeAD) protects against new and unknown malware. The free version also includes a ransomware protection feature that is an essential feature these days. It doesn’t have quite as many features as the Avira paid version but it will work for a free suite. Like Avast’s free offering, Avira Free Security is a free version of a complete security suite. All features are visible, but many are locked.

When it comes to virus scans, it scans your PC and provides real-time protection for your PC. It can scan on a schedule, check files with any file extension or just check files you manually select. It disables the ability to stop active scans to prevent the virus from finding the program. The virus scanner can adjust the priority level, scan primary boot segments, follow symbolic links to scan real files and detect rootkits before initiating a scan.

Other features present in the free version include scanning the Windows registry, ignoring files on network drives, automatically repairing, renaming, quarantining, ignoring threats when deleting or restoring, ignoring files, adding files, folders, and processes to the ignore list, Windows Firewall Settings, etc.

Pros and Cons of Avira Free:

  • Excellent scores on most lab tests.
  • Well-built features than many free antiviruses.
  • Includes free VPN and password manager.
  • Optional additional downloadable security layers.
  • In-the-cloud antivirus process.
  • Easy to use and install.
  • Simple and unpretentious.
  • Severe bandwidth limitation for VPNs
  • Sometimes they perform poorly against modified malware and virus attacks
  • Most add-on components need to be bought to be fully functional.
  • Some extra features are annoying.

Avira Free Security is designed to run on all new Windows versions including Windows 7 and newer computers.

Get Avira for Windows

Panda Free Antivirus:

Panda Free Antivirus for Windows desktops and laptops is another lightweight and secure PC security application that can detect significantly more adware, spyware, and ransomware files than Windows’ built-in security tool. Panda’s real-time protection also worked really well, blocking most malware files instantly.

Review of Panda Free Antivirus for Windows

Panda Security Free Antivirus Program installs in minutes and has a minimalist design. You can find important buttons on the front, while additional options are housed within the menus. Although it doesn’t appear to be customizable, many of its options are hidden in the program’s settings. You can do things like set up both on-demand and automatic scans to check compressed files and scan for potentially unwanted programs from there.

Note that this program will change the search provider on your home page and in your web browser. To prevent this issue, you can uncheck those options during installation.

The Panda Free version offers basic antivirus protection, a free but limited (150MB per day) VPN to browse the web anonymously from a virtual location, scanning USB drives and other external devices to prevent unwanted infections, etc. The automated, persistent scanner also includes some additional options, such as behavioral and analytics scanning options, the ability to ask you before disabling viruses, and preventing files from running until it gets results from the cloud that they are safe or harmful. There are multiple scanning modes available such as a full system scan, custom scan, memory scan, etc

It has many useful security features, among which the Rescue Kit feature makes Panda a good choice for Windows users as it allows you to download a bootable version of Panda to a USB drive and then use the USB drive to clean an infected PC and makes it run again. This feature is really rare in free antivirus programs.

Another unique nature of Panda Free Antivirus is, its security news and alerts section shows you critical warnings and informative messages such as when a popular vendor experiences a data breach that could affect your personal information. However, this feature can be disabled or turned off if you don’t wish to see it.

In addition to these essential features, there are several other features available to you such as protecting the entire application using a password, quarantining empty frequently, disabling notifications when in full screen, excluding files/folders/extensions from scans, USB or removable device scan, protect against malicious websites using Panda Safe Web, and more.

Pros and Cons of Panda Free Antivirus:

  • Minimal impact on system resources.
  • Simple and friendly design.
  • Security news regarding the latest news of breaches and threats.
  • Vaccinates USB drives against malware.
  • Bonus features include limited VPN.
  • Attractive interface calm background.
  • Failed to remove some modified ransomware samples.
  • The full system scan is slow.
  • Resets the browser’s home page and default search engine unless deselects during installation.
  • There is no protection against dangerous or fraudulent URLs.
  • Includes advertisements in the free version.

You can download and install Panda Free Antivirus on all the latest Windows versions.

Get Panda Free version here for Windows

Additional one: Malwarebytes free:

Although Malwarebytes Free is a popular antivirus tool, we are not able to include it in the list of top 5 free antivirus software for Windows. Because first of all, it doesn’t provide live virus protection. It works as a virus-removal tool. In fact, it is not an antivirus program, but rather a very useful malware-removal tool. On the other hand, its malware detection ability is a little bit weak than some of its rivals.

Malwarebytes Free review

Malwarebytes Free, which was formerly called Malwarebytes Anti-Malware does an excellent job of cleaning up malware already on your system as well as removing adware and potentially unwanted programs that could be causing problems. It is a minimal antivirus scanner with good virus detection and removal rates. So you can call it a countermeasure, not a live virus protection tool. To get real-time virus protection, you need to upgrade it to Malwarebyte Premium.

Malwarebytes Free is a great choice for users looking for a simple antivirus scanner that they can install and forget about. Its virus scanner uses a virus database as well as heuristics to catch all types of malware. It has anti-malware and anti-exploit protection which works very well.

In addition to the scanner, you also get a browser extension that blocks a host of threats including malware, phishing sites, ads, trackers, scams, and popups. One of the nice features of this extension is that all protections are turned on by default, so there’s nothing for you, but also lets you turn off one or all protections easily.

Pros and Cons of Malwarebytes Free:

  • Detects and removes malware and other advanced threats.
  • Lightweight.
  • Automatic scans
  • Stops vulnerabilities in apps and systems
  • Free Google Chrome extension for Chrome
  • Prevents loading of malicious and fake websites
  • Real-time protection is only in the paid versions.
  • It works as a countermeasure rather than a live defense measure.

Malwarebytes Free is available for Windows and Mac. You get it for Windows 11, 10, and 7 PC using the link below for free.

Download Malwarebytes Free


With the number of online threats increasing every day, you need a decent antivirus program to protect your sensitive information from hackers and malicious programs. As you know, there are many antivirus software available for PC, and these are some of the best free antiviruses for Windows PC mentioned in this article. Hopefully, the antivirus software listed in this article will help keep your device safe and trouble-free.

It has been observed that in order to further protect their computers, some people attempt to use two antivirus software at the same time; Which is completely wrong. One thing to remember, whatever you do, don’t use two real-time antivirus software at the same time, because it will do more harm than good.

Of course, most antivirus software will give a warning about the presence of other incompatible antivirus products installed on your computer or they won’t install at all unless you remove your previous antivirus software.

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Katarina Glamoslija

Katarina Glamoslija

Updated on: September 27, 2023

This article contains

  • 🥇1. Norton — Best Overall Windows Antivirus in 2023
  • 🥈2. Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows — Lightweight With Advanced Malware & Web Protections
  • 🥉3. Panda Free Antivirus for Windows — Good Virus Protection With Decent Extras
  • 4. TotalAV Free Antivirus — Most Intuitive Free Antivirus
  • 5. Kaspersky Free — Good Range of Free Features
  • 6. Malwarebytes Free — Minimalistic Virus Scanner
  • 7. Avira Free Security for Windows — Advanced Cloud-Based Malware Scanner With System Cleanup
  • 8. Avast One Essential — Effective Antivirus With Nice Privacy Tools
  • 9. AVG AntiVirus Free — Solid Malware Scanner With File Protections
  • 10. ZoneAlarm — Effective Malware Scanner With a Free Firewall
  • Comparison of the Best Free Antiviruses for Windows in 2023
  • Yes, You Already Have a Free Antivirus on Your PC, but It Isn’t Good Enough
  • How to Choose the Best Free Windows Antivirus for Your Needs
  • Risks & Disadvantages of Using a Free Windows Antivirus
  • Free Antivirus vs. Paid Antivirus
  • Why We Haven’t Stopped Recommending Kaspersky
  • Tips to Improve Online Safety in 2023
  • What Free Windows Antiviruses Should You Avoid?
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • If PC security is important to you, check out SafetyDetectives’s best premium antiviruses for Windows (Updated 2023):

Short on time? Here’s the best free Windows antivirus for 2023:

  • 🥇 Norton: Advanced virus and malware protection with extras like webcam protection, a VPN, a password manager, parental controls, dark web monitoring, and more. It’s not 100% free, but it has a 60-day money-back guarantee, which gives you 2 full months to see if it’s right for you.
    • Try Norton for Windows here (60 days risk-free).

I tested heaps of free antiviruses against thousands of Windows malware files, both old and new. I didn’t only look at each antivirus’s malware protection capabilities, but also its reputation for safeguarding user privacy, its ability to integrate with recent versions of Windows, and its user interface.

But it’s important to keep in mind that every free antivirus has limitations. That’s why I always recommend investing a little bit into premium antivirus software that includes protection against all types of malware — with extra features like a virtual private network (VPN), dark web monitoring, and a password manager (Norton 360 has all of these features, is ranked as the best antivirus software for 2023, and is very affordable).

That said, it’s better to use the best free antivirus than no antivirus at all! I found several good free antivirus programs that offer improvements over Windows’s built-in protections, as well as features that aren’t included in Windows Defender at all.


Quick summary of the best free Windows antiviruses for 2023:

  • 1.🥇 Norton — Best Windows antivirus on the market (with a 60-day money-back guarantee).
  • 2.🥈 Bitdefender — Advanced antivirus engine & anti-phishing tools with low system impact. 
  • 3.🥉 Panda — Strong virus protection with good additional features (like a gaming mode).
  • 4. TotalAV — Simple free antivirus with an intuitive interface (recommended for beginners).
  • 5. Kaspersky — Intuitive program with lots of nice features.
  • Plus 5 more!
  • Comparison of the Best Free Antiviruses for Windows in 2023.

🥇1. Norton — Best Overall Windows Antivirus in 2023

🥇1. Norton — Best Overall Windows Antivirus in 2023

Norton is my favorite Windows antivirus on the market — and while it doesn’t currently have a free plan, it offers a risk-free 60-day money-back guarantee, which gives you 2 months to try it out and see if it’s right for you. It has an advanced malware engine, a wide range of additional features, and affordable plans that cover up to 5 devices across all operating systems.

Norton provides perfect malware detection against all known and emerging cyber threats. In all of our tests, it was able to identify every malware sample, from simple ones like viruses to sophisticated threats like spyware. It also has excellent phishing protection, a smart firewall with tons of customization options, and online banking and shopping protection.

🥇1. Norton — Best Overall Windows Antivirus in 2023Norton comes with a wide range of quality extras, including:

  • VPN (unlimited data) — maintains fast speeds, works with streaming sites like Netflix, and has extras like Tor support and split-tunneling.
  • Password manager — generates, saves, and auto-fills logins, and audits password security.
  • Parental controls — filters inappropriate content, limits device usage, and monitors YouTube and Hulu usage (Norton ranks #1 on our list of the best antiviruses with parental controls and #2 on our list of the best standalone parental control apps).
  • System optimization tools — removes unwanted files from Windows and web browsers, improves boot time, and defragments hard drive.
  • Dark web monitoring — scans dark web forums, data breach databases, and credit reports in real time.
  • And much more…

🥇1. Norton — Best Overall Windows Antivirus in 2023Norton provides a better user experience than any other antivirus. It’s very easy to use across all devices and platforms, it doesn’t cause any system slowdown, and it even has a gaming mode, so you can uninterruptedly play games while it runs in the background.

There are several plans available, but Norton 360 Deluxe is the best value — plus, with our special 56% discount, you can get it for only RUB5,030 / year. US users can also check out Norton’s LifeLock plans that start at RUB10,060 / year and add identity theft protection with up to $1M in insurance payouts and legal assistance. All of Norton’s plans are covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Try Norton risk-free for 60 days!

Get a full refund if you’re not 100% satisfied with Norton!

Bottom Line:

Norton offers unparalleled malware protection, a wide range of high-end security features, and affordable plans for up to 5 devices. It also has a ton of extras, including a fast VPN, a secure password manager, and the best antivirus-bundled parental controls around. While it doesn’t have a free Windows plan, it provides the best value on the market, and it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can try it out risk-free for 2 whole months.


Read the full Norton review here >

🥈2. Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows — Lightweight With Advanced Malware & Web Protections

🥈2. Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows — Lightweight With Advanced Malware & Web Protections

Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows is one of the best free antiviruses out there — its malware scanner scored a 100% detection rate during my tests. Moreover, Bitdefender uses a cloud-based scanner, which means most of the detection and analysis doesn’t take place on your PC, reducing its system impact. I didn’t notice any slowdowns on my computer even during full system scans.

🥈2. Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows — Lightweight With Advanced Malware & Web ProtectionsBitdefender also provides excellent anti-phishing protection. During testing, it blocked many fake websites that had evaded detection from the built-in protections on the Chrome and Firefox browsers, as well as the anti-phishing tools of other antiviruses. Out of all the brands on this list, only Bitdefender and Norton had perfect anti-phishing results.

One downside of the free version of Bitdefender is its lack of extra features. It offers some of the most effective malware, web, and real-time protections on the market, but that’s about it. Bitdefender’s premium plans are where you’ll find all of the extra features, including multi-layer ransomware protection, online banking protection, a VPN, device optimization tools, a password manager, parental controls, and much more.

🥈2. Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows — Lightweight With Advanced Malware & Web ProtectionsBy upgrading, you’ll also get access to the super handy Profiles feature, which lets you quickly and easily optimize your PC’s performance for different tasks and situations. And you can set it up so that Bitdefender automatically changes your profile depending on which apps you’re using. The profiles you can choose from include:

  • Work Profile — provides better email protections and reduces system slowdown.
  • Movie Profile — prevents pop-up notifications and cuts down on background processes.
  • Game Profile — optimizes system performance for gaming.
  • Public Wi-Fi Profile — activates specific protections to keep you safe while using public Wi-Fi hotspots.
  • Battery Mode Profile — makes adjustments to the software that help you save battery.

Bitdefender’s paid plans are very affordable, starting as low as RUB1,510 / year, and all of them are backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee. There’s Total Security, which includes most of Bitdefender’s features (except for the unlimited-data VPN and full-featured password manager) for 5 devices, for only RUB3,620 / year. Premium Security provides access to all features on up to 10 devices for RUB5,030 / year — it’s the best option if you want to make sure all of your devices are 100% protected against all online threats. Users on a budget can take a look at Internet Security, which covers up to 3 Windows devices for only RUB3,320 / year.

Bitdefender Total Security — 64% off

Get Bitdefender Total Security for up to 5 devices for only RUB3,620!

Bottom Line:

Bitdefender’s free Windows antivirus is a top-tier, no-frills solution to protect your device from malware and web-based threats. It has perfect detection rates and will barely impact your device’s performance. To get access to a bunch of extra features, however, you’ll have to upgrade to one of Bitdefender’s premium plans. All of its plans are backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it out risk-free.


Read the full Bitdefender review here 

🥉3. Panda Free Antivirus for Windows — Good Virus Protection With Decent Extras

🥉3. Panda Free Antivirus for Windows — Good Virus Protection With Decent Extras

Panda Free Antivirus for Windows is lightweight, secure, and easy to use — during my tests, Panda’s antivirus scanner detected significantly more adware, spyware, and ransomware files than Windows Defender. Panda’s real-time protection also performed really well, blocking most of the malware files I tried downloading to my PC.

One reason Panda is a good choice for Windows users is its Rescue Kit, which allows you to download a bootable version of Panda to a USB drive and then use the USB drive to clean an infected PC and get it up and running again. Very few antiviruses offer this feature, and I’m very happy that Panda includes it in its free version!

🥉3. Panda Free Antivirus for Windows — Good Virus Protection With Decent Extras

I also like that Panda has a gaming mode in its free antivirus — whenever you’re playing a game or watching a video in full screen, Panda automatically suspends notifications. That said, I prefer Norton for gaming, as it doesn’t cause any slowdown, allowing for smooth and uninterrupted gaming.

Panda’s free antivirus also comes with a secure (but limited) VPN. It provides fast connection speeds, but it only lets you connect to 1 server and has a data limit of 150 MB per day — this is a big improvement over Avira’s 500 MB per month, but it’s still not nearly enough data for streaming or file sharing. If you’re interested in unlimited streaming or torrenting, you’ll need a better VPN (check out our list of the best antiviruses with VPNs here).

🥉3. Panda Free Antivirus for Windows — Good Virus Protection With Decent Extras

The Panda Dome Premium plan offers unlimited VPN data (and access to worldwide servers), and it also has extra features like a firewall, anti-ransomware protection, anti-phishing protection, advanced system tune-up tools, a password manager, and basic parental controls, for RUB6,740 / year. All of Panda’s premium plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Panda Dome Complete — 50% off

Get Panda Dome Complete for only RUB4,330!

Bottom Line:

Panda’s free antivirus is a good, easy-to-use antivirus, offering 100% free real-time malware protection. With lightweight malware scanning, an automatic gaming mode, a Rescue Kit, and a VPN, Panda is an excellent free internet security product. However, the VPN is limited to 150 MB per day on a single server. If you want unlimited VPN access — and other extras like a firewall, anti-phishing, password manager, and basic parental controls — you’ll need to upgrade. Panda offers 4 different pricing tiers for paid users, which start at RUB2,420 / year, so it’s easy to find the right plan for you — or you can just give Panda Free a try and upgrade later.


Read the full Panda review here >

4. TotalAV Free Antivirus — Most Intuitive Free Antivirus

4. TotalAV Free Antivirus — Most Intuitive Free Antivirus

TotalAV Free Antivirus provides excellent virus and phishing protection — during my tests, TotalAV’s cloud-based malware scanner detected and removed more malware samples than most antivirus programs, successfully identifying even very tricky ransomware and cryptojacking files.

4. TotalAV Free Antivirus — Most Intuitive Free Antivirus

TotalAV’s phishing protection is also very good. It uses a huge blacklist to identify known phishing sites as well as an AI-powered phishing detection system to detect new threats. In my testing, the anti-phishing tool scored a near-perfect detection rate, stopping me from entering more malicious sites than Chrome’s native phishing tool. Out of all the antiviruses on this list, only Norton and Bitdefender blocked more risky sites than TotalAV.

TotalAV is also the most intuitive free Windows antivirus on this list, with easy-to-use and easy-to-understand features and functions inside a minimalistic, well-designed dashboard. I had no problems navigating TotalAV’s dashboard, and I found it very simple to access and use all of the provided tools. If you’ve never used an antivirus before, TotalAV may just be your best option.

4. TotalAV Free Antivirus — Most Intuitive Free AntivirusThat said, unlike Norton, TotalAV’s free Windows plan lacks vital features. The biggest drawback of TotalAV Free Antivirus is that it doesn’t have real-time protection, meaning you won’t get notified if a malicious file attempts to make changes to your PC in real time.

Upgrading to a TotalAV premium plan gets you real-time malware protection as well as useful extras like device optimization tools, a VPN with unlimited data, a password manager, and more. TotalAV’s paid plans start at RUB1,920 / year, and they’re all backed by a risk-free money-back guarantee for 30 days.

Bottom Line:

TotalAV’s free Windows antivirus is excellent at removing malware and blocking phishing sites. It’s also one of the most intuitive antivirus programs on the market, which makes it an ideal choice for beginners. However, TotalAV Free doesn’t come with real-time protection and it doesn’t include any extra features. To get real-time scanning, PC optimization tools, and a VPN with no limitations, you’ll need to upgrade to the Internet Security or Total Security plans.


Read the full TotalAV review here >

5. Kaspersky Free — Good Range of Free Features

5. Kaspersky Free — Good Range of Free Features

There’s currently no reason to suggest that Kaspersky poses a threat to home users. You can read more about our decision to keep Kaspersky on this list here.

Kaspersky Free is good at detecting and removing malware — like Norton and Bitdefender, it caught 100% of the malware samples on my PC when I tested it. And unlike TotalAV, Kaspersky’s free plan comes with real-time protection, which also performed well in my tests.

I really like Kaspersky’s display, which makes it easy to access various security scans and settings. Everything is clearly labeled, well-organized, and complemented by helpful tips.

5. Kaspersky Free — Good Range of Free Features

It also comes with a few extras — including:

  • VPN (300 MB daily limit).
  • Password manager (15 entries limit).
  • Data breach monitoring (only 1 account).
  • Basic system cleanup tools.
  • Virtual keyboard.

Kaspersky’s free VPN automatically connects to the closest server and offers 300 MB of data per day. While this is more daily data than Panda, it’s still not enough for streaming or other data-heavy tasks. And Kaspersky’s free password manager only saves a total of 15 entries — this includes both logins and sensitive documents (like credit cards or passport details). Norton’s password manager is also free, but it allows you to store an unlimited number of passwords on an unlimited number of devices.

5. Kaspersky Free — Good Range of Free FeaturesI can’t say I’m too impressed with Kaspersky’s data breach monitoring either — free users can only check the email associated with their Kaspersky account (and they have to do it manually, unlike paid customers who get automatic data breach checks). In addition, the free version doesn’t come with any system optimization tools to speed up your PC. The tools that come with the premium plans aren’t unique, but they get the job done.

To access all of Kaspersky’s features, you can upgrade to one of its paid plans, which start at RUB4,230 / year. All Kaspersky purchases include a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Bottom Line:

Kaspersky’s free antivirus comes with a good malware scanner and a few additional features, but most of them are very limited in functionality. Kaspersky’s VPN has a daily cap of 300 MB, the password manager lets you store up to 15 logins and credit cards, and the data breach monitoring only checks 1 email address. Upgrading to one of Kaspersky’s paid plans gets you all of these features without any limitations, plus extras like parental controls, advanced web protections, and more.


Read the full Kaspersky review here >

6. Malwarebytes Free — Minimalistic Virus Scanner

6. Malwarebytes Free — Minimalistic Virus Scanner

Malwarebytes Free is a good choice for users looking for a simple antivirus that they can install and forget about. Its virus scanner uses a virus database as well as heuristics to catch all types of malware. It performed pretty well in my tests, detecting around 90% of the malware files I hid on my PC. However, it did miss a few well-hidden files that competitors like Norton and Bitdefender detected.

6. Malwarebytes Free — Minimalistic Virus Scanner

Apart from the scanner, you also get a browser extension that protects against a wide range of threats, including malware, ads and trackers, scams, and PUPs. One of the things I like the most about this extension is that all of the protections are turned on by default, so there’s nothing for you to do (but you can easily turn off one or all of the protections).

Malwarebytes’s browser extension blocked most risky sites I tried to visit, scoring a 90% phishing detection rate. However, the extension wasn’t as accurate at blocking ads — I visited dozens of sites filled with ads, and Malwarebytes blocked only around a third of them.

6. Malwarebytes Free — Minimalistic Virus Scanner

For real-time protection, you can upgrade to Malwarebytes Premium, which provides coverage for up to 5 devices and starts at RUB4,530 / year. Malwarebytes Premium + Privacy also adds a decent VPN for RUB10,060 / year. Both of Malwarebytes’s premium plans are covered by a generous 60-day money-back guarantee.

Bottom Line:

Malwarebytes Free is a minimalistic antivirus scanner with good virus detection and removal rates. It also comes with a browser extension that blocks malware, phishing sites, ads, and trackers (though the ad blocking is hit-and-miss). Upgrading to Malwarebytes Premium brings you real-time protection and coverage for up to 5 devices, whereas Malwarebytes Premium + Privacy also adds a VPN.


Read the full Malwarebytes review >

7. Avira Free Security for Windows — Advanced Cloud-Based Malware Scanner With System Cleanup

7. Avira Free Security for Windows — Advanced Cloud-Based Malware Scanner With System Cleanup

Avira Free Security for Windows has a solid anti-malware engine and operates fully in the cloud. This makes Avira fast, lightweight, and easy on system resources. During my testing, Avira’s anti-malware engine detected all of the malware files I previously downloaded to my computer, and I liked that I was able to run CPU-intensive programs during scans with almost zero slowdown.

Avira is also user-friendly — its display is very easy to navigate with all features clearly listed. It comes with many excellent extra features too. These include:

  • Safe Shopping browser extension.
  • Privacy & performance optimizer.
  • VPN (500 MB monthly limit).
  • Password manager.
  • Game booster.
  • File shredder.

7. Avira Free Security for Windows — Advanced Cloud-Based Malware Scanner With System Cleanup

The Safe Shopping browser extension is really good — it blocks suspicious phishing sites, web trackers, and unwanted advertisements, and you can download it for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Edge. The extension also automatically recommends links to better deals when shopping online. I was actually able to find a lot of good deals, but it didn’t work 100% of the time (still pretty good though!).

I’m also a fan of Avira’s privacy and performance optimization tools — they cleaned out my cookies and junk files, and also fixed hidden privacy settings that were leaking personal information on the web. But unfortunately, Avira’s best optimization tools are locked behind a paywall.

7. Avira Free Security for Windows — Advanced Cloud-Based Malware Scanner With System Cleanup

It’s a shame that Avira’s free VPN is limited to just 500 MB per month, which is barely enough to watch a couple of really short videos (and substantially less than Panda and Kaspersky offer on their free plans). Plus, Avira only lets you connect to your nearest server location on the free plan.

Avira Prime offers the VPN with unlimited data, and costs RUB6,040 / year — it’s a bit pricier than some competitors, but it’s one of the best antivirus suites of 2023, and it also includes multi-device support and advanced system optimization tools. Avira backs all yearly subscriptions with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Bottom Line:

Avira’s cloud-based, free virus scanning engine is a good way to keep your PC safe. It’s lightweight, fast, has great detection rates, and is 100% free. I’m also a big fan of Avira’s Safe Shopping browser extension and privacy optimizer, both of which offer a significant improvement over Microsoft’s built-in protections. To get more advanced internet security protection, you’ll need to upgrade to one of Avira’s paid plans, which start at RUB4,630 / year.


Read the full Avira review here >

8. Avast One Essential — Effective Antivirus With Nice Privacy Tools

8. Avast One Essential — Effective Antivirus With Nice Privacy Tools

Avast One Essential is fairly comprehensive for a free Windows antivirus. It’s actually one of two free antiviruses offered by Avast — the other, Avast Free Antivirus, is basically identical to AVG’s free antivirus. Avast One Essential comes from the company’s newest product line and offers more free features, including a VPN and PC speedup tools. I found it easy to use and was pleased to see that it detected 100% of the malware samples I tested it on.

8. Avast One Essential — Effective Antivirus With Nice Privacy Tools

I like that it encourages users to review their overall online security via the Privacy Advisor. After I ran my first scan, the app automatically suggested I review my privacy settings on various websites and provided links and clear instructions on how to do so.

Avast One Essential comes with a built-in VPN, but it isn’t ideal. You can’t change servers on the free version, and the provider doesn’t have a no-logs policy. Still, it’s nice that it operates within the same app as the antivirus and lets you use up to 5 GB of data each week (which is more than the other free VPNs on this list).

There’s also a powerful firewall that monitors inbound and outbound traffic and blocks malicious connections. Other security features include effective web protections (it blocked almost every malicious site I visited) and Network Inspector, a tool that scans for vulnerabilities in your Wi-Fi connection. I did find the interface a bit cluttered though, and somewhat less intuitive than competitors like TotalAV.
8. Avast One Essential — Effective Antivirus With Nice Privacy Tools
Note that the Avast One product line is only available in a handful of countries. If you don’t live in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Ireland, or Germany, you can’t use Avast One. The company’s other free antivirus is available worldwide.

Avast’s premium plans start at RUB250 / month and include additional protections, such as webcam protection, extra online privacy features, and the ability to use Avast on 5, 10, or 30 devices. Avast also provides credit, social media, and identity theft monitoring to Avast One Platinum customers for RUB12,060 / year. All paid plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Bottom Line:

Avast One Essential is a good free antivirus package with a powerful scanner. While it may not be the best free antivirus software out there, it has a solid firewall, good network protections, and nice privacy features. The VPN has a fairly generous data allowance, and the app is quite easy to use. If you want unlimited data or added web protections, you’ll have to subscribe to one of Avast’s premium plans, starting at RUB250 / month.


Read the full Avast review here >

9. AVG AntiVirus Free — Solid Malware Scanner With File Protections

9. AVG AntiVirus Free — Solid Malware Scanner With File Protections

AVG offers a decent free antivirus that’s easy to use and has some nice features. It’s basically identical to Avast Free Antivirus — they’re owned by the same company and feature more or less the same underlying technology. It’s pretty distinct from Avast One Essential, though.

9. AVG AntiVirus Free — Solid Malware Scanner With File Protections

The virus scanner works well — it detected 100% of the malware samples on my PC. What’s more, you can run 5 types of scan. The Deep Scan worked quite well, but the quick-running Smart Scan missed a few items in my test. You can also scan specific folders and external devices or run a boot scan. There’s an option to run a performance scan to tune up your PC, but you can’t do anything with it on the free version.

AVG comes with several features that, though standard, will help protect your files. The File Shield successfully issued a warning when I tried to open up a malware-infected file. I then used the quarantine tool to prevent the files from doing any damage to the rest of my machine.

You get added protection from Behavior Shield, a tool that scans for malware that isn’t listed in databases. It actively scans apps for suspicious activity. If any is found, the program is automatically blocked.

9. AVG AntiVirus Free — Solid Malware Scanner With File Protections

Unfortunately, the ransomware and web protections aren’t perfect. It’s great that all these features come with the free version, but it’d be even better if they worked 100% of the time. The Web Shield only blocked some of the phishing sites I tested, and Ransomware Protection did nothing when I ran a ransomware simulator.

For extra protection from phishing, spyware, and webcam hacking, there’s AVG Internet Security. This premium service costs RUB4,030 / year. It’s also available as a 30-day free trial, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can bundle Internet Security with AVG’s tune-up tool, anti-tracking tool, and an unlimited-data VPN by getting the Ultimate plan for RUB5,230 / year.

Bottom Line:

Overall, AVG’s free antivirus is a solid choice for users who want basic protection for their computer. While it does have some limitations, its ease of use and straightforward features make it an excellent option for users who just need the essentials. To access the more advanced features like webcam protection and an advanced firewall, you have to upgrade to AVG Internet Security (plans start at RUB4,030 / year).


Read the full AVG review here >

10. ZoneAlarm — Effective Malware Scanner With a Free Firewall

10. ZoneAlarm — Effective Malware Scanner With a Free Firewall

ZoneAlarm offers a free and effective antivirus solution complete with a firewall. It’s easy enough to use and has good customer support options, even if you don’t have a premium subscription. It also comes with real-time protection and automatic updates, which is pretty cool. However, it’s Windows-only on all but the most expensive plan, and it lacks extra features like a VPN, optimization tools, and a password manager.

10. ZoneAlarm — Effective Malware Scanner With a Free Firewall

During my tests, ZoneAlarm detected all of the malicious files I downloaded onto my PC. The scan took about an hour and provided a report about the threats it neutralized — however it wasn’t nearly as detailed as I’d like it to be. The scan also slowed down my PC quite substantially. If you have an older device, you’re probably better off with a cloud-based tool like Bitdefender.

That said, the inclusion of a firewall on the free app is ZoneAlarm’s best feature. It offers inbound and outbound protection, ensuring your network remains safe from hackers and other threats. It worked well when I simulated a network attack. The free firewall is included with the antivirus and is also available as a standalone product.

10. ZoneAlarm — Effective Malware Scanner With a Free Firewall

Unfortunately, the free version doesn’t come with any web protection, meaning users will still be vulnerable to phishing attempts and other web-based threats. I tested the premium product, and to be honest, it failed to block multiple dubious websites I visited. In short, if you’re using ZoneAlarm, you still need to exercise caution when browsing the web. If this is a big concern, consider getting Norton instead, which offers free web protection tools via its browser extensions.

On the plus side, ZoneAlarm’s interface is quite clean, with all tools and options clearly labeled. This makes it easy to use every feature and customize it to meet your specific needs. The design is very basic, but I don’t see this as necessarily a bad thing. The free app does try to upsell you on the premium product — but it isn’t too obtrusive about it.

If you want web protection, you need the premium product, ZoneAlarm Pro Antivirus + Firewall. It costs RUB2,510 / year and can cover up to 50 devices for an additional fee. For mobile security and ransomware protection, you need ZoneAlarm Extreme Security NextGen, which goes for RUB3,520 / year. I think these are pretty decent deals, but if you’re in the market for a premium product, there are better options on this list.

Bottom Line:

ZoneAlarm is pretty good for a free antivirus. The malware scanner is complemented by an effective firewall and decent real-time protection. It’s lacking in web protection and only works on Windows, but it’s still a good security tool. For more features, you’ll need to get Pro Antivirus + Firewall or the Extreme Security NextGen plan, which adds mobile support and a few other features.


Read the full ZoneAlarm review here

Comparison of the Best Free Antiviruses for Windows in 2023

Antivirus Paid Version (Starting Price) Real-Time Protection Malware Detection Rating Web protection Support for Other Operating Systems Extra Features Money-back guarantee
1.🥇 Norton RUB2,020 / year
(paid version)
(paid version)
Mac, iOS, Android, Chromebook VPN, password manager, parental controls, dark web monitoring (paid version) 60 days
2.🥈 Bitdefender RUB1,510 / year 100% Mac, iOS, Android / 30 days
3. 🥉 Panda RUB2,420 / year 95%
(paid version)
Mac, iOS, Android Rescue kit and basic VPN 30 days
4. TotalAV RUB1,920 / year
(paid version)
99% Mac, iOS, Android, Chromebook / 30 days
5. Kaspersky RUB4,230 / year 100%
(paid version)
Mac, iOS, Android Basic system cleanup, VPN, password manager, and data breach monitoring 30 days
6. Malwarebytes RUB3,770 / year
(paid version)
90% Mac, iOS, Android, Chromebook / 60 days
7. Avira RUB4,630 / year 100% Mac, iOS, Android Basic system tune-up, VPN, and password manager 60 days
8. Avast RUB250 100% Mac, Android, iOS Basic VPN 30 days
9. AVG RUB4,030 / year 100% Mac, Android, iOS Hack alerts 30 days
10. ZoneAlarm
RUB2,510 / year 100%
(paid version)
Windows, Android, iOS Firewall 30 days


Yes, You Already Have a Free Antivirus on Your PC, but It Isn’t Good Enough

Your Windows computer already comes with Windows Defender (some newer Windows 10 and 11 computers call it “Windows Security” or “Microsoft Defender”) — which, as we saw in our full review, is a decent free antivirus. But the problem with Windows Defender is that it’s rarely updated, it doesn’t include additional internet security protections, and it frequently has vulnerabilities that don’t get fixed (sometimes for several years!).

Plus, Windows Defender consistently ranks below the top antivirus scanners in our independent lab testing. That’s why I always recommend keeping your PC as safe as possible with third-party antivirus software.

All the free antiviruses listed here are better than Windows Defender. The free downloads on this list are from top-notch cybersecurity companies that are offering their premium antivirus protection for free. These are some of the top antivirus and anti-malware engines in the world — and our independent lab tests have confirmed that these antivirus engines are much stronger, faster, and better than Microsoft’s Windows Defender.

Some of the free programs on my list feature extra cybersecurity protections. Avira Free Security for Windows is particularly generous with its free offerings, but even Avira’s free plan has some annoying limitations that don’t exist on its paid plans.

In general, cybersecurity companies try to entice you with their free products, but they’re ultimately looking to convert you into a paying customer. If you’re looking for the best protection for all of your devices, you’ll need to pay for premium antivirus software. Unfortunately, there’s no way around this. However, if you’re just looking for a simple free malware scanner with a couple of decent web protections that can improve on Microsoft’s Defender, then any of the products on this list will be good enough for you.


How to Choose the Best Free Windows Antivirus for Your Needs

  • Look for great malware detection. The main purpose of an antivirus is to protect you against malware, so you want to make sure the program you’re running on your device has a good malware scanner that is able to identify both known and new malware, including trojans, spyware, ransomware, rootkits, and keyloggers. All of my top choices have perfect or near-perfect malware detection rates.
  • Find a product that doesn’t cause too much slowdown. Most antiviruses will slow down your system, making it hard to stream content, play games, or even browse the web, especially during a full system scan. But programs like Bitdefender are pretty lightweight, so you won’t even notice they’re there.
  • Check for extra features. While most free antiviruses are pretty limited in terms of features, some free programs include a couple of extras. For example, Avira has a basic free password manager, and Panda has a free VPN (150 MB/day). Paid brands like Norton have all of these features without any limitations, plus webcam protection, parental controls, cloud storage, and more.
  • Opt for ease of use. Windows Defender is already pretty easy to use (it’s always running), so a free antivirus has to be very easy to use and offer the same excellent user experience that Microsoft has built into its native PC antivirus. All of the products on this list have user-friendly dashboards, intuitive features, and decent customer support.
  • Make sure it’s genuinely free. Many cybersecurity brands try to trick you into purchasing a premium product by offering a free trial and then making you pay to keep using the product. I’ve personally checked to make sure that all of the brands listed here offer free protection. I also included Norton on the list as it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, which gives you 2 months to try it out.
  • Check for good upgrade prices. It might be that after using a free product for a while, you opt to upgrade to the paid version. There are some products out there that charge extortionate amounts at this point, but all the brands on my list offer very reasonably priced premium plans.


Risks & Disadvantages of Using a Free Windows Antivirus

Free antivirus software can be an effective way to protect against malware and online security threats, but only if you’re using a trusted free antivirus like the ones on this list. Most free antivirus programs are unsafe as they are either missing important security features (like real-time protection), they’re badly designed, or they’re malware disguised as legitimate software — this kind of disguised malware predominantly affects Windows users.

Free antiviruses are usually missing important security features, even if they’re legitimate programs. These are features that you need to fully protect your device and data, including real-time virus protection, anti-phishing tools, dark web monitoring, ID theft alerts, and more. Plus, even if a free antivirus offers additional features, they’re usually very limited.

Yes, Windows comes with its own free antivirus (Windows Defender), which does a good job of protecting your PC from malware. However, Windows Defender’s malware protections aren’t always as fast or effective as those offered by premium antiviruses like Norton, and it’s also missing many of the extra features listed above.

The best premium antiviruses include everything you need to secure your PC, including anti-malware engines that use AI and machine learning to detect both known and unknown viruses, as well as malicious website protection and identity theft monitoring tools.

Premium antiviruses can also come bundled with extras like a VPN (virtual private network) to secure your browsing activity (TotalAV offers a great VPN), a password manager (Norton’s password manager is decent), and PC optimization tools to ensure your computer is running efficiently (Avira’s PC optimization tools are great!).


Free Antivirus vs. Paid Antivirus

Free antiviruses like Bitdefender and Panda are pretty good, and they offer decent protection. But free antivirus software doesn’t come with all of the extra features needed for complete online protection — you’ll need a premium antivirus to stay 100% safe.

Premium antiviruses are way better, as they come with all of the internet security protections you need to stay as safe as possible online. And I’m not just talking about anti-malware protection here — extras like a VPN (to ensure you’re anonymous online), a password manager (to protect your sensitive data, including financial information), and parental controls (to make sure your child is protected on the internet) all contribute to complete cybersecurity protection.

Together with a malware scanner, these tools are crucial to building a good online defense against hackers, scammers, and predators — it’s incredibly difficult to achieve the same level of security only using free antivirus software.

Top antiviruses like Norton even offer up to $1 million in insurance coverage for cases of identity theft (US customers only), making it worth the relatively low yearly cost of a paid subscription.

What’s more, paid antiviruses also include better customer support, so you know you can get help removing malware, accessing a feature, or solving any other issue with your antivirus at all times. Free antiviruses, on the other hand, don’t include live chat and phone support, so the only way to get assistance is to read a knowledge base, post a question on a forum, or send a ticket.

Overall, if you want complete online protection, consider a paid antivirus (most of which are low cost, especially with our promotional coupons and discounts). You can read more about paid antiviruses for different operating systems here.

Features and User Experience Free Antiviruses Premium Antiviruses
Real-time protection Often not included. Frequently updated and fully integrated.
Web protection Available in the form of additional apps and extensions, if available at all. Advanced and often included in all-in-one apps.
VPNs If provided at all, usually comes with very small data limits and a single available server. Unlimited data, full set of extra features, lots of server options, and often included in a unified app.
Compatible devices Often Windows only. Provides coverage for all device types.
Password managers Seldom included and severely limited in terms of features. Feature-rich with fewer limitations than free versions.
Cloud backup Almost never provided. Up to 500 GB of safe storage.
Customer support Often limited to FAQs and knowledge bases. Extensive options including phone and email support, live chat, and more.


Why We Haven’t Stopped Recommending Kaspersky

The US Federal Communications Commission has labeled Kaspersky as a potential threat to national security in the aftermath of Russia’s incursion into Ukraine in early 2022. Therefore, it may be prudent for individuals involved in national security to refrain from using Kaspersky’s software. Fortunately, this list provides several other highly effective antivirus options as viable alternatives.

But right now, there’s no evidence to suggest Kaspersky is unsafe. In 2017, Kaspersky launched its Global Transparency Initiative — and as part of it moved its data centers to Switzerland, passed the Service Organization Control for Service Organizations (SOC 2) Type 1 audit, and opened Transparency Centers throughout the world where third parties can review its source code.

Kaspersky is a reputable company with respected researchers in the cybersecurity field, trusted by over 400 million users worldwide and actively involved in uncovering cyber-espionage cases.

But if you feel uneasy using Kaspersky, there are many alternatives — including Norton, Bitdefender, and Avira.


Tips to Improve Online Safety in 2023

Free antiviruses can’t fully protect you against all cybersecurity threats — they always have some limitations. Even some of the best free products lack core online protections. For example, TotalAV and Malwarebytes don’t have real-time protection, whereas Panda and Kaspersky don’t offer web protection.

Free products also either don’t offer any extra features or provide only basic versions of their premium features — Bitdefender’s free plan has great anti-malware and web protection but little else, and Avira’s free antivirus has a good VPN, but it’s capped at only 500 MB/month, which isn’t even enough for casual browsing.

If you really don’t want to invest in a premium antivirus, a free one can be ok, as long as you also make sure to follow the best online safety practices, such as:

  • Updating software regularly. Software updates are important because they patch any software vulnerabilities and increase its security. You should update your operating systems, programs, and applications as soon as new updates are available — if you don’t, hackers may exploit software vulnerabilities to install malware on your devices, steal your sensitive information — or both. Premium antiviruses like Avira have vulnerability scanners that flag out-of-date software and even offer to update it for you, but you can also manually update any program on your device.
  • Downloading files responsibly. Only download programs or files from websites you trust, and only open email attachments if you’re sure they’re safe. If you’re not 100% sure a download link is safe, don’t click on it. If you’ve received an email attachment from a sender you trust but you weren’t expecting an attachment, contact the sender to confirm they intentionally sent you the attachment. All premium antiviruses have real-time protection that prevents you from downloading suspicious files, but if you have a free program without real-time protection, you need to be careful about what you download — and from where.
  • Only use HTTPS sites. Sites that use HTTPS encrypt all of the data that is sent and received between the user and the site. Sites that use an HTTP connection don’t encrypt any data, meaning that anyone who intercepts the data you’re sending and receiving from the site can see all of the data. Brands like Norton include excellent web protections that check the security of each site you’re visiting and block you from accessing malicious and suspicious sites.
  • Steer clear of unsecured networks. If you must use one, get a VPN to scramble your data and protect you from hackers that may try to steal your information. The best antivirus-bundled VPNs are TotalAV or Norton.
  • Generate secure passwords for your online accounts. Instead of using the same login for all or most sites, you should create unique, complex passwords for each online account. You can check out our recommendations for the best free password managers here.


What Free Windows Antiviruses Should You Avoid?

  • Wolfram Antivirus. This one is nothing more than a scam. It’s a recent variant of a well-known piece of software that masquerades as a free antivirus. It will not only infect you with malware but also try to get you to pay for the privilege.
  • Total Antivirus 2020. Total Antivirus 2020 isn’t effective and might even do harm to your PC. It simply isn’t safe and uses scare tactics and other means to try to convince users to hand over money for the “premium” version.
  • Spybot Search & Destroy. I used to really like Spybot Search & Destroy, but these days, it isn’t any good. It really feels like a relic from the past. The interface is tricky, and it’s hard to install as various features are spread out across different apps. What’s more, its malware detection rates are abysmal in 2023.
  • ClamAV. Though it’s a good choice for Linux users, I can’t recommend ClamAV for anyone with a Windows PC. It’s light on features and not very intuitive. This can become a significant problem as support options for Windows users are quite limited.

Keep in mind there are lots of other bad free antiviruses out there. Some are ineffective, others are simply annoying because they bombard you with ads and bogus messages, while the worst take the “anti” out of “antivirus”, leaving you with plain old malware. Just because a product isn’t on this list of free antiviruses to avoid doesn’t mean it’s good. Always research a product by reading reviews on trusted websites. If there’s little to no information about an antivirus online, it’s probably no good and best avoided.


Top Brands That Didn’t Make the Cut

I’ve spent a long time compiling and revising this list, to guarantee that I’m offering you a high-quality resource. You may be surprised to see that some of the top antivirus brands didn’t make the top 10. Here are a few of them:

  • McAfee. McAfee is one of my favorite antiviruses of 2023. It comes with an advanced anti-malware engine, excellent web protection, and a VPN with unlimited data. But unfortunately, McAfee doesn’t have a free plan. However, if you need a high-quality antivirus, McAfee’s low-cost internet security packages are some of the best on the market.
  • ESET. ESET is a lightweight antivirus with excellent detection rates and advanced diagnostic tools. However, it doesn’t have a free plan, and some of its features are poorly explained and/or unintuitive to use.
  • Sophos. Sophos used to have a good free plan, but it’s been discontinued, so I had to remove it from my list. That said, Sophos’s paid version provides great cybersecurity protection at a decent price.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the catch with free antiviruses?

There is no such thing as a truly free antivirus. You‘re always going to “pay” with something. Most antivirus companies limit the free version of their software to only offer basic protection. This leaves a lot of holes in your computer’s cybersecurity defense. The antivirus company hopes you’ll recognize you’re not well-protected, and they’ll try to get you to upgrade to the paid plan by sending you a ton of notifications and advertisements.

If you’re only using your device for simple online browsing or word processing, you’re probably fine with a free antivirus (and the ones on this list are the best free antiviruses out there). But, in general, if you store any kind of sensitive information on your Windows device, it’s always better to invest in a full-featured internet security suite than it is to trust a free antivirus.

Why should I use another free antivirus instead of Windows Defender?

Windows Defender is not a bad antivirus — it even ranks a little bit better than some third-party free antiviruses. But it just can’t compete when top cybersecurity companies like Bitdefender are handing out excellent free antivirus software, which offers free protection against threats Windows Defender doesn’t protect against (like phishing sites, malicious web trackers, data breaches, etc.).

Indeed, most of the products on this list have substantially better free antivirus protection than Microsoft’s built-in Windows Defender antivirus.

Can Windows Defender & another antivirus run together?

Technically, you can run Windows Defender and another antivirus simultaneously. But having two anti-malware engines running at the same time can cause interference, meaning malware and other threats could potentially go undetected.

That’s why I strongly recommend Windows users disable Windows Defender’s antivirus engine once installing a third-party antivirus, like Norton 360.

Is it safe to use a free antivirus?

If you choose an antivirus program from a trustworthy company, then yes. All of the brands on this list here are perfectly safe to use — the only difference between their free and paid versions is that the paid software includes additional features, like a VPN, a password manager, and parental controls, as well as better customer support options.

What’s the best free antivirus?

All free antiviruses have some limitations and lock most of their best features behind a paywall. While a free antivirus can be a decent temporary solution, I strongly recommend that you get a premium antivirus like Norton. It has perfect malware detection rates, more extras than almost all competitors, and easy-to-use apps for all operating systems. Starting at just RUB2,020 / year, Norton is also very affordable, and all of its paid plans are backed by a risk-free 60-day money-back guarantee — this gives you 2 months to try it out and see if it’s the right product for your needs.

But if you absolutely do not want to pay for antivirus protection, I recommend you take a look at Bitdefender, which has a cloud-based malware scanner plus web and real-time protection.

Is there a 100% free antivirus?

Yes, there are antivirus programs that are 100% free. However, while decent free antiviruses can offer full virus protection, they are usually missing important features which are offered by premium antiviruses to fully protect your PC and personal information, like identity theft protections, VPNs, password managers, and more.

Sure, top free antiviruses like Bitdefender’s free version come with solid malware scanning and real-time protection, which may be good enough for some users who only need basic protections. But if you want to ensure your PC and data are protected in the best possible way, you should consider investing in a premium antivirus suite.

Most top premium antiviruses have extended money-back guarantees, meaning you can try them before committing to a premium plan.

Is a free antivirus good enough?

It depends on your needs. In most cases, a trusted free antivirus will do a decent job of protecting your PC against malware and other internet security threats.

However, aside from the essentials like malware protection, free antiviruses don’t usually offer much else. For instance, some top free antiviruses come with great malware scanning capabilities as well as real-time malware detection, but they lack extra features like ID theft protections, advanced web protections, and more.

If you need complete protection for your PC and personal data, it’s best to try a premium antivirus suite, like Norton. That said, if you only need basic malware protection, a good free antivirus will do the job pretty well.

Can antivirus software stop hackers?

Yes, good antiviruses provide strong defenses against hackers. Features such as web protection, firewalls, and real-time protection can prevent cybercriminals from infecting your devices and stealing your information. Antiviruses also come with scanners that can root out any malware currently plaguing your system. In fact, Norton’s scanner detected 100% of malware samples during my tests.

That said, using an antivirus, even if it’s the best one on the market, doesn’t mean hackers can’t get into your computer. Bad actors can still use social engineering and other strategies to get into your system and cause real harm. That’s why it’s important to always practice safe browsing habits, like avoiding sketchy websites and never giving out personal information.

What are the most common types of viruses that affect Windows computers?

Trojans and adware are consistently the most common types of malware found on Windows computers — though there are literally billions of malware attacks of all kinds reported annually.

Trojans look like other files with extensions like .exe and .doc — but once downloaded, trojans can initiate a backdoor attack to steal user data, to incorporate a Windows device into a botnet, to give a hacker direct access to a computer, or to simply crash and erase the entire OS.

Because hackers are constantly developing new malware for Windows, it’s crucial that your antivirus uses a malware database that’s consistently updated. Norton’s malware database is always up-to-date, with no need for users to worry about downloading or installing database updates.

Do Windows 11 devices really need an antivirus?

Yes, they do! While Windows 11 comes equipped with Windows Defender, this shouldn’t be your sole line of defense. Relying only on Windows Defender can leave you vulnerable to more sophisticated cyber threats such as zero-day attacks, ransomware, and targeted phishing scams.

My advice is to choose quality third-party antivirus software for your Windows 11 PC that offers multi-layered security, including real-time threat detection and anti-phishing protection. Ideally, pick a premium brand like Norton to protect you fully, but the free products on my list also do a better job than Windows Defender of keeping you safe.

What’s the best Windows antivirus overall?

My favorite Windows antivirus, and in fact my favorite overall antivirus, is Norton. While it doesn’t offer a free plan, its excellent malware protection and huge range of additional features for Windows users make it worth every penny.

With Norton’s 360 Deluxe plan, you get an unlimited-data VPN, great parental controls, the best dark web monitoring on the market, secure cloud storage, and so much more. Plus, you can use it across all your devices, as it covers Android, iOS, and Mac, too. Best of all, the generous 60-day money-back guarantee means you can try it out risk-free for 2 months.

Will Windows allow me to install a free antivirus?

Absolutely! Windows will automatically turn off Microsoft’s built-in virus protection when a new third-party antivirus software is installed. If you decide to uninstall your third-party antivirus, your PC will automatically ask you to reactivate the Windows Defender antivirus.

That said, if you’re going to replace Defender, you should consider investing a little bit into premium cybersecurity protection. Free antivirus software just isn’t as good as paid antivirus software — you really do get what you pay for, and when it comes to keeping all of your devices and digital data safe, a paid antivirus like Norton 360 is definitely worth the investment.

If you’re looking for advanced protection and a lot of other great cybersecurity features, check out this list of the best premium antivirus products on the market.

If PC security is important to you, check out SafetyDetectives’s best premium antiviruses for Windows (Updated 2023):

About the Author

Katarina Glamoslija

Updated on: September 27, 2023

About the Author

Katarina Glamoslija is Head Content Manager at SafetyDetectives. She has nearly a decade of experience researching, testing, and reviewing cybersecurity products and investigating best practices for online safety and data protection. Before joining SafetyDetectives, she was Content Manager and Chief Editor of several review websites, including one about antiviruses and another about VPNs. She also worked as a freelance writer and editor for tech, medical, and business publications. When she’s not a “Safety Detective”, she can be found traveling (and writing about it on her small travel blog), playing with her cats, and binge-watching crime dramas.

A good antivirus program is essential to a secure system, and you most definitely do not have to pay for one to get great protection. Below is my hand-picked list of the eight best free antivirus programs that you can download for Windows today.

These programs perform definition updates automatically, are always running to make sure your files are protected from malware and your personal information remains private, and can start scans on-demand whenever you like.

However, each of them do have a few prominent differences that make them stand out, so pay attention to those as you decide which one to use.

Kaspersky Free

What We Like

  • Clean user interface that’s easy to understand.

  • Unique features not found in other programs.

  • Protect your email.

  • Lots of options you can customize.

  • Supports idle and scheduled scanning.

  • Extremely simple setup.

What We Don’t Like

  • Must create a user account to activate the software.

  • Slow installation.

  • Must renew the free license every year.

Kaspersky Free is a good choice if you want a simple program that boasts lots of features. I found it easy to use while testing it, and I like that it offers many advanced options, something you might care to look into.

It’s also useful if your computer is low on system resources because it can automatically postpone scans and reduce display animations if the CPU runs too high. The program supports idle scans for when you’re away and lets you favor performance over protection by altering the overall security level.

A feature called Self-Defense is included, which blocks all attempts to change or delete Kaspersky’s processes, registry items, and installation files.

During my time examining the program in-depth, I think these are some other details worth mentioning: search for rootkits and can delete malicious tools, adware, auto-dialers, and suspicious packages; password protect the program to protect its settings from being changed or to stop it from being uninstalled or shut down; use a file and web scanner as well as Network Attack Blocker, AMSI Protection, Mail Anti-Virus, and Safe Browsing; and enable gaming mode to suppress notifications while using any program in full-screen mode.

I also like these features: auto-pause the scanner when specific applications start up or during certain times of the day; choose what happens when a threat is detected: notify, disinfect, delete if disinfect doesn’t work, or delete; auto-scan external drives or prompt you to scan them when they’re inserted; and schedule quick or full scans as frequently as every minute or at a specified time, or after every update or app startup; choose what gets scanned; skip items if the scan takes too long; speed up antivirus scans by checking only new and changed files; exclude files and folders from scans, and even prevent the scanning of specific threats; see if your email address has been involved in a data leak; and define trusted applications so that they’re not scanned.

It runs on Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7. There’s also an app for Android and iOS that goes by the same name.

Download Kaspersky Free

Avast Free Antivirus

What We Like

  • Add-ons allow you to increase protection.

  • Great customizability.

What We Don’t Like

  • Password manager and some other tools included are trial only.

  • Additional features require purchase.

Avast is used by hundreds of millions of people and ranks high in nearly every «best list» of antivirus programs, and for good reason. If you want a solid program that’s sure to block new threats but is still easy enough to customize, you should consider using it.

Avast’s free AV software works a bit like some of the others in this list; supplemental modules enhance the virus shield and provide additional services related to security and privacy.

The antivirus portion has lots of options you can change, but it’s still easy enough for anyone to use since there are information blurbs next to most items, so you’re not left wondering what will happen if you enable them.

Plus, both definition and program updates are performed automatically (a manual option is available, too), meaning you can install Avast and let it do its thing without worrying whether you’re running the latest and greatest version.

Avast is customizable and lets you make changes to everything from whether to make a sound when threats are detected and how long notifications should remain on the screen, to the kinds of file extensions that should be scanned.

Here are some more features I found noteworthy: scheduled scans, custom scans that can check only the memory, rootkits, auto-start programs, etc., checking all files or just certain file extensions, protecting against ransomware, identifying files by their content instead of their suffix, fine-tuned heuristics sensitivity, scanning for potentially unwanted programs, follows shortcuts to scan the real file, scan archives like self-extracting DOS and Win32 executables and 7Z and RAR, Windows File Explorer context menu integration, exclusions for folders, HDDs, and URLs (but not specific files), custom scans that are easy to save for use in the future, a Rescue Disk utility lets you use the Avast scanner even if you can’t start your computer, particular areas of the program can be protected with a password, and Do Not Disturb Mode.

Before Avast is installed, you have the option to include over a dozen different tools: file, behavior, web, and mail shields; software updater, browser cleaner, rescue disk, Wi-Fi inspector, security and SafePrice browser extensions; password manager; junk file cleaner; and Game Mode.

Wi-Fi Inspector scans the network for devices that could be vulnerable to attacks. For instance, it might identify that a computer is running a file sharing service that has been known to facilitate the spread of a certain kind of worm.

You can install these tools (it takes less than five minutes) and then disable or completely remove them later. Or, you can ignore them during setup and just install them later, or not at all.

However, the password manager and Cleanup tools are only trial versions that will expire after a time-limited trial. There’s also a firewall, file shredder, and sandbox feature that’s unusable in this free version.

Avast Free Antivirus is compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7. There’s also a version for macOS, Android, and iOS.

Download Avast Free Antivirus

Adaware Antivirus Free

What We Like

  • Lightweight antivirus program.

  • Can run as a supplement to other antivirus programs.

  • Silent mode mutes notifications and limits resource use.

What We Don’t Like

  • Some useful features are only usable with paid version.

  • Limited configurability.

  • Real-time email scanning not included.

Adaware Antivirus installs in minutes, is light on system resources, and can be used in one of two ways. The first is in regular mode where it checks for threats as they happen, but the other lets you use it in addition to your primary antivirus program.

What this so-called «second line of defense» does is disable real-time protection, but still lets you use Adaware Antivirus to manually scan for existing threats. This feature is helpful if your primary AV software doesn’t seem to find malware that you know is infecting your computer.

Whichever way you use it, this software provides a defense against ransomware, spyware, viruses, and other forms of malicious software. You can find those threats through a quick, full, or custom scan.

Daily, weekly, and monthly scheduled scans are supported, and you can even run a scan to just check certain things, like only rootkits or just tracking cookies and boot sector viruses, for example.

Adaware Antivirus also lets you choose a custom performance setting to use more system resources to run the scan (to make it faster), exclude files/folders/file extensions from scans, and decide how often to check for new definition updates (e.g., every hour, or once per day).

For real-time protection, you can toggle on or off the following options: scan archive files, scan email databases, deep scan that checks CHM files and executable files, smart scan that skips previously checked files, scan boot sectors, scan files as they move throughout the network, and skip scanning files that exceed a custom file size (e.g., 10 MB to skip video files).

I like that you can also protect the program’s settings with a PIN, as well as enable gaming/silent mode to suppress notifications.

Adware Antivirus definitely has its advantages, but because there’s also a non-free version you can upgrade to, many additional options are not supported.

For example, parental controls and advanced network, web, and email protection are only available in Adaware Antivirus Pro. These options are visible within the free edition, but they’re not actually clickable/usable until you enter a Pro license key.

The official list of compatible operating systems include Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7. I’ve used it in Windows 11 without any issues.

Download Adaware Antivirus Free

Avira Free Security

What We Like

  • Password manager included.

  • Optional additional downloadable protection layers.

  • In-the-cloud antivirus process.

What We Don’t Like

  • Additional features can be annoying.

  • Add-on components often require fee to be fully functional.

Our Review of Avira Free Security

The main component in Avira’s free software suite that makes it stand out is the optional «in-the-cloud detection» feature called Protection Cloud. This scanning method lets Avira’s antivirus tool identify and stop threats before they get out of hand.

This is how it works: When a suspicious file is detected on any computer running Avira, a fingerprint of that specific file is generated and uploaded anonymously to Avira so that they can scan it and report its status (whether it’s safe or dangerous) back to every Avira user so that the program can take appropriate action. 

Avira can scan and remove existing threats, as well as automatically detect and stop new ones. It protects you against ransomware, Trojans, spyware, and other kinds of malware. You can even choose which ones to actively watch out for, and disable others (though it’s not recommended) like dialers, jokes, adware, etc.

This software can also scan on a schedule, check files with any file extension or just the ones you manually choose from, disable the ability to stop active scans (so that viruses can not stop the program from finding them), adjust the scanner’s priority level, scan primary boot sectors, follow symbolic links to scan the actual files, search for rootkits before starting a scan, scan the Windows Registry, ignore files on network drives, automatically repair, rename, quarantine, delete, or ignore threats when they’re found, use heuristic scanning, add files, folders, and processes to the ignore list, manage Windows Firewall settings, password protect the program’s settings, block autorun on removable devices, and make the hosts file read-only.

This program offers more than just a very extensive antivirus application. It includes several other «layers» of security that will install automatically, and they might take a while to download since there are several. However, you don’t have to use them, and they won’t bother you unless you open them.

These separate modules include a VPN that encrypts all your traffic (up through the first 500 MB each month), a password manager to securely store complex passwords, and a software updater that identifies outdated programs and gives you the download links to update them. 

In addition, Avira can speed up your computer and reduce boot time with its tune-up tool, help you find the best deals as you shop online, and warn you of malicious websites or software bundles before you download them.

These extra features were a bit annoying to me while using the software, since I was strictly after an antivirus solution. But again, you don’t have to use them; just keep them tucked away where they are, and you won’t have to worry about them.

Avira Free Security is intended to run on computers with Windows 7 and newer. I reviewed it in Windows 11, but it’ll also work with Windows 10/8. There’s a version for macOS, too, plus a special Windows XP edition.

Download Avira Free Security

AVG AntiVirus Free

What We Like

  • Installs in a few minutes.

  • Choose what to enable during setup.

  • Updates automatically (definitions and the program).

  • You have full control over how things work.

What We Don’t Like

  • Shows features you can’t enable in the free version.

  • Always advertises AVG Internet Security.

  • Doesn’t officially support Windows Vista or XP.

AVG’s free antivirus program is easy on the eyes and even easier to use. The scan button is right in the middle of the screen, turning features off is dead-simple, and all the advanced options are available in the settings.

Like most antivirus tools, this one lets you schedule scans, check for threats in archives, remove viruses right when they’re found, scan USB drives, exclude files/folders/websites from scans, and run boot-time scans.

AVG AntiVirus Free is highly customizable. You can either install it and leave the settings alone to have regular protection, or go into the settings and make adjustments to nearly anything.

I appreciate the option to choose how to scan files— include only content that might include malware (like executable data), only files that use a file extension considered potentially dangerous (like EXE), or all files regardless of content type or file extension.

You can also enable rootkit detection, hardcore mode, and CyberCapture technology, which helps detect threats in unrecognized files.

During setup, you have full control over which components should be enabled or disabled after AVG is installed. Options include File Shield, Behavior Shield, Web Shield, Email Shield, SafePrice browser extension, File Shredder, Cleanup, and Do Not Disturb Mode.

A file shredder tool is included as well, which you can use from the right-click context menu to overwrite files using a few different data sanitization methods.

Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, and XP are the official minimum OS system requirements. It also runs on Mac (10.10 Yosemite and newer), Android, and iOS.

Download AVG AntiVirus Free

I was asked during setup to also install AVG’s web browser, AVG Secure Browser, but it’s just a suggestion. Feel free to uncheck that option if you want.

Panda Free Antivirus

What We Like

  • Light impact on system resources.

  • Minimal, uncomplicated design.

  • Security news about the latest reports of breaches and threats.

What We Don’t Like

  • Tries to install another program during setup.

  • Contains advertisements.

Panda Security’s free antivirus program installs in minutes and has a minimal design. However, even though it’s not a CPU or memory hog, and doesn’t appear to be customizable, all of its many options are tucked away in the program’s settings.

From there, you can do things like set up both on-demand and automatic scans to check compressed files and scan for potentially unwanted programs.

The automatic, permanent scanner includes some additional options, too, like behavioral and analysis scanning options, the ability to ask you before neutralizing a virus, and blocking files from running for so-many seconds until results on whether it’s safe or harmful are obtained from the cloud.

Something entirely unique to Panda Free Antivirus is its security news and alerts sections that can show you critical, warning, and informational messages like when a popular vendor experiences a data breach that could affect your personal information. You can, however, turn those off if you want to.

Something I liked while using it was that I could complete a scan in just a few minutes. It checked only for actively running threats, like browser cookies, processes, and things currently loaded in memory. Of course, there’s also an option for a full system scan or a custom scan; I tried both, and they work very much like these other AV programs.

Here are some other things you can do: password protect the entire application, have the quarantine emptied every so often, disable notifications when in full screen, exclude files/folders/extensions from scans, enable USB protection to scan removable devices as they’re attached, monitor running processes as well as any URLs accessed by them, record everything in event reports that you can browse through and print or export to a TXT or CSV file, use Panda Safe Web to protect from malicious websites, and use their free VPN for limited daily traffic.

This software does a fantastic job at keeping the important buttons up front and hiding the additional options within menus so that you’re not constantly bombarded with options or alerts.

The minimum OS requirement is that you have Windows XP, so it works with Windows 11, 10, 8, etc. There’s also an Android antivirus app from this company, and one for macOS, though it’s free only during a trial.

Download Panda Free Antivirus

COMODO Antivirus

What We Like

  • User interface can conform to your comfort level.

  • Lots of settings can be customized.

  • Run programs virtually.

  • Automatic updates for the program and virus definitions.

What We Don’t Like

  • Settings sometimes don’t save after editing them.

  • Includes other programs and tools you might not want.

  • The software itself is outdated.

Our Review of COMODO Antivirus

COMODO Antivirus excels in a few ways: it can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be depending on your experience level with antivirus tools, it supports cloud-based scans to detect new threats, and the built-in sandbox technology can isolate programs so that they can’t affect your files even if they do turn out to be malicious.

Right after installing this free antivirus program, a scan started on my computer to make sure it was safe. It can also run scans at any time, either quick scans, full scans, scans of commonly infected areas, and custom scans.

A custom scan lets you choose which files or folders to check and enables a host of other customizations like whether to decompress and scan archives, use cloud scanning, automatically delete threats, enable heuristics scanning, check for threats running in memory, skip files over a maximum size, run the scan with full system resources, delete PuPs, and more.

The basic view for the program’s settings runs scans, unblock applications, updates the program, and runs software in a virtual mode, while the advanced view reports more details about those areas of the program and displays logs as well as toggles various things like HIPS and VirusScope.

One area I want to focus on is the virtualization feature in COMODO Antivirus. You can run any program you want in a virtual space completely separate from the rest of your files. It’s an opportunity to test out an application to ensure that it’s real and not just a trick to get you to install a virus. Launch programs in this protected container from inside the COMODO program, or by right-clicking an executable file and choosing the option in the menu.

Here are some other features worth mentioning: password protect the program, show a floating desktop widget, hide the upgrade advertisement, choose which archive file types to unpack and scan, enable real-time scanning of files on the network, define heuristics scanning level (low, medium, high), schedule scans as frequently as every hour to as infrequently as once a month, customize the HIPS rules, turn on Silent Mode, force the auto-containment of suspicious or malicious files, and use a unique password for the Virtual Desktop feature.

The program is officially compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7.

Download COMODO Antivirus

COMODO’s web browser automatically installs during setup, unless you tell it not to. After installation, pay close attention to the options you’re given—you can change your DNS servers to COMODO’s (which presumably improve security and speed up browsing), enable Cloud Based Behavior Analysis, send anonymous program usage, and change the home page and default search engine.

ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus

What We Like

  • Updates automatically.

  • Includes a free firewall.

  • Can run scheduled scans.

What We Don’t Like

  • Heavy on system resources.

  • Slow installation.

ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus, also called ZoneAlarm Security and ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall, is just what you think: antivirus software with a firewall tool built-in. You not only have protection against threats like spyware, viruses, Trojan horses, and bots, but there are also firewall shields to block intruders from reaching your computer files.

Here are some other important features in this free antivirus tool: real-time, cloud-based security updates that rely on millions of other users to stop threats quickly; Gamer Mode blocks interruptions while gaming, such as scans, updates, and alerts; you can set all alerts to be automatically denied or allowed; lock down ZoneAlarm’s configuration with a password to protect its settings from being changed; back up the program’s security settings and restore them later; run quick or full scans on a schedule; a network firewall that can screen every single program with «suspicious behavior» alerts that you have to explicitly allow or deny; and set up notifications for suspicious credit activity.

The advanced firewall is a nice addition that lets you block fragments, trusted servers, and public servers, as well as enable ARP protection, filter IP traffic over port 1394, allow/block VPN protocols, and lock the hosts file.

ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall is said to work on Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 7.

Download ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus

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