Beacon interval что это в роутере

После подключения Wi-Fi маршрутизатора рекомендуется выполнять более детальную настройку устройства для обеспечения стабильной и высокой скорости беспроводного соединения. В данной статье речь пойдёт об интервале маяка вай-фай.

Подключение роутера к ПК

Что такое интервал маяка Wi-Fi

Для начала необходимо разобраться, что такое интервал маяка в роутере. Это информация, которая поступает от маршрутизатора на другие устройства, подключенные к нему, и свидетельствует о готовности роутера передавать сигнал вай-фай.

Интервал маяка представляет собой временной промежуток, по истечение которого маяк отправляется повторно на синхронизированные устройства. Далее будет рассказано, что значит включить SGI Wi-Fi, насколько это нужно обывателю.

Тип преамбулы Wi-Fi что это, описание и настройка Short GI

Short GI — это зафиксированный интервал, который выдерживается между передаваемыми пакетами информации. Простыми словами, ПК, к которому подключен Wi-Fi маршрутизатор, регулярно через заданные промежутки времени получает от него пакеты с информацией.

Без использования функции Short GI на некоторых роутерах скорость обмена информацией увеличивается. Если активировать данную возможность, то этот показатель не будет превышать 800 нс.

Обратите внимание! В отдельных случаях при включении SGI Wi-Fi скорость передачи данных существенно снижается. Это обстоятельство вызвано индивидуальными особенностями передатчика. Интервал Wi-Fi сигнала не должен превышать 100 мс.

Правильно выставленное значение Short GI позволяет минимизировать помехи от соседских маршрутизаторов, которые функционируют на такой же частоте.

Настройка DTIM в web-интерфейсе роутера

Интервал DTIM Wi-Fi что это, описание и настройка

Это интервал времени, по истечение которого пакеты с информацией одновременно передаются конечному пользователю. Значение данного интервала в настройках Wi-Fi маршрутизатора обычно не выставлено по умолчанию. Поэтому пользователю потребуется сделать ряд простых действий по алгоритму:

  1. Зайти в Web-интерфейс своего роутера. Для этого необходимо войти в любой браузер на компьютере и в поисковую строку вбить адрес, указанный на обратной стороне устройства. В открывшемся меню потребуется вбить данные для входа: «Логин» и «Пароль». Эти сведения также указаны на самом маршрутизаторе. Обычно на многих моделях Wi-Fi передатчиков по умолчанию используется слово «Admin».
  2. Ознакомиться с интерфейсом окна настроек.
  3. В зависимости от модели устройства найти вкладку, отвечающую за выставление дополнительных параметров его работы. Этот пункт может называться «Дополнительные настройки сети» и располагаться в колонке параметров слева главного меню.
  4. Найти строку «DTIM» и указать значение 1. Если функция не активирована по умолчанию, то ее придется запустить, переведя ползунок в соответствующее положение.
  5. Сохранить настройки и закрыть окошко Web-интерфейса.

Важно! Устанавливать значение DTIM больше единицы не рекомендуется, чтобы лишние пакеты с данными не оставались в буфере, а были задействованы в процессе работы роутера. Также эти пакеты могут потеряться, если пользователь установит слишком большой параметр DTIM.

В рамках данной статьи также необходимо рассмотреть понятие порога RTS. Это максимальное значение размера пакета информации, который может быть отправлен маршрутизатором за один раз. Если фактический размер пакета данных окажется больше, чем показатель RTS, то информация в зашифрованном виде будет направлена на специальную принимающую площадку, станцию. При этом, отправляя пакет с данными, router всегда синхронизируется с подключаемыми устройствами.

Значение порога RTS также выставляется самим пользователем в настройках маршрутизатора. Однако в большинстве случаев этот параметр выставлен по умолчанию и равняется 2346. Это значение считается оптимальным, и выше ставить не рекомендуется, иначе устройство не сможет получать и обрабатывать большие пакеты данных. Теперь несложно узнать, порог RTS Wi-Fi что это.

При рассмотрении этой темы следует упомянуть про порог фрагментации. Это установленный размер, при достижении которого произойдёт фрагментация пакета данных, то есть он разделится на несколько частей в зависимости от величины. Порог фрагментации обычно равен значению порога RTS, чаще всего не может превышать его.

Активация WMM в настройках Wi-Fi маршрутизатора

Что такое WMM

Это режим, отвечающий за последовательность отправки пакетов информации. То есть WMM присваивает каждому пакету приоритет, время его отправки. Это важная функция, которая требует настройки при первом подключении роутера к стационарному компьютеру или ноутбуку.

Включить WMM можно следующим образом:

  1. По рассмотренной выше схеме зайти в web-интерфейс своего вай-фай маршрутизатора.
  2. Перейти в раздел «Беспроводная сеть». Название вкладки может отличаться в зависимости от модели передатчика.
  3. Поставить тумблер в строку «Включено», если по умолчанию данная функция деактивирована.
  4. Сохранить изменения.

Дополнительная информация! После изменения настроек роутера, связанных с сигнальным интервалом, устройство надо перезагружать. Это можно сделать, нажав на кнопку «Reset» на задней стороне маршрутизатора.

Сигнальный интервал: точная настройка роутера

Процесс выставления основных настроек, связанных с работой сигнального интервала на Wi-Fi маршрутизаторе, был описан выше. Подобные процедуры можно выполнить на многих роутерах, а в частности на TP-Link, Asus, Mikrotik. В общем виде сигнальный Wi-Fi interval настраивается по следующей схеме:

  1. Зайти в настройки своего роутера по изложенному выше алгоритму.
  2. В разделе «Дополнительные параметры» найти строчку «DTIM» и выставлять значение «1».
  3. Проверить значение порога RTS вифи. По умолчанию должна быть выставлена цифра 2346.
  4. Перейти во вкладку параметров беспроводной сети и активировать режим WMM, если он выключен.
  5. В этом же подразделе активировать надстройку Short GI.
  6. Сохранить изменения и перезапустить маршрутизатор, чтобы внесенные значения окончательно применились. Теперь несложно понять, интервал маяка Wi-Fi какой выставить.

Настройка порога RTS Wi-Fi на роутере

Рекомендации по настройке сигнального интервала Wi-Fi

Опытные специалисты дают несколько простых советов, которые помогут избежать ошибок при выполнении поставленной задачи:

  • Ознакомиться с точными значениями параметров сигнального интервала для конкретной модели роутера на официальном сайте его производителя в интернете.
  • Не выставлять показатели выше заявленных значений во избежание некорректности работы маршрутизатора.
  • Вернуть данные у первоначальному варианту, если настройка не помогла.

Таким образом, интервал маяка вай-фай позволяет стабилизировать работу роутера, повысить скорость передачи информации. Главное, при настройки параметров сигнального интервала следовать вышеуказанным рекомендациям. Теперь можно понять, интервал маяка Wi-Fi что это и зачем он нужен.

Beacon Interval is one of the router settings that are often overlooked or less talked about when you are trying to optimize your wireless speed. In this simple to understand guide, we will go over what does Beacon Interval mean, the effects of higher or lower beacon value settings, and finally some scenarios where you can optimize the Beacon Interval value for your router’s wireless connection settings.

What is Beacon Interval
Beacon Broadcast interval is the time lag between each of the beacons sent by your router or access points. By definition, the lower the value, the smaller the time lag which means that the beacon is sent more frequently. The higher the value, the bigger the time lag which means that the beacon is sent broadcasted less frequently.

The beacon is needed for your devices or clients to receive information about the particular router. In this case the beacon includes some main information such as SSID, Timestamp, and various parameters.

Most of the routers out of the box has the default Beacon Interval function value set at 100 ms. In most cases it is a decent number that is compatible with most of the situations. However, it is not the optimal ideal value since it all really depends on how you are setting up your network.

Benefit of Higher or Lower Beacon Interval
High Beacon Interval:
The beacons broadcasted by your router takes up some of the bandwidth that can be used for the actual data transmission. So by having higher numbers, you will be able to achieve better throughput and thus better speed and performance.

Your mobile devices such as tablets (ipad or galaxy), phones such as Apple iphone or android phones, VoIP systems, and laptops may also have better battery life. As your wireless adapter card is able to “sleep” in between the beacon broadcasts, your devices save energy consumption which equate to longer battery use between charge.

Low Beacon Interval:
Lower beacon interval allows faster discovery of the routers because it sends beacons much more frequently. It can help with weak signal with poor reception environments since the devices have better chances of “catching” the beacons when they are sent more frequently. It can also assist with multiple access points with roaming setup, since your devices can make better decisions about which AP to connect to.

In some special cases, low beacon broadcasting interval can improve the connection by “not” letting your wireless devices go into sleep. However, this situation is pretty rare as there are sometimes equivalent router settings that discourages your mobile devices from entering sleep mode.

Common Beacon Interval Configuration Range
Depending on the brand and manufacturer of your router, different brands and models offer different allowable beacon interval ranges. The default is usually 100 ms. And the range allowed is usually between 20~1000 (Asus), 1~65535 (Netgear), 25~500 (D-Link), 1024. The range usually cannot be altered unless you install a third party firmware.

How to Optimize Your Router’s Beacon Interval Settings
Some of the popular guides or discussions simply tell you to change your wifi’s beacon interval to 50 vs the 100 ms default value. It is plainly incorrect or often a bad advice to do so.

To really know the optimal value that you should use, first you should understand what the beacon interval is and look at your wireless network’s router setup to tweak for the best value. In most cases for a basic home purpose where you have a single router or access point, you should generally go with the highest value allowed. Simply go to your router’s setup page, and punch in the highest value and your router will probably let you know the number that they will go with.

The reason behind this tweak is pretty simple, your basic home network probably does not implement multiple AP’s that you can benefit from roaming. And you probably do not roam around your houses at fast speeds while using your wifi devices within your house. May you be watching streaming TV or movies, or playing games, you will probably stay in one fixed spot and not disconnect your wireless connection and reconnect it often.

And in online gaming, you probably already have a decent setup and you usually will stay in one spot with decent signal strength. This means that you will not benefit at all from lower beacon interval values, in fact, you want a highest value possible so that you can save all the available bandwidth for your gaming purposes.

Now, when you start adding multiple AP’s to your wireless network, you may have to be extra careful to tuning of the beacon interval configuration. You want the beacon to be broadcast often enough so that your wifi clients pick up while saving up that bandwidth to make the overall performance worthwhile. In this case, if you are having trouble with roaming at 100 ms, then you can consider to change the value by dropping it to 50 ms first, then tweak the settings continuously while monitoring your network’s performance.

Finally, depending on your actual network usage, you may also need a lower beacon interval. This case is only valid when you have devices that require time sensitive broadcasts such as VoIP, mobile phones that pick up calls, or AirPlay. You do not want to setup your wifi network configuration in such a way that your devices wake up every 10 minutes to pick up calls or notifications.

In general, you will start to experience and really notice performance downgrades when you have beacon interval below 5ms. (Even the the performance downgrade is still there for higher values, they are just less noticeable).

Relevant Beacon Interval Related Terms
Beacon Interval Linksys
Beacon Interval tomato
Beacon Interval Asus
Beacon Interval Belkin
Beacon Interval Cisco
Beacon Interval DD Wrt
Beacon Interval D-Link
Beacon Interval Huawei
Beacon Interval Netgear
Beacon Interval Motorola

Ever have problems with your network connection? Changing the beacon interval on your router is a fairly advanced way to tailor your network to the way that you use it, and as such can be a useful way to optimize your network.

To find out what a beacon interval is, as well as how to make it work for you and the way you use your network, please read on!

What Is The “Beacon Interval”?

The beacon interval is essentially how often your router sends out a signal to your devices. This signal, or beacon, contains data about the access point including configuration and security information.

The basic function of a beacon is to let your devices know that there is an access point, such as a router, in the area that the device can connect to.

  • Difference between Router and Access Point?
  • Best WAPs for Home

A beacon interval, therefore, is how often the beacon is sent out by the access point to the devices in the area. A high beacon interval means that the access point will send out a beacon less often, while a lower beacon interval means the time between beacons will be lower.

It is measured in milliseconds and is usually set to a default of about 100ms. This means that the access point will send out a beacon every 100ms.

While this default setting is generally the best for most people and most uses of a network, there are certain network situations where it can be advantageous to change how often this beacon is sent out.

It should be mentioned that if you aren’t having any problems with your network, it is probably best to just leave the beacon interval as it is.

What Is The Optimum Beacon Interval Setting (High vs Low Beacon Interval)?

High Interval

Setting a high beacon interval means that your access point will send out beacons less often. It can be a good idea if you generally use your network while stationary and you have a strong connection to your network.

By setting access points to send out beacons less often, your devices will do less work and as such, they will use less energy which will allow them to save battery.

As well as this, setting the interval higher can result in an increase of connectivity problems, which can effect the usability of your network.

Low Interval

On the other hand, setting a low beacon interval means your router or access point will send out a beacon more often.

This can give you an improved connection and as such can be used in places where you have a weak connection or in places where there is a lot of network interference.

If you go too low, though, too much of your bandwidth could be taken up by the beacon and you may end up with slower speeds on your network.

Furthermore, your connected devices will have to do more work, which could affect their battery life.

When setting your beacon interval, it is really just a case of finding the correct balance that suits your uses.

How To Change The “Beacon Interval”?

If you think your network will benefit from a change in your beacon interval, you can do this in the settings of your web-based configuration on your router.

1) Log In To Your Router

To do this, simply open up a web browser, type in your router’s IP address and enter the username and password.

2) Find The Beacon Interval Settings

Your beacon interval settings will usually be in the ‘Advanced Settings’ section of your wireless router.

3) Choose Your Beacon Interval

Now you simply need to put in the number you want to use for your beacon interval. Make sure to save your settings before leaving your router’s web-based setup.

And that’s it!

If you don’t notice any difference to the problems your network is having, then you can always choose to move the beacon interval to an even lower or higher number. Just remember that the default is usually 100 and that you can always put it back to the default setting if needed.

Hopefully, you have found this article useful! Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or share on social media if you know anyone who might like the article!

Have you ever wondered how your wireless router works? You need a router to access the internet wirelessly, and this is achieved because your wireless router sends out a beacon so that the connected devices can identify where the router or access point is located.

Think of it in terms of a lighthouse. Just like a lighthouse sends out periodic beams of light to guide ships, similarly a wireless router sends out a beacon to guide devices to where the router is.

Why is It Important to Know About Beacon Interval?

If you’ve ever experienced dropped connections or have noticed that your connection seems to be slower than usual, tweaking your beacon interval configuration could considerably optimize your wireless speed. This is often an over looked configurable parameter when it comes to factors affecting your internet speed, which is why the BlueGadgetTooth team is going to go over the basics as well as showing how YOU can tweak the settings yourself. Read on.

What is Beacon Interval?

Also known as Beacon Broadcast Interval, this is the lag time between the periodic transmissions or ‘beacons’ sent by your router. Your router sends out a beacon to all devices within a certain range. The default beacon setting is set to 100ms as it is measured in milliseconds. Time Units (TUs) are used to measure beacon interval and each TU = 1024 microseconds. Most people don’t tamper with their beacon settings, and if your router and connection is working perfectly fine, you don’t have to do anything with it at all.

How to Set Up Beacon Interval On Your Wireless Router

If you’ve come to your wits end about your connection and you think your network could use a boost, follow these instructions:

1) Log in to your wireless router and input all security details such as your login name and password to your router’s IP address.

2) Go to Advanced Settings – you should be able to see the beacon interval settings given there.

3) Input in a number you want for your beacon interval. (What number you insert will make a difference – read below to know the difference between higher and lower beacon interval settings.)

4) Save your settings.

Benefits of Higher and Lower Beacon Interval

Even though the default setting is set at 100ms, you can tweak it for better performance. Depending on what your problem is regarding your network, you can tweak it to a higher or lower number.

1) High Beacon Interval

This is the setting when the number is set higher than 100ms. When your wireless router’s beacon interval settings are changed for a higher number, beacons are sent out less often than before. This would be good for you if you have a fixed location where you work or play and you have strong signal strength.

If you always work on a desk at a certain location, and you know you have good connectivity, changing your settings to make them higher will also save battery life on your devices as they have to do less work. But you should keep in mind, that if you are always mobile in your home, changing it to a higher interval setting could cause problems in your connectivity.

2) Lower Beacon Interval

When you change it to a lower setting, your access point will send out beacons more frequently. This is great for people who may live in an urban setting which offers a lot of network interference, like apartment complexes. Even if you have a weak connection, lowering the beacon interval could help improve your network.

But remember, there is always an up and a down to everything. The more beacons sent out, the more your devices have to work in picking it up, which leads to lower battery life.

Be careful of inserting too low a number, as you may just end up getting ridiculously slow speeds on your network because your bandwidth is being used up by your beacons.

Optimum Beacon Interval For Your Needs

The optimum setting will also depend on the make of your wireless router. Different routers have different settings. For example, when it comes to Asus, the settings vary from 20ms – 1000 ms, whereas if it comes to D-Link, you could be looking at settings which are restricted to 25ms – 500ms.

A general good rule to follow is that if everything in your network is working fine, don’t mess around with the settings. But if you have a weak signal – go for lower numbers and if you want better battery life for your devices, change it to a higher setting.

There is no fixed number that is optimum for every router or every individual. There are so many factors that go into determining optimum beacon interval settings. These range from your network itself, your signal strength and even the make of your router.

But here are a few tips that could help you out:

  • If you enjoy a strong home network and are not worried about the signal strength, tweak it to the highest number permitted. Try not to go beyond a certain range, like 700 ms as your stability does get affected. Staying between 100ms – 700 ms will help ensure your signal is not adversely affected.
  • If you have a larger space with multiple access points in use as well as multiple connected devices, you could drop the numbers. 50ms onwards is a good starting point and keeping a close eye on the performance will help you understand if something needs to be tweaked further.
  • If you are not careful with the configurations of the beacon, your client could be disassociated with the Access point – basically, not good news.

Final Words

It is more often than not, that we get stuck with less than optimum speeds. If you’re paying for more, but are receiving a sub-par connection, you can up your game by simply tweaking the beacon interval settings. This is one easy way of potentially making a huge difference to your wireless connection – for the better.

Some points to remember:

  • Update your equipment periodically
  • Drop below the default 100ms setting if you have a weak signal
  • Go above 100ms if you want better battery life
  • Keep Monitoring your performance and tweak accordingly

As always, if you need more information on what to do, are having problems with finding your correct settings, write your comment in the section below!

beacon interval

The world has received the web recently as though it is the fourth fundamental need. The initial three were nourishment, garments, and shelter. Whenever the internet goes down, it can feel like everything is interrupted or working in moderate movement.

There are a few things that we all generally do to make the web run. Restarting the gadget is the highest priority on this rundown.

At the point when this doesn’t work, individuals will participate in general checking the working of their router and adjusting the design of beacon interval.

See Also: How to Perform Xfinity Router Login [Complete Guide]

The estimation unit for the beacon interval in milliseconds. If not manually changed, then the access point sends a beacon every 100ms. It is the pace of the event of the reference point.

When Can The Need For Adjusting Beacon Interval Occur?

The response to the inquiry above is necessary. The beacon interval requires change when strategies like restarting neglect to take the web speed back to typical from low. This is where the beacon interval paves its way in the picture. Changing it can make your internet function appropriately.


High VS Low Beacon Interval

To begin with, the preset timing of the beacon interval in most of the routers is 100ms. While all the routers have the setting to modify this time.

  1. Lowest – 2ms
  2. Highest – 700ms

beacon interval info

Extending the beacon intervals beyond 100ms can fabricate the material into consideration. Additionally, it might aid in achieving improved speediness as a result. Right when the switch uses a smaller amount of information transmission to pass on guides.

Also, additional noteworthy measure of the ability of the switch gets focused on orchestrating output. Several people of companies that attempted the methodology found that progressively drawn-out events amongst these can expand the battery life of gadgets together with PCs plus mobile phones or any device using the internet.

Bringing down the milliseconds, in light of the beacon intervals, aids the router to use a prominent supplemental measure of its primary task – sending the signals. This leaves less information move limit concerning the traffic of the internet. Lower between times is an acclaimed suggestion for proceeding through various sections. Like getting in the direction of the passageways. As increasingly progressive conveys grant contraptions to choose the better AP for the affiliation.

In any case, lower beacon intervals have an inconvenience. In contrast to beacon intervals, smaller beacon intervals deplete the battery of the gadget quicker. However, it is a fair trade as it gives continuous internet providers.

See Also: Update Netgear Router’s Firmware | Netgear Router Firmware Update

Should I Consider Setting A New Beacon Interval?

A reasonable decision should be made between the battery and the speed of the internet. In case you’re searching for better web speed, set it low. This will mean giving up the battery. Also, if you want to improve the battery manageability, set it high.

beacon interval

The points of interest of preset values additionally depend upon the set of preset values that your router of yours came with. It can be the same or different for routers of different brands. Take the Asus router, for instance. The range follows starts at 20ms and ends at 1000ms, whereas D-link restricts the reach dynamically beyond 500ms.

It is viewed that the Netgear WG602 switch is a decent switch regarding the internet that is meant to be used in the home. The benefit of this switch is that the set available is simple. Also, it has an office of arrangement on the web. On this page, one shall alter the preset values for the beacon interval alongside other functions.

The Trustworthy Universal Rule

To ensure maximum coverage, it’s important to transform the home system to be more resilient. Regardless, the digits outperform 700ms. It linkages sufficiency, which is bound to change. During such circumstances, you would need to adjust the beacon interval to a number someplace in the scope of 100 and 700ms.

beacon interval structure

The standard changes when more gadgets use your router’s internet. Also by the people than you can count with your fingers. In such a circumstance, it is perfect for dropping the numbers. What I am trying to state is that, here, the preset names are best suited for the beacon interval.

You can also flicker among these digits. Initiate with the time, say fifty milliseconds. And then change to more. Then, see for yourself if transforming it is helping or not.

As of the present time, we do not have any constant millisecond timing, which can satisfy all the needs and work for all the routers. It is like clothes, and you need to figure out the one that suits your body the best. Here the considerations will be the quality of signal — rich or poor, the router in use, and the requirement of battery lasting and personal needs.

Things To Remember Regarding The Beacon Interval 

  • The router itself can also be faulty for the speed of the internet. Consider changing it if it is too old.
  • Routers nowadays come with online access to their setting. Use them to adjust the beacon intervals as per the requirements.
  • Setting the beacon interval high can be advantageous as it gives excellent speed along with a better battery last for the device.beacon interval figure
  • The decrease in the interval will occur if steadfastness is impacted. Keep changing and trying before finalizing.
  • In the case where the signal is frail and, say, encroaching, the unique way to deal with it is by bringing it back to its preset numbers. That is 100ms.
  • Please initiate experimenting with a beacon interval with a setting of 50 to 75ms.
  • Modify these options in like way according to the requirements.

See Also: How to Perform Time Warner Router Login [Complete Guide]


What is the ideal WiFi beacon interval?

The default value (100ms) is the one that the Beacon Interval recommends. And the reason for it is that it’s a delicate setting. It can also disrupt the network’s work (regarding the link with client devices and between access locations). Since beacons are transmitted at the slowest rates and each SSID needs a separate beacon, one would choose a longer beacon interval to lower channel overhead.

Is low beacon interval good?

Anything less than this will quickly deplete your battery, and anything more could result in performance issues because of unstable signals. Remember that one often utilizes a 650 ms beacon Interval because it provides the optimal performance and battery life balance.

What benefit does the beacon provide?

Beacons enable online and offline tailored experiences through in-store promotions, customized notifications, and loyalty benefits. Beacons also offer information on the relationship between advertising efforts and offline conversions.

What is a typical beacon?

The size of a golf ball, standard beacons transmit the iBeacon protocols. Hence, their most frequent use cases are in shopping, events, and various types of navigation.

What does a Wi-Fi beacon frame do?

A mobile node can choose the direction to use a beacon frame to find an improving signal strength. Hence, a mobile device can indicate that it is prepared to accept a structure using a beacon frame.

How does a network of beacons operate?

Beacon technology is a form of wireless communication that transmits and receives data from adjacent devices using low-energy Bluetooth waves. You can use it for many things, including contact tracing, proximity marketing, and interior navigation.


To set a framework, well, it sure is baffling. It gets more complicated if one does not have the brisk velocities & stable affiliation that the Internet Service Provider (ISP) is being paid for.

Changing the beacon interval time can be a smart and necessary way to deal with possibly quickening your unknown affiliation. I hope the content helped you figure out the beacon interval. Revisit us for similar content.


Learn everything that is related to Router Login, IP Addresses in an extremely simple way. Also get access to all the usernames and passwords of different routers.

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