Basilisk ii скачать для windows

(There’s no video for Basilisk II for Windows — 68K emulator w/ floppy support yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

What is Basilisk II for Windows — 68K emulator w/ floppy support?

Basilisk II is a Windows program that emulates 68K Macintosh and is used for color 68K emulation, since Mini vMac remains the best option for B&W 68K emulation and its more realistic than Mini vMac.  It is very accurate and functional, supporting floppy disk drives (1.4MB floppies only, not 800KB or 400KB) out of the box, color, sound, network and even host to guest (Windows to Mac OS) file sharing via the MY COMPUTER tab > Enable external file system option in the setup program.  You can also change the speed emulation to make it slower or faster if the application you want to run is unusable with your current hardware processing speed.


To configure Basilisk II, run the BasiliskIIGUI.exe program.  Make sure the paths are all correct, notably in the MEMORY tab > Rom file path, you should see the Mac OS ROM file. Also in the DISK tab > Installed disks.  You should see the «100MB — Mac OS 7.5.3 — 68k only.dsk» file.  If it’s not right, then make sure you click browse and navigate to select the appropriate files as mentioned.  If you see errors not related to the ROM or DISK file, then consider executing Basilisk II in Windows 7 compatibility mode.

See also: Installing and usaging Basilisk II on Windows tutorial by Fluf

The Mac OS 7.5.3 Basilisk II bundle comes with a 100MB disk image, half filled with a few popular applications from the 90’s:

  • Mac OS 7.5.3 US English (system)
  • QuickTime 3.0.2 (multimedia)
  • AfterDark 2.0x (screen saver)
  • Pyro 4.1 (screen saver)
  • UnderWear 2.0.1 (screen saver)
  • Crystal Crazy 1.0.6 (game)
  • MacWrite II 1.1v2 (text editor)
  • ShrinkWrap 3.5.1 (disk image mounter)
  • StuffIt Expander 5.5 (compression utility)

The Mac OS 8.1 Basilisk II bundle comes with a 200MB disk image, three quarter filled with a few popular applications from the 90’s:

  • Mac OS 8.1 US English (system) / last 68K version, supports HFS+ (extended)
  • QuickTime 4.0.3 (multimedia) / last 68K version
  • AfterDark 2.0x (screen saver)
  • Pyro 4.1 (screen saver)
  • UnderWear 2.0.1 (screen saver)
  • Crystal Crazy 1.0.6 (game)
  • MacWrite II 1.1v2 (text editor)
  • StuffIt Expander 5.5 (compression utility)
  • ShrinkWrap 3.5.1 (disk image mounter)
  • DiskCopy 6.3.3 (disk image mounter)
  • Virtual CD/DVD-ROM Utility (disk image mounter)
  • ResEdit 2.1.3 (swiss knife Mac utility)

Download Basilisk II for Windows — 68K emulator w/ floppy support


Intel x86-64

Compatibility notes

Architecture: x86 (Windows)

Basilisk II should run on any version of Windows NT (2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10…)

Keyboard Notes

With the default BasiliskII keycodes file, arrow keys as well as a few others do NOT work. Instead they may print unexpected characters. keycodes.txt uploaded to this page enables arrow keys and has been tested under Windows 10 with a standard 104 key keyboard.

Fullscreen/Monitors Notes

To go fullscreen under the 2015-02-26 version, press simultaneously [CTRL+ENTER] and note that it can dynamically change the color bit depth (B&W, 256 colors mode, thousands of colors mode) like a normal computer.  To go fullscreen under the 1.4.2 version, press simultaneously [ALT+ENTER] and take note that this is LOCKED to a single color bit depth, so if you launch BII with 256 colors mode, then you will NOT be able to change the number of colors (e.g.: B&W) while the virtual machine is running, you’ll have to close it, change the prefs file and relaunch BII.

Furthermore, weird glitches or a even a totally black screen will show if the resolution is unsupported by your system. I found that 800×600 is the lowest resolution at which the fullscreen mode works reliably.  Also, colors won’t be OK, weird lines and red/blue separation might occur if the color bit depth is set to anything else than 256 colors (at least on my system) so check those things if any of these things happen to you.

NOTE: Read the guide when updating from a build from before 22-09-2020.

Most recent build:
BasiliskII for Windows (28-08-2023) … P/download
-Screen garbage when running «Dark Forces» in Windows full screen.
-due to changes in framebuffer handling, new issues might arise. Please report them.

BasiliskII for Windows (23-08-2023) … q/download
-Scaling when switching to full screen

BasiliskII for Windows (10-08-2023) … w/download
-Drag and drop of one disk image onto the Basilisk window. CD, HD, and floppy images show up on the desktop as read-only CDs. Dragging the CD icon to the trash or choosing «Special/Eject» (Mac OS 8 and above) unmounts the image (when selected).
-Image formats that were already not supported can show up as Audio CDs.
-You cannot a have a real CD mounted and use this option at the same time.
-You cannot mount more than one disk image this way.

BasiliskII for Windows (11-07-2023) … 1/download
— Slow transitions in HyperCard stacks.

BasiliskII for Windows (03-12-2022) … 3/download
-Selecting an OpenVPN tap device in the GUI and running tap based networking.

BasiliskII for Windows (12-07-2022) … w/download
If you use a non-English keyboard, use this keycodes file: …
-Now also plays startup sound upon reboot

BasiliskII for Windows (26-01-2022) … 8/download
-Prevents Windows key press to open Windows start menu, see option Reserve Windows Key in the Keyboard/Mouse tab in the GUI.

BasiliskII for Windows (02-09-2021) … i/download
Fixes: cdrom entry reset at reboot.

BasiliskII for Windows (29-05-2021) … t/download
Built from commit ea3832423c6820a8891e998e73ed9fe0faa268e1
Added functionality:
-Selectable Render driver on the Graphics/Sound tab of the GUI: Software, OpenGL, Direct3D, giving access to hardware acceleration. If selection doesn’t work SDL falls back to software renderer.
-Changed old GUI behavior of refresh rate/frameskip setting being forced to 60hz when video mode fullscreen is selected. Refresh rate setting now stays accessible and also doesn’t save to settings as 60hz.

Basilisk142 (from before the Just-In-Time compiler was integrated): … b/download
The guide to that specific windows version is available here:

Downloads below are no longer available:

BasiliskII for Windows (16-05-2021)
Built from commit 420dc1d5044c9be4cd921bd13298cdc2cde055fe
-A possible issue with the startup.wav not playing at the correct speed.

BasiliskII for Windows (17-03-2021)
Built from commit 80642150819b4bf18faf9ca25aa75209b5094d3b
Added functionality:
-An additional pref item «sound_buffer» is introduced that sets the size of the sound buffer. Size 0 uses the original size, higher numbers shorten the buffer but increase CPU load.
Manual editing of the prefs file is needed to enable this function.

BasiliskII for Windows (06-03-2021)
Built from commit 7471c357c386395ca9447fbe094ce1f1313df797
-Fixes full screen issue

BasiliskII for Windows (27-02-2021)
Added functionality:
-An additional pref item «title» is introduced that lets the main window have a specific title. Manual editing of the prefs file is needed to enable this function.

BasiliskII for Windows 06-02-2021:
-It is now possible to redirect a tcp/ip port from the guest to the host. Manual editing of the prefs file is needed for this.
-Will now play a sound file named «startup.wav» in the Basilisk folder at boot.

BasiliskII for Windows 23-12-2020:
-Fixes uninitialized value causing Quicktime image rendering to sometimes fail after mode changes.
-Build with msys2, contains a working GUI with the required libraries. Both booting and reading CDs in 64bit Windows are supported.
-Contains a readme explaining how the included keycodes file will map keys on a Windows keyboard to Mac modifier keys in the emulator.

BasiliskII for Windows 22-09-2020:
-Build with msys2, contains a working GUI with the required libraries. Both booting and reading CDs in 64bit Windows are supported.
-Contains a readme explaining how the included keycodes file will map keys on a Windows keyboard to Mac modifier keys in the emulator.

Some features added to the MacOS version of SheepShaver might also work in the Basilisk II Windows version. See here: … uilds_only
Note: If you use those features and then use the GUI, the settings will be lost…

Note: Archive of older Builds below.

BasiliskII for Windows 30-04-2020:
-Courtesy of our member emendelson. Contains a readme explaining how the included keycodes file will map keys on a Windows keyboard to Mac modifier keys in the emulator.

BasiliskII for Windows 30-09-2019:
-Contains only BasiliskII.exe to replace your current executable. Courtesy of our member emendelson. Please note the Unix drive shows up as «T», not as «This Computer».

BasiliskII for Windows 20-02-2015:
-You can now again boot from and access real CD’s in 64 bit Windows hosts, and the cdenable.sys driver is no longer needed in 32 bit hosts (but can still be used).
-BasiliskII might crash when an audio CD is in the drive at start.
-Audio CD can’t be played
-For hybrid Audio/Data CD’s only the audio part shows.

BasiliskII for Windows 06-05-2013:
-You can now switch between windowed and full screen modes by using the Ctrl+Enter key combination. All thanks go to our member vasi.
-The famous black screen bug in BasiliskII for Windows should now be crushed. Big thanks to our member dougg3.

BasiliskII for Windows, with startup sound is still available here:
Just unzip and replace your current BasiliskII. Make sure the file «boing.wav» is in the same folder!
More startup sounds can be found here (partly thanks to katoll): … c/download

BasiliskII, the BasiliskII GUI and other files needed (HFV-Explorer, SDL.dll, drivers, documentation, etc) are included is this download:

Original download from 2006 is available here: …

Alternative builds:
BasiliskII 0.8 with WinPCAP networking. Readme included. … D/download

Best wishes,

Leader badge

Basilisk II is a free, portable, Open Source 68k Mac emulator.


GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)

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The AdaptiveGRC solution is a comprehensive suite designed to fully coordinate governance, risk and compliance activities, and information for all levels in any organization. AdaptiveGRC uses a unique ‘data fabric’ to help bind and connect information and functionality.

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  • скачать с сервера SoftPortal (для Windows 32-bit, установочный exe-файл)
  • скачать с сервера SoftPortal (для Windows 64-bit, установочный exe-файл)
  • скачать с сервера SoftPortal (portable-версия для Windows 32-bit, 7z-файл)
  • скачать с сервера SoftPortal (portable-версия для Windows 64-bit, 7z-файл)
  • скачать с официального сайта (для Windows 64-bit, установочный exe-файл)
  • скачать с официального сайта (для Windows 32-bit, установочный exe-файл)

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Значок OnWorks

Бесплатно скачайте приложение Basilisk II для Windows, чтобы запускать онлайн win Wine в Ubuntu онлайн, Fedora онлайн или Debian онлайн

Это приложение для Windows под названием Basilisk II, последний выпуск которого можно загрузить как Его можно запустить онлайн в бесплатном хостинг-провайдере OnWorks для рабочих станций.

Загрузите и запустите онлайн это приложение под названием Basilisk II с OnWorks бесплатно.

Следуйте этим инструкциям, чтобы запустить это приложение:

— 1. Загрузил это приложение на свой компьютер.

— 2. Введите в нашем файловом менеджере с желаемым именем пользователя.

— 3. Загрузите это приложение в такой файловый менеджер.

— 4. Запустите любой онлайн-эмулятор OS OnWorks с этого сайта, но лучше онлайн-эмулятор Windows.

— 5. В только что запущенной ОС Windows OnWorks перейдите в наш файловый менеджер с желаемым именем пользователя.

— 6. Скачайте приложение и установите его.

— 7. Загрузите Wine из репозиториев программного обеспечения вашего дистрибутива Linux. После установки вы можете дважды щелкнуть приложение, чтобы запустить его с помощью Wine. Вы также можете попробовать PlayOnLinux, необычный интерфейс поверх Wine, который поможет вам установить популярные программы и игры для Windows.

Wine — это способ запустить программное обеспечение Windows в Linux, но без Windows. Wine — это уровень совместимости с Windows с открытым исходным кодом, который может запускать программы Windows непосредственно на любом рабочем столе Linux. По сути, Wine пытается заново реализовать Windows с нуля, чтобы можно было запускать все эти Windows-приложения, фактически не нуждаясь в Windows.

Василиск II


Basilisk II — это бесплатный портативный эмулятор Mac с открытым исходным кодом 68k.


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C + +

Это приложение также можно загрузить с Он размещен в OnWorks, чтобы его можно было легко запускать в сети с помощью одной из наших бесплатных операционных систем.

Скачать приложения для Windows и Linux


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