Av asw что это за папка в windows 10

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  • What Is $av_asw Folder & How Do I Delete It? [Answered]

By Ariel | Follow |
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A great many people find the $av_asw folder in their hard disk. What is $av_asw? Is it a virus? How to get rid of this folder? Now, let’s start exploring the answers together with MiniTool.

When you search for $av_asw on Google, you may find this topic is heatedly discussed by users on different forums and communities. After summarizing these user reports, we find the following three questions are mostly discussed, like the user from the answer.microsoft forum.

Lately, I’ve found a folder in both my C: and D: named $AV_ASW. Inside there is a vault folder and within that folder, is a db file that I can’t open with notepad or MS Access. Any idea on this? I’ve tried googling but it gave me avast instead, however, I’ve used avast for more than 3 years now, no such file exists before. Is it a virus or bug or malware or whatever? Please advise. Thanks.https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/avasw-folder/8b63419d-3b47-40f2-acaf-79ea6754e73b

What Is $av_asw Folder

If you are using the Avast Antivirus security software, you may find a folder named $av_asw in your C drive or other local drives. This folder is created by Avast to store the quarantine files, especially the exe files. It seems like an Avast vault in which the potentially unwanted or infected files are stored to prevent them from causing any threats.

avasw folder in File Explorer Windows 10

Where is avast vault folder? Usually, you can find the $av_asw $vault folder via the $AV_ASW > $vault > Vault.db directory in File Explorer. The vault.db files are actually quarantined files which are certain suspicious files found by Avast.

Is $av_asw $vault a Virus

Don’t worry. The $av_asw $vault is a legitimate folder created by Avast. It holds some potentially infected or unwanted files (called quarantine files in Avast) that could cause your computer trouble. That is to say, the existence of the av_asw folder aims to prevent any harm to your computer.

However, many people want to get rid of the $av_asw $vault folder to free up hard disk space. Of course, you can do that using the following methods.

How to Delete the $av_asw Folder

There are 4 applicable methods to delete the $av_asw $vault folder. Let’s start trying.

Way 1. Clean the Quarantine Files in Avast

The straightest way is to clean up the quarantine file from the Avast Chest. This is because the Quarantine folder contains the $av_asw $vault files. Here’s how to do that:

Step 1. Launch your Avast Antivirus software and go to the Protection tab from the left vertical panel.

Step 2. Select Quarantine from the right panel.

select Quarantine in Avast

Step 3. Select all files from the list of quarantine files and click on Delete All. Once deleted, restart your computer and check if the $av_asw $vault folder is deleted.

Way 2. Delete the $av_asw Folder in File Explorer

Another simple way is to delete the $av_asw folder directly from File Explorer. To do so, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Press Win + E keys to open the File Explorer.

Step 2. Select This PC from the left pane and open the driver where you find the $av_asw folder. If you can’t find it, go to the View tab and make sure to untick the checkbox for Hidden items.

untick Unhidden items in File Explorer

Step 3. Right-click the $av_asw folder and select Delete. Then confirm this operation.

Way 3. Delete the $av_asw Folder via Disk Cleanup

If you cannot get rid of this folder smoothly or want to free up more disk space, you can perform a disk cleanup. Here’s a quick guide for you.

Step 1. Press the Win + E keys to open the File Explorer and select This PC on the left pane. Then right-click the drive in which the $av_asw folder is stored and select Properties.

Step 2. Click on the Disk Clean-up button in the pop-up window. Then this tool will scan the drive automatically.

Step 3. After a while, select the file/folder that you want to delete and click on OK. Then click on Delete Files to confirm this operation.

perform a disk cleanup

Once done, restart your computer and see if the Avast folder is removed.

Way 4. Delete the $av_asw Folder via a File Cleaner

In addition to the above methods, you can use a professional file deleter like MiniTool Partition Wizard. It can help you check what files and folders are occupying your hard disk with the Space Analyzer feature. Moreover, you can directly search for the $av_asw folder and delete it permanently in the MiniTool software.

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delete the Avast folder using MiniTool Partition Wizard

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Ariel has been working as a highly professional computer-relevant technology editor at MiniTool for many years. She has a strong passion for researching all knowledge related to the computer’s disk, partition, and Windows OS. Up till now, she has finished thousands of articles covering a broad range of topics and helped lots of users fix various problems. She focuses on the fields of disk management, OS backup, and PDF editing and provides her readers with insightful and informative content.

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Приветствую уважаемые друзья! Будем разбираться с загадочной папкой $AV_ASW, узнаем зачем она нужна, от какой программы.. в общем постараюсь найти информацию и написать все простыми словами! Поехали разбираться))


$AV_ASW — папка, в которой антивирус Аваст хранит файлы, помещенные в карантин.

Удалять папку нежелательно. Если нужно удалить содержимое — лучше это делать через интерфейс Аваста.


  1. Эта папка идет от антивируса Аваст. Может появиться в корне системного диска. На других дисках тоже может быть.
  2. Папка появляется после того как происходит ложное срабатывание exe-файлов (экран поведения), а также после нажатия кнопки Исправить автоматически.
  3. Оказывается $AV_ASW — это папка карантина экрана поведения, который пришел из антивируса AVG, в котором карантин также был в директориях $AVG/$VAULT.
  4. Другими словами в эту папку антивирус помещает файлы, которые потенциально опасные или зараженные, чтобы эти файлы не нанесли вред компьютеру. В самом Авасте можно найти функцию управления карантином и восстановить оттуда файлы, если вы точно уверены что они безопасны.
  5. Удалять папку $AV_ASW ненужно. Это неправильно. Можно просто очистить содержимое через управление карантином в антивирусе.

Карантин в Авасте

Но как открыть? Я покажу способ. Не знаю подойдет ли он вам, потому что антивирус постоянно обновляется, выходят новые версии… но надеюсь способ рабочий))

Итак господа, сперва откройте антивирус, далее нажмите на Защита и вы увидите карантин — он просто называется Хранилище вирусов:

Но еще более простой и крутой способ — это нажать правой кнопкой по иконке в трее и там выбрать пункт Карантин:

При желании в карантин можно добавить файл — просто нажмите соответствующую кнопку:

Также в Карантине могут быть файлы (по факту они будут в папке $AV_ASW), которые при необходимости можно восстановить, только если вы точно уверены что они неопасны:

Еще может быть такое, что файлы будут хранится не в папке $AV_ASW, а в chest, которая расположена по следующему адресу:

C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\chest

Также у вас может быть версия Аваста, в которой чтобы попасть в карантин нужно открыть главное окно > активировать раздел Защита > Антивирус > нажать внизу нужную кнопку:



  • $AV_ASW — директория, которая хранит данные карантина антивируса Аваст.

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$av_asw is one of those folders we are always afraid to open because we think there might be something inside it. But what exactly does this folder contain? And how do we know whether it contains anything important? Let us take a look at some of the most common questions about this folder.

Why is my computer constantly creating new files in the $av asw directory?

If you keep finding new files in $av_asw folder, it could mean that your hard disk is running out of free space. To resolve this issue, you can use Disk Cleanup tool to clean up unnecessary files.

Is it possible to delete the $av asw file?

Yes, you can delete $av_asw file. Once cmd opens, type cd \windows\system32\config\software and press enter. Then type del avsw.txt and press Enter key. Now, close cmd window.

What Exactly Is the $av asw Folder?

The $av_asw directory stores the quarantine files, including exe files. These are files that contain malware and cannot be opened. They are stored here because they might cause harm to the computer system. The $av_asr$vault$vaults.db file contains information regarding the quarantined files, such as the name of the virus, the date it was detected, and the location where it was found.

This folder is used by Windows to store temporary files such as cache data, cookies, etc. This folder is usually located under %temp% directory. If you find a file named $av_asw in your computer, it is safe to assume that this folder is being used. However, if you notice that this folder is taking up too much space, you can safely delete it.

Is $av asw $vault infected with a virus?

$av_asw $av_asw is a virus that is spreading through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It is being called a “fake news worm.”

The fake news worm spreads itself through text messages, emails, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat. Once it infects a device, it starts sending out spam messages. These messages are usually advertisements for products such as diet pills, weight loss supplements, and skin care products.

This virus does not affect the computer directly. Instead, it uses the victim’s phone number to send texts. When someone receives one of these texts, they think it came from a friend or family member. They open the link and download the app onto their phone. Then, the virus begins to spread.

If you receive a suspicious text message, do not respond. Delete the message immediately.

How to Get Rid of the $av asw Folder

The $av_asw folder contains files related to Adobe Flash Player. You can delete it manually, but you must know how to do it properly. If you don’t want to lose anything important, make sure to back up everything first.

Step 1 – Open the Windows Explorer window.

Step 2 – Click on the Start button.

Step 3 – Type “explorer” into the search box.

Step 4 – Press Enter.

Step 6 – Name the directory “$av_asw”.

Way 1. Avast’s quarantine files should be cleaned.

The quarantine file is located in the following folder: %AppData%\Avast\Quarantine\*.quar*

You will see the list of quarantine files. Select the quarantine file(s) you want to remove and press Delete All button to permanently delete it.

If you don’t know how to find the quarantine file, follow these steps:

1. Open the Avast application.

2. Click on the “Show quarantine files” link.

3. Look for the quarantine file in the list of quarantine files displayed.

Way 2. In File Explorer, delete the $av asw Folder.

Another simple way is to delete the $av_asd folder directly from File Explorer. This will remove all the files associated with Adobe Flash Player. If you are running Windows 10, you can do it like this:

1. Open File Explorer

2. Right-click on the $av_asf folder and select “Delete.”

3. Confirm the deletion.

Deleted $av_asd folders won’t be recovered even if you reinstall Windows. So make sure to backup important data before deleting $av_asd.

Way 3. Disk Cleanup should be used to remove the $av asw Folder.

The $av_asv directory contains several folders, including one called $av_asw. This folder stores information about the antivirus software installed on your computer. If you want to delete it, follow these steps:

1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the $av_asvs folder.

2. Right-click on the $av_asws folder and select “Delete.”

3. Click Yes when prompted.

4. Restart your PC to make sure the changes take effect.

5. Run a disk cleanup tool such as CCleaner to free up some hard drive space.

Way 4. Using a File Cleaner, delete the $av asw Folder.

The $av_asw folder contains many important system files, including the Windows registry. If you don’t know how to use a file cleaner, you could end up deleting critical system files. This tutorial explains how to find and delete the $av_asd folder with a free program called MiniTool Partition Wizard.

Итак, вы увидели папку с названием$of_aswна вашем диске и задаетесь вопросом, что это такое? Ваша система заражена? Короче говоря, беспокоиться не о чем. Это законная папка, созданнаяАнтивирус Авастдля хранения файлов карантина (особенно файлов EXE).

Хотя эта папка обычно не занимает много места в вашей системе, даже если вы хотите ее удалить, следуйте методам один за другим, как указано ниже:

Очистите карантинный ящик Avast

Если вы используете антивирус Avast, очистка его хранилища вирусов может привести к удалению папки $av_asw из системы.

  1. ЗапуститеАнтивирус Авасти направляйтесь к немуЗащитавкладка.
  2. Теперь на правой панели нажмитеСундук с вирусамиа потомпустойэто.
  3. После этого проверьте, удалена ли папка $av_asw.

Вы также можете удалить«$av_asw»Папка прямо из проводника Windows. Прежде всего, нам нужно будет показать системные файлы, поскольку эта папка скрыта и Windows считает ее важной. Следуй этим шагам:-

  1. Щелкните правой кнопкой мышиWindowsи выберитеПроводник файлов.

  2. Сейчасоткрыть дискгде вы нашли папку $av_asw. Если вы не можете найти папку, то обязательно включите просмотр скрытых и важных системных файлов.
  3. Затем щелкните правой кнопкой мыши попапка $av_aswи выберитеУдалить.
  4. Сейчасподтверждатьчтобы удалить папку. Если это не помогло, попробуйте еще раз после завершения задач, связанных с Avast, в диспетчере задач.

Выполните очистку диска

Если вы не можете удалить файлы через проводник, очистка диска может решить проблему.

  1. НажмитеWindows, тип:Очистка диска,щелкните правой кнопкой мышина нем и выберитеЗапустить от имени администратора.

  2. Теперь дождитесь завершения сканирования очистки, а затемгалочкавсекатегории, кроме «Загрузки».

  3. Затем нажмитеХОРОШОи дайте процессу завершиться.
  4. После этогоперезапусквашей системы и после перезагрузки проверьте, удалена ли папка $av_asw. Если нет, проверьте, можно ли удалить папку $av_asw через проводник.

Используйте официальный деинсталлятор Avast после загрузки системы в безопасном режиме.

Если вы удалили антивирус Avast, то его остатки могут не позволить вам удалить папку $av_asw. Здесь использование официального деинсталлятора Avast может удалить остатки и, таким образом, решить проблему.

  1. Запуститьвеб-браузериперемещатьсяпо следующему пути:
  2. Сейчасскачатьтотутилита avastclear.exeиботиноквашу систему в безопасный режим.

  3. Оказавшись в безопасном режиме,авторизоватьсяиспользуяучетная запись администратораи запуститьavastclear.exeкакадминистратор.
  4. Затемследоватьпоявится предложение удалить антивирус Avast. Не забудьте указать каталог установки, если антивирус Avast не был установлен по пути по умолчанию.
  5. После выполнения проверьте, удалена ли папка. В противном случае удалите его с помощью проводника, и, надеюсь, папка будет удалена.

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$AV_ASW is something you don’t have to worry about, the reason I will tell you in this article with some use full explanation.

For instance, let’s think about what we do when there’s a problem regarding any computer matter.

We find out the roots of the error that are causing the error to appear on our machine.

Therefore, we will find out about $AV_ASW, what it is, and how we can get rid of $AV_ASW.

What is the $av_asw folder and How to Get Rid of It
| Image Used Under CC License. $AV_ASW Folder in C Drive

$av_asw $vault is a vault folder, and files in these kinds of folders are not meant to be viewed. They are most likely to store data files rather than media files.

This folder appears from time to time if you are using avast antivirus.

In any antivirus, $AV_ASW is quarantine files that prevent your computer from any harm.

What are Quarantine Files?

Normally when an antivirus finds something suspicious, it instantly not only deletes that file but also obliterates it so that no portion of the file exists on a hard drive.

When an antivirus finds or inspects some suspicious files, the antivirus places the suspect file in the quarantine folder.

Files being inside a quarantine folder, a file is stopped for further execution, so it does not have any chance to harm your computer.

Is $AV_ASW a Virus?

This folder holds Potentially unwanted and infected files that can cause your computer trouble, and it helps prevent any harm to your computer.

So, there is no need to worry about having this folder inside your computer’s hard drive.

Also Checkout: How To fix a “RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3” error?

How to Get Rid of $AV_ASW?

This folder contains one file, which is the vault.DB, and it contains quarantine files.

Quarantine contains suspicious files, and keeping them in Quarantine means that they can restore and get back to the service if the files are no longer harmful.

You can also delete the quarantined files from your antivirus.

Follow the method below to delete quarantined files from your antivirus.

  1. Open Avast Anti-Virus.
  2. Click on Protection on the left panel.
  3. Now Click on the third option, Quarantine.

    How to open quarantine in Avast

  4. Select All and delete the files.

    Delete Quarantine files

Once the files are deleted, restart your computer to have a full refresh.

You can also add files into Quarantine if you think a file or a folder is suspicious.

  1. In the Quarantine Option, Click on Add Files.

    Open Add Files

  2. Select the file you want to quarantine.

    Open and select files to quarantine

  3. And done.

The folder is now being quarantined and stopped for further execution.

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Bottom Line

Folders or files that start with any symbol most probably represent suspiciously, and the same thing is the $AV_ASW folder.

Most users get scared if this is a virus or not and if you have seen the $AV_ASW and are worried if this is a virus.

You don’t have to worry about this folder. It only contains suspicious files that can harm our computer and suspends further execution.

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