Аудио микшеры для windows 10

Virtual DJ 2023 b7692

Превратите свой домашний ПК в продвинутую DJ-студию с помощью приложения Virtual DJ. В вашем распоряжении отличный набор опций и инструментов микширования в режиме реального времени, огромное количество эффектов, примочек, настройка скорости и другое…

get_app370 204 | Бесплатная |


RadioBoss — Это программа для автоматизации радиостанций, клубов, вечеринок и т.п. Широкие возможности программы позволяют использовать ее везде, где требуется музыкальное оформление…

get_app33 239 | Условно-бесплатная |

Soft4Boost Audio Studio

Soft4Boost Audio Studio — отличное полнофункциональное приложение для создания и редактирования аудиофайлов…

get_app15 486 | Условно-бесплатная |

FL Studio (FruityLoops)

FL Studio (FruityLoops) — Хорошо себя зарекомендовавшая программа, имеющая в себе синтезатор, драм машину, сэмплы, и все то, что потребуется музыканту для создания своих произведений…

get_app521 817 | Условно-бесплатная |

n-Track Studio 9.1.8 Build 6971

n-Track Studio представляет полнофункциональную многотрековую аудиостудию, позволяющую в домашних условиях создавать свои собственные профессиональные музыкальные композиции…

get_app65 001 | Условно-бесплатная |

MuseScore 4.1.1 / 3.6.2

MuseScore — бесплатный кроссплатформенный редактор нотных партитур с графическим представлением нот и возможностью их ввода как с клавиатуры компьютера, так и с внешней MIDI-клавиатуры…

get_app29 376 | Бесплатная |

Voicemeeter Virtual Audio Mixer

Бесплатное приложение, которое функционирует как программный микшерный пульт, способный управлять любыми источниками звука на ПК. Позволяет накладывать ваш голос поверх аудио с плеера, видеоигры и использовать в Skype или в любом другом VOIP-приложении…

get_app30 440 | Бесплатная |

Giada Loop Machine 0.23.2

Портативный инструмент для производства музыки с открытым исходным кодом, предназначенный для диджеев, исполнителей и создателей электронной музыки. Имеется поддержка многопоточности, неограниченное количество каналов с различными режимами воспроизведения…

get_app308 | Бесплатная |

UltraMixer 6.2.13 Free Edition

UltraMixer — бесплатная версия программы для диджеев или просто любителей поэкспериментировать с музыкальными произведениями. Содержит минимально необходимый набор функций и инструментов для микширования и создания высококачественных ремиксов…

get_app16 544 | Бесплатная |

Serato DJ Lite 3.0.1

Облегченная версия Serato DJ Pro, самого популярного программного обеспечения для диджеев в мире. Данное приложение поставляется с режимом Practice Mode, который не требует никакого оборудования. Это отличный способ начать и понять, что такое диджеинг…

get_app1 830 | Бесплатная |

Arturia Pigments

Виртуальный синтезатор, который предлагает современные алгоритмы обработки и удобный пользовательский интерфейс. Есть сдвоенный фильтр с функцией морфинга, секция эффектов с пространственной и динамической обработкой, встроенный секвенсор и многое другое…

get_app455 | Демо версия |

MAGIX Music Maker

Программа для создания и записи музыки, с помощью которой можно быстро и в хорошем качестве записать вокал, рэп и игру на музыкальных инструментах. Имеется огромное количество музыкальных сэмплов и лупов, разнообразные программные музыкальные инструменты…

get_app2 762 | Бесплатная |

Giada 0.23.0

Giada — небольшая портативная многотрековая аудиостудия с открытым исходным кодом, с помощью которой можно легко в домашних условиях создавать различные композиции…

get_app5 781 | Бесплатная |

Mixxx 2.3.3

Удобное приложение с открытым исходным кодом для диджеев, предназначенное для микширования треков, и которое подойдет как новичкам, так и профессионалам. Включает все необходимые инструменты для создания качественных миксов с цифровыми аудио файлами…

get_app564 | Бесплатная |

MixPad 9.44

MixPad — профессиональная программа, которая позволяет в домашних условиях путем микширования треков быстро создавать музыкальные коллажи, рекламные аудиоролики, саундтреки, ремиксы и т.д…

get_app9 502 | Условно-бесплатная |

Experience sound on your PC in a different way

by Claire Moraa

Claire likes to think she’s got a knack for solving problems and improving the quality of life for those around her. Driven by the forces of rationality, curiosity,… read more

Updated on

  • The volume mixer is a great tool for adjusting the sound settings in your PC.
  • It’s a simple solution that can be used by all everyone and doesn’t require advanced teck know-how.
  • But if you’re looking for something more powerful and flexible, there are plenty of other options.

The Volume Mixer is a useful tool to control the volume levels of your different applications. It allows you to adjust the volume of each application separately and also lets you change the overall system volume.

Since it is a built-in utility that comes with Windows, most users don’t have to install third-party apps. This utility lets you adjust the volume for each individual program and its components.

However, while the volume mixer does its job perfectly, some users may find this tool too basic for their needs. For instance, it may pose some challenges when you want to mute programs in Windows. If you’re looking for a more advanced volume mixer alternative, then you’ve come to the right place.

Does Windows 10 have a sound mixer?

Windows 10 has a built-in sound mixer that allows you to control the volume of individual applications. You can also use it to mute all sounds on your computer or to turn off the sound completely.

To access the sound mixer, right-click on the volume icon in your system tray and select Open Volume Mixer. You’ll see a list of all of your running applications and can adjust their volume levels by dragging up or down on the slider next to each one.

Windows 11 also has a volume mixer but it’s quite different from its predecessor. You can still access it from the taskbar but you won’t be able to adjust the sound for individual apps. There are a lot of clicks involved but if you want to restore the classic volume mixer, you can.

What are some of the best volume mixer alternatives?

Adobe Audition – Strong noise-reduction tools

Adobe Audition is a comprehensive audio program that includes a spectral display for editing, creating, mixing, and restoring audio content. It’s a powerful and intuitive digital audio workstation designed to increase video production workflows and audio finishing.

It offers a Waveform view created for stereo editing and a Multitrack view for mixing tracks on a timeline. You can switch between these two whenever you want and edit your audio using the frequency editor, drag-and-drop interface, and many others.

Additional features:

  • Helpful visualization tools
  • Powerful audio restoration
  • Sound-removal

Adobe Audition

Enjoy this thorough audio editor for video post-production, audio restoration, podcasts, or other preferred activity.

Boom 3D – Equalizer presets

Boom 3D is an audio optimization tool with a full set of features. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows you to edit your sound preference pretty straightforwardly. You can choose from many settings, such as 3D Sound, Ambience, Fidelity, Night Mode, and other good options.

It also provides a range of presets meticulously handcrafted to help you match different genres and individual tastes of listening thanks to its advanced 31-band equalizer feature.

Additional features:

How we test, review and rate?

We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

  • Apps volume controller
  • Volume booster
  • 3D surround technology

Boom 3D

Enhance your audio experience by using Boom 3D to play your media content with incredible 3D effects.

Vb-Audio VoiceMeeter – Powerful volume mixer

VoiceMeeter is a powerful tool that allows you to mix and route audio signals from different sources. It provides you with the ability to mix audio from your computer with other applications such as Skype, Viber, and others, as well as adjust the volume of each application independently.

The program has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to quickly navigate between its various features. In addition, VoiceMeeter features an advanced monitoring mode that allows you to hear what’s coming from each application individually.

Additional features:

  • Free to download
  • Supports multiple audio interfaces
  • Has an integrated recorder

Get Vb-Audio VoiceMeeter

EarTrumpet – Intuitive volume mixer

EarTrumpet is fairly basic, but it does offer some useful features. You can set the master volume and mute channels, as well as change the balance between channels. It is open-source so you can easily modify it if you wish to do so.

The only downside is that there aren’t many features available in this program. However, if you are just looking for something simple that gets the job done without adding additional complications then this may be a good choice for you.

Additional features:

  • Supports multiple languages
  • Replaces the default volume mixer
  • User-friendly interface

Get EarTrumpet

Volumouse – Versatile volume mixer

Volumouse is a free application that lets you control the volume of your system with a simple mouse gesture. It’s very lightweight and doesn’t require any installation, so it’s perfect if you want to quickly adjust your volume without having to open an application.

The program has several built-in options such as keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys and a tray icon menu. It also has a number of advanced features like a delay before changing volume levels, support for multiple sound cards, and more.

Additional features:

  • Supports the use of Hotkeys
  • Does not require installation
  • Supports multiple operating systems

Get Volumouse

Read more about this topic

  • Fix: Internet Keeps Disconnecting When Playing Games on Windows 11
  • Fix: Can’t Disable Background Blur on Windows 11
  • Are Windows 11 Product Keys Backward Compatible?
  • Microsoft might introduce AI-based light-controlling features to Windows

Volume Concierge – Scheduler volume mixer

Volume Concierge is a free application that allows you to set different volume levels for your different applications. It’s not as powerful as some of the other volume mixers available, but it’s a good option if you want something simple and effective.

Volume Concierge lets you set different volumes for different applications and devices, as well as control individual volumes for each application and device. 

Additional features:

  • Allows you to set predefined rules
  • Can set time intervals for audio adjustments
  • Free to download

Get Volume Concierge

WheelsOfVolume – Lightweight volume mixer

WheelsOfVolume is an interesting option that can be used as a volume mixer for your computer or as an audio mixing software. If you’re looking for something simple, this could be a good choice. However, if you want more features, there are better options available.

It’s small and lightweight, but it has enough power to get the job done. You can use this mixer with any type of media player.

Additional features:

  • Free and open source
  • Uses few computer resources
  • Simple and intuitive
  • Comes with an installer

Get WheelsOfVolume

 Audio Sliders – Unique volume mixer

Audio Sliders is one of the best volume mixers. It has a simple interface, but it’s packed with features to give you more control over your sound output. This tool allows users to customize the volume levels of any app.

Audio Sliders has some unique features that make it really stand out from the rest of the pack. One such feature is that you can preset your volume settings for a select app and save them. You can also restore these settings if you changed them before and want to revert.

Additional features:

  • Allows you to save your volume settings
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Has an auto-hide feature

Get Audio Sliders

Sound Lock – Feature-packed volume mixer

Sound Lock is a volume mixer alternative that allows you to manage all of the sounds on your computer. It allows you to change the volume for individual applications, mute and unmute individual apps, and save presets for different tasks.

The app has a variety of options for customizing how it works. You can set a sound limit per output device for desired levels.

Additional features:

  • Free to use
  • Works with multiple audio players
  • Easy to configure

Get Sound Lock

While there are many great volume mixers in the market, you can’t download and install them all. The best you can do is try them out one by one until you find one that satisfies all your needs. This list is in no way comprehensive as there are hundreds of apps that exist as alternatives to the volume mixer.

In case you want to boost your sound on Windows 11, we have a list of bass booster software for you to experience sound like never before.

We also have an expert list of audio enhancers so make sure to check out our article on the same for more options.

Let us know if you have a third-party volume mixer and which one is your favorite so far in the comments section below.

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  • BidJS enables online timed and webcast bidding on your own website. Icon

    Bidlogix provide auction software to auction houses around the globe.
    We offer timed auction software, webcast auction software along with an optional invoicing management system.
    Our software is embedded on your site with fully customisable styling.
    Based in Brighton, UK Bidlogix started providing auction software in 2013. Our 2 in-house development teams are constantly evolving the product with in excess of 10 auctions per day being run using our software.
    Our software can cater for the largest of auctions, all in real-time and can support multiple languages.

  • 1

    Universal Windows Platform app samples

    This repo contains the samples that demonstrate the API usage patterns for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) in the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 10. These code samples were created with the Universal Windows Platform templates available in Visual Studio, and are designed to run on desktop, mobile, and future devices that support the Universal Windows Platform. If you are unfamiliar with Git and GitHub, you can download the entire collection as a ZIP file, but be sure…

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    OBS Studio

    OBS Studio

    Open source software for live streaming and recording

    OBS Studios, also known as Open Broadcaster Software, is a free and open source software program for live streaming and video recording. Features of the software include device/source capture, recording, encoding and broadcasting. Stream on Windows, Mac or Linux. This software is commonly used by video game streamers on the popular streaming platform Twitch.

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    BizHawk is a multi-system emulator written in C#

    A multi-system emulator written in C#. As well as quality-of-life features for casual players, it also has recording/playback and debugging tools, making it the first choice for TASers (Tool-Assisted Speedrunners). Screenshotting and recording audio + video to file. Firmware management, input, framerate, and more in a HUD over the game. Rebindable hotkeys for controlling the frontend (keyboard+mouse+gamepad). A comprehensive input mapper for the emulated gamepads and other peripherals…

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  • 4



    .NET library to run C# code in parallel on the GPU through DX12

    … backgrounds, audio visualizers and more! The sample app is available in the Microsoft Store, showcasing several pixel shaders all powered by ComputeSharp! In order to also build and run all UWP and WinUI 3 projects, these components need to be installed, UWP development workload, Windows 10 SDKs 17763 and 19041, and Windows App SDK extension for VS2022.

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  • Customize SharePoint Without Coding Icon

    QuickApps is a set of powerful SharePoint web apps that lets you build applications that are easily supported, maintained and upgraded, ensuring their long-term impact and return on investment.

  • 5

    Magic Virtual Assistant

    Magic is a simple virtual assistant for day-to-day use. You can open apps, ask questions, play games, and more. All you say is the word «Magic» For example: «Magic, what time is it?» Magic is not recording any audio from you. The only thing is the last command you ran. You can say, ‘Magic, exit.» or close it from the task manager. To open the task manager, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

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  • 6

    Crystal Mixer

    …,52235.0.html) to produce up to 16.1 output channels, or use something else.
    Tested with: Windows 10, foobar2000, Aimp, MPC-HC with Multichannel ASIO Render Filter, JRiver Media Center, Sound Forge, Voice Meeter.
    Current version: v1.2.0.0
    Setup instructions for programms see on website:

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  • 7



    Download and Convert YouTube, SoundCloud & Spotify in MP3

    … for Windows, macOS, and Linux. If you have an antivirus, it may interfere with AllToMP3. If you encounter any problem, try to add an exception for AllToMP3 or to deactivate it. Go in the app/ folder and execute ng serve. Then, in another terminal, in the main folder execute npm start (it allows hot-reload of the Angular part).

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  • 8

    Equalizer APO

    A system-wide equalizer for Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11

    Equalizer APO is a parametric / graphic equalizer for Windows. It is implemented
    as an Audio Processing Object (APO) for the system effect infrastructure
    introduced with Windows Vista.
    — virtually unlimited number of filters
    — works on any number of channels
    — very low latency, which makes it suited for interactive applications
    — low CPU usage
    — modular graphical user interface
    — VST plugin support
    — integrates into Voicemeeter (http://www.voicemeeter.com/)

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  • 9

    Peace Equalizer, interface Equalizer APO

    Peace equalizer is a Windows PC interface for Equalizer APO http://sourceforge.net/projects/equalizerapo. Besides an system-wide audio equalizer on your Windows PC, Peace has an effects panel for balance, crossfeeding, delay, etc., a graph window and much more.
    In short: Peace is an equalizer and audio mixer for all your PC software on any Windows version from Vista to 11.
    Your configuration (e.g. EQ, preset, profile) can be saved and activated again by 1 click, hotkey, tray or desktop…

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  • Make hybrid work a reality with Robin Icon

    Whether you want to make it easier to find, book meeting rooms or search and reserve shared desks, Robin empowers office managers and employees alike to make the office work for them, and not the other way around.

  • 10

    butt (broadcast using this tool)

    The official website of this project is https://danielnoethen.de/butt
    butt (broadcast using this tool) is an easy to use, multi OS streaming tool.
    It supports ShoutCast and IceCast and runs on Linux, MacOS and Windows.
    The main purpose of butt is to stream live audio data from your computers Mic or Line input
    to an Shoutcast or Icecast server. Recording is also possible.
    It is NOT intended to be a server by itself or automatically stream a set of audio files.

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  • 11

    Turi Create

    Turi Create

    Simplifies the development of custom machine learning models

    Turi Create simplifies the development of custom machine learning models. You don’t have to be a machine learning expert to add recommendations, object detection, image classification, image similarity or activity classification to your app. If you want your app to recognize specific objects in images, you can build your own model with just a few lines of code. Turi Create supports macOS 10.12+, Linux (with glibc 2.10+), Windows 10 (via WSL). Turi Create requires Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8…

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  • 12

    AQUA - Parametric Equalizer for Windows

    AQUA is a modern interface for Equalizer APO on Windows. In short, it is a system-wide parametric audio equalizer for Windows devices.
    Please note that AQUA requires Equalizer APO to be installed and configured for the devices you would like to EQ.

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  • 13

    Mpxplay is a commander-style console audio player for DOS and Win32 operating systems.
    MMC is a GUI version of Mpxplay for Windows 7/10 with FFmpeg audio&video playing and translucent windows.
    x265vfw is a H265/HEVC video encoder/decoder codec for Windows, based on x264vfw and x265 library, usefull with VirtualDub.

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  • 14

    Fx FloorBoard

    Fx FloorBoard

    Graphical editor software for many Boss and Roland effect & synth unit

    Editors for the BOSS GT-1, 3, 5, 6, 8, Pro, 10, 100, 001 Guitar Multi-Effects Processors, and the BOSS GT-1B,6B,10B Bass Multi-Effects Processors.
    And for the Katana Amplifier. and various Boss and Roland guitar synths.
    This software can visually edit parameters via Midi,USB, or Bluetooth(via external device on some units) on the Multi-Effects/Amp/Synth Processor.

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  • 15



    Search, Download, Play, Share on Bittorrent and the cloud

    FrostWire http://www.frostwire.com/ is a media player and Peer to Peer (P2P) information sharing client for the BitTorrent network.
    This project is not affiliated with LimeWire LLC. FrostWires’ source code is Licensed under the GNU GPL and Apache Open Source licenses.
    System Requirements
    Any of the following operating systems:
    Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista for Intel processors (64-bit only)
    ● Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) or later (64-bit)
    ● Linux, Unix such as Solaris (64-bit)
    ● Android…

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  • 16



    Set app volumes with real sliders! Arduino project to build hardware

    deej is an open-source hardware volume mixer for Windows and Linux PCs. It lets you use real-life sliders (like a DJ!) to seamlessly control the volumes of different apps (such as your music player, the game you’re playing and your voice chat session) without having to stop what you’re doing. Control your microphone’s input level. Lightweight desktop client, consuming around 10MB of memory. Runs from your system tray. Helpful notifications to let you know if something isn’t working. The sliders…

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  • 17

    Many people use screen recording to produce tutorials, record gameplay, or capture a video call. There are numerous solutions available, each with its features and benefits. And you’re in luck if you’re browsing for a free and trustworthy screen recorder for Windows 10 because this software is one of Windows’s best free screen recorders. Indeed, professional streamers, YouTubers, and gamers worldwide use this powerful software. It allows you to seamlessly record your screen, webcam, and audio

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  • 18



    Automatic audio RMS normalizer & splitter

    Fast batch audio processor for automatic loudness adjustment and audio files splitting.
    The software automatically normalizes a batch of files to a given RMS volume, and can split tracks in several ones by detecting low level («noise») chunks. It embeds :
    — a multi-band limiter,
    — an Automatic Gain Control,
    — an automated 10 bands equalizer,
    — a classic 3 bands semi-parametric equalizer,
    — a noise gate,
    — a trimming function,
    — user preset management.
    Portable version needs VC 2015 RunTime…

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  • 19

    OpenClinic GA

    OpenClinic GA

    Open Source Integrated Hospital Information Management System

    OpenClinic GA is an open source integrated hospital information management system covering management of administrative, financial, clinical, lab, x-ray, pharmacy, meals distribution and other data. Extensive statistical and reporting capabilities.

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  • 20


    PlayPcmWin is yet another opensource audio player for audiophiles.
    Supported Platforms: Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7.
    Manuals: http://sourceforge.net/p/playpcmwin/wiki/PlayPcmWinEn/
    Changelog: http://sourceforge.net/p/playpcmwin/wiki/ChangelogEn/
    日本語: http://sourceforge.net/p/playpcmwin/wiki/PlayPcmWinJp/
    ■■■■■ Other apps from this project ■■■■■
    List: https://sourceforge.net/p/playpcmwin/wiki/
    他のアプリと説明: https://sourceforge.net/p/playpcmwin/wiki/

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  • 21

    Mega Switcher, interface Equalizer APO

    Mega Switcher is a new interface for Equalizer APO :
    — It’s geared towards listening sessions (for 1 or 2 users simultaneously),
    — It provides an easy way to manage your own collection of audio devices and all their EQ presets, using the power of Equalizer APO.
    Full control is at your fingertips!
    Headphones (AE-OE and IE) and Loudspeakers are supported. HeSuVi is supported too.
    15.000 headphone EQ presets are included : Harman presets (thanks to the AutoEQ and Oratory1990 databases…

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  • 22

    Black Fisher BOT - Albion Online

    Fast minigame excecution.
    Random cast time.
    Low CPU usage usually (1-2%).
    Celphone notifications through the discord app.
    Reconnect in case of lost connection.
    Not detectable because its fully external based in pixel searches.
    (Even the audio).
    Only for windows 10.
    No need install extra programms.

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  • 23

    Winamp ASIO plugin

    … available as a Windows and Linux program for upsampling and saving audio files. <<<
    Test and development system: 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 (Windows 7) and Windows 10 with Winamp 5, Texas Instruments XIO2213A 1394b OHCI (Firewire) card and MOTU UltraLite mk3 hybrid sound card.
    Homepage on sourceforge:

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  • 24

    Advanced Youtube Client - AYC

    AYC is a highly responsive, no nonsense, easy to use, fast video downloader from the text based era.
    Test builds are now available on Telegram: https://t.me/s/ayc_news. Try latest features and fixes before everyone else.
    How to install: https://github.com/adithya-s-sekhar/advanced-youtube-client-ayc#installation
    v4.15 — 07/Oct/2023
    AYC is no longer released as EXE’s.

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  • 25



    The SpatGRIS is an external multichannel sound spatializer.

    UPDATE (September 2023): New version 3.2.11
    • SpatGRIS is now Universal (Intel and M1-M2) and with newest MacOS, including 13.5
    • SpatGRIS uses BlackHole, a very powerful and flexible virtual audio device with 256 channels.
    • French Manual
    • SpatGRIS PLAYER: a new function that allows using SpatGRIS3 as a standalone software to play any piece encoded by it to any speaker setup.
    • CUBE mode uses a new algorithm : MBAP (Matrix Based Amplitude Panning).
    • SpatGRIS can now be used in «HYBRID…

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