Аудио компрессор скачать для windows

Хорошо известно, что MP3 — это аудиоформат с потерями, но иногда вам все еще нужен MP3 компрессор для вашего устройства. Сжатие MP3 означает создание дополнительного пространства и хранение большего количества файлов. Сегодня нам стало удобно слушать музыку и аудиофайлы на мобильном устройстве, таком как iPhone, Android-телефон или планшет. Несмотря на то, что производители постоянно расширяют емкость хранилища, она не может удовлетворить потребности пользователей. В качестве альтернативы мы должны уменьшить размер файлов MP3. В этой статье определяется и рассказывается о лучшем уменьшении размера 8 MP3 для Windows 11/10/8/7 и macOS. Бесплатно загрузите минимизатор файлов или сожмите размер файла MP3 онлайн напрямую.

MP3 Compressor

MP3 Compressor

  • Часть 1: Лучшее программное обеспечение для сжатия 4 MP3 на Windows и Mac
  • Часть 2: 4 лучших бесплатных аудиокомпрессора MP3 онлайн

Часть 1: Лучшее программное обеспечение для сжатия 4 MP3 на Windows и Mac

Топ 1: AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate

При сжатии файлов MP3 вы можете сосредоточиться на нескольких вещах, таких как качество вывода, простота использования и многое другое. AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate мощный компрессор MP3 для Windows и Mac. Он предлагает несколько способов сжатия медиа-файлов.


  • Сжимайте MP3, разделяя длинные аудиофайлы на клипы.
  • Отрегулируйте битрейт и другие параметры, чтобы уменьшить размер файла MP3.
  • Сжимайте размер файла MP3 с высокой степенью сжатия.
  • Совместим с Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 и Mac OS.
  • Пакетная обработка файлов MP3 одновременно.


  • После бесплатной пробной версии вам необходимо приобрести компрессор MP3.

В общем, Video Converter Ultimate — это самый простой способ сжатия MP3 на ПК и Mac.

Чтобы сжать файлы MP3, вы можете сжать битрейт и сократить длину аудио, чтобы сделать размер меньше. AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate может помочь вам уменьшить размер файла двумя способами.

Сжимайте MP3 напрямую

1.Бесплатно скачать лучший компрессор MP3

Загрузите это программное обеспечение для сжатия MP3 на свой компьютер с Windows или Mac.

Перейдите Ящик для инструментов Вкладка и выберите Аудио Компрессор.

Выберите аудиокомпрессор

2.Выберите степень сжатия MP3

Перетащите файл MP3 в это программное обеспечение, и теперь вы можете увидеть интерфейс редактирования. Здесь вы можете изменить размер файла, перемещая полосу обработки степени сжатия. Или просто щелкните значение размера файла, чтобы уменьшить размер файла MP3.

Скорость сжатия MP3

3.Экспортируйте сжатый файл MP3

Нажмите предварительный просмотр для прослушивания звука в формате MP3 в соответствии с вашими требованиями. При желании выберите выходной формат, если вы хотите конвертировать, и, наконец, нажмите Сжимать чтобы начать уменьшать размер MP3 и сохранять сжатый файл на вашем компьютере.

Сжать MP3

Сжимайте MP3, сокращая длину файла

1.Установите лучший MP3-компрессор

Загрузите и установите лучший компрессор MP3 на свой компьютер. Существует специальная версия для Mac.

Затем запустите его и нажмите Добавить файлы Кнопка для импорта файлов MP3, которые вы хотите сжать.

Добавить MP3

2.Разделение больших файлов MP3

Если файл MP3 очень длинный, лучше разбить его на несколько клипов. Это может ускорить процесс передачи и обмена. Нажмите на Порез меню на верхней ленте, чтобы открыть окно клипа. Затем нажмите на график и нажмите Трещина значок, чтобы разделить его на два клипа. Ударил OK чтобы подтвердить это и вернуться к домашнему интерфейсу.

Сплит MP3

3.Сжимайте MP3, регулируя битрейт

Нажмите кнопку раскрывающегося списка Преобразовать все в и выберите MP3 в качестве выходного формата. щелчок Пользовательский профиль рядом с форматом MP3, чтобы открыть диалоговое окно «Параметры профиля». Затем отрегулируйте Поток и Частота дискретизации сжимать MP3 дальше. Наконец, нажмите Создать новый , а затем Конвертировать все кнопка для сжатия файлов MP3.

Отрегулируйте настройки MP3

Не только MP3 аудио файлы, он также поддерживает сжать файлы MP4 на твоем компьютере.

Топ 2: Monkey’s Audio

Обезьяна Аудио

Monkey’s Audio — быстрый аудио компрессор для Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / XP / Vista. Это совершенно бесплатно и легко в использовании. Если вы предпочитаете бесплатное программное обеспечение с простым интерфейсом, это может быть хорошим вариантом.


  • Высоко оптимизирован и эффективен при сжатии MP3.
  • Сжимайте аудио для большинства популярных медиаплееров.


  • Этот компрессор MP3 недоступен для Mac.
  • Он использует много ресурсов процессора при работе.

Top 3: Audacity


Audacity — популярное аудио решение для широкого спектра платформ, включая Windows, Mac и Linux. В качестве проекта с открытым исходным кодом этот компрессор MP3 является бесплатным, независимо от того, используете ли вы новый или старый компьютер.


  • Интегрируйте компрессор MP3 с несколькими опциями.
  • Сжатие записанного или существующего файла MP3.
  • Кроме того, оптимизирует файлы MP3 до 320 кбит / с.


  • Этот MP3-компрессор сложно освоить.
  • Он может содержать вирус, если вы получили его с незащищенного сайта.

Топ 4: Freemake Audio Converter

Freemake Audio Converter

Freemake Audio Converter — это не только конвертер медиафайлов, но и возможность сжатия файлов MP3 в Windows 10 / 8 / 8.1 / 7 / Vista. Бесплатное программное обеспечение является хорошим вариантом для сжатия файлов MP3, если у вас ограниченный бюджет.


  • Пакетное сжатие нескольких файлов MP3 быстро.
  • Поддержка широкого спектра мультимедийных форматов.
  • Включите пресеты для преобразования и сжатия MP3.


  • Бесплатная версия может обрабатывать только файлы MP3 менее 3 минут.
  • Он не включает функции редактирования аудио.

Часть 2: 4 лучших бесплатных аудиокомпрессора MP3 онлайн

Top 1: AnyMP4 Audio Compressor онлайн

AnyMP4 Аудио Компрессор Онлайн


AnyMP4 Аудио Компрессор Онлайн является одним из самых простых по размеру компрессоров для таких аудиофайлов, как MP3, WAV, WAV, FLAC и других. Этот онлайн-компрессор файлов MP3 может уменьшить размер файла с высокой степенью сжатия.


  • Абсолютно бесплатно уменьшить размер файла MP3.
  • Онлайн без рекламы и загрузки плагинов.
  • Высокая поддержка различных аудиоформатов, таких как MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, FLAC и т. д.
  • Сжимайте размер файла MP3 на Android, iPhone, Windows и Mac онлайн.


  • Он не поддерживает пакетное сжатие MP3.

Топ 2: вы сжимаете

Вы сжимаете


Как следует из названия, You Compress позволяет сжимать аудиофайлы MP3 онлайн. Он не требует установки программного обеспечения при сжатии MP3. Таким образом, это удобный способ сжатия аудио для большинства популярных медиаплееров.


  • Один щелчок, чтобы уменьшить размер файла MP3.
  • Сжимайте только размер файла, но не ухудшайте качество звука.
  • Нет ограничений на количество файлов, обрабатываемых ежедневно.


  • Этот компрессор MP3 не предлагает никаких пользовательских опций.
  • Он не может расшифровать защищенный MP3.

Топ 3: MP3Smaller



MP3Smaller — хорошая отправная точка для сжатия файлов MP3 в сети, хотя вам приходится сталкиваться с некоторыми недостатками, такими как ограничение размера файла. Если у вас есть только несколько небольших аудио файлов для сжатия, вы можете использовать это веб-приложение бесплатно.


  • Загрузите файл MP3 с жесткого диска для сжатия.
  • Предложите десять предустановок для быстрого сжатия MP3.
  • Не требует регистрации или авторизации.


  • Компрессор MP3 может обрабатывать только один MP3 за раз.
  • Вы можете сжать MP3 только до 150 МБ.

Топ 4: онлайн-аудио конвертер



Online Audio Converter — это аудио инструмент 123APPS, который доступен практически для всех веб-браузеров, включая Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari и т. Д. Несмотря на то, что он представляет собой онлайн-компрессор MP3, он даже лучше, чем некоторые настольные программы.


  • Абсолютно бесплатное использование онлайн.
  • Загрузите файлы MP3 с компьютера, Google Диска, Dropbox или URL-адреса.
  • Отрегулируйте качество и битрейт, чтобы уменьшить размер аудиофайла.


  • Вы должны просматривать рекламу на странице компрессора MP3.
  • Он не может обрабатывать файлы MP3, защищенные авторскими правами.


Основываясь на нашем обзоре выше, вы должны освоить как минимум 8 MP3 компрессорные приложения, чтобы создать файл MP3 меньшего размера. Все они имеют уникальные преимущества и преимущества. Например, Audacity и Freemake Audio Converter являются бесплатными программами для сжатия аудиофайлов на компьютере. Лучшие онлайн-компрессоры MP3 позволяют вам делать это без установки какого-либо программного обеспечения. Если вы не хотите терять качество звука, AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate может удовлетворить ваши потребности. Больше вопросов? Запишите их в области комментариев ниже.



Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7


Mp3 Compressor — это утилита для сжатия и конвертирования аудио файлов в формат МР3 без потери качества. Поддерживает форматы MP3, Flac, Wav, OGG, Wma, Ape, Aac, m4a, Aiff.                    


Among the sea of free plugins that is the internet, we venture to find the 11 best free compressor plugins in 2023.

Compressors are one of the crucial effects in music production, from the very early mixing to the final mastering session. A good compressor can be the difference between a smooth, dynamic track and a harrowing mess. But that’s not it; using a proper compressor for the right purpose can make your job much easier.

In a nutshell, here are the best free compressor plugins in 2023: 

1. Analog Obsession BUSTERse (SSL Compressor)

2. Variety of Sound density MKIII (Mastering Compressor)

3. Analog Obsession VariMoon (Vari-Mu Compressor)

4. Analog Obsession Britpressor (Vintage Compressor)

5. Integraudio & Sixth Sample Cramit (Multiband Dynamics)

6. AudioDamage Rough Rider 3 (Bus Compressor)

7. Audio Tools Leveling Tool (Opto Compressor)

8. TDR Kotelnikov (Mastering Compressor)

9. Xfer Records OTT (Multiband Dynamics)

10. Melda MCompressor (Versatile Compressor)

11. TDR VladG Molot (Transparent Compressor)

Hence, in this article, we have compiled multiple varieties of compressors, including the ultra-fast digital, coloring mastering compressors, the classic vari-mu, etc. Our suggestion would be to identify which kind of compressor you require and selecting one from each category. Of course, an honest try of each is the best way to decide.

Now, without further ado, let’s get on with our list.

1. Analog Obsession BUSTERse (SSL Compressor)

More Info & Download

Analog Obsession’s BUSTERse plugin can be your main tool for “gluing” mixes.

Now, what do you use the bus compressor for anyway? First, it allows you to shape transients, and second, to get the effect of “gluing” the mix as a whole. The SSL Bus Compressor is a very popular equipment for this, which was part of the console. But now, there are enough plugins that emulate its operation.

Such is the free software BUSTERse from Analog Obsession. Its main feature is that, in addition to the compressor settings, it has many additional features that will help you affect the character and dynamics even more. Let’s now try to take them all apart.

20 Best FREE Mixing VST Plugins For Musicians 2022 | integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Familiar Compressor Settings
    If you already have experience with SSL-style compressors, then the set of basic settings will not discourage you. In particular, there is the usual Auto Release, Ratio from 1.5 to 10, Attack from 0.1 to 30 milliseconds, Make-Up Gain, and Threshold control.
  • Dry/Wet Control
    Unlike many paid plugins, the developers have also implemented the Mix knob, which implies selecting the ratio of Dry and Wet signals. This parameter can be very helpful if, for example, you want to do a parallel compression for drums.
  • Additional Mods
    At the top right of the plugin window, you will get three buttons that are responsible for mods. In particular, the first Main will work like the usual bypass. Also, here is the Turbo, which will bring the plugin to work more similarly to the original unit. And in addition, there is an Xformer mode to get more saturation.
  • Sidechain Filter
    The Sidechain section makes your work with the plugin most exciting. You can use it to influence how the compressor perceives frequencies. For example, there is a High Pass Filter here and two Mid and HF knobs.
  • Transients Shaping
    On top of that, the Sidechain section has another set of TR controls to help you influence the transients a bit more. For example, you will find a Tilt control that will boost the high frequencies and cut the lows, or vice versa. In addition, there are also separate Mix and Boost knobs.

Free Plugin Friday | Analog Obsession BusterSE | SSL Style VCA Bus Compressor


Analog Obsession BUSTERse is available for Windows 7 or higher and macOS 10.9 or higher. It comes in VST/3 and AU formats.


Analog Obsession’s BUSTERse plugin may seem a bit complicated at first. But if you learn how to use it, it can become a powerful tool for bus compression. This software will allow you to “glue” the mix and influence the transients in the best way. And the fact that it’s free is wonderful.

2. Variety of Sound density MKIII (Mastering Compressor)

More Info & Download

Density MkIII is a smooth bus compressor ideal for gluing groups of instruments.

Variety Of Sound has developed many free plugins, and their Density MkIII is one of the most valuable plugins. While the sound may not exactly be akin to analog, the interface is designed to look similar to hardware bus compressors. You might find it handy for compressing sub-mixes.

Variety of Sound density MKIII - The 11 Best Free Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Stereo Processing
    The plugin features three processing modes: L/R, Stereo, and M/S. In L/R mode, the left and right channels are processed separately, whereas they are linked in Stereo mode. And similarly, in M/S mode, you can process the mid and the side signals separately.
  • Side-Chain
    The plugin lets you target the incoming audio signal or an external side-chain source by flipping the SC switch. Similarly, you can engage a limiter mode, which has a higher compression ratio. Note that it’s not a brick-wall limiter.
  • Timing & Range
    Density MkIII features six “timing” modes, setting the attack and release time to preset amounts found in esteemed hardware compressors. Similarly, the Range knob controls the maximum level of compression the plugin applies. Use it if your bus has loud but inconsistent transients that need preserving.

Density mkIII (master buss) by Variety Of Sound


The plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher for both 32-bit and 64-bit. It comes in VST 2 format.


The controls in Density MkIII can be a little limiting when compared to other compressors. However, if you like the smooth sound, the plugin is well worth keeping. The Range parameter also helps preserve loud transients, like drum strikes.

3. Analog Obsession VariMoon (Vari-Mu Compressor)

More Info & Download

VariMoon is, you guessed it, an emulation of a vari-mu compressor.

Analog Obsession has been making emulated plugins for a while. And VariMoon is modeled after the legendary Fairchild 660 compressor. It features an easy-to-use interface with deep component emulation to deliver authentic sound. However, the interface differs by a good deal.

VariMoon has a fixed attack of 10 ms with six positions for the release, including two auto modes. Before talking more about VariMoon’s features, we would like to point out another Analog Obsession’s bus compressor BUSTERse, a great free stereo compressor with EQ and side-chain.

Analog Obsession Varimoon Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Variable Input
    As a vari-mu compressor, variable input is what it’s all about. So, the first knob, Input Attenuation, lets you set the input drive from -18 to +18 dB. You can use it to drive the internal circuit and get saturation. In addition, it also features a high-pass filter labeled HPF that has a range of 20 Hz to 500 Hz.
  • Threshold
    A feature that plugins of this nature don’t provide is a separate threshold. However, VariMoon employs a ratio control (DC Threshold) and an actual threshold (AC Threshold) with a range of 50 dB. It’s crucial if you want clean compression without a driven input.
  • Oversampling
    Finally, the Analog Obsession logo lets you enable a 4x oversampling to help you avoid aliasing caused by the saturation. However, since the plugin is relatively modest when it comes to saturation, you can get away without oversampling in most cases to save CPU.

VariMoon V5.0 by Analog Obsession (Fairchild 660 style Vari-Mu Comp)


VariMoon is available for Windows 7 or higher 32-bit and 64-bit and macOS 10.9 64-bit only. It comes in VST 2/3 and AU formats.


If you are after an analog-sounding compressor with plenty of features, look no further from VariMoon. The relatively fast attack makes it more of a clipping compressor than a gluing compressor, though. So, you will benefit from using it on vocals, instruments, and drum stems if you are looking to reduce harsh transients.

4. Analog Obsession Britpressor (Vintage Compressor)

More Info & Download

Get the sound of the Beatles and early Pink Floyd with this plugin.

Britpressor is an emulation of the classic British channel compressor that was the sound of many hit albums from the 60s and beyond. The plugin is actually a part of a three-plugins bundle called BritBundle, which includes a preamp/filter, a compressor, and a complete channel.

Analog Obsession Britpressor Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Limiter
    The plugin features a limiter as well as a compressor. However, it doesn’t function well as a mastering limiter. Instead, it is much more preferable for clipping off drum busses or instrument tracks to keep everything under control. The second needle meter shows its gain reduction.
  • Built-in Preamp
    The built-in preamp gives the plugin its warm sound. Furthermore, you can also drive the input using the three-band EQ provided. If you enjoy warm, saturated sounds, you can control which part of your frequency spectrum gets more treatment with ease.
  • External Side-Chain
    In addition to everything else, it also features an external side-chain input, which is well known for ducking your synths or bass when the kick hits. Note that you can use the EQ we mentioned earlier to adjust the level of detected frequencies too.

Analog Obsession Britpressor Sound Demo


Bitpressor is available for Windows 7 or higher 32-bit and 64-bit and macOS 10.9 64-bit only. It comes in VST 2/3 and AU formats.


Using channel plugins is a great way to save time. If you don’t own one yet, the BritBundle is a great starting point. Further, with Bitpressor’s 4x oversampling capability, you will always get pristine quality. Not to mention the handy mix knob for easy NY/parallel compression.

5. Integraudio & Sixth Sample Cramit (Multiband Dynamics)

More Info & Download

Cramit by Integraudio is a free multiband compressor and distortion plugin. 

The plugin combines the classic OTT sound with distortion effects, creating an interesting sonic character that you can use to add a new flavor to your mixes/productions. With an easy and user-friendly GUI and parameters like Distortion, Drive, Type, Pre/Post buttons, Speed, Depth, etc., you can use the plugin for dynamic processing and interesting morphing and distortion effects.

Key Features:

  • Multi-band processing
    Featuring a 3-band upwards/downwards compressor with expansion and solo/bypass options for each band, the plugin allows you to easily apply compression or expansion to specific frequency bands to achieve the desired sound effect. This feature can be particularly useful when balancing the mix or fixing issues with specific frequencies.
  • Harmonic processing
    Cramit also includes a distortion section with seven different types and mixing controls. This feature adds a unique character to the sound and can help you achieve the desired tonal coloration. The distortion unit can be particularly useful for enhancing the warmth and grittiness of recordings, adding more depth and dimension to the sound.
  • Intuitional GUI
    One of the standout features of Cramit is its user-friendly interface. The plugin features a simple and intuitive design that makes it easy to use, even for beginners. The interface provides insightful visuals that allow you to quickly and easily see the changes you make to the audio. This makes it easier to fine-tune your audio and achieve the desired sound quality.
  • Presets
    There are ten factory presets that the plugin comes with that provide you with a starting point for your audio processing. These preset can be modified and customized to suit individual needs and preferences, making it easy to get the desired sound quickly.
  • CPU-efficient
    The plugin balances functionality and usability while still being efficient in processing power. This is an important feature, as it ensures you can apply the necessary processing without encountering issues such as lag or system crashes.


Regarding compatibility, Cramit is designed to work on 64-bit or 32-bit VST3 or 64-bit AAX support on Windows 8.1 or newer and on 64-bit AU, VST3, or AAX support on macOS 10.9 or newer.


To summarize, the plugin’s interface, additional parameters, and presets are what works for it and give it an edge. In addition, it’s free, so it will cost nothing to keep it in your mixing arsenal. Overall, it’s a great alternative for OTT, with additional features that make it a versatile multi-band compression plugin.

6. AudioDamage Rough Rider 3 (Bus Compressor)

More Info & Download

Rough Rider 3 is a digital compressor that boasts a fabulous interface.

Having existed for over a decade, Rough Rider 3 remains a strong contender among the most reliable and quality compressor plugins. It features all the standard parameters you’d expect from a digital compressor and a filter to deliver a tube-like character. Note that it’s not a component emulation, though.

AudioDamage Rough Rider 3 Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Convenient
    Rough Rider 3 packs all of the essential compression parameters in a neat user interface. The Sensitivity section, which is the threshold, also contains a gain reduction graph. Similarly, most of the other parameters are named without acronyms or analogies.
  • Warming Filter
    The plugin features a “warming” filter, which sounds like a low-pass at around 12 kHz to help make the audio sound less bright or “digital.” However, if you don’t like its sound, you can turn it off by turning the button labeled Full Bandwidth on.
  • Side-chaining
    The plugin features an internal side-chain high-pass filter and an external side-chain input. You can use the high-pass to avoid pumping effects caused by the kick, whereas the external side-chain is handy for ducking the bass or other instruments when the kick hits.

Audio Damage Rough Rider 3 Compressor — Best Free Audio Plugins — Test and Review


Rough Rider 3 is available for Windows 8.1 or higher, macOS 10.11 or higher, iOS 11 or higher, and Ubuntu 18 or higher. It comes in VST 2/3, AU, AAX, and IAA formats.


What we love about Rough Rider 3 is how it’s available in almost every significant OS. Hence, it is one of the most downloaded plugins on the internet. Its new transparent compression works well for gain leveling, and the nifty gain reduction meter helps visualize how much the plugin is affecting your audio.

7. Audio Tools Leveling Tool (Opto Compressor)

More Info & Download

This plugin is an emulation of a tube-based compressor from the 60s.

As you might have already guessed, we have another LA-2A emulation at hand here. However, despite the similar parameters, Leveling Tool sounds rather far from it. Instead, it has a unique flavor in its sound, and you can control how much of the character you want in your audio.

Leveling Tool has a needle meter that can display gain reduction or the output peak. Select either using the first toggle on the left of the interface. Speaking of which, we find the UI phenomenal to work with. It provides plenty of flexibility when it comes to compression.

Audio Tools Leveling Tool Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Side-Chain Filter
    Add a high-pass filter to the signal the compressor is listening to using the SC HPF knob. You can use it to eliminate the pumping effect on bass-heavy sounds and make the compression more transparent. However, if you are limiting for mastering, it’s best to avoid using it.
  • Sonic Character
    As we’ve mentioned, the sound of this compressor is unique and particularly interesting on vocals. You can use the Drive knob to increase the amount of tube saturation to your liking. This drive is supplemental to the internal drive generated by the audio gain itself. Also, make sure you use the 4X oversampling for extreme saturation.
  • Ratio Adjustment
    Unlike the hardware LA-2A, Leveling Tool lets you adjust the ratio smoothly from 2:1 to infinity or limiting. Purists might be aghast over the idea of modifying the perfect ratio of the hardware unit. However, having this flexibility makes the plugin versatile and a worthy addition to your collection.

FREE PLUGIN — ADHD Leveling Tool // Toolbox Tuesday


This plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher and macOS 10 or higher, for both 32-bit and 64-bit. It comes in VST 2/3, AU, and AAX formats.


We love how flexible this plugin is. In addition to everything we’ve mentioned so far, it also offers compression attack/release and a dry/wet knob for easy parallel compression. It makes Leveling Tool an appropriate compressor for just about every case.

8. TDR Kotelnikov (Mastering Compressor)

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Designed to be as transparent as possible, this mastering compressor is on par with most paid plugins.

Kotelnikov is the first on our list that doesn’t attempt to sound like any hardware unit. Instead, it is proudly digital, using the fast computing capability of computers to deliver the smoothest sounding compressor in the freeware market and beyond.

It employs an innovative mix of peak and RMS compression that lets it preserve the timbre and punch of the original audio. Furthermore, it also features extensive stereo processing options and oversampling to make the plugin that much more suitable for mastering.

TDR Kotelnikov Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • High-Pass Filter
    The Low Freq Relax section features a high-pass filter that can vary from 25 Hz to 500 Hz. Further, it offers four steepness slopes: 0 dB/oct, 3 dB/oct, 6 dB/oct, and 12 dB/oct. The first one turns off the filter, whereas the last one is the steepest and useful for avoiding low frequencies completely.
  • Stereo Sensitivity
    Despite what the name would lead you to believe, this knob doesn’t enable individual compression of each stereo channel. Instead, it is for controlling the stereo link of the detector. So, 0% means it only detects the mono signal, whereas 100% means it will follow the channel (left/right) with the louder audio.
  • Peak/RMS Threshold
    The Threshold knob controls the RMS threshold value. So, you will have to dial in a fair amount to start compression. On the flip side, the Peak Crest knob sets the peak threshold relative to the RMS threshold. It can be positive or negative, where a positive value increases the peak threshold over the RMS threshold. Thus, the peak compressor becomes less sensitive.
  • Stereo Processing
    The drop-down menu labeled “Stereo” in a default preset lets you select from six modes of stereo processing: Mono, Stereo, Sum, Diff, Left, and Right. Just to clarify, Sum and Diff are mid and side signals.
  • Oversampling
    It’s worth noting that this plugin employs oversampling at all times. It offers two processing quality modes: Eco and Precise. Eco utilizes an internal frequency bandwidth of 100 kHz, whereas Precise uses 200 kHz of bandwidth. Interestingly, though, it only oversamples the detected audio, leaving the rest of the audio completely untouched.

How to use TDR Kotelnikov for mastering | Mastering tutorial | Mastering Explained


Kotelnikov is available for Windows XP or higher and macOS 10.9 or higher. It comes in VST 2/3, AU, and AAX.


The amount of features this plugin offers is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Even with the long list of features we’ve enlisted, our article barely even scratches the surface of its platter of versatility. We highly recommend giving this plugin an honest try, even if you own many paid compressors.

9. Xfer Records OTT (Multiband Dynamics)

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Practically a household name, OTT brings a little delish to your sound.

Xfer Records’ OTT is a multi-band compressor and expander, which is all about making your sound fatter, cleaner, and overall better. Instead of providing you complete control, it employs a tried and true audio enhancement method to make everything sound rich instantly.

XFer Records OTT Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Three Bands
    OTT has a low, mid, and high band for compressing each separately. However, you cannot change the bands’ frequency crossovers. As a general rule, use the low band for adding depth and the high band for overall clarity. The plugin uses a chain of FX to provide optimal results.
  • Saturation
    In addition to compression, the plugin also features audio enhancers to add saturation to the audio. Each band has a unique kind of exciter to ensure the results you’d expect. Note that overdoing it can result in harsh sounds, so staying modest is a good idea.
  • Time Control
    You have probably noticed the Time knob on the GUI. It controls the compressors’ attack and release times. However, since they are both tweaked together, treat the knob as aggressiveness control. Higher values result in a smoother sound, whereas lower values result in hard, distorted sound.

OTT by Xfer Records Overview


The plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher and macOS 10 or higher, both 32-bit and 64-bit. It comes in VST 2/3, AU, and AAX formats.


If you produce electronic music, this plugin is a must. It has a reputation for sounding harsh and aggressive, making it a perfect complement for EDM, hip-hop, etc. However, even if you produce other, softer genres, you can still use it to enhance vocals, synths, strings, etc.

10. Melda MCompressor (Versatile Compressor)

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If you are after something insanely flexible, you’ll want to check this plugin out.

Melda Audio has always been surprisingly generous in its free plugins lineup, and MCompressor is a fabulous example of it. It boasts a fantastic resizable GUI with detailed meters and a graphical display of your compressor’s parameters and channels.

In addition to being conveniently designed, it also features multiple channels, an adjustable knee, and a custom compression shape. We will talk more about its standout features next.

Melda MCompressor Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Multi-Channel
    MCompressor supports up to 8 channels, making it ideal for sound designers working on 7.1 surround sound for films and games. However, it doesn’t stop there. MCompressor also features unlinked stereo and mid/side mode, making it an excellent choice as a mastering compressor.
  • Three Knees
    The plugin has three knee shapes: Hard, Linear, and Soft. And you can also adjust the amount of the knee using the Knee Size knob. Of course, the Hard shape doesn’t let you have any knee at all, but Linear and Soft knee each enables you to create a straight line and a curve.
  • Compression Shapes
    On top of the multiple knee shapes, you can also create a unique compression shape using a node-based editor. It lets you create smooth, curved compressions to intricate, rhythmic patterns. This flexibility makes MCompressor one of the best on our list.

MCompressor — FREE Compressor VST Plugin & Sidechain VST Plugin


The plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher 32-bit or 64-bit and macOS 10.9 or higher 64-bit. It comes in VST 2/3, AU, and AAX formats.


As one of the most feature-packed compressors on our list, we must laud MCompressor as a near-essential tool for every musician. However, it’s worth noting that installing this plugin requires you to download a bundle of plugins (which are also worth looking into).

11. TDR VladG Molot (Transparent Compressor)

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Rocking a Soviet Union-inspired theme, Molot is a coloring compressor with a tasty sound.

Molot is the opposite of transparent. Every feature imparts some sort of color and flavor to the audio, whether in the spectrum, dynamism, or saturation. However, that doesn’t make it a lousy plugin; quite the opposite. In addition to compression, it also features a limiter.

Similarly, it also features up to 8x oversampling for alias-free processing. And you also get a soft knee control, dry mix, and so on. However, as you’ll find out, it’s not the standard controls that make this plugin attractive.

TDR VladG Molot Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Stereo Modes
    The plugin features seven stereo processing modes: Mono, 2 Mono, R.S.chn, Mid, Side, M/S, and Stereo. We’ll skip the obvious from our description. 2 Mono is dual mono, R.S.chan is a mono mode with external side-chain input, and M/S mode unlinks the compression on the mid and side signals.
  • Input Filter
    The first knob, Filter, controls a high-pass filter on the input signal. You can set the frequency from 40 Hz to 260 Hz. Note that turning off the Filter doesn’t make the audio flat. Instead, it adds a smooth 3 dB low-shelf dip from around 500 Hz.
  • Alpha/Sigma Attack
    The two attack modes change how quickly the compressor reacts after the attack time has been reached. In Alpha mode, the compressor is highly aggressive, whereas, in Sigma mode, the compressor takes much longer to start compression. Thus, if you want compression on the transients, Alpha mode is the way to go.
  • Mid Scoop
    Another exciting feature is the Mid Scoop knob, which is a post-compression gain of multiple frequencies forming an intricate spectrum. For example, if you turned up the Mid Scoop knob, you will get a slight dip below 200 Hz, at 1.5 kHz, at 8.5 kHz, and a boost at 500 Hz, at 4 kHz, and above 12 kHz. However, the opposite isn’t true for turning the knob down. So, we suggest setting it by ear.

VladG Molot Vs TDR Molotok | Free Compressor Comparison | Free Plugin


This plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher 32-bit and 64-bit and macOS 10.9 or higher 64-bit only. It comes in VST 2 and AU formats.


We love the sound of this plugin and how it colors the audio, especially with the Mid Scoop parameter. Of course, staying subtle is a good idea, but don’t shy away from experimenting with dramatic levels of processing either.

Related Readings:

The 7 Best VCA Compressor Plugins 2023 (VST, AU, AAX)

Top 10 Opto Compressor Plugins 2023 For Transparent Sound

Top 7 Multiband Compressor Plugins 2023 (And 4 FREE Plugins)

The 7 Best Vari-Mu Compressor Plugins 2023 (And 2 Best FREE Tools)

Top 9 Parallel Compressor Plugins Available In 2023

Top 11 LA-2A Compressor Plugin Emulations 2023

3 Best Distressor VST Plugins You Should Know About 2022

Top 5 Diode-Bridge Compressor Plugins 2023

Top 10 Pultec & FairChild Emulation Plugins (EQs & Compressors)

Top 10 FET Compressor Plugins 2023 (Best 1176 Plugins)

Top 11 Mastering Compressor Plugins 2023 (And 2 FREE Plugins)

7 Best 1176 Compressor Emulation Plugins 2023

Top 7 Compressor Plugins For Smooth Vocals 2023

Top 10 Analog Hardware Compressors For Mixing & Mastering

Other Plugins With Great Feedback

1. BeatSkillz MAX1

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Max 1 is a modern twist at compression with automatic ratio and release adjustments.

Some compressors go overboard when it comes to offering controls, providing you with knobs and wheels that are just too many to get quick results. Max 1 isn’t one of those; it’s the opposite. It features a simple GUI, logical controls, and great metering.

BeatSkillz MAX1 Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Peak/RMS
    The Peak/RMS button lets you switch between the two modes, which differ in reaction and detection speed. In general, you’ll want to use peak mode for shaping your transients, whereas you should reserve RMS mode for loudness control.
  • Automatic
    The most significant feature of this plugin is the automatic release and ratio. It listens to your audio and attempts to create the smoothest sound it can using its algorithm. This feature makes it an excellent choice as a time saver and as a beginner’s choice.
  • Saturation
    The Soft Clip button activates a clipper with a fixed soft knee. It helps keep the audio peaks under clipping level and adds distortion. However, whether you like the character of the saturation is up for you to decide.



Max 1 is available for Windows 7 or higher 32-bit and 64-bit and macOS 10 64-bit only. It comes in VST 2 and AU formats.


You will love this plugin if you require a compressor that doesn’t require too much time dialing in the various parameters. Surprisingly, the automated features work fabulously, so it’s not just another so-called “intelligent” plugin.

2. Analog Obsession LALA

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LALA is a rather unsubtle emulation of one notorious leveling amplifier.

Analog Obsession has recreated the sound and some of the look of the early 60s LA-2A compressor/limiter and added some interesting features to it. The original hardware was beloved for its fascinating, fat sound sought after by many recording engineers.

LALA features a side-chain filter and a Mix knob over the original design. And its tube-emulation makes the sound undoubtedly warm and big, especially on drums and bass. Further, there are three skins available for you to choose from.

Analog Obsession LALA Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Limit
    Other than compression, enabling the Limit switch transforms the plugin into a limiter, which acts more aggressively on the audio. We recommend trying it out on bass instruments. A hard push on the Peak Reduction makes the tubes start sizzling and creating excellent saturation.
  • Side-chaining
    Something that wasn’t in the original hardware is the side-chaining features. You have a filter section that works on the internal audio plus an EXT switch to enable the external side-chain. The filters include a high-pass, a peak filter, and a high-frequency dip.
  • Oversampling
    Clicking on the Analog Obsession logo enables a 4x oversampling option. The logo turns red to indicate so. We recommend keeping it turned on if you are compressing/limiting busses or entire mixes, especially if there’s a lot of high-frequency content.

Analog Obsession LALA | FREE Teletronix LA2A Compressor Limiter Amplifier Plugin VST AU | Demo Test


LALA is available for Windows 7 or higher 32-bit and 64-bit and macOS 10.9 64-bit only. It comes in VST 2/3 and AU formats.


The LA-2A is an esteemed hardware compressor, and it’s great to see its excellent emulation available for free. Other than for bass and drums, it also sounds fabulous on vocals and guitars. The plugin’s CPU usage is also relatively low, so you should not have issues having multiple instances in a project.

3. Klanghelm MJUC Jr.

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MJUC Jr. is an emulation of a variable-mu compressor, reflecting the sound of the 60s.

μ (Mu) is a technical term for audio gain. Hence, a vari-mu compressor varies or changes the audio level using transformers to achieve its tube-based compression. This technique makes its effect faster, smoother, and distortion-free. MJUC Jr. delivers the sound using in-depth emulation.

Klanghelm MJUC JR. / Vari-mu Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Analog Sound
    The plugin uses component emulation to recreate the sound of vari-mu compressors. Hence, using more compression introduces saturation, which you can use creatively in vocals, drums, etc. However, you can also use it on slower audio like the bass with equally good results.
  • Slew Control
    The Time Constraint slider lets you set the compression attack and release times. However, it doesn’t stop there — the emulation also enables you to change the slew rate of the transformers. Slew Rate is the maximum number of voltage changes in a range of time. So, it controls whether the audio is distorted.



MJUC Jr. is available for Windows 7 or higher and macOS 10.9 or higher, both 64-bit only. It comes in VST 2/3, AU, and AAX formats.


Vari-mu compressors are generally preferred for fast, transient sounds when you desire less distortion or coloring. However, if pushed hard, they are also capable of producing transformer and tube-based saturation. MJUC Jr. does both quite impressively, and we think it deserves a try for sure.

4. SNFK Music SK100

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This one’s a unique design that can handle both corrective and gluing compression.

SK100 combines a hard and a soft compressor in one and lets you use either one alone or both. There are identical sets of controls for each compressor on the interface. And it is a stereo compressor, so you could use this for compressing mix busses or mastering as well.

SNFK Music SK100 Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Hard Compression
    The Comp 1 section on the left of the interface features a hard peak compressor. It is primarily suitable for taming transients in mixes or drum stems. Note that it is a simple compressor with a hard curve that imparts no character of its own.
  • Gluing Compression
    The Comp 2 section features a softer, characterful compressor designed for transparent gluing while mastering or mixing busses. It has a peculiar curve design that makes the compressor sound much subtle. You will probably want to limit the gain reduction below 2 dB for preferable results.
  • Metering
    SK100 features a simple needle meter that can display each compressor’s gain reduction individually or both together. The design gives the plugin an analog vibe, although note that the sound isn’t an emulation of any sort.

Grab This Free Buss Compressor VST Plugin Now | SNFK SK-100 Dual Stereo Buss Compressor


This plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher and macOS 10 or higher, for 64-bit only. It comes in VST 3 and AU formats.


The SK100 is a versatile plugin that can be a complete compression solution. Also, the plugin has been coded to optimize CPU usage, so you should have no problem using multiple instances per project. However, a few have complained of some bugs in their tests, so before involving it in your projects, give it a thorough try.

5. W.A Production ComBear

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Bearing electronic music in mind, ComBear seeks to make the famous parallel compression accessible to even the very beginner.

This plugin is one of the simplest on our list, and it is on purpose. It only has a limited number of relevant knobs to control the compression level, including an Input Gain and Compress knob. However, it employs frequently used compression setups, giving it the ability to adapt to many kinds of uses.

W.A Production ComBear Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Easy To Use
    As we’ve established, ComBear is designed to be easy for beginners and quick for advanced users. All you have to do is turn up the compress knob, set the mix level to where it sounds nice, and that’s it. If the compression doesn’t seem enough, the input gain can help add some drive.
  • Lightweight
    Further, the plugin stays extra-light on the CPU so that you can have many instances in your project without any issue. For example, if you compare it to commercial compressors where you might have to use multiple tracks for NY/parallel compression, ComBear wins by a long shot.

ComBear | FREE Paraller Compressor Win Mac VST Plugin!


The plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher and macOS 10.13 or higher, for both 32-bit and 64-bit.


The sound of ComBear is that of a fast compressor for bringing up pops and sizzles in audio. Hence, it fits electronic music. Of course, you could also use it for other genres. But we must admit it’s not the most imperative compressor out there.

6. MSG Stereo Buss Compressor

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Stereo Buss Compressor is a minimalistic compressor with a polished GUI.

Designed for compressing drum busses or even full mixes, this plugin works well for gluing multiple sounds together. And while the sound may not be the most analog thing you’ve ever heard, it does stay quite smooth and lightweight when used as a glue compressor. Further, the nice GUI is a bonus.

MSG Stereo Buss Compressor Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Limit
    Perhaps you have noticed already, but the plugin’s ratio knob can go up to inf:1. Hence, you could use this plugin as a limiter as well. However, we wouldn’t recommend it as a mastering limiter. Instead, use it merely to keep drum busses from overloading the mix.
  • Comprehensive
    Despite being a relatively simple compressor, it still provides all of the features you’d expect from a console buss compressor. You can adjust all the standard controls, including the attack and release, threshold, and ratio. Further, it has a needle meter to show the VU or the peak gain reduction.
  • Slight Coloration
    While the plugin is transparent for the most part, it imparts slight color and saturation when pushed harder. However, it may or may not be desirable. We can only suggest using your ears to see if you like what you hear; after all, it is a free plugin.


The plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher in 32-bit only. It comes in VST 2 format.


If you are missing a simple compressor with a great GUI, Stereo Buss Compressor could be your choice. While the plugin is intended for busses and other audio with varying frequency content, it also functions fine for general vocal or instrument compression.

7. FXpansion DCAM FreeComp

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Yet another buss compressor emulation, FreeComp, focuses more on the hardware side.

The plugin is based on one of the famous British console compressors. Like the original unit, it doesn’t provide a release time parameter. However, everything else you might expect is available. The compression shape is rather peculiar on this one, so it introduces character for sure.

fxpansion DCAM FreeComp Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Saturation
    As with our previous plugins, FreeComp mostly stays transparent distortion-wise, but it starts sounding aggressive at a higher compression level. And the sound could be used creatively on vocals to give them a warmer feel as well. We would also suggest some dip at the higher frequencies to give it a more analog feel.
  • Auto-Release
    Instead of providing a release time control, it analyzes the audio transients above the threshold and calculates a proper release time. Hence, it might perform exactly as you imagine, but that is the point. Its automated release may end up sounding musical.


The plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher and macOS 10.5.8 or higher, for both 32-bit and 64-bit.


If you are after a coloring compressor that is simpler than, say, Molot, this could be a great start. Further, we also like how you can set the needle meter to display either the output or the gain reduction. It does buss compression well and can pleasantly surprise you in other uses.

8. jsAudio jsCompShaper

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This plugin became one of the favorites of many music producers for its shaper/distortion combined with compression.

Once in a while, we face the limitation of many compressors; it starts pumping and adding strange artifacts to your sound. That’s when this plugin comes in. Using its compressor and waveshaper together, you can make the sound much more pleasant and natural.

Of course, you could also use either one of the two effects alone and still get great results. jsCompShaper has one of the smoothest sounding compression for buss compression or mastering. Not to mention its ample oversampling to keep your sound alias-free.

jsAudio jsCompShaper Review - Top 11 Free Compressor Plugins 2021 (VCA, Vari-Mu, FET, Digital) | Integraudio.com

Key Features:

  • Pre-Emphasis
    The plugin features a three-band EQ where the low and the high bands are shelves. You can use this EQ to emphasize the input drive into the waveshaper. It becomes more of use when you want to create distorted sounds rather than for keeping the sound natural. Still, using the EQ negatively can reduce overly distorted sound from your high frequencies, for example.
  • Morphing
    This feature is what sets this plugin apart. The Shaping knob lets you morph between compression and waveshaping smoothly. So, you can have compression for the most part with a touch of waveshaping merely to keep the sound smoother. It’s also useful during mastering when you don’t want noticeable compression.
  • Mastering Ready
    We know that waveshaping or saturation can cause aliasing pretty quickly. Hence, jsCompShaper features up to a whopping 16x oversampling to eliminate any strange artifacts. Of course, that quality comes at the cost of CPU load, so it’s better reserved for a mastering session unless necessary.


The plugin is available for Windows 7 or higher at both 32-bit and 64-bit. It comes in VST 2 format officially. However, you can also find an experimental VST 3 on the official website.


Whether for general compression or critical mastering polish, jsCompShaper is up to the task, delivering transparent and smooth results. Its waveshaper and morphing feature makes it even more appealing. However, the current non-resizable GUI is a little troublesome if you use a high-resolution screen.

9. Analog Obsession FETISH

Analog Obsession FETISH Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | mac, win

This plugin features a sidechain filter, a ‘SLAM’ function that is popular in the DIY producing world, and control over high frequencies, mid frequencies, and low frequencies. This compressor is all about creating a classic sound without the limitations of classic tools.

10. Semantic Audio SAFE Compressor

SemanticAudio SAFE Free Compressor Plugin Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | linux, mac, win

The SAFE Project was created as a response to the shortage of transferable semantic terms in the production of music. It also deals with the demand for a more intuitive way of controlling low-level parameters. One of the biggest results that this project has produced is a variety of plugins that let you load and save semantic terms from inside the audio production workflow.

This allows you to control the effects of your audio plugins in a super simplified way. All you need to do is type a term into the textbox, such as ‘bright,’ ‘warm,’ and if it is available on the server, the parameters of your audio will be altered to match it.


KINGTAO KT-C Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | win, mac

This plugin provides parallel compression, constant 2:1 to 10:1 ratios, VU meters for reduction and input, continuous attack, and release from 0.5 to 300ms and 0.05 to 10s, respectively, and two curves of compression.

12. DC1A

DC1A Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | mac, win

DC1A is a simplified version of the DC8C plugin, but offers some additional features, like stereo unlink and negative ratio.

This compressor runs with little more than an input and output knob and can provide near-invisible leveling, to heavy pumping to make your drum tracks punch.

13. TDR Feedback Compressor

TDR Feedback Compressor Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | win

This dynamic range compressor was carefully designed to compress sum and bus, and essentially ‘listens’ to the output it creates. This approach provides a very musical characteristic of compression, and can easily handle even the most complex audio signals.

These unique traits work in combination with a simplified audio-path and advanced signal processing methods., and the compressor is meticulously tuned to provide the most musical and intuitive operation possible.

14. GVST Gmulti

GVST Gmulti Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | win

This free VST compressor allows you to separate audio tracks into three frequency bands that are configurable, allowing you to process them individually. You are also able to adjust stereo width, compression, and level for each of these bands. 

Additionally, you can mute bands to change the settings for each isolation, and use the mix control to a/B with the base material.

15. Minimal System Instruments Ultra Comp

Minimal System Instruments Ultra Comp Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download |  win

This vintage compressor from Minimal System is ideal for novice musicians and professional producers alike, and features a super simple control panel, making it easy to use while still providing excellent sound quality.

This plugin can be used on your master buss or individual tracks.

16. Audiocation AC1

Audiocation AC1 Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | mac, win

This is a compressor that was developed by experts in order to produce fast response times and simulation of input with analog transformer. The super-fast control times lets you distort your sounds subtly or aggressively. 

17. NastyVCS (EQ/Comp)

NastyVCS (EQ/Comp) Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | win

This plugin can be described as a virtual strip of the console that brings a ‘nastier’ tone to your mixes. It is based on a totally unique compression unit and provides everything you could need to configure the tone and dynamics of your channels.

It features a crunchy pre-amp saturated dedicated input stage, as well as a limiter in the output stage.

18. MSI Stereo Buss Compressor

Minimal System Instruments Stereo Buss Compresor Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | win

This is the perfect plugin for producers that enjoy adding some finishing touches to their tracks. The Stereo Buss Compressor was based on the iconic bus compressors from classic analog machines that were the secret behind a host of classical releases.

Essentially, the job of this compressor is to blend the elements of your track together to make them sound more characteristic while still maintaining clarity.

19. whiteLABEL bolsteriser rev A

whiteLABEL bolsterisers Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | win

The bolsteriser plugins come from a time before today’s compression existed. They were created by an English experimentalist who has remained obscure for as long as he has been producing music and developed his original concept for the bolsteriser while having a nap on his lawn with his cat. 

Almost 90 years later, the bolsterisers have been recreated in digital form. In the early days of the bolsteriser, there was no functional language of audio compression, so some of the terms used with the bolsterisers are a bit dated.

20. Digitalfishphones BlockFish

Digitalfishphones BlockFish Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

info & download | mac, win

BlockFish is one of the more versatile compressor plugins out there and provides hundreds of ways to shape your audio. It is unique in that it simulates a physical compressor module, and allows you to adjust the ‘circuit board’ by removing the front plate, which lets you create your own unique sonic texture.

21. Ourafilmes Arsenal Compressor LE

Ourafilmes Arsenal Compressor LE Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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This is a complete vintage compressor plugin with internal sidechain filters and mid/side processing. It can be used to process any sound that you need to process dynamically or use the side chain capability to process specific tracks or frequencies.

22. Smack Labs SL63x

Smack Labs SL63x Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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This compressor was inspired by perhaps the most straightforward compressor ever created and offers quick compression via its fader slide.

An input knob was added to adjust gain staging since the plugin is dependent on programming. This subsequently influences the way the compressor functions.

23. eaReckon FR COMP 87

eaReckon FR COMP 87 Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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This series of compressors are based on the ANALOG87 series and features six high-quality analog AU and VST effects. In addition to these plugins providing excellent sound quality, they are easy to use. 

24. Sweetboy T-Sledge

Sweetboy T-Sledge Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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The T-Sledge plugin is a multi-band compressor designed for mastering tracks and features a level maximizer, peak limiter, and four limiters, compressors and expanders. It also features two types of dividing filters, meaning that it works similarly to a dynamics EQ.

This compressor offers a huge variety of features, from threshold and ratio control, to attack and release controls, and gain, input, and knob controls, to allow you to fully customize your tracks.

25. dlm D2 Compressor

dlm D2 Compressor Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

This is a versatile, do-it-all compressor that is super accessible to beginners and professionals alike, thanks to its simple interface. It can be subtle or heavy, dirty or clean, gentle, or quick – this is an all-round plugin.

26. Cana San Martin x10 Multiband Mastering Compressor

Cana San Martin x10 Multiband Mastering Compressor Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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This compressor plugin may appear extremely complicated and daunting but is rather easy to use if you have a basic understanding of compressors and their functionalities.

The CANA x10 compressor is a multiband plugin that lets you customize your audio tracks in just about every way possible.

27. Matthieu Brucher ATK Colored Compressor

Matthieu Brucher ATK Colored Compressor Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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The ATKCOloredCompressor is a single-color plugin that features a peak power and RMS detection control, as well as a color selection that adjusts the gain around the threshold.

28. Matthieu Brucher ATKCompressor

Matthieu Brucher ATKCompressor Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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THe ATKCompressor stereo plugin is capable of working one left/right or middle/side channels and can be configured to mix the compressed signal with the input signal.

29. Matthieu Brucher ATK Stereo Compressor

Matthieu Brucher ATK Stereo Compressor Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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Similar to the previous plugin, this stereo compressor can work with left/right or middle/side channels and can mix the compressed signal with the input signal.

30. Bakuage BasicComp

Bakuage BasicComp Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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This is a premium CST3 plugin with a focus on natural dynamic range compression, and it is perfect for vocal tracks, drum tracks, or general mastering.

31. smacklabs SL543

smacklabs SL543 Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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The SL543 draws inspiration from a VCA dup compressor and provides both subtle and aggressive compression.

In its Feed Forward mode, it can be used to control dynamics more aggressively. The Feedback Mode gives more transparency for 2-bus dynamics.

32. de la mancha GTA

de la mancha GTA Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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This is a characteristic vintage-styled compressor that is designed to provide pure speed, brute power, and to make loud noises. It has been stripped so it is as easy to use as possible. And the unique vintage top coloring makes it stand out among other plugins.

33. Martin Eastwood Compressive CM

Martin Eastwood Compressive CM Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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Compressive CM is a compressor modeled after an external side chain analog and features a brickwall limiter. The side features three-band EQ and controls for mid and side that offer complete audio dynamic control.

34. Synthescience Compressor Box

Synthescience Compressor Box Review - 37 Best Free Vst Compressor Plugins | Integraudio.com

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The Compressor Box is a fundamental studio tool and provides effective features rather than ones that are more obscure.

Each switch and knob is presented in a clear way to make using this plugin as straightforward as possible and does not require you to think too much.

What Are The Best Free Compressor Plugin For EDM Music?

OTT Compressor 

OTT stands for ‘Over The Top’ Compression, which makes it just perfect for producing EDM. Essentially, it compresses three of the frequency bands to the degree that is beyond ridiculous, leaving you with little to no dynamic range at all. It basically rebalances the sound and spreads it evenly across the spectrum of frequencies.

This plugin is perfect for modifying growling sounds that are too heavy in the bass, and can align the volume of the bass to the mids and highs to make everything ‘flatter.’ The effect it has on the overall track is a brighter, more punchy sound, which is great for EDM.

Plus, it can produce lots of reverb, especially at the end of a shorter sound, meaning that the sound will hit clearly. but the reverb begins the moment the sound stops.  


Compressors can be an eluding concept for most beginners. And even more so than the concept, choosing the right one can often be even more abstract. However, having a list of the best compressors in the market right now should aid selection.

If you are an absolute beginner, we suggest BeatSkillz Max 1 and ComBear for their unique automatic features. Let their algorithms take the wheels and focus on the sound alone for now. Further, they help you learn what works and what doesn’t in compression.

Next, if you already own compressors and are looking for something simple to quicken your task, we suggest jsCompShaper and Stereo Buss Compressor. The first one simplifies the process of obtaining smoother sounds, whereas the latter gives a convenient GUI with standard features.

And if you are already well-experienced, take your sound to the next level with VariMoon, Britpressor, LALA, and MJUC Jr. analog emulations. Or try the superb coloration of Molot for mastering. Each could be your secret sauce for a unique sound.

Finally, for music producers of every level, we suggest downloading Kotelnikov and OTT. Both are true gems of the freeware market that find use in almost every project! We hope this article has been useful in helping you discover your next go-to compressor.

K. M. Joshi is a multi-award-winning composer and sound designer, specializing in film, game, and TV audio. He enjoys making cinematic music, rock, blues, and electronica. Read more..

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    Laboratory Information System

    CGM LABDAQ empowers labs of all sizes to optimize revenue and improve customer retention by increasing efficiency and streamlining workflow

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    BrandMail®, developed by BrandQuantum, is a software solution that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Outlook to empower every employee in the organisation to automatically create consistently branded emails via a single toolbar that provides access to brand standards and the latest pre-approved content.

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    Automatic audio RMS normalizer & splitter

    Fast batch audio processor for automatic loudness adjustment and audio files splitting.
    The software automatically normalizes a batch of files to a given RMS volume, and can split tracks in several ones by detecting low level («noise») chunks. It embeds :
    — a multi-band limiter,
    — an Automatic Gain Control,
    — an automated 10 bands equalizer,
    — a classic 3 bands semi-parametric equalizer,
    — a noise gate,
    — a trimming function,
    — user preset management.
    Portable version needs VC 2015 RunTime…

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    this can be downloaded and run directly

    Just 3mb easy and free offline video tool for lossless and super fast convert, combine and compress video.
    It can also merge video and audio (mp4 and m4a), convert .gif to .mp4, download m3u8 and extract audio from video.

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    Simple audio player for radio, podcast & streaming

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    NanoDSP Open Source DSP

    … and memory load are reduced.
    3. Compressor
    Performs compressor operation to prevent clipping
    4. Pseudo maximizer
    By setting the compressor setting to the ultra-short return operation setting in order to increase the sound pressure, a pseudo maximizer effect is created.
    for PC
    Windows 10 64bit (maybe working on windows 7,8 also)
    VST2.4 Plugin Host(for Debugging)
    for Embedded
    Cortex-M7 400Mhz Above(we tested on STM32h7 Series)
    No need external ram

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  • Your Digital Assets at Full Potential Icon

    YouHodler is a crypto asset-based “banking” platform that provides an alternative solution to traditional banking. Its platform provides consumers with easy-to-use growth cryptocurrency products, as well as flexibility in managing crypto/fiat financial services.

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    Drag’n’Drop GUI for LAME MP3 compressor (and similar commandline ones)

    Light, small and easy to use GUI for command-based LAME MP3 compressor (and similar command-based ones) which utilizes Drag and Drop function.

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  • 6


    dsp chung is an universal dsp sound effects program for your computer .Chooze the input sound port (for example the line in entry of an external usb sound card) then dsp effects (autovol/compressor , reverb, automodulation, decay, plugins,denoise) will be applied and sent to the selected output sound port (for example the system mixer) . The program is written in compiled freebasic , source code is included in the zip file .
    can be used as a single virtual active audio cable . Can be connected…

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  • 7


    A cross platform NINJAM client with linear chain-streaming mode

    … of the ways proposed to accomplish this include: offering a minimal interface with some reasonable default settings, some normalizing/conditioning features such as auto-gain and limiter, and the option to elect a «sound man». It is hoped that these, and its other convenience features will encourage musicians without prior experience in audio production (which today is essentially a pre-requisite) to engage with the bliss that is NINJAM.

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  • 8


    freemp3 chung is a compact MP3 player with multi DSP effects (switchable automatic volume control, compressor, speed, reverberation, equalizer, with edit, save and load), presets, custom plugin…plugin6 support, playlist and repeats.It is written in compiled freebasic and uses fbsound.
    Comes with plugins (peekenhancer, baxandall,resonance_chung(new)) and 32.bits output resolution, switchable to 16.bits .

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    a free realtime polyphonic high quality mp3 to midi converter

    mp3tomid chung is a realtime free polyphonic high quality mp3 audio to mid converter written in freebasic with fbsound.
    it converts mp3 files to polyphonic piano midi data sent to the choozen midi out port, connected for example to a midi recorder to produce midifiles , or to the onboard pc midi mapper for direct listening. works with Bill Evans’s piano songs and Pat Metheny (others:to try).
    can run on a small netbook. can export to midifiles .

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    The AdaptiveGRC solution is a comprehensive suite designed to fully coordinate governance, risk and compliance activities, and information for all levels in any organization. AdaptiveGRC uses a unique ‘data fabric’ to help bind and connect information and functionality.

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    Nash Operating System for Modern Ecommerce

    The all-built-in-one, automatic, ready-to-go out-of-box, easy-to-use state-of-the-art, and really awesome NASH OS! Over 25,000+ flexible features and controls and all scalable!! The most powerful solution ever built to instantly deliver new heights of online ecommerce enterprise to you.

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  • 11

    Audio Compressor (command line) — Utility to be used for audio (dynamic) compression of WAV files.
    The process works as a real-time 2-band feedback sidechain compressor having threshold and knee optimized to match the best as possible to the full scale range. The «feedback speed» (attack), the «recovery speed» (release) as well as the maximum gain limit can be adjusted by the user.
    This compressor was designed to give a «FM style» output, making it suitable to prepare music tracks for listening…

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  • 12


    Android system wide audio DSP.
    It is much more enhanced version from Cyanogenmod DSPManager.
    It provide you Hybrid order equalizer, IIR/*FIR bass boost, multi-setting reverb, convolver, stereo widen, output clipping control.
    *FIR mode bass bosst filter is linear phase.
    *Convolver load wav as impulse source.
    **Required root access unless you develop your custom ROM.
    ***Project imported from Github.

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  • 13

    TTA Lossless Audio Codec

    Lossless compressor for multichannel 8,16 and 24 bits audio data, with the ability of password data protection. Being ‘lossless’ means that no data/quality is lost in the compression — when uncompressed, the data will be identical to the original.

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  • 14

    Volume Limiter

    Set a password protected volume limit on your windows PC

    Volume Limiter is a small application that allows you to set a maximum volume limit on your windows PC. This is designed to protect children from turning the volume up to a level that would damage their hearing.
    The application can be password protected to prevent children from changing your defined limit. The application runs in the background and minimizes to the system tray. Volume settings, the lock or unlocked status, and password information are stored in the windows registry…

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  • 15


    LibreEngineering — suite of instrumentation, electrical, mechanical, process engineering calculation and design programs and other tools. Licensed under GPL3. Written in Python with Qt toolkit.

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    Just an FX Processor…

    FX Processor (for guitar mainly)
    Noise Filter, Compressor, Wah, Distortion, Tremolo, Phaser, Flanger-Vibrato, Pitch Shifter, Delay, Reverb, EQ.
    Developed on QT 4.7.4.
    Running on Windows — using QAudio, Linux with Jack or ALSA Api.
    Version 0.6.0 now includes MIDI Support with a MIDI Synth, Guitar Synth and Looper. Runs only on Linux with Jack (set Jack Sampling Rate at 44100 and Frames/Period at minimum).
    I also would appreciate some feedback as i do not have the opportunity to test…

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  • 17

    MooSick Music Player

    Free mplayer-based Music Player with a built-in Song Database, Websearch, Streaming and Download Tools and several Audio Effects including Speed Control, Pitch Change, Dynamics Processing, «Live»-, Headphone- and Karaoke Filters and Distortion …

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    A buzz-like modular synthetic music software

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    A massive audio compressor. It can be used to compress folders containing wave files among other files. The monkey’s audio compression is performed thanks to the JMAC open source java library. Ideal to compress audio projects as Cubase projects.

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  • 20

    A real-time recorder and compressor of audio and video input for the Windows platforms, using MFC, DirectX, FFMPEG and MPEG4IP. The program is capable of generating avi and mp4 files and streaming MPEG-4 audio and video via Apple Darwin Streaming Server.

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  • 21

    BGZip is a compressor that uses BWT and others techniques to compress archives, sounds and videos with in high compression rates.

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  • 22

    WavPack is a free, fast, flexible and featureful encoder and decoder for audio streams. Besides lossless, it can perform lossy and hybrid (lossy+correction file) encodings.

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  • 23

    ZoomOut is a VCR plugin for K!TV. It allows like any VCR to record TV-show and have many other features like time programming, NexTView interaction, compressor choose and more.

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Native Instruments — Vintage Compressors v1.4.5 VST, VST3, AAX x64 — компрессор

Native Instruments - Vintage Compressors v1.4.5 VST, VST3, AAX x64

VC 76 — быстрый и мощный компрессор на полевых транзисторах, VC 2A — Мягкий, теплый оптический компрессор, VC 160 — смелый, грязный компрессор VCA

Native Instruments — Solid Mix Series v1.4.5 STANDALONE, VST, VST3, AAX x64 — компрессор, эквалайзер, экспандер, гейт

Native Instruments - Solid Mix Series v1.4.5 STANDALONE, VST, VST3, AAX x64

SOLID BUS COMP — для сжатия «аудиоклея», SOLID EQ — переключаемый 2-режимный универсал, SOLID DYNAMICS — усовершенствованный контроль динамики

Devious Machines — Multiband X6 1.0.33 VST, VST3, AAX x64 (TCD) — компрессор

Devious Machines - Multiband X6 1.0.33 VST, VST3, AAX x64 (TCD)

Понимая, что многих пользователей обескураживает потенциальная сложность многополосного компрессора, компания Devious Machines приступила к созданию плагина, который мог бы по-новому определить возможности.

Kazrog — Avalon VT-747SP v1.0.1 VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x64 — компрессор

Kazrog - Avalon VT-747SP v1.0.1 VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x64

Avalon VT-747SP сочетает в себе ламповый/дискретный оптокомпрессор класса А с музыкальным шестиполосным программным эквалайзером, а также измерение выходного уровня и уменьшения усиления.

Kazrog — Avalon VT-747SP v1.0.0 VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x64 — компрессор

Kazrog - Avalon VT-747SP v1.0.0 VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x64

Avalon VT-747SP сочетает в себе ламповый/дискретный оптокомпрессор класса А с музыкальным шестиполосным программным эквалайзером, а также измерение выходного уровня и уменьшения усиления.

Sonible — smartcomp 2 v1.0.3 VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x64 — компрессор

Sonible - smartcomp 2 v1.0.3 VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x64

smart:comp 2 автоматически выдает прозрачные и точные результаты; предоставляя вам творческие инструменты, которые превратят ваш звук из приятного в экстраординарный.

VoosteQ — Material Comp v1.7.1c VST, VST3, AAX x64 — компрессор

VoosteQ - Material Comp v1.7.1c VST, VST3, AAX x64

Современный компрессор, оснащенный технологией «DFP», которая VoosteQ потратила 3 года на разработку, чтобы досконально воспроизвести нюансы аналоговой схемы.

Devious Machines — Multiband X6 1.0.30 VST, VST3, AAX x64 — компрессор

Devious Machines - Multiband X6 1.0.30 VST, VST3, AAX x64

Понимая, что многих пользователей обескураживает потенциальная сложность многополосного компрессора, компания Devious Machines приступила к созданию плагина, который мог бы по-новому определить возможности.

UVI — Opal v1.0.0 VST, VST3, AAX (MOD) x64 R2R — компрессор

UVI - Opal v1.0.0 VST, VST3, AAX (MOD) x64 R2R

Чрезвычайно точное физическое моделирование обеспечивает аутентичный звук. Включает в себя модели 7-символьных оптических компрессоров.

Devious Machines — Multiband X6 1.0.29 VST, VST3, AAX x64 — компрессор

Devious Machines - Multiband X6 1.0.29 VST, VST3, AAX x64

Понимая, что многих пользователей обескураживает потенциальная сложность многополосного компрессора, компания Devious Machines приступила к созданию плагина, который мог бы по-новому определить возможности.

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