Asus gtx 760 драйвера 64 бит windows 10

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    Driver & Tools

    Please select OS


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:GPU TweakII


    Released:19 Feb 2020

    System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 7 64-bit


    Description:GPU TweakII driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    GPUTweakII update and fix:

    1.Fixed bug: Monitor quits unexpectedly when it’s under multiple cards condition.

    2.Fixed bug: ROG RYUJIN CPU cooler series were mistakenly detected as XG STATION series and displayed in the GPU Tweak tuning panel.


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V441.87


    Released:17 Jan 2020

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V441.87 for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V441.87 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH)


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5



    Released:27 Nov 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8 64-bitWindows 7 64-bit


    Description:GPUTweakII driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5



    Released:25 Nov 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8 64-bitWindows 7 64-bit


    Description:Driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5



    Released:13 Nov 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:GPUTweakII driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V436.30


    Released:21 Oct 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V436.30 for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V436.30 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH)


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V436.30


    Released:21 Oct 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V436.30 for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V436.30 For WIN10 64Bit


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:NVIDIA Display Driver V431.60


    Released:24 Jul 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:NVIDIA Display Driver V431.60 for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    NVIDIA Display Driver V431.60 For WIN10 64Bit


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:NVIDIA Display Driver V431.60


    Released:24 Jul 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:NVIDIA Display Driver V431.60 for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    NVIDIA Display Driver V431.60 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH)


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5



    Released:02 Apr 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 7 64-bit


    Description:GPUTweakII driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    Fix: Simple mode OC Scanner setting issue

    Updated security certificate.


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:GPUTweakII RemoveTool_­Version


    Released:02 Apr 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 7 64-bit


    Description:GPUTweakII RemoveTool_Version driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    Updated security certificate


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:NV Driver


    Released:16 Jan 2019

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:NV Driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:ASUA nVidia Driver


    Released:08 Aug 2018

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:ASUA nVidia Driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5



    Released:21 Jan 2018

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:NVDriver_390.65_Win10X64bit for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5



    Released:19 Dec 2017

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:NVDriver_388.43_Win10X64bit for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:GPU TweakII


    Released:14 Nov 2017

    System:Windows 10Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1Windows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8Windows 8 64-bitWindows 7Windows 7 64-bit


    Description:GPU TweakII driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:GPU TWEAK II V1.5.3.5 (Normal version without skins)


    Released:28 Sep 2017

    System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bitWindows 7 64-bit


    Description:GPU TWEAK II V1.5.3.5 (Normal version without skins) driver for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5
    1. Fixed an issue where 0dB feature was disabled for Vega 10 series cards in previous version

    2. Optimized fanduty performance for Vega 10 series cards

    3. Fixed an issue where enabling the SyncAll cards setting would take too long to complete

    4. Updated GPU-Z.dll to latest version and optimized the info page


    Device:ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Name:NVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL


    Released:07 Aug 2015

    System:Windows 10 64-bit


    Description:NVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL for ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Последняя версия драйвера для видеокарты NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 предложена на этой странице. Драйвер актуален на настоящее время и подходит для данной модели графического адаптера, произведенной любыми компаниями – ASUS, Gigabyte, Zotac, MSI, Palit и прочими. Для начала загрузки выберите вашу операционную систему в таблице ниже и в этой же строке нажмите кнопку «Скачать». Во избежание обрыва связи не рекомендуем закрывать данную страницу до окончания загрузки драйвера. При хорошей скорости вашего интернета процесс не займет много времени.


    Обратите внимание, что версия драйвера 472.12 является последней официальной по причине окончания поддержки компанией NVIDIA видеокарт 600-й и 700-й серий. Следующие версии драйверов поддерживают работу только более новых видеоадаптеров, начиная с серии GTX 900.

    Версия драйвера 472.12 WHQL
    Дата выхода 20.09.2021
    Язык интерфейса Русский
    Источник файла Сервер NVIDIA
    Для Windows 10 / 11 (64-bit) downloadСкачать (размер файла 701.42 МБ)
    Для Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 (64-bit) downloadСкачать (размер файла 607.97 МБ)

    Если вам необходима помощь в установке драйвера, прочитайте эту статью. Если по какой-либо причине скачанная версия не устанавливается, попробуйте установить одну из прошлых версий. Для этого перейдите в архив.

    This Page is Available in the Latest Version of ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers your Windows PC. First,
    you need to choose what operating system you want. Then, find the Device name, check the latest version, and
    click the Download button. It’s 100% safe and free. provides all the Asus Graphics Cards Drivers for Windows PC. Now we
    provide all the versions of the drivers. Asus is one of the main laptop manufacturers. No need for any extra
    knowledge to Download and Install this driver.

    Category: Graphics Cards
    Series: NVIDIA Series
    Model: GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5

    Available OS List

    Windows 11 64-bit Download for Windows 11 64-bit
    Windows 10 64-bit Download for Windows 10 64-bit
    Windows 10 32-bit Download for Windows 10 32-bit
    Windows 8.1 64-bit Download for Windows 8.1 64-bit
    Windows 8.1 32-bit Download for Windows 8.1 32-bit
    Windows 8 32-bit Download for Windows 8 32-bit
    Windows 8 64-bit Download for Windows 8 64-bit
    Windows 7 32-bit Download for Windows 7 32-bit
    Windows 7 64-bit Download for Windows 7 64-bit
    Vista 32-bit Download for Vista 32-bit
    Vista 64-bit Download for Vista 64-bit
    Windows XP Download for Windows XP
    Windows XP 64-bit Download for Windows XP 64-bit

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Vista 32-bit

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Vista 32-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 nVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 364.06 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Vista 32-bit 2013/10/31  327.23 nVIDIA Display Driver 327.23WHQL for Vista32 , Win7 32 , Win8 32 , Win8.1 32 255.32 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Vista 32-bit 2013/06/28  320.18 nVIDIA Display Driver 320.18 for Vista32, Win7 32, Win8 32 182.44 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Vista 32-bit 2013/06/24 ASUS GPU Tweak utility version 23.16 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Vista 64-bit

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Vista 64-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 nVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 436.31 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Vista 64-bit 2013/10/31  327.23 nVIDIA Display Driver 327.23WHQL for Vista64 , Win7 64 , Win8 64 , Win8.1 64 311.21 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Vista 64-bit 2013/06/28  320.18 nVIDIA Display Driver 320.18 for Vista64, Win7 64, Win8 64 237.98 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Vista 64-bit 2013/06/24 ASUS GPU Tweak utility version 23.16 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 10 32-bit

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 10 32-bit 2018/01/21  390.65 NVDriver_390.65_Win10X32bit 480.84 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 32-bit 2017/12/19  388.43 NVDriver_388.43_Win10X32bit 490.47 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 32-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 NVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 363.98 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 10 64-bit

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 10 64-bit 2022/07/18  516.59 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V516.59 For Windows 10/11 64-bit. (DCH) 784.7 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2022/04/25  512.15 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V512.15 For Windows 10/11 64-bit. (DCH) 786.95 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2022/02/08  511.23 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V511.23 For WIN10/WIN11 64Bit (DCH) 797.13 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2021/09/23  472.12 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V472.12 For WIN10/WIN11 64Bit (DCH) 722.87 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2021/08/24  471.68 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V471.68 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 721.06 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2021/06/11  466.77 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V466.77 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 671.35 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2021/06/01  466.47 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V466.47 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 672.18 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2021/04/01  465.89 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V465.89 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 693.27 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2021/02/26  461.72 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V461.72 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 628.51 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2021/01/18  461.09 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V461.09 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 630.4 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2020/12/02  457.30 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V457.30 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 617.22 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2020/07/01  451.48 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V451.48 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 561.35 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2020/05/07  445.87 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V445.87 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 535.24 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2020/01/17  441.87 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V441.87 For WIN10 64Bit (DCH) 528.78 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2019/01/30  417.71 NV Driver 417.71 544.58 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2018/08/08  398.36 ASUA nVidia Driver 492.63 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2018/01/21  390.65 NVDriver_390.65_Win10X64bit 596.84 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2017/12/19  388.43 NVDriver_388.43_Win10X64bit 608.56 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 NVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 437.63 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    3rd Party Utilities

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 10 64-bit 2019/11/25  4.0.1910.2401 XSplitVersion4.0.1910.2401 66.23 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 10 64-bit 2022/04/07 GPU TweakII V2.3.9.0 98.02 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 10 64-bit 2019/04/02 ASUS GPUTweakII RemoveTool_Version 786.55 KBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 11 64-bit

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 11 64-bit 2022/07/18  516.59 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V516.59 For Windows 10/11 64-bit. (DCH) 784.7 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 11 64-bit 2022/04/25  512.15 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V512.15 For Windows 10/11 64-bit. (DCH) 786.95 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 11 64-bit 2022/02/08  511.23 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V511.23 For WIN10/WIN11 64Bit (DCH) 797.13 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 11 64-bit 2021/09/23  472.12 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Drivers V472.12 For WIN10/WIN11 64Bit (DCH) 722.87 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 11 64-bit 2022/04/07 GPU TweakII V2.3.9.0 98.02 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 7 32-bit

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 7 32-bit 2013/10/29  1.0.3 ASUS GPU Tweak Streaming V1.0.3 10.37 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 32-bit 2013/06/24 ASUS GPU Tweak utility version 23.16 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 7 32-bit 2018/01/21  390.65 NVDriver_390.65_Win7X32bit 458.88 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 32-bit 2017/12/19  388.43 NVDriver_388.43_Win7_Win8_Win8.1X32bit 468.67 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 32-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 nVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 364.06 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 32-bit 2013/10/31  327.23 nVIDIA Display Driver 327.23WHQL for Vista32 , Win7 32 , Win8 32 , Win8.1 32 255.32 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 32-bit 2013/06/28  320.18 nVIDIA Display Driver 320.18 for Vista32, Win7 32, Win8 32 182.44 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 7 64-bit

    3rd Party Utilities

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 7 64-bit 2019/11/25  4.0.1910.2401 XSplitVersion4.0.1910.2401 66.23 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 7 64-bit 2022/04/07 GPU TweakII V2.3.9.0 98.02 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2019/04/02 ASUS GPUTweakII RemoveTool_Version 786.55 KBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2013/10/29  1.0.3 ASUS GPU Tweak Streaming V1.0.3 10.37 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2013/06/24 ASUS GPU Tweak utility version 23.16 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 7 64-bit 2021/08/24  471.68 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V471.68 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 606.47 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2021/06/11  466.77 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V4466.77 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 573.18 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2021/06/01  466.47 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V466.47 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 573.53 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2021/04/01  465.89 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V465.89 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 596.06 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2021/03/05  461.72 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V461.72 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 528.96 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2021/01/18  461.09 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V461.09 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 529.79 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2020/12/02  457.30 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V457.30 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 519.89 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2020/07/01  451.48 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V451.48 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 469.66 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2020/05/07  445.87 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V445.87 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 460.47 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2020/01/17  441.87 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V441.87 For WIN7 64Bit 528.36 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2019/01/30  417.71 NV Driver 417.71 500.48 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2018/08/08  398.36 ASUA nVidia Drive 434.39 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2018/01/21  390.65 NVDriver_390.65_Win7X64bit 546.68 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2017/12/19  388.43 NVDriver_388.43_Win7_Win8_Win8.1X64bit 558.59 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 nVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 436.31 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2013/10/31  327.23 nVIDIA Display Driver 327.23WHQL for Vista64 , Win7 64 , Win8 64 , Win8.1 64 311.21 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 7 64-bit 2013/06/28  320.18 nVIDIA Display Driver 320.18 for Vista64, Win7 64, Win8 64 237.98 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 8 32-bit

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 8 32-bit 2013/10/29  1.0.3 ASUS GPU Tweak Streaming V1.0.3 10.37 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 32-bit 2013/06/24 ASUS GPU Tweak utility version 23.16 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 8 32-bit 2019/01/30  417.71 NV Driver 417.71 500.48 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 32-bit 2017/12/19  388.43 NVDriver_388.43_Win7_Win8_Win8.1X32bit 468.67 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 32-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 nVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 364.06 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 32-bit 2013/10/31  327.23 nVIDIA Display Driver 327.23WHQL for Vista32 , Win7 32 , Win8 32 , Win8.1 32 255.32 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 32-bit 2013/06/28  320.18 nVIDIA Display Driver 320.18 for Vista32, Win7 32, Win8 32 182.44 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 8 64-bit

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 8 64-bit 2022/04/07 GPU TweakII V2.3.9.0 98.02 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2019/04/02 ASUS GPUTweakII RemoveTool_Version 786.55 KBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2013/10/29  1.0.3 ASUS GPU Tweak Streaming V1.0.3 10.37 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2013/06/24 ASUS GPU Tweak utility version 23.16 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    3rd Party Utilities

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 8 64-bit 2019/11/25  4.0.1910.2401 XSplitVersion4.0.1910.2401 66.23 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 8 64-bit 2021/08/24  471.68 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V471.68 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 606.47 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2021/06/11  466.77 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V4466.77 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 573.18 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2021/06/01  466.47 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V466.47 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 573.53 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2021/04/01  465.89 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V465.89 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 596.06 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2021/03/05  461.72 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V461.72 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 528.96 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2021/01/18  461.09 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V461.09 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 529.79 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2020/12/02  457.30 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V457.30 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 519.89 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2020/07/01  451.48 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V451.48 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 469.66 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2020/05/07  445.87 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V445.87 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 460.47 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2020/01/17  441.87 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V441.87 For WIN7 64Bit 528.36 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2018/08/08  398.36 ASUA nVidia Drive 434.39 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2017/12/19  388.43 NVDriver_388.43_Win7_Win8_Win8.1X64bit 558.59 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 nVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 436.31 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2013/10/31  327.23 nVIDIA Display Driver 327.23WHQL for Vista64 , Win7 64 , Win8 64 , Win8.1 64 311.21 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8 64-bit 2013/06/28  320.18 nVIDIA Display Driver 320.18 for Vista64, Win7 64, Win8 64 237.98 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 8.1 32-bit

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 8.1 32-bit 2017/12/19  388.43 NVDriver_388.43_Win7_Win8_Win8.1X32bit 468.67 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 32-bit 2015/08/07  353.62 nVIDIA Display Driver 353.62WHQL 364.06 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 32-bit 2013/10/31  327.23 nVIDIA Display Driver 327.23WHQL for Vista32 , Win7 32 , Win8 32 , Win8.1 32 255.32 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    Software and Utility

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 8.1 32-bit 2013/10/29  1.0.3 ASUS GPU Tweak Streaming V1.0.3 10.37 MBytes DOWNLOAD

    ASUS GTX760-DC2OC-2GD5 Drivers Download For
    Windows 8.1 64-bit

    VGA Drivers

    Support OS: Date: Version: Vendor: Size: Download Link:
    Windows 8.1 64-bit 2021/08/24  471.68 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V471.68 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 606.47 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 64-bit 2021/06/11  466.77 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V4466.77 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 573.18 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 64-bit 2021/06/01  466.47 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V466.47 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 573.53 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 64-bit 2021/04/01  465.89 NVIDIA GeForce Ready Drivers V465.89 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit. 596.06 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 64-bit 2021/03/05  461.72 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V461.72 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 528.96 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 64-bit 2021/01/18  461.09 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V461.09 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 529.79 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 64-bit 2020/12/02  457.30 Nvidia GeForce Ready Drivers V457.30 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 519.89 MBytes DOWNLOAD
    Windows 8.1 64-bit 2020/07/01  451.48 Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Drivers V451.48 For WIN7/8/8.1 64Bit 469.66 MBytes DOWNLOAD
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      GeForce RTX 20 Series: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, GeForce RTX 2080, GeForce RTX 2070

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      GeForce 10 Series (Notebooks): GeForce GTX 1080, GeForce GTX 1070, GeForce GTX 1060, GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, GeForce GTX 1050

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      Beware: there are two versions of the 416.34 driver. The first one is 545201528 B and is dated 2018/10/11, the other has 545157792 B and is dated 2018/10/12. The newer version also supports Geforce RTX 2070.
      WHQL signature is for Windows 10 only!

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