Asus fonepad 7 windows 7

Asus fonepad 7 — планшет, производимый крупным тайваньским производителем электроники Asus. Он работает на операционной системе Android, но многие пользователи возможно захотят подключить этот планшет к компьютеру под управлением Windows 7 для передачи файлов или прошивки устройства. Однако, для успешного подключения планшета к компьютеру, необходимо установить соответствующие драйвера.

Драйвера Asus fonepad 7 для Windows 7 можно скачать с официального сайта Asus или использовать сторонние ресурсы. С официального сайта Asus вы можете найти последние версии драйверов, разработанные специально для подключения данного планшета к операционной системе Windows 7. Однако, поиск и загрузка драйверов с официального сайта может быть сложным и затратным процессом.

Существуют также сторонние ресурсы, на которых можно найти и загрузить драйвера Asus fonepad 7 для Windows 7. Эти ресурсы предлагают подборку драйверов, отдельных файлов или наборов драйверов, собранных другими пользователями. Важно отметить, что при загрузке драйверов с таких ресурсов следует быть осторожными и проверять файлы на вирусы или злонамеренные программы.

После загрузки драйверов для Asus fonepad 7 на компьютер с Windows 7, их необходимо установить, следуя инструкциям, предоставленным скачанными файлами. Обычно это включает в себя запуск установщика драйверов, следование указаниям по установке и перезагрузку компьютера. После успешной установки драйвера, вы сможете подключить Asus fonepad 7 к компьютеру и использовать его вместе с Windows 7 без проблем.


  1. Где скачать драйвера Asus fonepad 7 для Windows 7?
  2. Официальный сайт Asus
  3. Специализированные ресурсы

Где скачать драйвера Asus fonepad 7 для Windows 7?

Для начала, рекомендуется посетить официальный сайт Asus, где вы сможете найти драйвера и другое программное обеспечение для своего устройства. На сайте Asus можно найти и скачать официальные драйвера, которые пригодятся для работы с вашим устройством Asus fonepad 7.

Процесс скачивания драйверов на сайте Asus довольно прост. Вам понадобится знать модель вашего устройства Asus fonepad 7, чтобы найти соответствующий список доступных драйверов. После выбора модели и операционной системы Windows 7, вы должны будете найти и загрузить необходимые драйвера для вашего устройства. Следуйте инструкциям на сайте Asus, чтобы скачать и установить драйверы.

Также, можно воспользоваться другими ресурсами для скачивания драйверов Asus fonepad 7 для Windows 7. На многих специализированных интернет-ресурсах вы можете найти и загрузить драйвера для вашего устройства. Важно обратить внимание на то, что драйвера должны быть официальными и актуальными, чтобы избежать проблем совместимости или неправильной работы вашего устройства Asus fonepad 7.

Важно помнить, что правильно установленные драйвера являются необходимым условием для стабильной работы вашего устройства Asus fonepad 7 на Windows 7. Если у вас возникли проблемы с установкой или обновлением драйверов, рекомендуется обратиться в официальную службу поддержки Asus или воспользоваться другими специализированными ресурсами для получения помощи и советов от экспертов.

В итоге, чтобы скачать драйвера Asus fonepad 7 для Windows 7, мы рекомендуем вам посетить официальный сайт Asus или обратиться к другим надежным источникам для получения актуальных и официальных драйверов для вашего устройства.

Официальный сайт Asus

Официальный сайт компании Asus предлагает пользователям доступ к полной информации о продукции и сервисах, предоставляемых компанией. Здесь вы сможете найти все необходимые драйвера, инструкции и программы для устройства Asus Fonepad 7.

Посетив официальный сайт Asus, вы сможете найти драйвера для различных операционных систем, включая Windows 7. Скачивание и установка драйверов с официального сайта гарантирует стабильную работу вашего устройства и минимизирует риски возникновения проблем связанных с совместимостью.

Na официальном сайте Asus также доступны инструкции и руководства пользователя для Asus Fonepad 7. Вы сможете ознакомиться с полным функционалом вашего устройства, а также получить советы и рекомендации по настройке и использованию.

Asus предоставляет возможность скачивания программного обеспечения для вашего устройства. Актуальные версии приложений и утилит обновляются на официальном сайте, что гарантирует их безопасность и надежность.

Посетив официальный сайт Asus, вы получите всю необходимую информацию по вашему устройству, а также сможете скачать драйвера, инструкции и программы для Asus Fonepad 7, обеспечивая его стабильную работу и максимальное удовлетворение от использования.

Специализированные ресурсы

Для загрузки драйверов для Asus fonepad 7 под Windows 7 можно обратиться к специализированным ресурсам, которые предлагают последние версии драйверов и подробные инструкции по установке. Вот некоторые из таких ресурсов:

  • Официальный сайт Asus: На официальном веб-сайте производителя Asus вы можете найти раздел поддержки, где доступны драйверы для различных моделей устройств Asus, включая fonepad 7. Выберите свою модель, операционную систему (Windows 7) и загрузите необходимые драйверы.
  • Сайт драйверов: Существуют специальные веб-сайты, которые собирают наиболее актуальные и полные версии драйверов для различных устройств. Найдите один из таких сайтов и введите модель вашего устройства (Asus fonepad 7) и операционную систему (Windows 7) для поиска и загрузки правильных драйверов.
  • Форумы сообщества: Существует сообщество пользователей Asus, которые обсуждают и делятся информацией о драйверах для различных моделей устройств. Поищите форумы, посвященные Asus fonepad 7, и обратитесь к опыту других пользователей, чтобы узнать, какие драйверы имеются в наличии, а также получить советы по установке.

Убедитесь, что вы загружаете драйверы с надежных и проверенных ресурсов, чтобы избежать проблем совместимости и защиты вашего устройства и данных.

Asus Logo

On this page, we have managed to share the official USB driver of the Asus Fonepad 7 Device. If you were already searching for the USB driver of the device, then this page will help you out.

There are 2 USB drivers available for the device, i.e., Intel Driver and ADB Driver. The Intel Driver is compatible with all the Flash Tool, and the ADB Driver can be useful for establishing a connection between the mobile and the computer.

Asus Fonepad 7 Intel Driver

The Intel Android Driver is compatible with the Intel Flash Tool and the IMEI Tool and can be helpful if you are trying to install firmware (ROM) on the device.

Driver Name: Intel Android Driver
Package Name:
Driver Size: 8.9 MB
How to Install: Follow Guidelines

Get Driver

Asus Fonepad 7 ADB Driver

You can use the ADB Driver to connect the mobile (powered by android) to the computer and transfer data between the mobile and the computer.

Driver Name: Android ADB Driver
Package Name:
Driver Size: 8.27 MB
How to Install: Follow Guidelines

Get Driver

How to Install any USB Driver Manually

  1. Download and extract the USB driver on the computer.
  2. Open Device Manager (devmgmt.msc) and Click on the Computer Name > Action Menu > Add Legacy Hardware.
  3. Click on the Next button.
  4. Select the Install the hardware that I manually Select from a list checkbox and Click on the Next button.
  5. Again, Click on the Next button.
  6. Click on the Have Disk > Browse > Locate the .inf file (found in the extracted driver folder) and Click on Open Button.
  7. Click on the Finish button to complete the installation.
  8. Follow Complete Guidelines

Readme Once:

[*] Driver Signature Error: If you are facing Driver Signature Error while installing the USB Driver, then head over to How to Fix Driver Signature Error page.

[*] Driver Easy: We recommend you to use Driver Easy application to update all the computer drivers in a Single Click.

[*] Asus Fonepad 7 Stock Firmware: If you are looking for the Asus Fonepad 7 Stock Firmware, then head over to the Asus Firmware page.

Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG phone not connecting to PC only charging? Computer having trouble detecting the Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG Android phone? It may be caused by the missing Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Driver or corrupted drivers. To fix Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG phone not showing up on PC, download Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers and install them on your computer.

Asus USB Drivers are essential to seamlessly connect Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG to a Computer or Laptop over USB. Without the Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG drivers, the connection will not work, and your computer will have a hard time detecting your phone. On this page, you can download official Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8, along with Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG ADB interface drivers and Fastboot drivers.

The Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG Android USB Drivers allows you to establish a secure and reliable connection between your phone and the computer over the USB connection. It will enable you to connect your phone as an MTP USB device (Media Transfer Protocol) and transfer files and data like images, videos, and documents between your phone and the computer.

The Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG ADB Driver and Fastboot Driver allows you to pass ADB commands and Fastboot commands right from your computer and perform certain operations on your phone.

The Asus Mobile Drivers provided here allow you to flash stock firmware, stock recovery, TWRP recovery, CWM recovery, Unlock Bootloader, etc. It also allows you to transfer media, documents, and other files to and from your phone to your computer.

Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG Driver for Flashing Firmware

Download Now

How to install: Follow Tutorial

Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Driver for normal connecting to PC

Download Now

How to install: Follow Tutorial

The Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG Fastboot and ADB drivers can be downloaded below.

Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG ADB and Fastboot Drivers

Download Now

How to install: Follow Tutorial

[!] Note: If you face Driver Signature Error while installing the USB Driver, then watch this video to fix the problem.

Also Download: Asus Fonepad 7 ME372CG USB Drivers

How to Install Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers

  1. Download and extract the latest ASUS USB Driver package on your computer.ASUS USB Drivers - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  2. Launch Device Manager on your computer by right-clicking Windows Start Button and selecting Device Manager.Windows Start Button Device Manager - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  3. Once the Device Manager window loads, click on your Computer name.Device Manager Computer Name - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  4. Now click on Action and then select Add legacy hardware.Device Manager Add legacy hardware - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  5. Now Add Hardware Wizard window should open. Click on Next to continue.Add Hardware Wizard - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  6. Select Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) option and click on Next.Install Hardware Manually - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  7. Now select Show All Devices and click on Next.Show all Hardware Devices - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  8. Now click on Have Disk… to launch the Install From Disk window.Add Hardware Have Disk - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  9. Now click on Browse… from the Install From Disk window and navigate to the folder where you have extracted the ASUS drivers in Step #1.Install From Disk Browse - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  10. Now select android_winusb.inf driver file from the Windows_XP_VISTA_7_8_8.1 folder and click on Open and then on OK.Asus Android USB Driver - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  11. Select the ASUS Android ADB Interface driver from the list and click on Next.ASUS Android ADB Interface Driver - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  12. Confirm the Hardware driver to install and click on Next to begin the ASUS Android USB Driver installation process.Install ASUS Driver - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  13. Once installed, click on Finish.ASUS Android Driver Installed Successfully - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  14. Follow Steps #3 to #13 again and install the ASUS Android Bootloader Interface driver, ASUS Android Composite ADB Interface driver, ASUS Android Composite PC Link Interface driver, and ASUS Android PC Link Interface driver.Install ASUS Android Bootloader Interface Driver - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  15. Once all the listed drivers are installed, restart your computer.

How to Install Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers Manually

  1. Download and extract the latest Android USB Driver ( file to Desktop on your computer.Google Android USB Driver extracted - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  2. Now open the Device Manager on your computer by right-clicking Windows Start Button and selecting Device Manager.Windows Start Button Device Manager - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  3. Now click on your Computer name in the Device Manager window.Device Manager Computer Name - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  4. Now click on Action and then click on Add legacy hardware.Device Manager Add legacy hardware - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  5. Now Add Hardware Wizard window should open. Click on Next to continue.Add Hardware Wizard - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  6. Select Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) option and click on Next.Install Hardware Manually - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  7. Select Show All Devices from the list and click on Next.Show all Hardware Devices - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  8. In the next screen, click on Have Disk… to open the Install From Disk window.Add Hardware Have Disk - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  9. In the Install From Disk window, click on Browse… and navigate to the folder where you have extracted the drivers in Step #1.Install From Disk Browse - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  10. Now select android_winusb.inf driver file and click on Open and then on OK.Google Android USB Driver inf - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  11. Now select the Android ADB Interface driver from the list and click on Next.Install Android ADB Interface Driver - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  12. Confirm the Hardware driver to install and click on Next to begin the installation process.Android ADB Interface Driver Install - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  13. Once installed, click on Finish.Android ADB Interface Driver Installed - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  14. Follow Steps #3 to #13 again and install the Android Bootloader Interface driver and Android Composite ADB Interface driver.Install Android Bootloader Interface Driver - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  15. Once all the listed drivers are installed, reboot your computer.

Video Tutorial: How to Install Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG Android USB Drivers

Subscribe to Android USB Drivers

How to Install Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG ADB and Fastboot Drivers

  1. Download and extract the 15 Seconds ADB installer zip file on your computer. Once extracted, you’ll find the ADB driver installer setup file.15 Seconds ADB Installer - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  2. Right-click on the ADB installer setup file and select Run as administrator.Open ADB and Fastboot Installer - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  3. Now 15 seconds ADB driver installer command prompt window should open on your computer.ADB and Fastboot installer - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  4. It should ask whether you want to install the ADB driver and Fastboot driver. Press the Y key and then press Enter.Install ADB and Fastboot Driver - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  5. Now, it should ask whether you want to install the ADB driver system-wide. Press the Y key again and hit Enter.Install ADB system wide - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  6. Now, the ADB and Fastboot driver installation process should begin.
  7. When the ADB driver installation is finished, it will ask whether you want to install device drivers. Press the Y key and then press Enter.ADB install device drivers - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  8. Now the «Device Driver Installation Wizard» window should pop-up.
  9. Click on Next to begin installing Google USB Drivers (WinUSB).Install Google Android USB Driver WinUSB - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers
  10. Once the installation process is completed, click on Finish and restart your computer.Google USB Driver installation complete - Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Drivers

Video Tutorial: How to Install Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG ADB and Fastboot Drivers

Subscribe to Android USB Drivers

Important Notes:

[*] Driver Signature Error: If you got Driver Signature Error While installing the Driver then See this Video to fix this problem.

[*] Broken link: Report here.

[*] Have we missed any device model? Let us know by contacting us via Contact Us page.

Reader Interactions

Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver, PC Manager & User Guide Download

Is your Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG not connecting to the PC, or is it failing to get recognized by your PC? This is a common problem on connecting the device to a PC via the USB cable for the first time. It usually happens because of missing or corrupted USB drivers. You’ll need to download and install the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB drivers on your computer so that it can easily recognize the device.

Asus USB Driver is part of Asus connectivities over the PC Windows. Suppose you have recently purchased a Asus mobile phone and still need help finding a way to communicate with the mobile phone via a personal computer. Then you need to download the Asus USB driver setup from the site link below.

Install it on your Computer to see all the stuff on your mobile phone or Computer and better communicate with it.

To download the USB driver, click the link below, and enable the USB debugging before connecting the mobile phone to the PC.

What is a Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver?

USB drivers are the most important and useful for communicating with mobile phones. You can share the data by connecting your phone to the PC. You can manage all the data available on your mobile phone and can arrange to rearrange all the stuff out there.

Though you can connect the PC to mobile phones via third-party software, the use and benefits of using the official tools will be extraordinary.

In this case, if you want to communicate your Asus with a PC using simple connectivity. If you have a problem, this Asus USB driver is the best solution.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Downloading the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG latest Driver releases helps resolve Driver conflicts and improve your Computer’s stability and performance. Updates are recommended for all Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11 users.

Features Of Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver:

  • Connect Asus devices to Computer
  • No extra software is required
  •  Asus Tablets support
  • Drivers are free and always available
  • Enables you to flash the firmware on Asus smartphones
  • All windows compatible

You even can share the same internet connection on both sides of the data cable. You can even send messages from the Computer using your SMS package and contacts.

Download Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver for Windows

In this guide, we’ve given the download links for the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB driver, which can be installed on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and Windows 7 PC. If you are unfamiliar with how to install a USB driver, we’ve got you covered here. This guide will also find the steps to install Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB drivers.

Download Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver

Download / install Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB USB Driver for windows

Package Driver Name: Android ADB Driver
Driver File Name : usb_driver_r13-windows_(
Driver File Size : 8.27 MB
How to Install: Guide How to install Driver

Download Driver Now

Download Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG Stock Firmware: If you are looking for the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG Stock Firmware, then head over to the Asus Firmware page.

How to Install Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver Manually

Installing Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB Drivers for Windows 10/11.

Requirements: You must have the Windows Computer and the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG Android ADB Driver (.inf based) to follow the guidelines below.

Step 1: Download the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB driver to your computer. Once downloaded, extract the download zip file from a folder on your computer.How to install Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB Drivers

Step 2: Go to the Control panel and open the Device Manager window. Now click the “Action” tab and select “Add Legacy Hardware. “How to install Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB Drivers

Step 3: You will see the “Add Hardware Wizard” welcome window. Click on “Next”Install Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG usb Driver

Step 4:Install the hard that I manually select from a list” option and click “Next. “click “Next“

Step 5: Now, you will be asked to select the type of Hardware you are installing. Select “Show all devices, “click “Next,” and choose the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB driver folder on your computer (Step 1)choose the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB driver folder

Step 6: In the next window, you will see “Hardware to install: Android ADB Interface. “Once you see this message, click “Next. “Android ADB Interface

Step 7: Now, a Windows security prompt window will open up. Click on “Install” to start the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB driver installation process.How to install LG K51S ADB Drivers

Step 8: It will take a minute or two for the installation process to complete; once it does, you will see the “Completing the Add Hardware Wizard” window. Click on “Finish. “Click on “Finish“

That’s it. Now you have successfully finished installing the ADB driver on your Windows computer. From now on, you can connect to the computer successfully.

Installing Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB Drivers for Windows XP / 7 / 8

To install the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB Drivers in Windows 10 and 11 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect your Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG to the USB cable of your computer.Connect your F11 CPH2407
  2. In the left pane of the Computer Management menu, select Device Manager.Download Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driverselect Device Manager
  3. In the right panel of Device Manager, locate and expand portable devices or other devices, depending on what you see.panel of Device Manager
  4. Right-click on the name of the connected device and select Update Driver.Download Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver
  5. Search my computer for the Hardware Update Wizard’s driver software and click Next.
  6. Click Browse and navigate to the ADB driver folder. For example, the Google ADB driver is in android_sdk extras google usb_driver.
  7. Click Next to install the F11 CPH2407 driver.

Or, to update an existing Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB Drivers in Windows 7 and higher with the new driver:

  • Connect the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG to the USB port of the computer.
  • Right-click on the computer on the desktop or in Windows Explorer and select Manage.
  • Select Device Manager in the left pane of the Device Management window.
  • Find and expand the Asus phone in the right panel.
  • Right-click on the ADB Android Composite interface and select Update Driver. This will start the Hardware Update Wizard.
  • Select Install in a list or a specific location, then click Next.
  • Select Search for the best driver in these locations; uncheck Search removable media, and check to Include this site in the survey.
  • Click Browse and navigate to the ADB driver folder. (The Google ADB driver is in android_sdk extras google usb_driver .)
  • Click Next to update the driver.

How to install Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG ADB USB Driver VIDEO :

How to Solve Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver Signature Error?

Readme Once:

[#] Stock ROM: If you are looking for the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG Stock Firmware, head over to the page.

[#] Request Asus Driver : If you are looking for any specific Asus driver not listed above, then you can request it through the comment box below (do not request a driver from the contact page, or else it will be ignored).

[#] Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Drivers are officially provided by Asus Inc. If any of the above drivers do not work for you, you can complain to Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG Mobile Inc Officially or report to us using the comment box below.


Is Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver Free?

Yes. The Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver is 100% free since the Asus community officially releases it for Asus Mobile users.

Is Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver Safe?

Yes. The Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB Driver is 100% safe for the computer, laptop, and Asus device. Furthermore, since the Asus community officially releases the driver, it’s 100% safe & secure to use on the computer.

Where Can I find Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG Plus Firmware?

If you are looking for the original Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG Firmware (Stock ROM), then head over to the Asus Firmware page.

That’s all the tutorial on how to install the Asus FonePad 7 Dual FE175CG USB driver for the Windows procedure, and If there is a problem or an error, you can keep in touch with us through the Contact menu at the bottom of this page, Support us and share it with anyone who needs it so we can continue to support you.

Home » Asus » Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Driver

If you are an owner of Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG and looking out for usb drivers to connect your device to the computer, then you have landed on the right page. Download Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB driver from here, install it on your computer and connect your device with PC or Laptop successfully.

Here, we have provided a usb driver for your Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG.

Download Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG USB Driver

USB Driver Type: ADB Driver
USB Driver Purpose: For connecting your device to a computer.
File Size: 8.3 MB

Download Now

Steps To Install Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG ADB Driver In Computer

Video Tutorial

If you don’t like this video tutorial or if you would like to get more instructions, then continue reading.

Step 1: To get started, download the driver and extract it on your desktop.


Step 2: Now, open Device Manager > Action > Add legacy hardware.


Step 3: Next, click “Next” in the Add legacy hardware wizard.


Step 4: Now choose “Install the hardware that I manually select from the list (Advanced)” and click “Next“.


Step 5: Once done choose “Show all devices“, click “Next” and select the extracted file manually from your computer.


Step 6: Now to start installing your new hardware, click “Next” again.


Step 7: Click “Install” in the Windows security prompt window.


Step 8: Next, click “Finish” to complete installation.


That’s it. Now you have successfully finished installing ADB driver in your Computer. If you encounter any issues while following this tutorial, do let me know via comments.

Note: If you have corrupted your Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG, download Asus Fonepad 7 ME175CG stock ROM and flash it on your device using an Android flash tool.

Avatar for Boopathy Sundaramoorthy

Boopathy Sundaramoorthy is a tech and Android enthusiast working for from 2018. He loves helping Android users to find the right USB drivers for their devices so that they can connect their smartphone or tablet to a computer.

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