Are these windows really not made of

A. Circle the correct word. If both are correct, circle both.

 Are those sheep / sheeps or goats in that field over there?

 How many sister-in-laws / sisters-in-law have you got?

 Look at those lovely little fish / fishes!

 I’ve only got one important piece of new / news to tell you, I think.

 The hairdresser quickly swept up the hair / hairs on the floor.

 I’ll be giving you a lot of information / informations, so do please take notes.

 We’ve bought quite a lot of furniture / furnitures in the last few days.

 Could you give us both permission / permissions to miss PE tomorrow?

 Physic / Physics is my favourite subject by far.

10   I think I’ve got some money / monies on me.

11   I’m going to give them all the advice / advices I can.

12   What kind of jewellery / jewelleries are you interested in getting?

13   Would you like some chocolate / chocolates?

14   You’ve got to have very good general knowledge / knowledges to go on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

15   I’ve always been interested in politic / politics.


1 sheep   2 sisters-in-law   3 fish/fishes

4 news   5 hair/hairs   6 information

7 furniture   8 permission   9 Physics

10 money   11 advice   12 jewellery

13 chocolate/chocolates

14 knowledge   15 politics

B. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

 ……………………. (be) all the furniture very expensive when you got it?

 My earnings ……………………. (increase) considerably over the last two years.

 ……………………. (be) all the luggage yours?

 Your pyjamas ……………………. (be) on your bed, I think.

 Politics ……………………. (be) a love of mine, as well as my profession.

 ……………………. (be) your team doing well in the league right now?

 The people over there ……………………. (need) serving.

 ……………………. (be) the news good or bad?

 There ……………………. (be) blood all over the floor!

10   The cattle ……………………. (eat) at the moment.

11   Diabetes ……………………. (be) very common these days.

12   Where ……………………. (be) the scissors?

13   My work ……………………. (be) the most important thing in my life.

14   I think the milk ……………………. (go off). Shall I pour it away?

15   The jeans I tried on in the shop yesterday ……………………. (be) far too small.


1 Was   2 have increased   3 Is/as

4 are/were   5 is/was   6 Is/Are

7 need   8 Is/as   9 is/was   10 are eating

11 is   12 are/were   13 is/was

14 has gone off/is going off   15 were

C. If a word in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is in the wrong sentence, write the correct word on the line.

 I’m off to the newsagent’s to get a pair of chocolate. Do you want anything? ……………………

 Could you get me a flock of chewing gum when you go to the shops? ……………………

 I think I’ll have another herd of toast. ……………………

 Just add a breath of milk if the mixture starts to get a bit dry. ……………………

 I’m popping out for a pack of fresh air. Do you want to come? ……………………

 There was a block of cows being taken down the lane for milking, and it took us ages to get by. ……………………

7   You said you wanted to get a new bar of trousers, didn’t you? ……………………

8   Get us a bunch of bread when you go to the shops, won’t you? ……………………

9   I was thinking of getting Jill a blade of flowers for our anniversary. Do you think that’s romantic? ……………………

10   There was a really strong drop of wind and it blew a man’s wig off! …………………….

11   My mum’s so houseproud; there’s never a gust of dust anywhere in the house. ……………………

12   Could you cut me off a small slice of that cheese? ……………………

13   That speck of birds will be migrating south for the winter, I’d imagine. ……………………

14   Since we got the goat, there’s not a loaf of grass longer than about two centimetres! ……………………

15   We do like a nice bit of steak every now and again, don’t we, Francis? ……………………

16   How heavy’s that sheet of concrete, would you say? ……………………

17   We’ll give you a set of keys and a security pass. ……………………

18   There’s not a grain of truth in what she said. ……………………

19   Is one piece of sugar enough? ……………………

20   I’ll tear you off a lump of paper if you’re going to take notes. ……………………


1 bar   2 pack   3 piece/slice/bit   4 drop/bit

5 breath/bit   6 herd   7 pair   8 loaf

9 bunch   10 gust   11 speck/bit   12

13 flock   14 blade/bit   15

16 block/lump/bit/piece   17 ✓   18

19 lump    20 sheet/bit/piece

D Complete the pairs of sentences using the correct form of a word in the box.

arm • cake • chicken • chocolate • damage • glass • hair

help • knowledge • paper • space • time • wood • work

1   Right! I’m off to ……………………. .

     How many ……………………. of art by Picasso can you actually name?

2   The storm did quite a lot of ……………………., so I hear.

     The jury awarded them ……………………. of over €500,000.

3   I don’t think I’ve ever baked three ……………………. from scratch in one day.

     Would you like another piece of …………………….?

4   Thanks, you’ve been a great ……………………. .

     Without your ……………………., we don’t know what we’d have done.

5   Ed was looking in the mirror and noticed one of his ……………………. had gone grey.

     I gather that long ……………………. is back in fashion amongst the young.

6   Did you know that ……………………. is actually a kind of liquid?

     I can’t find my ……………………. . Have you seen them anywhere?

7   Is your left ……………………. really longer than your right?

    The ……………………. trade is an industry I’d rather have nothing to do with.

8   Let’s have a picnic in the ……………………. .

     That table’s not made of ……………………. . It’s plastic!

9   Phil’s ……………………. of eighteenth century pottery is astounding.

     Phil’s got a great ……………………. of eighteenth century pottery.

10   No one can hear you scream in ……………………. because there’s no sound.

       Why are there no parking ……………………. round here at all?

11   How did people write things down before ……………………. was invented?

       The story appeared in most of the Sunday ……………………. .

12   One of our ……………………. is ill so we’ve had to call the vet out.

       This ……………………. tastes delicious!

13   How many ……………………. have I told you not to do that?

       What ……………………. did you get home last night?

14   Let’s get a big bar of milk ……………………. .

       Oh no! There are only two ……………………. left in the box!


1 work     works

2 damage     damages

3 cakes     cake

4 help     help

5 hairs     hair

6 glass     glasses

7 arm     arms

8 wood(s)     wood

9 knowledge     knowledge

10 space     spaces

11 paper     papers

12 chickens     chicken

13 times     time

14 chocolate     chocolates

E. Complete each second sentence using one of the two words in bold and any other words you need so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1   Only two boys volunteered to hand out programmes. double / couple

     Only ………………………………… boys volunteered to hand out programmes.

2   There were quite a few people at the party who I knew. number / amount

     There were ………………………………… people at the party who I knew.

3   When I was small, I’d never heard of computers. tittle / few

     When I was ………………………………… girl, I’d never heard of computers.

4   There’s not much ketchup left in the bottle. little / few

     There’s only ………………………………… ketchup left in the bottle.

5   Some kids have put their names down already. little / few

     ………………………………… kids have put their names down already.

6   I haven’t got much money on me, I’m afraid. number / amount

     I’ve only got ………………………………… money on me, I’m afraid.

7   I didn’t understand a lot of what she said, to be honest. much / many

     I didn’t understand ………………………………… what she said, to be honest.

8   Not enough British people can speak a foreign language. little / few

     ………………………………… British people can speak a foreign language.


1 a couple of   2 a number of

3 a little   4 a little   5 A few

6 a small amount of

7 much of

8 Very few/Too few

F. Circle the correct word or phrase. More than one option may be correct in each sentence.

1   Would you like any / some coffee?

2   I’ve hardly got any / some money left!

3   Only a few/ Few / A few of the ducks have names.

4   I’ve only got a little / little / a small amount of time, so make it quick!

5   Neither / Neither of the / Both guards was injured in the attack.

6   All / Most / Many / Much / Both of the clothes were filthy.

7   None / Half / Whole / Each / Every of the glasses had been smashed.

8   Each / Every / All student in the class whose surname begins with a vowel, please stand up.

9   There’s a little / little / not much / not many we can do about the situation, I’m afraid.

10   We’ve got most / plenty / a lot / lots / lot of time, don’t worry.


1 any/some   2 any

3 Only a few/Few/A few

4 a little/a small amount of

5 Neither of the

6 All/Most/Many

7 None/Half/Each

8 Each/Every

9 little/not much

10 plenty/a lot/lots

G. Complete the sentences with a, an or the. If no article is required, put a dash (-).

1   I think there’s ……….. chemist open in ……….. main road somewhere.

 One of ……….. people who I met at ……….. lecture ……….. last night is ……….. architect for quite ……….. well-known firm.

3   ……….. quality screwdriver is ……….. essential part of any tool box.

4   Who designed ……….. invitations for ……….. wedding?

5   ……….. poor and ……….. elderly are often left behind when it comes to ……….. modern technology.

6   When I was at ……….. school, we had to wear ……….. shorts until we were ……….. 11 and then

we were allowed to wear ……….. pair of long trousers.

7   I met ……….. writer ……….. Catherine Hawkins ……….. other day. She signed ……….. copy of her ……….. latest book for me.

8   I honestly believe that ……….. car is one of ……….. worst inventions in ……….. history of ……….. world.

9   Is that ……….. ewe or ……….. elk?

10   What’s ……….. difference between ……….. unicorn and ……….. postbox? You don’t know? Then, I’m not going to ask you to post ……….. letter for me!


1   a    the

 the    the    an    a

 A    an

 the    the

 The    the (or no article)    no article

6   no article    no article   no article    a

7   the    no article    the    a    no article

8   the    the    the    the

 a    an

10   the    a    a    a

H. Circle the correct answer.

1   Are these windows really not made of …………….?

      A the glass   B a glass

      C glass   D glasses

2   I fancy playing poker. Have we got a ……………. of cards anywhere?

      A pack   B pair

      C bunch   D set

3   Luckily, only ……………. of the medicine got spilt.

      A little   B a little

      C few   D a few

4   The ……………. on the kitchen table.

      A grocery is   B grocery are

      C groceries is   D groceries are

5   Hardly ……………. of the paintings at the gallery were for sale.

      A none   B few

      C some   D any

6   It’s ……………. opportunity to see African wildlife in its natural environment.

      A an unique   B a unique

      C the unique   D unique

7   You can’t just demand ……………., you have to earn it.

      A a respect   B the respect

      C any respect   D respect

8   Almost ……………. person I’ve asked says they’re going on the anti-war demonstration next Saturday.

      A every   B each

      C all the   D the entire


1 C   2 A   3 B   4 D   5 D   6 B   7 D   8 A

I. Write one word in each gap.

Artists and money

In publishing, (1) …………………… author will usually earn royalties on sales. For (2) …………………… book sold, the author gets a percentage. The more successful the author, the more they are able to negotiate with their publisher, and (3) …………………… bigger the percentage they can get. Although the ‘struggling author’ is still common, it is quite possible for a successful novelist to earn a (4) …………………… deal of money. You only have to look at (5) …………………… children’s author J. K. Rowling to see that.

For a painter or sculptor, however, the situation is more difficult. A painter sells his or her work for (6) …………………… fee. As the painter becomes more successful, the painting becomes valuable. (7) …………………… time it is sold, its value increases. The painter doesn’t receive (8) …………………… benefit from this, though. To make money, the artist has to be continually producing new pieces. More than a (9) …………………… artists today, however, are very aware of this, and so practise what is sometimes called ‘holding back’. They produce, say, ten paintings for an exhibition, but only allow a certain (10) …………………… of them, say eight, to be sold. The other two they keep, in (11) …………………… hope that when they sell them in later years they will have greatly increased in value.

For musicians, there are royalties for performance (eg on CD) and for writing. However, since (12) …………………… illegal transfer of digital music via the Internet has become widespread, (13) …………………… songwriters and performers have become worried that their main source of income will dry up. Certainly, the (14) …………………… music industry – be it pop, rock or classical – is in turmoil at the moment, but its future is not bleak. There is still a huge (15) …………………… of money to be made from live performances.


1 an/the   2 every/each   3 the

4 great   5 the   6 a   7 Each/Every

8 any   9 few   10 number   11 the

12 the   13 many/some/several

14 entire/whole   15 amount

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Section 3 90. “Why did you stop _____ badminton?” “Because it is raining.” a) for playing b) to play c) playing d) being played 91. “It‟s cold. Take a warm jacket with you.” “OK, I‟ll put _____.” a) on it b) over it c) it away d) it on 92. “Let‟s ask someone to help us with the luggage.” “Almost _____ person I‟ve asked for help, refused to help us.” a) every b) every of c) all the d) each of 93. “Why are you in such a bad mood, Alex?” “Well, I didn‟t even have time to make myself _____.” a) a proper breakfast b) the proper breakfast c) a breakfast proper d) properly breakfast 94. “Spencer West, an American with no legs, reached the summit of ____ by walking on his hands.” a) the Mount Kilimanjaro b) the Kilimanjaro c) Mount Kilimanjaro d) Kilimanjaro Mount 101 Section 3 95. “Who is the young man over there?” “His name is Derek. He lives _____.” a) at the United Arab Emirates b) in United Arab Emirates c) at a United Arab Emirate d) in the United Arab Emirates 96. “When did you meet Greg last?” “It was last summer. We were travelling to Rome _____.” a) on the same train b) with a same train c) by the same trains d) by a same train 97. “We aren‟t on _____ road, Andy, are we?” “I hope not.” a) the right b) a right c) the wrong d) a wrong 98. “Where can I buy that book?” “I remember _____ it in a bookshop, but I don‟t remember which one.” a) seeing b) to see c) to seeing d) being seen 99. “Could you provide me with _____ I asked for yesterday?” “Of course, I‟ll e-mail it to you in a couple of minutes.” a) the information b) those informations c) an information d) information 102

Section 3 www.atc.am100. “Do the penguins live in _____?” “They surely do.” a) an Antarctic b) Antarctic Ocean c) Antarctic d) the Antarctic Ocean 101. “Oh! I spilt the juice on the box of medicine.” “Luckily only _____ medicine got spoilt.” a) little of b) a little of the c) few of the d) a few 102. “Why did you refuse _____ the policeman‟s question?” “I didn‟t understand what he was hinting at.” a) answering b) that you answer c) for answering d) to answer 103. “How many _____ have you got?” “Two.” a) sisters-in-law b) of sisters-in-law c) sister-in-laws d) sisters-in-the-laws 104. “Are these windows really not made of _____?” “I have no idea.” a) the glass b) glass c) a glass d) glasses 103 Section 3 105. “I bought a large cake, but the children were so hungry that it wasn‟t ____.” a) much large b) enough large c) quite d) enough 106. “_____ did you invite to your birthday party?” “Just a few colleagues and my neighbour.” a) Whom b) Whose c) Who‟s d) To whom 107. “How long have you been working at the project?” “About _____.” a) two years and a half b) two and a half year c) a two and half years d) two and half years 108. “_____ is the hostel from here?” “It‟s about three miles away.” a) How many miles b) How much c) How long d) How much distance 109. “Where is my scarf? I‟ve been looking for it for an hour.” “It‟s _____ beside the wardrobe.” a) on the bed b) between the bed c) in bed d) on bed 104

Section 3 110. “Did you give the letter to the boss _____?” “No, his secretary gave it to him.” a) herself b) himself c) by yourself d) yourself 111. “The novel War and Peace was written by Tolstoy.” “Which one? _____ who wrote Anna Karenina or the one who wrote The Adventures of Buratino?” a) Tolstoy b) The Tolstoy c) A Tolstoy d) Some Tolstoy 112. “I can‟t stand this hot weather!” “_____. Dreadful, isn‟t it?” a) So can‟t I b) Neither can I c) So I can‟t d) Nor I can 113. “It‟s important _____ that if there is a will, there is a way.” a) to remember b) remembering c) for remembering d) remember 114. “What was the film like? Was it _____?” “No, it was very dull.” a) exciting b) excited c) an exciting d) an excited one 105 Section 3 115. “I don‟t like tea with such a lot of milk.” “Well, put in _____ milk next time.” a) a little b) less c) a little of d) less than 116. “How do I make this pasta?” “It‟s very easy; just cook it in _____ water for about 10 minutes”. a) a boiling b) the boiled c) boiling d) a boiled 117. “Who is that woman in a green coat?” “She is _____.” a) an aunt of Henry b) an aunt of Henry‟s c) the Henry‟s aunt d) the aunt of Henrys 118. “I don‟t like the idea of telling _____.” “OK, we shall keep it secret.” a) truth to everybody b) to everybody the truth c) the truth to everybody d) everybody a truth 119. “Do you want _____ the invitation letter for you?” “No, thanks. I‟ll do it myself.” a) to have written b) that I write c) me write d) me to write 106

Section 3 120. “Ingrid is so strange! She always does her shopping _____ work.” a) on her way to b) by the way to c) in her way at d) in the way of 121. “Gustave Eiffel built the inner structure of _____.” a) Statues of the Liberty b) the Statue of Liberty c) Statue of Liberty d) a Statue of Liberty 122. “The girl in the corner doesn‟t look _____ the girl by the window.” a) so nicer as b) much nicer as c) nice than d) as nice as 123. “How old is your nephew?” “He is _____.” a) at the age of five b) a five-year-old c) five-year-old boy d) five years old 124. “What shall we do in the evening? Do you have any interesting ideas?” “I suggest that we _____ to the disco.” a) gone b) will go c) go d) going 125. “Jane, this is _____ essay as the one you gave me last week.” “Sorry, I simply handed in the wrong paper.” a) same b) the same c) such an d) that 107 Section 3 126. “When are you going to present your paper?” “Only after I have completed the experiment ____ to make a report presentation.” a) I shall be able b) I will be able c) will be able I d) shall I be able 127. “ Did I leave my keys in the car or didn‟t I? I can‟t remember ____ them into my coat pocket.” a) to put b) putting c) being put d) to have put 128. “The ticket isn‟t in my pocket.” “_____ can it be?” a) Where else b) When else c) Where other d) What other place 129. “Would you like some more coffee?” “Only _____, thank you.” a) little b) some little c) a little d) a few 130. “Was the news of the accident announced on TV or _____?” “Neither, Lucy told me about it.” a) on radio b) with the radio c) by the radio d) on the radio 108

Section 3 www.atc.am131. “Did you like the performance?” “No, nobody _____ it.” a) didn‟t like b) liked c) did liked d) does like 132. “What is his name?” “_____, but I think it‟s Roland.” a) I‟m sure b) I make sure c) I don‟t make sure d) I‟m not sure 133. “Waiter, this fish isn‟t so fresh as _____ you served us last Sunday!” “I beg your pardon, sir, it‟s the same fish.” a) the one b) one c) ones d) the others 134. “How do you put up with Helen?” “The more I get to know her, _____ I work with her.” a) more easier b) the more easy c) easier than d) the easier 135. “Harry‟s is a very expensive shop, _____ cheap there.” a) nothing is b) anything isn‟t c) something is d) nothing isn‟t 109 Section 3 136. “It was already midnight when we arrived _____ airport.” a) at Los Angeles‟ b) in Los Angeles c) the Los Angeles d) at Los Angeles 137. “Does he play any other musical instrument _____ the violin?” “Oh, yes! He plays the piano and the flute.” a) beside b) except for c) except d) besides 138. “You aren‟t working hard Jane!” “I agree. I don‟t work _____.” a) systematic b) systematically c) such systematically d) so systematic 139. “Listen Jim! Here‟s _____. Let‟s go to the Temple Street Market.” “That sounds like fun.” a) tomorrow‟s idea b) an idea for tomorrow c) the idea of tomorrow d) an idea of tomorrow‟s 140. “You have parked your car in the wrong place.” “Sorry, I didn‟t _____ the sign.” a) give attention on b) pay attention to c) pay attention at d) take any attention at 110 Section 3 141. “_____ had I gone out into the street when I noticed a well-dressed man standing by the side of the bookstall.” a) Hardly b) No sooner c) As soon as d) Hard 142. “I have had a terrible toothache since morning.” “You _____ see the dentist.” a) have better to b) have better c) had better d) had better to 143. “Which country would you like to live in?” “I like warm countries, _____.” a) as in Spain b) like Spain c) as the Spain d) like Spanish 144. “Where does your brother work?” “He has _____ with the BBC.” a) a good work b) good work c) a good job d) good job 145. “Someone is knocking _____. Is that the postman?” “It can‟t be the postman, it‟s 7 o‟clock in the morning and he usually comes at 10.” a) at the door b) on doors c) to the door d) at door 111 Section 3 146. “Was everybody present at the meeting?” “____ Angela, everybody was present. Angela couldn‟t come as she was ill.” a) Except b) Besides c) Except for d) Apart for 147. “Does your sister help you with your English?” “Yes, she has _____ English.” a) better knowledge on b) a well knowledge of c) a good knowledge of d) good knowledges in 148. “What‟s wrong with this dress?” “I don‟t like its colour. I want a completely _____ colour.” a) another b) different c) other d) the other 149. “What nations live in the Caucasus?” “Lots of different nations live _____ there.” a) side by side b) side after side c) side into side d) side to side 150. “What nationality is Daniel?” “He is German, or _________ Austrian.” a) quite an b) better c) quite d) rather 112

Section 3 www.atc.am151. “What _________ sell your house?” “The neighbourhood I lived in was very noisy.” a) caused you b) forced you c) made you to d) made you 152. “Why don‟t you want to attend Professor Nickson‟s lectures?” “I am _________ his lectures.” a) boring at b) bored of c) bored with d) boring during 153. “I have something to tell you, Joe. Let‟s go to the study-room.” “You may speak_________ here. There is nobody in the house.” a) free b) freely c) more free d) the freer 154. “Tina _________ her mother. She is very kind and sympathetic.” a) looks like b) is look like c) is alike d) is like 155. “The party was _________, wasn‟t it?” “It was fantastic! I really enjoyed it.” a) funny b) a fun c) fun d) funnier 113 Section 3 156. “Has Jane arrived yet?” “No, we‟re still waiting_________. Her flight has been delayed.” a) to her arrival b) for her arriving c) at her arrival d) for her to arrive 157. “Are you angry?” “Oh! I am furious_________. I am going to complain to the authorities.” a) with last night b) about the last night c) about last night d) for the last night 158. “You needn‟t worry. I‟ll arrange everything for you.” “Thanks. That‟s_________ what I wanted.” a) exact b) real c) just d) only 159. “I had a wonderful holiday and it didn‟t cost me much.” “_________expensive holidays are often the most interesting.” a) The least b) The more c) Most d) The last 160. “There are skyscrapers on either side of _________.” a) the Sixth of Avenue b) Sixth Avenue c) Six Avenue d) Avenue Sixth 114 Section 3 161. Himalaya means „home of snow‟ because the peaks of_________ are always covered with snow.” a) the Himalayas b) a Himalayas c) Himalayas‟ d) Himalayas 162. “Did you go to the exhibition with your mother?” “No, I went there _________ .” a) by my own b) on myself c) with me d) by myself 163. “It‟s getting _________ to cope with the traffic these days.” a) more and more dangerous b) dangerous and dangerous c) more dangerously d) much dangerous 164. “Now, children, open your books _________ and look at the picture!” a) at twenty-first page b) on page twenty-first c) at page twenty-one d) on the twenty-one page 165. “Everybody knows that Oxford is famous _________ university.” a) with his b) with its c) for it‟s d) for its 115 Section 3 166. “Do both you and Richard have cars?” “I have got one, but Richard _________.” a) don‟t b) hasn‟t c) haven‟t d) isn‟t 167. “What time are Diane and Paul arriving?” “They have _________ arrived.” a) already b) yet c) still d) never 168. “Is your elder sister married?” “No, _________ married.” a) my neither sisters are b) either of my sisters are c) neither of my sisters d) neither of my sisters is 169. “When is your birthday?” “It‟s _________.” a) in October 30 b) on the October 30 c) on October 30 d) in the 30 October 170. “Could I speak to Annie please?” “Annie doesn‟t work here_________.” a) no longer b) no more c) not any longer d) any longer 116

Section 3 www.atc.am171. “Did your friends visit you yesterday?” “I stayed in all evening but _________ my friends came.” a) nobody of b) not anyone from c) none of d) no one of 172. “Is your job difficult?” “My job is much easier than _________ of yours.” a) the one b) that c) one d) this 173. “Why did he cancel his journey?” “He was refused a visa because he had been_________.” a) on the prison b) at prison c) in prison d) into prison 174. “You talk beautifully, you should be in politics.” “That won‟t do, I don‟t know much _________.” a) about it b) about them c) in them d) from it 175. “What‟s the matter with Nancy?” “She is _________ ill but everybody hopes that she will recover.” a) very much b) hardly c) seriously d) serious 117 Section 3 176. “Ruth didn‟t turn up at the party.” “And _________Kate. Something must have happened to them.” a) nor did b) either didn‟t c) neither turned d) neither was 177. “Why did the teacher want to punish Sam yesterday?” “Because he misbehaved_________.” a) at class b) in class c) at the class d) in classroom 178. “Are you through with the task that the boss gave you?” “Sure, and now I am waiting for _________instructions.” a) farther b) farthest c) more further d) further 179. “What does your grandpa look like?” “Well, he is quite handsome, though his _________going grey.” a) hair are b) hairs are c) hair is d) hairs is 180. “When we_________ met, I lived in a flat with four other people. Well, now I‟ve got my own flat. I‟ve just moved in.” a) lastly b) lately c) the last d) last 118 Section 3 181. “They arrived at the theatre in time and seated_________ in the first row.” a) themselves b) to themselves c) by themselves d) them 182. “You look_________. You must have got an excellent mark.” “More than that! I have won the competition.” a) happy b) happily c) unhappy d) so happily 183. “I see you are not happy with your current position.” “You are right. This job doesn‟t appeal to me and I am thinking_________it.” a) to change b) of changing c) of how changing d) for changing 184. “When did the hikers get to their destination?” “_________.” a) At sunset b) In the sunset c) In sunset d) At the sunset 185. “When did you last visit the National Gallery?” “I don‟t remember exactly, but it‟s years _________there.” a) I went b) I have been c) since I didn‟t go d) since I went 119 Section 3 186. “What shall I do with this proposal?” “Do what you think _________, whatever your colleagues may say.” a) are on the right b) is rightly c) is right d) are rightly 187. “Why didn‟t you explain the matter to him properly?” “I did explain, for several times, but he _________ didn‟t understand.” a) yet b) already c) no longer d) still 188. “Which of these two sports is_________: volleyball or badminton?” “I prefer badminton.” a) best b) the better c) well d) the best 189. “What was Amanda wearing at the party?” “She was dressed in white_________.” a) from the head to the foot b) from the head to foot c) from feet to the head d) from head to foot 190. “The airplane in which Phyllis was travelling ran into _________.” a) a heavy weather b) heavy weather c) heavily weather d) the heavy weather 120

Section 3 191. “You were too rude to him yesterday.” “Maybe, I simply hate __________ about serious things like that.” a) him to joke b) him joke c) himself to joke d) him to joking 192. “Calm down! No need to worry about him, he will arrive at any minute.” “I can‟t help _________ that something has gone wrong with him.” a) to think b) thinking c) think d) but thinking 193. “This house seems to be empty.” “You are right. There is hardly _________ living in it.” a) nobody b) anybody c) somebody d) no one 194. “What did the doctor say?” “He asked whether I had_________ in childhood.” a) some of serious illness b) any serious illness c) no seriously illnesses d) several serious illness 195. “I can‟t bear the smell of stale cigarettes. They always make _________sick.” a) me feel b) me to feel c) me feeling d) myself feel 121 Section 3 196. “Do you still want to move to Alaska?” “Sure, I do. Nothing_________ can make me change my mind.” a) in world b) in a world c) on the world d) in the world 197. “Is Jack the only relative of yours in this city?” “No, I have two cousins living here _________him.” a) beside b) except c) besides d) except for 198. “If only I had taken your _________!” “Yes, you wouldn‟t have got into trouble if you had.” a) advices b) advice c) piece of advices d) advising 199. “Don‟t you sometimes wish you could go back to childhood?” “_________ such a chance! ” a) If only we had b) Only we have c) Only we don‟t have d) Only if have we 200. “Have you ever noticed people speak to_________?” “Yes, mostly elderly people and children tend to do so.” a) each other b) oneself c) himself d) themselves 122

Section 3 201. “Where is_________?” “Most of its territory is in Mongolia.” a) Gobi Desert b) the Gobi Desert c) Desert of Gobi d) the Desert Goby 202. “There were many children on the beach. Some were swimming in the sea, _________were playing.” a) others b) the other c) another d) the other‟s 203. “_________is actually a lake.” a) The Caspian Seas b) The Caspian Sea c) Caspian Sea d) Caspian 204. “Who is your _________writer?” “Well, I like Agatha Christie‟s detective stories.” a) most favourite of b) favourite c) more favourite d) the most favourite 205. “Very often pupils confuse astronomy with astrology ̶ they are not_________.” a) same b) the same c) like d) similarly 123 Section 3 206. “He is really talented. He can play_________ quite well and he also sings wonderfully.” a) a guitar b) guitar c) the guitar d) guitars 207. “Who is Tim Berners-Lee?” “He is the person who invented the World Wide Web _____ Internet.” a) on the b) in c) on d) from the 208. “Do you ever regret _________John? ” “No, he turned out to be the best husband in the world.” a) to marry b) marrying c) being married d) you marrying 209. “Last week she left for Australia for a holiday.” “_________? But she said she was going to Switzerland.” a) Did she b) Didn‟t she c) Was she d) Has she 210. “Did you have a nice time at the disco yesterday?” “Well, the music was too loud and I came home_________ .” a) with severe headache b) with a severe headache c) by a severe headache d) for severe headache 124

Section 3 211. “My house needs_________. It hasn‟t been repaired for ages.” a) to being repaired b) repairing c) being repaired d) to repair 212. “When we were in_________, we were staying in Dublin.” a) a Republic of Ireland b) the Ireland Republic c) Republic of the Ireland d) the Republic of Ireland 213. “My coat is the same colour _________ yours.” “Yes, but the style is quite different.” a) as b) like c) unlike d) than 214. “Are you allowed to smoke_________ in your country?” “Of course, not. Smoking is banned in public transport.” a) on the bus b) in bus c) at the bus d) in the bus stop 215. “How far is the station from here?” “It‟s_________ from here. ” a) three miles‟ distance b) three miles long c) three miles‟ far d) a three miles‟ distance 125 Section 3 216. “What do you know about _________?” “I know that it is one of the world‟s largest and driest deserts.” a) the Desert Sahara b) Sahara Desert c) Sahara d) the Sahara Desert 217. “Life can sometimes be surprising.” “But _________you lead can never give you any surprise.” a) the life b) life c) the lives d) a life 218. “Did you hear Bob‟s story yesterday?” “I don‟t believe _________ of it.” a) no word b) the words c) words d) a word 219. “The railway tunnel under _________ was officially opened in 1994.” a) English Channel b) the English Channel c) a Channel of the English d) an English Channel 220. “How much butter shall I use for the cake?” “__________ there is on the dish.” a) So much as b) As much as c) So many as d) As long as 126

Section 3 221. “When was the first issue of the Daily Telegraph published?” “___________, 1855.” a) In June 29 b) On June of 29 c) On June 29 d) On 29th in the June 222. “Are you going hunting this year?” “I don‟t know. There are __________ deer in this area.” a) so few b) too much c) so little d) only a lot of 223. “My husband and I have quite different views on life.” “That‟s natural. Different people _________ tend to see things differently.” a) around the world b) all over world c) on the world d) throughout world 224. “_________do you think we shall need?” “I suppose $100 will be enough.” a) How many money b) How much of money c) How much money d) How many moneys 225. “It‟s getting too late.” “You_________ leave now.” a) had rather b) had better c) have rather d) would better 127 Section 3 226. “Laura is very intelligent.” “Yes, but her sister is__________.” a) much more intelligent b) most intelligent c) so more intelligent d) much most intelligent 227. “Where_________ you borrowed last week?” “They are in the drawer.” a) is scissors b) are the scissors c) is some scissors d) are scissors 228. “Jane, what _________ return so soon?” “I had left the tickets at home.” a) caused you b) forced you c) made you to d) made you 229. “What ingredients is yogurt __________?” “It‟s basically a form of curdled milk, much like sour cream.” a) made in b) made into c) made of d) made from 230. “Why should I turn to that particular lawyer?” “Because he gives_________ to his clients.” a) a good advice b) good advice c) the best advices d) a better advice 128 Section 3 231. “Did you visit your uncle yesterday?” “Yes, I did. But I was in a hurry and I saw him for ten minutes_________.” a) at a least b) in the least c) for the most d) at the most 232. “Could I speak to Roger, please?” “I am sorry, but Roger is not _________. He is away on business.” a) in town b) in country c) in a town d) out of town 233. “Children are quite adaptable.” “Yes. They get used to changes very __________.” a) easier b) much easy c) easily d) more easily 234. “When must I finish the translation?” “_________. It‟s urgent.” a) Sooner, better b) The sooner, the best c) The sooner, the better d) The soonest, the best 235. “What do you think of my new dress?” “Well, it‟s nice, but _________ expensive.” a) quite b) so quite c) rather d) much rather 129 Section 3 236. “What _________?” “He is a tall man with black hair and large brown eyes.” a) does he look b) is he look c) does he look like d) does he like 237. “__________ of Elizabeth I, dogs were used to bait or fight bulls.” a) In the days b) On the days c) During days d) Within the day 238. “Shall I buy fresh or tinned fruit for the salad?” “_________. I‟m going to make a vegetable salad.” a) Neither b) Either c) Both d) Both of 239. “It‟s raining again.” “I hope it will stop_________ before we go out.” a) to rain b) raining c) rain d) to be raining 240. “How much money have you got?” “__________. I have spent all my money.” a) Nothing b) None c) Some d) Anything 130 Section 3 241. “Why is Pinocchio‟s nose so long, Mummy?” “It‟s because he told _________ and, as a punishment, his nose grew long.” a) a lie b) the lie c) a truth d) truth 242. “What would you like to eat, Roger? ” “Nothing. I‟ll just have_________.” a) a cup coffee b) a little of coffee c) a coffee cup d) some coffee 243. “I am not ready yet. Would you mind_________?” “That‟s OK.” a) waiting b) being waited c) to wait d) to be waited 244. “_________ other cells in the body, nerve cells are not healed or replaced.” a) Alike b) Unlikely c) Unlike d) Different 245. “Did you enjoy your holiday?” “Yes, it was_________ holiday I had ever had.” a) the most enjoyable b) the least enjoyable c) the most enjoyed d) more enjoyable 131 Section 3 246. “What do you think of Jack‟s _________ novel?” “It‟s wonderful. He is quite talented.” a) last b) latest c) the last d) least 247. “Did you go on holiday _________?” “No, I was with my friends.” a) by your own b) on your own c) on yourself d) by yourselves 248. “What will happen if the patient gets _________ oxygen than he needs?” “He will die.” a) the more b) the less c) the least d) less 249. “How often are the Olympic Games held?” “_________ four years.” a) Every b) About c) Each d) Each of the 250. “Julia was refused the job because she had told a lie during the interview.” “Well, lying during a job interview is _________.” a) so risky business b) a risky business c) a business risk d) the risky business 132

Section 3 www.atc.am251. “Kate is more beautiful than her sister.” “I don‟t think so. She is not _________ her sister.” a) so beautiful than b) such beautiful than c) so beautiful as d) as beautifully as 252. “Doesn‟t this noise make you nervous?” “No. I _________ it.” a) used to b) am being used to c) am used to d) have used to 253. “John seems to be very intelligent.” “Yes, he is a _________ man.” a) well-educating b) good-educated c) well-educated d) better-educating 254. “Let‟s paint the house _________.” “You are right. It will be much cheaper.” a) itself b) yourself c) yourselves d) ourselves 255. “_________ with our decision?” Sure. There was no objection.” a) Did everybody agree b) Did nobody agree c) Was everybody agree d) Does anybody agree 133 Section 3 256. “Did anybody go out?” I don‟t think so. I didn‟t see_________.” a) somebody going out b) anybody to go out c) nobody go out d) anybody go out 257. “He was rude to me yesterday. I hate _________ in such a way.” a) being treated b) having treated c) having been treated d) treating 258. “My eyesight isn‟t so good.” “I think you need _________.” a) a glass b) some glass c) glasses d) any glasses 259. “Sue and Pete want to get married.” “Oh, no! They are _________ to get married.” a) too young b) not too young c) young enough d) not enough old 260. “What is there on the table?” “There _________ and a pack of sweets.” a) is no paper b) are some papers c) is any paper d) are any papers 134

Section 3 www.atc.am261. “The windows are dirty.” “Yes. They need _________.” a) cleaning b) to cleaning c) being cleaned d) to be cleaning 262. “The drink is fantastic. ” “It is made from _________.” a) several tropical fruit b) four tropical fruits c) several of tropical fruit d) four of tropical fruits 263. “When _________ meet Jack?” “When I was having a holiday in Capri last summer.” a) did you at first b) were you first c) did you first of all d) did you first 264. “_________ is it from here to the metro station?” “It‟s about ten minutes‟ walk.” a) What the distance b) How far c) How long d) How much 265. “Have they finished the project _________?” No, they are still working on it.” a) just b) yet c) still d) though 135 Section 3 266. “Sue has improved her English.” “Yes, now she speaks _________.” a) perfect English b) in English perfectly c) perfectly English d) English perfect 267. “What was the novel like? Was it worth _________?” “It was charming.” a) to read b) reading c) having read d) to be read 268. “I hear Susan got married last week.” “Yes, the news of her marriage _________.” a) were really surprising b) was really surprising c) was a real surprised d) were really surprised 269. “Have you quarreled with Jack?” “Yes. We don‟t speak to each other _________.” a) no longer b) any longer c) not any longer d) not so long 270. “What are seismographs used for?” “Seismographs are used _________ and measure earthquakes.” a) to be detect b) be detecting c) to detect d) detect 136

Section 3 www.atc.am271. “How far is it from your house to the airport?” “It‟s about _________ .” a) two hours‟ drive b) a two-hour driving c) two hour drive d) two hours driving 272. “Joan couldn‟t give us _________ information.” “That‟s too bad. We really needed it.” a) many b) any of c) much d) a lot 273. “The film was very dull.” “Yes, I _________ with you, it was too boring.” a) am agree b) agree c) don‟t agree d) am not agree 274. “_________ have you lived in this city?” “For about 5 years.” a) How much b) How many c) How long d) What time 275. “What is little Carol doing?” “She is standing in front of the mirror and looking at _________.” a) her b) hers c) herself d) itself 137 Section 3 276. “The dinner was fantastic!” “I always _________ my best to please my guests.” a) make b) have c) do d) am 277. “Oh! You have got many letters today.” “That‟s surprising. I don‟t usually get _________.” a) much mail b) many mail c) a lot mails d) lots mail 278. “Don‟t make a noise. You may wake the baby up.” “Don‟t worry, he is _________.” a) very much asleep b) much asleep c) fast asleep d) a little asleep 279. “Which of the men standing there is your brother?” “_________ in blue jeans and a grey shirt.” a) The one b) First c) One d) The ones 280. “Why did he take his gun?” “He just wants to practice _________ at tins in the garden.” a) of shooting b) shooting c) to be shot d) being shot 138

Section 3 www.atc.am281. “Did you stay with friends when you were on holiday?” “No, I stayed at _________.” a) Hilton Hotel b) the Hilton Hotel c) Hilton‟s Hotel d) a Hilton Hotel 282. “How was your trip?” “I am very tired after _________ long journey.” a) so b) such c) such a d) so much 283. “My next-door neighbor is driving me mad!” “It‟s about time you _________ about your neighbors.” a) stopped complaining b) stop complaining c) stopped to complain d) stop to complain 284. “What‟s the problem with all these houses?” “None of them _________ balcony.” a) has a b) have the c) has no d) haven‟t any 285. “Does the alligator live _________ or on land?” “Both, as far as I know.” a) in the river b) on river c) on the river d) near river 139 Section 3 286. “The keyboard I use on my computer is made _________.” a) of plastic b) from plastic c) with a plastic d) by the plastic 287. “Excuse me. How do I get to the nearest supermarket?” “Take _________.” a) Bus ninth b) the bus nine c) the nine bus d) Bus Nine 288. “I feel like having seafood for dinner.” “_________ go to the Chinese restaurant down the street?” a) Let‟s to b) How about c) Why not d) Why don‟t 289. “Did it take you much time to translate the article?” “Yes, _________.” a) many b) a lot c) very d) so plenty 290. “The party was wonderful. It‟s a pity you hadn‟t invited Tim.” “You are right. I should _________ him as well.” a) to invite b) have been inviting c) have invited d) invite 140

Section 3 www.atc.am291. “_________ very stormy last night.” “Luckily nothing was damaged.” a) It had been b) There was c) It was d) There had been 292. “When _________?” “As far as I know, it was 5 years ago.” a) were they marry b) did they marry c) did they get married d) are they married 293. “I don‟t like Chinese food.” “_________ my husband.” a) Either does b) Neither does c) So does d) Neither is 294. “How high is _________?” “It is 5165 meters high.” a) the Mountain Ararat b) the Ararat c) Ararat d) Mountain of Ararat 295. “Would you like _________ wine?” “No, thank you. I have had enough.” a) much b) more c) again d) else 141 Section 3 296. “What‟s Mary doing?” “She is sitting on the bed _________ a book.” a) reading b) to read c) having to read d) to be reading 297. “_________ umbrella is this?” “I suppose it‟s Jane‟s.” a) Whom b) Whose c) Who‟s d) Which 298. “John and Larry are standing by the window. The _________ is wearing a red jacket.” a) later b) last c) latest d) latter 299. “Nick is on holiday in Sweden now.” “I wish I _________.” a) was without him b) were with him c) am with him d) weren‟t with him 300. “How old is Robert?” “He is _________ I am.” a) the same age than b) a same age as c) of the same age as d) the same age as 142

Section 4 SECTION 4 ÀÝïñ»É ×Çßï µ³é³Ó¨Á: Choose the right word form. Text 1 A row is simply expressing your own point of view (1)__________, and it‟s surprising that people quarrel in different ways. In some families, rows are (2)__________ affairs, with anger covered up by a (3)__________ that all is well. In others, it is more (4)__________. But rows can lead to greater understanding, and arguments in relationships often indicate (5)__________, which is fine as long as the outcome is positive. 1. a) force b) forcefully c) forceful d) forceless 2. a) silent b) silence c) silently d) silencer 3. a) pretend b) pretentious c) pretence d) pretender 4. a) dramatize b) dramatically c) drama d) dramatic 5. a) develop b) development c) developed d) undeveloped Text 2 Susan Hill was (1)__________ that the bag she had been carrying around for more than two months contained a bomb hidden there before she bought it. The bomb was (2)__________ put there by an animal rights (3)__________ in August when there were several minor (4)__________ in local shops caused by fire bombs placed in leather bags. Susan bought the bag in October and used it for two months. She only found the bomb when she was unpacking her bag after a Christmas shopping trip. She thought she had lost one of the gifts she had bought and after unzipping a (5)__________ side-pocket for the first time, she discovered the cassette- sized device inside. The police said that if it had gone off it could have caused a lot of damage and Susan could have been seriously injured. 1. a) aware b) unaware c) awareness d) unawareness 2. a) probably b) probable c) improbable d) probability 3. a) terror b) terrorize c) terrorist d) terrorism 4. a) explosions b) explode c) explosive d) exploders 5. a) secretive b) secretly c) secrecy d) secret 143

Section 4 Text 3 Before the (1)__________ of money, people used to get the goods and services they wanted by swapping things with others. The system was entirely (2)__________ on an agreement between both people, who each needed to have what the other wanted. The system of (3)__________ started to work much more smoothly with the (4)__________ of money. By using precious metals which had been (5)__________ weighed and made into coins, it became possible to sell what you produced in return for coins, and then use the coins to buy anything you wanted from a third party. 1. a) inventor b) invention c) inventive d) invent 2. a) dependent b) dependable c) independent d) dependence 3. a) exchanged b) changeable c) exchange d) unchanged 4. a) introductory b) introduce c) introducible d) introduction 5. a) officially b) office c) official d) officer Text 4 Research by (1)__________ has shown that the stereotype that women talk more than men may not be (2)__________. In the study, hundreds of university students were fitted with recorders and the total number of words they used during the day was then (3)__________. The results showed that women speak about 16,000 words a day and men speak only slightly fewer. In fact, the four most (4)__________ people in the study were all men. Women are experts at gossiping – and they often talk about (5)__________ things, or at least that‟s what men have always thought. However, according to research, when women talk to women their conversations are not trivial at all, and cover many more topics than when men talk to other men. 1. a) psychology b) psychologists c) psychological d) psychologism 2. a) truly b) true c) truth d) truthful 3. a) countable b) countless c) counted d) account 4. a) talkative b) talking c) talk d) talkatively 5. a) trivialism b) trivially c) triviality d) trivial 144

Section 4 Text 5 Hardly anyone recognizes the name Mary Myers today. However, Mary Myers‟s name deserves (1)_________. She was a pilot and researcher who was one of aviation‟s (2)__________ pioneers. Mary and her husband, Carl, lived near Little Falls, New York. Both did research on ballooning. On July 4, 1880, Mary became the first woman to make a solo balloon (3)__________ . Mary performed similar flights in (4)__________ for years. In 1886, without any oxygen tanks, she ascended to a (5)__________ of four miles. Mary Myers, who called herself “Carlotta,” contributed a lot to the field of aviation. Yet few people have heard her name. Some day perhaps the great “Carlotta” will have the fame she deserves. 1. a) recognisable b) recognise c) recognised d) recognition 2. a) true b) truth c) truly d) untrue 3. a) flyable b) fly c) flight d) flying 4. a) publicity b) public c) publicly d) publicise 5. a) height b) high c) highness d) highly Text 6 Susan‟s father is a photographer. He works for a magazine and traveling is part of his job. But wherever he goes he always returns to London. His (1)__________ saying is: „When a man is tired of London, he‟s tired of life‟. (2)__________, living in the capital didn‟t suit Susan‟s mother at all. For her, London was a (3)__________, overcrowded place. She left both London and her husband and went to live in Chester where she opened a dress shop. (4)__________ between Susan and her father have never been good. While they were living together they did nothing but (5)__________. So she rarely sees her father these days. 1. a) favourable b) favourite c) unfavourable d) favour 2. a) unfortunate b) fortune c) fortunate d) unfortunately 3. a) noise b) noiseless c) noisily d) noisy 4. a) relations b) relative c) relatively d) related 5. a) argument b) argumentative c) argue d) arguable 145

Section 4 Text 7 Gaza City zookeepers have found a (1)__________ way of drawing crowds to their zoo by painting their donkeys. The Zoo‟s only two zebras died of (2)__________ when they were neglected during the war. The (3)__________ animals were too (4)__________ to replace, so the keepers decided to design a pair of donkeys with black and white patterns instead. A (5)__________ painter used French-manufactured hair coloring to make the donkeys look like zebras. 1. a) creatively b) creator c) creative d) creativity 2. a) hungry b) hunger c) hungrily d) hungering 3. a) popularity b) unpopularity c) popularly d) popular 4. a) expensive b) expense c) expensively d) inexpensive 5. a) profession b) professional c) professionalism d) professionally Text 8 Social scientists say that there are reasons why we judge people based on how they look. On a very basic level, judging people by their (1)__________ means putting them quickly into categories. In the past, being able to do this was vitally important, and humans developed the (2)__________ to judge other people in seconds. Susan Fiske, a professor of psychology at Princeton University, said that (3)__________, most stereotypes are linked to judging whether a person looks (4)__________ or not. “In prehistoric times, it was important to stay away from people who looked aggressive and dominant,” she said. One reason why our brains persist in using stereotypes, experts say, is that often they give us generally (5)__________ information, even if all the details aren‟t right. 1. a) appearance b) appear c) disappearance d) appearing 2. a) disabled b) able c) enable d) ability 3. a) tradition b) traditionally c) traditional d) traditionalist 4. a) danger b) endanger c) dangerously d) dangerous 5. a) accurately b) inaccurately c) accurate d) accurateness 146

Section 4 Text 9 The (1)__________ of Chinese medicine is not the same as that of modern medicine, but it is useful for curing many (2)__________ problems. Modern medicine focuses on illness. Western doctors usually see illness as an enemy. They use medicines like weapons to fight diseases. In contrast, Chinese medicine tries to make the patient‟s whole body well again. Their doctors believe that (3)__________ people, there are two types of energy. The first type, called „yin‟, is (4)__________ and passive. The other type, „yang‟, is active. When these two energies are in (5)__________ balance, a person is healthy. 1. a) philosopher b) philosophy c) philosophic d) philosophically 2. a) health b) healthful c) healthily d) healthy 3. a) inside b) sideways c) backside d) sidelong 4. a) quietly b) quietness c) quiet d) quietude 5. a) unequally b) equally c) equality d) equal Text 10 I think that Bruce Lee, the great action movie star, should be given a lifetime achievement award for his work in films. He died tragically in 1973, so he wouldn‟t be able to receive the award himself, but his fans all over the world would love to see him (1)__________. Why was Bruce Lee so great? The fight scenes in his films were (2)__________ as he was always in top physical condition. He was also a great actor. As he started acting when he was just six years old, he was very comfortable and natural in front of the camera. His face was very (3)__________, so he was able to communicate a lot of feeling with a (4)__________ look. Bruce always looked good on film because he was so (5)__________. 1. a) honoured b) honourable c) honourably d) dishonoured 2. a) amazed b) amazing c) amazingly d) amazement 3. a) expression b) expressed c) expressive d) expressively 4. a) simply b) simplifier c) simple d) simplicity 5. a) charm b) charmer c) charmless d) charming 147

Section 4 Text 11 I came across an article in a magazine the other day which made (1)__________ between people and animals. It seemed to come to the (2)__________ that in most cases we are (3)__________ to animals and lead a more comfortable life. Animals in the wild have much more (4)__________ than pets or animals in zoos, but even a lion or tiger in the jungle could be killed by hunters at almost any time. For animals, life is generally hard and dangerous compared to the life led by people in large cities, where there is not only (5)__________ but also the freedom to choose the kind of life you want to lead. It is hard to imagine a life more boring than that of a tortoise. However, we humans do have some disadvantage in areas such as smell, hearing or speed. 1. a) comparable b) comparative c) comparisons d) incomparably 2. a) conclusion b) conclude c) conclusive d) concluding 3. a) superiority b) superior c) superiorly d) super 4. a) freely b) free c) freed d) freedom 5. a) various b) variety c) invariably d) variable Text 12 Ever since humans have inhabited the Earth, they have made use of (1)__________ forms of communication. (2)__________, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, (3)__________ is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of (4)__________. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact, and can be used (5)__________; spelling, however, cannot. 1. a) vary b) variety c) various d) variably 2. a) general b) generally c) generalize d) generate 3. a) communication b) communicate c) communicative d) communicator 4. a) express b) expressive c) expressively d) expression 5. a) international b) national c) internationally d) nationality 148

Section 4 Text 13 There was once a king in an (1)__________ country whose name was Poof-Allee. Like all kings, Poof-Allee was proud of his rich country and his (2)__________ army, of his wonderful palace and of his beautiful wives. But most of all he was proud of his talent for poetry, which was really (3)__________. You must not think that the king‟s talent was for writing poetry – he couldn‟t write a word. His talent was for remembering poetry. King Poof-Allee had an unusual (4)__________, and he could repeat any poem by heart (5)__________ after hearing it. 1. a) easterner b) eastern c) eastward d) easterly 2. a) powerful b) power c) powerless d) powerfully 3. a) usual b) usually c) unusual d) unusually 4. a) memorial b) memorable c) memorably d) memory 5. a) immediately b) immediate c) immediateness d) immediacy Text 14 A man was walking down the trail on a cold, gray day. He was wearing heavy clothes and fur boots. But he still felt cold and (1)__________. The man was on his way to the camp where his friends had a fire and hot food (2)__________ for him. A dog walked behind the man. It didn‟t like the (3)__________ cold. It knew the weather was too cold to travel. The man came to a (4)__________ stream called Indian Creek. As he walked, he looked (5)__________ at the ice in front of him. He saw that an underground spring flowed under the ice at that spot. 1. a) comfortably b) uncomfortable c) comfort d) uncomfortably 2. a) ready b) readily c) readiness d) unready 3. a) extremes b) extremely c) extreme d) extremity 4. a) freeze b) freezer c) freezable d) frozen 5. a) carefully b) care c) careless d) careful 149

Section 4 Text 15 Did birds evolve from dinosaurs? Two recent discoveries add evidence to scientists‟ (1)__________ that they did. These are two dinosaur fossils unearthed in China. Dinosaur experts named one fossil Dilong paradoxus. It is about 130 million years old. Dilong is the first dinosaur found with a featherlike (2)__________. The second find, which the scientists named Meilong, is the first dinosaur fossil found in a (3)__________ position. With its head tucked between its elbow and body and its tail wrapped around itself to keep (4)__________, the dinosaur looks like a resting bird. Researchers believe that some dinosaurs were warm-blooded, (5)__________ birds. 1. a) theorem b) theoretical c) theoretically d) theory 2. a) uncover b) coverless c) covering d) coverer 3. a) sleep b) sleeping c) sleepless d) sleepy 4. a) warmth b) warm c) warmly d) warming 5. a) like b) likely c) unlikely d) alike Text 16 In the days of Queen Victoria, (1)__________ British people thought that the (2)__________ family was very special. Victoria, her husband and their nine children were seen as an example of (3)__________ family life. But today things are (4)__________. The Queen is still generally popular, but there have been too many problems with marriages. The Queen‟s sister and three of her four children are now divorced. Prince Charles, the Queen‟s eldest son, married Princess Diana in 1981. Diana was young and beautiful and the newspapers and television were very interested in her. Soon she was more (5)__________ than Charles, her husband. But her marriage to Charles was not happy. When Diana died in a car accident in 1997, many British people were very sad. 1. a) ordinary b) ordinarily c) ordinariness d) extraordinary 2. a) royally b) royalty c) royal d) royalist 3. a) perfectly b) imperfect c) perfect d) perfection 4. a) indifferent b) different c) difference d) differently 5. a) popularly b) popularity c) unpopular d) popular 150

What are Andersen woodwright windows made of?

pine wood
Andersen 400 Woodwright Series windows are made from high quality pine wood material. The exterior is made from Fibrex, combination of vinyl and wood fiber. So the outside of the windows is durable composite system.

How much are Andersen woodwright windows?

Originally Over $8,800.00! 400 Series Window – WDH2446E – $510.51 ea.

Are Anderson windows really better?

Most of Andersen’s products are of the standard variety, offering solid but uncreative products. As we said, these are very good windows, but you won’t get a whole lot of innovation from their catalog.

Do Andersen woodwright windows tilt?

When you unite classic craftsmanship with Andersen innovation, the result is a beautiful window that’s built to last. Andersen Woodwright® double-hung windows with easy tilt-release locks combine old-world character with modern technology, giving you the look you love with the features you need.

What is the average cost of an Andersen window?

Andersen Window Prices & Installation Costs For 100, 200, 400, E & A Series

Andersen Window Price Ranges for Main Series
Window Series Price Range (Installed) Budget Level
Andersen 100 Series $280 – $370 Low
Andersen 200 Series $215 – $2330 Medium
Andersen 400 Series $271 – $2772 Medium

How much do Andersen picture windows cost?

The Andersen windows prices depend on the style of the window and whether installation is included. The average price for the least expensive window is $201 for a picture window, and $262 if installation is included. The most expensive windows are bay and bow winders. The average price ranges from $1570 to $2030.

When to paint Andersen 400 woodwright series Windows?

You should not forget to paint the windows in the next one or two weeks from installation, to keep the warranty active. Andersen 400 Woodwright Series Windows do not have balance covers. The balance channel is open and some dust and spider web can accumulate there.

What kind of wood is used in Andersen Windows?

Andersen’s “Hundred” series windows are its lowest cost new-construction windows. These windows are characterized by the use of Fibrex PVC-wood composite and Ponderosa pine wood for the interior and exterior frames. Color and wood choices are limited.

Is there a lifetime warranty on Andersen Windows?

Specific Andersen Windows products, such as the vinyl windows and patio doors, come with a limited lifetime warranty. Can Andersen windows be repaired? Yes, Andersen Windows can be repaired. How much do Andersen Windows cost? Andersen Windows range from approximately $250 to $550 or more, depending on the window type and frame material.

What kind of rating does Andersen Windows get?

Andersen windows consistently get high marks for quality. J.D. Power studies report that the replacement division, Renewal By Andersen, received a score of 833 (out of 1,000) and Andersen Corp. received an overall score of 814.

Pictured above is a building from Southampton, England. It has a lot of windows — there are seven (plus the front door) visible in the image above. But it could have had more. There are clearly spots for at least four more windows but instead of glass, there are bricks or plaster or whatever the walls are made of. And if you look carefully, it seems that at least two more of the would-be windows around the corner are similarly bricked up.

Don’t blame the architect for the odd design, though. Blame creative thieves called coin clippers and English King William III.

For centuries, coins were made from precious metals — silver, gold, etc. — and like coins today could be used to buy goods and services. Coin clipping, as discussed in these pages previously, was a way for a person to both capture the value of those precious metals while also retaining the fiat value of the coins themselves. Basically, you’d shave off a bit of the edge, collecting a small amount of silver or gold for your trouble; then, you’d use the coin in commerce or to pay down debts otherwise. This act was prevalent in England well through the 1600s, and by the 1690s, the lost value from clipped coins had impacted the national treasury. England needed more revenue and in 1696, King William III came up with a tax to make up the difference.

Like most leaders, William wanted to create a taxing system which hit rich citizens harder than their poorer counterparts. The richer you were, the idea went, the bigger your home, and therefore, the more windows you had. And it was really easy for the taxing authorities to count your windows — all they had to do was walk by your house. So King William III instituted a levy on your windows. As Parliament’s official website explains, “it was intended to be a progressive tax in that houses with a smaller number of windows, initially ten, were subject to a 2 shilling house tax but exempt from the window tax.  Houses with more than ten windows were liable for additional taxes which increased in line with the number of windows.” In effect, the least-windowed houses paid about $18 (in 2019 dollars), houses with more than ten but no more than 20 windows paid $35, and those with more than 20 paid a bit more than $70.

The tax had a problem from the get-go, as the urban poor typically lived in multi-family tenements — buildings like the one pictured above. Despite the fact that these buildings had many different families living under one roof, the taxing authority treated them as one building and applied the graduated rate. Landlords could pass down some of that cost to their tenants but were ultimately responsible for paying the tax. So the solution they came up with was to brick over the window openings in order to get rid of enough windows to get under the 10- and 20-window caps.

This practice remained throughout the lifespan of King William III’s window tax — a lifespan which far surpassed that of the king himself. (Governments aren’t fond of giving up revenue streams, after all.) He died in 1702; the tax, though, was not repealed until 1851 “after campaigners branded it a ‘tax on health’ and ‘tax on light and air,’” per the Telegram. Many of the buildings with bricked-over windows, though, have kept those openings covered over to this day. `

Bonus fact
: Early in the Revolutionary War, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin traveled from Philadelphia to Staten Island to negotiate a peace agreement with British Admiral Richard Howe. On the way, the pair stopped off for the night in New Jersey and had to share a bedroom due to a lack of lodging. According to Mental Floss, they didn’t sleep all that well — the two couldn’t decide whether to keep the window open or closed. Adams was “an invalid and afraid of the air in the night” who insisted on it being kept closed; Franklin believed that “cool, fresh air at night [ . . .  ] had many benefits.” After a few rounds back and forth, Adams capitulated.

From the Archives: Why (Some Coins) Have Ridges: Coin clipping!

We all know how essential your laptop is to you and the way annoying it turns into in case your work will get interrupted by repetitive error messages. The Home windows exhibits the “not real” messages in case your Home windows OS just isn’t activated correctly. There could possibly be a number of different the explanation why you might be getting this “Home windows just isn’t real” error. 

In case you are operating a non-genuine model of Home windows 7, that too can lead to this error. Utilizing a software program patch to activate Home windows also can result in this. Aside from that, in case your product key or license key obtained expired, that may additionally result in the “This copy of Home windows just isn’t real.”

This copy of Windows is not genuine

What Does The “This Copy Of Home windows Is Not Real” Error Seems Like?

The error message can look one thing like the next:

  1. “Home windows just isn’t real. Click on this message to discover ways to get real.”
  2. “Activate Home windows. Go to Settings to activate Home windows.”
  3. “The copy of Home windows you might be utilizing doesn’t go real validation.”
  4. “Activate Home windows now. This activation interval has expired. Click on this message to begin activation.”
  5. “This copy of Home windows just isn’t real. It’s possible you’ll be a sufferer of software program counterfeiting.”
  6. “This copy of Microsoft Home windows just isn’t real. Your copy of Microsoft Home windows have to be validated as real.”
  7. “This laptop just isn’t operating real Home windows. To make use of Home windows with out interruption, this laptop must be operating real Home windows.”
  8. “You will need to activate as we speak. Activate Home windows now.

Causes Behind The “This Copy Of Home windows Is Not Real” Error

As we talked about earlier than, there could possibly be a number of the explanation why you might be seeing this error. Given beneath are a few of these causes:

  1. You might be probably seeing this error as a result of your Home windows is probably actually not real. This normally occurs if the Home windows OS put in in your system doesn’t have a sound license key. 

Because of this, the OS, after a Home windows Replace, is letting you already know that. This error comes up round one month after putting in the Home windows crack to make your Home windows OS real.

  1. You forgot to activate the Home windows license after the trial interval completed
  2. The license of your Home windows working system has expired or been blocked.
  3. Another excuse why you might be getting this error is that if your system has been attacked by malware in a means that the legitimate activation recordsdata you beforehand had are actually lacking. So, Home windows can not confirm in case your copy of the Home windows OS is genuine or not.

How To Repair “This Copy of Home windows Is Not Real” Error?

In case you are getting the “This copy of home windows just isn’t real” error, then it’s essential to undergo the next options to try to repair it. No matter whether or not you’ve got a sound license key or not, these strategies will enable you repair the error and likewise do away with the black display screen that comes together with it.

Options To Repair “This Copy of Home windows Is Not Real” Error

  1. Uninstall KB971003 Replace To Make Home windows 7 Not Real
  2. Re-Register The License Key
  3. Don’t Use Third-Occasion Cracks/Patches
  4. Resetting The Licensing Standing Of Your Laptop
  5. Reconfiguring Plug and Play Service
  6. Handle Registry Settings
  7. Flip Off The Computerized Home windows Updates 

1. Uninstall KB971003 Replace To Make Home windows 7 Not Real

  1. Go to the Home windows Begin menu and sort in “Home windows Replace” within the search field.
  2. Click on on the search consequence that claims “Home windows Replace”
  3. Subsequent, click on on View Put in Updates from the left panel.
  4. As soon as your put in updates might be seen in the proper panel, search for the replace KB971033.
Uninstall KB971003 windows update
  1. Proper-click on this replace and click on on Uninstall
  2. Comply with the directions of the uninstallation process after which, restart your laptop. 

2. Re-Register The License Key

You can even get the error: “This copy of Home windows just isn’t real” if Home windows has revoked your authentic license key. This case would possibly come up when you’ve got run Home windows Restoration or re-installed Home windows just lately. To do away with this, it’s essential to register the license key once more. 

  1. In case your laptop computer got here with the unique licensed Home windows, then the product secret’s glued to the underside. Word it down from there.
  2. Come again to the Home windows desktop and press Home windows + R keys. This may open the “Run” dialog field. 
  3. Subsequent, kind in “slui.exe” and click on on OK.
  4. As soon as the Home windows Activation immediate comes up, click on on “Retype your product key.” Then, enter the product key that you simply had famous earlier.
  5. If this doesn’t do away with the error, return to the Home windows Activation display screen and click on on “Activate Home windows On-line Now.”
  6. Comply with the on-screen directions and verify for those who can reactivate the Home windows license.
  7. If the Home windows on-line activation technique additionally fails, click on on “See different methods to activate” and comply with together with the on-screen directions.

3. Don’t Use Third-Occasion Cracks/Patches

Utilizing third-party cracks can severely harm your laptop. For those who set up any form of patch, crack, or activator, that may hurt your OS and likewise infect your system with malware. This, in flip, can lead to information theft and different cybercrimes.

4. Resetting The Licensing Standing Of Your Laptop

After uninstalling the KB971033 replace, you need to restart your laptop’s licensing standing. This may treatment the “This copy of Home windows just isn’t real” error as soon as and for all. Comply with the steps given beneath to take action:

  1. Launch the Home windows Begin menu
  2. Sort in “cmd” and right-click on the consequence that reads Command Immediate. Click on on the Run as administrator choice. This launches the elevated command immediate with administrative rights.
open the command prompt with elevated rights
  1. Subsequent, enter the next command within the Command Immediate window and press the Enter key:
slmgr -rearm
resetting the licensing status of your windows os
  1. For those who see a affirmation window and click on on OK.
click on ok to reset the license key of your computer
  1. Restart your system and the “This copy of Home windows just isn’t real” ought to go away.

Word: The desktop will present a clean black background. You have to repair that by right-clicking on an empty area on the display screen and personalizing it by altering the background.

5. Reconfiguring Plug and Play Service

  1. Press the Win + R keys collectively on the keyboard to open the Run immediate
  2. Sort in “Rsop.msc” and press the Enter key
open the resultant set of policy window
  1. The setup will begin after the above step has been executed. Enable the setup to finish and the Resultant Set of Coverage window opens up
  2. Double click on on “Laptop Configuration” after which double click on on Home windows Settings
  3. Double click on on Safety Settings, then double click on on System Providers
  4. Search for the “Plug and Play” service from the excellent record of providers in the proper panel.
reconfigure plug and play services
  1. Double click on on it to open the Plug and Play properties
  2. From the Choose Service Startup Mode choice, discover the Computerized choice and be certain that the adjustments have been saved.
  3. Exit out of the window and be certain that your adjustments are saved.
  4. Press the Home windows + R launch the Run dialog field. Sort within the following command: gpupdate/power
  5. Press the Enter key to execute it after which, look ahead to the execution to be accomplished.
  6. Restart the system and verify if the difficulty nonetheless exists.

6. Handle Registry Settings

If the above strategies usually are not working or for those who couldn’t full them, attempt adjusting the permissions by way of Registry settings. Right here’s how you are able to do so:

  1. Open the Registry Editor and find the HKEY_USERSS-1-5-20
  2. Proper click on on S-1-5-20 and click on on Permissions
  3. Click on on Add underneath “Group or usernames” if the Community Service just isn’t listed already.
  4. Sort in “community service” within the textual content field and click on on “Examine Names.”
  5. Click on on OK. Then, click on on Community Service.
  6. Examine the field beside Full Management and Learn, beneath the Enable part.
  7. Click on on OK and restart your system
  8. End the activation prompts that come up after the Home windows OS masses.

7. Flip Off The Computerized Home windows Updates 

  1. Open the Menu and click on on the Settings icon.
  2. Click on on “Replace & Safety” from the Settings menu.
  3. Within the Home windows Replace settings, click on on Home windows Replace from the left panel
  4. Then, click on on “Pause updates for 7 extra days.”
  5. Or else, you could possibly click on on Superior choices and switch off the updates

Closing Phrases

This text discusses tips on how to do away with the “This copy of Home windows just isn’t real” error. Plenty of customers hold getting the “Home windows just isn’t real” error. Happily, this problem is not going to result in any information loss and is solvable. Comply with the above-mentioned directions one after the other to do away with this problem.  

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