Аналог клавиатуры apple для windows

Купил-таки ради тестирования клавиатурку A4 KV-300h.

Самых огромных два минуса:
1) Enter сделан длинной клавишей в один ряд высотой — раскладка категорически не кириллическая. Просто нанесены буквы русские. Судя по шрифту русских букв на самом устройстве и отсутствию на упаковке и внутри документации каких-либо русских текстов смею предположить что с завода она уходила без нанесенных национальных символов. Как результат — вместо enter я практически всегда нажимаю «\».
Годами я приучен печатать вслепую и жму на enter вообще не задумываясь туда, где он жил долгие годы. И тут — на… и переучиться не смогу — вся остальная техника имеет европейскую раскладку.

Кстати, знаю что есть люди, ищущие как раз такую «американскую» раскладку — им как раз будет отлично.

2) Шумит так, что я боюсь разбудить соседей;

Разумеется, нажатия тактильно вообще никаким образом не похожи на искомое.

Тем не менее, нельзя не отметить что в целом печатать очень удобно, несмотря на вышеуказанное. Клавиатура увесистая и стоит очень крепко, что радует. Порты usb — ну… не знаю, воспользуюсь ли я ими когда-либо. Для меня было бы существенно лучше иметь беспроводное соединение вместо портов. Еще один плюс — во время печати сама плоскость клавиатуры не прогибается, что тоже радует весьма.

Подъем клавиш великоват. Несмотря на то что это не мембранная клавиатура — впечатления особого она не оставляет. С трудом вспомню что-либо шумнее этой клавиатуры.

И, да, стоит отметить что цвет клавиатуры на фотографиях немного неправдив — в жизни он существенно темнее, что не могло не порадовать.

С другой стороны — за 500р?..

Вывод: можно смело заказывать, скажем, вот это и спокойно гравировать русские символы. Если, конечно же, не смущает такая конфигурация Enter-а.

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Этим летом A4Tech представила
новую линейку компактных клавиатур FSTYLER, которая включает в себя следующие модели:

  • FX51 – клавиатура без цифрового
    блока с подключением через Type-C
  • FX51C – аналогичная клавиатура, но с
    беспроводным адаптером для подключения
  • FX60 – клавиатура с цифровым
    блоком с несъемным проводом для подключения
  • FX60H – аналогичная клавиатура, но с
    парой USB
    разъемов в корпусе для быстрого подключения периферии
  • FX61 – полный аналог FX51, но с LED подсветкой

В моем распоряжении оказалось по каждому
представителю из этого списка: FX51 и FX60H.
Сегодняшний обзор посвящен младшей модели, которая имеет минималистичное
исполнение, шелкографию с русским и английском языком, низкий профиль кейкапов,
поддержку Windows/Mac OS. Для лучшего знакомства с FX51 я написал весь этот обзор с
её помощью.

Линейка клавиатур A4Tech FSTYLER получила стильную
и лаконичную упаковку из картона в бело-голубых тонах. Подобное оформление
хорошо сгодится на подарок не только «гику» с Windows, но и для гурмана
с MacOS.

Так как FX51 имеет проводное подключение,
то помимо клавиатуры предусмотрен 1.5 метровый кабель для подключения, а в
версии FX51C еще
и беспроводной адаптер.

  • Character: Silk Printing + UV
  • Actual Point: 1.8 +/- 0.3mm
  • Report Rate: 125 Hz
  • Keyboard Layout: Win/Mac
  • Cable Length: 150 cm
  • Port: USB

Клавиатура A4Tech FX51 – компактное и эргономичное
решение для тех, кто ценит мобильность и универсальность на каждый день. Корпус
клавиатуры выполнен из пластика серого цвета, который бегло напоминает металл.
Клавиши цвета молока, на обратной стороне 4 резиновых ножки.

Регулировка высоты отсутствует и для её
нивелирования предусмотрено возвышение в задней части корпуса.

Подключение клавиатуры происходит через разъем Type-C в
её задней части. Кабель для подключения белого цвета, он довольно мягкий и
имеет прямые штекеры для подключения (как USB-A, так Type-C). Потребление клавиатуры не
превышает 5V0.5A, так что можно использовать в
паре с планшетом или смартфоном.

Общее количество клавиш – 78, принцип работы свичей
– ножничный. Высота кейкапов 1.5мм, ход клавиш короткий, нажатие в меру тихое.
Среди всех клавиш предусмотрен мультимедийный ряд, а вот места для PageUp и
PageDown не нашлось, причем даже через реализацию FN+ ↑↓.
Переключение между операционными системами Windows и
происходит через клавиши FN+O/Щ
и P/З.
Для «яблочной» OS
под обе системы. В остальном все стандартно.

При подключении клавиатуры к ноутбуку происходит
штатная установка драйверов, так как FX51 поддерживает Plug&Play. Далее происходит переход к
обыденной эксплуатации клавиатуры, только с учетом того, что отсутствует
цифровой блок.

Я привык печатать методом слепой печати, поэтому
привыкание к новой клавиатуре произошло моментально, при этом отсутствие
подсветки меня нисколько не смутило. Единственное, на что я частенько
натыкался, так это на отсутствие привычных клавиш Page Up и Page Down. А вот
привыкание к половинчатым клавишам ↑↓ происходит без каких-либо неудобств.

Также я хочу напомнить, что данный обзор был
полностью написан с помощью A4Tech FX51 и это было приятнее, нежели
с обычной клавиатуры моего ноутбука Teclast F6.

  • +
    компактные размеры
  • +
    удобный размер клавиш
  • +
    монолитная, крепкая конструкция
  • +
    низкий уровень шума от
  • +
    возможность использовать с Win/Mac

  • ощущение дешевизны из-за пластикового корпуса серого цвета

  • отсутствие привычных клавиш Page Up/Page Down/Home/End

Клавиатура A4Tech FX51 – интересный продукт с точки
зрения эргономики и компактности. Она не займет много места даже на самом
маленьком столе, а громкость ножничного механизма позволяет работать почти в
полной тишине, не разбудив никого вокруг.



Если же вам приглянулась данная клавиатура, но
отталкивает отсутствие подсветки, то обратите внимание на модель FX61, которая отличается наличием
как раз LED


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Many Mac computers come with the Apple-branded Magic Keyboard, and you either love it or hate it. The keyboards on this list are specifically for those of you who like the Magic Keyboard’s general design but are looking for something slightly different. If it’s time for a new keyboard, you might want to explore the other options and see what’s available outside of the Applesphere. On that note, here are the best alternatives to Apple’s Magic Keyboard.

Here are the best alternatives to Apple’s Magic Keyboard

You can always trust iMore.

Our team of Apple experts have years of experience testing all kinds of tech and gadgets, so you can be sure our recommendations and criticisms are accurate and helpful. Find out more about how we test.

Logitech K380 Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard

Logitech K380 Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard

Easy multi-pairing

This little ditty is an iMore favorite. It’s a compact keyboard perfect for your Mac that has plenty of useful additional features. It has the added benefit of being specially designed to control features on your iPhone or iPad, like navigating to the Home screen or switching apps. With one button, you can switch between three different devices, including Windows and Android products.

ERGO K860 Split Ergonomic Keyboard

ERGO K860 Split Ergonomic Keyboard

Ergonomic choice

If hunching over a keyboard gives you neck or back pain, then you may need an ergonomic keyboard that supports natural hand placement and good posture. Our reviewers found that the ERGO K860 made typing much more comfortable, allowing the wrists and hands to rest in a comfortable position while typing. And since the curved shape encourages good, straight posture, it can also help prevent hunching and back pain. 

Macally Bluetooth Keyboard with Touchpad

Macally Bluetooth Keyboard with Touchpad

Best keyboard with touchpad

The Macally Keyboard is a great multi-device solution that is small and versatile enough to be used for many different applications in the home. It works great with a Mac, especially for those who like to have a trackpad on hand as well as a mouse. This one is also popular for use with Apple TV when typing in search terms or navigating apps.

Iclever Bk10 Bluetooth Keyboard Render Cropped

iClever BK10 Bluetoooth Multi-Device Keyboard

Clever look-alike

This Bluetooth keyboard will work with your Mac, iPad, iPhone, and even non-Apple devices. The slim design and low-profile scissor-switch keys make for smooth, quiet, and comfortable typing. It’s available in various colors, including silver, which looks very much like Apple’s.

Logitech Mx Keys Mini Wireless Keyboard Render Cropped

Logitech MX Keys Mini Wireless Illuminated Keyboard

Minimalist, smart, and compact

This delightful little keyboard is ultra-portable yet comfortable to use. Smart backlighting adjusts to your environment and smart keys add extra functionality. Easy switch buttons let you connect to up to three different devices with a tap.

Arteck HB030B Universal Slim Keyboard

Arteck HB220B Universal Slim Keyboard


Arteck’s well-priced Bluetooth keyboard is slim, portable, and can be used with your Mac or iOS device as well as non-Apple computers. You can choose from seven backlight colors and two brightness levels on this keyboard. The rechargeable lithium battery can go up to six months on a single charge.

Still want the official Apple Magic Keyboard?

There’s one thing that no third-party keyboard can give you, however, and that’s Touch ID. If you want Touch ID, or if you just need a keyboard that matches perfectly with your Mac aesthetic, then the Magic Keyboard is the only way to go. Here are the best options to pair with a Mac desktop computer. 

Apple Magic Keyboard with Numeric Pad

Apple Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad

Comes with numeric keypad

If you love everything about the Magic Keyboard, but really want a numerical pad, this model’s nearly identical to the Magic Keyboard except that it has a 10-key number pad, a couple of additional function keys, and dedicated control keys. It’s the perfect solution for Mac users that need more keyboard functionality. It doesn’t have Touch ID, however.

Apple Magic Keyboard With Touch Id And Numeric Keypad Render Cropped

Apple Magic Keyboard with Touch ID and Numeric Keypad for Mac models with Apple silicon

Definite upgrade

If you want Apple’s best, check out this one. Not only does it have that handy numeric keypad and function keys, but it also has Touch ID for ultra-fast and secure authentication for your logins and purchases. Note that it’s only compatible with Macs that sport Apple silicon chips (2020 and newer).

Which Magic Keyboard alternative should you choose?

If you love the Magic Keyboard, but you want something just a little bit different, you’re sure to like one of the keyboards on this list. They all have a similar functionality but offer something a bit different. An iMore favorite is the Logitech K380 Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard. It’s great to be able to switch between your Mac, iPhone, and iPad quickly. You can’t go wrong with any of the Logitech keyboards. Of course, those of us who need to type a lot of numbers love Apple’s Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad and find it worth the upgrade. If you want something with more tactile feedback, check out our best mechanical keyboards for Mac list.

However, if you want something inexpensive that you can toss into your bag when you’re on the go, then pick up an Arteck HB220B Universal Slim Keyboard. It’s compact at just 9.7-inches-by-5.9-inches-by-0.24-inches and the battery will last six months between charges with typical use. Plus, you get backlighting in all of those fun colors.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something else besides Apple-style keyboards, we’ve rounded up some other great keyboards for Mac for you. That list includes a variety of different styles, something for everyone.

iMore offers spot-on advice and guidance from our team of experts, with decades of Apple device experience to lean on. Learn more with iMore!

Karen is a contributor to iMore.com as a writer and co-host of the iMore Show. She’s been writing about Apple since 2010 with a year-long break to work at an Apple Store as a product specialist. She’s also a contributor at CNET. Before joining iMore in 2018, Karen wrote for Macworld, AppAdvice, WatchAware. She’s an early adopter who used to wait in long lines on release days before pre-ordering made things much easier. Karen is also a part-time teacher and occasional movie extra. She loves to spend time with her family, travel the world, and is always looking for portable tech and accessories so she can work from anywhere.

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Фирменная клавиатура Apple для Mac отлично зарекомендовала себя. Она компактная, лёгкая и достаточно тонкая, а сама конструкция помещена в аккуратный алюминиевый корпус. Да, она отличная, но если оригинальная клавиатура по каким-то причинам надоела, то самый раз взглянуть на альтернативные варианты клавиатур для своего Mac. Благо, сейчас их великое множество, но важно в них не запутаться и выбрать лучшие. Чем мы собственно и занялись.

Logitech Craft Advanced keyboard Grey Bluetooth

Честно говоря, противоречивые восприятия этой клавиатуры. С одной стороны неплохой дизайн, но с другой — не совсем функциональное колесо. Да, с помощью него можно регулировать громкость, управлять виртуальными столами, переключать вкладки в браузере и менять панели в Фотошопе, но… Представьте, запустили вы музыкальный плеер, отрегулировали громкость, переходит в браузер и пытаетесь сделать громкость меньше, но вдруг, у вас при прокрутке колеса начали переключаться вкладки…

Окантовка клавиатуры алюминиевая, сам материал приятен на ощупь, но он невероятно маркий, поэтому за ней придётся ухаживать. Но есть и чем похвалиться. В данном случае речь идет о клавишах — едва ли не самом главном атрибуте клавиатуры. Кнопки обладают идеальным ходом, и возможно, если бы не подсветка, автономность была бы лучше. Но белое свечение при печатании в темное время суток — настоящее удовольствие.

Цена: 12 690 ₽
Где выгодно купить: Яндекс Маркет

Logitech K380 Multi-Device White Bluetooth

Ещё один яркий представитель от Logitech. Беспроводная Wireless Solar Keyboard K380 отлично работает не только с Mac, но и Windows. Она выполнена в необычным стиле, что отлично дополнит интерьер дизайнера или другой творческой личности. Единственным недостатком является небольшое расстояние между клавишами, но всё во имя компактности!

Клавиатура поддерживает одновременное подключение к трем устройствам. Переключение между ними осуществляется в одно нажатие.

Верхний ряд в точности повторяет функции, что и оригинальная клавиатура Apple, но только нужно установить драйверы производителя.

Цена: 2 490 ₽
Где выгодно купить: Яндекс Маркет

Xiaomi MIIIW Dual Mode Keyboard White Bluetooth

Корпус клавиатуры имеет в своем составе не только пластик, но и алюминиевые вставки для прочности. В верхней части клавиатуры есть выемка, которая позволяет удобно разместить планшет или смартфон, который будет работать в качестве дисплея. Несмотря на наличие цифрового блока, размеры клавиатуры стандартные.

Xiaomi MIIIW Dual Mode Keyboard White Bluetooth снабжена 104 клавишами, которые отделены друг от друга расстоянием, при котором трудно нажать на две клавиши одним махом. Ход кнопок небольшой, около 1,5 мм. Особняком стоит технология Chiclet, которая делает нажатие тихим и плавным. Со стационарной подставкой угол наклона не превышает 6 градусов, поэтому даже длительный по времени набор текста вполне возможен без усталости рук. Что касается автономности, то здесь все на высоком уровне, ведь производитель позаботился об этом: около двух месяцев работы без подзарядки.

Цена: 3 800 ₽
Где выгодно купить: Яндекс Маркет

Satechi Compact Backlit Bluetooth Keyboard

Satechi – хорошо зарекомендовали себя в качестве производителя устройств для техники Apple. Вся продукция отлично работает и дополняет любой гаджет. Исключением не стала эта беспроводная клавиатура Satechi Compact Backlit Bluetooth Keyboard.

Она компактная, поддерживает одновременное подключение к трём устройствам, имеет встроенную подсветку, полную раскладку и корпус из алюминия.

Верхний блок полностью повторяет все функции macOS, а сами клавиши имеют небольшое углубление для лучшего ввода текста. Одна из лучших клавиатур для работы с текстом и кодом.

Цена: 6 499 ₽
Где выгодно купить: re:Store

Logitech MX Keys

Одна из самых лучших клавиатур для Mac и Windows, которую только можно найти.

Клавиатура MX Keys позиционируется, как полноценный рабочий инструмент для работы с большими объёмами текста и кода. Она отлично подойдёт программистам, копирайтерам и многим другим специалистам.

Верхний ряд клавиш также позволяет регулировать громкость, яркость клавиатуры и управлять мультимедией. Более того, её можно с легкостью переключать на другое устройство.

Пожалуй, единственный недостаток Logitech MX Keys это её цена, а также частое отсутствие в магазинах.

Цена: от 9 990 ₽
Где выгодно купить: Яндекс Маркет

Тут собрались разные клавиатуры для разных видов занятий. Но всех их объединяет одно – лучшее качество и удобство, среди тех, что сейчас представлены на рынке.

Какие клавиатуры вы предпочитаете для своего Mac? Расскажите в комментариях!

Are you looking for an Apple Magic Keyboard alternative suitable for your device?

Well, you came to the right place.

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We have handpicked the best Magic Keyboard alternatives to give you the best typing experience.  Regardless of whether you’re a student or a professional on the go, you’ll find that Magic Keyboards are quite convenient. However, the experience offered by Magic Keyboards and Magic Keyboard alternatives is unparalleled.

There are several reasons you could be interested in a Magic Keyboard alternative.

Some reasons could be their sleek design or their lightweight build which makes them convenient to carry with you on trips.

Regardless of what your reasons are, we’ve compiled a list of the best Magic Keyboard alternatives to offer you a varied range of features and prices which you may find more suitable.

That said, if you’re interested in mechanical keyboards, you should check out our article Best Mechanical Keyboards.

7 Best Magic Keyboard Alternatives in 2023

  1. Typecase Magic-Style KeyboardBest Magic Keyboard alternative overall (Editor’s Choice)
  2. OMOTON— Best wireless Bluetooth Magic Keyboard alternative
  3. Twelve South MagicBridge — Best stylish Magic Keyboard alternative
  4. Macally Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard — Best rechargeable Magic Keyboard alternative
  5. Logitech MX Keys — Best smart illumination Magic Keyboard alternative
  6. Keychron K8 — Best mechanical Magic Keyboard alternative
  7. ZAGG Pro Keys with Trackpad — Best Magic Keyboard alternative for iPads

What Is the Best Magic Keyboard Alternative?

We’ve picked the Typecase Magic-Style Keyboard as the best Magic Keyboard alternative overall. However, we’ve also listed some of the various options below.


Best Overall

typecase Touch Keyboard Case for iPad Pro 12.9-6th Generation - 2022 - Touchpad, 360° Rotatable,...

Best Bluetooth Keyboard

OMOTON Ultra-Slim Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad 10.2(9th/ 8th/ 7th Generation)/ 9.7, iPad Air 4th...

Best Stylish

Twelve South MagicBridge Extended | Connects Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to Apple Magic Keyboard with...

Best For Illumination Magic

Nulaxy KM12 Backlit Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard with Magnetic Detachable Leather Cover, Rechargeable...


typecase Touch Keyboard Case for iPad Pro 12.9-6th Generation — 2022 — Touchpad, 360° Rotatable,…

OMOTON Ultra-Slim Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad 10.2(9th/ 8th/ 7th Generation)/ 9.7, iPad Air 4th…

Twelve South MagicBridge Extended | Connects Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to Apple Magic Keyboard with…

Nulaxy KM12 Backlit Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard with Magnetic Detachable Leather Cover, Rechargeable…

Best Overall


typecase Touch Keyboard Case for iPad Pro 12.9-6th Generation - 2022 - Touchpad, 360° Rotatable,...


typecase Touch Keyboard Case for iPad Pro 12.9-6th Generation — 2022 — Touchpad, 360° Rotatable,…

Best Bluetooth Keyboard


OMOTON Ultra-Slim Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad 10.2(9th/ 8th/ 7th Generation)/ 9.7, iPad Air 4th...


OMOTON Ultra-Slim Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad 10.2(9th/ 8th/ 7th Generation)/ 9.7, iPad Air 4th…

Best Stylish


Twelve South MagicBridge Extended | Connects Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to Apple Magic Keyboard with...


Twelve South MagicBridge Extended | Connects Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to Apple Magic Keyboard with…

Best For Illumination Magic


Nulaxy KM12 Backlit Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard with Magnetic Detachable Leather Cover, Rechargeable...


Nulaxy KM12 Backlit Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard with Magnetic Detachable Leather Cover, Rechargeable…

7 Best Magic Keyboard Alternatives in 2023

1.  Typecase Magic-Style Keyboard (Editor’s Choice)

Typecase Magic-Style Keyboard Case- magic keyboard alternative

Typecase Magic-Style Keyboard Case. Image credit: Amazon / Typecase

Best Magic Keyboard alternative overall

Weight – 2.92 pounds

If you are looking for a Magic Keyboard alternative that should be compatible, then you should purchase the Typecase Magic Style keyboard. This keyboard alternative is highly compatible with  iPad Pro 12.9 inch and also models which includes:

  • 2021 12.9 inch Pro 5th Generation
  • 2020 12.9 inch Pro 4th Generation
  •  2018 12.9 inch Pro 3rd Generation.

This Magic Keyboard alternative contains a precise built-in touchpad and helps you navigate your iPad Pro 12.9 with a multi-touch touchpad.

Palm rejection is one of the coolest features of this Magic Keyboard alternative. This feature becomes active once you start working on the keyboard. It disables the touchpad when you type. With this Magic Keyboard, you can edit documents, browse the web, and build presentations.

Pros Cons
➕ Ergonomic and ensures your iPad is safe, perfect for traveling and work. ➖ Needs to be charged separately.
➕ 10 color backlight keyboard with shortcuts.
➕ Floating cantilever design.

Latest Price on Amazon:


typecase Touch Keyboard Case for iPad Pro 12.9-6th Generation - 2022 - Touchpad, 360° Rotatable,...

typecase Touch Keyboard Case for iPad Pro 12.9-6th Generation — 2022 — Touchpad, 360° Rotatable,…

  • Compatibility — Compatible with 2022 12.9 for iPad Pro 6th Generation, 2021 12.9 for iPad Pro 5th generation (A2378, A2379, A2461, A2462); 2020 12.9 for iPad Pro 4th generation (A2069, A2229, A2232,…
  • Multi-touch Precision Trackpad — A built-in precise trackpad comes with the keyboard for iPad Pro 12.9-inch, navigate the iPad in a whole new way with no external mouse required. Control the iPad with…
  • 10-Color RGB Backlit Keyboard with Shortcuts — Premium laptop-like case with keyboard for iPad Pro 12.9-inch, designed for maximizing typing experience, type comfortably and accurately on 10-color RGB…
  • 7 Use Modes — Dual-axis rotatable 360° hinge(20,000 cycle stress tested) for iPad Pro 12.9 keyboard case, provides infinite viewing angle, you could use your iPad in 7 different modes, comfortably…
  • Smart Protection & Pencil Holder — The case keyboard for iPad Pro 12.9 comes with a rugged hard-shell, designed for protecting your iPad Pro 12.9 on both front and the back sides, preventing being…


OMOTON Magic Keyboard- best magic keyboard alternatives

OMOTON Magic Keyboard. Image credits: Amazon / OMOTON

Best affordable Magic Keyboard alternative

Weight – 5.6 ounces | Power – Battery

Are you looking for a keyboard alternative that is easy, compatible, and compact? The OMOTON keyboard offers convenience when you need to type. This Magic Keyboard is cable-free and you can connect this keyboard via Bluetooth to phones and tablets.

The OMOTON keyboard is super compatible with iPads, phones, and Bluetooth- enabled tablets. You can use this keyboard from anywhere you want as it is compact and easy to carry around. Another feature to highlight about this Magic Keyboard alternative is that it contains a long-lasting battery. This keyboard for the iPad uses an energy-saving design and automatic sleep mode to allow up to 6 months between battery changes.



➕ Keys are customizable. ➖ There is no Escape key on this iPad keyboard.
➕ Comes in a variety of colors to match your device.
➕ Contains optimized multimedia keys.

Latest Price on Amazon:


OMOTON Ultra-Slim Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad 10.2(9th/ 8th/ 7th Generation)/ 9.7, iPad Air 4th...

OMOTON Ultra-Slim Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad 10.2(9th/ 8th/ 7th Generation)/ 9.7, iPad Air 4th…

  • 1. Cable-Free. Bluetooth Connection with your Mobile Devices such as Tablets and mobile phones, Bring you more convenience when you need to type, iPad keyboard operating Distance up to 10 meters.
  • 2. Super Compatibility. Compatible with iPads, Phones and Bluetooth-enabled Tablets, Laptops, and Mobile Phones, such as iPad Air 4th, iPad 10.2 (9th / 8th / 7th Generation)/ 9.7, iPad Pro 12.9/ 11,…
  • 3. Reasonable Layout. QWERTY Layout with Hot keys Customized for iPads, Including Volume, Music Control, Brightness, etc.
  • 4. Long Battery Life. The keyboard for iPad uses an energy-saving design and automatic sleep mode to allow up to 6 months between battery changes. (2 X AAA Battery, Not Included)
  • 5. Package Contents: OMOTON KB066 Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad. And OMOTON provides you with friendly customer service.

3. Twelve South Magic Bridge

twelve south magic bridge- Apple Magic Keyboard alternative

twelve south magic bridge. Image credits: Amazon / Twelve South

Best stylish Magic Keyboard alternative

Weight – 6.1 ounces | Power – USB-C to Lightning Cable

The Twelve South Magic Bridge keyboard contains a minimalistic design that gives a tidy look while blending in perfectly with your iOS devices. This Magic Keyboard alternative is a universal fit for left- and right-handed people. With this feature, you can hold a magic trackpad on either side of the keyboard.

You can have access to power switches and ports for charging without any disassembly. The Twelve South Magic Bridge keyboard is made up of strong and lightweight polycarbonate design, specifically for preventing scratches and damage to the keyboard.

MagicBridge also allows you to use your keyboard combo on any surface such as on top of the desk, on the sofa, or on your lap. You can use it right from your comfort space.



➕ Minimalist design blends perfectly with all Apple devices. ➖ Quite expensive.
➕ Easy to access power switches and ports.
➕ Portable and lightweight.

Latest Price on Amazon:


Twelve South MagicBridge Extended | Connects Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to Apple Magic Keyboard with...

Twelve South MagicBridge Extended | Connects Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to Apple Magic Keyboard with…

  • Minimalist design organises desk and creates a tidy two-in-one combo while blending in perfectly with your Apple devices
  • Universal Fit for Left and Right handed people — holds Magic Trackpad on either left or right of keyboard
  • Easy access to power switches and ports for charging with no disassembly
  • Strong and lightweight Polycarbonate designed to not scratch your Keyboard /Trackpad or add additional weight
  • MagicBridge allows you to use your keyboard combo on any surface, not just your desk — use on your lap, from your sofa, or during conferences and lectures

4. Macally Premium Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard 

Macally Magic Keyboard

Macally Magic Keyboard. Image credits: Amazon / Macally

Best rechargeable Magic Keyboard alternative

Weight – 1.59 pounds | Power – USB-C to Lightning Cable

The Macally Premium Magic Keyboard alternative is a wireless Bluetooth keyboard. With this Magic Keyboard alternative, you can have a comfortable typing experience with a full-size layout.

The wireless connection is reliable when it comes to your MacBook. It also comes with a micro USB cable. The design of the Macally Premium Magic Keyboard alternative is ultra-slim and perfect. It has a clean design and is budget-friendly.

This keyboard alternative has a cordless low profile design that typically transforms your workspace into a small and clean layout.



➕ Rechargeable wireless connection. ➖ The keys are noisy.
➕ Contains an ultimate responsive touch and quiet typing.
➕ Pairs up to three Bluetooth devices.

Latest Price on Amazon:


Macally Premium Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard for Mac, iMac, MacBook, Mac Pro - Compatible Apple...

Macally Premium Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard for Mac, iMac, MacBook, Mac Pro — Compatible Apple…

  • PAIR UP TO 3 BLUETOOTH DEVICES: In seconds you can seamlessly pair the Apple Wireless Keyboard to any macOS or iOS Bluetooth enabled device. Multi sync with your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone.
  • ULTRA-SLIM AND CLEAN DESIGN — This budget friendly Apple keyboard with numeric keypad alternative features a cordless low profile design that will transform your workspace into a simple and clean…
  • COMFORTABLE TYPING WITH FULL SIZE LAYOUT — This bluetooth keyboard for mac features scissor switch keycaps (laptop style) for the ultimate responsive touch and quiet typing, 21 shortcut keys preset to…
  • RECHARGEABLE MAC WIRELESS KEYBOARD — Built-in 650mAh rechargeable Lithium-ion battery lasts up to 2 months with no need to replace battery and can recharged with the included USB cable.
  • RELIABLE WIRELESS CONNECTION — Enjoy a stable connection with our mac keyboard which comes with a micro USB cable, user manual, 18-month warranty, and our friendly customer service.

5. Logitech MX Keys

logitech MX keyboard

logitech MX keyboard. Image credits: Amazon / Logitech

Best smart illumination Magic Keyboard alternative

Weight – 1.79 pounds | Power – USB-C to Lightning Cable

The Logitech MX  is a Magic Keyboard alternative that is optimized for Mac OS and iPad. This keyboard contains smart illumination with backlit keys. You can automatically adjust to suit and change lighting conditions. It contains perfect stroke keys. The spherically dished keys are designed for the shape of your fingerprints and feature a Mac key layout.

One of the coolest features of this Magic Keyboard is that you can customize the Fn keys according to your specific creative workflow. With this Logitech Magic Keyboard alternative, you can work on multiple computers under one flow. All you have to do is just move the cursor and start typing.



➕ Full charge lasts up to 10 days – or up to 5 months ➖ Disconnects randomly.
➕ Contains perfect stroke keys
➕ Fits perfectly with your Mac setup

Latest Price on Amazon:


Logitech MX Keys Advanced Wireless Illuminated Keyboard for Mac,Backlit LED Keys, Bluetooth,USB-C,...

Logitech MX Keys Advanced Wireless Illuminated Keyboard for Mac,Backlit LED Keys, Bluetooth,USB-C,…

  • Designed for Mac: Compatible with Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac & iPad models.
  • MASTERED FOR MAC — MX Keys for Mac is optimized for macOS, iPad compatible, finished in Space Gray – and features a Mac key layout
  • PERFECT STROKE KEYS – Spherically dished keys are crafted for the shape of your fingertips – and feature a Mac key layout. A row of Fn keys can be customized for your specific creative workflow
  • COMFORT, STABILITY, MINIMALISM –Confidently type on a keyboard crafted for comfort, precision, and remarkable stability. The aesthetic minimalism and timeless construction fit perfectly with your…
  • SMART ILLUMINATION – Backlit keys light up the moment your hands approach and automatically adjust to suit changing lighting conditions

6. Keychron K8

keychron keyboard

Keychron. Image credits: Amazon / Keychron

Best mechanical Magic Keyboard alternative

Weight – 1.79 pounds | Power – USB-C to USB-A

This Magic Keyboard alternative saves more desk space for your mouse. The design of  the Keychron K8 is based on ergonomics that provide comfortable angles for typing and reduce discomfort. This keyboard has wider compatibility with Mac OS and Windows.

Another feature of this keyboard is that it contains extra keycaps for both Windows and Mac operating systems. This keyboard offers precise linear click feedback for keypresses. It gives your mechanical keyboard life up to 70 million keystrokes. You also can easily hot swap every low-profile optical switch without soldering. You can customize your typing experience on the K3.



➕ Ergonomic LED illuminated keyboard. ➖ Better keycaps are expected.
➕ Built-in 1550 mAh rechargeable li-polymer battery.
➕ Toggle slides.

Latest Price on Amazon:

Keychron K3 Version 2, 75% Layout 84 Keys Ultra-Slim Wireless Bluetooth/USB Wired Mechanical...

7. ZAGG Pro Keys with Trackpad

Zagg Magic Keyboard

Zagg Magic Keyboard. Image credits: Amazon / Zagg

Best Magic Keyboard alternative for iPads

Weight – ‎2.35 pounds | Power – USB-C to Lightning Cable

If you are looking for an ultimate productive accessory, you can purchase the Zagg Pro keys with a trackpad. This Magic Keyboard alternative is detachable and contains a holder for Apple pencil. It also has backlit keys and laptop-style keys. The new pro keyframe design provides optimal key travel for clean and precise keystrokes.

It gives a comfortable typing experience without any discomfort. With Zagg Pro keys, you can transform your iPad or a tablet into a lightweight portable workstation. This will make it easier for you to work right from your comfort space.



➕ Compact and lightweight. ➖ Very fragile.
➕ Great design pairing
➕ Contains a durable polycarbonate case.

Latest Price on Amazon:

No products found.

What is a Magic Keyboard?

Magic Keyboard

Image credits: Amazon

Magic Keyboards are great companions for your laptops and computers. It gives the user a remarkable and comfortable typing experience. Magic Keyboards automatically get paired with Macs and iPads that help you get to work right away. See other Mac accessories here.

Not all keyboards offer all functionality to operating systems but when it comes to Magic Keyboards, they are more versatile. Magic Keyboards are compatible with any device. You can enable Bluetooth, connect via bundled USB cables and connect it to most PCs and laptops. Magic Keyboards also contain a trackpad that provides a user with new ways to work with any operating system.

What Are the Features of a Magic Keyboard?

Magic Keyboard Features

Magic Keyboard Features
  • Detachable Magnets to Help Attach to Devices

One of the prominent features of Magic Keyboards is that they have a series of magnets. These magnets allow you to attach and detach your iPad whenever you want. All you have to do to make this work is simply hold your iPad up against the back cover and it snaps and automatically aligns into place.  

  • Smart Connectors

Smart connectors are one of the features that make Magic Keyboards stand out from the crowd. Along with these connectors, the installation of smart connectors makes such a design possible. A smart connector interface is a port that is included on some of Apple’s iPad Air and iPad Pro models. These smart connectors provide power and data connection to the Magic Keyboard by powering up the general functionality of the keys, the lighting, and the trackpad.

  • Convenient and Comfortable to Use 

These Magic Keyboards work best for lap usage. When it comes to comfortability, Magic Keyboards provide the best of them because of their structure. The bottom of Magic Keyboards is usually flat which makes them convenient, sleek, and comfortable to use.

  • Adjustable Angles

These keyboards are great to work from any angle. Besides this, they allow the users to enjoy a range of viewing angles up to 130 degrees. You can use the two well-placed and ultra-stiff hinges since it rests at the spine of the Magic Keyboard. 

  • Backlighting

Backlight is one of the coolest features of Magic Keyboards. These backlights are powered with the help of smart connectors, which means that the backlight will not require batteries to charge. Once your iPad is connected to the Magic Keyboard, the backlight will automatically engage depending on the ambient light in your location.

If interested have a look at Best Budget Mechanical Keyboards, Best Small Keyboards, and Best Keyboards for Mac.

  • Best Keyboards for Graphic Designers
  • The Best Tablet Keyboards
  • Best Keyboards for Programming & Coding
  • Best Mechanical Keyboards
  • Best Monitor Calibrators
  • Best 5K and 8K Monitors
  • Top 10 Best Monitors for Graphic Design
  • Top 15 Best Monitors for Photo Editing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is special about the magic keyboard?

Magic keyboards are great companions for your laptops and computers. It gives the user a remarkable and comfortable typing experience. Magic keyboards automatically get paired with Macs and iPads that help you get to work right away.

Which is better? Magic keyboard or Folio keyboard?

Apple’s Magic Keyboard is the better option overall as it boasts several useful features, including a trackpad.

What is the difference between a smart keyboard and a magic keyboard?

Magic keyboards offer a floating design. It allows the iPad to be adjusted between 90 and 130 degrees, while smart keyboards allow for just two incline positions.

Best Magic Keyboard Alternatives in 2023

Magic Keyboards provide a great typing experience, especially if you are using an iPad or a tablet. Having a trackpad for your device makes your work even easier. You can choose to purchase from the list of best Magic Keyboard alternatives presented to you, and let us know your experience through the comments.

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