Amdkmdag sys синий экран windows 7 x64

Чаще всего синий экран с ошибкой atikmdag sys возникает из-за некорректно установленного или поврежденного драйвера видеокарты AMD/ATI Radeon. И в большинстве случаев переустановка или обновление помогает решить проблему, однако тут не все так однозначно и просто, могут иметь место быть и другие проблемы.

Ознакомьтесь с аналогичным сбоем «atikmpag sys«, возможно некоторые способы решения будут кстати.

Давайте затронем данную тему более подробно и попробуем самостоятельно все исправить.

Содержание статьи

  1. Удаление установленных драйверов
  2. Установка свежих драйверов
  3. Появление синего экрана после обновления
  4. Замена файла
  5. Ошибка atikmdag.sys с кодом 0x0000003
  6. Отключаем функцию быстрого запуска
  7. Другие виды ошибок и общие способы их устранения
  8. Комментарии пользователей

Удаление установленных драйверов

В первую очередь я предлагаю удалить уже установленные драйвера. Делать это я рекомендую используя утилиту Display Driver Uninstaller. Главное ее преимущество в том, что она полностью удаляет драйвера из системы, подчищая все хвосты (оставшиеся папки и записи в реестре). Работает на всех ОС, включая Windows 7, 8, 10.

Только полное удаление может гарантировать эффективность новой установки.

Перед тем как приступать к процедуре удаления, скачайте свежую версию драйверов. Найти их можно на сайте производителя. Заходите, выбираете свою модель видеокарты, выбираете свою версию Windows и скачиваете.

Итак, приступим:

  1. Программа бесплатная, не требует установки. Поэтому загружаем ее с официального сайта и запускаем.
  2. Очень важно все действия проводить из безопасного режима. Иначе вы можете словить черный экран или другие ошибки. Поэтому загружаемся с него и двигаемся далее.
  3. Запускаем утилиту, выбираем производителя видеокарты, для удобства устанавливаем «Русский язык» и щелкаем по кнопке «Удалить и перезагрузить».
  4. Программа в автоматическом режиме начнет искать и удалять все остатки.

Дождитесь окончания процесса деинсталляции, перезагрузите компьютер и заново войдите в безопасный режим.

Если по каким-либо причинам, данная утилита вам не подошла, есть и другие похожие аналоги, например, Revo Uninstaller, Your Uninstaller и другие. Можете использовать их.

Установка свежих драйверов

После того, как удаление было успешно завершено, можно начинать чистую установку.

У вас уже должны быть скачаны последние версии софта.

На самом деле здесь все просто, пожалуй, единственное правило, особенно оно касается новичков: устанавливайте все в автоматическом режиме, отметив галочками все пункты, которая предлагает нам программа.

Более подробно:

  • После запуска установщика, нам будет предложено 2 варианта установки: «Экспресс» и «Выборочная». Если у вас нет должного опыта и необходимых знаний, выбирайте первый.

Дожидаемся окончания процедуры, перезагружаем ПК и запускаем уже в обычном режиме.

Если вы все сделали правильно, согласно инструкции, то синий экран (BSOD) с ошибкой atikmdag sys будет устранен.

Появление синего экрана после обновления

Еще редко синий экран появляется после обновления Windows или драйверов на видеокарту. В обоих случаях может помочь откат системы до рабочего состояния.

Во втором случае, можно сделать еще следующее:

  1. В диспетчере устройств перейти во вкладку «Видеоадаптеры» и правой мышкой щелкнуть по своей графической плате, далее нажать «Свойства».
  2. Перейти в раздел «Драйвер» и щелкнуть «Откатить».
  3. Необходимо подтвердить действие.

После завершения процедуры не забудьте перезагрузить компьютер.

Если проблема была в этом, то синий экран больше не появится.

Замена файла

Дело в том, что при установки свежего софта для видеокарты, прежняя версия файла atikmdag.sys перемещается в директорию «System32\Drivers», в следствии чего Windows использует старую версию, а новая остается незадействованной. Из-за этого и появляется синий экран.

Так что давайте попробуем исправить BSOD ошибку atikmdag sys путем замены старого файла на новый.

Для этого:

  1. Скачайте и установите свежие драйвера на видеоплату.
  2. Затем перейдите в раздел с установленной ОС, обычно это «C» диск. Далее в папку «Windows / System32 / Drivers», найдите файл atikmdag.sys и задайте ему новое имя Atikmdag.sys.old.
  3. Теперь заходим на диск «С», открываем папку «ATI», находим файл Atikmdag.sy_ и копируем его на рабочий стол.
  4. Открываем командную строку. Как это сделать в Windows 10 читайте здесь. Некоторые из рассмотренных способов универсальны и подходят даже для Windows XP,7,8.
  5. Вводим следующее: chdir Desktop и жмем «Enter».
  6. Теперь выполняем процедуру замены, введя команду EXPAND.EXE atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys и нажав «Enter».
  7. Копируем новую версию файла с рабочего стола в папку «Drivers» и перезагружаем ПК.

Синий экран появляться больше не должен.

Ошибка atikmdag.sys с кодом 0x0000003

Чаще всего синий экран со stop ошибкой 0x0000003 говорит уже о другой проблеме, а именно конфликты в работе с драйвером Win32k.sys .

Как правило проблема исправляется достаточно легко, нужно лишь скачать официальный патч от Microsoft. Найти его можно здесь. Перед его установкой не забудьте включить автоматическое обновление.

Отключаем функцию быстрого запуска

Также синий экран может появляться только при определенных обстоятельствах, например, при выходе из режима сна, то тут может помочь изменение настроек запуска.

Перед тем как перейти к конкретным действиям, убедитесь, что вы зашли в систему как администратор.

Для того чтобы изменить настройки, необходимо:

  1. Щелкнуть по пуску, в строку поиска ввести «Электропитание» и перейти в необходимый раздел.
  2. В меню слева щелкаем по «Действия кнопок» и заходим внутрь настроек.
  3. В верхней части окна нажимаем «Изменение параметров».
  4. Убираем галочку с пункта быстрого запуска и нажимаем «Сохранить».

Перезагружаем систему.

Другие виды ошибок и общие способы их устранения

Бывают и другие типы ошибок, связанные с файлом atikmdag.sys с которыми вы можете столкнуться. Например, пользователи Windows 8/10 очень часто видят синий экран с ошибкой system service exception. Она указывает на проблемы в драйвере видеокарты, и исправляется путем их переустановки, о чем мы говорили в начале статьи.

Итак, мы рассмотрели основные виды неисправностей, связанные с конкретным файлом, однако могут место быть и другие проблемы:

  1. Неисправность жесткого диска, ошибки в системных файлах, блока питания, ОЗУ, материнской платы или самой видеокарты.
  2. Вредоносное ПО, вирусы. Даже если у вас установлен антивирус, проверьте компьютер дополнительно другими способами. А если антивируса нет, то рекомендуем его поставить, пускай это будет даже бесплатный вариант.
  3. Обновления Windows. Например, из-за обновления KB4056891 очень часто вылетает ошибка system thread exception not handled. Исправить ее можно только удалив данное обновление.

Конечно, причин может быть много, я лишь рассказал о наиболее распространенных из них.

Кстати, очень многие рекомендуют использовать программу DLL Suite для исправления системных файлов. На этот счет я не могу дать однозначный ответ, в некоторых случаях, возможно она помогает, но чаще всего после ее использования становится все больше ошибок. Использовать ее или нет, решать только вам.

Summary: Amdkmdag Sys is a blue screen error you can fix by running the SFC tool, rolling back the driver to their earlier version, performing a clean boot, and other fixes shared in this blog. Bonus Tip: Download and keep professional data recovery software to recover data from a BSoD-affected system.

Free Download for Windows


  • What is AMDKMDAG SYS Error?
  • When does an AMDKMDAG SYS BSoD Error occur?
  • How to Fix AMDKMDAG Sys Error?
  • FAQ

I was only watching some video games on my system. My system suddenly became utterly unstable. I tried to reboot my system to overcome this issue. Instead of working fine, my system throws a blue screen, mentioning amdkmdag sys in the complete error message. Can anybody tell me how do I fix it?

If you’re stuck with a blue screen that appears with amdkmdag sys code, fret not. The error can be fixed with proven workarounds shared in this blog. However, before proceeding further, let’s understand what this error means, its possible causes, and its fixes!

What is AMDKMDAG SYS Error?

It is a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) category error primarily caused by a corrupted, outdated or incompatible AMD graphic driver. However, sometimes damaged or missing system files, buggy gaming applications, or faulty hardware may also be responsible for this issue.

Due to this error, your system may experience issues like system freezing, screen flickering, boot-loop, frequent crashes, etc. The error could show up with different messages, such as:

  • Video_TDR_Failure
  • DPC Watchdog Violation
  • Exception on invalid Stack
  • Code 31
  • 0xc000021a
  • KMODE Exception Not Handled
  • Ntoskrnl.exe
  • Bad object Header
  • Code 0XC00000E5
  • System Thread Exception Not Handled, etc.

Note: The Video_TDR_Failure error message additionally falls into AMD’s TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) errors that may occur due to problematic graphic card drivers, registry issues, and unstable overclocking or overheating. 

When does an AMDKMDAG SYS BSoD Error occur?

The error may occur under different circumstances like playing video games, watching YouTube videos, launching third-party applications, or during a simple system startup.

Irrespective of the situation and reason, the error can cause multiple issues for your system, putting its data at stake. Therefore, ensure that you have a backup of your important data on the computer. If no backup is available, keep professional data recovery software handy to recover data from a BSoD-affected Windows PC or laptop.

Further, follow the troubleshooting methods discussed below to fix the AMDKMDAG SYS Blue screen error!

How to Fix AMDKMDAG Sys Error?

Before you proceed with the following methods, try if you can boot your PC in Safe Mode and then try out shared methods in order!

#1 Run System File Checker

The amdkmdag.sys is an AMD driver-related system file that, if goes missing, becomes damaged, or corrupted, and cause this blue screen error. Try running the System File Checker (SFC) tool in that case. SFC is a Windows built-in utility that replaces the damaged versions of system files with the correct ones. You can follow the given steps to run this tool.

  • Open Command Prompt from Search and run it as administrator.

run cmd as administrator

  • First, run DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth command and press Enter.
  • Once the process is complete, run the sfc/scannow command and hit Enter.
  • Wait for a while and let the scan end.

run sfc scannow command

  • Once done, the utility will show the results on your screen.
  • See if there are any other instructions to follow.
  • If all’s done, type exit and close the CMD window.
  • Reboot your system to see if the Amdkmdag sys BSoD is solved.

#2 Rollback Driver

A few versions of AMD Radeon™ Adrenalin driver versions are causing this blue screen issue, such as 23.2. 1, 23.2.2, and 23.4.1 versions.

Many users fixed the problem by rolling back to earlier installed AMD driver versions, such as 20.5.1, 22.11.2, 22.5.1, 20.4.2 or similar versions. You can also try rolling back the driver to the previous version with the following steps:

  • Open Device Manager from Start Menu and expand the Display adapters category.
  • Right-click on the AMD Radeon driver and click Properties.

select amd driver properties1

  • Now, click the Roll back driver option in the Driver tab.

click roll back under Driver tab on driver properties

  • Provide a reason to roll back your driver and proceed.

provide reason to roll back driver

  • Once done, close the window, reboot the system, and see if the amdkmdag sys blue screen error is fixed.

#3 Use DDU to Uninstall Problematic Drivers

If rolling back the AMD driver version doesn’t help you resolve the problem, cleanly remove it using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU). This tool is preferred over Windows native driver uninstaller since this free driver removal tool can permanently delete AMD and NVIDIA graphic card drivers and packages with registry keys, folders, files, driver traces, and more.

  • Download DDU on your BSoD-affected system and install it.

download DDU from official site

  • Now, boot your PC in Safe Mode. Once your system is in Safe Mode, launch DDU.
  • Select the type of device and brand of your GPU.
  • Finally, click the Clean and restart option in the top-left corner.

select gpu driver and brand and click clean and restart

  • Your problematic GPU driver will be uninstalled. On uninstallation, restart your system.

Freshly install the GPU driver after checking the compatibility from the official website of the driver’s manufacturer.

For your reference:

  • Download NVIDIA GPU Drivers
  • Download AMD GPU Drivers
  • Download INTEL GPU Drivers

#4 Perform Clean Boot

Clean boot starts Windows with only a few required drivers, programs, applications, and services. It helps you narrow down the cause behind the error so that you can troubleshoot accordingly.

  • Press Windows + R, type msconfig in the Run dialog box, and click OK.

type mscongif in run dialog box

  • Go to the Services tab, select Hide all Microsoft Services, and then click Disable all > Apply.

hide all microsoft services disable all and click Applu

  • Now, go to the Startup tab and click Open Task Manager.

open task manager on startup tab

  • Select the program you recently installed and started experiencing this error and click Disable.

select problematic app to disable

  • Once done, you can close the window and reboot your system to see if the amdkmdag sys blue screen is solved.

#5 Remove Problematic Application/Program

 If turning off the problematic application or program doesn’t fix the problem, uninstall it through Settings or Control Panel in Safe Mode. Follow the given steps:

Remove the Application through Settings

  • Press Windows + I to open Settings.
  • Go to Apps > Apps & features.
  • Select the problematic application and click Uninstall > Uninstall.

uninstall problematic application from settings

  • Click Yes, if prompted, and proceed with the uninstallation process.

Remove Application from Control Panel

  • Press Windows + S to open Search, type control panel, and click Open.
  • Now, locate the Program and Features.

open program and features in control panel

  • Select the application and then click Uninstall.

select app to uninstall in control panel

  • Follow further instructions (if any) to complete the process.
  • Once done, restart the system and see if the amdkmdag sys BSoD is solved.

#6 Check for Faulty Hardware

System hardware, such as CPU, hard drive, graphic card, etc., could get damaged or faulty over time. Additionally, if you made some hardware changes to your system recently without checking their compatibility, they may cause issues like the amdkmdag.sys blue screen errors and lead your system to malfunction or crash. You can check for faulty hardware with the following steps:

Check for issues with your CPU: See if the processor is installed correctly per the manufacturer’s instructions. You can test the CPU by connecting it to different systems to ensure it functions well.

Look for Graphics card errors: Ensure that the Power Supply Unit (PSU) cables are connected to the Graphic card and meet their requirements. Reseat the graphic card into the PCIe slot to see if things work out.

Test RAM: Use Windows memory diagnostic tool to test your RAM in Windows for issues (if any). Alternatively, you can use MemTest86 to test your system RAM.

Run CHKDSK Command: Your hard drive may be faulty and throwing the BSoD error. To confirm the same, run Command Prompt as administrator, run chkdsk /f /r D: command, and hit Enter.

run chkdsk command 2

Caution: CHKDSK command with f and r attribute finds and repairs the hard drive issues. However, it marks the drive’s bad sectors and prevents Windows from storing data from those sectors, eventually causing data loss. Hence, backing up your data is always recommended. However, if no or incomplete backup is available and you’ve lost data after running the CHKDSK command, worry not! You can still recover lost data using professional data recovery software.

#7 Perform System Restore

If, after all, you’re not able to fix this BSoD error, perform System Restore in Windows Recovery Environment with the following steps:

  • Turn off your system with the Power button (if it’s turned on).
  • Reboot it. When you see the Windows or your device brand logo on your system, turn it off again.
  • Repeat these steps thrice and enter Windows RE (Recovery Environment).  
  • There, click Advanced options > Troubleshoot.

select troubleshoot in WIndows RE

  • On the following prompt, click Advanced options > System Restore.

select system restore in Windows RE

  • Click Next to proceed and then choose a restore point.
  • Click Scan for affected programs.

scan for affected programs and click next

  • The utility will check and show you the list of programs affected during the process.
  • Once done, click Close and then click Next.
  • Finally, click Finish to complete the process.

click finish to complete system restore process 1

  • When done, reboot your system normally and see if the system boots error-free.

The blue screen of death errors like AMDKMDAG.SYS can occur for several reasons but can be fixed with the methods discussed in this blog. Some users reported that they could even resolve the error by setting the Time Zone in their system. You can also try it and let us know which method worked out for you.


1. What is a System Service Exception?

System_Service_Exception is the Blue Screen of Death error. It occurs when a system thread accesses a NULL pointer or a random incorrect address. It usually occurs due to memory or data structure corruption and contains the bug check value of 0x0000003B.

2. What is failed NTFS.SYS error?

Failed NTFS.SYS is a BSOD error caused by a corrupt NT file system, bad sectors on the hard drive, incompatible drivers, non-paged pool memory, malware attack, or even damaged system files. This error may appear with a stop-code System_Service_Exception.

3. What does Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL mean?

The Driver IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error occurs with a blue screen and a bug check value of 0x0000000A. It occurs due to faulty device drivers, memory issues, and several other reasons. Faulty RAM, corrupted system files, faulty hard drives, and corrupt OS can also induce this error.

4. How do I fix a blue screen error?

Since there could be many possible fixes for a blue screen of death error, irrespective of the stop code they appear with, fixes for the same are also numerous. Refer to this BSOD Errors and Solutions guide to find the most relatable fixes to eliminate the BSoD errors.

About The Author

Mansi Verma

Mansi Verma is a Senior Technology Writer at Stellar®. She is a Tech enthusiast, holding over 8 years of experience in Data Recovery, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and the Robotics technology domain. She loves researching and providing DIY solutions to solve Windows technical issues. In her spare time, she likes reading novels, and poetry. She also enjoys Travelling, Rafting, Trekking, etc.

What is atikmdag.sys? What causes atikmdag.sys BSoD? How can you fix the atikmdag.sys blue screen in Windows 10/8/7? After reading this post written by MiniTool Solution, you will know the answers to these questions. If you are bothered by the blue screen of death, try to fix it now!

Windows blue screen of death (BSoD) is a nightmare for many Windows users and nobody wants to experience it. However, it is not ineluctable and always appears unexpectedly, preventing the system from booting. Also, it is known as a stop error. Among many blue screen errors, atikmdag.sys BSoD is a common issue that especially occurs in Windows 11/10/8/7.

What Is Atikmdag.sys Blue Screen?

When reading here, you may ask what atikmdag.sys is. Atikmdag.sys is a system driver file that allows hardware components like a graphics card to communicate with software. Atikmdag stands for ATI Radeon Kernel Mode Driver Package. This file is pretty essential. Once it is damaged, the atikmdag.sys error happens.

In Windows 7, atikmdag.sys blue screen usually happens on startup or while using an application. Windows crashes suddenly, saying “A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. The problem seems to be caused by the following file: atikmdag.sys”.

atikmdag.sys BSoD Windows 7

If you upgrade Windows 7 or Windows 8 to Windows 10, the BSoD error stops Windows from booting and you may receive the error message “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart”. Usually, an error code is next to atikmdag.sys, for PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE, SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAl, etc.

Well then, how can you fix atikmdag.sys blue screen of death? Multiple methods are offered to you and you should try them one by one to resolve the issue.

How to Fix Atikmdag.sys BSoD Windows 10/8/7/11

Usually, when the atikmdag.sys error happens, Windows can still boot to the desktop. The following operations are based on this situation. If you cannot boot the system normally, you may need to go to WinRE (Windows Recovery Environment) or safe mode to perform some fixes.

Note: The following fixes except fix 5 can be applied to safe mode. If the blue screen lets your Windows fail to enter the desktop, you should go to safe mode with networking and perform these fixes.

Fix 1: Perform a Full System Scan for Malware

The viruses and malware infection may corrupt the atikmdag.sys file, causing the blue screen error. Thus, we strongly recommend you to conduct a full system scan to remove possible virus corruption.

To do this work in Windows 10/11, you can use the snap-in antivirus program, Windows Defender.

  1. Go to Settings > Update & Security.
  2. Click Windows Defender and open Windows Defender security center.
  3. Click Virus & threat protection, go to Advanced scan, choose Full scan and click Scan now.

Windows Defender in Windows 10

Tip: This article – Free Ways to Schedule a Scan in Windows Defender Antivirus is helpful for you if you want to let Windows Defender scan your system regularly.

If you are using an antivirus program in Windows 11/10/8/7, just launch it and run a full system scan on your PC. This way could be helpful to fix the atikmdag.sys issue. If it doesn’t work, try the next solution.

Fix 2: Update Windows System

Microsoft always keeps issuing Windows updates to improve system stability and reliability. If you encounter the atikmdag.sys BSoD error in Windows 11/10/8/7, you can try upgrading the system to the latest version. This could be helpful to fix your issue at times.

Here is how to update Windows 10:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security to the Windows Update page.
  2. Then Windows is checking for updates.

check for updates in Windows 10

If some available updates are checked, Windows will download and install them automatically. Restart your PC and finish the installation.

Fix 3: Update ATI/AMD Radeon Drivers

Obsolete or corrupted ATI Radeon family device drivers could be one of the chief culprits behind the error like atikmdag.sys PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, atikmdag.sys SYSTEM_ THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, etc.

To help you out, you should follow these steps to update your graphics driver:

  1. In Windows 11/10/8/7, bring up the Run window by hitting Win + R.
  2. Type devmgmt.msc and click OK to go to Device Manager.
  3. Under the Display Adapters category, right-click your graphics card and choose Update driver.
  4. Follow the prompts to apply the update. Then, reboot the system.

update graphics driver in Device Manager

Alternatively, here is another way you can update the Radeon driver: go to the AMD website, download and install the latest video card driver for your PC’s model.

Tip: Additionally, you can choose to uninstall recent installations related to ATI or AMD Radeon drivers to eradicate the issue since the recent installation is likely the reason for the blue screen. So, click Uninstall device from the context menu to remove it. Then, get the latest driver and reinstall it on your PC.

Fix 4: Run System File Checker

The blue screen of death may be relevant to the Windows registry since the registry contains critical files that can keep the system running properly. If Windows Registry gets corrupted, you may be bothered by atikmdag.sys BSoD. So, running System File Checker can be helpful to scan the system and repair corrupted files.

1. Go to the search box, input cmd and run Command Prompt with administrative rights.

2. Use the command – sfc /scannow to scan your system.

sfc scannow

3. This process will take some time. Wait until the verification completes 100%.

4. After the operation, you can reboot your PC.

Fix 5: Perform a System Restore

In Windows, there is an option for you to restore the PC to a time point and undo recent changes. It is System Restore.

Some unknown changes performed on your computer lately may lead to PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE, DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAl (atikmdag.sys) BSoD error.

If you have a system restore point before, you can use it to fix your issue and restore critical files.

Tip: If your Windows fails to boot, you should perform a system restore in WinRE by clicking System Restore in the Advanced options page.

Follow the guide below:

  1. Input create a system restore point to the search box in Windows 10/8/7 and click the result to the System Properties window.
  2. Click the System Restore button.
  3. Choose a restore point that you have created and confirm the operation by clicking Finish.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the restoration operation.

perform a system restore

Tip: If you need to learn much information on a system restore point, refer to this post – What Is System Restore Point and How to Create It? Solutions Are Here!

If you don’t have a restore point, of course, this method couldn’t help you and you need to go to the next fix.

Fix 6: Check Your Hard Drive

If there is something wrong with the hard drive, the atikmdag.sys BSoD stop error may come out of the blue no matter you are using Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10/11. Here, you should check for hard drive corruption to fix the problem.

Let’s go through how to do that:

  1. Similarly, open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Input chkdsk C: /f and chkdsk C: /r. Press Enter after each command.
  3. If Windows asks you to schedule the check the next time the system restarts, input Y. Then, reboot your PC to perform the check.

chkdsk f

Fix 7: Perform Windows Clean Install

Here is another way for the atikmdag.sys blue screen fix and it is performing a clean install of Windows 11/10/8/7. This method will clear all installed apps and some files stored on the system drive but it is effective to resolve Windows atikmgas.sys BSoD error.

Back up Files before a Clean Install

As mentioned above, data will get lost after you reinstall the Windows system, thus, we strongly recommend you to back up your important files or folders first of all. To do this job, you can use the professional Windows backup software, MiniTool ShadowMaker. Just download MiniTool ShadowMaker Trial Edition from the download button and install it on your PC.

MiniTool ShadowMaker TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

Tip: If your PC is unbootable, you need to create a bootable disc or USB flash drive with Media Builder in this backup software. And then, boot the PC from the device to start a file backup. This post – How to Back up Data without Booting Windows shows you much information

If Windows can boot, now follow these steps to back up files.

1. Run MiniTool ShadowMaker.

2. In Backup, go to Source to choose files that you want to back up.

3. Go to Destination to choose a storage path for backed-up files.

4. Click Back up Now to perform the backup task at once.

MiniTool ShadowMaker file backup

Clean Install

After file backup, now perform the clean install of Windows 11/10/8/7. To do this work, you need to go to the download website, choose one Windows version to the corresponding download page and follow the on-screen instructions to create an installation disc or USB flash drive so that you can install a new copy of Windows from the media.

Windows 10 setup install now

Fix 8: Change RAM

If all of these solutions are not working to fix the issue of atikmdag.sys BSoD Windows 7/8/10, perhaps the RAM gets damaged or corrupted. You can have a check with Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool or Memtest86. If errors are found, replace the bad RAM with a new one.

Tip: This post – How to Tell If RAM Is Bad? 8 Bad RAM Symptoms Are for You shows some signs of dead RAM, as well as how to check RAM and you may be interested in it.

Here are 8 methods to fix atikmdag.sys Windows 10/8/7/11. If you are encountering this blue screen of death stop error, just try them and you should easily fix it. Also, you can share them on Twitter to help more people who are struggling with the blue screen.

Click to Tweet

Back up Your Windows OS

After finishing the BSoD error fix, we recommend you to create a system image for your Windows operating system. Blue screen issues always appear unexpectedly, letting you not use the PC properly and making you very annoyed.

If you have a system backup, you can easily restore the computer to an earlier state without taking much time to fix the atikmdag.sys blue screen.

Note: System image recovery couldn’t fix the stop error caused by RAM issues but it can fix the issues caused by software problems. In most cases, atikmdag.sys BSoD happens due to software issues. So, backup is necessary.

How can you back up your Windows system? MiniTool ShadowMaker is still helpful. System backup and recovery, file/disk/partition backup and recovery are supported by this backup software. When getting a blue screen, boot the PC from a created bootable disc or flash drive and perform a faster recovery.

If you need to restore the image to a different computer with dissimilar hardware, Universal Restore can fix the incompatibility issue to ensure the PC boots normally.

Now, get MiniTool ShadowMaker Trial Edition (30-day free trial). To back up your PC all the time, get its Pro Edition from the store website.

MiniTool ShadowMaker TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

Here is a guide on system backup:

  1. Run MiniTool ShadowMaker to its Backup page.
  2. You find system related partitions are selected by default. And you need to choose an external hard drive, USB drive, SSD, etc. to save the created system image file.
  3. Start the system backup by hitting Back up Now.

MiniTool ShadowMaker system backup

Bottom Line

Here is the end of this post. After reading it, you clearly know what atikmdag.sys blue screen is, how to get rid of this BSoD stop error and how to protect your PC. Now, it is time to follow these solutions if you have this blue screen and create a system backup.

When meeting some questions while using MiniTool software or if you have any suggestions, remember to let us know. Writing an email to [email protected] or leaving your idea in the Comment part is up to you.

Recently, there have been departures from various games. I have an hp monoblock with a built-in intel HD 630 processor and a discrete amd radeon r7 460m graphics card. I can provide the blue screen dumps attached in the request. The blue screen appears after some time in 3D applications, after 5-15 minutes the picture freezes, but the music in the game continues to play. After that, a blue screen with an error appears amdkmdag.sys, dxgkrnl.sys, ntoskrnl.exe. I solved the problem in these ways: 1) I reinstalled the amd and intel graphics card driver. Nothing has changed. 2) I checked the disk for errors, the system found the corrupted files, and fixed them. But nothing has changed. 3) Reinstalled the windows 10 system, nothing has changed. 4)Installed directx packages, but already newer ones are downloaded. The problem is detected only when running on amd radeon r7 m460, no errors were noticed when running with intel HD graphics. None of these solutions helped me with solving the problem. This problem started after downloading updates from windows Update, it suggested updating the bios firmware to version f.23. Although on the hp website the latest update for the firmware is f.21. Need help solving this problem. I will attach the recent blue screens for the last days.


Решение для ATI display driver вопрос с файлом atikmdag.sys
GPU: Графические карты ATI
OS: Windows 7
Симптомы: Синий экран или ошибка Stop 0x0000001E, вызванная файлом atikmdag.sys или если Вы часто получаете сообщение: “драйвер дисплея atikmdag.sys перестал отвечать и был успешно восстановлен“.
Решение: Заменить файл atikmdag.sys на новую версию.

Также хорошо известно, решение этой проблемы, если у вас видеокарта от ATI. Во время установки большинства графических драйверов в Windows 7,старая версия файла atikmdag.sys копируется в C:\Windows\System32\Drivers и не в текущие установки.Как следствие, новые драйверы,и попытка доступа к файлу от 2012 года вместо 2013 года. Чтобы это исправить —

Перестал отвечать atikmdag — Шаг 1: Загрузите и установите последнюю версию графического драйвера ati.

Перестал отвечать atikmdag  — Шаг 2: Затем перейдите в C:\Windows\System32\Drivers и переименуйте atikmdag.sys в  atikmdag.sys.old.

Перестал отвечать atikmdag — Шаг 3: Перейдите в каталог  ATI (обычно в C:\ATI) и найдите файл atikmdag.sy_.

Перестал отвечать  atikmdag — Шаг 4: Скопируйте этот файл в ваш каталог на рабочий стол.

Перестал отвечать atikmdag  — Шаг 5: Откройте cmd.exe —  Пуск -> Выполнить введите тип cmd в поле поиска и нажмите enter.

Перестал отвечать atikmdag  — Шаг 6: Перейдите в каталог Desktop, введя chdir Desktop.

Перестал отвечать atikmdag — Шаг 7: Затем введите EXPAND.EXE atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys.

expand-r atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys

Перестал отвечать atikmdag  — Шаг 8: После завершения расширения, скопируйте новый файл atikmdag.sys с вашего рабочего стола в C:\Windows\System32\Drivers

Перестал отвечать atikmdag  — Шаг 9: Перезагрузите компьютер и проблема должна быть устранена.

Вы, вероятно, понимаете,что любое удаление и переустановка драйверов ati не будет удалять старые файлы atikmdag.sys и не будет перезаписывать его до последней версии.Вам придется делать это вручную. Никто не знает почему, но кого это волнует, так как это зафиксировано.

Если у вас возникли вопросы по поводу ошибки синий экран  и ошибки nvlddmkm.sys , пожалуйста, оставьте нам своё сообщение в разделе комментариев. Также, пожалуйста, поделитесь о вашем опыте с этой проблемой, в том числе и возможные решения. Новые результаты могут помочь другим, или, может быть, мы можем помочь вам, если вы сообщите нам ваши проблемы.

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