Hi friends, I am trying to understand whether it is possible or not to run windows 10 64 bit on an athlon 64 x2 4800+ with 42-4 gb ram on an MSI MS-7309 motherboard.
It is actually running windows 7 pro 64 bit with 2 gb ram, and it runs smooth, no problem.
I have read another previous post in these support forums asking almost the same question with a 250 microprocessor.
The answer there was that it is possible.
FYI is Athlon II X2 compatible windows 10 64 bits
and having done a surface search, I might understand perhaps it is not possible to test win 10 64bit ( AMD Athlon X2 4800+ vs II X2 250 ) but I respect your opinion since you are completelly dedicated to AMD so I’ll be patiently waiting for as many answers as possible all of them will be well received, and I thank you in advance for your compromise on assisting people.
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.
I have a Amd Athlon X2 5200+ with 6 gb ram and a gtx 460 motherboard Asus.
The computer runs great windows 7 32 bits but whenever I tried with windows 7 or 8.1 64 bits the video driver fail every 6 minutes.
At the beginning I thought it was the video card beacuse I had an ati radeon x1900 xt and there was not an official driver for Windows 7 or windows 8,
But now I got a Nvidia GeForce 460 gtx amd I am having the same issue and for this video card there is anew official driver for those windows.
I have read that I should turn of the Amd Live from the Bios and I already did it but still I am having the same issue.
And it always happens after I install the video card drivers but only on windows 64 bits, because on windows 32 bits both cards run great
What do you think?
Thank you in advance
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