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Серьезно? Странно, что у меня отражаются все ЖД в SATA Drivers. Или это только у меня так? |
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nDevices |
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Прочитайте мой ответ выше. Устройства работающие в native IDE видно в биосе как обычно на главном экране, а устройства с поддержкой ahci будут видны только в бут меню биоса, так как у контролера sata есть свой биос. Поэтому при включенном ahci после прохождения пост скрина появляется загрузка прошивки контролера а потом инициализация дисков |
Val_Ash |
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По-моему, мы не понимаем друг друга, не? Еще раз: у меня включен режим ahci, и в свойствах SATA Drivers, отражаются все диски SATA, в биосе. Добавлено спустя 53 секунды: nDevices писал(а): видно в биосе как обычно на главном экране При чем тут главный-то? Это и козе понятно. |
nDevices |
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Val_Ash предыдущий мой пост был адресован Дмитрию, поэтому произошло это недопонимание Добавлено спустя 6 минут 19 секунд: |
Val_Ash |
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nDevices писал(а): а главный притом, что при включении ahci диски из него пропадают Угу, я про то же самое. |
pixmaip2200 |
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Форумчане, нужна ваша помощь! |
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pixmaip2200 писал(а): Форумчане, нужна ваша помощь! Для чего надо было туда сюда переключаться? Что мешает поставить винду сразу в AHCI ?! Мать у меня такая-же, правда контроллер работает в Raid режиме проблем не было ни с Crucial M4 64 Gb ни с PLEXTOR PX-256M5S! |
pixmaip2200 |
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В режиме AHCI не получается установить: #77 |
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pixmaip2200 При установке винды попробуй AMD SATA AHCI Driver (Preinstall driver, press F6 during Windows* setup to read from floppy) с сайта Гиги, я подсовываю такие но для Raid. |
psilocebin |
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pixmaip2200 |
coolerr |
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Думаю будите не против если тут задам вопрос, так как проблема похожа. Вообщем после переключения в AHCI Биос не видит SSD(только HDD, почему-то два сдрома с разными названиями и какой-то Reблабла Dev.), но через бутменю(F8) всё определяется. Как решить проблему, а то каждый раз подгружаться через F8 не комильфо? |
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If you took an SSD with Windows 10 on it out of an other system it is never gonna work, you need to reinstall Windows.
If you got a copy of Windows 7 you can still update/upgrade it for free to Windows 10 legaly from here: Microsoft Corporation
Think you can select any language and country settings from that installer.
If Windowws 10 has been previosly installed and activated on your system it should activate it self with out any problem as it uses the mainboard id as key combined with your Microsoft/Hotmail etc. account you used before.
Make sure AHCI is Enabled in your Bios (dont think you got UEFI suport on that motherboard but if you see somthing that says UEFI enable it)
Download the AMD SATA AHCI Driver (Preinstall driver, press F6 during Windows* setup to read from floppy)
OS: Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bit
Extract those files onto a USB Stick formated as FAT32.
Disconnect All Harddrives from the Mainboard Exept the SSD you want Windows 10 on.
Than Reinstall Windows and choose Custom/Advanced.
When you get to the Window where you can select the partitions and Delete all the partitions, than select Load Driver and browse to your files on the USB stick and find the AMD AHCI x64 driver (do Not install the Raid driver!)
Once it loaded click Next/Continue go on with installing Windows.
Hope that helps.
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Ok so I think I figured out why I’m not getting expected speeds on my SSD. I found these drivers on my MOBO’s website. They are:
AMD SATA AHCI Driver (Preinstall driver, press F6 during Windows* setup to read from floppy)
GIGABYTE SATA2 Preinstall driver (For AHCI / RAID Mode)
Note: Press F6 during Windows* setup to read from floppy.
Couple of questions. Which should I use for Best performance, should I use GIGABYTE SATA2 ports or AMD’s SATA ports? And Is there a way to install these drivers without having to reformat and install a clean OS (Just installed clean copy of windows7 last night). Lastly, whenever it says to use a floppy, I can use a flash drive correct? This is all on windows 7 64BIT. Thanks everyone!
EDIT: Do I need to install AMD Chipset Driver (include chipset\\sata raid driver) as well??
Use neither drivers if you want TRIM.
Definitely use the AMD SATA ports.
The newest AMD drivers «support trim», although they may (and probably aren’t updated on the manu site) or may not work properly.
I’d really like it if any of the non bias/corporate SSD guru’s could be as kind as to evaluate the «rumor» of the newest amd driver secretly having trim!
But for the time being, Duckie is completely correct.
Originally Posted by kenolak
The newest AMD drivers «support trim», although they may (and probably aren’t updated on the manu site) or may not work properly.
I’d really like it if any of the non bias/corporate SSD guru’s could be as kind as to evaluate the «rumor» of the newest amd driver secretly having trim!
Yeah, OCZ forums believe they do…. but I would have though AMD would have provide an announcement.
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Use neither drivers if you want TRIM.
Definitely use the AMD SATA ports.
Oh wow really? so those drivers are useless than? Alright well maybe U can help me with this. I’m getting decent speeds now (AVG 200M/B sec) but everytime I have to reboot, It goes to this http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/3945/imag0050v0.jpg and it takes a long time for it to finally Init the drive and progress on to windows 7(longer then 5mins at least). After it Init’s it, it’ll list the SSD drive with S.M.A.R.T — OK. I’ve went into bios and S.M.A.R.T is disabled. So IDK..I’m lost here.
EDIT: sry I just read the other posts. If I can’t fix this long boot problem, I’ll give the AMD drivers a try. Thanks Kenolak and Duckie, I appreciate the help!!!!!
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you need to use stock msahci driver for trim on amd mobos, and definitely use amd ports, gigabyte sata2 chip sucks.
intels ICH10R does the same thing when AHCI is enabled, nothing you can do about it.
you need to use stock msahci driver for trim on amd mobos, and definitely use amd ports, gigabyte sata2 chip sucks.
intels ICH10R does the same thing when AHCI is enabled, nothing you can do about it.
really? intel takes 10 minutes to boot with a SSD when AHCI is enabled? I think you maybe read my post wrong about that screen shot . 10 minutes to boot on a SSD is not normal lol
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Oh yea i read it wrong i thought you were complaining about that screen during post, ICh10R has that same type of deal for AHCI mode. Something isn’t right if it take you 10 mins to boot, my b. Go into bios can change the HDD detect timeout time.
Originally Posted by Sin0822
Oh yea i read it wrong i thought you were complaining about that screen during post, ICh10R has that same type of deal for AHCI mode. Something isn’t right if it take you 10 mins to boot, my b. Go into bios can change the HDD detect timeout time.
I don’t think there is such an option..but I’ll take a look. I’m trying to reinstall windows. Going to try and use the AMD AHCI drivers and see what I get. Only problem is I don’t know how to erase an OS off SDD? lol. I tried using HDDErase but I can’t get it to regonize my SDD, so Looking for alternate solutions.
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just use windows 7 setup disk tools to format.
I’m getting sick of this . I tried using the drivers for Amd ahci just to see if they helped boot time from that screen and nothing . Still the same crap. I’m thinking its my damn motherboard . ****ty gigabyte Ahci controllers . sigh……
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Did you update your bios? gigabyte boards are slow booting. I had the same problem, (non SSD) when I updated my bios on my i7 930 machine. I finally had to reinstall to speed things up. Funny my AMD machine with a MSI board boots faster before ainstall of SSD drive, and alot faster now. I believe that Gigabyte boards DMA pool date screen is just plain slow.
Originally Posted by DuckieHo
AMD would have provide an announcement.
I loled.
They don’t have release notes, or changelogs, and you go to game.amd site to download….
but yeah OP: Try updating your BIOs perhaps… what SSD was it as well?
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Originally Posted by orl2222
Did you update your bios? gigabyte boards are slow booting. I had the same problem, (non SSD) when I updated my bios on my i7 930 machine. I finally had to reinstall to speed things up. Funny my AMD machine with a MSI board boots faster before ainstall of SSD drive, and alot faster now. I believe that Gigabyte boards DMA pool date screen is just plain slow.
Yeah I updated bios to the latest. I mean, my regular boot with HDD isn’t that bad. Whenever I use the Gigabyte SATA ports in AHCI, it recognizes the SSD drive quick and boots up in no time. Only problem with this is, my speeds are around 120M/Bs, which sucks. Its only when I try using the AMD SATA ports with AHCI enabled that It takes ages for it to finally get past that one Init screen. After I wait about 10 minutes for this crap to load, the speeds are around 200M/Bs so thats why I’m trying to use this route. But I decided to take the SSD back. It was a MicroCenter 64GB sandforce driven. I’m taking it back because I found a Corsair F120 for $125!!!!! So I’m picking that up.
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UPDATE: I found some drivers for AMD windows 7 ahci..but when I downloaded them it gives me a folder of files. What am I suppose to do with all this stuff? I thought It was going to be a couple of files that I have to load when installing windows 7, instead its a **** load of files!
I already did the setup.exe , not sure If I was suppose to or not.
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It has 2 Western Digital Caviar Green WD20EARS 2TB drives set in RAID 0 (GPT) for storage. (and a SSD for my OS)
when downloading the RAID driver from Gigabyte i saw 2 drivers that im not sure which one i wanted to load during Windows install.
AMD SATA RAID Driver (Preinstall driver, press F6 during Windows* setup to read from floppy
GIGABYTE SATA2 Preinstall driver (For AHCI / RAID Mode)Note: Press F6 during Windows setup to read from floppy
i went ahead and isntalled the first one (AMD SATA RAID Driver).
Am i losing any preformace since i didnt install the SATA2 driver during windows installation? whats the differance. and can i just install the other driver after windows install since they don’t have the os on there?
So, depending upon which ports you have your hard drives connected, that’s the driver you need. Personally, I prefer to use the AMD ones for my internal drives and the Gigabyte ones for external e-SATA connections.
The manual TemplarLord linked shows a diagram of them on page 8, along with RAID setup instructions beginning on page 77 for the AMD SB850 controller, and page 83 for the Gigabyte…
- Dec 25, 2008
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So, depending upon which ports you have your hard drives connected, that’s the driver you need. Personally, I prefer to use the AMD ones for my internal drives and the Gigabyte ones for external e-SATA connections.
The manual TemplarLord linked shows a diagram of them on page 8, along with RAID setup instructions beginning on page 77 for the AMD SB850 controller, and page 83 for the Gigabyte controller.
Also of note, Windows 7 (and Vista) has have built-in RAID drivers, so a setup disk is no longer necessary for Windows installation. XP still requires such a setup disk, which is why the «Press F6…» message is still used. While I doubt the drivers need updating, you can update them if you wish. But I’d go to AMD’s site ( http://sites.amd.com/us/game/downloads/Pages/downloads.aspx ) and get the southbridge/RAID drivers there. Find them by choosing your Windows version under the Motherboard/Integrated Video list, then under the «Optional Downloads» tab.
Is there a difference in speed between the white and blue ports? Its to my understanding that sata3 and 6 etc… are superfluous so far since no drive unitizes these speeds.
- Dec 25, 2008
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Have a look at the specifications tab here: http://www.gigabyte.us/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3758#sp
(Note: That’s a link to revision 3.0 of that model motherboard, but the SATA/RAID design and support is identical for all 5 revisions.)
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