All in one offline maps для windows

All-In-One Offline Maps на ПК

All-In-One Offline Maps, исходящий от разработчика Psyberia, в прошлом работал на системе Android.

Теперь вы можете без проблем играть в All-In-One Offline Maps на ПК с помощью GameLoop.

Загрузите его в библиотеке GameLoop или результатах поиска. Больше не нужно смотреть на аккумулятор или разочаровывать звонки в неподходящее время.

Просто наслаждайтесь All-In-One Offline Maps на ПК на большом экране бесплатно!

All-In-One Offline Maps Введение

Надоело ждать, пока откроются карты? Тогда используйте All-In-One OfflineMaps! После отображения на экране карты сохраняются и остаются всегда доступными для быстрого просмотра даже без подключения к интернету.

Хотите видеть на картах не только дороги? Всё, что нужно, вы найдете здесь;

Приходится посещать места с плохим покрытием сети? Всё будет по-прежнему доступно даже вне зоны действия сети;

Часто бываете за границей? Вы больше никогда не заблудитесь;

Установлен лимит на передачу данных? Расход данных уменьшится.

Без рекламы ~ Без обмена данными и монетизации ~ Без аналитики ~ Без сторонних библиотек

★★ Карты ★★

В наличии большое количество карт, в том числе классические карты дорог, топографические карты, спутниковые карты и различные слои, которые могут быть наложены поверх любых карт: OpenStreetMap (дороги, топографические), USGS национальные карты (топографические карты высокого разрешения, спутниковые карты), советские военные топографические карты и т.д.

• Все карты могут быть расположены слоями, предусмотрена регулировка непрозрачности, контрастности, яркости, насыщенности для каждого слоя.

• Выбирайте и сохраняйте любые участки карты быстро и просто.

• Сохранённые участки карты всегда доступны и при необходимости легко удаляются.

★★ Просматривайте, сохраняйте и загружайте неограниченное количество меток ★★

На карту могут быть добавлены различные метки, например, путевые точки, иконки, маршруты, области, треки.

Управление метками удобно реализовано при помощи мощного встроенного проводника меток.

★★ Позиционирование и ориентирование ★★

Ваше текущее местоположение и направление чётко отображаются на карте, которая может поворачиваться по движению (в зависимости от возможностей устройства).

Быстрое и простое включение/отключение позиционирования для экономичного режима работы.

Кроме того:

• Метрические, английские и гибридные единицы измерения расстояний;

• Различные форматы отображения местоположения и координатной сетки (WGS, UTM, MGRS, USNG, SK42, Lambert, QTH Maidenhead Locator System, …);

• Возможность импорта сотен форматов координат с сайта;

• Отображение координатной сетки на карте;

• Полноэкранный режим просмотра карты;

• Масштабирование карты жестами;

• …

★★ Ещё? ★★

Если вы настоящий путешественник, попробуйте AlpineQuest Off-Road Explorer — комплексное решение для занятий всеми видами активного отдыха и спорта, основанное на All-In-One OfflineMaps и дополненное мощным GPS-трекером и другими функциями:

BrowserCam gives All-In-One Offline Maps for PC (Windows) download for free. Although All-In-One Offline Maps undefined is designed for the Google’s Android plus iOS by Psyberia. you could potentially install All-In-One Offline Maps on PC for MAC computer. Ever thought about to know how to download All-In-One Offline Maps PC? Dont worry, we shall break it down for yourself into easy-to-implement steps.

The crucial element is, to pick an effective Android emulator. You’ll find so many paid and free Android emulators out there for PC, having said that we recommend either Andy or BlueStacks considering they are top notch and as well compatible with both the Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10) and Mac computer operating systems. It’s a smart decision to see before hand if the PC possesses the recommended operating system specifications to install Andy android emulator or BlueStacks emulators and likewise go through the recognized issues listed inside the official sites. Lastly, all set to install the emulator that takes couple of minutes only. You can free download All-In-One Offline Maps .APK file on your PC with the download button just below, remember this step is optional.

How to Download All-In-One Offline Maps for PC:

  • Download BlueStacks for PC using link included in this page.
  • If your download process is finished open the installer to get you started with the installation process.
  • Move with all the simple installation steps by clicking on «Next» for a couple times.
  • If you see «Install» on the display, simply click on it to start the final installation process and then click «Finish» once it is completed.
  • Next, either from your windows start menu or alternatively desktop shortcut open up BlueStacks Android emulator.
  • Before you can install All-In-One Offline Maps for pc, it is crucial to assign BlueStacks App Player with a Google account.
  • Then finally, you must be sent to google playstore page where you can search for All-In-One Offline Maps undefined through the search bar and install All-In-One Offline Maps for PC or Computer.

When you finally install the Android emulator, it’s also possible to utilize the APK file if you want to install All-In-One Offline Maps for PC either by clicking on apk or by opening it via BlueStacks App Player while some of your chosen Android apps or games are usually not found in google play store since they don’t stick to Policies. If you’d like to download Andy emulator as a substitute to BlueStacks or if you want to install free All-In-One Offline Maps for MAC, you can proceed with the same process.

Install All-In-One Offline Maps Android in PC (Windows 11/10/7 and Mac)

All-In-One Offline Maps For PC

If you are interested in installing All-In-One Offline Maps on your PC, there are 3 ways to do so using BlueStacks and Nox app player. Alternatively, you can use any of the following BlueStacks alternatives. Read the rest of the article to learn more about how to install All-In-One Offline Maps on your PC.

This tutorial guide helps you download and install All-In-One Offline Maps in PC and you can install All-In-One Offline Maps 3.11d in your Windows PC and Mac OS. All-In-One Offline Maps is developed by Psyberia Ltd and listed under Travel & Local.

Download and Install All-In-One Offline Maps in PC (Windows and Mac OS)

Following are the 3 methods to install All-In-One Offline Maps in PC:

  • Install All-In-One Offline Maps in PC using BlueStacks App Player
  • Install All-In-One Offline Maps in PC using Nox App Player
  • Install in Windows 11 in PC

1. Install All-In-One Offline Maps in PC using BlueStacks

All-In-One Offline Maps 3.11d Android for Windows PC & Mac

BlueStacks is an Android App Player that allows you to run Android apps on PC. To install an Android app on your PC using BlueStacks, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Install BlueStacks on your PC
  • Step 2: Launch BlueStacks on your PC
  • Step 3: Click the «My Apps» button in the emulator once BlueStacks is launched.
  • Step 4: Search for the app you want to install i.e. All-In-One Offline Maps
  • Step 5: From the search results, select the All-In-One Offline Maps app and install it.
  • Step 6: To download apps from Google Play on BlueStacks, login to your Google account.
  • Step 7: After logging in, the installation process for All-In-One Offline Maps will begin, which will depend on your internet connection.

Hints: If you are having LOADING issue with BlueStacks software simply install the Microsoft .NET Framework in your PC.

Note: If you are Mac user, you need to download BlueStacks for Mac (a .dmg installation file).

Download BlueStacks

2. Install All-In-One Offline Maps in PC with Noxplayer

To install and use the All-In-One Offline Maps app on your PC using Nox App Player, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Install Nox App Player on your PC.
  • Step 2: Once installed, run Nox App Player on your PC and login to your Google account.
  • Step 3: In the Nox App Player, click on the «Searcher» icon and search for the All-In-One Offline Maps app.
  • Step 4: Select the All-In-One Offline Maps app from the search results and install it on your Nox emulator.
  • Step 5: Once the installation is completed, you will be able to play All-In-One Offline Maps on your PC using Nox App Player.

For a detailed guide on Noxplayer Installation, see this page.

Download NoxPlayer

3. How to Install All-In-One Offline Maps in Windows 11

To install All-In-One Offline Maps on your Windows 11 device, please follow the tutorial below.

  • Step 1: Install Windows Subsystem for Android according to the tutorial.
  • Step 2: Once you have successfully installed Windows Subsystem for Android, proceed to install Google Play Store on Windows 11.
  • Step 3: Using Google Play Store on your Windows 11 device, search for the All-In-One Offline Maps app that you wish to install.
  • Step 4: Select the All-In-One Offline Maps app from the search results, and install it just as you would on an Android device.

Google Play store in Windows 11

Conclusion: After following the above 3 methods, you can easily run All-In-One Offline Maps on your Windows or macOS systems.

All-In-One Offline Maps APK file details:

Best Android Emulators Bluestacks & Nox App Player
Operating Systems Windows 7,8/10/11 or Mac
App Developer Psyberia Ltd
App Updated January 23, 2023
APK Version 3.11d
Category Travel & Local
Android Version Required for emulator Android 7.0 and up
APK File Size 6.66 MBs
File Name net-psyberia-offlinemaps-3-11d_SOFTSTRIBE.apk

Download APK

About the Author

This article has been edited by Dilawar Pirzada. He has been writing on the web since 2013. He’s passionate about Android, WordPress and helping novice users find their way on the web. You can follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.


The description of All-In-One Offline Maps

All-In-One OfflineMaps offers you to access a wide range of maps for free.

Bored to wait for maps to display? Once displayed, maps are stored and remain available, quickly, even with no network access.

Want more than just roads on your maps? You will find what you need here;• Used to go to places with poor network coverage? Everything will stay available;• Used to go abroad? You won’t be lost anymore;• Have a data allowance limit? It will reduce your usage.

★★ Maps ★★A lot of maps are available, including classical road maps, topographic maps, aerial (satellite) maps and various layers that can be added over any maps: OpenStreetMap (Roads, Topo), Google Maps, Bing Maps, USGS National Map (Hi-res topo, Aerial imagery), Worldwide Military Soviet topo maps, etc.• All maps can be stacked in layers, with precise opacity control.• Select and store large areas in few clicks.• Stored space is clear and can be easily deleted.

★★ Display, store and retrieve unlimited landmarks ★★You can add various items on the map such as waypoints, icons, routes, areas and tracks.You can easily manage them using the powerful SD-Card Landmarks Explorer.

★★ On-map GPS Location & Orientation ★★Your real location and direction are clearly displayed on the map, which can be rotated to match your real orientation (depends on device capabilities).Easy turn on/off to save battery.

And also:• Metric, imperial and hybrid distance units;• GPS Latitude/Longitude and grid coordinate formats (UTM, MGRS, USNG, OSGB Grid, Irish Grid, Swiss Grid, Lambert Grids, DFCI Grid, QTH Maidenhead Locator System, …);• Ability to import hundreds of coordinate formats from;• On-map grids display;• Full screen map view;• Multi-touch zoom;• …

★★ Need more? ★★If you are a real adventurer, try AlpineQuest GPS Hiking, the complete outdoor solution based on All-In-One OfflineMaps, loaded with a powerful GPS Location Tracker and more:

How to play All-In-One Offline Maps on PC

Download and Install MuMu Player Android Emulator. Click here to download: Download(FREE)

Run MuMu Player Android Emulator and login Google Play Store

Open Google Play Store and search All-In-One Offline Maps Download

Install All-In-One Offline Maps and start it

Well done! Now you can play All-In-One Offline Maps on PC, just like All-In-One Offline Maps for PC version.

You are here: Home / Apps For PC / All-In-One Offline Maps For PC (Windows & MAC)

All-In-One Offline Maps For PC (Windows & MAC)

Download All-In-One Offline Maps for PC/Mac/Windows 7,8,10 and have the fun experience of using the smartphone Apps on Desktop or personal computers.
New and rising App, All-In-One Offline Maps developed by Psyberia for Android is available for free in the Play Store. All-In-One Offline Maps has the latest version of 3.2b which was updated last on 16.01.19. Before we move toward the installation guide of All-In-One Offline Maps on PC using Emulators, you can go on official Play store to see what they are offering, You can read the Complete Features and Description of the App there.

More from Us: For PC (Windows & MAC).

All-In-One Offline Maps Details

Name: All-In-One Offline Maps
Developers: Psyberia
Current Version: 3.2b
Last Updated: 16.01.19

Here we will show you today How can you Download and Install All-In-One Offline Maps on PC running any OS including Windows and MAC variants, however, if you are interested in other apps, visit our site about Android Apps on PC and locate your favorite ones, without further ado, let us continue.

  • Download and install Android Emulator for PC of your choice from the list we provided.
  • Open the installed Emulator and open the Google Play Store in it.
  • Now search for “All-In-One Offline Maps” using the Play Store.
  • Install the game and open the app drawer or all apps in the emulator.
  • Click All-In-One Offline Maps icon to open it, follow the on-screen instructions to play it.
  • You can also download All-In-One Offline Maps APK and installs via APK in the BlueStacks Android emulator.
  • You can also try other Emulators to install All-In-One Offline Maps for PC.

That’s All for the guide on All-In-One Offline Maps For PC (Windows & MAC), follow our Blog on social media for more Creative and juicy Apps and Games. For Android and iOS please follow the links below to Download the Apps on respective OS.

A Professional Business Analyst, Tech Author and Writer since 2013. Always talking about Tech and innovation in both Software and Hardware worlds. Majorly Expert in Windows and Android, Software, Mobile Apps and Video Marketing. You can Reach on me on Social Media.

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