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Это приложение для Windows под названием AirSnort, последний выпуск которого можно загрузить как airsnort-0.2.7e.tar.gz. Его можно запустить онлайн в бесплатном хостинг-провайдере OnWorks для рабочих станций.

Загрузите и запустите онлайн это приложение под названием AirSnort с OnWorks бесплатно.

Следуйте этим инструкциям, чтобы запустить это приложение:

— 1. Загрузил это приложение на свой компьютер.

— 2. Введите в нашем файловом менеджере с желаемым именем пользователя.

— 3. Загрузите это приложение в такой файловый менеджер.

— 4. Запустите любой онлайн-эмулятор OS OnWorks с этого сайта, но лучше онлайн-эмулятор Windows.

— 5. В только что запущенной ОС Windows OnWorks перейдите в наш файловый менеджер с желаемым именем пользователя.

— 6. Скачайте приложение и установите его.

— 7. Загрузите Wine из репозиториев программного обеспечения вашего дистрибутива Linux. После установки вы можете дважды щелкнуть приложение, чтобы запустить его с помощью Wine. Вы также можете попробовать PlayOnLinux, необычный интерфейс поверх Wine, который поможет вам установить популярные программы и игры для Windows.

Wine — это способ запустить программное обеспечение Windows в Linux, но без Windows. Wine — это уровень совместимости с Windows с открытым исходным кодом, который может запускать программы Windows непосредственно на любом рабочем столе Linux. По сути, Wine пытается заново реализовать Windows с нуля, чтобы можно было запускать все эти Windows-приложения, фактически не нуждаясь в Windows.



AirSnort — это инструмент беспроводной локальной сети (WLAN), который взламывает ключи шифрования в сетях 802.11b WEP. AirSnort работает, пассивно отслеживая передачи, вычисляя ключ шифрования, когда собрано достаточное количество пакетов.


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Security Lab

AirSnort 0.2.7e

AirSnort 0.2.7e

  • Размер: 18.6 Кб
  • Лицензия: Бесплатно
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    Скачать airsnort

AirSnort — беспроводной LAN (WLAN) инструмент для определения ключей шифрования. Программа проводит пассивный мониторинг передач, вычисляя при этом ключ шифрования, перехватив достаточное количество информационных пакетов. При этом потенциальная жертва не имеет возможности определить работу этой программы.

AirSnort — беспроводной LAN (WLAN) инструмент для определения ключей шифрования. Программа проводит пассивный мониторинг передач, вычисляя при этом ключ шифрования, перехватив достаточное количество информационных пакетов. При этом потенциальная жертва не имеет возможности определить работу этой программы.

AirSnort for Windows is an encryption wireless LAN tool used to crack encryption codes in WEP Wifi. It gathers information from 802.11b information from WEP networks. This is done passively by the software where it gathers packets going in and out of the system. of this gathering for packets, it requires around 5 to 10 million. When enough packets have been obtained the encryption has gathered enough information to guess the password. This software does not, however, crack WPA wireless. The amount of time that it will be able to crack and guess a password is under a second. This can be done at any area if the wireless connection is of WEP origin. There are specific cards that are required, however. You will also need to have specific and updated software for AirSnort to work. The system run with aero peek, Winrar, GTK, Glib, Pango, and ATk. Each of this software is essential in having Airsnort work properly and crack wireless passwords in under a second. Managing devices is important to ensuring that that encryptions can’t be traced and do no harm to your computer.  


  • The product runs under Windows or Linux
  • Updates have discontinued but are still available for free
  • Can work with other software
  • Will be able to guess a password in under a second

This product is free to download online. It requires specific installation instructions and drivers for it to perform properly. The password guessing occurs in under a second but only through WEP wireless systems. This run on a general system for most cracking software of 802.11b. The system can run on Windows and Linux but each requires specific and up to date software. This is easily performed in an area with a WEP wifi and password that needs to be cracked. This free downloaded product can be useful in solving certain wireless internet passwords. 

Free updated download

Requires specific and updated software
System should run with aero peek, Winrar, GTK, Glib, Pango, and ATk
Requires specific installation instructions and drivers
Runs under Windows or Linux

Easy to use with a simple and intuitive interface.

Supports multiple network interfaces and captures data automatically.

It’s free and open-source, promoting visibility and transparency.

Limited to cracking WEP encryption, doesn’t support WPA or WPA2.

User-interface is not very user-friendly for non-technical users.

Not regularly updated; lacks latest security protocol advancements.


image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


AirSnort is one of the best wireless LAN tool and you can easily crack encryptions on WIFI. the drawback of this software is that it does not have any new updates anymore but this software is still free. it is easy to use and can generate password for WIFI in really less time. It only cracks codes for WEP not WPA. the best part is it works with other software as well.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


This product claims to be free to download online, which is of course something that caught my attention first. Also, this product is able to guess a password in under a second, and work across multiple other software which is a plus. I can imagine this being a software program that with gain in popularity, especially since it runs on Windows and Linus, which are both big names in the tech space. So since those big names brands are mentioned, I feel like this product can be trusted for the most part.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


AirSnort for Windows is a wireless LAN network tool. This program works by passively monitoring all network transmission until it has gathered enough packets. It can crack encryption codes and help you get back lost encryption keys. This software is free for Windows.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


AirSnort for windows is a wireless lan tool .It is used to crack the encryption code .It also monitors the transmission .It is designed to work both in linux and unix. It is easy and safe to use this software program. It is free to download the application and it is designed specially for windows program.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


Airsnort for windows is a wireless lan encryption. It is key detection tool for windows. It is free to download the windows program. It is also easy and safe to use the program. It also monitors the transmission .It is a wireless network tool .It is used to break the encryption code in wifi. It is one of the best software .

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Calvin Dilapi

AirSnort is a wireless LAN (WLAN) tool that recovers encryption keys from WEP networks. It monitors wireless traffic, then uses statistical analysis to detect and crack the WEP key.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Fraser Gueits

AirSnort is an open source wireless LAN (WLAN) tool used to recover encryption keys. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

The installation was easy and the GUI was straightforward.

It was able to detect and analyze wireless networks quickly.

The performance was surprisingly fast and it was able to recover keys with a good success rate.

The user interface is simple and easy to use.

It has the ability to monitor multiple networks simultaneously.

It has a well-documented help section which is easy to understand.

The software is light on resources and does not require a powerful system.

Overall, AirSnort is a great tool for recovering encryption keys from WLANs.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Angus M******w

AirSnort is a fast and easy-to-use WEP key cracker. It is quite intuitive and provides a straightforward way to decrypt a WEP key. The tools are well documented and the process of cracking is relatively simple. It is possible to crack a key in a reasonable amount of time, considering the amount of data traffic needed.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Jacob P.

AirSnort software is great for monitering wifi traffic, but I found it to be a bit buggy at times and not as reliable as I’d hopd.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Benjamin N.

AirSnort is a great tool for decrypting WEP networks, however the setup process can be quite tricky and time consuming.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Harris P.

The software successfully decrypts wireless network traffic. However, it requires a lot of technical knowledge to operate and is not user-friendly for beginners. The interface is also outdated and could use improvement.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Daniel T******o

AirSnort software is a wireless LAN tool designed to recover WEP keys.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


AirSnort is a powerful wireless LAN (WLAN) tool that recovers encryption keys. With its packet monitoring and statistical method feature, it decrypts Wireless LAN 802.11 WEP keys once enough packets have been gathered. This key recovery system makes it a valuable tool for network security.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


Works effectively for breaking WEP keys on wireless networks.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


Efficient for network vulnerability testing, slightly outdated interface.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


Decodes weak WiFi encryption efficiently.

Reliable tool for network security analysis.

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AirSnort is a wireless LAN encryption key detection tool for Windows. The software monitors transmissions passively while calculating the encryption key by intercepting a sufficient number of data packets. In this case, the potential victim has no way to detect the operation of this program.

Scope of application

You might get the impression that this program has no legitimate use and that its only purpose is to serve as a hacking tool. However, there is the most effective way to find out what threats your wireless network is exposed to. You may do what hackers make to see if your encryption can be cracked and how long it will take.

The program will help you better secure your network, justify the need for additional protections like increased physical controls or traffic restriction, and upgrade your wireless equipment.

Launching the utility

It should be noted that the program is primarily intended for professional users. It contains three main executable files:

  • airsnort collects packets from a specific source, usually a wireless network card;
  • gencases analyzes the intercepted data to detect weak keys;
  • decrypt attempts to independently unlock files downloaded from another source.

After installing the program, you can launch it by typing its name in the command line. The interface of this tool is as simple as possible. A single screen displays the packets of interest and the total number of encrypted and unencrypted packages. The upper part shows the settings, such as the type of network card, etc. On the left side you can adjust some parameters, such as the span – the number of guesses the algorithm will make for each byte of the key.


  • free to download and use;
  • allows pausing and resuming the process;
  • simple interface like MSN Hacker;
  • compatible with Windows;
  • hard to detect.

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