Airodump ng скачать на windows



Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8


Aircrack-ng — это программа позволяет проверить устойчивость шифровальных ключей для конфиденциальности и безопасности. Приложение англоязычно. Используют Aircrack-ng для Windows. Приложение позволяет защитить беспроводную сеть и предотвратить хакерские атаки. Лицензия на свободное ПО предоставляет возможность загрузить Aircrack-ng бесплатно.

Пакет программ состоит из утилит

  • airodump — собирает данные об отправленных пакетах;
  • aireplay — генерирует информацию и ускоряет ее получение;
  • aircrack — взламывает используемую для конфиденциальности защиту передаваемых файлов, авторизированных пользователей WEP, и технологию шифрования для беспроводных соединений WPA-PSK;
  • airdecap — выявляет слабость шифрования WEP, дешифрует документы WEP и WPA.

Рассмотрим особенности:

  1. Проверяет надежность пароля беспроводной сети Wi-Fi. Для выявления плохо защищенных сетей приложение перехватывает передаваемые при соединении первые пакеты, считывает пароли и отправляет пользователю для подключения к Интернету.
  2. Если пользователь забыл пароль Wi-Fi, предоставляется попытка узнать его, используя приложение Aircrack-ng. Программа выполняет функции подбора пароля по словарю.
  3. Приложение воспринимает все беспроводные адаптеры, адаптируемые под режим мониторинга.
  4. Генерирует пакетные внедрения, атакующие клиента, и пытается проанализировать работу беспроводной сети. Расшифровывает перехваченные файлы. Пытается взломать доступ к Wi-Fi несколькими способами одновременно, перехватывает и расшифровывает трафик, проверяя защиту соединение.
  5. Показателем безопасности сети является невозможность взлома программой Aircrackk-ng.
  6. Софт совершенствуется разработчиками, выпускаются обновления.

На нашем сайте разрешено скачать бесплатно Aircrack-ng для компьютера.


Table of Contents

  • You can browse the file archive here.

  • For installation information, see README or User Docs

  • See this page to know how to install it.

Current Sources

This tarball contains the latest Linux sources.


SHA1: bd43a35281c9c81d958b95aa76b4404c29f904ff

MD5: a918ea7146f91d8c799fb770c38f4bec

Legacy Sources

This tarball contains the latest legacy Linux sources.


SHA1: b2f671324d056408b83d32eb1ab6061b7fa87ac5

MD5: f37fdb000d8bad77da6a0a43bc2ef67a

Development Sources

You’ll need subversion to get them.

Latest development sources can be found at

By typing the following command in a console, you’ll check them out in aircrack-ng directory:

git clone

On windows, you can use TortoiseGit to get them.

Windows binaries

This zip file contains binaries and sources for building it on windows.

SHA1: 590d3e8fd09a21b93908d84057959cb13e73d378

MD5: cbcb23c55ed6933a48b8af5665104fb6

SHA1: 872ef4f731080626d7cee893ef42c8f630ce90cd

MD5: 37af71e78813e897297cca59cc0f70b7

The following files are automatically download when you run airodump-ng for the first time.

If you prefer to download manually peek files:

Linux packages

Most distros provide (an older version of) Aircrack-ng package in their repositories.

We are now providing git and release packages. Instructions to come.

IPK packages (Zaurus)

Aircrack-ng 0.9.1 is available here (MD5: 87b0bad58db12b86e6a3c0fe6b5d0f99 — SHA1: 9a8da015105c2d77fa8e81d085da304c474ce77b).

Older IPK for Sharp Zaurus are also available here.

Old versions



Airodump-ng — это небольшой пак специализированных программ и утилит, которые перехватывают данные с беспроводных сетей и пытаются взломать их систему, тем самым выдавая свои данные.

Программа Airodump-ng имеет большой потенциал и может создать огромные проблемы открытым и закрытым сетям. Работает она на всех популярных операционных системах. Имеет такой функционал:

  • Быстродействие системы;
  • Взлом популярных ключей WEP и WPA (взлом происходит по алфавиту);
  • Перехват трафика;
  • Создание виртуальных взломщиков;
  • Универсальные инжекторы-пакеты;
  • Инъекции шифрованных файлов;
  • Другие возможности.

Как можно заметить, программа имеет огромный потенциал и может воздействовать на сети различными способами и получать информацию из них.

Скачать Airodump-ng с сайта разработчика



GitHub CI

Alma Linux CI
Alpine Linux
DragonFlyBSD CI
Kali Linux CI
Linux CI
macOS CI
Windows CI


Clang Scan-build
Coverity Scan
Docker (git) push to DockerHub
Markdown link
PVS-Studio Analysis
Style & Consistency

Repository versions

Arch Linux package
Debian package
Docker Image Version (latest by date)
Fedora package
homebrew version
Ubuntu package
Ubuntu package
Ubuntu package
Ubuntu package
Ubuntu package


Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security.

It focuses on different areas of WiFi security:

  • Monitoring: Packet capture and export of data to text files for further processing by third party tools.
  • Attacking: Replay attacks, deauthentication, fake access points and others via packet injection.
  • Testing: Checking WiFi cards and driver capabilities (capture and injection).
  • Cracking: WEP and WPA PSK (WPA 1 and 2).

All tools are command line which allows for heavy scripting. A lot of GUIs have taken advantage of this feature. It works primarily on Linux but also Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, as well as Solaris and even eComStation 2.



  • Autoconf
  • Automake
  • Libtool
  • shtool
  • OpenSSL development package or libgcrypt development package.
  • Airmon-ng (Linux) requires ethtool, usbutils, and often pciutils.
  • On Windows, cygwin has to be used and it also requires w32api package.
  • On Windows, if using clang, libiconv and libiconv-devel
  • Linux: LibNetlink 1 or 3. It can be disabled by passing —disable-libnl to configure.
  • pkg-config (pkgconf on FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD)
  • FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris and OS X with Macports: gmake
  • Linux/Cygwin: make and Standard C++ Library development package (Debian: libstdc++-dev)

Note: Airmon-ng only requires pciutils if the system has a PCI/PCIe bus and it is populated.
Such bus can be present even if not physically visible. For example, it is present,
and populated on the Raspberry Pi 4, therefore pciutils is required on that device.

Optional stuff

  • If you want SSID filtering with regular expression in airodump-ng
    (—essid-regex) PCRE or PCRE2 development package is required.
  • If you want to use airolib-ng and ‘-r’ option in aircrack-ng,
    SQLite development package >= 3.3.17 (3.6.X version or better is recommended)
  • If you want to use Airpcap, the ‘developer’ directory from the CD/ISO/SDK is required.
  • In order to build besside-ng, besside-ng-crawler, easside-ng, tkiptun-ng and wesside-ng,
    libpcap development package is required (on Cygwin, use the Airpcap SDK instead; see above)
  • rfkill
  • If you want Airodump-ng to log GPS coordinates, gpsd is needed
  • For best performance on SMP machines, ensure the hwloc library and headers are installed. It is strongly recommended on high core count systems, it may give a serious speed boost
  • CMocka and expect for testing
  • For integration testing on Linux only: tcpdump, HostAPd, WPA Supplicant and screen

Installing required and optional dependencies

Below are instructions for installing the basic requirements to build
aircrack-ng for a number of operating systems.

Note: CMocka, tcpdump, screen, HostAPd and WPA Supplicant should not be dependencies when packaging Aircrack-ng.


Arch Linux

sudo pacman -Sy base-devel libnl openssl ethtool util-linux zlib libpcap sqlite pcre2 hwloc cmocka hostapd wpa_supplicant tcpdump screen iw usbutils pciutils expect


sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libssl-dev ethtool shtool rfkill zlib1g-dev libpcap-dev libsqlite3-dev libpcre2-dev libhwloc-dev libcmocka-dev hostapd wpasupplicant tcpdump screen iw usbutils expect


sudo yum install libtool pkgconfig sqlite-devel autoconf automake openssl-devel libpcap-devel pcre2-devel rfkill libnl3-devel gcc gcc-c++ ethtool hwloc-devel libcmocka-devel make file expect hostapd wpa_supplicant iw usbutils tcpdump screen zlib-devel expect


sudo yum install epel-release
sudo ./
# Remove older installation of automake/autoconf
sudo yum remove autoconf automake
sudo yum install sqlite-devel openssl-devel libpcap-devel pcre2-devel rfkill libnl3-devel ethtool hwloc-devel libcmocka-devel make file expect hostapd wpa_supplicant iw usbutils tcpdump screen zlib-devel

Note: autoconf, automake, libtool, and pkgconfig in the repositories are too old. The script automatically installs dependencies to compile then install the tools.


sudo yum config-manager --set-enabled powertools
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install libtool pkgconfig sqlite-devel autoconf automake openssl-devel libpcap-devel pcre2-devel rfkill libnl3-devel gcc gcc-c++ ethtool hwloc-devel libcmocka-devel make file expect hostapd wpa_supplicant iw usbutils tcpdump screen zlib-devel


sudo zypper install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libnl3-devel libopenssl-1_1-devel zlib-devel libpcap-devel sqlite3-devel pcre2-devel hwloc-devel libcmocka-devel hostapd wpa_supplicant tcpdump screen iw gcc-c++ gcc ethtool pciutils usbutils expect


sudo urpmi autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig libnl3-devel libopenssl-devel zlib-devel libpcap-devel sqlite3-devel pcre2-devel hwloc-devel libcmocka-devel hostapd wpa_supplicant tcpdump screen iw gcc-c++ gcc make expect


sudo apk add gcc g++ make autoconf automake libtool libnl3-dev openssl-dev ethtool libpcap-dev cmocka-dev hostapd wpa_supplicant tcpdump screen iw pkgconf util-linux sqlite-dev pcre2-dev linux-headers zlib-dev pciutils usbutils expect

Note: Community repository needs to be enabled for iw

Clear Linux

sudo swupd bundle-add c-basic devpkg-openssl devpkg-libgcrypt devpkg-libnl devpkg-hwloc devpkg-libpcap devpkg-pcre2 devpkg-sqlite-autoconf ethtool wget network-basic software-testing sysadmin-basic wpa_supplicant os-testsuite

Note: hostapd must be compiled manually, it is not present in the repository



pkg install pkgconf shtool libtool gcc9 automake autoconf pcre2 sqlite3 openssl gmake hwloc cmocka


pkg install pkgconf shtool libtool gcc8 automake autoconf pcre2 sqlite3 libgcrypt gmake cmocka


pkg_add pkgconf shtool libtool gcc automake autoconf pcre2 sqlite3 openssl gmake cmocka


pkg_add pkgconf libtool gcc7 automake autoconf pcre2 sqlite3 openssl gmake cmocka


XCode, Xcode command line tools and HomeBrew are required.

brew install autoconf automake libtool openssl shtool pkg-config hwloc pcre2 sqlite3 libpcap cmocka



Cygwin requires the full path to the setup.exe utility, in order to
automate the installation of the necessary packages. In addition, it
requires the location of your installation, a path to the cached
packages download location, and a mirror URL.

An example of automatically installing all the dependencies
is as follows:

c:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe -qnNdO -R C:/cygwin -s -l C:/cygwin/var/cache/setup -P autoconf -P automake -P bison -P gcc-core -P gcc-g++ -P mingw-runtime -P mingw-binutils -P mingw-gcc-core -P mingw-gcc-g++ -P mingw-pthreads -P mingw-w32api -P libtool -P make -P python -P gettext-devel -P gettext -P intltool -P libiconv -P pkg-config -P git -P wget -P curl -P libpcre2-devel -P libssl-devel -P libsqlite3-devel


pacman -Sy autoconf automake-wrapper libtool msys2-w32api-headers msys2-w32api-runtime gcc pkg-config git python openssl-devel openssl libopenssl msys2-runtime-devel gcc binutils make pcre2-devel libsqlite-devel

Docker containers

We have two repositories on DockerHub:

  • aircrackng/release: Each release
  • aircrackng/git: every commit in the git repository

Base command for the git version:

sudo docker run --rm -it aircrackng/git

Available platforms/CPU architectures:

  • linux/386 (base image: debian:unstable-slim)
  • linux/amd64 (base image: debian:unstable-slim)
  • linux/arm/v5 (base image: debian:unstable-slim)
  • linux/arm/v6 (base image: alpine:3)
  • linux/arm/v7 (base image: debian:unstable-slim)
  • linux/arm64/v8 (base image: debian:unstable-slim)
  • linux/mips64le (base image: debian:unstable-slim)
  • linux/ppc64le (base image: debian:unstable-slim)
  • linux/riscv64 (base image: debian:unstable-slim)
  • linux/s390x (base image: debian:unstable-slim)


To build aircrack-ng, the Autotools build system is utilized. Autotools replaces
the older method of compilation.

NOTE: If utilizing a developer version, eg: one checked out from source control,
you will need to run a pre-configure script. The script to use is one of the
following: autoreconf -i or env NOCONFIGURE=1 ./

First, ./configure the project for building with the appropriate options specified
for your environment:

TIP: If the above fails, please see above about developer source control versions.

Next, compile the project (respecting if make or gmake is needed):

  • Compilation:


  • Compilation on *BSD or Solaris:


Finally, the additional targets listed below may be of use in your environment:

  • Execute all unit testing:

    make check

  • Execute all integration testing (requires root):

    make integration

  • Installing:

    make install

  • Uninstall:

    make uninstall

./configure flags

When configuring, the following flags can be used and combined to adjust the suite
to your choosing:

  • with-airpcap=DIR: needed for supporting airpcap devices on Windows (Cygwin or MSYS2 only).
    Replace DIR above with the absolute location to the root of the
    extracted source code from the Airpcap CD or downloaded SDK available
    online. Required on Windows to build besside-ng, besside-ng-crawler,
    easside-ng, tkiptun-ng and wesside-ng when building experimental tools.
    The developer pack (Compatible with version 4.1.1 and 4.1.3) can be downloaded at

  • with-experimental: needed to compile tkiptun-ng, easside-ng, buddy-ng,
    buddy-ng-crawler, airventriloquist and wesside-ng.
    libpcap development package is also required to compile most of the tools.
    If not present, not all experimental tools will be built.
    On Cygwin, libpcap is not present and the Airpcap SDK replaces it.
    See —with-airpcap option above.

  • with-ext-scripts: needed to build airoscript-ng, versuck-ng, airgraph-ng and
    Note: Each script has its own dependencies.

  • with-gcrypt: Use libgcrypt crypto library instead of the default OpenSSL.
    And also use internal fast sha1 implementation (borrowed from GIT).
    Dependency (Debian): libgcrypt20-dev

  • with-duma: Compile with DUMA support. DUMA is a library to detect buffer overruns and underruns.
    Dependency (Debian): duma

  • disable-libnl: Set up the project to be compiled without libnl (1 or 3). Linux option only.

  • without-opt: Do not enable -O3 optimizations.

  • enable-shared: Make OSdep a shared library.

  • disable-shared: When combined with enable-static, it will statically compile Aircrack-ng.

  • with-avx512: On x86, add support for AVX512 instructions in aircrack-ng. Only use it when
    the current CPU supports AVX512.

  • with-static-simd=: Compile a single optimization in aircrack-ng binary. Useful when compiling
    statically and/or for space-constrained devices. Valid SIMD options: x86-sse2,
    x86-avx, x86-avx2, x86-avx512, ppc-altivec, ppc-power8, arm-neon, arm-asimd.
    Must be used with —enable-static —disable-shared. When using those 2 options, the default
    is to compile the generic optimization in the binary. —with-static-simd merely allows
    to choose another one.

  • enable-maintainer-mode: It is important to enable this flag when developing with Aircrack-ng. This flag enables additional compile warnings and safety features.


  • Configure and compiling:

    ./configure --with-experimental
  • Compiling with gcrypt:

    ./configure --with-gcrypt
  • Installing:

    make install

  • Installing (strip binaries):

    make install-strip

  • Installing, with external scripts:

    ./configure --with-experimental --with-ext-scripts
    make install
  • Testing (with sqlite, experimental and pcre2)

    ./configure --with-experimental
    make check
  • Compiling on OS X with macports (and all options):

    ./configure --with-experimental
  • Compiling on macOS running on M1/AARCH64 and Homebrew:

    autoreconf -vif
    env CPPFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-declarations" ./configure --with-experimental
    make check
  • Compiling on OS X 10.10 with XCode 7.1 and Homebrew:

    env CC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++-4.9 ./configure
    make check

    NOTE: Older XCode ships with a version of LLVM that does not support CPU feature
    detection; which causes the ./configure to fail. To work around this older LLVM,
    it is required that a different compile suite is used, such as GCC or a newer LLVM
    from Homebrew.

    If you wish to use OpenSSL from Homebrew, you may need to specify the location
    to its installation. To figure out where OpenSSL lives, run:

    brew --prefix openssl

    Use the output above as the DIR for --with-openssl=DIR in the ./configure line:

    env CC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++-4.9 ./configure --with-openssl=DIR
    make check
  • Compiling on FreeBSD with gcc9

    env CC=gcc9 CXX=g++9 MAKE=gmake ./configure
  • Compiling on Cygwin with Airpcap (assuming Airpcap devpack is unpacked in Aircrack-ng directory)

    cp -vfp Airpcap_Devpack/bin/x86/airpcap.dll src
    cp -vfp Airpcap_Devpack/bin/x86/airpcap.dll src/aircrack-osdep
    cp -vfp Airpcap_Devpack/bin/x86/airpcap.dll src/aircrack-crypto
    cp -vfp Airpcap_Devpack/bin/x86/airpcap.dll src/aircrack-util
    dlltool -D Airpcap_Devpack/bin/x86/airpcap.dll -d build/airpcap.dll.def -l Airpcap_Devpack/bin/x86/libairpcap.dll.a
    autoreconf -i
    ./configure --with-experimental --with-airpcap=$(pwd)
  • Compiling on DragonflyBSD with gcrypt using GCC 8

    autoreconf -i
    env CC=gcc8 CXX=g++8 MAKE=gmake ./configure --with-experimental --with-gcrypt
  • Compiling on OpenBSD (with autoconf 2.69 and automake 1.16)

    export AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.69
    export AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.16
    autoreconf -i
    env MAKE=gmake CC=cc CXX=c++ ./configure
  • Compiling and debugging aircrack-ng

    export CFLAGS='-O0 -g'
    export CXXFLAGS='-O0 -g'
    ./configure --with-experimental --enable-maintainer-mode --without-opt
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.libs gdb --args ./aircrack-ng [PARAMETERS]

IDE development

VS Code — devcontainers

A VS Code development environment is provided, as is, for rapid setup of a development environment. This additionally adds support for GitHub Codespaces.


The first requirement is a working Docker Engine environment.

Next, an installation of VS Code with the following extension(s):

  • Remote - Containers by Microsoft.

The «Remote — Containers» extension will refuse to work with OSS Code.


  1. Clone this repository to your working folder:
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd aircrack-ng
  1. After cloning this repository, open the folder inside VS Code.

IMPORTANT: You should answer «Yes», if it asks if the folder should be opened inside a remote container. If it does not ask, then press Ctrl+Shift+P and type open in container. This should bring up the correct command, for which pressing enter will run said command.

  1. A number of warnings might appear about a missing compile_commands.json file. These are safe to ignore for a moment, as this file is automatically generated after the initial compilation.
  2. Now build the entire project by pressing Ctrl+R and selecting Build Full from the pop-up menu that appears.
  3. VS Code should detect the compile_commands.json file and ask if it should be used; selecting «Yes, always» will complete the initial setup of a fully working IDE.

IMPORTANT: If it doesn’t detect the file, pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and typing reload window will bring up the selection to fully reload the environment.

  1. At this point, nearly all features of VS Code will function; from Intellisense, auto-completion, live documentation, to code formatting. Additionally, there are pre-configured tasks for builds and tests, as well as an example GDB/LLDB configuration for debugging aircrack-ng.


Automatic detection of CPU optimization is done at run time. This behavior
is desirable when packaging Aircrack-ng (for a Linux or other distribution.)

Also, in some cases it may be desired to provide your own flags completely and
not having the suite auto-detect a number of optimizations. To do this, add
the additional flag --without-opt to the ./configure line:

./configure --without-opt

Using pre-compiled binaries


Aircrack-ng is available in most distributions repositories. However, it is not always up-to-date.


  • Install the appropriate «monitor» driver for your card; standard drivers don’t work for capturing data.
  • Aircrack-ng suite is command line tools. So, you have to open a command-line
    Start menu -> Run... -> cmd.exe then use them
  • Run the executables without any parameters to have help


Some more information is present in the README file.

Documentation, tutorials, … can be found on

Support is available in the GitHub Discussions and on IRC (in #aircrack-ng on Libera Chat).

Every tool has its own manpage. For aircrack-ng, man aircrack-ng

Infrastructure sponsors

  1. Airodump Ng For Windows 10
  2. Aircrack Ng Windows
  3. Airodump Ng Download
  4. Airodump Ng For Windows Operating System

Aircrack- ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security. All tools are command line which allows for heavy scripting. A lot of GUIs have taken advantage of this feature. It works primarily Linux but also Windows, OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, as well as Solaris and even eComStation 2.

  1. Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security. It focuses on different areas of WiFi security: Monitoring: Packet capture and export of data to text files for further processing by third party tools. Attacking: Replay attacks, deauthentication, fake access points and others via packet injection.
  2. # airmon-ng check Found 5 processes that could cause trouble. If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them! PID Name 718 NetworkManager 870 dhclient 1104 avahi-daemon 1105 avahi-daemon 1115 wpasupplicant.

airodump-ng will display a list of detected access points, and also a list of connected clients (“stations”). Here’s an example screenshot:

The first line shows the current channel, elapsed running time, current date and optionally if a WPA/WPA2 handshake was detected. In the example above, “WPA handshake: 00:14:6C:7E:40:80” indicates that a WPA/WPA2 handshake was successfully captured for the BSSID.

In the example above the client rate of “36-24” means:

  • The first number is the last data rate from the AP (BSSID) to the Client (STATION). In this case 36 megabits per second.

  • The second number is the last data rate from Client (STATION) to the AP (BSSID). In this case 24 megabits per second.

  • These rates may potentially change on each packet transmission. It is simply the last speed seen.

  • These rates are only displayed when locked to a single channel, the AP/client transmission speeds are displayed as part of the clients listed at the bottom.

  • NOTE: APs need more then one packet to appear on the screen. APs with a single packet are not displayed.

Field Description
BSSID MAC address of the access point. In the Client section, a BSSID of “(not associated)” means that the client is not associated with any AP. In this unassociated state, it is searching for an AP to connect with.
PWR Signal level reported by the card. Its signification depends on the driver, but as the signal gets higher you get closer to the AP or the station. If the BSSID PWR is -1, then the driver doesn’t support signal level reporting. If the PWR is -1 for a limited number of stations then this is for a packet which came from the AP to the client but the client transmissions are out of range for your card. Meaning you are hearing only 1/2 of the communication. If all clients have PWR as -1 then the driver doesn’t support signal level reporting.
RXQ Receive Quality as measured by the percentage of packets (management and data frames) successfully received over the last 10 seconds. See note below for a more detailed explanation.
Beacons Number of announcements packets sent by the AP. Each access point sends about ten beacons per second at the lowest rate (1M), so they can usually be picked up from very far.
# Data Number of captured data packets (if WEP, unique IV count), including data broadcast packets.
#/s Number of data packets per second measure over the last 10 seconds.
CH Channel number (taken from beacon packets).
Note: sometimes packets from other channels are captured even if airodump-ng is not hopping, because of radio interference or overlapping channels.
MB Maximum speed supported by the AP. If MB = 11, it’s 802.11b, if MB = 22 it’s 802.11b+ and up to 54 are 802.11g. Anything higher is 802.11n or 802.11ac. The dot (after 54 above) indicates short preamble is supported. Displays “e” following the MB speed value if the network has QoS enabled.
ENC Encryption algorithm in use. OPN = no encryption,“WEP?” = WEP or higher (not enough data to choose between WEP and WPA/WPA2), WEP (without the question mark) indicates static or dynamic WEP, and WPA, WPA2 or WPA3 if TKIP or CCMP is present (WPA3 with TKIP allows WPA or WPA2 association, pure WPA3 only allows CCMP). OWE is for Opportunistic Wireless Encryption, aka Enhanced Open.
CIPHER The cipher detected. One of CCMP, WRAP, TKIP, WEP, WEP40, or WEP104. Not mandatory, but TKIP is typically used with WPA and CCMP is typically used with WPA2. WEP40 is displayed when the key index is greater then 0. The standard states that the index can be 0-3 for 40bit and should be 0 for 104 bit.
AUTH The authentication protocol used. One of MGT (WPA/WPA2 using a separate authentication server), SKA (shared key for WEP), PSK (pre-shared key for WPA/WPA2), or OPN (open for WEP).
ESSID Shows the wireless network name. The so-called “SSID”, which can be empty if SSID hiding is activated. In this case, airodump-ng will try to recover the SSID from probe responses and association requests. See this section for more information concerning hidden ESSIDs.
STATION MAC address of each associated station or stations searching for an AP to connect with. Clients not currently associated with an AP have a BSSID of “(not associated)”.
Rate Station’s receive rate, followed by transmit rate. Displays “e” following each rate if the network has QoS enabled.
Lost The number of data packets lost over the last 10 seconds based on the sequence number. See note below for a more detailed explanation.
Packets The number of data packets sent by the client.
Notes Additional information about the client, such as captured EAPOL or PMKID.
Probes The ESSIDs probed by the client. These are the networks the client is trying to connect to if it is not currently connected.


RXQ expanded:
Its measured over all management and data frames. The received frames contain a sequence number which is added by the sending access point. RXQ = 100 means that all packets were received from the access point in numerical sequence and none were missing. That’s the clue, this allows you to read more things out of this value. Lets say you got 100 percent RXQ and all 10 (or whatever the rate) beacons per second coming in. Now all of a sudden the RXQ drops below 90, but you still capture all sent beacons. Thus you know that the AP is sending frames to a client but you can’t hear the client nor the AP sending to the client (need to get closer). Another thing would be, that you got a 11MB card to monitor and capture frames (say a prism2.5) and you have a very good position to the AP. The AP is set to 54MBit and then again the RXQ drops, so you know that there is at least one 54MBit client connected to the AP.

N.B.: RXQ column will only be shown if you are locked on a single channel, not channel hopping.

Quickbooks validation code crack free download. Lost expanded:
It means lost packets coming from the client. To determine the number of packets lost, there is a sequence field on every non-control frame, so you can subtract the second last sequence number from the last sequence number and you know how many packets you have lost.

Possible reasons for lost packets:

  1. You cannot send (in case you are sending) and listen at the same time, so every time you send something you can’t hear the packets being transmitted in that interval.

  2. You are maybe losing packets due too high transmit power (you may be too close to the AP).

  3. There is too much noise on the current channel (other APs, microwave oven, bluetooth…)

Airodump Ng For Windows

To minimize the number of lost packets, vary your physical position, type of antenna used, channel, data rate and/or injection rate.

If you want to know how to hack WiFi access point – just read this step by step aircrack-ng tutorial, run the verified commands and hack WiFi password easily.

With the help a these commands you will be able to hack WiFi AP (access points) that use WPA/WPA2-PSK (pre-shared key) encryption.

The basis of this method of hacking WiFi lies in capturing of the WPA/WPA2 authentication handshake and then cracking the PSK using aircrack-ng.

How to hack WiFi – the action plan:

  1. Download and install the latest aircrack-ng
  2. Start the wireless interface in monitor mode using the airmon-ng
  3. Start the airodump-ng on AP channel with filter for BSSID to collect authentication handshake
  4. [Optional] Use the aireplay-ng to deauthenticate the wireless client
  5. Run the aircrack-ng to hack the WiFi password by cracking the authentication handshake

1. Aircrack-ng: Download and Install

The Latest Version Only: If you really want to hack WiFi – do not install the old aircrack-ng from your OS repositories. Download and compile the latest version manually.

Install the required dependencies:

Download and install the latest aircrack-ng (current version):

Ensure that you have installed the latest version of aircrack-ng:

2. Airmon-ng: Monitor Mode

Now it is required to start the wireless interface in monitor mode.

Monitor mode allows a computer with a wireless network interface to monitor all traffic received from the wireless network.

What is especially important for us – monitor mode allows packets to be captured without having to associate with an access point.

Find and stop all the processes that use the wireless interface and may cause troubles:

Start the wireless interface in monitor mode:

In the example above the airmon-ng has created a new wireless interface called mon0 and enabled on it monitor mode.

So the correct interface name to use in the next parts of this tutorial is the mon0.

3. Airodump-ng: Authentication Handshake

Cool Tip: Want to have some “fun”? Create a Linux fork bomb! One small string that is able to hang the whole system! Read more →

Now, when our wireless adapter is in monitor mode, we have a capability to see all the wireless traffic that passes by in the air.

This can be done with the airodump-ng command:

All of the visible APs are listed in the upper part of the screen and the clients are listed in the lower part of the screen:

Start the airodump-ng on AP channel with the filter for BSSID to collect the authentication handshake for the access point we are interested in:

Option Description
-c The channel for the wireless network
--bssid The MAC address of the access point
-w The file name prefix for the file which will contain authentication handshake
mon0 The wireless interface
--ignore-negative-one Fixes the ‘fixed channel : -1’ error message

Now wait until airodump-ng captures a handshake.

If you want to speed up this process – go to the step #4 and try to force wireless client reauthentication.

After some time you should see the WPA handshake: 00:11:22:33:44:55 in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

This means that the airodump-ng has successfully captured the handshake:

4. Aireplay-ng: Deauthenticate Client

Cool Tip: Want to stay anonymous? Learn how to use PROXY on the Linux command line. Read more →

Airodump Ng For Windows 10

If you can’t wait till airodump-ng captures a handshake, you can send a message to the wireless client saying that it is no longer associated with the AP.

The wireless client will then hopefully reauthenticate with the AP and we’ll capture the authentication handshake.

Send deauth to broadcast:

Send directed deauth (attack is more effective when it is targeted):

Option Description
--deauth 100 The number of de-authenticate frames you want to send (0 for unlimited)
-a The MAC address of the access point
-c The MAC address of the client
mon0 The wireless interface
--ignore-negative-one Fixes the ‘fixed channel : -1’ error message

Cool Tip: Need to hack WiFi password? Don’t wast your time! Use “John the Ripper” – the fastest password cracker! Read more →

5. Aircrack-ng: Hack WiFi Password

Unfortunately there is no way except brute force to break WPA/WPA2-PSK encryption.

To hack WiFi password, you need a password dictionary.

And remember that this type of attack is only as good as your password dictionary.

You can download some dictionaries from here.

Aircrack Ng Windows

Crack the WPA/WPA2-PSK with the following command:

Airodump Ng Download

Option Description
-w The name of the dictionary file
-b The MAC address of the access point
WPAcrack.cap The name of the file that contains the authentication handshake

Airodump Ng For Windows Operating System

Cool Tip: Password cracking often takes time. Combine aircrack-ng with “John The Ripper” to pause/resume cracking whenever you want without loosing the progress! Read more →

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