Add conda to path windows

Things have been changed after conda 4.6.

Programs «Anaconda Prompt» and «Anaconda Powershell» expose the command conda for you automatically. Find them in your startup menu.

If you don’t wanna use the prompts above and try to make conda available in a standard cmd.exe or a standard Powershell. Read the following content.

Expose conda in Every Shell

The purpose of the following content is to make command conda available both in cmd.exe and Powershell on Windows.

If you have already checked «Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable» during Anaconda installation, skip step 1.

Anaconda installation options on Windows

  1. If Anaconda is installed for the current use only, add %USERPROFILE%\Anaconda3\condabin (I mean condabin, not Scripts) into the environment variable PATH (the user one). If Anaconda is installed for all users on your machine, add C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\condabin into PATH.

    How do I set system environment variables on Windows?

  2. Open a new Powershell, run the following command once to initialize conda.

    conda init

These steps make sure the conda command is exposed into your cmd.exe and Powershell.

Extended Reading: conda init from Conda 4.6

Caveat: Add the new \path\to\anaconda3\condabin but not \path\to\anaconda3\Scripts into your PATH. This is a big change introduced in conda 4.6.

Activation script initialization fron conda 4.6 release log

Conda 4.6 adds extensive initialization support so that more shells than ever before can use the new conda activate command. For more information, read the output from conda init –help We’re especially excited about this new way of working, because removing the need to modify PATH makes Conda much less disruptive to other software on your system.

In the old days, \path\to\anaconda3\Scripts is the one to be put into your PATH. It exposes command conda and the default Python from «base» environment at the same time.

After conda 4.6, conda related commands are separated into condabin. This makes it possible to expose ONLY command conda without activating the Python from «base» environment.


  • Conda 4.6 Release
  • How do I prevent Conda from activating the base environment?

Adding conda to path in Windows 10 by 2 steps.



Open in window «Enviroment variables».
For doing this you need open properties your computer and select «Additional system parameters».


In first or second line search «Path» and click button «Change», then «Create» and «Overview». Then add anaconda location, where you installed conda.

All users: «/ProgramData/Anaconda3/condabin/»;

Just me: «/Users//Anaconda3/condabin/»;

Custom Path. For searching conda use command: where conda.


Test conda in command line.

conda —version

conda activate

conda deactivate

  1. Download the installer:

    • Miniconda installer for

    • Anaconda installer for

  2. Verify your installer hashes.

  3. Double-click the .exe file.

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    If you are unsure about any setting, accept the defaults. You
    can change them later.

    When installation is finished, from the Start menu, open the
    Anaconda Prompt.

  5. Test your installation. In your terminal window or
    Anaconda Prompt, run the command conda list. A list of installed packages appears
    if it has been installed correctly.

Installing in silent mode


The following instructions are for Miniconda. For Anaconda,
substitute Anaconda for Miniconda in all of the commands.


As of Anaconda Distribution 2022.05 and Miniconda 4.12.0, the option to add Anaconda to the PATH environment variable during an All Users installation has been disabled. This was done to address a security exploit. You can still add Anaconda to the PATH environment variable during a Just Me installation.

To run the the Windows installer for Miniconda in
silent mode, use the /S
argument. The following optional arguments are supported:

  • /InstallationType=[JustMe|AllUsers]—Default is JustMe.

  • /AddToPath=[0|1]—Default is 0

  • /RegisterPython=[0|1]—Make this the system’s default
    0 indicates Python won’t be registered as the system’s default. 1
    indicates Python will be registered as the system’s default.

  • /S—Install in silent mode.

  • /D=<installation path>—Destination installation path.
    Must be the last argument. Do not wrap in quotation marks.
    Required if you use /S.

All arguments are case-sensitive.

EXAMPLE: The following command installs Miniconda for the
current user without registering Python as the system’s default:

start /wait "" Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%UserProfile%\Miniconda3

Updating conda

  1. Open your Anaconda Prompt from the start menu.

  2. Navigate to the anaconda directory.

  3. Run conda update conda.

Uninstalling conda

  1. In the Windows Control Panel, click Add or Remove Program.

  2. Select Python X.X (Miniconda), where X.X is your version of Python.

  3. Click Remove Program.


Removing a program is different in Windows 10.

When working with Python, Conda is an essential tool for managing packages and environments. However, you may encounter the ‘Conda command not recognized’ error on Windows 10. This blog post will guide you through the steps to resolve this issue.

⚠ content generated by AI for experimental purposes only

Solving the “Conda Command Not Recognized” Issue on Windows 10

When working with Python, Conda is an essential tool for managing packages and environments. However, you may encounter the “Conda command not recognized” error on Windows 10. This blog post will guide you through the steps to resolve this issue.


Conda is a powerful package manager and environment manager that you use with command line commands at the Anaconda Prompt for Windows. It’s a key tool for data scientists who work with Python and need to manage their packages and environments efficiently. However, the “Conda command not recognized” error can be a common stumbling block, especially for those new to using Conda on Windows 10.

Why Does This Error Occur?

The “Conda command not recognized” error typically occurs because the system can’t find the Conda executable in the system’s PATH. The PATH is a system variable that contains a list of directories where the system looks for executables. If Conda’s directory isn’t in the PATH, the system won’t recognize Conda commands.

How to Fix the Error

Step 1: Check If Conda Is Installed

First, ensure that Conda is installed on your system. Open the Anaconda Prompt and type conda --version. If Conda is installed, it will display the version number. If not, you’ll need to install Anaconda first.

Step 2: Add Conda to the PATH

If Conda is installed but not recognized, you’ll need to add it to the system’s PATH. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Start Menu and search for ‘Environment Variables’.
  2. Click on ‘Edit the system environment variables’.
  3. In the System Properties window, click on ‘Environment Variables’.
  4. In the Environment Variables window, under ‘System variables’, find and select ‘Path’, then click on ‘Edit’.
  5. In the Edit Environment Variable window, click on ‘New’.
  6. Add the path to the directory where Conda is installed. This is typically C:\Users\YourUsername\Anaconda3\Scripts.
  7. Click ‘OK’ on all windows to save the changes.

Step 3: Verify the Solution

To verify that the issue is resolved, open a new Anaconda Prompt and type conda --version. It should now display the version number, indicating that the system recognizes Conda commands.


The “Conda command not recognized” error on Windows 10 is a common issue that can be resolved by ensuring Conda is installed and its directory is added to the system’s PATH. This allows you to use Conda commands in the Anaconda Prompt, making it easier to manage your Python packages and environments.

Remember, Conda is a powerful tool for data scientists working with Python. Understanding how to troubleshoot common issues like this one is an essential skill. Happy coding!


  • Conda command not recognized
  • Windows 10
  • Anaconda Prompt
  • Python packages
  • Data scientists
  • Environment manager
  • System PATH
  • Install Anaconda
  • Troubleshoot Conda issues

Learn how to resolve the “Conda command not recognized” error on Windows 10. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for data scientists to troubleshoot this common issue when managing Python packages with Conda.

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conda is an open source, cross-platform package and environment manager which runs on multiple platforms including Windows, Linux and macOS.

It was originally created for installing and managing multiple versions of Python packages, but can be extended to support many other languages such as R, Ruby, Lua, JavaScript, etc.

If you’re already familiar with Python, imagine conda as pip and virtualenv combined.

This article is going to show you how to fix conda “command not found” (in Linux and macOS) or “not recognized as internal or external command” in Windows.

Different form of the same error

Any OS has some kind of system variable containing the paths where they would find commonly-used executables, so that they can allow you to run these without specifying the full path. That system variable is called PATH or $PATH.

Let’s suppose the PATH contains /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /sbin /bin /usr/games /usr/local/games.

When you run, for example, conda, the OS is going to search for conda inside one of these path, if it’s found, it will be executed, if not, “command not found” error will be spit out.

The error message may look different across operating system and terminals. Usually on Linux, it could be bash: conda: command not found. On macOS with zsh, the error is zsh: command not found: conda. On Windows, conda not recognized as internal or external command would be displayed.

macos conda command not found

Please note that normally you would have to run conda using the full path, for example, /usr/bin/conda. PATH system variable enable a way to quickly reach commonly-used executables.

To sum it up, conda “command not found” (in Linux and macOS) or “conda not recognized as internal or external command” in Windows simply indicates that the operating system cannot find conda in one of the directories where executables are usually placed.

Add conda to PATH environment variable

The first thing you should do is to add conda to PATH environment variable. Normally this was done automatically by the Anaconda installer or package manager, but you need to be sure the OS knows where to look for conda.

On Linux

On Linux, you can add conda to PATH using export. Open up a terminal and run the following command.

export PATH=/path/to/anaconda3/bin:$PATHCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Replace /path/to/anaconda3/bin to where you place anaconda3, usually it was installed in /home/your_username.

The command makes changes to the current session only and will not persistent though restarts.

If you don’t want to do this every time you start a session, you can add that command into .bashrc file so that it is starts up with the terminal.

echo 'export PATH=/path/to/anaconda3/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrcCode language: PHP (php)

On Windows

On Windows, you have to go to Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings, look for System Variables.


Under the System Variables section, find the row named Path and click Edit. You need to add

Screenshot of Edit Environment Variables

You need to add the Anaconda installation folder C:Usersyour_usernameAnaconda3 (replace your_username with your actual account name) to the list of paths.

Use conda init

init is a new command added to Conda v4.6 and later to ensure users have a properly configured terminal set up automatically.

We prefer adding conda to PATH ourselves, but if that doesn’t work out for you, maybe you should try running the following command:

Linux/UNIX (OS X < 10.15)

./anaconda3/bin/conda init

Mac OS X >= 10.15

./anaconda3/bin/conda init zsh


./anaconda3/Scripts/conda.exe init

zsh users

./anaconda3/bin/conda init zsh

The init command supports other shells, too, including bash, cmd.exe, fish, powershell, tcsh, xonsh, zsh.

Once the script is done running, you must launch a new terminal command for the settings to take effect.

If things didn’t go well, you can always reverse the changes made by conda init by running

./anaconda3/bin/conda init --reverse

Set up zsh to read .bashrc

If you’re just switching to zsh and getting the following error message, you might not set up zsh to read .bashrc.

In any terminal, run nano ~/.zshrc to edit zsh configuration file and add the following line to it.

source ~/.bash_profile

edit .zshrc

Now close your terminal and open it all over again, verify that zsh now loads bash configuration and conda works again.

conda not recognized on Windows

On Windows, you should get 'Conda' is not recognized as internal or external command if the OS does not find it in the PATH.

Recent Windows 10 releases does not assume you have administrator privileges to install or update. You can force administrative re-installation by right-click on the Anaconda Command Prompt, choose “Run as administrator“.

Alternatively, you can use Anaconda Navigator or the Anaconda Command Prompt (located in the Start Menu under “Anaconda”) when you wish to use Anaconda software, as per Anaconda recommendation.


conda not found in Git Bash

If you use Git Bash on Windows, it is out of conda init support.

In order to manually configure conda to work with the Git Bash shell, you need to add from Anaconda3 installation into .bashrc.

First, open up C:ProgramDataAnaconda3etcprofile.d, right-click in any blank space and select Git Bash Here to open up a new Git Bash terminal right where you are now.


After that, copy and paste the following command into the terminal and run it.

echo ". '${PWD}'/" >> ~/.bashrcCode language: PHP (php)

Basically it puts a new line in the current .bashrc configuration file that loads every time it starts.

We hope that you’ve learned how to fix conda “command not found” error and get it to work again. Conda is a great package manager designed specifically for data scientist and the users who are not familiar with Python, pip and pipenv/virtualenv as a whole.

If you want to learn more about Python, check out our other posts about common errors in Python such as “too many values to unpack” or locale.Error: unsupported locale setting.

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