Adb interface driver windows 7 x32 скачать для xiaomi

Xiaomi ADB Drivers Download for Windows 11, 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 – Xiaomi ADB Drivers is a component of software  that allows you to backup files, data recovering, synchronization and various other advanced features between the Xiaomi Android smartphone and PC. ADB drivers for Xiaomi can also be considered as Android Debug Bridge for Xiaomi Android smartphones.

For some reason, you may need to connect your Android Xiaomi smartphone to a computer. Without the correct ADB drivers for Xiaomi, you can’t do advance things on the PC in addition to the normal file transfer. Here, you can find the Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows 7/8/10 with an appropriate installation guide. It is easy to download the ADB Drivers for Xiaomi, just click on the “Download Link” below.

With the Xiaomi ADB driver installed on a PC, users have the ability to use 3G / 4G mobile data with a computer to surf the Internet through the Official Xiaomi PC Suite. Before that, firstly, you must enable USB debugging on the device to be recognized on the PC after installing the appropriate ADB drivers for Xiaomi. And, you can also downgrade or upgrade android firmware using Official Xiaomi USB drivers.

Xiaomi ADB Drivers Download for Windows 10, 8, 7

Xiaomi ADB Drivers Download for Windows 10, 8, 7

Xiaomi ADB Drivers OS Compability

Xiaomi PC Suite Software is compatible with different versions of Windows. Such as Windows 11 (32-bit), Windows 11 (64-bit), Windows 10 (32-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (32-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit), Windows 8 (32-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows Vista (64-bit), and Windows XP (32-bit).

Xiaomi ADB Drivers Installation Instructions for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7

Installing Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows 11 and Windows 10

To install the Xiaomi ADB Drivers in Windows 1 and Windows 10 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect your Xiaomi Android smartphone to the USB port of your computer.
  2. In the left pane of Computer Management, select Device Manager.
  3. In the right pane of Device Manager, locate and expand portable devices or other devices, depending on what you see.
  4. Right-click on the name of the connected device and select Update Driver.
  5. In the Hardware Update Wizard, select Search my computer for the driver software and then click Next.
  6. Click Browse and navigate to the ADB driver folder. For example, the Google ADB driver is in android_sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver \.
  7. Click Next to install the driver.

Installing Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows 8.1

To install the Xiaomi ADB Drivers in Windows 8.1 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect the Xiaomi Android smartphone to the USB port of the computer.
  2. Access the search as follows:
  3. Touch screen: on your computer, drag it from the right end of the screen and touch Search.
  4. With the mouse: Point the lower right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up and click Search.
  5. In the search box, type and click Device Manager.
  6. Double-click on the device category and double-click on the desired device.
  7. Click on the Driver tab, click on Update Driver and follow the instructions.

Installing Xiaomi ADB Drivers on Windows 7

To install the Xiaomi ADB Drivers in Windows 7 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect the Xiaomi Android smartphone to the USB port of the computer.
  2. Right-click on the computer on the desktop or in Windows Explorer and select Manage.
  3. Select Devices in the left panel.
  4. Locate and expand Another device in the right panel.
  5. Right-click on the device name (such as Nexus S) and select Update Driver. This will start the Hardware Update Wizard.
  6. Select Search for driver software on my computer and then click Next.
  7. Click Browse and navigate to the ADB driver folder. (The Google ADB driver is in android_sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver \.)
  8. Click Next to install the driver.

Or, to update an existing Xiaomi ADB Drivers in Windows 7 and higher with the new driver:

  1. Connect the Xiaomi Android smartphone to the USB port of the computer.
  2. Right-click on the computer on the desktop or in Windows Explorer and select Manage.
  3. Select Device Manager in the left pane of the Device Management window.
  4. Find and expand the Android phone in the right panel.
  5. Right click on the ADB Android Composite interface and select Update Driver. This will start the Hardware Update Wizard.
  6. Select Install in a list or in a specific location and then click Next.
  7. Select Search for the best driver in these locations; uncheck Search removable media; and check Include this site in the survey.
  8. Click Browse and navigate to the ADB driver folder. (The Google ADB driver is in android_sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver \.)
  9. Click Next to update the driver.

Xiaomi ADB Drivers Download

Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows Download

Xiaomi ADB Drivers Download for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

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В любом Android-смартфоне (включая Xiaomi, Redmi, POCO) вы можете включить специальный режим управления, известный как ADB. В этом режиме вы можете устанавливать приложения и прошивки (в том числе через Fastboot), проверять систему на наличие ошибок, тестировать приложения и выполнять другие действия с телефоном с помощью компьютера. ADB (сокращение от Android Debug Bridge) — это инструмент отладки, который позволяет вам получить доступ к консоли Android с вашего компьютера. Для управления смартфоном и установленными приложениями с помощью этого интерфейса нужен только драйвер ADB, все команды можно вводить в терминале той же Windows или macOS.

Если вам нужно подключить Android-смартфон Xiaomi к компьютеру, без соответствующих драйверов Android Debug Bridge вы не сможете управлять им, кроме передачи файлов.

Ниже вы найдете драйверы Xiaomi ADB для Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11, руководство по их установке и подключению телефона к ПК.

Как скачать драйверы ADB

В интернете много сайтов, предлагающих скачать ADB драйвера. Но не рекомендуется использовать для этого неизвестные ресурсы: вместо установочных файлов можно скачать вредоносное ПО. Рекомендую скачать универсальные драйвера ADB с форума 4pda или воспользоваться популярным универсальным автоустановщиком, известным как 15 Seconds ADB Installer. Где скачать драйверы ADB и Fastboot:

  1. 4pda — скачать последнюю версию файла «Платформа-инструменты (adb & fastboot)» из шапки темы. На момент написания этот номер был r31.0.3. Существует также отдельная версия для Windows XP.
  2. 15 секунд Установщик ADB — совместим со всеми версиями Windows от Windows XP до Windows 11 (x32 или x64 бит). Последняя версия на сегодня 1.5.6.

С установкой на Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11 проблем не возникнет: установочные файлы по ссылкам выше предназначены для этих операционных систем.

Linux и macOS имеют свои версии драйверов для прошивок Xiaomi и телефонов Android, но на этих системах ADB обычно устанавливается автоматически при подключении смартфона. Аналогичная ситуация с Windows 10 и 11, но тут возможны ошибки. драйвера лучше ставить вручную, если с телефоном планируются серьезные действия.

Установка ADB на Windows

Установка штатного пакета с 4pda происходит по стандартному сценарию с помощью графического мастера установки операционной системы — достаточно следовать инструкциям. Более интересно рассмотреть вариант использования 15-ти секундного пакета ADB Installer, так как инсталлятор здесь довольно необычный. Как установить USB-драйвер Xiaomi:

  1. Загрузите последние версии драйверов с веб-сайта 15-секундного установщика ADB (ссылка прямо выше) и извлеките содержимое ZIP-файла. USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  2. Запустите извлеченный EXE-файл от имени администратора, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши имя файла. USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  3. Появится окно консоли с вопросом, действительно ли вы хотите «Установить ADB и Fastboot». Нажмите английскую клавишу Y, а затем Enter. USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  4. Следующий шаг — сделать то же самое. USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  5. Далее необходимо установить драйвер ADB для устройства (снова Y и Enter). USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  6. Откроется графический мастер установки драйвера, где необходимо нажать «Далее». USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  7. Затем следует подтвердить действие кнопкой «Установить». USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  8. После этого можно завершить установку, нажав «Готово». USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows

Драйвер ADB установлен, но для его использования необходимо перезагрузить компьютер. После перезагрузки ПК можно приступать к работе с интерфейсом ADB. Универсальный драйвер с 4pda устанавливается только с помощью графического установщика — консоль не используется.

Для нормального использования драйвера ADB необходимо установить пакет Oracle Java. Также необходим при работе с приложением Xiaomi ADB Fastboot Tools (скачать пакет можно по ссылке).

Удаление приложений через ADB

После установки драйверов можно приступать к настройке MIUI и удалению системных приложений через ADB. Этот процесс делится на несколько этапов. Для начала необходимо подготовить смартфон и установить на ПК программу ADB AppControl, которая отвечает за управление установленными программами (в том числе и за их удаление). Чтобы удалить приложение через ADB:

  1. Скачиваем с 4pda приложение ADB AppControl и извлекаем содержимое архива в директорию (желательно без русских букв в названии). USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  2. Перейдите в этот каталог, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши файл ADBAppControl.exe, выберите «Запуск от имени администратора». USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  3. Подключите смартфон к ПК с помощью USB-кабеля. Когда программа обнаружит телефон, в главном окне отобразится статус «Ожидание». USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  4. На смартфоне включите отладку, нажав OK в появившемся окне. USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  5. Инструмент предложит установить ACBridge на ваш смартфон. Соглашаемся с кнопкой «Да». ACBridge — это инструмент для получения значков и полных названий приложений, он вам нужен. USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  6. Программа отобразит список установленных приложений. Отметьте нужный, в строке на странице выберите «Удалить» и нажмите «Удалить». USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows
  7. Появится сообщение о том, что задание выполнено, нажмите ОК. USB-драйвер Xiaomi ADB: как загрузить и установить в Windows

Удаление программ через ADB поможет избавиться даже от предустановленных разработчиками системных приложений MIUI и Android. Но в этом случае нужно быть предельно внимательным и понимать, какие системные приложения можно удалять, а какие трогать не нужно. В противном случае вместо нормально работающего смартфона вы можете получить кирпич или бутлуп. Этот способ управления телефоном и установленными приложениями самый простой, а потому больше подходит для новичков. Опытные пользователи и специалисты сервисных центров предпочитают пользоваться терминалом и командами. Но для неподготовленного человека это достаточно сложно, о них я расскажу в следующей статье о командах ADB.

Xiaomi ADB не видит телефон

Иногда бывает так, что ADB не видит подключенный телефон Xiaomi, Redmi или POCO и выдает сообщение типа «Xiaomi ADB устройство не найдено». Определить причину на лету зачастую невозможно, поэтому приходится перебирать варианты в надежде, что они сработают. Почему ADB не видит телефон:

  1. Используется неправильный драйвер ADB. Первый шаг — проверить, какую версию вы скачали. Это может быть для конкретного устройства. Например, есть отдельные драйвера для Redmi Note 7, Redmi 4x, Redmi 7A и т.д. Вам необходимо установить универсальный драйвер ADB, ссылки на который даны в начале этой статьи (он подходит и для Mi A1, A2), А3).
  2. Отсутствуют системные файлы. Иногда в операционной системе Windows отсутствуют файлы, необходимые для подключения смартфона через ADB (часто бывает после действия вирусов). Системные файлы необходимо восстановить. Для этого откройте командную строку от имени администратора, введите в консоли sfc /scannow и нажмите Enter. Перезагрузите компьютер после завершения процесса.
  3. Поврежденный USB-кабель. Если провод, к которому подключен смартфон, оборван, ADB может не увидеть телефон. Найдите другой кабель и попробуйте подключить к нему смартфон.
  4. Физическое повреждение порта USB. Если смена кабеля не помогает, возможно, неисправен порт USB, через который осуществляется подключение. Попробуйте использовать другой контакт.

Коротко о главном

Позвольте мне резюмировать:

  • Интерфейс ADB позволяет управлять смартфоном с помощью компьютера, в том числе удаляя предустановленные системные приложения MIUI или Android.
  • Поддерживается работа на всех десктопных операционных системах: от Windows XP до Windows 11, Linux и macOS.
  • Для работы со смартфоном Xiaomi, Redmi или POKO необходимо установить универсальный драйвер ADB и пакет Oracle Java.
  • Для новичков лучше всего использовать приложение ADB AppControl, которое имеет интуитивно понятный интерфейс на русском языке и отличается удобством использования.
  • ADB можно использовать для разблокировки смартфона, прошивки Xiaomi через Fastboot и установки прав суперпользователя.


Если обзор был полезен, ты можешь отблагодарить поделившись в соцсети и подпиской на канал яндекс дзен. На канале ты можешь найти еще больше рейтингов, техник, и обзоров, на тот или иной продукт.

Table of Contents

How to Install the Xiaomi ADB Driver?

Whenever you want to access your Xiaomi device on a PC, you need to use the Xiaomi ADB Driver. This software is a client-server application that acts as a bridge between the computer and the Android apparatus. This software enables you to manage and modify your Android device from the command line on your PC.

How to download and install the Driver?

To download and install the Xiaomi ADB (Android Debug Bridge) driver on your computer, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download Xiaomi ADB Driver:a. Look for the section where Xiaomi provides USB drivers or ADB drivers for their devices. So, the location of this section may vary over time, so you might need to explore the website a bit to find it.

    b. Once you find the ADB driver download section, locate the appropriate driver for your computer’s operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). Download the driver file to your computer.

  2. Install Xiaomi ADB Driver on Windows:a. Locate the downloaded Xiaomi ADB driver file (usually in your “Downloads” folder).

    b. Right-click on the driver file and select “Run as administrator” to ensure you have the necessary permissions for installation.

    c. Follow the on-screen instructions in the installation wizard to complete the installation. So, this typically involves clicking “Next” or “Install” when prompted.

    d. After the installation is complete, restart your computer to apply any changes.

  3. Install Xiaomi ADB Driver on macOS:a. Locate the downloaded Xiaomi ADB driver file (usually in your “Downloads” folder).

    b. Double-click the driver file to open it.

    c. Follow the on-screen instructions in the installation process. This might involve dragging the driver package to your “Applications” folder or running an installer script.

    d. Once the installation is finished, you may need to restart your Mac to ensure the driver is properly integrated.

  4. Install Xiaomi ADB Driver on Linux:a. Extract the contents of the downloaded Xiaomi ADB driver archive to a location on your Linux computer.

    b. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you extracted the driver files.

    c. Run the installation script or commands provided in the driver package’s documentation or README file. This script typically installs the necessary drivers for your Xiaomi device.

    d. Once the installation is complete, you may need to restart your Linux system to apply the changes.


After successfully installing the Xiaomi ADB driver on your computer, you should be able to connect your Xiaomi device to your computer via USB and use ADB commands for various tasks such as debugging, transferring files, and more. So, ensure that USB debugging is enabled on your Xiaomi device (usually found in the developer options in your device’s settings) to make full use of ADB functionality.

To install this driver, simply follow the steps mentioned below. You can then connect your Xiaomi device to your PC. This article will show you how to install the ADB driver on your Xiaomi.

First, you will need to connect your Xiaomi Android Smartphone to the USB port of your PC. Then, you can use the mouse to navigate to the drivers’ folder on your computer. Now, you will need to install the ADB driver in order to use the ADB utility on your Xiaomi.

After this, you will have to click on the ADB tab and select the device you want to connect to. Once you’ve done this, you can launch the device manager and select your Xiaomi.

Installation Process of Xiaomi ADB Driver:

After you have installed the driver, you need to connect your Xiaomi Android Smartphone to the computer. After ensuring that your smartphone is connected to the computer, you should open the Device Manager. Expand the USB port and then select Other Devices. Locate the Xiaomi and click on it.

Right-click on the device and then click on Update Device. The driver will then be installed. After you have completed this, you can go ahead and install the firmware on your Xiaomi Android Smartphone.

If you don’t have a Windows PC, you can download the Xiaomi ADB Driver from the internet. You’ll need a compatible USB driver for Xiaomi devices. Choosing a compatible driver for your device may seem easy, but picking a faulty driver will result in your computer not recognizing your device.

Once you’ve selected the right ADB or Fastboot driver, you can now connect your smartphone to your computer to your PC. So, if your phone doesn’t detect the driver, you will have trouble connecting it to your computer.

If you’re using a Mac or PC, you need to install the Xiaomi ADB driver on your Mac or Windows PC.

Download Process of Driver:

So, to download the ADB driver, you’ll need to install the Android ADB and USB drivers. Once you’ve installed the drivers, you’ll need to connect your Xiaomi to your PC via a USB cable. The USB cable is essential to connect your Xiaomi to your computer and vice versa.

Once you’ve installed Xiaomi ADB Driver on your PC, you’ll be able to use your Xiaomi device with Windows computers. This program will create a connection between your computer and the Xiaomi Android device. This software will make it possible to use your Xiaomi device as a webcam and perform other important tasks.

This software is available for Windows 7, 8, and 10 and is compatible with the latest version of these operating systems. So, if you want to install a USB driver on your PC, download the latest version from the website listed below.

After you’ve downloaded the Xiaomi ADB Driver, you should install the Xiaomi USB Driver on your PC. If you’re using Windows, you’ll need to install the USB driver on your PC. This will enable the computer to recognize the device.

Afterward, you’ll be able to transfer files, root your Xiaomi, and install custom ROMs. It’s important to note that this software is only compatible with Windows 7 and 10 and that it has been developed for the Xiaomi ADB drivers.

ADB Driver is an essential tool for rooting Android devices. So, this software enables you to control your smartphone from the PC using the USB port. You can also copy files and install applications.

Creating a Connection of Xiaomi:

Besides, ADB drivers will allow you to connect your Xiaomi smartphone to a PC without a wireless network. This will help you connect your Xiaomi device to your PC, even if you have to use the Xiaomi ADB driver on your PC.

Once you have the Xiaomi ADB Driver for Windows installed, you can access your Xiaomi Android device. So, this software allows you to modify your Android device by connecting it to your computer.

By connecting your device to the PC, you can also update its software. You can use a USB debugging tool to connect your Xiaomi device to your PC. Once you have the USB driver installed, you can now begin to use your phone and transfer data.

  1. Download the Xiaomi ADB Driver now.
  2. Install it on your Windows.
  3. Reboot your OS.
  4. Connect your device.
  5. Use the original USB data cable to create.
  6. You can exchange your data now.

Download the latest Xiaomi ADB Driver for Windows from this page. Feel free to download the driver.


So, installing the Xiaomi ADB (Android Debug Bridge) driver on your computer is essential for various tasks like debugging, transferring files, and managing your Xiaomi device from your computer. Here are the key steps:

  1. Download the Xiaomi ADB driver from the official Xiaomi website, ensuring you select the correct driver for your computer’s operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  2. Install the Xiaomi ADB driver on your computer following the specific instructions for your operating system:
    1. On Windows, run the installer as an administrator and follow the on-screen instructions. Restart your computer if necessary.
    2. On macOS, typically, you’ll drag the driver package to your “Applications” folder and follow any provided instructions. Restart your Mac if required.
    3. On Linux, extract the driver files, navigate to the directory in the terminal, and run the installation script or commands as provided in the package. Restart your Linux system if needed.
  3. Once the Xiaomi ADB driver is successfully installed, connect your Xiaomi device to your computer via USB.
  4. Enable USB debugging on your Xiaomi device (usually found in the developer options in your device’s settings).

With the Xiaomi ADB driver installed and USB debugging enabled, you can use ADB commands and connect your Xiaomi device to your computer for various tasks, including app development, system debugging, file transfers, and more.

Remember to check for updates to the Xiaomi ADB driver periodically on the Xiaomi website to ensure you have the latest version for optimal compatibility and functionality.

Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 Download – Xiaomi ADB Drivers is a software component that allows you to recover data, backup files, synchronization and various other advanced things on Xiaomi android device. The Xiaomi ADB Drivers can also be considered as a USB support drivers for Xiaomi android device.

For some reasons, you may have to connect your Xiaomi android device to a computer. Without the proper Xiaomi ADB Drivers, you can not make any progress on the PC in addition to the normal file transfer. This page provides links to sites where you can download the appropriate ADB drivers for your Xiaomi android device.

Xiaomi ADB Driver for Windows Download

Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows Download

You must enable USB debugging on the device to be recognized on the PC after installing the appropriate the ADB Driver. Here, We offer the Xiaomi ADB Drivers for for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and Windows 7 with a proper installation guide. It is very easy to download the Xiaomi ADB Drivers, just simply click the “Download Link” below.

Before using Xiaomi ADB Drivers, You need to Download Official Xiaomi USB Driver for Windows first. With Xiaomi USB Driver installed on a PC, users have the option of using 3G / 4G mobile data with a computer to surf the Internet through Official Xiaomi PC Suite.

How to Install Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows

First, download the Xiaomi ADB Drivers in the Download Link section. After downloading the ADB driver, follow the instructions below to install or update the driver, based on your version of Windows and if you are installing for the first time or updating an existing driver. Next, see Using hardware devices to obtain important information about how to use an Android device for development.

Installing Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows 10

To install the Xiaomi ADB Drivers in Windows 10 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect your Xiaomi Android Smartphone to the USB port of your computer.
  2. In the left pane of Computer Management, select Device Manager.
  3. In the right pane of the Device Manager, find and expand Portable Devices or other devices, depending on which one you see.
  4. Right-click on the name of the connected device and select Update Driver.
  5. In the hardware update wizard, select Browse my PC for the driver software, and then click Next.
  6. Click Browse and browse to the ADB driver folder. For example, Google’s ADB driver is found in android_sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver \.
  7. Click Next to install the driver.

Installing Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows 8.1

To install the Xiaomi ADB Drivers in Windows 8.1 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect the Xiaomi Android Smartphone to the USB port of the computer.
  2. Access the search as follows:
  3. Touch screen: On your computer, slide it from the far right side of the screen and touch Search.
  4. Using a mouse: Point to the lower right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer upwards and click on Search.
  5. In the search box, type and click Device Manager.
  6. Double-click on the device category and double-click on the device you want.
  7. Click on the Driver tab, click on Update Driver and follow the instructions.

Installing Xiaomi ADB Drivers on Windows 7

To install the Xiaomi ADB Drivers in Windows 7 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect the Xiaomi Android Smartphone to the USB port of the computer.
  2. Right-click the computer on the desktop or in Windows Explorer and select Manage.
  3. Select Devices in the left panel.
  4. Find and expand Another device in the right pane.
  5. Right-click on the device name (such as Nexus S) and select Update Driver. This will start the Hardware Update Wizard.
  6. Select Search for my PC for the driver software, and then click next.
  7. Click Browse and browse to the ADB driver folder. (Google’s ADB driver is found in android_sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver \.)
  8. Click Next to install the driver.

Or, to update an existing Xiaomi ADB Drivers in Windows 7 and higher with the new driver:

  1. Connect the Xiaomi Android Smartphone to the USB port of the computer.
  2. Right-click the computer on the desktop or in Windows Explorer and select Manage.
  3. Select Device Manager in the left pane of the Device Management window.
  4. Find and expand the Android phone in the right pane.
  5. Right-click on the Android Composite ADB interface and select Update Driver. This will start the Hardware Update Wizard.
  6. Select Install from a list or specific location and click Next.
  7. Select Search for the best driver in these places; uncheck Search for removable media; and check Include this site in the investigation.
  8. Click Browse and browse to the ADB driver folder. (Google’s ADB driver is found in android_sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver \.)
    Click Next to update the driver.

Xiaomi ADB Drivers Download

Xiaomi ADB Drivers for Windows Download

Xiaomi ADB Drivers Download for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by

For connecting your android device with a PC, having USB drivers is a must. USB drivers have a wide range of benefits, and that’s why users really want to go for them.

The USB drivers aren’t the same for all smartphones. But if we’re talking about Xiaomi smartphones, you’ll have heard about the ADB fastboot drivers. The ADB Fastboot drivers help to flash your Mi device, reboot it, let you screencast your mobile screen to PC, and much more.

The Xiaomi ADB Fastboot Driver is an all-in-one repairing and unlocking tool which every Mi user should have. Today we’ll be sharing a detailed guide on using this ADB driver on your phone alongside the download links for both Windows and Mac.

The Xiaomi Fastboot Driveris an essential tool or application for Xiaomi devices to connect with a PC. ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge. By the name, you can tell that this driver or application is a bridge between Xiaomi devices and PC/laptops.

Only a few Xiaomi devices come with these ADB drivers installed. Moreover, due to bugs and glitches, the ADB drivers don’t work properly on Mi devices, and you cannot use them with a PC.

Besides, if your Mi device has been flashed once, the ADB drivers will also get flashed. So you’ve to download these drivers again to use their features.

The ADB Drivers and Mi PC Suite helps backup your data, transfer files, screencast, and many other things. Without this driver, you’ll miss out on many benefits!

Key Features

  1. The USB drivers let you transfer files between PC and Xiaomi device
  • To connect to the Mi PC suite and enjoy its benefits, you need to connect the Mi device to its PC. And without the ADB drivers, you cannot do it
  • You can manually search for any file or photos when connected to a PC using the ADB drivers
  • For the ADB drivers, you can use your Mi phone’s camera as a webcam
  • The Xiaomi Fastboot Drivers lets you flash and root your device
  • You can also unlock the FRP and bootloader of your Xiaomi device with the ADB driver tool and file

Other than these, the ADB drivers can perform many other tasks that need multiple tools to perform.

Download Xiaomi ADB Fastboot Driver

Almost every PC comes with the required drivers and tools. Yes, you need to manually install some of the drivers, but almost 90% of them are pre-installed. Now let’s come to android decides. In android devices, only a limited number of drivers and tools are installed. In the latest Xiaomi devices, you’ll see it as an FRP lock. Other than this, the ADB drivers don’t come with it pre-installed.

So if you want to connect the Mi device with a laptop/PC and use its network connection, you need to install the ADB drivers. Only downloading and installing the ADB or Android Debug Bridge drivers let you do this.

Another good news is that ADB drivers are available for both Windows and Mac.

Download 15 Seconds ADB Driver And Installer

  • Download 15 Second ADB Driver And Installer V1.4.3
  • Download 15 Second ADB Driver And Installer V1.4.4
  • Download 15 Second ADB Driver And Installer V1.4.5
  • Download 15 Second ADB Driver And Installer V1.4.6

Download Minimal ADB Driver And Installer

  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.0
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.1.2
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.1.3
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.2
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.3.1
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.3
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.4.1
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.4.2
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.4.3
  • Minimal_ADB_Fastboot_v1.4

Read More Article:

Xiaomi Qualcomm USB Driver For Windows And Mac

Download Xiaomi USB Driver For Windows And Mac

How To Use Xiaomi ADB And Fastboot Driver

You can install the ADB USB drivers in two ways-

  1. Direct Install
  2. Manual install

For better understanding, you’ll be showing both the installation process to you. So let’s begin…

Direct Installation Process

  1. To directly install the ADB drivers on your PC, you first need to download the ADB drivers (link given above)
  • After that, you’ll see a file named Xiaomi USB_driver.rar. Extract it
  • After installing this file, you need to run it.
  • Next, follow the on-screen instructions and finally click on finish to end the installation process

And it’s done. The automatic installation process of the ADB USB drivers is as easy and simple as this.

Manual Installation Process

The manual installation process is a little bit tricky compared to the automatic one. But don’t worry, we’ll try to make it as simple as we can.

  1. Download the Xiaomi ADB Fastboot Driver file on your PC
  2. Use a USB cable to connect the Xiaomi device and PC
  3. After connecting, you need to choose the manage option and then device supervisor.
  4. When you access this option, you’ll see a question mark icon. This means your Mi device doesn’t have the in-built drivers.
  5. Now you need to update your Mi phone’s driver. Click your mouses’ right button once and select the update option
  6. While updating the software or drivers, the PC will ask for a file. You need to browse to the installed the Android Fastboot Driver folder after that.
  7. And after that, you’ll see the drivers will be getting the updates. Wait till the driver’s update is finished.
  8. And this concludes the ADB Driver installation on your device!


For downloading or installing the ADB Fastboot drivers, you don’t have to flash or boot your device. As a result, your data is safe, and no need to backup them manually as well. But before using the Xiaomi ADB Fastboot Drivers, you should check whether your device already has it or not. If not, now you know how to download and use the USB driver, right?

So that’s all. We hope you now know how to check, download, install and use the ADB Fastboot drivers.

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