Acronis true image echo server для windows

Acronis True Image Echo Server для Windows позволяет создавать точные образы дисков серверов на базе Windows, включая операционные системы, базы данных и приложения; быстро и легко переносить системы между различными физическими и виртуальными серверами.

Основанное на эксклюзивной технологии создания слепков дисков Acronis, приложение Acronis True Image Echo Server для Windows позволяет создавать резервные копии серверов, не прерывая их работу, что обеспечивает их постоянную работу.

Ключевые особенности и функции

  • Acronis Universal Restore;
  • журнал событий Windows/SNMP;
  • функции создания компакт-дисков с загрузочными образами, пакетов PXE и загрузочных восстановительных ISO-образов устраняют необходимость хранения отдельных дисков с данными для восстановления.

Ограничения бесплатной версии

  • 15 дней работает без регистрации.

Acronis True Image Echo Server для Windows . Решения для малого бизнеса . Acronis . Программное обеспечение . Системы резервного копирования

В вашей организации много критически важных серверов на базе Windows, а количество IT персонала ограничено? Каковы будут потери в случае сбоя этих серверов? Acronis® True Image Echo Server для Windows предлагает комплексное решение по защите систем и восстановлению серверов на базе Windows, позволяющее минимизировать простой серверов и быстро восстанавливать их работу.


Acronis True Image Echo Server для Windows позволяет:

  • создавать точные образы дисков серверов на базе Windows, включая операционные системы, базы данных и приложения;

  • быстро и легко переносить системы между различными физическими и виртуальными серверами.

Acronis® True Image Server для Windows позволяет в случае сбоя системы произвести полное восстановление сервера за считанные минуты, а не часы или дни. Полное восстановление системы может производиться как на существующих, так и на новых машинах, использующих различное оборудование, а также на виртуальных серверах*.

Основанное на эксклюзивной технологии создания слепков дисков Acronis, приложение Acronis® True Image Echo Server для Windows позволяет создавать резервные копии серверов, не прерывая их работу, что обеспечивает их постоянную работу.

Основные функции

Производите аварийное восстановление серверов на базе Windows в считанные минуты

Acronis Universal Restore — восстанавливайте данные на различном оборудовании или на виртуальных серверах (примечание: этот дополнительный модуль лицензируется отдельно)

Новое! Шифрование резервных образов

Новое! Создание слепков нескольких разделов — позволяет одновременно создавать резервные копии данных, расположенных на разных разделах или дисках

Новое! Преобразование файлов образов в формат VMDK или VHD для использования в решения по виртуализации — Поддержка основных систем виртуализации от каких производителей, как VMware®, Microsoft®, XenSource®, SWsoft®and Parallels®

Новое! Поддержка динамических дисков

Новое! Расширенная совместимость с оборудованием включает диски SAS, поддержку инициализации по сети и библиотек на магнитных лентах

Новое! Улучшенные функции планирования и уведомления включают инициализацию операций резервного копирования в случае определенных событий, периодическую проверку резервных копий и планирование операций по клонированию

Изменение образов — Подключайте образы в режиме для чтения и записи и напрямую вносите в них изменения

Загрузка с образов при помощи Acronis® Active Restore (по данной технологии ожидается выдача патента) — Снизьте простой серверов благодаря возможности использования систем во время их восстановления

Улучшенная поддержка баз данных — Сетевое резервное копирование критически важных баз данных, таких как Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle и т.д.

Автоматическая проверка образов — Будьте уверены в том, что сможете использовать созданные образы для восстановления данных

Дифференциальное резервное копирование — Сократите число резервных копий, которыми необходимо управлять

Резервное копирование на основе данных в дополнение к традиционному резервному копированию на основе образов

Возможность исключения файлов из операций резервного копирования — Экономьте место на устройствах хранения данных путем резервного копирования только необходимых данных

Поддержка журнала событий Windows и SNMP — Используйте приложения для мониторинга сети, к которым Вы привыкли

Пользовательские сценарии, запускаемые до или после операций резервного копирования, позволяют обеспечить соответствие корпоративной политике резервного копирования

Регулирование скорости записи на жесткие диски и использования пропускной способности сети позволяет минимизировать задержки в работе Вашей компании

Функции создания компакт-дисков с загрузочными образами, пакетов PXE и загрузочных восстановительных ISO-образов устраняют необходимость хранения отдельных дисков с данными для восстановления

User’s Guide


True Image Echo

Server for Windows

Compute with confidence

Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007. All rights reserved.

“Acronis” and “Acronis Secure Zone” are registered trademarks of Acronis, Inc.

«Acronis Compute with Confidence», “Acronis Startup Recovery Manager”, “Acronis Snap Restore” and the Acronis logo are trademarks of Acronis, Inc.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

All other trademarks and copyrights referred to are the property of their respective owners.

Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Distribution of this work or derivative work in any standard (paper) book form for commercial purposes is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.



Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007



Acronis® True Image Echo Server (the Software) is Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007. All rights are reserved. The ORIGINAL PURCHASER is granted a LICENSE to use the software only, subject to the following restrictions and limitations.

1.The license is to the original purchaser only, and is not transferable without prior written permission from Acronis.

2.The original purchaser can use the software on a single computer. You cannot use the software on more than a single machine, even if you own or lease all of them, without the written consent of Acronis.

3.The original purchaser cannot engage in, nor permit third parties to engage in, any of the following:

A.Providing or permitting use of by, or transferring the software to, third parties.

B.Providing use of the software in a computer service business, network, timesharing or multiple user arrangement to users who are not individually licensed by Acronis.

C.Making alterations or copies of any kind in the software (except as specifically permitted


D.Attempting to unassemble, decompile or reverse-engineer the software in any way.

E.Granting sublicenses, leases, or other rights in the software to others.

F.Making copies, or verbal or media translations, of the users guide.

G.Making telecommunication data transmission of the software.

Acronis has the right to terminate this license if there is a violation of its terms or default by the original purchaser. Upon termination for any reason, all copies of the software must be immediately returned to Acronis, and the original purchaser shall be liable to Acronis for any and all damages suffered as a result of the violation or default.





Under current legislation, the «License Agreement» is considered a contract between you and Acronis Inc. The contract is a legal document and its violation may result in legal action. Illegal use and/or distribution of this software will be prosecuted.

Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………..



Acronis® True Image Echo Server – a complete solution for corporate users ………………………



New in Acronis True Image Echo Server ……………………………………………………………………



Supported file systems and storage media ……………………………………………………………….



Supported file systems ………………………………………………………………………………….



Supported storage media……………………………………………………………………………….



Technical support ………………………………………………………………………………………………


Chapter 2. Acronis True Image Echo Server installation and startup …………..



System requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………….



Minimum hardware requirements …………………………………………………………………….



Supported operating systems ………………………………………………………………………….



Installing Acronis True Image Echo Server……………………………………………………………….



Installation of Acronis True Image Echo Server……………………………………………………



Acronis Universal Restore installation ………………………………………………………………..



Extracting Acronis True Image Echo Server components ……………………………………………..



Running Acronis True Image Echo Server ………………………………………………………………..



Removing Acronis True Image Echo Server………………………………………………………………


Chapter 3. General information and proprietary Acronis technologies …………



The difference between file archives and disk/partition images……………………………………..



Full, incremental and differential backups ………………………………………………………………..



Acronis Secure Zone® …………………………………………………………………………………………



Acronis Startup Recovery Manager…………………………………………………………………………



How it works ………………………………………………………………………………………………



How to use…………………………………………………………………………………………………



Acronis Snap Restore………………………………………………………………………………………….



Limitations in using Acronis Snap Restore…………………………………………………………..



How it works ………………………………………………………………………………………………



How to use…………………………………………………………………………………………………



Acronis Universal Restore…………………………………………………………………………………….



Acronis Universal Restore purpose ……………………………………………………………………



Acronis Universal Restore general principles ……………………………………………………….



Acronis Universal Restore and Microsoft Sysprep………………………………………………….



Limitations in using Acronis Universal Restore……………………………………………………..



Getting Acronis Universal Restore …………………………………………………………………….



Backing up to tape libraries and tape drives……………………………………………………………..



Backing up to tape libraries and autoloaders……………………………………………………….



Backing up to tape drives……………………………………………………………………………….



Viewing disk and partition information…………………………………………………………………….


Chapter 4. Using Acronis True Image Echo Server



Main program window ………………………………………………………………………………………..



Available operations……………………………………………………………………………………………


Chapter 5. Creating backup archives ……………………………………………………….



Backing up files and folders (file backup)…………………………………………………………………



Backing up disks and partitions (image backup) ………………………………………………………..



Setting backup options………………………………………………………………………………………..



Archive protection ………………………………………………………………………………………..



Source files exclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………



Pre/post commands ……………………………………………………………………………………..



Database support…………………………………………………………………………………………



Compression level ………………………………………………………………………………………..



Backup performance …………………………………………………………………………………….



Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


Fast incremental/differential backup …………………………………………………………………



Archive splitting …………………………………………………………………………………………..



File-level security settings ………………………………………………………………………………



Media components ……………………………………………………………………………………..



Error handling……………………………………………………………………………………………



Dual destination backup……………………………………………………………………………….



Additional settings………………………………………………………………………………………


Chapter 6. Restoring the backup data ……………………………………………………..



Considerations before recovery……………………………………………………………………………..



Restore under Windows or boot from CD?………………………………………………………….



Network settings in rescue mode……………………………………………………………………..



Recovering dynamic volumes ………………………………………………………………………….



Restoring files and folders from file archives …………………………………………………………….



Restoring disks/partitions or files from images ………………………………………………………….



Starting the Restore Data Wizard……………………………………………………………………..



Archive selection ………………………………………………………………………………………….



Restoration type selection………………………………………………………………………………



Selecting a disk/partition to restore ………………………………………………………………….



Selecting a target disk/partition……………………………………………………………………….



Changing the restored partition type…………………………………………………………………



Changing the restored partition file system…………………………………………………………



Changing the restored partition size and location …………………………………………………



Assigning a letter to the restored partition………………………………………………………….



Restoring several disks or partitions at once ……………………………………………………..



Using Acronis Universal Restore……………………………………………………………………..



Setting restore options…………………………………………………………………………………



Restoration summary and executing restoration…………………………………………………



Setting restore options………………………………………………………………………………………..



Files to exclude from restoration………………………………………………………………………



Files overwriting mode…………………………………………………………………………………..



Pre/post commands ……………………………………………………………………………………..



Restoration priority……………………………………………………………………………………….



File-level security settings ………………………………………………………………………………



Specifying mass storage drivers……………………………………………………………………….



Additional settings………………………………………………………………………………………..



Creating dynamic disks and volumes ………………………………………………………………………



Converting disk to dynamic …………………………………………………………………………….



Creating dynamic volumes ……………………………………………………………………………..


Chapter 7. Scheduling tasks……………………………………………………………………


7.1 Creating scheduled tasks……………………………………………………………………………………..



Setting up daily execution………………………………………………………………………………



Setting up weekly execution……………………………………………………………………………



Setting up monthly execution………………………………………………………………………….



Setting up one-time execution…………………………………………………………………………



Setting up event-driven execution ……………………………………………………………………


7.2 Managing scheduled tasks……………………………………………………………………………………


Chapter 8. Managing the Acronis Secure Zone



Creating Acronis Secure Zone ……………………………………………………………………………….



Resizing the Acronis Secure Zone…………………………………………………………………………..



Changing the password for Acronis Secure Zone ……………………………………………………….



Deleting Acronis Secure Zone ……………………………………………………………………………….


Chapter 9. Creating bootable media ………………………………………………………..



Creating Acronis rescue media………………………………………………………………………………



Creating a Win PE ISO with Acronis True Image Echo Server ……………………………………….


Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


Chapter 10. Operations with archives………………………………………………………



Validating backup archives …………………………………………………………………………………



Exploring archives and mounting images ……………………………………………………………….



Exploring an archive ……………………………………………………………………………………



Mounting an image……………………………………………………………………………………..



Unmounting an image …………………………………………………………………………………



Consolidating backups……………………………………………………………………………………….


Chapter 11. Notifications and event tracing



Email notification ……………………………………………………………………………………………..



WinPopup notification ……………………………………………………………………………………….



Viewing logs……………………………………………………………………………………………………



Event tracing…………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Windows event log ……………………………………………………………………………………..



SNMP notifications………………………………………………………………………………………



Managing System Restore ………………………………………………………………………………….


Chapter 12. Working with a virtual environment



Backing up data on virtual machines …………………………………………………………………….



Recovering data on virtual machines …………………………………………………………………….



Using the disk conversion feature…………………………………………………………………………



Recover data on the VM……………………………………………………………………………….



Recover both data and the VM ………………………………………………………………………



Physical to virtual migration ………………………………………………………………………….



Converting workloads ………………………………………………………………………………….


12. 4

Converting disk images to virtual disks …………………………………………………………………


Chapter 13. Transferring the system to a new disk



General information ………………………………………………………………………………………….



Security …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Executing transfers …………………………………………………………………………………………..



Selecting Clone mode ………………………………………………………………………………….



Selecting source disk …………………………………………………………………………………..



Selecting destination disk……………………………………………………………………………..



Partitioned destination disk …………………………………………………………………………..



Old and new disk partition layout……………………………………………………………………



Old disk data …………………………………………………………………………………………….



Destroying the old disk data………………………………………………………………………….



Selecting partition transfer method …………………………………………………………………



Partitioning the old disk ……………………………………………………………………………….



Old and new disk partition layouts ………………………………………………………………..



Cloning summary………………………………………………………………………………………



Cloning with manual partitioning ………………………………………………………………………….



Old and new disk partition layouts ………………………………………………………………….


Chapter 14. Adding a new hard disk



Selecting a hard disk…………………………………………………………………………………………



Creating new partitions ……………………………………………………………………………………..



Disk add summary ………………………………………………………………………………………….


Chapter 15. Command-line mode and scripting ………………………………………


15.1 Working in the command-line mode ……………………………………………………………………



Supported commands ………………………………………………………………………………..



Common options (options common for most trueimagecmd commands) ………………..



Specific options (options specific for individual trueimagecmd commands)………………



trueimagecmd.exe usage examples……………………………………………………………….



Command-line mode usage under DOS ………………………………………………………….


15.2 Scripting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


Script execution parameters ………………………………………………………………………..



Script structure ………………………………………………………………………………………..



Script usage examples ……………………………………………………………………………….


Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Acronis® True Image Echo Server – a complete solution for corporate users

Acronis True Image Echo Server is a comprehensive backup and recovery solution for a Windows-based server.

Acronis True Image Echo Server creates a transportable image, independent of the hardware platform that can be restored directly to and from any virtual or physical environment.

Minimizes downtime

Acronis True Image Echo Server enables you to restore systems in minutes, not hours or days. An entire system can be restored from an image that includes everything the system needs to run: the operating system, applications, databases, and configurations. it is not necessary to reinstall software or reconfigure your system or network settings. The complete system restoration can be performed to an existing system, to a new system with different hardware, or to virtual machines. With the Acronis Snap Restore feature, users can access the server and begin working during the restore process, further decreasing downtime. File-level backups provide you with the flexibility to only backup specific, critical files.

Eases Administration

Wizards guide users through backup and recovery tasks, ensuring the product can be implemented with minimal user training.

Automates Backup

With the scheduling capability in Acronis True Image Echo Server, you simply create backup tasks, tailored by group, or certain times or events.

To ensure that backups have occurred, or if user intervention is required, you can request notifications via email or Windows Pop-up. You can view Acronis events in the Windows Application Events Log or Acronis own log files. Log messages can be automatically sent out to SNMP clients.

The product also supports the creation of custom commands before and after backups. For example, users can automatically run anti-virus products before an image is created and verify the validity of backups after the image has been created. And because these tasks can be scheduled, you need not recreate the script to run the preand post-event tasks each time; you can set the scheduled events once and they will run each time automatically.

Ensures 24 X 7 Uptime

With Acronis’ patented drive snapshot technology, systems can be imaged while they are in use, ensuring 24-by-7 system availability. This technology enables the product to backup and image critical operating system files, the master boot record and any partition-based boot records without requiring a reboot. A CPU allocation feature allows you to limit the amount of CPU usage for the application to maximize the CPU’s availability for mission critical applications. Additionally, users can control hard disk drive writing speeds and control network bandwidth used during backups, allowing minimal disruption of business operations.


Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007

A feature that allows you to suspend database activity for several seconds is provided so that you can create a valid image of mission-critical applications such as Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. This database suspension process supports Microsoft’s Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). If your database or operating system does not support VSS, Acronis True Image Echo Server will execute your custom commands to execute database suspension.

Leverages Existing Technology Investments

The product can leverage your current storage infrastructure by supporting a variety of storage media, so you can avoid costly hardware purchases to implement the solution. The product supports key storage technologies such as: Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Network Attached Storage (NAS), Storage Area Networks (SAN), Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks (RAID), tapes, USB and IEEE-1394 (FireWire) compliant storage devices, CDs, DVDs, removable drives (Floppy, Zip, etc.) and shared storage. Moreover, the product ensures that you maximize the space on these resources with four levels of compression.

Disk cloning and new disk deployment

Acronis True Image Echo Server can be used to clone an image onto multiple servers. For example, let’s say a company purchased several servers and needs similar environments on each of them. Traditionally, the IT manager would install the operating system and programs on every server. With Acronis True Image Echo Server, the IT manager would configure a single server, then create a disk image of the system. That image can then be duplicated onto multiple servers.

If you need to upgrade the server hard disk drive, Acronis True Image Echo Server simplifies the task to few mouse clicks creating the exact copy of your old disk to a new one and adjusting partitions size to fit a new hard disk.

Volumes conversion

Acronis True Image Echo Server can back up and recover dynamic volumes.

Dynamic volume as is can be recovered over the same volume or unallocated space of a dynamic group. Acronis True Image Echo Server has necessary tools for any-to-any disks conversion in terms of basic disks and dynamic volumes of any type (simple, spanned, striped, mirrored or RAID 5). The tools are available in bootable program version as well. Having booted the Acronis environment, you can easily prepare the desired dynamic group on bare metal or a computer with non-Windows operating system.


Backup and restore of 2+TB volumes

Encrypting backups with industry-standard AES cryptographic algorithm (key size 128, 192, 256 bit)

Multi-volume snapshot for databases spread on several disks Control network bandwidth usage when backing up to FTP

Error handling: ignore bad sectors, silent mode (no pop-ups, continue on all errors) Dual destination backup: Acronis Secure Zone + network share

Support for VMware Consolidated backup

Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


Archive bit reset (file-level backup only) Generating time-based names for backup files


Recovery of dynamic volumes

Recovery of system dynamic volumes on dissimilar hardware using Acronis Universal Restore or Acronis Snap Restore


Schedule archive validation

Start every N hours within daily schedule

Start on free disk space change by the specified amount Cloning a task

Notification via e-mail

Multiple e-mail addresses From and Subject fields Logon to incoming mail server

Operations with archives

Convert disk images to virtual disks for VMware, Microsoft and Parallels virtual machines

Consolidate backup files (create a consistent copy of archive while deleting selected backups)

Explore archives (open in read-only mode any image or file-level backup)

Operations with hard disks

Convert basic disk to dynamic Create dynamic volumes

CLI features

MBR restore

Backup to FTP server Allow logs on net share

Merge unallocated space by moving partitions and create Acronis Secure Zone on the space

1.3 Supported file systems and storage media

1.3.1 Supported file systems







Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007

Linux SWAP




If a file system is not supported or is corrupted, Acronis True Image Echo Server can copy data using a sector-by-sector approach.

For XFS and JFS file systems the partition resizing feature is not supported.

1.3.2 Supported storage media

Hard disk drives

Networked storage devices such as Storage Area Networks (SANs) and Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Tape libraries, autoloaders, SCSI tape drives

IDE and SCSI RAID controllers of any level


CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R (including double-layer DVD+R), DVD+RW, DVDRAM**

USB 1.0 / 2.0, FireWire (IEEE-1394) and PC card storage devices

ZIP®, Jaz® and other removable media

*— an FTP-server must allow passive mode for file transfers. Data recovery directly from FTP-server requires the archive to consist of files no more than 2GB in size. It is recommended that you change the source computer firewall settings to open ports 20 and 21 for both TCP and UDP protocols and disable the Routing and Remote Access Windows service.

**— Burned rewritable discs cannot be read in Linux without kernel patch.

1.4 Technical support

Users of legally purchased copies of Acronis True Image Echo Server are entitled to free technical support from Acronis. If you experience problems installing or using Acronis products that you can’t solve yourself by using this guide, then please contact Acronis Technical Support.

More information about contacting Acronis Technical Support is available at the following link:

Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


Chapter 2. Acronis True Image Echo Server installation and startup

2.1 System requirements

2.1.1 Minimum hardware requirements

Acronis True Image Echo Server requires the following hardware:

Pentium processor or higher


FDD or CD-RW drive for bootable media creation

Mouse (recommended).

2.1.2 Supported operating systems

Acronis True Image Echo Server

Windows Professional 2000 SP4/ Professional XP SP2

Windows Server 2000 /Advanced Server 2000 /Server 2003

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions

Windows Vista all Editions (except for the Acronis Snap Restore feature)

Acronis Universal Restore (optional)

Windows Professional 2000 SP4/XP Professional SP2

Windows Server 2000 /Advanced Server 2000 /Server 2003

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions

Windows Vista all Editions

Acronis True Image Echo Server bootable version enables disk-level backup and recovery on a computer running any PC-based operating system.

2.2 Installing Acronis True Image Echo Server

To install Acronis True Image Echo Server, run the Acronis True Image Echo Server setup file.

If you have the trial version of Acronis True Image Echo Server installed on your system, you must uninstall it before installing the commercial version of the product.


Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007

Acronis True Image Echo Server Install Window

2.2.1 Installation of Acronis True Image Echo Server

Typical, Custom and Complete installation is available. Having pressed Custom, you can choose to install, besides the Acronis True Image Echo Server, Rescue Media Builder and Bart PE plug-in.

With Rescue Media Builder you can create bootable rescue disks or RIS packages (see details in Chapter 9. Creating bootable media). Installing the Bootable Rescue Media Builder will allow you to create bootable media, its ISO image or a bootable RIS package at any time from the main program window or running Bootable Rescue Media Builder on its own.

The widely used Bart PE utility provides a Windows-like operating environment invoked via removable bootable media. Applications are installed into Bart PE in the form of plugins. Choosing Bart PE plug-in installation (disabled by default) provides the ability to include Acronis True Image Echo Server into a Bart PE plug-in tab. The plug-in files will be placed into the component installation folder along with other program files.

When installed, Acronis True Image Echo Server creates a new device in the Device Manager list (Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Acronis Devices -> Acronis TrueImage Backup Archive Explorer). Do not disable or uninstall this device, as it is necessary for connecting image backups as virtual disks (see 10.2.2 Mounting an image).

2.2.2 Acronis Universal Restore installation

Acronis Universal Restore is an option for Acronis True Image Echo Server. It is purchased separately and installed from a separate setup file. Acronis Universal Restore has its own serial number that is required at installation.

Acronis Universal Restore can only be installed on a computer where at least one of the following Acronis components is installed:

Acronis True Image Echo Server Bootable Media Builder.

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Acronis Universal Restore can be installed on a networked computer either locally, by running the setup program, or remotely, using one of remote installation services such as Systems Management Server (a component of Microsoft Windows NT BackOffice program package).

After installation, Acronis Universal Restore automatically plugs in one or more of above program components. Acronis True Image Echo Server name, displayed in its main window, changes to Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore.

2.3 Extracting Acronis True Image Echo Server components

When installing Acronis True Image Echo Server, you can save the setup (.msi) file on a local or network drive. This will help when modifying or recovering the existing product installation.

To save the setup file:

run the Acronis True Image Echo Server setup file

in the Install Menu, right-click on the program name and select Extract

select a location for the setup file and click Save.

2.4 Running Acronis True Image Echo Server

You can run Acronis True Image Echo Server in Windows by selecting Start ->

Programs -> Acronis -> Acronis True Image Echo Server -> Acronis True Image Echo Server or clicking the appropriate shortcut on the desktop.

If your operating system fails to load, you can run Acronis Startup Recovery Manager. However, this must be activated prior to use; see 3.4 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager to learn more about this procedure. To run the program, press F11 during the server bootup when you see a corresponding message that tells you to press that key. Acronis True Image Echo Server will be run in the standalone mode, allowing you to recover the damaged partitions.

If your disk data is totally corrupted and you cannot boot (or if you have not activated Acronis Startup Recovery Manager), load the standalone Acronis True Image Echo Server version from the bootable media (created by you using Rescue Media Builder) or RISserver. Then you will be able to restore the disk from a previously created image.

2.5 Removing Acronis True Image Echo Server

You can remove Acronis True Image Echo Server by selecting Control panel -> Add or remove programs -> <Acronis True Image Echo Server> -> Remove. Then follow instructions on the screen. You may have to reboot your computer afterwards to complete the task.

In case you remove Acronis True Image Echo Server from the system, there is an option to keep the Acronis Secure Zone along with its contents (which will enable data recovery on booting from bootable media) or remove Acronis Secure Zone.


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Chapter 3. General information and proprietary Acronis technologies

3.1 The difference between file archives and disk/partition images

A backup archive is a file or a group of files (also called in this guide “backups”), that contains a copy of selected files/folders data or a copy of all information stored on selected disks/partitions.

When you back up files and folders, only the data, along with the folder tree, is compressed and stored.

Backing up disks and partitions is performed in a different way: Acronis True Image Echo Server saves a sector-based snapshot of the disk, which includes the operating system, registry, drivers, software applications and data files, as well as system areas hidden from the user. This procedure is called “creating a disk image,” and the resulting backup archive is often called a disk/partition image.

Acronis True Image Echo Server stores only those hard disk parts that contain data (for supported file systems). Further, it does not back up swap file information (pagefile.sys) and hiberfil.sys (a file that keeps RAM contents when the computer goes into hibernation). This reduces image size and speeds up image creation and restoration.

A partition image includes all files and folders independent of their attributes (including hidden and system files), boot record, FAT (file allocation table), root and the zero track of the hard disk with master boot record (MBR).

A disk image includes images of all disk partitions as well as the zero track with the master boot record (MBR).

All Acronis True Image Echo Server archives files have a “.tib” extension by default.

It is important to note that you can restore files and folders not only from file archives, but from disk/partition images, too. To do so, mount the image as a virtual disk (see 10.2.2 Mounting an image) or start the image restoration and select Restore specified files or folders.

3.2 Full, incremental and differential backups

Acronis True Image Echo Server can create full, incremental and differential backups.

A full backup contains all data at the moment of backup creation. It forms a base for further incremental or differential backup or is used as a standalone archive. A full backup has the shortest restore time as compared to incremental or differential ones.

An incremental backup only contains data changed since the last full or incremental backup creation. Therefore, it is smaller and takes less time to create. However, since it does not contain all data needed to restore an image, all the previous incremental backups and the initial full backup are required for restoration.

A differential backup creates an independent file containing all changes since the last full archive. Generally, data from a differential backup will be restored faster than an incremental backup, as it does not have to process through a long chain of previous backups.

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A standalone, full backup could be an optimal solution if you often roll back the system to the initial state (for example, systems in a gaming club or Internet café where you need to undo changes made by the guests). In this case, you need not re-create the initial full image, so the backup time is not crucial and the restore time will be minimal.

Alternatively, if you are interested in saving only the most current data state to be able to restore it in case of system failure, consider the differential backup. It is particularly effective if your data changes tend to be little as compared to the full data volume.

An incremental backup is most useful when you need frequent backups and possibility to roll back to any one of multiple stored states. For example, let’s say you create a full backup once a month. If you then create an incremental backup each day of a month, you will get the same result as if you created full backups every day. However, the cost in time and disk space (or removable media usage) will be as little as one tenth as much.

It is important to note that the above arguments are just examples for your information. Feel free to make up your own backup policy in accordance with your specific tasks and conditions. Acronis True Image Echo Server is flexible enough to meet any real-life demands.

An incremental or differential backup created after a disk is defragmented might be considerably larger than usual. This is because the defragmentation program changes file locations on disk and the backups reflect these changes. Therefore, it is recommended that you re-create a full backup after disk defragmentation.

3.3 Acronis Secure Zone®

The Acronis Secure Zone is a special, hidden partition for storing archives on the computer system itself. For archive security purposes, ordinary applications cannot access it. In the Acronis True Image Echo Server Wizards’ windows the zone is listed along with all partitions available for storing archives. Acronis Secure Zone is necessary for using Acronis Startup Recovery Manager and Acronis Snap Restore features (see below). The three features, in combination, instantly make operational a system that fails to boot.

A consistent external copy of archives, saved on Acronis Secure Zone, can be created on a network share using dual destination backup feature. See details in 5.3.12 Dual destination backup.

Acronis Secure Zone is always available for archive creation as long as there is space for the backup file. If there is not enough space, older archives will be deleted to create space.

Acronis True Image Echo Server uses the following approaches to clear space in the Acronis Secure Zone:

If there is not enough free space in the zone to create a backup, the program deletes the oldest full backup with all subsequent incremental/differential backups.

If there is only one full backup (with subsequent incremental/differential backups) left and a full backup is in progress, then the old full backup and incremental/differential backups are deleted.

If there is only one full backup left, and an incremental or differential backup is in progress, you will get an error message telling you there is a lack of available space. In that case, you will have to either re-create the full backup or increase the size of the Acronis Secure Zone.

You can back up data automatically on a schedule (see Chapter 7. Scheduling tasks), and not worry about zone overflow issues. However, if you keep long chains of incremental


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backups, it is a good practice to check the zone free space periodically. To do so, start the Manage Acronis Secure Zone wizard and see the zone free space that is displayed on the wizard’s second page.

For information on how to create, resize or delete Acronis Secure Zone using this wizard, see Chapter 8. Managing the Acronis Secure Zone.

In case you remove Acronis True Image Echo Server from the system, there is an option to keep the Acronis Secure Zone along with its contents (which will enable data recovery on booting from bootable media) or remove Acronis Secure Zone.

The Acronis Secure Zone should not be the only location where a backup is stored. Should the disk have a physical failure, the Acronis Secure Zone could be lost. This is particularly critical for backups of servers; the Acronis Secure Zone should only be one part of an overall backup strategy.

3.4 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager

3.4.1 How it works

The Acronis Startup Recovery Manager enables starting Acronis True Image Echo Server without loading the operating system. If the operating system won’t load, you can run Acronis True Image Echo Server by itself to restore damaged partitions. Unlike booting from the Acronis removable media or RIS server, you will not need a separate media or network connection to start Acronis True Image Echo Server. It is especially handy for mobile users who need to run a server operating system on their laptop.

3.4.2 How to use

To be able to use Acronis Startup Recovery Manager at boot time, prepare as follows:

1.Install Acronis True Image Echo Server or Acronis True Image Agent on a computer.

2.Create Acronis Secure Zone on the computer hard disk (see Chapter 8. Managing the Acronis Secure Zone).

3.Activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager. To do so, click Activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager and follow the Wizard’s instructions.

If you try to activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager while Acronis Secure Zone is missing from the system, you will be prompted to create the zone, then Acronis Startup Recovery Manager will be activated. Otherwise, Acronis Startup Recovery Manager will be activated immediately.

When Acronis Startup Recovery Manager is activated, it overwrites the master boot record (MBR) with its own boot code. If you have any third-party boot managers installed, you will have to reactivate them after activating the Startup Recovery Manager. For Linux loaders (e.g. LiLo and GRUB), you might consider installing them to a Linux root (or boot) partition boot record instead of MBR before activating Acronis Startup Recovery Manager.

Here’s an example of how you would use this feature. If failure occurs on a computer, turn on the computer and press F11 when you see the «Press F11 for Acronis Startup Recovery Manager» message. This will run a standalone version of Acronis True Image Echo Server that only slightly differs from the complete version. For information on restoring damaged partitions, see Chapter 6. Restoring the backup data.

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Be careful! Disk letters in standalone Acronis True Image Echo Server might sometimes differ from the way Windows identifies drives. For example, the D: drive identified in the standalone Acronis True Image might correspond to the E: drive in Windows.

3.5 Acronis Snap Restore

With this feature you can boot the OS on a crashed computer before the system is completely restored from an image and start work seconds after the restoration is launched. The restoration will be continued in the background.

3.5.1 Limitations in using Acronis Snap Restore

1.Acronis Snap Restore is currently available for images located in the Acronis Secure Zone only.

2.Acronis Snap Restore does not support images of Windows Vista. If any Vista edition is detected in an image, the Snap Restore option will not appear.

3.Acronis Snap Restore does not work if the image contains dynamic disks and volumes.

4.Acronis Snap Restore cannot be used if the image contains no operating system (a logical partition or disk image) or when restoring file archives.

3.5.2 How it works

When the restoration procedure is started, Acronis True Image Echo Server:

1.Finds the sectors in the image which contain system files, and restores these sectors first. First the OS is restored and can be started very quickly. Having started the OS, the user sees the folder tree with files, though file contents still is not recovered. Nevertheless, the user can start working.

2.Next, the application writes on the hard disk its own drivers, which intercept system queries to the files. When the user attempts to open files or launch applications, the drivers receive the system queries and restore the sectors that are necessary for the requested operation.

3.At the same time, Acronis True Image Echo Server proceeds with the complete sector- by-sector image restoration in the background. However, the requested sectors have the highest priority.

Finally, the image will be fully restored even if the user performs no actions at all. But if you choose to start working as soon as possible after the system failure, you will gain at least several minutes, considering that restoration of a 10-20GB image (most common image size) takes about 10 minutes. The larger the image size, the more time you save.

3.5.3 How to use

To be able to use Acronis Snap Restore, prepare your system this way:

1.Install Acronis True Image Echo Server.

2.Create the Acronis Secure Zone on the server hard disk (see Chapter 8. Managing the Acronis Secure Zone).

3. Activate Acronis Startup Recovery manager (see 3.4 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager) and create bootable media or RIS package with Acronis True Image Echo Server (see Chapter 9. Creating bootable media).


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4. Back up (image) the server’s system disk to Acronis Secure Zone (see 5.2 Backing up disks and partitions (image backup)). You can back up other disks/partitions as well, but the system image is mandatory.

When performing Snap Restore, the current Acronis True Image Echo Server version always restores the entire system disk. Therefore, if your system disk consists of several partitions, all of them must be included in the image. Any partitions which are missing from the image will be lost.

If failure occurs, boot the server from the bootable media, or RIS server, or using F11. Start the recovery procedure (see 6.3 Restoring disks/partitions or files from images), select the system disk image from Acronis Secure Zone, choose Use Snap Restore and in the next window click Proceed. In a few seconds the computer will reboot to the restored system. Log in and start work – no additional reboots or other actions are required.

You can perform Snap Restore running Acronis True Image Echo Server in Windows operating systems as well. However, it is mandatory to have bootable media in case Windows cannot boot.

3.6 Acronis Universal Restore

3.6.1 Acronis Universal Restore purpose

A system disk image can be deployed easily on the hardware where it was created or to identical hardware. However, if you change a motherboard or use another processor version — a likely possibility in case of hardware failure — the restored system could be unbootable. An attempt to transfer the system to a new, much more powerful computer will usually produce the same unbootable result because the new hardware is incompatible with the most critical drivers included in the image.

Using Microsoft System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) does not solve this problem, because Sysprep permits replacing drivers only for Plug-and-Play devices (sound cards, network adapters, video cards etc.). As for system Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and mass storage device drivers, they must be identical on the source and the target computers (see Microsoft Knowledge Base, articles 302577 and 216915).

Acronis Universal Restore technology provides an efficient solution for hardwareindependent system restoration by replacing the crucial Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and mass storage device drivers.

Acronis Universal Restore is applicable for:

1.Instant recovery of a failed system on different hardware

2.Hardware-independent cloning and deployment of operating systems

3.Real-to-virtual and virtual-to-real computer migration for system recovery, test and other purposes.

3.6.2 Acronis Universal Restore general principles

1. Automatic HAL and mass storage drivers selection

Acronis Universal Restore searches the Windows default driver storage folders (in the image being restored) for HAL and mass storage device drivers and installs drivers that better fit the target hardware. You can specify a custom driver repository (a folder or folders on a network drive or CD) which will also be used for drivers search.

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The Windows default driver storage folder is determined in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent versionDevicePath. This storage folder is usually WINDOWS/inf.

2. Manual selection of mass storage device driver

If the target hardware has a specific mass storage controller (such as a SCSI, RAID, or Fibre Channel adapter) for the hard disk, you can install the appropriate driver manually, bypassing the automatic driver search-and-install procedure.

3. Installing drivers for plug and play devices

Acronis Universal Restore relies on built-in plug and play discovery and configuration process to handle hardware differences in devices that are not critical for the system start, such as video, audio and USB. Windows takes control over this process during the logon phase, and if some of the new hardware is not detected, you will have a chance to install drivers for it later manually.

3.6.3 Acronis Universal Restore and Microsoft Sysprep

Acronis Universal Restore is not a system preparation tool. You can apply it to any system image created by Acronis products, including images prepared with Microsoft System Preparation Tool (Sysprep). The following is an example of using both tools on the same system.

Acronis Universal Restore does not strip security identifier (SID) and user profile settings in order to run the system immediately after recovery without re-joining the domain or remapping network user profiles. If you are going to change the above settings on a recovered system, you can prepare the system with Sysprep, image it and restore, if need be, using Acronis Universal Restore.

3.6.4 Limitations in using Acronis Universal Restore

1. The system recovered by Acronis Universal Restore might not start if the partition structure in the image or the target disk partitioning does not coincide with that of the source disk. As a result, the loader, restored from the image, will point to the wrong partition and the system will not boot or will malfunction.

Such might be the case if you:

— image only selected partitions but not the entire source disk

Keep in mind, that the source disk may have a hidden maintenance partition created by the computer vendor. Therefore, if you check each partition for backup instead of checking the disk, this hidden partition will not be included into the image.

— restore not the entire source disk, but only the selected partitions. In some cases, especially if your system resides on a partition other than the first, this can confuse the loader and prevent the restored system from startup.

To avoid the problem, we recommend that you image and restore the entire system disk.

2. The Acronis Universal Restore option does not work if a computer is booted with Acronis Startup Recovery Manager (using F11) or the backup image is located in Acronis Secure Zone. This is because Acronis Startup Recovery Manager and Acronis Secure Zone are primarily meant for instant data recovery on the same computer.


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3.6.5 Getting Acronis Universal Restore

Acronis Universal Restore is an add-on to Acronis True Image Echo Server. It is purchased separately, has its own license, and is installed from a separate setup file.

Let’s assume for a moment that you own Acronis True Image Echo Server but have not purchased Acronis Universal Restore. When you create a task for restoring a Windows system disk and select a target disk (either physical or virtual) in the Restore Data Wizard, the program compares crucial for the system start devices found in the image registry and the target computer registry. If the chipset, motherboard or mass storage device are different, and therefore there is a risk that the system cannot boot, you will be prompted whether you want to buy Acronis Universal Restore. To buy the option, follow the link.

If you already have Acronis Universal Restore, the prompt will not come up and you will have an option to enable Acronis Universal Restore later in the Restore Data Wizard.

3.7 Backing up to tape libraries and tape drives

Acronis True Image Echo Server supports tape libraries, autoloaders and SCSI tape drives as storage devices.

3.7.1 Backing up to tape libraries and autoloaders

A tape library is a high-capacity storage device consisting of one or more tape drives and a loader that automatically selects and loads multiple tape cartridges using barcode identification. Tape libraries with only one drive and loader are known as autoloaders.

Tape libraries are widely used as an efficient repository for long-term stored archival data. Once the tape library is full, old data is progressively overwritten by new data. With tape libraries support, Acronis True Image Echo Server can store several backup chains from different disks and users.

3.7.2 Backing up to tape drives

Backup and restore on a tape drive proceed in the same way as with other devices with the following exceptions.

1.A full backup can be stored on an empty tape only. If the tape already contains data, its contents will be overwritten on prompt. You have an option to disable prompts. See details in 5.3.13 Additional settings.

2.In cases where you want to keep more than one archive on the tape, for example, you want to back up two disks separately, select incremental backup mode instead of a full backup when you create an initial backup for the second disk. In other situations, incremental backup is used for appending changes to the previously created archive.

3.You do not have to provide filenames for backups.

You might experience short pauses that are required to rewind the tape.

Low-quality or old tape, as well as dirt on the magnetic head, might lead to pauses that can last up to several minutes.

3.8 Viewing disk and partition information

You can change the way data is represented in all schemes you see in various wizards.

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To the right are three icons: Arrange Icons by, Choose Details and i (Display the properties of the selected item), the last duplicated in the context menu invoked by right-clicking objects.

To sort messages by a particular column, click the header (another click will switch the messages to the opposite order) or Arrange Icons by button and select the column.

To select columns to view, right-click the headers line or left-click the Choose Details button. Then flag the columns you want to display.

If you click the i (Display the properties of the selected item) button, you will see the selected partition or disk properties window.

This window contains two panels. The left panel contains the properties tree and the right describes the selected property in detail. The disk information includes its physical parameters (connection type, device type, size, etc.); partition information includes both physical (sectors, location, etc.), and logical (file system, free space, assigned letter, etc.) parameters.

You can change the width of a column by dragging its borders with the mouse.


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Acronis TRUE IMAGE ECHO User Guide Server for Windows

Chapter 4. Using Acronis True Image Echo Server

Acronis True Image Echo Server supports the GUI mode, the command-line mode, and can be used to execute XML scripts. Here we describe the operations available in the GUI mode, which provides the widest functionality. For console commands and scripting please see Chapter 15. Command-line mode and scripting.

4.1 Main program window

The main program window contains the menu, the toolbar, the sidebar and the main area. The sidebar features a pane for selecting task category, the Tools and Help panes. The main area displays operation icons or tasks depending on the category selected.

By default, the program displays operations included in the Backup and Recovery category. Operation icons are divided into three groups.

The Task group contains the following operations:

Backup – create a backup archive

Recovery – restore data from a previously created archive The Manage Tasks group contains the following operations:

Tasks – schedule backup or archive validation tasks on your computer and manage them

Logs – open the Log Viewer window

The Tools group contains the following items:

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Explore and Validate Backup Archives – explore file-level archives, mount disk/partition images as virtual drives, run the archive integrity checking procedure

Manage Hard Disks – clone disk (i.e. transfer the OS, applications and data from the old disk to the new one) or mark out partitions on a new hard disk added for data storage with the OS and applications kept on the old one, convert basic disks to dynamic and create dynamic volumes

Activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager – activate the boot restoration manager (F11 key)

Manage System Restore – turn on/off Microsoft Windows System Restore tool and set its options directly from Acronis True Image Echo Server

Create Bootable Rescue Media – run the bootable media creation procedure

Program menu

The program menu bar features the Operations, View, Tools and Help items.

The Operations menu contains a list of the available operations, including scheduling tasks.

The View menu contains items for managing the program window look:

Toolbars – contains commands that control toolbar icons

Common Task Bar – enables/disables the sidebar

Status Bar – enables/disables the status bar The Tools menu contains the following items:

Manage Acronis Secure Zone – create, delete and resize a special hidden partition for storing archives (Acronis Secure Zone)

Activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager – activate the boot restoration manager (F11 key)

Explore Backup Archive – explore file-level archives or mount disk/partition images as virtual drives

Validate Backup Archive – run the archive integrity checking procedure

Consolidate archive – applicable for archives containing more than one backups. This will create a consistent copy of the archive with an option to exclude backups that are no more needed

Convert Backup to Virtual Disk — convert a disk image, created with the program (.tib), to a virtual disk file of the type you select (.vmdk, .vhd, .hdd)

Create Bootable Rescue Media – run the bootable media creation procedure

Dynamic Volume Creation Wizard – create dynamic volumes on basic or dynamic disks

Convert to dynamic disk – convert a basic disk to a dynamic one

Show Log – open the Log Viewer window

Options – open a window for editing default backup/restore options, setting text appearance (fonts), configuring e-mail or Windows pop-up notifications etc.

The Help menu is used to view help and obtain information about Acronis True Image Echo Server.


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Most of the operations are represented two or even three times in different window areas, providing several ways to select them for more convenience. For example, you can start the necessary operation or tool by clicking its icon in the main area or by selecting the same item from the Operations or Tools menu.

Status bar

There is a status bar divided into two parts at the bottom of the main window. The left side briefly describes the selected operation; the right side indicates operation progress and results. If you double-click on the operation results, you will see the log window.

Taskbar notification area icon

During most of the operations, a special indicator icon appears in the Windows taskbar notification area. If you mouse over the icon, you will see a tool tip indicating the operation’s progress. This icon doesn’t depend on the main program window being open. It is present for background execution of scheduled tasks as well.

4.2 Available operations

You can perform the following operations.


How to access

Back up and Recover

Back up and restore data, including system

Click Backup or Recovery, then follow the


wizard’s instructions. See details in Chapter

5. Creating backup archives and Chapter 6.

Restoring the backup data.

Browse logs of Acronis True Image Echo Server operation

Click Logs in the Manage Tasks group or select the Show Log tool on the sidebar to navigate to the Event Log window. See details in 11.3 Viewing logs.

Set up default backup or restore options, such as system/network resources usage, before/after backup commands etc.

Select Tools -> Options -> Default backup options or Default restoration options and make settings. See details in

5.3 Setting backup options and 6.4 Setting restore options.

Set up default parameters for sending notifications about Acronis True Image Echo Server operation and tracing this operation in Windows Application Event Log

Scheduling Tasks

Schedule backup and archive validation operations

Select Tools -> Options -> Notifications or Event tracing and make settings. See details in Chapter 11. Notifications and event tracing.

Click Tasks in the Manage Tasks group or select the Task Scheduling category on the sidebar to navigate to the Scheduled Tasks window. Then click the Create button on the toolbar and follow the wizard’s instructions. See details in Chapter 7. Scheduling tasks.

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Run, stop, edit, clone, rename, delete

Click Tasks in the Manage Tasks group

backup and archive validation tasks

or select the Task Scheduling category

on the sidebar to navigate to the Scheduled

Tasks window. See details in 7.2


scheduled tasks.

Archives Management

Explore any archive’s contents and restore

Select Tools -> Explore Backup Archive

individual files from any archive

and follow the wizard’s instructions. See

details in 10.2.1 Exploring an archive

Validate backup archives wherever they

Select Tools -> Validate Backup

reside, be it local, network or removable

Archive, then follow the wizard’s


instructions. See details in 10.1


backup archives.

Consolidate backup files inside an archive

Select Tools -> Consolidate archive,

then follow the Wizard’s instructions. See

details in 10.3 Consolidating backup.

Convert disk images to virtual disk files of the type you select (.vmdk, .vhd, .hdd)

Select Tools -> Convert backup to Virtual Disk and follow the wizard’s instructions. See details in 12. 4 Converting disk images to virtual disks

Mount partitions’ images to explore and modify their contents, or to restore individual files

Unmount previously mounted partition images

Hard Disk Management

Select Operations -> Mount Image and follow the wizard’s instructions. See details in 10.2.2 Mounting an image.

Select Operations -> Unmount Image and follow the wizard’s instructions. See details in 10.2.3 Unmounting an image.

Manage Acronis Secure Zone (create, delete, resize, remove or change password)

Click Manage Acronis Secure Zone, then follow the wizard’s instructions. See details in Chapter 8. Managing the Acronis Secure Zone.

Activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager

Click Activate Acronis Startup Recovery

Manager, then follow the wizard’s

instructions. See details in 3.4


Startup Recovery Manager.

Convert a basic disk to dynamic

Select Tools -> Convert to dynamic

disk, then follow the wizard’s instructions.

See details in 6.5.1 Converting

disk to


Create a dynamic volume

Select Tools -> Dynamic volume

creation wizard, then follow the Wizard’s

instructions. See details in 6.5.2


dynamic volumes.


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Transfer the system to a new hard disk

See Chapter 13.

Transferring the system to

a new disk.

Format partitions on a new hard disk

See Chapter 14.

Adding a new hard disk.

Other Tools

Create bootable rescue media, its ISO or RIS package

Turn on/off Windows System Restore tool

See Chapter 9. Creating bootable media.

See 11.5 Managing System Restore.

Some of the above operations can be executed in command-line mode. For more information on Acronis True Image Echo Server command-line mode see 15.1 Working in the command-line mode.

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Chapter 5. Creating backup archives

To be able to restore the lost data or roll back your system to a predetermined state, you should first create a data or entire system backup file.

If you are not concerned about restoration of your operating system along with all settings and applications, but plan to keep safe only certain data (the current project, for example), choose file/folder backup. This will reduce the archive size, thus saving disk space and possibly reducing removable media costs.

Backing up the entire system disk (creating a disk image) takes more disk space but enables you to restore the system in minutes in case of severe data damage or hardware failure. Moreover, the imaging procedure is much faster than copying files, and may significantly speed the backup process when it comes to backing up large volumes of data (see details in 3.1 The difference between file archives and disk/partition images).

5.1 Backing up files and folders (file backup)

1.Start the Create Backup Wizard by clicking on the backup operation icon in the main program window.

2.Select My Data.

3.From the tree pane, select files and folders to back up. You can select a random set of files, folders, partitions, disks and even computers.

In order to restore your operating system, you must image the system disk or partition; a file-based backup is not sufficient for the operating system restore.

4. You can exclude specific files from a backup by setting filters for the types of files you do not wish to back up. For example, you may want to exclude hidden and system files and folders or files with .~, .tmp and .bak extensions.


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You can also apply custom filters, using the common Windows masking rules. For example, to exclude all files with extension .exe, add *.exe. My???.exe will exclude all

.exe files with names consisting of five symbols and starting with “my”.

All of these settings will take effect for the current task. For information on how to set the default filters that will be called each time you create a file backup task, see 5.3.2 Source files exclusion.

5. Select the name and location of the archive.

If you are going to create a full backup, type the file name in the File Name line, or use the file name generator (a button to the right of the line). If you select an existing full backup, it will be overwritten.

Including [date] in the backup file name will add to the name the time and date of the backup creation formatted as <DD-Month-YYYY HH:MM:SS>. Example: C:MyBackup[date].tib.

If you are going to create an incremental backup (see 3.2 Full, incremental and differential backup), select the latest full or incremental backup you have.

In fact, if all incremental backup files are stored together with the basic full backup, it doesn’t matter which one you select, as the program will recognize them as a single archive. If you stored the files on several removable disks, you must provide the latest archive file; otherwise, restoration problems might occur.

If you are going to create a differential backup, select the full backup which will be a base, or any of the existing differential backups. Either way, the program will create a new differential backup.

Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


The “farther” you store the archive from the original folders, the safer it will be in case of data damage. For example, saving the archive to another hard disk will protect your data if the primary disk is damaged, but won’t be useful if the computer is destroyed in a fire or flood. Data saved to a network disk, ftp server or removable media will survive even if all your local hard disks are down. You can also use Acronis Secure Zone (see details in 3.3 Acronis Secure Zone) for storing backups. In this case, you need not provide the file name.

When backing up to Acronis Secure Zone, you have an option of dual destination backup. If enabled, the program will automatically place a copy of your backup archives on a local drive or network share as well as Acronis Secure Zone. See details in 5.3.12 Dual destination backup.

Dynamic volumes are fully supported as a backup destination place. Acronis True Image Echo Server can access backup archives, created on dynamic volumes, in standalone (rescue) mode as well as under Windows control.

See notes and recommendations for using the FTP server in 1.3.2 Supported storage media.

6. Select whether you want to create a full, incremental or differential backup. If you have not backed up the selected files/folders yet, or the full archive seems too old to append incremental changes to it, choose full backup. Otherwise it is recommended that you create an incremental or differential backup (see 3.2 Full, incremental and differential backup).


Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007

7.Select the backup options (that is, backup file splitting, compression level, password protection, pre/post backup commands etc.). You may select Use default options or Set the options manually. If the latter is the case, the settings will be applied only to the current backup task. Alternatively, you can edit the default options from the current screen. Then your settings will be saved as the defaults. See 5.3 Setting backup options for more information.

8.Provide a comment for the archive. This can help prevent you from restoring the wrong files. However, you can choose not to make any notes. The backup file size and creation date are automatically appended to the description, so you do not need to enter this information.

9.At the final step, the backup task summary is displayed. Up to this point, you can click Back to make changes in the created task. Clicking Proceed will launch the task.

10.The task progress will be shown in a special window. You can stop the procedure by clicking Cancel.

You can also close the progress window by clicking Hide. The backup creation will continue, but you will be able to start another operation or close the main program window. In the latter case, the program will continue working in the background and will automatically close once the backup archive is ready. If you prepare some more backup operations, they will be queued after the current one.

Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


You can adjust the backup process priority. To do so, click on the process icon in the System Tray and select Low, Normal, or High priority from the menu that appears. For information on how to set the default priority, see 5.3.6 Backup performance.

11. You may want to see the log when the task is completed. To view the log, click the Show Operation Logs button on the toolbar.

If you burn an archive to multiple removable media, be sure to number them, since you will have to insert them in order during the restoration.

5.2 Backing up disks and partitions (image backup)

1.Start the Create Backup Wizard by clicking on the backup operation icon in the main program window.

2.Select My Computer.

3.Select disks, partitions or dynamic volumes to back up. You can select a random set of disks, partitions and dynamic volumes.


Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007

4. Select the name and location of the archive.

If you are going to create a full backup, type the file name in the File Name line, or use the file name generator (a button to the right of the line). If you select an existing full backup, it will be overwritten.

Including [date] in the backup file name will add to the name the time and date of the backup creation formatted as <DD-Month-YYYY HH:MM:SS>. Example: C:MyBackup[date].tib.

If you are going to create an incremental backup (see 3.2 Full, incremental and differential backup), select the latest full or incremental backup you have.

In fact, if all incremental backup files are stored together with the basic full backup, it doesn’t matter which one you select, as the program will recognize them as a single archive. If you stored the files on several removable disks, you must provide the latest archive file; otherwise, restoration problems might occur.

If you are going to create a differential backup, select the full backup which will be a base, or any of the existing differential backups. Either way, the program will create a new differential backup.

The “farther” you store the archive from the original partition, the safer it will be in case of data damage. For example, saving the archive to another hard disk will protect your data if your primary disk is damaged. Data saved to a network disk, ftp server or removable media will survive even if all your local hard disks are down. You can also use Acronis Secure Zone (see details in 3.3 Acronis Secure Zone) for storing backups. In this case, you need not provide the file name.

When backing up to Acronis Secure Zone, you have an option of dual destination backup. If enabled, the program will automatically place a copy of your backup archives on a local drive or network share. See details in 5.3.12 Dual destination backup.

Dynamic volumes are fully supported as a backup destination place. Acronis True Image Echo Server can access backup archives, created on dynamic volumes, in standalone (rescue) mode as well as under Windows control.

Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


See notes and recommendations for using the FTP server in 1.3.2 Supported storage media.

5.Select whether you want to create a full or incremental backup. If you have not backed up the selected disks/partitions yet, or the full archive seems too old to append incremental changes to it, choose full backup. Otherwise it is recommended that you create an incremental or differential backup (see 3.2 Full, incremental and differential backup).

6.Select the backup options (that is, backup file splitting, compression level, password protection, pre/post backup commands etc.). You may Use default options or Set the options manually. If the latter is the case, the settings will be applied only to the current backup task. Alternatively, you can edit the default options from the current screen. Then your settings will be saved as the defaults. See 5.3 Setting backup options for more information.

7.Provide a comment for the archive. This can help prevent you from restoring the wrong disk or partition. However, you also can choose not to make any notes. The backup file size and creation date are automatically appended to the description, so you do not need to enter this information.

8.At the final step, the backup task summary is displayed. Up to this point, you can click Back to make changes in the created task. Clicking Proceed will launch the task.

9.The task progress will be shown in a special window. You can stop the procedure by clicking Cancel.

You can also close the progress window by clicking Hide. The backup creation will continue, but you will be able to start another operation or close the main program window. In the latter case, the program will continue working in the background and will automatically close once the backup archive is ready. If you prepare some more backup operations, they will be queued after the current.

You can adjust the backup process priority. To do so, click on the process icon in the System Tray and select Low, Normal, or High priority from the menu that appears. For information on how to set the default priority, see 5.3.6 Backup performance.

10. You may want to see the log when the task is completed. To view the log, click the Show Operation Logs button on the toolbar.

If you burn an archive to multiple removable media, be sure to number them, since you will have to insert them in order during the restoration.

5.3 Setting backup options

To view or edit the default backup options, select Tools -> Options -> Default Backup Options from the main program menu.

You can edit the default (or set the temporary) backup options while creating a backup task as well.


Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007

5.3.1 Archive protection


The preset is no password.

An archive can be protected with a password. To protect the archive data from being accessed by anybody except you, enter a password and its confirmation into the text fields. A password should consist of at least eight symbols and contain both letters (in the upper and lower cases preferably) and numbers to make it more difficult to guess.

If you try to restore data from a password-protected archive, or append an incremental/differential backup to such an archive, Acronis True Image Echo Server will ask for the password in a special window, allowing access only to authorized users.

Passwords cannot be set for archives created in the Acronis Secure Zone. To protect such archives, set a password for the zone itself.


The preset is 128 bit.

Once the password has been set, you can choose to encrypt the backup for advanced security with industry-standard AES cryptographic algorithm. The password is used to generate a key which may differ in length. There are 4 choices: no encryption, 128, 192 and 256-bit encryption. The more the key size, the longer time to cipher and the greater is your data security.

5.3.2 Source files exclusion

By default, all files from the selected folders will be included in the archive.

You can set default filters for the specific types of files you do not wish to back up. For example, you may want hidden and system files and folders, as well as files with .~,

.tmp and .bak extensions, not to be stored in the archive.

You can also apply custom filters, using the common Windows masking rules. For example, to exclude all files with extension .exe, add *.exe. My???.exe will exclude all

.exe files with names consisting of five symbols and starting with “my”.

Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007


This option is effective for file/folders backup only. When creating a disk/partition image, you cannot filter out any files.

5.3.3 Pre/post commands

You can specify commands or batch files to be automatically executed before and after the backup procedure. For example, you may want to remove some tmp files from the disk before starting backup or configure a third-party antivirus product to be started each time before the backup starts. Click Edit to open the Edit Command window where you can easily input the command, its arguments and working directory or browse folders to find a batch file.

The program does not support interactive commands, i.e. commands that require user input (for example, “pause”.)

The backup process will run concurrently with your commands if you uncheck the Do not perform operations until the commands execution is complete box, which is checked by default.

5.3.4 Database support

Database servers, such as MS SQL Server and MS Exchange, can be problematic to backup, partially due to open files and indexes and partially due to rapid data changes. Therefore it is usually recommended that the database be suspended just before the backup (data capture). You can suspend the database and clear all caches to ensure that all transactions are completed at the moment of data capture. If it become necessary to restore a damaged database, it will be restored completely and be ready to access after recovery.

1. Volume Shadow Copy Service

Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) provides the infrastructure for backup on running systems by keeping up coordination between user applications that update data on disk and backup applications. VSS is available in Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating systems.

If your database is compatible with Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), then checking the Enable VSS support box in Database support window will ensure completion of all transactions before the backup process starts. The examples of VSSaware databases are Exchange, Oracle, SQL Server.

2. Before/after data capture commands

However, VSS is not available in server operation systems older than Windows 2003 Server, and not all databases support VSS. In these cases, the transactions completion can be ensured by executing batch files or scripts that pause the appropriate Windows services and automatically resume them after data capture.

An example of a batch file, suspending the Windows services for MS Exchange:

net stop msexchangesa /y /y

net stop “Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine”

An example of a batch file, resuming the Windows services for MS Exchange:

net start “Microsoft Exchange System Attendant” net start “Microsoft Exchange Event”

net start “Microsoft Exchange IMAP4”

net start “Microsoft Exchange MTA Stacks”


Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007

altAcronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server обеспечивает более высокую гибкость и ценность при аварийном восстановлении и переносе данных на сетевые серверы на базе Windows и Linux. Каждый час простоя серверов из-за сбоев обходится Вам в тысячи долларов? Acronis® True Image Echo™ Enterprise Server — это комплексное решение для резервного копирования и аварийного восстановления серверов на базе Windows и Linux, позволяющее минимизировать простой серверов и быстро восстанавливать их работоспособность.

Acronis® True Image Enterprise Server позволяет
1) создавать точные образы дисков серверов на базе Windows или Linux, включая операционную систему, базы данных и приложения; 
2) быстро и легко производить миграцию систем между виртуальными и физическими серверами.

Acronis® True Image Enterprise Server позволяет в случае сбоя системы за считанные минуты произвести полное восстановление сервера. Полное восстановление системы может производиться как на существующих, так и на новых машинах, использующих различное оборудование, а также на виртуальных серверах (необходим дополнительный модуль Acronis Universal Restore).

Консоль управления Acronis, поставляемая вместе с Acronis True Image Enterprise Server, дает удобный способ управления задачами по резервному копированию на нескольких удаленных серверах.

Основанное на эксклюзивной технологии создания слепков дисков Acronis, приложение Acronis® True Image Echo Enterprise Server позволяет создавать резервные образы дисков серверов, не прерывая работу серверов, что обеспечивает постоянную работу Ваших серверов.

Функции и преимущества:
— Полное аварийное восстановление серверов на базе Windows или Linux в считанные минуты
— Acronis Universal Restore — восстановление систем на различное оборудование или виртуальные серверы (примечание: для этого модуля требуется отдельная лицензия)
— Новая консоль управления Acronis упрощает задачу централизованного удаленного управления операциями
— Централизованное удаленное управление операциями стало еще легче с новой консолью управления Acronis
— Новое! Интеграция с VMware Consolidated Backup позволяет снизить нагрузку на сервер ESX
— Новое! Шифрование резервных образов дисков
— Новое! Создание слепков нескольких разделов — позволяет одновременно создавать резервные копии данных, расположенных на разных разделах или дисках
— Новое! Преобразование файлов образов в формат VMDK или VHD для использования в решения по виртуализации — Поддержка основных систем виртуализации от каких производителей, как VMware®, Microsoft®, SWsoft® и Parallels®.
— Новое! Поддержка динамических дисков
— Новое! Расширенная совместимость с оборудованием — включает диски SAS, поддержку инициализации по сети и библиотек на магнитных лентах
— Новое! Улучшенные функции планирования и уведомления — включают инициализацию операций резервного копирования в случае определенных событий, периодическую проверку резервных копий и планирование операций по клонированию
— Удаленное автоматическое восстановление данных с помощью загрузочного агента Acronis — Восстанавливайте все системы в сети из одного центрального источника
— Изменение образов —Подключайте образы в режиме для чтения и записи и напрямую вносите в них изменения
— Загрузка с образов при помощи Acronis® Active Restore™ (по данной технологии ожидается выдача патента) — Снизьте простой серверов благодаря возможности использования систем во время их восстановления
— Улучшенная поддержка баз данных — Сетевое резервное копирование критически важных баз данных, таких как Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle и т.д.
— Автоматическая проверка образов — Будьте уверены в том, что сможете использовать созданные образы для восстановления данных
— Дифференциальное резервное копирование — Сократите число резервных копий, которыми необходимо управлять
— Резервное копирование на основе данных в дополнение к традиционному резервному копированию на основе образов
— Возможность исключения файлов из операций резервного копирования — Экономьте место на устройствах хранения данных путем резервного копирования только необходимых данных
— Поддержка журнала событий Windows и SNMP — Используйте приложения для мониторинга сети, к которым Вы привыкли
— Пользовательские сценарии, запускаемые до или после операций резервного копирования, позволяют обеспечить соответствие корпоративной политике резервного копирования
— Регулирование скорости записи на жесткие диски и использования пропускной способности сети позволяет минимизировать задержки в работе Вашей компании
— Функции создания компакт-дисков с загрузочными образами, пакетов PXE и загрузочных восстановительных ISO-образов устраняют необходимость хранения отдельных дисков с данными для восстановления и обеспечивают гибкость управления программным обеспечением

Системные требования:
Supports the following Microsoft Windows server operating systems
 — 2008 Server
 — 2003 Server x64 Editions
 — Windows 2003 Server
 — Windows 2000 Advanced server
 — Windows 2000 Server

Supports Linux 2.4x kernel and the following operating systems
 — Red Hat 9.0
 — Red Hat Advanced Server 3.0
 — Fedora Core 1
 — SuSE 9
 — Mandriva 9.2
 — and some other distributions

Supports Linux 2.6.6 and later kernel and the following operating systems
 — Fedora Core 2
 — and some other distributions

Интерфейс: Английский



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