ACPI\VEN_INT&DEV_0800 it’s a Intel MEI [Managment engine Interface]. For the correct operation of your Inetl chip, install the driver for the Intel MEI [Managment engine Interface] and get all the latest features of your hardware.
Here are the newest divers. Ignore parameters such as rev (0100, 0200, 0300, 0400), subsys (cc, pid). Look only at ven and dev device id.
ACPI\VEN_INT&DEV_0800 Driver’s for Windows 10 11 8.1 7 and HowTo
Emergency Link
I am a service engineer with 15 years of experience and I am constantly looking for drivers for various hardware for work. I’m tired of using bad sites and I created a good one – you are on it. Enjoy using the site. Unfortunately, I have never held 70% of the hardware for which I publish drivers in my hands, and therefore some drivers may not work. Humble yourself.
Hello everybody, id do have the same problem for some time now and i tried to puzzel it together, but stil am not sure about what to do….i tried al the normal things like this website, upgrading drivers ect ect …most of all i was wondering what in fact that device was not understanding the problem.
but recently i went look all over the internet for the memory adres mentioned like this
Geheugenadres 0xFF000000-0xFFFFFFFF Systeemkaartbronnen
Geheugenadres 0xFF000000-0xFFFFFFFF Verouderd apparaat
where systeemkaarbrom means motherboard source and below is legacy device…
indeed like menstioned aboce the people who posted their hardware results and had the «legacy» device indentified, always was an intel firmware hub…..and if ii remember well the driver was the same type number ….
It was nowere nor on this HP site nor on intel or whatever…but i came along something interesting …
Intel® 82802AB/82802AC Firmware Hub (FWH)
The Intel® 82802 Firmware Hub (FWH) component is for use with Intel® 800 series chipsets. The 82802 Firmware Hub is sold as a separate component; it is not included as part of Intel 800 series chipsets.
File Name/Size: 29065804.pdf 482878 bytes Download From: FTP Server Web Server (Available for byte serving) ———————
Now was hopelessly trying to find out what precisely those 800 series chipsets were, and really i counld not yet find it, not over wikipeida either….but as i notice that this memory adres is everytime the same for a firmware hub intel, or there is mentioned legacy device….
The second thing i realized is that this driver will not be so easy to find with general driver updates, as it is mentioned on the intel site above ….
Further i am not sure if this scan is completely right , it mentions also a firmware hup on that place and it should be delivered by microsoft on the date many of my kernel devices have their driver, and even if some people keep saying it is outdated still i finally come to find it is the right diver…, but meanwhile the device is mentioned as legacy device without further problem codes or whatever ,
i am now looking in the possible connection between this problem and frimwaresettings virualizatiion on , but ill puzzel this tomorrow further ….finding contradicting information like its not possible to do this on windows 10 home, only the bizzness and prof version , and the same is foor booting not bios but uefi ect …..not sure if that was also the case for windows 8 or vista, that could explain for so ma,y its after upgrading to windows 10
here still the windows artiklel on enabling the hyper v on firmware ….,…
i dont rememeber now precise why i thougt there was a connection, need to sleep over it …..any help and preciser explenation is very welcome, i am puzzeling but neetd to read everything about every detail and still am loosing it or cannot finds for sure what ito do …just in general lines for now , hope i bring someone on some idea with this info, or that i can later add more on this …
PS my computer is
And this link is a scan of nice duth diagnostic program of all hardware , notice that very much of hte basic hardware on the motherboard is from the date 21 06 2006 , just as the «legicy device» ….and that ioften cconsidered correct, even thoug the details on my pc itself mention updated false ….
ill dig deeper into this, as you see i was doning so already few months, finally the inthernetcontroller for a while did not start while i had connection normally ,and more things like that directly cennected to the rootport and around , so something is not working like it schould, and it is a «memory connected » device i summose somhow graphic memory of something
Kind greets from Belgium
*INT0800 Driver Download
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Драйвер / Устройство | Операционная система |
Дата выхода Версия |
Ссылка на скачивание |
Intel Chipset Driver | Windows XP 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2007-05-18 |
ATI I/O Communications Processor LPC Controller Driver | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2006-06-21 6.1.7601.17514 |
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