A crowd of youths shop windows during the riot

подтянуть оценки, изучить иностранный, подготовится к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ, найти профессию… регистрируйся, первый урок бесплатно!

WB 1c, d — c. 6


Упражнение 1, с. 6

1 Fill in: struggled, smashed, declared, pumped, begged. — Заполните: боролись, разбивали, объявляли, накачивали, умоляли.

1 The president declared a state of emergency after the storm hit.

После урагана президент объявил чрезвычайное положение.

2 Rescue workers struggled to cope with deadly floodwaters. 

Спасатели с трудом справлялись со смертоносными наводнениями. 

3 The flood victims begged for help from emergency services.

Жертвы наводнения умоляли спасателей о помощи.

4 A crowd of youths smashed shop windows during the riot. 

Толпа молодых людей разбила витрины магазинов во время беспорядков.

5 People pumped water out of their houses after the flood.

Люди откачивали воду из своих домов после наводнения.

Упражнение 2, с. 6

2. Fill in the sentences with the correct words derived from the words in brackets. — Заполните предложения правильными словами, образованными от слов в скобках.

1 Scientists fear that the storm will strengthen and become a major hurricane.

Учёные опасаются, что шторм усилится и превратится в крупный ураган.

2 The mayor ordered the residents of New Orleans to evacuate the city immediately.

Мэр приказал жителям Нового Орлеана немедленно эвакуироваться из города.

3 The storm was so powerful that it destroyed the whole village.

Ураган был настолько сильным, что разрушил всю деревню.

4 There was a lot of violence and looting of department stores after Hurricane Katrina hit the city.

После того как ураган «Катрина» обрушился на город, было много насилия и разграбления универмагов.

5 The city is making a slow recovery.
Город медленно восстанавливается.

Упражнение 3, с. 6

3. Complete the sentences with the correct word. — Дополните предложения правильным словом.

• funny — смешной • silly — глупый • relaxing — расслабляющий • boring — скучный • predictable — предсказуемый • educational —  познавательный  

1 The TV programme was so boring, I nearly fell asleep.

Телепередача была такой скучной, что я чуть не заснул.

2 Some documentaries are very educational because you learn new things.

Некоторые документальные фильмы очень познавательны, потому что вы узнаёте новые вещи.

3 Mark told a funny joke and everybody laughed.

Марк рассказал смешную шутку, и все засмеялись.

4 They like relaxing and watchhing TV on their sofa.

Они любят отдыхать и смотреть телевизор на диване.

5 Most horror films are predictable because you can guess what will happen.

Большинство фильмов ужасов предсказуемы, потому что можно догадаться, что произойдёт.

6 Janet dislikes soap operas; she find them silly.

Джанет не любит мыльные оперы; она считает их глупыми.


Упражнение 4, с. 6

проверил домашку?.. тогда время поиграть!.. регистрируйся бесплатно, приятные бонусы

4. Use the sentences (A-F) to complete the dialogue. One sentence isn’t necessary. — Используйте предложения (A-F) для завершения диалога. Одно предложение не обязательно.

A Isn’t there anything else on?
А больше ничего не показывают?

B I like the sound of that.
Мне нравится, как это звучит.

C OK. That’s fine with me!
Хорошо. Я не против!

D I happen to find it interesting.
Мне показалось, что это интересно.

E Anyway, it’s nearly finished.
В любом случае, он почти закончен.

F Why don’t you look in the TV guide?
Почему бы тебе не заглянуть в телегид?

A: Why are you watching this silly game show?

A: Почему ты смотришь это глупое игровое шоу?

B: 1 D I happen to find it interesting.
Мне показалось, что это интересно.

A: What’s on later?
А: Что будет позже?

B: 2 F Why don’t you look in the TV guide?
Б: Почему бы тебе не заглянуть в телегид?

A: After this there’s CSI on Channel 1 or a cooking show on Channel 3.

А: После этого можно посмотреть CSI на Первом канале или кулинарное шоу на Третьем канале.

B:  3 A Isn’t there anything else on?
Б: А больше ничего не показывают?

A: The Daily Show is on Channel 2. You know, it’s a talk show. We can watch that.

А: The Daily Show идёт на втором канале. Знаете, это ток-шоу. Мы можем посмотреть его.

B: OK. 4 B I like the sound of that! As long as we can change the channel at 9. I want to see Grey’s Anatomy.

Б: Хорошо. Мне нравится, как это звучит! Пока мы можем переключать канал в 9. Я хочу посмотреть «Анатомию Грей».

A: 5 C OK. That’s fine with me!
Б: Хорошо. Я не против!

Упражнение 5, с. 6

5. Write a similar dialogue to the one in Ex. 4. Use the TV guide below. — Напишите диалог, аналогичный диалогу в упр. 4. Воспользуйтесь приведённым ниже телегидом.

A: Why are you watching this silly cooking show?

A: Почему ты смотришь это глупое кулинарное шоу?

B: I actually enjoy watching cooking shows.

Б: Вообще-то мне нравится смотреть кулинарные шоу.

A: What’s on later?
А: Что будет позже?

B: Why don’t you look in the TV guide?
Б: Почему бы тебе не заглянуть в телегид?

A: Well, there’s a documentary about penguins on Channel 5 or a sitcom on Channel 6.

А: Ну, на пятом канале идёт документальный фильм о пингвинах или ситком на шестом канале.

B: Isn’t there anything else on?
Б: А больше ничего не показывают?

A: Make a Deal is on Channel 4. You know, it’s a game show. We can watch that.

А: На четвёртом канале идёт «Заключи сделку». Знаешь, это игровое шоу. Мы можем посмотреть его.

B: OK. I like the sound of that.
Б: Хорошо. Мне нравится, как это звучит.

A: As long as we can change the channel at 6. I’d like to watch the wildlife programme.

А: Если только мы сможем переключить канал в 6. Я бы хотел посмотреть программу о дикой природе.

B: OK. That’s fine with me!
Б: Хорошо. Я не против!

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 8 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 8 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 8 класс

Starlight 8 WB 1c, d — с. 6

Оцените и поделитесь с друзьями!


Упражнение 1, с. 6

1 Fill in: struggled, smashed, declared, pumped, begged. — Заполните: боролись, разбивали, объявляли, накачивали, умоляли.

1 The president declared a state of emergency after the storm hit.

После урагана президент объявил чрезвычайное положение.

2 Rescue workers struggled to cope with deadly floodwaters. 

Спасатели с трудом справлялись со смертоносными наводнениями. 

3 The flood victims begged for help from emergency services.

Жертвы наводнения умоляли спасателей о помощи.

4 A crowd of youths smashed shop windows during the riot. 

Толпа молодых людей разбила витрины магазинов во время беспорядков.

5 People pumped water out of their houses after the flood.

Люди откачивали воду из своих домов после наводнения.

Упражнение 2, с. 6

2. Fill in the sentences with the correct words derived from the words in brackets. — Заполните предложения правильными словами, образованными от слов в скобках.

1 Scientists fear that the storm will strengthen and become a major hurricane.

Учёные опасаются, что шторм усилится и превратится в крупный ураган.

2 The mayor ordered the residents of New Orleans to evacuate the city immediately.

Мэр приказал жителям Нового Орлеана немедленно эвакуироваться из города.

3 The storm was so powerful that it destroyed the whole village.

Ураган был настолько сильным, что разрушил всю деревню.

4 There was a lot of violence and looting of department stores after Hurricane Katrina hit the city.

После того как ураган «Катрина» обрушился на город, было много насилия и разграбления универмагов.

5 The city is making a slow recovery.
Город медленно восстанавливается.

Упражнение 3, с. 6

3. Complete the sentences with the correct word. — Дополните предложения правильным словом.

• funny — смешной • silly — глупый • relaxing — расслабляющий • boring — скучный • predictable — предсказуемый • educational —  познавательный  

1 The TV programme was so boring, I nearly fell asleep.

Телепередача была такой скучной, что я чуть не заснул.

2 Some documentaries are very educational because you learn new things.

Некоторые документальные фильмы очень познавательны, потому что вы узнаёте новые вещи.

3 Mark told a funny joke and everybody laughed.

Марк рассказал смешную шутку, и все засмеялись.

4 They like relaxing and watchhing TV on their sofa.

Они любят отдыхать и смотреть телевизор на диване.

5 Most horror films are predictable because you can guess what will happen.

Большинство фильмов ужасов предсказуемы, потому что можно догадаться, что произойдёт.

6 Janet dislikes soap operas; she find them silly.

Джанет не любит мыльные оперы; она считает их глупыми.


Упражнение 4, с. 6

4. Use the sentences (A-F) to complete the dialogue. One sentence isn’t necessary. — Используйте предложения (A-F) для завершения диалога. Одно предложение не обязательно.

A Isn’t there anything else on?
А больше ничего не показывают?

B I like the sound of that.
Мне нравится, как это звучит.

C OK. That’s fine with me!
Хорошо. Я не против!

D I happen to find it interesting.
Мне показалось, что это интересно.

E Anyway, it’s nearly finished.
В любом случае, он почти закончен.

F Why don’t you look in the TV guide?
Почему бы тебе не заглянуть в телегид?

A: Why are you watching this silly game show?

A: Почему ты смотришь это глупое игровое шоу?

B: 1 D I happen to find it interesting.
Мне показалось, что это интересно.

A: What’s on later?
А: Что будет позже?

B: 2 F Why don’t you look in the TV guide?
Б: Почему бы тебе не заглянуть в телегид?

A: After this there’s CSI on Channel 1 or a cooking show on Channel 3.

А: После этого можно посмотреть CSI на Первом канале или кулинарное шоу на Третьем канале.

B:  3 A Isn’t there anything else on?
Б: А больше ничего не показывают?

A: The Daily Show is on Channel 2. You know, it’s a talk show. We can watch that.

А: The Daily Show идёт на втором канале. Знаете, это ток-шоу. Мы можем посмотреть его.

B: OK. 4 B I like the sound of that! As long as we can change the channel at 9. I want to see Grey’s Anatomy.

Б: Хорошо. Мне нравится, как это звучит! Пока мы можем переключать канал в 9. Я хочу посмотреть «Анатомию Грей».

A: 5 C OK. That’s fine with me!
Б: Хорошо. Я не против!

Упражнение 5, с. 6

5. Write a similar dialogue to the one in Ex. 4. Use the TV guide below. — Напишите диалог, аналогичный диалогу в упр. 4. Воспользуйтесь приведённым ниже телегидом.

A: Why are you watching this silly cooking show?

A: Почему ты смотришь это глупое кулинарное шоу?

B: I actually enjoy watching cooking shows.

Б: Вообще-то мне нравится смотреть кулинарные шоу.

A: What’s on later?
А: Что будет позже?

B: Why don’t you look in the TV guide?
Б: Почему бы тебе не заглянуть в телегид?

A: Well, there’s a documentary about penguins on Channel 5 or a sitcom on Channel 6.

А: Ну, на пятом канале идёт документальный фильм о пингвинах или ситком на шестом канале.

B: Isn’t there anything else on?
Б: А больше ничего не показывают?

A: Make a Deal is on Channel 4. You know, it’s a game show. We can watch that.

А: На четвёртом канале идёт «Заключи сделку». Знаешь, это игровое шоу. Мы можем посмотреть его.

B: OK. I like the sound of that.
Б: Хорошо. Мне нравится, как это звучит.

A: As long as we can change the channel at 6. I’d like to watch the wildlife programme.

А: Если только мы сможем переключить канал в 6. Я бы хотел посмотреть программу о дикой природе.

B: OK. That’s fine with me!
Б: Хорошо. Я не против!

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 8 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 8 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 8 класс



Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

very/ completely/ a bit/ really/ absolutely

a. I speak _____ good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an ________ gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was ________ fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m _______ late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s _______ amazing!


Светило науки — 5441 ответ — 69880 раз оказано помощи

а. I speak very good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an absolutely gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was completely fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m a bit late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s really amazing!

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Il. I am
(tall) than my sister.
12. My mum thinks that cats are
(good) than dogs.
13. It is the
(interesting) book of these three.
14. My car
(fast) than yours.
15. A blue whale is
(heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
16. You look
(thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?
17. English is
(difficult) than History.
18. She is the
(nice) person of all I know.
19. Monday is the
(bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.
20. Computers are
(cheap) than mobile phones.
21. Janet is the
(intelligent) girl in the class.
22. Your dress is
(expensive) than mine.
3. Choose the correct item.
23. Visitors can’t have to / don’t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.
24. You can’t / must / mustn’t get permission to invite friends in your room.
25. The students needn’t / mustn’t/ have to drive on campus. It’s forbidden.
26. You mustn’t/ must / can’t pay the rent. That’s the rule.
27. I’m afraid you can/can’t/ needn’t go out now. It’s too late.
28. He has to /can’t / mustn’t do his homework every day.
29. You look ill. You must/can/have to go to the doctor.
30. People can/mustn’t/ must stop at the red line. It’s the rule.
31. Students can/ must / mustn’t put posters on the walls. It’s forbidden.
32. You can’t/ must / can haye party here. It isn’t allowed.
4. Read the text and answer the questions.

Остались вопросы?

We ran for our lives as thugs ambushed bus: Chaos across the capital as orgy of violence rages on

By and Arthur Martin for the Daily Mail and Ryan Kisiel for the Daily Mail and Rebecca Evans for the Daily Mail

Sporadic rioting, looting and arson attacks broke out across the length and breadth of London yesterday as the orgy of violence which began in Tottenham at the weekend showed no sign of abating.

From Hackney to Croydon, gangs of teenagers fought running battles with police, making roadblocks from burning cars and ransacking shops.

In Notting Hill, West London, diners eating in the two Michelin star Ledbury restaurant were attacked and mugged at their tables as rioters swept through the area.

Police in Birmingham also established an exclusion zone as large crowds gathered and shop windows were smashed.

Masked rioters on BMX bicycles armed with batons attacked a crowded London bus during the evening rush-hour last night, chasing terrified commuters as they tried to escape.

The thugs, some as young as eight, forced the driver to stop the double-decker by pelting it with champagne bottles stolen from a nearby Tesco.

About 40 passengers – some carrying screaming toddlers – burst out of the exits and sprinted away.

Thieves at work: A masked youth steals a flat screen TV as others hold up the shop security shutters of Harris Electronics in Hackney to help him

Thieves at work: A masked youth steals a flat screen TV as others hold up the shop security shutters of Harris Electronics in Hackney to help him

Masked yob: This rioter hurls a bottle at police with running battles taking place on the streets of Hackney

Hands up: A riot officer stands in front of a burning car in Hackney

Masked yob: This rioter hurls a bottle at police with running battles taking place on the streets of Hackney while, right, a riot officer stands in front of a burning car in a moment of respite

Several commuters fell to the ground during the stampede as about 20 black men wearing balaclavas and riding BMXs chased them.

As they ran, one woman screamed: ‘They are threatening us with big sticks. We have to run for our lives.

‘What have we done to them? We are innocent people just trying to get home.’

Elsewhere rioters were said to be targeting white people.

Mounted police formed a line as rioters set fire to four cars outside Pembury estate.

But as night struck, the police line backed off and the streets became lawless.

Young and lawless: This thug, who hasn't covered his face, batters away at a Met Police car window with a plank of wood

Young and lawless: This thug, who hasn’t covered his face, batters away at a Met Police car window with a plank of wood

Watching it burn: A rioter with a can of Special Brew in his hand casually strolls past a blazing car outside the targeted Carhartt store in Hackney

Watching it burn: A rioter with a can of Special Brew in his hand casually strolls past a blazing car outside the targeted Carhartt store in Hackney

Kara Mahoney said gangs were targeting white people to rob them.

She said: ‘About five white people just got beaten and robbed. There is a group of them. They hit a photographer and stole her cameras. She had blood gushing down her nose.’

Earlier gangs attacked cyclists and motorcyclists, pushing them over as they tried to get home.

And a thug used an axe to break into a Tesco supermarket. More than 30 gang members then streamed in, stealing bottles of alcohol which they used as missiles in later attacks.

At one point, child rioters tried to hijack a bus so they could drive it at police.

The attackers were mostly black youths, but they were joined by white men, women and children.

Thugs were also seen leaving a JD Sports store carrying tracksuits and trainers.

Last night, it was claimed communities were now turning on each other as they watched their livelihoods go up in flames.

One eye witness in Hackney saw a group of 100 Turkish Kurdish men chasing another group with sticks and bottles after their shops were looted.

The area has a large Turkish community, which normally coexists peacefully with people of other ethnic groups.


A 200-strong teenage mob tore apart stores along the main shopping street in Clapham Junction, south-west London.

Thugs smashed their way into a branch of Ladbrokes and tried to tear a plasma TV screen off a wall in Lavender Hill.

Eyewitnesses said few shop windows were left unbroken in surrounding streets as thieves systematically stripped shelves.

Among the targets were branches of JD Sports, Debenhams and Foot Locker as well as Wimpy and a hairdresser.

Under arrest: Police detain a man for looting in Clapham Junction, South London, while crowds of people simply stand around and watch

Under arrest: Police detain a man for looting in Clapham Junction, South London, while crowds of people simply stand around and watch

Mobile phone shops, including Phones4U, O2 and T-Mobile were singled out and gangs brazenly shared their loot in the street outside.

One bystander said: ‘I saw a middle-aged woman walking away with five bags from Debenhams. People are helping themselves to carrier bags.

‘Another woman was calmly flicking through earrings. There is not a single police officer here.

‘It is mostly young men wearing masks, but there are children as young as ten and hundreds of onlookers. It is like a war zone.’

Crowds of young people streamed away from Clapham with their arms full of shoes, designer clothes and electronic goods, leaving discarded goods on the ground.

Nervous shop owners huddled in the doorways of some businesses in a bid to protect their livelihoods.

Aftermath: Firefighters were still damping down buildings this morning after the blaze in Clapham, south London

Aftermath: Firefighters were still damping down buildings this morning after the blaze in Clapham, south London

The violence started in Clapham Junction just after 9pm, when youths ransacked a Currys electronic shop in St John’s Road.

Riot police left the scene after they came under light bombardment from projectiles

More youths, many with black hoods and scarves, then joined the scene.

Onlookers identified many of those present as ‘blues, yellows and reds’ — members of local gangs.

Along St John’s Road the windows of stores including Starbucks were smashed.

The gangs ran along the road and at one point a middle-aged man and his wife pointed in the direction of a jewellers further up the road and other potential targets.

Arson attack: The Party Superstore in Clapham Junction was targeted by criminal gangs

Arson attack: The Party Superstore in Clapham Junction was targeted by criminal gangs

Less than 30 metres away dozens of revellers stood outside a local pub drinking beer and looking on.

And nearby, police were telling residents to evacuate after a fancy dress shop and flats above it were set on fire. The blaze on Lavender Hill sent plumes of smoke up into the air.

Earlier looters had been taking masks from the store to hide their identity.


Fire destroyed a landmark furniture store last night during violent clashes between masked youths and police.

Black smoke could be seen across South London as House of Reeves, on Reeves Corner, was razed.

Police at the scene of the Croydon disturbances were investigating a ‘non-fatal’ shooting, after a 26-year old man was found in a car with gun shot wounds in Warrington Road, at 9.15pm.

Wreck: A fireman walks past the burnt out shell of 140-year-old Reeves Furniture store in Croydon this morning

Wreck: A fireman walks past the burnt out shell of 140-year-old Reeves Furniture store in Croydon this morning

Overpowering: A fireman stands with his hands on his hips as the raging inferno tears through Reeves

A property on fire near Reeves Corner, Croydon, south London

Overpowering: A fireman stands with his hands on his hips as the raging inferno tears through Reeves

He was taken to a south London hospital where he remains in a serious condition.

Two other people, believed to be in their late twenties, were also at the scene.

They were arrested for handling stolen goods and taken to a south London police station. Detectives from Trident are investigating.

Residents compared the scene in Croydon to the blitz as a double-decker bus and several cars were also torched.

Gangs of youths, some armed with knives, fought with police as supermarkets and other businesses were attacked.

Looters raided a branch of Argos, smashing the rear doors and making off with satnavs, CD players and camcorders.

Police locked down a large section of the town centre, closing West Croydon station and warning residents to stay away.

Terrifying ordeal: A woman can be seen jumping from a burning building in Surrey Street, Croydon, while fires rage around her

Terrifying ordeal: A woman can be seen jumping from a burning building in Surrey Street, Croydon, while fires rage around her

Leap of faith: The woman jumps from the second floor window and a group of people attempt to catch her

Leap of faith: The woman jumps from the second floor window and a group of people attempt to catch her


A woman and small child were taken by ambulance to hospital with burns and breathing difficulties after a shop below their flat was set ablaze.

The pair were seen screaming above Greggs bakery in the High Street as youths wearing balaclavas carried homemade Molotov cocktails through the streets.

Riot police with shields charged at rioters before two fire engines arrived at the scene.

Blue line: Riot officers block the main streets in the city centre of Birmingham, as they attempt to contain the outbreak of civil unrest

Spark for violence: Youths are seen on the street throwing fireworks in Peckham

Spoils of greed: A child cycles away with a supermarket basket full of booty looted from a Tesco store in Peckham Rye

Spoils of greed: A child cycles away with a supermarket basket full of booty looted from a Tesco store in Peckham Rye

On the run: Looters burst through the window of a shop on Peckham high street carrying their spoils

On the run: Looters burst through the window of a shop on Peckham high street carrying their spoils

Hundreds of teenagers had earlier smashed up a bus before setting it on fire. Wheelie bins were also set alight and placed in the middle of the road.

A line of police stood helpless a quarter of a mile away in Rye Lane.

A terrified wife also told how her rugby-playing husband was dragged off his motorbike by 12 hooded youths who beat him up and took his bike.

Another witness to the violence, teacher Matthew Yeoland, 43, said: ‘There’s been tension for a long time. The kids aren’t happy. They hate the police.’

Arson attack: This branch of Greggs was set ablaze when fire in the building next to it spread

Arson attack: This branch of Greggs was set ablaze when fire in the building next to it spread

He added: ‘For the kids, it’s their only way of venting their anger.

‘They’ve all got BlackBerrys and gangs have got together.

‘It’s like a war zone and the police weren’t doing anything. There were too many people and not enough police.’


Around 40 firefighters are tackling a large blaze at a warehouse in Enfield, London Fire Brigade confirmed.

The building, believed to be a Sony CD distribution centre, erupted in flames just before midnight last night before partially collapsing, according to a LFB spokesman.

Eyewitnesses described how they saw a gang of around 20 looters leaving the warehouse, in Solar Way, north-east Enfield, with electrical goods before the fire took hold.

Factory fire: Some 40 fire fighters are battling a blaze at a a Sony warehouse in Enfield in north London

Factory fire: Some 40 fire fighters are battling a blaze at a a Sony warehouse in Enfield in north London

A LFB spokesman said: ‘We were called just before midnight to a warehouse in Solar Way, Enfield.

‘Eight fire engines are in attendance and around 40 firefighters have been fighting the fire.

‘They are making steady progress and will remain on the scene into the morning.

‘There was quite a lot of black smoke and the building has partially collapsed into itself.’

Around 200 people staying at a Premier Inn hotel next door to the distribution centre were evacuated as the blaze took hold.

Buckled: The size of the fire meant around 200 people staying at a Premier Inn hotel next door to the distribution centre had to be evacuated

Buckled: The size of the fire meant around 200 people staying at a Premier Inn hotel next door to the distribution centre had to be evacuated

Paul Lewis, a journalist for the Guardian, told the BBC that large plumes of smoke could be seen coming from the 70 metre building which had partially collapsed.

‘This is further evidence of the riot spreading in all directions really,’ he said.

A eyewitness, named as ‘Tommy’, also told the BBC how he saw a number of looters leaving the warehouse with electrical goods before the blaze took hold.

He said he was punched by the culprits as the fled the scene.

Scotland Yard confirmed officers were working with colleagues from LFB at the scene of the fire.


Officers stand guard on Camden high street following skirmishes with rioters in the early hours of this morning

Officers stand guard on Camden high street following skirmishes with rioters in the early hours of this morning

Locking up: Police lines move towards the iconic Camden bridge as disorder broke out in the North London town last night

Locking up: Police lines move towards the iconic Camden bridge as disorder broke out in the North London town last night

Parts of Camden Town were in lockdown last night, as rioters and looters filled the streets.

Chalk Farm Road was closed off as thieves started to trash a Sainsbury’s and Evans cycle shop.

Audience members attending a show at the Roundhouse in Camden were kept inside the venue under police instructions and Camden Town tube station was shut early.

Police faced running battles with youths who pelted them with bottles, bricks and sticks, while others looted several shops.


In Ealing people were being forced out of their cars by rioters who then set them alight.

In Notting Hill, The Michelin-starred restaurant The Ledbury was attacked and dinners were mugged, before thugs were chased off by kitchen staff.

Michelin starred restaurant The Ledbury, whose regular guests include Michael Winner, Kate Moss and Lily Allen, also came under attack as an estimated 100 masked youths ransacked the restaurant and robbed diners of their expensive jewellery and belongings.

News of the carnage first broke around 11pm on Twitter when twitter user @harrywilkinson tweeted about his parents’ anniversary dinner being interrupted by looters in the exclusive Notting Hill restaurant — which was rated 34th in the Word’s Best Restaurant list.

He said: ‘Bunch of people smashed the windows in and came in and tried ripping watches/wallets jewellery off customers. Kitchen staff came out with knives.’

As the chaos continued, chefs working at the Michelin-starred restaurant, swapped knives for rolling pins as they tried to protect terrified diners from the mobs surrounding their tables and demanding their valuables.

Food blogger, Louise Yang, tweeted that it was her ‘most expensive meal ever’, as looters tore her engagement and wedding rings from her finger, and described as chefs came to their rescue with kitchen utensils before ushering all the guests into the cellar.

There were reports on Twitter of yobs wielding machetes in Notting Hill. 

Criminal damage: Cars burn on a street in Ealing, West London, where there was also looting by groups of hooded youths

Criminal damage: Cars burn on a street in Ealing, West London, where there was also looting by groups of hooded youths

Sloane Square Tube station was among dozens that were closed last night during the unrest.

A Tube worker said marauding gangs had been targeting designer clothing and jewellery stores.

In Kensington High Street armed officers from the Met’s diplomatic protection unit stood by an abandoned bus.

The windscreen of the double decker had been smashed.

Disturbances were also last night reported in Woolwich and Lewisham and have also been seen in Oxford Circus, Brixton, Waltham Forest, Islington, Clapham Junction and Poinders End.


Copycat rioters rampaged through Bristol today with police chiefs warning of ‘volatile’ scenes in the city centre.

More than 150 young rioters were causing disruption in the areas of St Paul’s and Stokes Croft, the scene of rioting earlier this year amid anger over a new Tesco store.

People were warned to stay clear of the city centre as police launched efforts to bring the scenes under control.

A number of shops and vehicles have been damaged, an Avon and Somerset police spokeswoman said.

Several main roads have been closed ‘to allow officers to take control of what is currently a volatile situation’.

‘Officers are urging people to avoid the city centre at this time,’ she said in a statement.

People already in the city centre should leave the area and go home, she added.

Chief Superintendent Jon Stratford said: ‘We have been working closely with other forces and criminal behaviour like this will not be tolerated.

‘We were hoping this type of disorder would not come to Bristol. However we have plenty of units on duty ready to respond.

‘Our primary concern is to keep people safe and minimise disruption to residents, motorists and local businesses.

‘We will always respect the right of any individual or group to take part in a peaceful protest.

‘But when disorder occurs, we have a duty to the wider community to do everything we can to calm the situation and restore order and prevent criminality.’


Merseyside Police said it had been dealing with ‘a number of isolated outbreaks of disorder’, including burning cars and criminal damage, in the south Liverpool area.

A witness in north Liverpool described scenes of mass violence in the city.

Riot police were working to contain a crowd of about 300 people, many of whom were youths with their heads and faces covered, according to the witness.

Fire on the street: Two car burn on Lawrence Road in Toxteth Liverpool

Fire on the street: Two car burn on Lawrence Road in Toxteth Liverpool

Riot police were working to contain a crowd of about 300 people, many of whom were youths with their heads and faces covered

Riot police were working to contain a crowd of about 300 people, many of whom were youths with their heads and faces covered

The witness said: ‘They are stopping cars, pulling people out of the cars, then setting fire to the vehicles. Every car they have walked past has been absolutely trashed, with all of the windows smashed.

‘Literally hundreds of cars have been damaged.

‘Police look like they’re trying to get them penned in.’

He added that a branch of Tesco had been looted and then set on fire by the rioters.


West Midlands Police today said it had made around 100 arrests after rioters rampaged across Birmingham city centre and some surrounding areas.

Shop windows were smashed last night as large crowds gathered following rumours of copycat riots.

Police established an exclusion zone up to half a mile around the city’s famous Bullring shopping centre. McDonald’s, Jessops and LA fitness were targeted, with bins thrown through the windows.

At around 10pm, rioters appeared to be moving away from the city centre towards Birmingham’s historic jewellery quarter.

But at around 11pm West Midlands Police confirmed that a police station in Holyhead Road in Handsworth, Birmingham, was on fire.

Kung fools: Unmasked yobs try to kick through the windows of a jewellers shop near the Bullring shopping centre in Birmingham

Kung fools: Unmasked yobs try to kick through the windows of a jewellers shop near the Bullring shopping centre in Birmingham

Spread wide: Police form skirmish lines in a bid to hold back the crowds outside the Bullring in Birmingham, where violence also flared last night

Spread wide: Police form skirmish lines in a bid to hold back the crowds outside the Bullring in Birmingham, where violence also flared last night

The disorder was witnessed by members of the England cricket team in their Birmingham city centre hotel.

The squad is staying in the city ahead of the third Test against India which starts on Wednesday.

England bowler Tim Bresnan said on his Twitter account: «Just seen the rioters in Birmingham fleeing down the main street followed by a load of police in the full get up. What’s going on?»

All-rounder Stuart Broad added on Twitter: ‘Police vans all around Birmingham where we are right now.’

Cllr Paul Tilsley, deputy leader of Birmingham City Council, said: ‘We are appealing to people within the city to remain calm and allow the police and others to do their job in bringing these incidents under control.

‘To help achieve this it is important that as many people as possible leave the streets. We urge all parents within the city to get in touch with any children or young people not currently at home asking them to return.’

Housewife Lynne Tamburro, 48, said: ‘My son told me what was going on when he got in from work.
‘I came to have a look and now there are police running round everywhere shouting, it is terrifying.

‘I rang my son and he said ‘Don’t move, I’m coming to get you now’.’

Another witness said: ‘I think these are just kids who are copying the riots in London.

‘I saw them attack shop windows and running around shouting and screaming.’

Imarn Aamin had come to Birmingham for the day from London on business said: ‘This is ridiculous, I live in London and it feels like a war zone there.

‘Now it is happening in Birmingham. When is it going to stop?’

Mike Golden, 44, is the manager of the Austin Reed branch in Birmingham’s Temple Row which was ransacked by looters.

He said: ‘I got a call from the alarm company saying intruders had broken into the shop. I thought it was strange for the time of day.

Policing the animals: Officers cluster at the city's iconic Bullring site

Policing the animals: Officers cluster at the city’s iconic Bullring site

Emptied: Mobile phone shops such as this one were among those which seemed to be specifically targeted by looters

Emptied: Mobile phone shops such as this one were among those which seemed to be specifically targeted by looters

‘When I got into town I saw the riot police and knew what had happened. They are using what happened in London as an excuse for this behaviour.’

As the evening wore on in Birmingham, scenes became increasingly ugly as looting and rioting continued.

The large group of youths which had initially gathered splintered into smaller gangs and proceeded to wreak havoc across the town.

Mobile phone shops were a particular target, with thieves breaking into the back rooms of New Street’s T-Mobile and Orange stores to steal mobile phones. Innocent passers-by were also dragged into the violence.

One young man was set upon by a mob who punched and kicked him before taking all his possessions.

An amusement arcade was also hit, but police again massed nowhere near the groups causing trouble.

The chaos also attracted crowds of onlookers.

Astonishingly, many of these brought their children, some pushing pushchairs others leading them round watching the violence.

Blue line: Riot officers block the main streets in the city centre of Birmingham, as they attempt to contain the outbreak of civil unrest

Blue line: Riot officers block the main streets in the city centre of Birmingham, as they attempt to contain the outbreak of civil unrest

Emptied: Mobile phone shops wuch as this one were among those which seemed to be specifically targeted by looters

Rich pickings: Some stores, such as this jewellery outlet, removed its stock for security purposes

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said a number of arrests had been made but could not give a precise figure, adding that officers were continuing to make new arrests as they cleared the city.

He said: ‘Things do seem to have calmed down a little bit now.

‘There are a small number of groups who are still causing trouble in the city centre and officers and public order teams are working to arrest them.’

Officers were controlling road access on some of the arterial routes into the city centre, including the inner-city ring road.

Assistant Chief Constable Sharon Rowe said: ‘We will not tolerate mindless violence and damage anywhere in the West Midlands and are working to ensure that the offenders are identified and caught as soon as possible.

‘A policing operation is in place with extra officers in Birmingham to restore calm in the city centre, and protect local people and businesses.

‘Our communities have made it clear to us that they do not want this kind of violence in their city and we will continue to work with them to bring anybody who commits acts of crime or anti-social behaviour to justice as soon as possible.’

West Midlands Ambulance Service said it had received calls about 24 incidents in the city centre, mostly relating to ‘assaults of one sort or another’.

A spokesman said a total of 34 patients had been seen by crews and 11 people had been taken to hospital.

Assistant Chief Ambulance Officer, Tracey Morrell said: ‘Thankfully the majority of the injuries that our crews have had to deal with have not been too serious but clearly any injury is one too many.

‘The Trust has been working closely with colleagues in West Midlands Police and other parts of the NHS, but having to deal with this number of additional incidents undoubtedly puts an unnecessary strain on the Trust.

‘We will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that the normal 999 service remains unaffected by these unfortunate events.’

COPS declared a riot in Portland on Saturday as Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters smashed shop windows in a march “against capitalism.»

Fired-up rioters lobbed projectiles at police and pepper-sprayed people passing by, police officers in the Oregon city said.

Shop, bank, and hotel windows were smashed during the riot in Portland


Shop, bank, and hotel windows were smashed during the riot in PortlandCredit: KOIN

The riot kicked off a day after tensions boiled over into unrest late Friday in Vancouver, Washington


The riot kicked off a day after tensions boiled over into unrest late Friday in Vancouver, WashingtonCredit: Getty Images — Getty

An 80-strong crowd marching from Irving Park at about 7.15pm towards the boulevard yelled, «No cops! No prisons! Total abolition!» according to The Oregonian.

The Halloween night march was advertised on posters exclaiming «Capitalism is scary.»

As the crowd swelled to about 100 people, some started smashing windows of buildings they were passing.

Those damaged included a Starbucks, a real estate agency, a bank, and two phone company shops, along with a hotel, the news outlet reported.

In downtown Vancouver, windows were smashed and flags were burnt


In downtown Vancouver, windows were smashed and flags were burntCredit: Getty Images — Getty

Law enforcement officers clear a street after an unlawful assembly declared in Vancouver, Washington


Law enforcement officers clear a street after an unlawful assembly declared in Vancouver, WashingtonCredit: MATHIEU LEWIS-ROLLAND

Glass was smashed during the night of protests


Glass was smashed during the night of protestsCredit: KOIN

Clark County sheriff's deputies disperse a crowd in Vancouver


Clark County sheriff’s deputies disperse a crowd in VancouverCredit: Getty Images — Getty

Many protesters had donned paper masks of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, to mock him.

There have been calls for the city’s leader to quit since racial justice protests were launched in late May in the wake of George Floyd’s killing by police.

The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) warned those destroying property and hurting passers-by on Saturday night to stop immediately or they might be «tear-gassed.»

Cops converged on the area and yelled via loudspeaker: «This has been declared a riot.

«Members of this group have been observed damaging multiple businesses along NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

«All persons must immediately leave the area.

Tensions arose between Black Lives Matter protesters and far-right counter-protesters in Vancouver – hours before the Portland riot


Tensions arose between Black Lives Matter protesters and far-right counter-protesters in Vancouver – hours before the Portland riotCredit: Getty Images — Getty

«Failure to adhere to this order may subject you to arrest, citation, or crowd control agents, including tear gas and/or impact weapons. Disperse immediately.»

The cops also apologized to «members of the Lloyd District and Irvington neighborhoods for the loud announcements.

Police in Portland, Oregon, declared a riot on Saturday night


Police in Portland, Oregon, declared a riot on Saturday nightCredit: KOIN

«However, the group marching on NE 11th Ave have broken windows at multiple businesses on NE MLK Jr. Blvd and the Lloyd District.

«Members of the group have also thrown projectiles at police and pepper sprayed community member bystanders.»

The city’s Lloyd District is a commercial neighborhood where Portland’s convention center is located.

Rioters – unable to reach the Lloyd Center Mall as cops blocked their way – ran off.

Right-wing protesters were seen with rifles and weapons as calls to stand against the "Portland antifa" spread on social media


Right-wing protesters were seen with rifles and weapons as calls to stand against the «Portland antifa» spread on social media

Police quickly had the area under control, with the department adding that, «by 8.30pm most of the rioters had gone and the riot declaration was rescinded.»

No arrests have been made, «but the acts of vandalism are under investigation and future arrests are possible,» the force warned.

The riot took place hours after a fiery demonstration in Vancouver, Washington


The riot took place hours after a fiery demonstration in Vancouver, WashingtonCredit: MATHIEU LEWIS-ROLLAND

The riot took place amid unrest which erupted over the police killing of Kevin Peterson Jr, 21, near Portland.

American flags were torched as tensions arose between Black Lives Matter protesters and far-right counter-protesters as they demonstrated in Washington on Saturday following the fatal police shooting.

Tensions boiled over into unrest late Friday following a vigil for Peterson.

Mourners had gathered in Hazel Dell, an unincorporated area of Vancouver, Washington, where family and friends say Peterson was shot on Thursday night.

Kevin Peterson Jr., 21, who was shot and killed by law enforcement in Clark County, Wash., on October 29


Kevin Peterson Jr., 21, who was shot and killed by law enforcement in Clark County, Wash., on October 29Credit: AP:Associated Press

Hundreds of people gathered for the vigil on Friday evening, with some holding signs that read, “Honk for Black lives. White silence is violence” and “Scream his name.”

Nearby, tensions flared between left- and right-wing protesters.

People gathered for Kevin Peterson Jr at a candlelight vigil in Vancouver


People gathered for Kevin Peterson Jr at a candlelight vigil in VancouverCredit: AP:Associated Press

People light candles in honor of Peterson and other black lives lost


People light candles in honor of Peterson and other black lives lostCredit: AP:Associated Press

Video recorded by journalists in a parking lot showed two groups of people shouting at each other.

Also, armed demonstrators gathered near a building which, they told reporters, they were protecting.

Most read in News

Although the shooting is still under investigation, deputies approached Peterson believing he had been selling drugs in the parking lot of a suburban hotel.

The Southwest Washington Independent Investigative Response Team, investigating the shooting, said Peterson «produced» a gun before deputies fired on him.

However, Clark County Sheriff Chuck Atkins said Peterson shot first at deputies earlier on Friday afternoon, with investigators saying they recovered a .40-caliber Glock gun near Peterson’s body.

BLM and right-wing protesters face off as US flags burn in the aftermath of police shooting of Kevin Peterson Jr

2011 England riots

Firefighters douse a shop and flats destroyed by arson during the initial rioting in Tottenham, North London

Date 10 August 2011

Several districts across Greater London, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, West Midlands, East Midlands, West Yorkshire, Bristol and several other areas.[1][2][3]

Methods Looting, arson
Casualties and losses
5 deaths[4][5][6]
16+ civilian injuries[7][8]
186 police injuries[9][10][11]

In early August 2011, England was struck by riots, the worst in the country in decades.[12] The timeline of the events of the riots spanned from 6–10 August.

Saturday, 6 August[edit]

Protest march[edit]

On 6 August, an initially peaceful protest was held, beginning at Broadwater Farm and finishing at Tottenham police station.[13] The protest was organised by friends and relatives of Mark Duggan (who was killed by police on 4 August 2011), to assert a perceived unmet need for justice for the family.[14][15][16] The rioting occurred shortly after about 120 people marched from Broadwater Farm to Tottenham Police Station via the High Road.[17] The group demanded that a senior local police officer speak to them. They stayed in front of the police station hours longer than originally planned because they were not satisfied with the seniority of the officers available at the time. A younger and more aggressive crowd arrived around dusk, some of whom were armed. Violence broke out following a rumour that police had attacked a 16-year-old girl.[18]


A firefighter douses a blaze in Tottenham during the aftermath of the initial riot
Rioters facing police on the evening of 6 August 2011

A series of disturbances by people in Tottenham followed the protest march on 6 August. The rioting occurred shortly after about 120 people marched from Broadwater to Tottenham Police Station via the High Road.[17] Tottenham is in the London borough of Haringey, which has the fourth highest level of child poverty in London and 8.8% unemployment.[19]

At 22:15, a gang of youths burned down Tottenham’s post office.[citation needed] From around 22:30, attacks were carried out on police cars, a double-decker bus and local businesses and homes. Police vans and officers from the Territorial Support Group attended the disorder on Tottenham High Road. Shops windows were smashed and the shops looted by rioters.[20] Fireworks, petrol bombs and other missiles were thrown at police.[14] Twenty-six officers were injured, including one who sustained head injuries. Firefighters experienced difficulty reaching a burning building because of the disorder.[citation needed]

A BBC News correspondent said his news crew and vehicle came under attack from youths throwing missiles.[21] Some news crews left the scene due to the threat of violence. The police set up a cordon around Tottenham police station and a nearby group of BBC and Sky journalists. Some of the police were on horseback.[13]

Tottenham Hale[edit]

The violent clashes were followed by the looting of Tottenham Hale retail park, which continued until dawn without police intervention.[18]

Injuries and arrests[edit]

London Ambulance Service confirmed that ten people had been treated for injuries and that nine were in hospital.[17]

Sunday, 7 August[edit]

Location of incidents on 6 and 7 August: Red = 6 August, Yellow = 7 August

London incidents[edit]

Enfield and Ponders End[edit]

On Sunday evening, 7 August, violent disturbances erupted in Enfield, to the north of Tottenham, among a heavy presence of riot police.[22]

Enfield Town centre, Enfield Town Park and alleyways between there and the Palace Garden shopping centre were guarded by police. A heavy police presence was seen outside Enfield Town railway station where people arriving were being searched for security reasons.[23]

Riot police arrived in Enfield Town the afternoon of 7 August as several small groups of hooded youngsters arrived in cars, buses and trains. Around 100 people were waiting in small groups in the vicinity of Enfield Town station in Southbury Road.[24]

Disorder ensued around 5:30 when a police car in Church Street was pelted with bricks.[25] Shops were attacked, including HMV’s branch in Church Street.[26] A police helicopter hovered over the area.[24]

At around 19:00, police pushed a group of around thirty youths back onto Southbury Road towards the junction with Great Cambridge Road. Police dogs were deployed at the scene.[26] Similar action drove back approximately 50 people along Southbury Road via Queens Street, after a preceding clash with rioters outside a supermarket.[27]

At 19:30, both Metropolitan Police officers and reinforcements from Kent Police cordoned off Enfield, making a «sterile area» to deal with local disturbances, including robberies at Enfield Retail Park.[28]

The scenes of Enfield were «reminiscent of Tottenham, though smaller.»[22]


Looting spread to Brixton that evening.[29] Six fire engines fought a blaze at a Foot Locker shoe shop in Brixton.[30][31] Riot police and youths clashed near a local Currys store that was broken into during the disturbances.[28] Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, a local resident described «hundreds» of men and women entering the electrical shop and emerging with TVs and other electrical goods. When police arrived, the looters attacked, throwing rocks and the contents of rubbish bins at officers. A branch of Halfords was targeted and looted by youths.[32]

One Brixton resident said: «People were coming to Brixton from outside the area. I was getting out of Brixton Tube last night about 22:30 and going up the escalator when about 10 teenagers ran up the escalator and pushed me to one side.»[33] By 11:57, both Tesco and Foot Locker were targeted by looters. Lambeth Council’s leader, Councillor Steve Reed said of the mobs in Streatham, «They were looters not rioters.»[34]

Wood Green[edit]

Disorder broke out in Wood Green, two miles (3 km) from Tottenham, during the early hours of 7 August. Widespread looting[35] involved around 100 youths who targeted high-street game shops, electrical shops and clothing chains.[36] Others ransacked local shops on Wood Green High Road.[37] A family-run jeweller was hit.[38]

By 20:00, major rioting had spread to Wood Green, with riot police on hand.[18] Again, the police did not intervene to stop the looting.[18] The mostly Turkish and Kurdish shop owners along Wood Green, Turnpike Lane and Green Lanes, Harringay, formed local ‘protection units’ around their shops.[37]

Other areas[edit]

  • Dalston: Looting hit Kingsland shopping centre in Dalston, including JD Sports and Foot Locker.[39]
  • Denmark Hill: A gangland fight broke out at King’s College Hospital at about 20:30, where two victims of a minor stabbing had been admitted earlier.[39]
  • Islington: The windscreen of a police vehicle was smashed as groups of youths caused a disturbance.[30]
  • Leyton: Looting occurred at Currys in Leyton Mills retail park and the bicycle shop Bike Shack.[40]
  • Oxford Circus: Overnight, violence spread to Oxford Circus, central London, as about 50 youths gathered and damaged property.[28][41]
  • Shepherd’s Bush: The police skirmished on the Edward Wood Estate in Shepherd’s Bush, while a shop was looted in King’s Road.[42]
  • Streatham: A T-Mobile shop, JD Sports and other shops were ransacked. Councillor Mark Bennett said the owner of one shop in Streatham High Road was hospitalised after a mob attacked the shop.[33]
  • Woolwich: In Woolwich town centre local shops were looted and set on fire, including the Great Harry Pub,[43] which later became the focus of local opinion about the events and was featured on Sky News after locals began writing their thoughts and messages on the boarded-up shell. Many locals felt that news coverage neglected the Woolwich events.[44][45]

Hertfordshire incidents[edit]

  • Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire: Looters and rioters attacked two police cars and two jewellers in Waltham Cross High Street at around 21:50. A specialist public order unit was sent to the area, along with sections of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Police Dog Unit.[46]

Public response[edit]

On 7 August, riots led to the cancellation of the Hackney One Carnival and Parks for Life Festival in Clissold Park, Stoke Newington.[47]

Political and legal response[edit]

Operation Withern was launched to investigate the cause of Mark Duggan’s fatal shooting and the subsequent riots.[48] According to a statement by the Metropolitan Police Service, Operation Withern was being led by Detective Superintendent John Sweeney of the Metropolitan Police Service, and is made up of detectives from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command, specialist investigators from the Public Order Branch and police support staff.[49]

The MP for Brent North, Barry Gardiner, said that community involvement there had so far prevented riots.[50]

The Mayor Of London, Boris Johnson, revealed that he had provided an extra £42,000,000 to the Metropolitan Police during the previous year to increase police numbers in London.[50]


Officers from North Yorkshire Police responded to the request to assist their colleagues in London.

Monday, 8 August[edit]

Stand-off between rioters and police in Croydon


By 07:59, the Metropolitan Police Commander Christine Jones said: «This is a challenging situation with small pockets of violence, looting and disorder breaking out on a number of boroughs.»[51] Jewellery shops across Tottenham, Enfield and Wood Green suffered break-ins.[38] The Victoria line was closed between Stockwell and Brixton «due to civil unrest», according to London Underground.[29] Angel, Islington, Stoke Newington and Wood Green were in police lockdown.[29] All 32 boroughs of London were placed on riot alert.[52]


Police closed the entire area around West Croydon station on the evening of 8 August. Bricks, bottles, stones and fireworks were thrown at police. Looted shops included branches of Argos, Iceland, House of Fraser, Orange, Maplin Electronics and Tesco. Purley Way stores Best Buy, PC World and Comet were heavily looted for electronics.[53] Many other small businesses were also affected.

A large furniture shop, House of Reeves, which had been in Croydon since 1867,[54][55] was burned to the ground.[56][57][58] Arsonists struck later that night and destroyed another building in the Reeves Corner district of Croydon.[54] A Sky News satellite van came under attack and many shops, cars and buses were set alight in West Croydon.[54] At 19:45, Croydon Advertiser reporter Gareth Davies was mugged while reporting in Surrey Street and Church Street.[59]

A 26-year-old man from Brixton, Trevor Ellis, was shot and killed in South Croydon on Warrington Road.[60][61] Police believe he was shot after a car chase following an argument over stolen goods, but as of August 2012 had not charged any suspects.[62]

In February 2012, the Croydon Advertiser reported an investigation was underway following reports that only 3% of the police attended to the riots in Croydon whilst others were deployed elsewhere.[63]


Some Ealing businesses were asked by police to close at 5 pm.[64] On Ealing Broadway a group of 200 people[54] attacked police cars[65] and vandalised and looted shops.[54]

Around Haven Green, close to Ealing Broadway tube station, cars and a bus were set alight and many other cars vandalised,[64] shops had their windows smashed, a supermarket was looted[66] and nearby residential properties were burgled.[67] Near Ealing Green more shops were looted,[68] several cars torched[68] and a supermarket set alight with petrol bombs.[67] Rioters attempting to vandalise two pubs in this area were dissuaded by the customers and staff.[69] Hundreds of young people looted shops in West Ealing.[70] There was minor trouble in Ealing Green.[54] A 68-year-old man, Richard Bowes, was assaulted and robbed when he tried to remonstrate with rioters. He was said to be attempting to put out a fire when he was attacked. He was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries, and died three days later.[71] His killer, Darell Desuze, was sentenced to eight years’ detention.[72]

London Borough of Enfield[edit]

On the morning of 8 August several shops in Enfield Town and in the nearby A10 retail park were vandalised and looted,[29] and two vehicles set ablaze.[28] A large crowd of youths moved westwards, toward nearby Ponders End and wrecked a local Tesco.[73] Hundreds of riot police and canine units arrived with vans and charged at groups of teenagers until they dispersed, smashing cars and shop windows on the way.[30][73] A large Sony distribution centre was set alight and the fire destroyed the building.[74] Three Watford fire engines were called to the Sony warehouse in Enfield at about 03.30 the next day.[75]

Elsewhere in London[edit]

  • Balham: Several shops were looted.[76]
  • Barking: A 20-year-old Malaysian student was beaten and then robbed twice by looters in Barking. He suffered a broken jaw, requiring surgery and a night stay in hospital.[77]
  • Barnet: About 60 people were chased off by riot police after looting shops in Barnet in the night.[78][79] Minor disturbances occurred at the Brent Cross shopping centre.[80]
  • Battersea: The windows of many shops on Lavender Hill and St. John’s Road were smashed, many were looted, and one shop was destroyed by fire.[81] The local Debenhams was looted that night.[54][76]
  • Bayswater: A mob of around 30 teenagers and adults targeted businesses along Queensway. Shops, including Best One and Maplin as well as Whiteley’s Shopping Centre, had their windows smashed. The gang tried to loot some of the businesses but the police repelled them. Queensway and Ladbroke Grove tube stations closed early due to the troubles.[82][83]
  • Bethnal Green: Running battles with police occurred in Bethnal Green.[29]
  • Camden: Minor overnight disturbances broke out, quelled by police.[29]
  • Catford: Looters broke into several shops in Rushey Green including an independent opticians, Argos, 99p Stores, JD Sports and a Halfords store.[84]
  • Charlton: Police dispersed local riots,[85] but Stone Lake Retail Park shops were looted.
  • Chelsea: Looters broke into an antiques shop in King’s Road.[39]
  • Chingford Mount: Three police officers were hospitalised after being hit by a fast-moving vehicle in Chingford Mount, Waltham Forest, at 00:45. The officers had started making arrests after a shop was being looted by youths.[30]
  • Chislehurst: By 11:30, the police had cordoned off Bromley town centre with both the High Street and Bromley South railway station closed after a stand-off with rioters.[86] The stand-off lasted until at least 18:35.[87]
  • Colliers Wood: By 22:12, looting and vandalism hit Colliers Wood retail park until police arrived. A stand-off developed after 21:30 when police withdrew from the Tandem Centre, where the rioters broke into the shops including Sports Direct, JD Sports, PC World and Mothercare.[88]
  • Crystal Palace: At 12:10, a group of Crystal Palace residents united to see off the looters.[89]
  • Dulwich: A Tesco Express shop on East Dulwich Road and shops in Lordship Lane were looted.[90]
  • Fulham: Police made nine arrests as the violence spread to Fulham.[91] The area was cleared by about 1:00 am, with only a smashed window at a Foot Locker shop.[91] Police officers stood guard outside PC World in the Wandsworth Bridge Road business park, as looters threatened to storm in.[42][91]
  • Hackney: Sporadic skirmishes were reported to have occurred between police and groups of young people around Mare Street.[92] Youths threw bottles, petrol bombs and the contents of rubbish bins. Bins and cars were set on fire and the mounted and riot police charged retreating gangs.[29]
  • Harlesden: Looters targeted a pawnbroker in the evening.[93] Shops were looted in the town centre, as well as a jewellery shop in Harrow Road.[54][94]
  • London Borough of Hounslow: Both Hounslow and Feltham remained calm as rioting hit other places including Hackney, Croydon, Lewisham and Battersea[95]
  • Ilford: A jewellery shop was targeted and an electrical shop was broken into. Lines of riot police protected Ilford Police Station. A man was treated by paramedics in Ilford Hill at about 19:30. One eyewitness said that the man was «intentionally» hit by a car, which then drove off.[96]
  • Islington: Sporadic night-time riots occurred.[78]
  • Kingston: Kingston’s pubs and clubs shut early, with the Wetherspoons, opposite The Oceana Club, one of many to shut early at about 22:00 on police advice as the town braced itself. The online rumour that an offshoot of the rioting had got to Kingston’s town centre was unfounded. A Twitter report falsely claimed that Kingston’s Bentall Centre was a blazing and looted ruin.[97] Ultimately, Kingston suffered no incidents.
  • Lewisham: Sporadic rioting occurred in Lewisham in the evening, but rioters were quickly dispersed by riot police.[98] At 18:35, 15 riot policemen faced down a large group of mainly angry young people in Lee High Road, Lewisham.[87] Police dispersed local riots.[85]
  • Notting Hill: Diners at the two Michelin-starred Ledbury restaurant were attacked and robbed.[99]
  • Peckham: Shops on Rye Lane and Peckham High Street were looted by a crowd of three to four hundred rioters. A bus was set on fire on Southampton Way and Regen’s was destroyed by fire.[90]
  • Romford : The windows of many shops and businesses around Romford town centre were smashed, fires were started and Debenhams was looted.[78][100]
  • Streatham: Sporadic night-time riots occurred.[78]
  • Surrey Quays: Shops in the Surrey Quays shopping centre and a local Decathlon shop were looted by youths.[90]
  • Sutton: Damage was reported to businesses on the High Street and in the Rose Hill area, as well as the looting of a local convenience shop. In Hackbridge there was looting of an off licence and a warehouse. In Sutton Town Centre, shops such as JD Sports, Asda, Argos and HMV were looted, and Asda was set on fire.[101]
  • Tooting: By 18:01, two shops had been attacked: a CeX branch on Mitcham Lane and a Ladbrokes branch on Franciscan Road.[102]
  • Walthamstow and Walthamstow Central: Over 30 youths wrecked and looted shops, including a branch of BHS in Walthamstow Central that morning.[28] A Santander branch was broken into and a Barclays cash machine was ripped out of a wall.
  • Walworth Road: Up to 20 shops on the southern end of Walworth Road were broken into from 19:30 and looted for up to an hour.[90]
  • Woolwich: Major disturbances took place overnight. A J D Wetherspoon pub, Blue Inc clothing shop, and a police car were completely burnt out, and a restaurant was set alight. Other buildings along the high street had windows smashed and looted, including jewellers, computer game shops, banks, phone shops, bookmakers and fast food restaurants.[103][104] Videos appeared online showing outnumbered police fleeing rioters, originally shot by Jellyfielder Studios, a Woolwich-based film production company. This footage was featured on BBC, Sky New, Russia Today, ABC, and later appeared on NBC’s Caught on camera, and several Channel 5 Top 20 worst.[103] The Great Harry Pub[43] became the focus of local opinion about the events, and was featured on Sky News after locals began writing their thoughts and messages on the boarded-up shell. The wall was later painted over in black by the local council who refused to comment on why. Many other shops were attacked and looted. Many locals felt that the Woolwich events were neglected in news coverage.[44]

West Midlands[edit]

A lone rioter on Corporation Street in Birmingham
  • Birmingham: Some shop windows in the city centre were smashed and there were reports of looting in several areas. An unmanned police station in Handsworth was set alight.[105] Police arrested 130.[106]
  • West Bromwich: Youths rioted, looting business, smashing shop windows and setting bins and cars alight.[107]

Rest of England[edit]

Burnt-out cars in Liverpool.
  • Luton: Police officers were deployed to known trouble spots as Twitter and Facebook reports falsely claimed riots in Luton.[108] Two small arson fires occurred – one at Leagrave Motors in Sundon Park Road, Luton, at around midnight, and a rubbish bin set alight at Arrow Close, also in Luton, in the early hours of the morning.[108] The county of Bedfordshire had a CCTV network in operation across every town to monitor and help deploy resources.[109]
  • Leicester: No fires but shop windows were still smashed.
  • Bristol: Rioters attacked shops.[110][111][112]
  • Guildford: Surrey Police condemned Twitter reports of rioting in Guildford, acknowledging only minor scuffles.[113]
  • Leeds: The Chapeltown area was hit by riots, during which 34-year-old Gavin Clarke was shot in the face and admitted to hospital under armed guard with life-threatening injuries.[6] He was later pronounced dead.[6] This account is contradicted by a BBC report which suggests that the disturbance started as a result of the shooting and that the incident was related, not to the troubles in London and elsewhere in England, but to another shooting that took place in Chapeltown on 2 August 2011 — several days before the London shooting.[114]
  • Liverpool: Disturbances occurred in South Liverpool, in particular the area of Toxteth.[111][115]
  • Medway: Rioters burned cars and confronted the police in Gillingham and Chatham.[116]
  • Norwich: Shops in one of Norwich’s main streets and Royal Arcade were closed early after threats filtered through in relation to the unrest in London.[117]
  • Nottingham: A police station in the city centre was attacked, and car tyres were ignited in the St Ann’s area.[118]
  • Oxford: A McDonald’s restaurant in Headington, Oxford was set alight as was a car in Barton, Oxford.[119]

Political and legal response[edit]

  • Croydon: The council gave looters a stark warning to stay away from Croydon or face the full force of the law.[120]
  • Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg toured London’s riot-hit communities in and around Tottenham.[121]


Officers from North Yorkshire Police responded to requests to assist their colleagues in London.[122] A statement by North Yorkshire Police’s Temporary Deputy Chief Constable, Tim Madgwick, said:

North Yorkshire Police continue to monitor the aftermath of the disorder affecting other parts of the country, and we can confirm that to date, there are no reports of any similar incidents in North Yorkshire.[123]

The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Civil Contingencies and Public Order Planning Unit sent a Police Support Unit (PSU) to London. Custody space in Bedfordshire cells and call taking support was also offered.[108]

Richard Mannington Bowes[edit]

Floral tributes at the site of the fatal assault. The flowers at the top spell out the word «why».

Bowes was a 68-year-old British retired accountant who died as a result of being attacked in the street in Ealing. He was the fifth fatality related to events associated with the riots. He was attacked by a mob on 8 August 2011, while attempting to extinguish an arson fire in industrial bins on Spring Bridge Road. The attack left him in a coma. The assault was caught on CCTV and filmed on mobile phones by associates of the man who hit him.[citation needed]

Police officers arrived at 10:45pm in response to reports of looting at the Arcadia shopping centre. They were not wearing protective gear and were outnumbered by approximately 120 rioters. The attack on Bowes was witnessed by several police officers, but they were unable to respond in time. They requested assistance as they were showered with bottles and bricks. Riot squad officers who responded had to push back rioters while being attacked to reach Bowes. A line of officers then held back the rioters as paramedics arrived.[citation needed]

Bowes was found without a wallet or phone as they had been stolen, and police initially faced difficulty in identifying him. He died of his injuries in St Mary’s Hospital on 11 August 2011 after being removed from life support.[71][124]

A 22-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder, rioting and committing three burglaries;[125][126] he was released on bail. A 16-year-old boy was arrested for Bowes’ murder and for burglary.[127]

Bowes had moved to Ealing in 1994.[128][129] He lived alone in a flat in Haven Green.[125] He was described as quiet and shy and a loner.[130][131] He is reported to have previously challenged anti-social behaviour in the area. On one occasion, ten years earlier, he was fined for confronting youths who were urinating outside his home.[131]

Revulsion at Bowes’s death was widespread. Ealing Council flew the Union Flag at half-mast over its town hall as a mark of respect. It also announced that it was launching the Richard Mannington Bowes Relief Fund in his memory.[130]

Bowes was hailed as a hero for his actions by the media and politicians.[132] Mayor Johnson was particularly vocal: «I feel desperately sorry and sad for him, and what a hero he is. He walked straight up in front of the looters and tried to stop what was happening. He is an example to everybody.»[133]

There are many villains in this story but also many heroes and I want to pay particular tribute to Mr Bowes. He has paid a terrible price.

Tuesday, 9 August[edit]

  • Burning car in Manchester

    Burning car in Manchester

  • Miss Selfridge shop in Market Street (Manchester) fire-damaged

    Miss Selfridge shop in Market Street (Manchester) fire-damaged

  • Damaged entrance to Manchester Arndale Centre

  • Damage to Staples shop, Deansgate

    Damage to Staples shop, Deansgate

Early hours[edit]

Time Magazine wrote «Not since the blitz during World War II have so many fires raged in London so intensely at one time».[134]

London Borough of Enfield[edit]

Looters burned a Sony-owned warehouse in Solar Way, Enfield[54] which acted as the primary distribution hub for the independent music distributor PIAS Entertainment Group.[135] Three Watford fire engines were called to the continuing Sony warehouse fire in Enfield at about 03.30 that day.[75]

London Borough of Havering[edit]

In the morning, youths formed groups of 10 to 12 in areas across Havering, including Romford, Hornchurch, Collier Row, Rainham, Harold Hill and Upminster, a police spokesman said, but officers dispersed groups or issued street warnings and spot deterrents.[100]

Arrests took place for low-level crimes like spitting at an officer and ABH, since officers were highly visible. Around 50 special police volunteers responded, helping to man potentially volatile situations. Fire crews reported a quiet night.[100]

London Borough of Merton[edit]

Looting continued throughout the early hours within the Tandem Centre and Priory retail estates in Merton. Police withdrew after coming under attack from a group of over 100 people. Mothercare, JD Sports and PC World were targeted, with Mothercare and Harveys the victims of arson. Police retook the retail parks approximately 3 hour after their withdrawal. Sporadic looting was reported, with convenience stores in Phipps Bridge and a Betting shop in Mitcham was looted.[54][136]

Elsewhere in London[edit]

  • Beckton: Unspecified trouble at the Gallions Reach shopping centre resulted in multiple road closures.[137]
  • Camden: Crowds gathered at Chalk Farm tube station at 1am.[138] Asians guarded their shops.[138] Police drove back looters in Camden High Street and Chalk Farm Road, Camden.[139]
  • Kilburn and Kingsbury: A Vodafone shop in Kilburn High Road was targeted by looters. Looters also hit jewellery stores in Kilburn and Kingsbury.[140]
  • Holloway scuffles occur in the early hours.[138]
  • Wimbledon: Minor incidents occurred in south Wimbledon, the Wimbledon town centre and a handful of shops in Wimbledon Village. The police eventually dispersed them.[136]
  • Major fires were started in Barking, Battersea, Croydon, Dagenham, Ealing, Greenwich and Southwark.[54]
  • Croydon: Local scuffles were quickly dispersed.[141]
  • Camberwell: A small fire was started by arsonists.[141]
  • Islington: The police in Islington appealed for people to stay at home and for shops to close early.[141]
  • Hammersmith and Fulham Hammersmith and Fulham Council urged people to keep calm and stay indoors.[141]
  • Wembley: A police officer was run over by looters at approximately 2:50 am. Three people were arrested for attempted murder.[142]

Greater Manchester[edit]

  • Manchester: The reported riot was an Internet hoax, since it was only a quickly dispersed scuffle.[141]
  • Salford: The reported riot was an Internet hoax; it was only a quickly dispersed scuffle.[141]

Rest of England[edit]

  • Brighton: The reported riot was an internet hoax, actually a quickly dispersed scuffle.[141]
  • Derby: Over 20 cars and a local shop were damaged in a series of overnight disturbances in the Campbell Street, Allenton and Brighton Road, Alvaston areas. A pair of 15-year-olds were arrested.[143][144]
  • Leeds and Bradford: West Yorkshire Police confirmed there were scuffles in the Chapeltown borough of Leeds, but no rioting as alleged on Twitter and Facebook. False social media reports that riots were occurring in Bradford were denounced by police[122]
  • Northampton: Groups of youths pelt police and vehicles with bricks and stones, and smash a police van’s windscreen[145]
  • Caterham: Traders braced for violent scenes similar to those seen in nearby Croydon. Surrey Police maintained a strong presence to reassure the citizens, but many stores were closed. Shops that specialised in high-value goods such as mobile phones and fine art stayed shut all day. Esquire Fine Menswear on Station Avenue had its windows damaged by hooligans just after 01.30.[146]
  • Southampton: Messages appeared on BBM & Facebook inciting a riot, leading to a few scuffles in Millbrook & Shirley which Hampshire Constabulary broke up.
  • Wolverhampton: Local scuffles were quickly dispersed.[141]



  • Sloane Square: looters smashed the windows of Hugo Boss in Sloane Square.[147]
  • Richmond upon Thames: A police spokesperson said «We are providing patrols to the retail park and Richmond town centre to reassure and prevent and detect crime.»[148]
  • Finchley: A car was torched in Hendon Avenue, Finchley.[149][150]
  • Harrow: The Metropolitan Police dispersed local riots.[149]
  • Ealing: The Metropolitan Police dispersed local riots.[149]
  • Barnet: The Metropolitan Police dispersed local riots.[149]
  • Surbiton was in a Metropolitan Police and Surrey Police riot lockdown. The shops and cafes were shutting down early on police advice.[151]
  • Bromley: Rioters attacked a sports bar during the morning.[152]
  • Balham: By 13.00, looters had hit the T-Mobile shop and emptied it over a period of 90 minutes.[153]
  • Dartford, Bexley and Bexleyheath: The Bluewater Shopping Centre drafted in extra police officers to deal with the potential threat of rioters. The extra police were from a riot squad. Minor scuffles had hit Bexley early that day.[85]
  • Merton: Several attempts were made by groups to congregate in the Colliers Wood area. Due to the high number of police in the area (including a high number of Merton’s Special Constables), they were prevented from meeting up with each other. A police dog unit came under fire with bricks and other items, and over 20 police officers responded. There was reported groups causing issues in Wimbledon Town Centre however Police dispersed them
  • Newham: Gangs of youths looted and vandalised parts of East Ham, including branches of Argos, Primark, Tesco, an electronics shop as well as banks.[154] Stones were being thrown at the Argos shop in Stratford until the police had intervened. The front of Stratford Centre was heavily guarded by police to prevent trouble.[154]
  • Sutton: By 10:01, the entrance to Matalan in Sutton was targeted. An estimated 25 police officers arrived in vans armed with batons and shields in case the situation escalated.[155]

Rest of England

  • West Bromwich: Youths rioted in High Street, looted business, smashing shop windows, and setting bins and cars alight. Police cordoned off the riot zone and some police vans were used to control the mob.[107][156]
  • Greater Manchester: Both Central Manchester and Salford saw serious looting and disorder, and running battles between gangs and riot police.[157]

The fire crews from Richmond and Twickenham helped put out fires in neighbouring boroughs as rioting spread across London. Richmond’s red watch was called to Merton where they tackled a blaze at Priory retail estate in Colliers Wood.[147][158]



  • London: Shops and businesses closed early across the capital after reports of another night of widespread violence. The streets were flooded with 16,000 police officers, with Special Constables requested to report for duty to assist their regular colleagues. A ‘Zero tolerance’ approach was adopted, and any attempt at disorder was quickly halted.[159]
  • Surbiton: Many shops and restaurants closed early, removed valuables and boarded up their windows on police advice. Many pubs and restaurants did stay open, but some closed at 22:00. Few problems resulted.[160]

West Midlands[edit]

  • Birmingham: Disorderly conduct took place in Birmingham city centre with three people arrested.[161] Some groups tried to break into the Mailbox shopping and office centre and the Pallisades shopping complex.[162] Officers wielding batons eventually dispersed the crowd by charging them, but soon after they gathered again outside a House of Fraser shop, their numbers swelling to around 500. Shortly after 19.00 the mob broke into and looted a nearby Tesco. The police dispersed the 300 strong crowd using a «thunderflash» device,[clarification needed] quickly charging the crowd, but the gangs regrouped and attacked shops, including the Jobcentre in Queen Street and Burton’s menswear. A police station in the suburb of Handsworth was also burnt.[163] At around 23.30 the historic Bartons Arms pub in Aston was looted, its windows smashed, and fires started, albeit quickly doused by the landlord.[164] Eleven shots were fired at police who attended the incident, including at a police helicopter and petrol bombs were thrown at officers.[165]
  • Olton: Police quickly dispersed a mob outside a post office in Olton.[citation needed]
  • Coventry: A minor incident occurred in one street in a suburb of Coventry.[166]
  • Wolverhampton: West Midlands Police responded to reports of a large group of people in Wolverhampton city centre after shops were damaged.[157]


  • Birkenhead: Cars were set alight and businesses damaged.[167]
  • Liverpool: 200 rioters hurled missiles at officers in Smithdown Road.[168]

Greater Manchester[edit]

  • Manchester: Riots affected Manchester for the first time. At least one building was set alight. Buses, trams and taxis were stopped from entering the city centre.[169] Looting started in the evening in St. Ann’s Square, Market Street, Piccadilly Gardens and Oldham Street. Several shops were looted including a Marks & Spencer food shop, several pawn shops, an Oxfam charity shop and Dawsons Music.[170] Charges against the teenager referred to in the Mail article were later dropped and a 50-year-old man arrested after new evidence was found.[171] The rioters dispersed in the late hours of Tuesday, and rioting did not recur in Manchester.

Cash Converters shop in Salford
  • Salford: 80 people confronted police at Salford Precinct. A library was set alight and there was looting.[169] A gang of up to 200 youths raided an off-licence and the main shopping precinct in Salford. The Lidl supermarket on nearby Fitzwarren Street was looted, trashed and set alight by rioters.[162]

Rest of England[edit]

  • Banbury: Police dispersed local scuffles.[172]
  • Basildon: About 350 youths smashed shop windows and set fires in Basildon town centre before being dispersed. Fire-fighters were attacked by rioters as they attempted to respond to an incident.[173]
  • Bristol: An event described as an «incident of disobedience» was reported at a young offenders’ institution in Ashfield.[174]
  • Cambridge: A group of 30 to 40 youths clashed with police by Midsummer Common and the Grafton Centre. Five arrests were made. Two police officers were treated for minor injuries.[172][175]
  • Canvey Island: Eleven arson attacks were reported with the targets ranging from rubbish bins to vehicles.[173]
  • Derby: Local scuffles were dispersed .[176]
  • Gloucester: Central Eastgate shopping area, the Argos, HMV and Primark stores were targeted. Just a few hundred yards from Gloucester’s famous Norman Cathedral, rioters set fire to a former art college, torched two cars and many rubbish bins.[172]
  • High Wycombe: Police dispersed local scuffles.[172]
  • Huddersfield: An attempt was made to loot an Asda shop.[177]
  • Luton: Rioters threw stones at police officers and started small fires. No arrests were made as the anticipated riots did not take place and the strong police presence prevent any opportunity for disorder.[178]
  • Nottingham: Multiple incidents were reported including attacks on police stations in The Meadows, St Ann’s and Canning Circus near Radford.[179]
  • Reading: Police dispersed local scuffles.[172]
  • Southampton: Hampshire Constabulary ordered shops to close early, and placed riot police in Southampton City Center after tweets, BBMs and Facebook messages were discovered inciting a riot.[citation needed]
  • Watford: The Halifax Building Society was among the businesses to close early in case of a riot. A few scuffles took place.[180]

In Wales[edit]

  • Cardiff: police investigated four incidents, including a failed break-in at a branch of the JD Sports chain.[172]

Political and legal response[edit]

Prime Minister David Cameron returned early from his Italian holiday and chaired an emergency meeting of COBR, following the third night of violence.[181] In a statement at 11:00, Cameron announced that 16,000 police officers would be deployed in London, with all police leave cancelled. He announced that Parliament would be recalled on 11 August to debate the situation.[182] Over 525 people had been arrested since the start of the disruption, and the Metropolitan Police have announced their intention to use baton rounds against rioters if necessary.[183] East Ham’s Labour MP Stephen Timms and Newham’s Mayor Robin Wales praised police for their efforts that day.[154]


Officers from the Thames Valley, Essex, Kent, City of London, Norfolk, North Yorkshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Surrey and Sussex police constabularies sent officers to help tackle the London riots.[122][146][184]


By 9 August 2011 563 arrests had been made in London since the start of the disruption,[185] and 100 arrests made in Birmingham.[186]

A 16-year-old boy was charged with breach of the peace in connection with a message inciting rioting in Scotland on a social networking site. The boy was detained on the south side of Glasgow about 12.40 over the Facebook page entitled «Let’s Start a Riot in Glasgow», which was related to a similar site called «Glasgow Riot FRIDAY 12TH». Both the sites were shuttered.[187]

Wednesday, 10 August[edit]

  • Bristol: Avon and Somerset police arrested 19 people following a second night of minor trouble.[157]
  • Coulsdon: Looters raided GT Shooting’s gun shop in Chipstead Valley Road at 08:47.[188]
  • Gloucester saw stone and bottle throwing that morning, but order was quickly restored.[157]
  • Leicester Police officers arrested 13 following disturbances in the city centre.[157]
  • Liverpool: 200 missile-throwing rioters gathered in the south Liverpool area of Toxteth and caused disorder and damage, according to Merseyside police. Scuffles in Edge Hill, and Wavertree were dispersed. Merseyside police said that 35 arrests were made.[157]
  • London: Groups of citizens and shop owners formed in Enfield, Eltham and Southall, in an attempt to prevent looting. A senior police officer said that vigilante groups were hampering police operations.[189] In the evening, police clashed with a bottle-throwing crowd of about 200 vigilantes in Eltham, containing many English Defence League members.[190] Jack England, the EDL’s south-east regional organiser, claimed to be combining 50 EDL members with local vigilantes to control the streets.[191] Overnight a small group of men, threw stones and bottles at the police until they were dispersed.[192][193]
  • Nottingham: A police station and college were firebombed, shops including House of Fraser inside the Victoria Centre where damaged, pubs were damaged and cars and lorries were set fire to. More than 90 people were arrested.[157]
  • The Thames Valley: Thames Valley Police dispersed minor scuffles in Reading, Oxford and Milton Keynes that morning.[157]
  • West Bromwich: Parts of the town centre, and several vehicles, were set on fire.[157]
  • Portsmouth: A nightclub catches fire by South Parade Pier causing the whole esplanade to be shut off. It took the Police 3 hours to put the fire out, the building had to be demolished. To this date it is unknown if this was connected to the riots.[194]
  • Worcester: 50 West Mercia officers were deployed to deal with hooded gangs in Worcester and the surrounding towns of Kidderminster, Redditch and Droitwich. Two cars were set on fire in Worcester.[195]
  • Slough: Shops and leisure facilities — including Absolutely Karting, Absolutely Ten Pin, Absolutely Ice, Montem and Langley leisure centres closed early. The Sainsbury’s in Uxbridge Road closed at 10pm rather than 11pm as an anti-looter precaution. The fire brigade confirmed they were put on standby, but nothing happened. The rumours of a major planned riot was just local rumours.[196]
  • St Albans: Arson attack led to the complete destruction of the Batchwood Tennis and Golf Centre.[197]

Political and legal response[edit]

David Cameron chaired another emergency meeting of COBRA, mid-morning.[198] In a statement at 11:05, Cameron announced that plastic bullets were available to the police for use in response to the riots if necessary, and put contingency plans in place to make water cannons available at 24 hours notice.[199]

The remains of the House of Reeves shop in Croydon

The leader of Hounslow Council, Councillor Jagdish Sharma, urged local residents to «continue to refrain» from taking part in the London riots that had so far not hit the London Borough of Hounslow.[200]

The Acting Scotland Yard Commissioner Tim Godwin condemned the «gratuitous» violence by the rioters.[201]

The assistant chief constable of Norfolk police, Charlie Hall, slammed people who used Twitter and Facebook to post «fictitious and malicious rumours» that the riots had moved to many to safe, including Norwich. Looters had never struck either in Anglia Square or at PC World.[202]

Public response[edit]

The family of Mark Duggan said they «are not condoning» the riots and looting that rocked north London, that left 26 police officers injured.[201]

Local Christians gathered in Derby’s Market Place yesterday to hold a prayer meeting to ask for God’s help and love towards all those involved in the riots.[203]


Persistent heavy rain reduced the numbers of rioters or wandering groups on the streets.[204]


By 08:05, police had made more than 1,100 arrests, including 768 in London, 35 in Liverpool, 5 in Milton Keynes, 90 in Nottingham, 13 in Leicester and 19 in Bristol.[157] By 15:00, the police had made 113 arrests in Greater Manchester.[205]


Thursday, 11 August[edit]


  • Banbury: Arsonists were thought to be responsible for three fires in Banbury, involving a burning car in Waterworks Road near Hennef Way, a fire in a skip to the rear of a house in Bretch Hill and the Pepper Pot in Grimsbury where a recycling bin had been set alight.[citation needed]
  • Dunstable: The Norman King pub, a building in Dunstable, Bedfordshire that dates back to 1109 was destroyed after being set on fire in an arson attack, though police did not link the incident to riots occurring elsewhere in the country, after initial public fears were allayed.[206]
  • Police were praised for their efforts in preventing riots in the Hillingdon. Police manned positions in Uxbridge High Street and Hayes Town. One unspecified crime occurred in the Tesco on Uxbridge Road, Hillingdon town, which was closed and cordoned off by police that morning.[207]

Political and legal response[edit]

Parliament was recalled from its summer recess.[208]

Cameron told lawmakers there would be no «culture of fear» on Britain’s streets, and that the government would consider taking gang-fighting tips from American cities such as Boston. He mentioned former Los Angeles and New York Police Chief Bill Bratton as someone who could offer advice. He said he also wanted to build on the success of programmes to tackle gang culture, such as the task force used by Strathclyde Police.[209][210] Both Theresa May and Cameron accused the Metropolitan Police service and the West Midlands Police force of being «too few, too slow, too timid» during the rioting in London and the West Midlands county.[211] He said the police on the streets of London were too few and used poor and incorrect tactics when dealing with the rioters.[212]

Cameron said that the government, police and intelligence services were looking at whether there should be limits on the use of social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook or services such as BlackBerry Messenger to spread organised disorder, and whether to turn off social networks or stop texting during times of social unrest.[209][213][214]


The number of arrestees in London rose to 922 and 401 suspects had been charged.[209]
The police said they had arrested 330 people over the past four nights. One of the arrested people was an 11-year-old girl from Nottingham.[215]

Friday, 12 August[edit]

The Prime Minister promised to use the Riot Damages Act, to cover uninsured facilities and buildings and set up a £20,000,000 fund for High Street businesses to use relief following riots.[216]

Of more than one thousand people arrested during the three days of troubles in London, about six hundred had been charged by 12 August.[217]

IPCC investigation[edit]

The IPCC watchdog admitted that it inadvertently led media to believe shots were exchanged and that Mark Duggan was carrying a gun that was never used.[218]

Saturday, 13 August[edit]

Police forces around England, and especially those in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Nottingham increased their numbers on the streets.[219] Bill Bratton was announced as Cameron’s new crime adviser.[220]

Sunday, 14 August[edit]

An estimated 2,000 people joined a vigil in Summerfield Park and laid flowers in memory of officers men who died protecting shops from looters in Winson Green, Birmingham. They were victims of a hit and run attack.[221]

Scotland Yard stated that 2,140 people had been arrested, of whom about 1,000 had been charged.[222]

Tuesday, 16 August[edit]

The Deputy PM Nick Clegg said that the government would set up an independent «community and victims panel» to look into the riots. He pledged that when an offender who leaves prison from March 2012 they will be met by providers on the Work Programme at the prison gate.[223]

A 16-year-old from Hounslow was to be tried for the murder of Richard Mannington Bowes as well as violent disorder and four counts of burglary relating to the looting at a William Hill bookmakers, a Tesco Express, a Blockbuster video shop and a Fatboys restaurant.[224]

Martin McRobb, the Crown Advocate for CPS Mersey-Cheshire, read out in Chester court that «Jordan Blackshaw and Perry Sutcliffe independently and from the safety of their homes may have thought that it would be acceptable to set up a Facebook page to incite others to take part in disorders in Cheshire.» Cheshire Constabulary had discovered that they used a Facebook group that Blackshaw created to promote the rioting. Blackshaw was from Northwich and Sutcliffe was from Warrington.[225]

Wednesday, 17 August[edit]

The Liberal Democrat MP for Bradford East, David Ward, described government plans to withdraw benefits from convicted rioters as «nuts».[226] Cameron defended the scheme.[227]

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall visited areas of London, including the Tottenham Green Leisure Centre, which was transformed into an aid centre in the aftermath of the rioting.[228]

Saturday, 20 August[edit]

West Midlands Police released pictures of gunmen shooting at police officers in both Birmingham and Wolverhampton. A police helicopter was shot at in the Newton part of Birmingham.[229]

Monday, 29 August[edit]

Jae-Kiel Van Eda, 28, was arrested after participating in an act in which 2 constables were hit by a green Citroen while they were dealing with reports of a group looting a clothes shop in Waltham Forest, north-east London on 8 August. One officer suffered knee and leg injuries and the other shoulder injuries.[231]

Wednesday, 31 August[edit]

As of 31 August, a total of 2,987 were arrested and an estimated £100m of damage recorded in 93 shops and other premises.[232]


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