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MikroTik LHG LTE18 kit
58500 руб.
В корзину
Mikrotik wAP LTE kit
26500 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik SXT LTE kit
28780 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LtAP mini LTE kit
28880 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik mANT LTE 5o
3780 руб.
В корзину
2250 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LHG LTE kit
33280 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik Audience LTE6 kit
34880 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LtAP LTE kit
53400 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik hAP ac³ LTE6 kit
38778 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LtAP LTE6 kit
57500 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik Chateau LTE12
42880 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LDF LTE6 kit
24800 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik SXT R
5701 руб.
В корзину
3G/LTE Модем ZTE MF79U
5600 руб.
В корзину
3G/LTE USB модем HUAWEI E3372
3500 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LtAP mini 4G kit
33300 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik SXT 4G kit
10054 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik wAP ac LTE kit
32620 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik wAP ac 4G kit
40620 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LtAP 4G kit
42975 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik SXT LTE6 kit
30380 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LHG LTE6 kit
36990 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik wAP ac LTE6 kit
33450 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik wAP 4G kit
30945 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LHGG LTE6 kit
38580 руб.
В корзину
MikroTik LtAP LR8 LTE kit
81450 руб.
В корзину
LTE-маршрутизатор (2G/3G/LTE), 17 дБи, RJ45, mini-SIM
Беспроводной маршрутизатор hAP ac³ LTE6 kit, двудиапазонный 2,4+5 ГГц (a/b/g/n/ac), 5 портов 1G RJ45, USB, разъем micro-SIM, со встроенный модемом miniPCI-e R11e-LTE6
LTE-клиент (2G/3G/LTE), LTE 6 категории (300 Mbps downlink, 50 Mbps uplink), коэффициент усиления 17 дБи, гигабитный Ethernet порт, micro-SIM, угол излучения антенны 25°, питание Passive PoE, 802.3af/at
Компактная защищенная от непогоды 2.4 Ггц 802.11b/g/n беспроводная точка доступа со встроенным LTE6 модемом и дополнительным miniPCIе слотом.
MikroTik LHG LTE kit (модель RBLHGR&R11e-LTE) позволяет принимать мобильный интернет на большом расстоянии от базовой станции оператора. Поддерживаются мобильные операторы Мегафон, Билайн, Теле2, МТС. Устройство имеет встроенный 2G/3G/4G (LTE) модем и направленную антенну с усилением 17 dBi.
Эта наружная беспроводная система со встроенной антенной обеспечит связь даже в самых удаленных местах. Крошечный размер, огромная мощность и удобство — LDF LTE6 можно использовать с любой спутниковой тарелкой.
Компактная всепогодная беспроводная точка доступа со встроенным LTE-модемом MikroTik r11e-LTE, поддерживающим 2G, 3G и 4G
LTE-роутер (2G/3G/LTE) во всепогодном корпусе, коэффициент усиления антенн 9 дБи, 2x Ethernet, 2х mini-SIM, раздача PoE 802.3af / at, passive PoE
Точка доступа для транспорта, 4G/LTE, 2.4 ГГц (b/g/n), GPS, 3x mini-SIM, miniPCIe, Последовательный порт, USB порт, модем LTE для международных диапазонов 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 20, 38 и 40
Точка доступа 2.4 ГГц, пустой слот miniPCI для LTE-модема R11e-LTE (приобретается отдельно)
MikroTik wAP ac LTE6 kit (RBwAPGR-5HacD2HnD&R11e-LTE6) – это мощная двухдиапазонная точка доступа со встроенным беспроводным модемом R11e-LTE6, поддерживающим 2G, 3G и LTE сети. Точка доступа LTE, 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n dual-chain, 5 GHz 802.11a/n/ac dual-chain, MIMO 2×2 в каждом диапазоне, 2x 1G RJ45, PoE in, micro-SIM, miniPCIe, корпус уличного исполнения
Маршрутизатор со встроенной LTE-антенной 10.5dBi и свободным слотом miniPCI-e для установки модема LTE, 2x micro-SIM, 2x RJ45
Mesh-роутер, 3 диапазона (2.4 GHz & 2 5 GHz), Wi-Fi + LTE, 802.11ac, слот для micro-SIM, встроенный модем miniPCI-e CAT6 до 300 Mbps, поддержка mesh-сетей
Всенаправленная двухдиапазонная Wi-Fi точка доступа с встроенным 2G/3G/4G модемом. Маршрутизатор LTE, 2.4+5 ГГц (WiFi 5), MIMO 2×2, 2x 1G RJ45, micro-SIM, miniPCI-e (установлен модем R11e-LTE)
MikroTik LtAP (RBLtAP-2HnD) – защищенная от непогоды беспроводная точка доступа 2.4 ГГц с поддержкой GNSS (GPS, ГЛОНАСС, BeiDou, Galileo), специально разработанная для движущихся транспортных средств. LTE модем в комплект поставки не входит. 2х miniPCIe, 2х MMCX.
MikroTik SXT LTE kit — обновленная версия SXT LTE с улучшенными характеристиками. Поддержка стандартов 2G/3G/4G/LTE, усиление антенны LTE 9dBi, диаграмма направленности 60 градусов, 2 порта Ethernet ports 100Мбит/с (PoE-in, PoE-out), 2 SIM, 650MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, RouterOS L3, 18 — 57 V (Passive PoE, 802.3af/at on Ether2)
Точка доступа для транспорта, 4G/LTE (,без поддержки 2G и 3G), 2.4 ГГц (b/g/n), GPS, 3x mini-SIM, miniPCIe, Последовательный порт, USB порт, модем: LTE (FDD) bands 3/7/20/31 (1800/2600/800/450), LTE (TDD) bands 41n/42/43 (2500/3500/3700)
LTAP mini — это небольшая 2.4 Ггц беспроводная точка доступа с miniPCI-E слотом для подключения LTE модема или беспроводной карты на 5 ГГц.
LTE-клиент (3G/LTE), 17 дБи, 1G RJ45, micro-SIM, LTE cat18
Мощный двухдиапазонный домашний роутер со встроенным LTE-модемом 12-й категории (MIMO 4×4 в LTE) 600Mbps Downlink, 150Mbps Uplink), 5 портов Ethernet Gbit, WiFi 2,4 и 5 ГГц (MIMO 2×2). При слабом сотовом сигнале есть возможность использовать наружные антенны LTE
Комплект LTAP mini LTE представляет собой небольшую защищенную от атмосферных воздействий беспроводную точку доступа со встроенным сотовым модемом, который поддерживает 2G, 3G и 4G (LTE). Подключитесь к беспроводной сети LTAP mini 802.11b/g/n и получите доступ к сети LTE со своего телефона или любого другого беспроводного устройства. LTAP mini LTE также имеет один 10/100 Ethernet-порт LAN для ваших проводных устройств. Последовательный порт RS232 предоставляет консольный доступ для отладки.
Шлюз Интернета вещей (IoT) CAT-M/NB, Wi-Fi 2.4 ГГц, Bluetooth 5.2, 2x 100 Mbps Ethernet порта, PoE-in &
PoE-out, MicroUSB, GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo), GPIO, RS485/Modbus
Домашняя точка доступа Wi-Fi 6 с поддержкой LTE, 4-ядерный процессор 1,8 ГГц, 802.11ax + Wave2, 4 порта GbE, 1 порт 2,5GbE
Центр продаж компьютерной техники ЭНКО
Новоугличское шоссе 58
г. Сергиев Посад,
Телефон:+7 495 241-01-56,
Электронная почта: sale@enkosp.ru
WiFi роутер MikroTik со слотом для SIM-карты продается в ЭНКО по цене от 26150 руб. до 29800 руб. В разделе представлены Wi-Fi роутеры, точки доступа, мосты и шлюзы WiFi. Здесь же вы найдете мобильные 3G/4G роутеры.
Используя фильтр «3G/4G» подберите роутер MikroTik с поддержкой USB 4G модема. Установив такой модем в WiFi роутер вы можете раздавать интернет от оператора сотовой связи на даче, загородном коттедже или любом другом месте, где подключение выделенного канала от интернет-провайдера невозможно или нецелесообразно.
Полоса частот роутера MikroTik влияет на дальность распространения и качество приема wifi сигнала. Частота 2.4 ГГц имеет максимально широкое распространение и поддерживается практически каждым устройством WiFi. По этим же причинам она более загружена и подвержена возникновению помех. Плюсом является более высокая дальность распространения сигнала на частоте WiFi 2.4 ГГц по сравнению с частотой WiFi 5 ГГц — это следует из законов физики. Частота Wi-Fi 5 ГГц обладает меньшей дальностью из за более сильного затухания, но в силу меньшей загруженности менее подвержена помехам. Полоса частот 5 ГГц более предпочтительна для пользователей сети. Однако, выбирая значение в фильтре «ЧАСТОТНЫЙ ДИАПАЗОН» помните, что встроенная поддержка диапазона WiFi 5 ГГц есть у гораздо меньшего количества Wi-Fi устройств. На данный момент это премиальные смартфоны и планшеты.
Фильтр «СКОРОСТЬ WI-FI, ДО» позволит подобрать роутер или точку доступа MikroTik по максимально возможной скорости соединения WiFi. Чем она больше — тем лучше. Компромисс в сторону уменьшения скорости вай фай возможен, если в качестве клиента WiFi будет одно-два устройства. Тогда скорость можно ограничить величиной до 150 Мб/сек. Если же в вашей сети идет вещание интернет-телевидения или просмотр фильмов в высоком качестве, то однозначно рекомендуем роутер со скоростью WiFi от 300 Мб/сек. Помните, что если вы не сделали специальных настроек в своем WiFi роутере, то полоса пропускания будет равномерно делиться между всеми абонентами сети, то есть, при скорости соединения 300 Мб/сек, 10 пользователей получат по каналу в 30 Мб/сек. Соответственно, если абонентов много — выбирайте более серьезный роутер, возможно двухдиапазонный, чтобы пользователи не толкались в одной полосе частот, а были разнесены в разные частотные диапазоны.
WiFi роутеры и точки доступа MikroTik можно приобрести по безналичному расчету или оплатить покупку наличными курьеру при доставке. Работают пункты самовывоза. Есть вопросы? Закажите обратный звонок на сайте или напишите в онлайн-чат открытой линии поддержки. Оперативно проконсультируем по телефону +7 (495) 241-01-56 в часы работы магазина.
Высокопроизводительные роутеры MikroTik c LTE модемом, которые отлично впишутся в офисе или дома и обеспечат отличное покрытие по всей площади на частоте 2.4 ГГц и 5 ГГц. А современные стандарты LTE обеспечат скорость Wi-Fi с низкими задержками, чего хватит для большинства высококачественного контента, как 4К видео и игр. В линейке устройств много вариаций с модулями LTE начиная от четвертой категории, заканчивая сверхбыстрой 18-й со скоростью до 1200 Мбит/c. Большинство представленных роутеров обеспечивает высокоскоростной удалённый доступ к сети Интернет находящихся в зоне действия сотовой сети, обеспечивая стабильную работу и высокую скорость обмена данными там, где возможно только LTE подключение.
3 300
15 750
28 200
40 650
53 100
Роуминг по стандарту 802.11
Количество портов Ethernet
Мощность передатчика для России
Арт.: RBD53G-5HacD2HnD-TC&R11e-LTE6
Под заказ
Наши менеджеры обязательно свяжутся с вами и уточнят условия заказа
Арт.: RBLtAP-2HnD&R11e-LTE&LR8
Арт.: RBwAPGR-5HacD2HnD&R11e-LTE6
Арт.: RBLtAP-2HnD&R11e-LTE
Арт.: RBLtAP-2HnD&R11e-LTE6
Арт.: RBwAPGR-5HacD2HnD&R11e-LTE
Арт.: RB912R-2nD-LTm&R11e-LTE
Арт.: RBD53GR-5HacD2HnD&R11e-LTE6
Под заказ
Наши менеджеры обязательно свяжутся с вами и уточнят условия заказа
Арт.: RBwAPR-2nD&R11e-LTE
Арт.: RBD53G-5HacD2HnD-TC&EG12-EA
Арт.: RBD53G-5HacD2HnD-TC&EG18-EA
New products
hAP ax lite LTE6
Our most affordable LTE home access point — tiny, fast, and strong enough to harvest the power of RouterOS v7!
L009 is more than just a router. This product line is up to 4 times faster than RB2011, it has a modern ARM CPU with container support, an innovative enclosure that allows mounting up to four routers in a single 1U space, more RAM, PoE, and 2.5G SFP support. This version comes with 1U rackmount accessories.
SXT LTE6 kit (2023)
Affordable mobile internet connectivity in remote areas.
Lowest price ever – due to the brand new, cost-effective LTE modem.
cAP ax
The best-selling ceiling access point is back – stronger than ever! A new generation of wireless greatness for your office, hotel, mall, or any other setups in crowded areas. Modern quad-core CPU, 1GB of RAM, 2x Gigabit Ethernet ports, PoE, Gen 6 802.11ax wireless, PSU – included!
L009 is more than just a router. This product line is up to 4 times faster than RB2011, it has a modern ARM CPU with container support, an innovative enclosure that allows mounting up to four routers in a single 1U space, more RAM, PoE, and 2.5G SFP support. This version comes with 2.4 GHz ax dual-chain wireless.
Chateau LTE6
Your best friend when it comes to affordable mobile networks.
Amazing in the hands of seasoned system administrators. Or in a household with zero IT skills. Chateau can do it all. For mobile operators who want the best for their clients without breaking the bank.
Chateau LTE6 ax
A supercharged Chateau LTE6 access point with even faster wireless and an improved CPU. For mobile network users who need that extra speed and responsiveness of Gen6 ax wireless. Perfect for large, busy households or medium-sized offices.
Take advantage of the blazing fast 2.5/10 Gigabit combo and upgrade your workspace! This switch can utilize the full potential of RouterOS v7: run VLANs, Jumbo frames, link aggregation, ACL rules, and so much more!
An outdoor version of our best-selling heavy-duty PoE router. Extensive power redundancy for the best price! 7x Gigabit Ethernet ports, 1x 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, 10G SFP+, 1GB of RAM, 1GB NAND, modern quad-core CPU, 9 (!) powering options, durable IP66 waterproof enclosure.
Ethernet routers
L009 is more than just a router. This product line is up to 4 times faster than RB2011, it has a modern ARM CPU with container support, an innovative enclosure that allows mounting up to four routers in a single 1U space, more RAM, PoE, and 2.5G SFP support. This version comes with 1U rackmount accessories.
An outdoor version of our best-selling heavy-duty PoE router. Extensive power redundancy for the best price! 7x Gigabit Ethernet ports, 1x 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, 10G SFP+, 1GB of RAM, 1GB NAND, modern quad-core CPU, 9 (!) powering options, durable IP66 waterproof enclosure.
hEX lite
5x Ethernet,
Small plastic case,
850MHz CPU, 64MB RAM,
Most affordable MPLS router,
RouterOS L4
5x Gigabit Ethernet, Dual Core 880MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, USB, microSD, RouterOS L4
hEX PoE lite
5xEthernet with PoE output for four ports,
650MHz CPU, 64MB RAM,
RouterOS L4
650MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, 5xEthernet with PoE output for four ports, RouterOS L4, outdoor case, PSU
5x Gigabit Ethernet, SFP, Dual Core 880MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, USB, microSD, RouterOS L4, IPsec hardware encryption support and The Dude server package
5x Gigabit Ethernet with PoE output for four ports, SFP, USB, 800MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, RouterOS L4
PowerBox Pro
Five Gigabit Ethernet Router with 4xPoE-out ports, SFP cage and outdoor enclosure
1U rackmount, 10xGigabit Ethernet, SFP, USB 3.0, LCD,
PoE out on port 10, 2×1.4GHz CPU, 1GB RAM,
RouterOS L5
A smart PCIe network interface card that adds full-fledged router
capabilities to your servers. The smart and easy way to create 25
Gigabit networks if you want to save space in your server room!
Powerful 10xGigabit port router with a Quad-core 1.4Ghz CPU, 1GB RAM, SFP+ 10Gbps cage and desktop case with rack ears
The ultimate heavy-duty home lab router with USB 3.0, 1G and 2.5G Ethernet and a 10G SFP+ cage. You can mount four of these new routers in a single 1U rackmount space! Unprecedented processing power in such a small form factor.
A new version of our popular heavy-duty RB5009 router with
PoE-in and PoE-out on all ports. Perfect for small and medium ISPs.
2.5 Gigabit Ethernet & 10 Gigabit SFP+, numerous powering options.
Powerful 1U rackmount router with 13x Gigabit Ethernet ports
RB1100AHx4 Dude Edition
Powerful 1U rackmount router with 13x Gigabit Ethernet ports, 60GB M.2 drive for Dude database
This powerful and affordable router crushes all previous CCR models in single-core performance. 16x Gigabit Ethernet ports, 2x10G SFP+ cages, active cooling and the best single-core performance per watt & best overall performance per watt among all the CCR devices.
Up to 300% faster than the previous CCR1009 routers — in a blissful silence!
Luxury you deserve for the price you can afford. 16x Gigabit Ethernet ports, 2x10G SFP+ cages.
1U rackmount, 7x Gigabit Ethernet, 1x Combo port (SFP or Gigabit Ethernet), 1xSFP+ cage, 9 cores x 1.2GHz CPU, 2GB RAM, LCD panel, Dual Power supplies, SmartCard slot, RouterOS L6
The Connectivity Router — your best companion when it comes to SFP, SFP+ and SFP28 management! 1, 10 and 25 Gbps ports in a single device to make your life easier.
1U rackmount, 12xSFP cage, 1xSFP+ cage, 16 cores x 1.2GHz CPU, 2GB RAM, LCD panel, Dual Power supplies, RouterOS L6
Forget about CPU limitations in 10G setups with this powerful 16-core
ARM CPU based CCR. Double the performance of our previous 36-
core CCR, 6x faster BGP performance. Includes an M.2 PCIe slot.
The new MikroTik flagship with the power of a whole fleet.
Unleash the power of 100 Gigabit networking with L3 Hardware
Offloading! This router can be a handy drop-in upgrade for existing
CCR1072 setups.
Take advantage of the blazing fast 2.5/10 Gigabit combo and upgrade your workspace! This switch can utilize the full potential of RouterOS v7: run VLANs, Jumbo frames, link aggregation, ACL rules, and so much more!
5x Gigabit Ethernet Smart Switch,
SFP cage,
plastic case,
5x Gigabit PoE out Ethernet Smart Switch,
SFP cage,
plastic case,
Smart Switch, 5x SFP cages, 1x Combo port (SFP or Gigabit Ethernet), 400MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, desktop case, RouterOS L5
Eight 1G Ethernet ports and two SFP+ ports for 10G fiber connectivity.
Portable, powerful and extremely cost-effective – this switch is an instant classic!
netPower Lite 7R
An outdoor reverse PoE switch with Gigabit Ethernet and 10G SFP+ ports.
Five-port desktop switch with one Gigabit Ethernet port and four SFP+ 10Gbps ports
8x Gigabit Ethernet Smart Switch, 4x SFP cages, 400MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, desktop case, RouterOS L5
SwOS powered 24 port Gigabit Ethernet switch with two SFP+ ports in 1U rackmount case
netPower 15FR
An outdoor 18 port switch with 15 reverse PoE ports and SFP. Cut costs, not speed – choose GPEN over GPON!
24 Gigabit ports, 2 SFP+ cages and a desktop case – server room power for your home!
10 Gigabit fibre connectivity way over a 100 meters – for small offices or ISPs. Hardware offloaded VLAN-filtering and even some L3 routing on a budget!
24 Gigabit port switch with 2 x SFP+ cages in 1U rackmount case, Dual boot (RouterOS or SwitchOS)
8x Gigabit Ethernet Smart Switch with PoE-out, 4x SFP cages, 400MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, desktop case, RouterOS L5
Your compact, affordable PoE powerhouse with 8x Gigabit PoE-out ports and 2x 10 Gigabit SFP+ ports.
FiberBox Plus
Ultimate value pick for 10 Gigabit outdoor networking. High masts, poles, or towers – your connection will be safe! A powerful budget version of the netFiber 9.
netFiber 9
A remarkable outdoor switch for setting up an optical 10G network that can
even perform some light routing. The spiritual successor to the beloved
FiberBox. Gigabit Ethernet, SFP/SFP+, PoE.
Desktop switch with one Gigabit Ethernet port and eight SFP+ 10Gbps ports
netPower 16P
An outdoor 18 port switch with 16 Gigabit PoE-out ports and 2 SFP+. Power all your access points anywhere!
Smart Switch, 20 x SFP cages, 4 x SFP+ cages, 4 x Combo ports (Gigabit Ethernet or SFP), 800MHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 1U rackmount case, Dual Power Supplies, RouterOS L5 or SwitchOS (Dual Boot)
24 port Gigabit Ethernet router/switch with four 10Gbps SFP+ ports in 1U rackmount case, Dual Boot and PoE output, 500W
Smart Switch, 1 x Gigabit LAN, 16 x SFP+ cages, Dual Core 800MHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 1U rackmount passive cooling case, Dual Power Supplies
Best price and best performance on the market – this 48 port switch
will rock any setup, including 40 Gbps devices!
Switch of the future: the first MikroTik product with 10G RJ45 Ethernet ports and SFP+
Your most affordable, compact, energy-efficient
doorway to the world of 100 Gigabit networking.
This switch is the next step in upgrading existing 10 or 25 Gigabit networks. Multiple powering options, dual hot-swap power supplies.
Affordable, compact, energy-efficient 100 Gbps networking anytime, ANYWHERE!
IP66 weatherproof enclosure, 4x 100 Gigabit ports, multiple powering options.
A versatile 100 Gigabit switch that offers speed, value, and diverse connectivity options. 2x 100 Gigabit QSFP28 ports, 8x 25 Gigabit SFP28 ports, dual hot-swap power supplies.
A 100 Gigabit switch for enterprise networks and data centers.
Hot-swappable parts and insane port density with 1.2 Tbps switching
Wireless systems
SXTsq Lite2
Low-cost small-size 10dBi 2.4GHz dual chain integrated CPE/Backbone
Dual chain 2.4GHz system for long distance links with satellite offset dish antennas
SXTsq Lite5
Low-cost small-size 16dBi 5GHz dual chain integrated CPE/Backbone
Dual chain 5GHz system for long distance links with satellite offset dish antennas
DISC Lite5
Dual chain 21dBi 5GHz CPE/Point-to-Point Integrated Antenna, 600Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM
Dual chain 18dBi 2.4GHz CPE/Point-to-Point Integrated Antenna, 600Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM
Groove 52
2.4GHz/5GHz Backbone/CPE,
N-male connector
SXTsq 5 ac
Low-cost small-size 16dBi 5GHz dual chain integrated CPE/Backbone with AC support and Gigabit Ethernet
LDF 5 ac
Dual chain 5GHz system with Gigabit Ethernet and 802.11ac support for long distance links with satellite offset dish antennas
Dual chain 21dBi 2.4GHz CPE/Point-to-Point Integrated Antenna for longer distances
Dual chain 24.5dBi 5GHz CPE/Point-to-Point Integrated Antenna, 600Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM
GrooveA 52
2.4GHz/5GHz AP/Backbone/CPE,
N-male connector,
includes 2.4GHz/5GHz 6dBi Omni Antenna
DISC Lite5 ac
Outdoor 5GHz 802.11a/n/ac wireless device with a backfire type 21dBi integrated antenna and Gigabit Ethernet for longer distances
OmniTIK 5
7.5dBi Integrated AP,
5GHz Dual chain,
5xEthernet ports
BaseBox 5
5Ghz integrated AP/Backbone/CPE,
2xRPSMA connectors,
miniPCI-e slot,
Gigabit Ethernet
BaseBox 2
2.4Ghz integrated AP/Backbone/CPE,
2xRPSMA connectors,
miniPCI-e slot,
Gigabit Ethernet
Dual chain eXtra Large High Power 27dBi 5GHz CPE/Point-to-Point Integrated Antenna
BaseBox 6
6GHz integrated AP/Backbone/CPE, 2xRPSMA connectors, miniPCI-e slot, Gigabit Ethernet
OmniTIK 5 PoE
7.5dBi Integrated AP,
5GHz Dual chain,
5xEthernet ports with PoE output
GrooveA 52 ac
2.4GHz/5GHz AP/Backbone/CPE with 802.11ac and Gigabit Ethernet, N-male connector + Omni antenna
Dual chain 16dBi 26 degree 5.9-6.4GHz Integrated antenna for licensed band
mANTBox 2 12s
2.4GHz 120 degree 12dBi dual polarization sector Integrated antenna with 600Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM, Gigabit Ethernet, PSU and PoE
NetBox 5
802.11ac support for up to 540Mbits, waterproof enclosure, high output
LHG XL 5 ac
Dual chain Long Range 27dBi 5GHz CPE/Point-to-Point Integrated Antenna with AC support and Gigabit Ethernet
SXT SA5 ac
802.11ac up to 540Mbit, high output, wide beamwidth sector antenna
Metal 52 ac
2.4/5GHz software selectable AP/Backbone/CPE with AC support, high TX power, N-male connector, Omni antenna included
OmniTIK 5 ac
7.5dBi Integrated AP, 5GHz Dual chain with 802.11ac support, 5x Gigabit Ethernet ports
mANTBox 15s
5GHz 120 degree 15dBi dual polarization sector Integrated antenna with 720Mhz CPU, 128MB RAM, SFP, PSU and PoE
OmniTIK 5 PoE ac
7.5dBi Integrated AP, 5GHz Dual chain with 802.11ac support, 5x Gigabit Ethernet ports with PoE-out
NetMetal 5
Dual chain 5GHz integrated 802.11a/n/ac AP/Backbone/CPE with an additional miniPCI-e slot, 2xRPSMA connectors, Gigabit Ethernet, waterproof metal enclosure
NetMetal 5SHP
Dual chain 5GHz integrated 802.11ac AP/Backbone/CPE, 2xRPSMA connectors, high TX power, Gigabit Ethernet, waterproof metal enclosure
5GHz AP/Backbone/CPE, dual-chain, Gigabit Ethernet
NetMetal ac²
Our toughest long-range AP, now with dual-band support
mANTBox 52 15s
A dual-band 2.4/5 GHz base station with a powerful built-in sector antenna, PoE support, Gigabit Ethernet and SFP. One powerful package for all your outdoor network needs,
perfect for camps, stadiums and parks!
LHG XL 52 ac
Extremely powerful dual-band backbone / CPE for long-distance connection without downtime
DynaDish 5
Dual chain 5GHz 802.11a/n/ac QCA9892, 128MB RAM, 720 MHz CPU, 25dBi antenna gain
QRT 5 ac
Dual chain 5GHz 802.11a/n/ac QCA9882, 128 MB RAM, 720 MHz CPU, 24 dBi antenna gain
mANTBox 19s
5GHz 120 degree 19dBi dual polarization sector Integrated antenna with 720Mhz CPU, 128MB RAM, SFP, PSU and PoE
Wireless for home and office
hAP ax lite LTE6 NEW
Our most affordable LTE home access point — tiny, fast, and strong enough to harvest the power of RouterOS v7!
cAP ax NEW
The best-selling ceiling access point is back – stronger than ever! A new generation of wireless greatness for your office, hotel, mall, or any other setups in crowded areas. Modern quad-core CPU, 1GB of RAM, 2x Gigabit Ethernet ports, PoE, Gen 6 802.11ax wireless, PSU – included!
L009 is more than just a router. This product line is up to 4 times faster than RB2011, it has a modern ARM CPU with container support, an innovative enclosure that allows mounting up to four routers in a single 1U space, more RAM, PoE, and 2.5G SFP support. This version comes with 2.4 GHz ax dual-chain wireless.
Chateau LTE6 NEW
Your best friend when it comes to affordable mobile networks.
Amazing in the hands of seasoned system administrators. Or in a household with zero IT skills. Chateau can do it all. For mobile operators who want the best for their clients without breaking the bank.
Chateau LTE6 ax NEW
A supercharged Chateau LTE6 access point with even faster wireless and an improved CPU. For mobile network users who need that extra speed and responsiveness of Gen6 ax wireless. Perfect for large, busy households or medium-sized offices.
hAP lite
Low cost home wireless AP with dual chain 2.4GHz wireless, powered by USB
hAP lite TC
Small home AP with four ethernet ports and a colorful enclosure.
cAP lite
Low-cost dual-chain 2.4GHz AP with wall and ceiling enclosure
mAP lite
Tiny size 2.4GHz Dual Chain access point with a 650MHz CPU, 64MB RAM and one Ethernet
Dual-Chain 2.4GHz micro AP, 650MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, 2xEthernet, PoE out
2.4GHz AP, Five Ethernet ports, PoE-out on port 5, USB for 3G/4G support
Ceiling AP, Dual-Chain 2.4GHz, 650MHz CPU, RouterOS L4, 802.3at/af support
hAP ac lite
Dual-Concurrent 2.4/5GHz AP, 802.11ac, Five Ethernet ports, PoE-out on port 5, USB for 3G/4G support
hAP ac lite TC
Dual-Concurrent 2.4/5GHz AP, 802.11ac, Five Ethernet ports, PoE-out on port 5, USB for 3G/4G support, universal tower case
hAP ax lite
Gen6 wireless on a budget – tiny, fast, and strong enough to harvest the power of RouterOS v7!
2.4GHz AP with five Ethernet ports and PoE output on port 5. It has a 600MHz CPU, 128MB RAM and a USB port.
hAP ac²
Dual-Concurrent 2.4/5GHz AP, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, Five Gigabit Ethernet ports, USB for 3G/4G support, universal tower case and IPsec hardware encryption support
cAP ac
Dual-band 2.4 / 5GHz wireless access point for mounting on a ceiling or wall with two Gigabit Ethernet ports (one with PoE output), 802.11ac support and IPsec hardware encryption support
Small weatherproof wireless access point with LTE antennas and miniPCI-e slot
wAP ac
wAP ac – a small dual-band weatherproof wireless access point for mounting on a pole, wall, or the ceiling. The new revision features 2x Gigabit Ethernet ports, enhanced wireless antenna performance, more RAM, and a powerful quad-core CPU!
cAP XL ac
The ceiling AP on steroids! Our bestseller cAP is back – juiced up and stronger than ever. Compared to the previous cAP models, the improved high-gain antenna increases the covered area by up to 100%!
hAP ax²
A Generation 6 version of the legendary hAP ac². With PoE-in and PoE-out, much faster wireless, more RAM, and a modern CPU. The smallest fully-fledged AX router on the market!
hAP ac³
A wireless dual-band router with 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports and external high gain antennas for more coverage
hAP ac
Dual concurrent triple chain 2.4/5GHz AP, 802.11ac/a/n/b/g, Five Gigabit Ethernet ports, PoE-out on port 5, SFP, USB for 3G/4G support or storage
hAP ax³
Our top-of-the-line AX home access point. With all the processing power and speed
your household might ever need.
Gen 6 wireless, 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, PoE, WPA3, and more!
Tri-band (one 2.4 GHz & two 5 GHz) home access point with meshing technology
Powerful 10xGigabit port router with a Quad-core 1.4Ghz CPU, 1GB RAM, SFP+ 10Gbps cage, dual band 2.4GHz / 5GHz 4×4 MIMO 802.11a/b/g/n/ac wireless and desktop case
LTE/5G products
SXT LTE6 kit (2023)
Affordable mobile internet connectivity in remote areas.
Lowest price ever – due to the brand new, cost-effective LTE modem.
10.5dBi 60 degree LTE antenna with 2x Ethernet ports (one with PoE out), WITHOUT LTE modem
LtAP mini
Small weatherproof wireless access point with LTE antennas, two SIM slots, integrated GPS and miniPCI-e slot
High gain 21dBI LTE antenna for very remote areas, WITHOUT LTE modem
wAP LTE kit
Small weatherproof wireless access point with International LTE modem
wAP R ac
Small weatherproof Dual Band 2.4 / 5 GHz wireless access point with LTE antennas and miniPCI-e slot
LtAP mini LTE kit
Small weatherproof wireless access point with International LTE modem, two SIM slots and GPS
SXT 2G/3G/4G/LTE CPE, 9dBi 60 degree antenna, 2x Ethernet ports (one with PoE out), two SIM, 650MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, enclosure, PoE and PSU (RouterOS L3), International bands
SXT LTE6 kit
The evolution of affordable connectivity in remote areas
Affordable connectivity in remote areas. Even if your phone has no reception at all, SXT LTE6 kit can deliver due to its advanced LTE chip design and high-gain antenna. US carrier-certified! (AT&T, T-Mobile)
LHG 2G/3G/4G/LTE High gain 17dBI CPE for very remote areas, International bands
wAP ac LTE kit
Small weatherproof Dual Band 2.4 / 5 GHz wireless access point with LTE antennas and modem for International LTE bands 1,2,3,7,8,20,38 and 40.
Chateau LTE6-US
US carrier-certified (AT&T, T-Mobile) home access point with LTE6 support for speeds up to 300 Mbps. With 5x Gigabit Ethernet ports, a powerful quad-core CPU, and a refreshingly tasteful design, this device is the right choice for most homes.
A heavy-duty 2.4GHz access point with two miniPCI-e slots, three SIM slots and GNSS support (GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo)
wAP ac LTE6 kit
Powerful and versatile dual-band wireless access point with CAT6 LTE support
hAP ac³ LTE6 kit
A wireless dual-band router with LTE support and 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports.
The right choice for most homes!
LHGG LTE6 KIT – a great solution for great distances. With Gigabit Ethernet, an upgraded dual-core CPU, a powerful 17 dBi antenna, and a massive heat sink, you can trust the LHGG LTE6 kit to handle any challenge!
Chateau LTE12
One router to delight them all – introducing the ultimate home AP with LTE support
LtAP LTE kit
A heavy-duty 2.4GHz access point with extra miniPCI-e slot, three SIM slots, GNSS support (GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo) and LTE modem for International bands 1,2,3,7,8,20,38 and 40
LtAP LTE6 kit
An upgrade of the heavy-duty LTE access point with GPS support
LHG LTE18 kit
Great distances, even greater speed – with the power of the ultra fast LTE Category 18 modem. Speeds up to one Gbps! Last-mile-internet solution for the most remote areas.
ATL LTE18 kit
An advanced technology level (ATL) LTE solution with wide range MIMO 4×4 antennas for fast and stable connectivity in rural and urban areas. Make the most of your mobile coverage!
Chateau LTE18 ax
The best home AP just got even better. Generation 6 version of the Chateau LTE18. Much faster wireless, improved CPU, and now – with 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet!
Chateau 5G
One router to delight them all – introducing the ultimate home AP with ultra-fast LTE/5G support
Chateau 5G ax
Mobile internet has never been faster! Generation 6 version of Chateau 5G. Much faster wireless, improved CPU, and now – with 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet!
1m SMA male to SMA male cable
Active GPS antenna for LtAP series products
DIN rail mounting bracket for LtAP mini series
LTE miniPCI-e card for International bands
2G/3G/4G/LTE miniPCI-e card with carrier aggregation support (up to 300 Mbps) for bands 1/2/3/5/7/8/12/17/20/25/26/38/39/40/41n
Data over Powerlines
Power adapter with PWR-LINE functionality for microUSB powered MikroTik router (Type A power plug)
802.11b/g/n WiFi AP with a single Ethernet port and capability to connect to other PWR-LINE devices through the electrical lines in your premises (Type A plug, US plug)
IoT products
915 Omni antenna
A 900 — 928 MHz IoT antenna for your LoRa setups in the U.S., Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and other regions that prefer a 915 MHz signal over our previous 868 MHz antenna. Comes with a durable 1 m long SMA cable and a solid IP66 water resistance rating.
IoT Gateway for the most versatile and cost-effective setups
wAP LR8 kit
An out-of-the-box gateway solution for LoRa® technology , 863-870 MHz
wAP LR9 kit
An out-of-the-box gateway solution for LoRa® technology, 902-928 MHz
KNOT LR8 kit
An out-of-the-box 863-870 MHz IoT Gateway solution for LoRa® technology. For ultimate versatility and cost-effectiveness. The first gateway with a CAT-M interface for LoRa®!
KNOT LR9 kit
An out-of-the-box 902-928 MHz IoT Gateway solution for LoRa® technology. For ultimate versatility and cost-effectiveness. The first gateway with a CAT-M interface for LoRa®!
LtAP LR8 LTE kit
LtAP LR8 LTE — a compact all-in-one solution with LTE, GPS and
wireless support for LoRa® in a rugged heavy-duty case
Indoor Bluetooth tags for the MikroTik KNOT or other IoT asset-tracking/telemetry setups.
An outdoor heavy-duty Bluetooth tag for the MikroTik KNOT or other IoT asset-tracking/telemetry setups. Built-in temperature sensors and accelerometer. Cast in industrial grade molds for maximum protection.
868 Omni antenna
The upgrade of our antenna kit for LoRa® with a 6.5 dBi Omni antenna for
824-900 MHz, 1m long SMA cable and mechanical holder for quick and
easy mast attachment. Smaller size, increased durability, and added IP66
water resistance.
TOF-2400-8V-4 Omni antenna
A 2.4 GHz 8.8888 dBi Omni Antenna for the wAP LR2 kit. If necessary, this antenna can be used for any 2.4 GHz device.
A new Concentrator Gateway card for LoRa® technology in mini PCIe
form – so you can create or customize your own 2.4 GHz IoT projects.
Concentrator gateway card for LoRa® technology in mini PCIe form factor for 863-870 MHz
Concentrator gateway card for LoRa® technology in mini PCIe form factor for 902-928 MHz
wAP LR2 kit
Our newest out-of-the-box solution for LoRa® technology. Works with the 2.4 GHz frequency for LoRa®. Doesn’t interfere with the 2.4 GHz WLAN signal!
60 GHz products
wAP 60G
60 GHz CPE with Phase array 60° beamforming Integrated antenna, 716 Mhz CPU, 256 MB RAM, PSU and PoE, RouterOS L3
wAP 60G AP
60 GHz Base Station with Phase array 60° beamforming Integrated antenna, 716 Mhz CPU, 256 MB RAM, PSU and PoE, RouterOS L4
For use as 60GHz CPE in Point -to-Multipoint setups for connections up to 800m with a 60GHz Base Stations, with Gigabit Ethernet port for speeds up to 1Gbps
Cube 60Pro ac
A powerful point-to-point 60 GHz 802.11ay CPE for bridging distances up to 2.4 km.
CubeSA 60Pro ac
A powerful sector antenna to connect multiple 60 GHz devices. Quick and easy networking for all kinds of pop-up events and distances up to 800m.
Wireless Wire nRAY
The most compact wireless 2 Gb/s aggregate link in the 1500 m range or more!
Improved snow-resistant design is perfect for harsh weather environments.
Cables can no longer limit you!
Wireless Wire Cube Pro
A preconfigured kit of two Cube 60Pro ac (802.11ay 60 GHz) devices: the
Wireless Wire Cube Pro. Just point the Cubes at one another and
power them on! They will form a blazing fast encrypted wireless
connection. Pure plug-and-play!
Wireless Wire Cube
A 2 Gb/s 60 GHz aggregate link with a 5 GHz failover. Forget about wires or downtime!
911 Lite5 dual
600Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM, 1xEthernet,
onboard 5Ghz Dual chain wireless, RouterOS L3
Small size powerful OEM board with one Gigabit LAN and one miniPCIe slot
911 Lite5 ac
650Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM, 1xEthernet, onboard 5Ghz dual chain wireless with AC, RouterOS L3
600MHz CPU, 32MB RAM,
1xGigabit Ethernet,
onboard 5GHz wireless,
RouterOS L3
Powerful OEM board with three Gigabit LAN and two miniPCIe slots
600MHz CPU, 64MB RAM,
1xGigabit Ethernet,
onboard 5Ghz wireless,
miniPCI-express, USB, SIM slot,
RouterOS L4
600MHz CPU, 64MB RAM,
1xGigabit Ethernet,
onboard 2.4Ghz wireless,
miniPCI-express, USB, SIM slot,
RouterOS L4
720Mhz CPU, 128MB RAM, 1xGigabit Ethernet,
onboard 802.11ac Two Chain 5Ghz wireless,
RouterOS L3
720Mhz CPU, 128MB RAM, 1xGigabit Ethernet, 1xSFP cage, 1xminiPCI-e, 1xSIM, onboard 802.11ac Two Chain 5Ghz wireless, RouterOS L4
Four core 716MHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 5xGigabit Ethernet, PoE out on port #5, RouterOS L5
Black aluminium indoor,
fits RB411, RB911, RB912 and RB922 series,
set of front panels
Black aluminium indoor case that fits the RB450 and RB850 series devices
Black aluminium indoor,
Fits RB433 series and RBM33G
5Ghz miniPCI-express,
802.11a/n dual chain,
2Ghz miniPCI-express,
802.11b/g/n dual chain,
2Ghz miniPCI-express,
802.11b/g/n dual chain,
2x u.Fl
5Ghz miniPCI-express,
802.11ac/a/n dual chain,
2.4/5Ghz miniPCI 802.11a/b/g/n dual chain, 2x MMCX
quickMOUNT-X – additional axis for pole-mounting SXTsq devices
PoE injector,
for 10/100Mbps products
Rackmount ears for RB4011 series
An alignment and aiming attachment for the nRAY
An advanced pole/mast mount adapter for our LDF series – for extra ease of use and versatility.
Basic wall mount adapter for small point to point and sector antennas
PoE injector,
for Gigabit LAN products
2.4Ghz 5dBi Dipole antenna with RPSMA connector
24V 0.8A Power adapter
Low loss cable assembly, soldered on both ends, with silver plated copper and less than 0.65dB losses
A handy IoT combo antenna for both LTE and LoRa® frequencies. Perfect for the MikroTik KNOT LR series!
Advanced wall mount adapter for small point to point and sector antennas
Advanced wall mount adapter for LHG
Advanced wall mount adapter for large point to point and sector antennas
RB4011 wall mount kit
A simple solution for mounting the RB4011 in public locations to avoid accidental unplugging of cables.
GESP+PoE is a passive PoE injector with surge protection. Combine it with the GESP devices for maximum security and peace of mind.
A power injector that can be mounted on a wall
2.4/5Ghz Omni antenna,
4dBi gain,
MMCX connector
LHG mount
Basic pole mount adapter for LHG series, made from metal
48V 1.46A 70W power adapter
The Wireless out of band management USB stick
An advanced pole mount adapter for LHG series products
New revision of Gigabit Ethernet Surge Protector in IP67 waterproof enclosure
Gigabit Passive Ethernet Repeater
12V 5A internal power supply for CCR1016 series
48 to 24V 10/100/1000Mbps PoE converter
802.3af support,
802.3at PoE plus support
Mobile Quick Setup — system administrator’s best friend
Fiber to Copper converter, Outdoor case, 12-57V PoE with 802.3af/at support
48 V 2 A 96 W power supply with plug
Be prepared for the unexpected with the backup hot-swappable fans for our newest devices, such as the flagship CCR2216 and CRS518.
Smart power injector that serves as an advanced software controlled repeater
±48V Open frame Power supply with 12V 7A output, for CCR since revision r2
SolidRack 10
SolidRack 10 is a 19” 10U desktop rack with adjustable angle and additional space for cable management.
Hot-swap power supply: replace the CCR2004, CRS510 or CRS504 power supply without having to turn off or even restart the router. Zero downtime!
12V 10.8A internal power supply for CCR1036 series
Outdoor 53V 250W AC/DC power supply units for the MikroTik netPower product line. Built for situations when your outdoor switches need that extra juice. Pole/wall mount compatible!
Outdoor 26V 250W AC/DC power supply units for the MikroTik netPower product line. Built for situations when your outdoor switches need that extra juice. Pole/wall mount compatible!
Hot Swap power supply for CCR1072/2216 and CRS518
Hot Swap -48V DC telecom power supply for CCR1072, CCR2216 and CRS518. Supported input Voltage -36 .. -57V.
MTA Radome Kit
Radome Cover Kit for mANT, reduces wind load, increases antenna operational life
mANT 15s
Dual-polarization 5Ghz 15dBi 120 degree beamwidth antenna with two RP-SMA connectors
mANT 19S
Dual-polarization 5Ghz 19dBi 120 degree beamwidth antenna with two RP-SMA connectors
Sleeve30 kit for our mANT30 parabolic antenna to enhance point-to-point link performance
Parabolic dish antenna for 5GHz, 30dBi gain
Parabolic dish antenna for 5GHz, 30dBi gain. This model includes precision alignment mount
RJ45 SFP 10/100/1000M copper module
Direct attach cable that supports not only SFP 1G and SFP+ 10G, but also
the 25G SFP28 standard!
SFP 1.25G module for 80km links with Dual LC-connector
Direct attach cable that supports not only SFP 1G and SFP+ 10G, but also
the 25G SFP28 standard!
A 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 direct attach cable, 1m long. Enables easy direct connectivity between two 100 Gigabit devices. Fairly flexible.
SFP+ Active Optics direct attach cable, 5m
A longer version of our 40/100 Gigabit QSFP28 direct attach cable. This cable is 3 meters long – the perfect length to reach all the necessary spots while keeping your server room neat and tidy.
6-speed RJ-45 module for up to 10 Gbps
Two SFP (1.25G) module kit,
20Km, single mode
A QSFP28 to 4x SFP28 break-out cable. Allows connecting multiple 25 Gigabit devices to your CCR2216/CRS504 devices.
Pair of SFP 1.25G module for 80km links with Single LC-connectors
The MikroTik 40/100 Gigabit product line keeps growing: QSFP28
module for distances up to 100m
A combined 1.25G SFP, 10G SFP+ and 25G SFP28 module.
A QSFP28 module for distances up to 2km in your 100 Gigabit setups. 1271, 1291, 1311, 1331 nm
A kit of two combined 1.25G SFP, 10G SFP+ and 25G SFP28 modules. 15 km, 1270nm + 1330nm.
A 100 Gigabit QSFP28 module for impressive
distances up to 10 km!
A passive MUX/DEMUX unit that allows the combining of up to eight fiber links into one. And you can split it up again later! Upgraded version – featuring a handy EXP/1310 expansion port!